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  • MPI Ethno. Forsch.  (17,843)
  • HU Berlin
  • Regensburg UB
  • Online Resource  (17,843)
  • English  (17,843)
  • 2020-2024  (10,438)
  • 2015-2019  (7,405)
  • Boston, MA : Safari  (10,905)
  • Paris : OECD Publishing.  (4,354)
  • Cham : Imprint: Springer  (2,584)
  • Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp
  • Online Resource  (17,843)
  • 1
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328362055
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (528 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest podręcznikiem dla praktyków. Zawiera zbiór narzędzi, katalog metod, przewodnik ułatwiający pracę, mnóstwo przykładów i studiów przypadku. Znalazły się tutaj również jasne wskazówki dotyczące przeprowadzania procesu projektowania usług. Opisano, jak łatwo doprowadzić środowiska biznesowe i specjalistów od projektowania do współpracy. Po ogólniejszym omówieniu procesu ustanawiania i realizowania inicjatyw w zakresie projektowania usług zaprezentowano także szczegóły facylitacji przedsięwzięcia i kształtowania jego otoczenia. Wiele spośród uwzględnionych w tekście metod i narzędzi zostało już dobrze opisanych. Tutaj natomiast, poza ich prezentacją, dodano szereg wskazówek i porad najlepszych ekspertów w dziedzinie projektowania usług. W ten sposób umożliwiono powiązanie doświadczenia z działalnością operacyjną i sukcesem biznesowym oraz budowaniem kultury klientocentryzmu.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 25, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328361508
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (1496 pages)
    Edition: 5th edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local ; Electronic books
    Abstract: To kompleksowy podręcznik do nauki programowania w Pythonie. Jego piąte wydanie zostało gruntownie zaktualizowane i rozbudowane o dodatkowe treści. Omówiono tu najnowsze wersje Pythona w liniach 3.X i 2.X, czyli 3.3 i 2.7, i dodano opisy nowych lub rozszerzonych mechanizmów, takich jak obsługa formatu JSON, moduł timeit, pakiet PyPy, metoda os.popen, generatory, rekurencje, słabe referencje, atrybuty i metody __mro__, __iter__, super, __slots__, metaklasy, deskryptory, funkcja random, pakiet Sphinx i wiele innych. W książce znalazło się mnóstwo ćwiczeń, quizów, pomocnych ilustracji oraz przykładów kodu. Jest to kompendium dla każdego, kto chce szybko zacząć programować w Pythonie i tworzyć wydajny kod o wysokiej jakości.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 5, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 3
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328363830
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (264 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Frameworki bardzo ułatwiają życie programistom. Pozwalają na szybkie tworzenie nawet rozbudowanych aplikacji, ale praca z frameworkiem najczęściej oznacza duże ograniczenia w doborze technologii. Wszystko jest w porządku, dopóki deweloper stosuje dokładnie te rozwiązania, które zaplanowali twórcy frameworka. Jeśli jednak zechce użyć innej bazy danych albo wykorzystać własną, autorską metodę uwierzytelniania użytkowników, może napotkać różne nieprzewidziane problemy. Szczęśliwie nie wszystkie mikrośrodowiska zachowują się w ten sposób. Framework napisany w Pythonie Flask, w odróżnieniu od typowych frameworków, umożliwia swobodne dobieranie technologii i komponentów aplikacji, a nawet tworzenie własnych rozwiązań. Oznacza to, że Flask pozwoli Ci zachować pełną kontrolę nad budowanym oprogramowaniem!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 11, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 4
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328367395
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (760 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka została napisana z myślą o doświadczonych programistach. Podstawowe zagadnienia, takie jak klasy, polimorfizm i kolekcje, znalazły się w kilku pierwszych rozdziałach, jednak zrozumienie treści całej publikacji wymaga umiejętności technicznych. Została poświęcona ważnym koncepcjom C# i tajnikom tego języka, które rzadko kiedy są opisywane w literaturze. Dokładnie omówiono tu typy ogólne, LINQ oraz techniki programowania asynchronicznego. Przedstawiono najnowsze możliwości platformy .NET Core i języka C# 8.0, takie jak strumienie asynchroniczne, referencje akceptujące wartości puste, dopasowywanie wzorców, domyślne implementacje interfejsów, zakresy, a także nową składnię indeksowania oraz zmiany w narzędziach platformy .NET. Liczne rozbudowane przykłady stanowią świetne uzupełnienie prezentowanych treści.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 3, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 5
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328365582
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (256 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Z tego zwięzłego przewodnika po technikach uczenia maszynowego opartego na strukturalnych danych skorzystają programiści, badacze, osoby zajmujące się nauką o danych oraz twórcy systemów sztucznej inteligencji. Znalazł się tu wyczerpujący opis procesu uczenia maszynowego i klasyfikacji danych strukturalnych. Przedstawiono też metody klastrowania danych, analizy regresji, redukcji wymiarowości oraz inne ważne zagadnienia. Prezentowane treści zostały zilustrowane uwagami, tabelami i przykładami kodu. Nie zabrakło opisu przydatnych bibliotek, niezwykle użytecznych w pracy analityka danych. W efekcie książka pozwala na szybkie rozwiązywanie różnego rodzaju problemów związanych z przetwarzaniem danych strukturalnych.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 17, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 6
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364059
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (256 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: To książka przeznaczona dla programistów, którzy chcą maksymalnie wykorzystać możliwości Kubernetesa, również poprzez pisanie własnych zasobów. W praktyczny sposób pokazuje, jak rozwijać natywne, działające w chmurze aplikacje dla Kubernetesa. Wyjaśnia, w jaki sposób działa biblioteka API client-go i jak należy budować zasoby niestandardowe. Znalazło się tu obszerne i szczegółowe omówienie interfejsu programowania i działania platformy Kubernetes, a także pisania stabilnego oprogramowania w języku Go. Nie zabrakło szeregu wskazówek dotyczących samego pisania kodu oraz przeprowadzania testów. Dużo uwagi poświęcono niestandardowym zasobom, kontrolerom, webhookom i niestandardowym serwerom API oraz wzorcom rozszerzania Kubernetesa.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 27, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 7
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328368309
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (464 pages)
    Edition: 5th edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Dzięki tej książce dowiesz się, jak sobie z tym poradzić. Znalazło się w niej krótkie wprowadzenie do Pythona oraz do automatyzacji przetwarzania tekstu i obsługi systemu plików, a także do pisania własnych narzędzi wiersza poleceń. Zaprezentowano również przydatne narzędzia linuksowe, systemy zarządzania pakietami oraz systemy budowania, monitorowania i automatycznego testowania kodu. Zagadnienia te szczególnie zainteresują specjalistów DevOps. Ponadto zawarto tu podstawowe informacje o chmurze obliczeniowej, usługach IaC i systemach Kubernetes. Omówiono zasady uczenia maszynowego i inżynierii danych z perspektywy DevOps. Przedstawiono także kompletny przewodnik po procesach budowania, wdrażania oraz operacyjnego wykorzystywania modelu uczenia maszynowego z użyciem systemów Flask, sklearn, Docker i Kubernetes.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 25, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 8
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328360020
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (768 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: To drugie wydanie bestsellerowego przewodnika po technikach uczenia maszynowego. Wystarczą minimalne umiejętności programistyczne, aby dzięki tej książce nauczyć się budowania i trenowania głębokiej sieci neuronowej. Zawarto tu minimum teorii, a proces nauki jest ułatwiony przez liczne przykłady i ćwiczenia. Wykorzystano gotowe rozwiązania i przedstawiono zasady pracy ze specjalistycznymi narzędziami, w tym z TensorFlow 2, najnowszą odsłoną modułu. W efekcie niepostrzeżenie przyswoisz niezbędny zasób pojęć i narzędzi służących do tworzenia systemów inteligentnych. Poznasz różnorodne techniki i zaczniesz samodzielnie ich używać. Po lekturze będziesz biegle posługiwać się najnowszymi technologiami sztucznej inteligencji!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 5, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 9
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328367210
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (432 pages)
    Edition: 3rd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest szerokim, aktualnym i praktycznym przeglądem metod analizy szeregów czasowych, w którym ujęto pełny potok przetwarzania danych czasowych i modelowania. Zaprezentowano w niej rzeczywiste przypadki użycia tych metod i zilustrowano je obszernymi fragmentami znakomicie zaprojektowanego kodu w językach R i Python. Znalazły się tutaj praktyczne wskazówki ułatwiające rozwiązywanie najczęstszych problemów występujących w inżynierii danych czasowych i ich analizie. Ujęto tu zarówno konwencjonalne metody statystyczne, jak i nowoczesne techniki uczenia maszynowego. To bardzo przydatny przewodnik, dzięki któremu analitycy danych, inżynierowie oprogramowania i naukowcy będą mogli płynnie przejść od podstaw pracy z szeregami czasowymi do rozwiązywania konkretnych zagadnień na profesjonalnym poziomie.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 23, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 10
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364035
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (240 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Kubernetes jest platformą do orkiestracji kontenerów. Projekt ten należy dziś do najpopularniejszych i najbogatszych narzędzi w swojej klasie, stanowi także podstawę dla wielu innych platform, znanych jako systemy typu PaaS. Dzięki nim Kubernetes zyskał możliwość tworzenia aplikacji, jednak tego rodzaju narzędzia wymagają od programistów i architektów zastosowania odpowiednich wzorców projektowych. Opisują one schematy rozwiązywania problemów na różnych poziomach dokładności, a tym samym umożliwiają efektywne projektowanie i implementację nowoczesnych, elastycznych natywnych aplikacji chmurowych w Kubernetesie.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 12, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 11
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328371149
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (320 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla średnio zaawansowanych i początkujących programistów, którzy chcą poznać narzędzia ułatwiające tworzenie różnych aplikacji w JavaScripcie. Przedstawiono tu kompletne instrumentarium, dzięki któremu można tworzyć kod aplikacji w stylu CRUD działającej na każdej platformie. Opisano, w jaki sposób należy przygotować sobie środowisko programistyczne do pracy, omówiono sposób tworzenia API za pomocą Node i Express, bazy danych MongoDB oraz serwera Apollo. Sporo miejsca poświęcono tworzeniu interfejsów użytkownika niezależnych od platformy za pomocą różnych narzędzi. Poszczególne zagadnienia zilustrowano praktycznymi przykładami działającego kodu. Dzięki tej publikacji nawet początkujący programista zacznie szybko podejmować świadome decyzje technologiczne.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 4, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 12
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364813
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (336 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Przedsiębiorstwa z branży technologicznej ciągle mierzą się z silną konkurencją. Nietrudno zrozumieć, co stanowi o przewadze firmy niezależnie od branży czy wielkości. Wygrywanie wymaga utrzymywania przewagi konkurencyjnej, jaką jest zdolność określania, wdrażania i osiągania poziomów wydajności nieosiągalnych dla konkurencji. Najczęściej przewaga konkurencyjna ma dwa źródła. Pierwszym jest dostarczanie funkcjonalnych rozwiązań, które dają radość użytkownikom. Drugim — wykorzystywanie właściwych danych do wdrażania odpowiedniej strategii, która wciąż podlega optymalizacji. Zastosowanie w tych działaniach rozwiązań z dziedziny sztucznej inteligencji znacznie przyczynia się do sukcesu firmy.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed July 22, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 13
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031510298
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 68 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: SpringerBriefs on Ethical and Legal Issues in Biomedicine and Technology
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Ethics. ; Sociology. ; Nutrition. ; Food.
    Abstract: Eating as a Wrong Relationship -- The Sacred Meal. Religion and Secularism, amidst Need and Desire -- Food Ethics as Relational Ethics -- The ethics of drinking -- Conclusion.
    Abstract: This book presents and discusses some of the problems that are increasingly emerging today in our relationship with food as well as in our style of eating and drinking. The first three chapters focuses on issues concerning eating, and on our relationship with what we can eat. The fourth chapter deals with the act of drinking, with our relationship with water, and discusses justice aspects in the use of water. The main idea is that the acts of eating and drinking are to be understood as relationships, i.e. as a way human beings relate to other beings. As such, they can be performed ethically well or badly. Therefore, an ethics of eating and of drinking should be developed. Not only the book highlights some key ethical problems associated with the act of eating and drinking, yet it also describes some ethically sustainable solutions to them. It ends with a list of reflections, which are intended to guide our choices in the relations with food and drinks with a normative approach. Mainly written for university students and researchers in the field of applied ethics, this book will also offer an inspiring reading to a wider audience of academics and professionals.
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  • 14
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031421860
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVI, 170 p. 5 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Tetsugaku Companions to Japanese Philosophy 6
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Philosophy, Japanese.
    Abstract: Introduction -- Part I: Nishida Kitarō on Feeling -- Chapter 1: The Orientation of Japanese Philosophy: Feeling in Nishida, or Scientific Attitude in Tanabe -- Chapter 2: The Blue Flower in the Mirror of True Emptiness: An Approach to Nishida’s Active Feeling -- Chapter 3: The Feeling of Happiness, Moral Sentimentalism and Knowing-to: On Nishida Kitarō’s Energetism -- Chapter 4: The Role of Shuqing (Feeling-Expression) in Response to the Form of Formlessness: Its Role in Eastern Culture and Philosophies -- Chapter 5: Kannō dōkō and kō'ō in Japanese philosophy: A Blueprint for a Second Person Account -- Part II: Feeling beyond Nishida Kitarō -- Chapter 6: Japanese “Mono-no-aware” and Western Philosophy -- Chapter 7: The Ethical Implications of Enlightenment in Dōgen’s Philosophy of Compassion -- Chapter 8: The Early Reception of Nietzsche’s Eternal Recurrence in Japan and its Emotional Features -- Chapter 9: Ressentiment and Love: Nietzsche, Scheler and Asano -- Chapter 10: Between the Authentic and the Artificial: A Thought Experiment on Kokoro.
    Abstract: This edited volume is the first in English that covers the philosophy of feeling and related topics in Japanese philosophy on Nishida Kitarō and fellow thinkers. Part I focuses on Nishida Kitarō’s philosophy of feeling, including, but not limited to, comparisons with Tanabe Hajime, Koyama Iwao, and provides coverage of Buddhist, moral and Chinese philosophy. Part II goes beyond Kitarō into topics such as Japanese aesthetics, Nietsche’s reception in Japan, and the philosophy of AI. This is a comprehensive scholarly text on feeling in Japanese philosophy, aimed at researchers and students working in the field. .
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  • 15
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031512285
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIII, 306 p. 19 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action 13
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Philosophy
    Abstract: 1. Introduction (Péter Hartl) -- 2. Replicability and Faith in science: Implications of Tacit Knowledge(Agnès Festré and Stein Østbye) -- 3. Attributing Meanings to “Science”, “Faith”, and “Society” (Richard W. Moodey) -- 4. Science, Faith and Society and Polanyi’s Metaphysical Account (Phil Mullins) -- 5. "Interpretations of Nature” in Polanyi’s Science, Faith and Society (John Preston) -- 6. That Our World Might Endure: Polanyi’s “Primary Education” (Jon Fennell) -- 7. The Architecture of Public Trust (Diane Yeager) -- 8. The Enlightenment is Dead, Long Live the Enlightenment! - Towards a Post-critical Age of Reasonm (Gábor Bíró) -- 9. From Scientific Truth to Tradition-Encased Personal Meaning - Polanyi’s Critique of Enlightenment Ideas (Walter Gulick) -- 10. Michael Polanyi’s Understanding of Totalitarianism Against the Backdrop of Liberal Civilization (Struan Jacobs) -- 11. The Galilean Principle of Relativity: The Ultimate Fundament ofMoral Inversion (Dániel Paksi) -- 12. Inversions and Conversions, Moral and Otherwise (Andrew Grosso) -- 13. The Tragedy of the Liberal Theory of Science (Stephen Turner) -- Index.
    Abstract: The book is arguably the first comprehensive collection of essays on Michael Polanyi’s social, political philosophy. The essays combine philosophical and historical approaches to show Polanyi’s social thought in the context of his epistemology and philosophy of science as well as the 20th century intellectual history. This volume appeals to specialists in Michael Polanyi’s philosophy, political philosophers who are interested in the 20th century political thought, mainly conservative-liberal political tradition. Furthermore it appeals to scholars focusing on the intersections between epistemology and political philosophy.
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  • 16
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031542275
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVIII, 211 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Synthese Library, Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science 483
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Science ; Metaphysics. ; Philosophy of nature. ; Knowledge, Theory of. ; Ontology.
    Abstract: Foreword -- Introduction -- 1. What is a scientific theory? -- 2. Scientific realism: what is at stake? -- 3. Scientific realism: a defence -- 4. The categorical conceptions of laws -- 5. A dualist metaphysics of nature -- General conclusion -- References -- Name index -- Subject index.
    Abstract: This book addresses central issues in the philosophy and metaphysics of science, namely the nature of scientific theories, their partial truth, and the necessity of scientific laws within a moderate realist and empiricist perspective. Accordingly, good arguments in favour of the existence of unobservable entities postulated by our best theories, such as electrons, must be inductively grounded on perceptual experience and not their explanatory power as most defenders of scientific realism claim. Similarly, belief in the reality of dispositions such as causal powers which ground the natural necessity of scientific laws must be based on experience. Hence, this book offers a synthetic presentation of an original metaphysics of science, namely a metaphysics of properties, both categorical and dispositional, while at the same time opposing strong versions of necessitarism according to which laws are true in all possible worlds. The main theses and arguments are clearly presented in a non-technical way. Thus, on top of being of interest to the specialists of the topics discussed, it is also useful as a textbook in courses for third year and more advanced university students.
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  • 17
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031514067
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VI, 424 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Synthese Library, Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science 481
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Logic. ; Mathematical logic. ; Knowledge, Theory of. ; Mathematics
    Abstract: 1. Introduction: deduction at the crossroads (Antonio Piccolomini d'Aragona) -- 2. The interdependence between the concepts of valid inference and proof revisited (Dag Prawitz) -- 3. The completeness theorem? So what! (Goran Sundholm) -- 4. Godel's absolute proofs and Girard's Ludics. Mutual insights (Gabriella Crocco and Myriam Quatrini) -- 5. Dummett, analytic and synthetic deductions (Cesare Cozzo) -- 6. From proof-objects to grounds (Enrico Moriconi) -- 7. On an ecumenical natural deduction with stoup - Part I: the propositional case (Luiz Carlos Pereira and Elaine Pimentel) -- 8. Martin-Lof on the validity of inference (Ansten Klev) -- 9. Molecularity in the theory of meaning and the topic neutrality of logic (Nils Kurbis and Bernhard Weiss) -- 10. Assertion, assumption and deduction (Peter Pagin) -- 11. Deduction and ampliativity: a critical appraisal (Emiliano Ippoliti) -- 12. A new conjecture about identity of proofs (Paolo Pistone) -- 13. Godel's introduction to deduction (Milos Adzic) -- 14. Karl Popper on deduction (Thomas Piecha) -- 15. An epistemological view on the Peano School Axiomatics (Paola Cantu) -- 16. Inferential quantification and the w-rule (Constantin Brincus) -- 17. Chains of inferences in proof by induction: a cognitive analysis (Samuele Antonini and Bernardo Nannini) -- 18. From strategies to derivations and back. An easy completeness proof for first-order intuitionistic dialogical logic (Davide Catta) -- Index.
    Abstract: This book provides philosophers and logicians with a broad spectrum of views on contemporary research on the problem of deduction, its justification and explanation. The variety of distinct approaches exemplified by the single chapters allows for a dialogue between perspectives that, usually, barely communicate with each other. The contributions concern (in a possibly intertwined way) three major perspectives in logic: philosophical, historical, formal. The philosophical perspective has to do with the relationship between deductive validity and truth, and questions the alleged conclusiveness of deduction and its epistemic contribution. It also discusses the role of linguistic acts in deductive practice, and provides a cognitive-didactic contribution on how we may learn through deduction. In the historical perspective, the contributions discuss the ideas of some major historical figures, such as Bolzano, Girard, Gödel, and Peano. Finally, in the formal perspective, the mathematics of deduction is dealt with mainly from an intuitionistic-constructivist or proof-theoretic point of view, with focus on “ecumenic” or internalistic approaches to logical validity, on the nature and identity of proofs, and on dialogical setups. Chapter [14] is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
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  • 18
    ISBN: 9783031515606
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIX, 363 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology 42
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
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    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Technology ; Inclusive education.
    Abstract: Chapter1. Introduction – The Relevance of Ethics Education in STEM (Elisabeth Hildt, Kelly Laas, Christine Z. Miller, Eric M. Brey:) -- Part I: Restructuring Ethics Education in STEM: Chapter2. Social Responsibility Development in Undergraduate STEM Students: Influences and Inhibitors (Daniel Schiff, Jason Borenstein, Ellen Zegura) -- Chapter3.Ethics education in engineering and technological institutes in India: Challenges and looking forward (Reena Cheruvalath:) -- Chapter4. Developing an Ethics Credential for Undergraduate STEM Majors (Alexandra Bradner, Rebecca A. Bates) -- Chapter5. Enhancing Ethics Culture in STEM in Eastern Europe, Practices in Use (Aive Pevkur) -- Chapter6. Engineering Ethics Education in China: Development, Promoters and Challenges for the Future (Lina Wei) -- Part II: Underrepresented Groups, Inclusivity, and Ethical Cultures : Chapter7. Race Matters as a Matter of Ethics in Engineering and Technology: Reflections on exclusivity in device design(Rosalyn Berne) -- Chapter8. Building Connections Using Culturally Relevant Practices in STEM Departments (Karina Vielma) -- Chapter9. Ethics Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Africa: A Reflection on the Successes, Failures and the Way Forward in the Era of a Global Pandemic(F. K. Abagale and M. A. Akudugu) -- Part III: Embedding Ethics Education in Practice Contexts and Labs: Chapter10. Towards a Virtue-based RCR Training for Data Scientists (Louise Bezuidenhout, Emanuele Ratti) -- Chapter11. Encouraging Transparency in Lab Safety via Teachable Moments and Positive Feedback (Melinda Box, Maria Gallardo Williams) -- Chapter12. A Bottom-Up Approach to Building a Culture of Responsible Research and Practice in STEM (Elisabeth Hildt, Kelly Laas, Christine Z. Miller, Eric M. Brey, Laura Gaviria, Francisca Acosta) -- Chapter13. Towards a Neuroethical Ethos: A Case Study in Reframing Neuroethics Education for Engineers and Researchers (Juhi Farooqui, Devapratim Sarma, Josep-Maria Balaguer) -- Part IV: New Approaches in Framing Ethical Issues. Chapter14. Using a Brain Processes Map as a Framework to Strengthen Ethical Culture in Research Labs (J. Brooke Hamilton) -- Chapter15. Inclusivity in the Education of Scientific Imagination (Mike Stuart, Hannah Sargent) -- Chapter16. Tinkering with Technology: An Exercise in Inclusive Experiential Engineering Ethics (Janna van Grunsven, Lavinia Marin, Trijsje Franssen) -- Chapter17. Storytelling as Facilitation Tool for Inclusive Ethics Training (Marietjie Botes) -- Part V: Community Outreach Approaches: Chapter18. Philosophy in the Rainforest: Reflections on Integrating Philosophy and Fieldwork (Clair Mossiry) -- CChapter19. Building Inclusive Cultures through Community Research(Jennifer Nyland, Timothy Stock, Michéle Schlehofer) -- Chapter20. Concluding chapter: Reflection on Promising Approaches and Outlook.
    Abstract: This book shares innovative approaches to effectively engage students and faculty working in research labs, lab-based classrooms and courses to build inclusive ethical cultures. The frameworks and approaches presented move beyond traditional research ethics training to strengthen the ethical culture in research labs. The chapters in the book showcase best practices and approaches to embedding educational interventions in courses, research labs and departments. The book is based on the two-day workshop “Building Inclusive Ethical Cultures in STEM” (April 23-24, 2021). Moving beyond the two-day conference that inspired this collected volume, the various chapters address questions like: What are approaches and tools to integrate ethics education in STEM effectively? How can STEM ethics education be improved? What can researchers do to build more inclusive research environments? How can meaningful discussions about ethics be effectively integrated into STEM courses, research labs, and workplace environments? While each chapter takes a different perspective and is located in its respective context, the contributions are united by the goal of effectively including ethical reflection in STEM education. Instructors from both four-year and two-year colleges who teach STEM and lab-based STEM courses; young principal investigators/junior faculty who are in the process of building their research groups; departmental chairs interested in programmatic approaches for improving mentoring, research ethics education, and the research culture of their department, will find this work to be a very valuable resource in their daily practice.
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  • 19
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031526251
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XI, 246 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Synthese Library, Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science 482
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
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    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Metaphysics. ; Ontology. ; Science
    Abstract: 1. Introduction -- 2. Reality -- 3. Appearance -- 4. Dispositional Reality -- 5. In favour of Dispositional Reality -- 6. The extent of Dispositional Reality -- 7. Explaining with dispositions -- 8. Meta-explanatory questions -- 9. The future of Dispositional Reality.
    Abstract: Dispositionalism, perhaps the most popular variant of non-Humean metaphysics, submits that dispositions, powers, or capacities, are part of the furniture of the world. In this book I advance an original approach to dispositionalism revolving around the notion of Dispositional Reality; the novelty lies in the fact that the account, unlike most alternatives on the market, does not require the reification of objects, facts, properties, nor their dispositional essences – and is in fact compatible with a far more deflationary approach to dispositions, while still being true to the non-Humean spirit of the proposal. This power metaphysics without powers allows one to dispel several puzzles in recent literature, or recast them under a new light. Albeit with its own peculiarities, this proposal constitutes a variant of explanatory dispositionalism, according to which realism about dispositions ought not to be understood as an ontological inflation, but as an explanatory inversion within the nomic and modal family. Some of these explanations are hereby attempted, and a study of various types of non-causal explanation will be provided.
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  • 20
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031415708
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 294 p. 16 illus., 13 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Contributions to Hermeneutics 12
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
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    Keywords: Hermeneutics. ; Aesthetics.
    Abstract: Introduction -- Serious Play: Towards a philosophical understanding of interpretative musical performance -- The Participant Belongs to the Play: The Ethical Dimensions of Improvised Music -- The Dance That Transforms: Gadamer on Morality, Music, and Religion -- Tarrying with John Cage's plant pieces -- Horizons of Fusion: Arabic Maqām, Improvisation and Gadamerian Hermeneutics -- Living Tradition: Jazz Improvisation in the light of Gadamer’s Hermeneutics -- The Drastic Hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Vladimir Jankélévitch -- The musical work of art and its interpretations: Gadamer's critique of Ingarden -- Gadamer's horizons as interfaces for knowing musical worlds -- Can Music Speak? The Language of Art and the Communicability of Aesthetic Experience -- The Experience of Music in the Digital Age: From Auditory Ereignis to Episodic Insignificance and Back -- Re-sounding: Towards an ontological hermeneutics of being-musically -- Gadamer, Beauty, and Musical Improvisation -- Music's Aesthetic Untology: Understanding's InMaterial Improvisations -- The Hermeneutics of Performance and the Performance of Hermeneutics -- Approaching Hermeneutics through Music.
    Abstract: This volume explores Hans-Georg Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics within a musical context. It features contributions from philosophers, musicians, educators, and musicologists from a variety of backgrounds, and sheds light on both the hermeneutic nature of music and the musicality of hermeneutics. Contributors to this volume hermeneutically think with music to uncover its fundamentally hermeneutic character, and by thinking with Gadamer in a musical context, explore ways in which hermeneutics may be understood to possess an inherent musicality. Gadamer's thought is taken up in a variety of musical contexts including improvisation, musical performance, classical music, jazz, and music criticism. This first volume to explore Gadamer's hermeneutics in a musical context breaks new ground by challenging musical concepts and by pushing Gadamer's thought in new directions. It appeals to philosophers engaged with Gadamer's thought (and philosophical hermeneutics more broadly), as well as philosophers of music, musicologists, and musicians interested in critically engaging with the practice of performing and listening to music.
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  • 21
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031495489
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VIII, 179 p.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Contributions to Phenomenology, In Cooperation with The Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology 128
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Phenomenology . ; Social sciences ; Ethics.
    Abstract: 1. Gustav Strandberg and Hugo Strandberg: Introduction -- 2. Jan Patočka: The Phenomenology of Afterlife -- 3. Jan Frei: To Live after Death: Where? Patočka’s “Phenomenology of Afterlife” and Its Contexts -- 4. Gustav Strandberg: Dying with the Other: Death as the Manifestation of Community -- 5. Nicolas de Warren: The Intimacy of Disappearance -- 6. Hugo Strandberg: Forgiveness and the Dead -- 7. Tomáš Hejduk: Postmortal Openness to Meaning -- 8. Ondřej Beran: The Other Modern Séances -- 9. Erin Plunkett: What Does It Mean to Love the Dead? -- 10. Lovisa Andén: Between Memory and History: Retracing Historical Knowledge through a Phenomenology of Afterlife -- 11. Antony Fredriksson: Drawing a Line or Blurring the Contour between Animate and Inanimate with Clarice Lispector and Jan Patočka -- 12. Niklas Forsberg: “Unresting Death, a Whole Day Nearer Now”: Parfit and Patočka on Death and False Consolations.
    Abstract: This volume contains for the first time in English, Jan Patočka’s seminal essay “The Phenomenology of Afterlife”, as well as contributions surrounding and analyzing this text. In his essay, Patočka reflects on our relation to the dead and on how the departure of a loved one affects our continued existence. The premise of Patočka’s investigation is that our existence always takes place by and through an originary and reciprocal “being for others”. The contributors in the volume extend the field of inquiry into the wider phenomenological and post-phenomenological discussion of death by being cognizant of how works of literature can broaden our understanding of the care of death, grief, forgiveness and non-reciprocal love. Also included are reflections on issues of philosophical anthropology, community, collective memory, and the ecstatic nature of life – issues that can all be related back to Patočka’s initial reflections, but which nonetheless radiate into a myriad of directions. This volume appeals to students and researchers in the field.
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  • 22
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031537363
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VII, 177 p. 3 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations 30
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    Keywords: Political science ; Europe ; Marxian school of sociology.
    Abstract: Acknowledgements -- Chapter 1. Introduction (Anders Fjeld and Matthieu de Nanteuil) -- Part I. Marx: Not European Enough? Marxian Perspectives on the European Construction -- Chapter 2. The Road to the European Social Green Deal: Class Struggle or Counter-Hegemony (Albena Azmanova) -- Chapter 3. A Marxian analysis of the European construction I – Origins (Jean-Christophe Defraigne) -- Chapter 4. A Marxian analysis of the European construction II – Contradictions (Jean Christophe Defraigne) -- Chapter 5. Marx and Europe, or How to Overcome Predatory Finance? (Cécile Barbier) -- Chapter 6. Being a Marxist and a Muslim in Belgium: a Case Study (Lionel Remy-Hendrick) -- Part II. Marx: Too European? Post-Colonial Perspectives on Marxian Thought -- Chapter 7. Beyond Marx, Beyond Europe (Raúl Fornet-Betancourt) -- Chapter 8. Mariátegui and the Decolonization of Marxism. A Latin-American Perspective (Alfredo Gomez-Muller) -- Chapter 8. Racializing the Analysis of Capitalism. Towards a Decolonial Political Ecology: Mining Neoliberalism and Environmental Degradation in Sub-Saharian Africa (Anuarite Bashizi, Cécile Giraud and Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka) -- Chapter 9. The Irish Mistake. Marx, Ireland, and Non-European Societies (Matthieu de Nanteuil) -- Chapter 10. The Eurocentrist Heritage of Marx? On the Evolution of Marxian Political Models: Euro-Mimetic, Counter-Imperialist and Anti-Capitalist (Anders Fjeld) -- Part III. Marx and Europe, a Dialectic Relationship -- Chapter 11. Balibar and Europe: Towards Democratic Socialism Beyond the Nation (Teresa Pullano) -- Chapter 12. Exiles in the 21st Century: the New “Population Law” of Absolute Capitalism (Étienne Balibar) -- Index.
    Abstract: This book provides a unique scientific contribution to the debate on Marx's legacy in proposing to critically articulate two “lines of discussion” which are most often kept apart. On the one hand, it reassesses the place of Marxian thought in the construction of Europe, seeking to revitalize the European political debate. On the other, it situates Marx' thought in the perspective of postcolonial and decolonial studies, with particular attention to their effort to overcome the indisputable limits of the Marxian legacy. In asking whether Marx’ thought was too European or not European enough, the book examines internationalist emancipatory politics and eurocentrism, class struggle and finance in the shaping of the European institutions, migration, identity and violence, as well as Marxian critiques of colonialism both within and beyond Europe. At a time of extreme tension, also within leftist politics, this book provides a precise and rigorous argument on what continues to make Marx's thought relevant, in grappling with social domination in the era of global capitalism, while also exploring the limits of Marxism today, both at the European level and worldwide.
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  • 23
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031555404
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XXII, 248 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Eminent Voices in Business Ethics 55
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    Keywords: Business ethics. ; Catholic Church. ; Religion and sociology.
    Abstract: Part I. EXPLORING THE SOURCES OF THE CATHOLIC TRADITION -- Chapter 1. Catholic Theology on Economics and Business: A Long Tradition -- Chapter 2. The Anthropological Grounds of Economic Activity -- Chapter 3. A Person-Friendly Ethics -- Chapter 4. Freedom and Commitment to the Common Good -- Part II. ECONOMIC SYSTEM, BUSINESS AND SOCIETY -- Chapter 5. Ethics in the Free Market Economy -- Chapter 6. Identity and Purpose of the Business Firm -- Chapter 7. Responsibility and Sustainability -- Chapter 8. Economic Policymaking and Corporate Governance -- Part III. LEADING BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS -- Chapter 9. Ethics in Decision-Making -- Chapter 10. The Centrality of Work in the Production Process -- Chapter 11. Service to Customers -- Chapter 12. The Christian Ethos in Leadership and Organizational Cultures.
    Abstract: Humanism in business is not only an alternative to economism but a way to human excellence. Humanism presented here revolves around the rich notion of “human person”, keystone of modern personalist philosophy and Catholic Social Teaching. From this perspective this book is offered to everyone, believer and nonbeliever alike. The person-centered humanism considers the human-wholeness, individual and relational, with subjectivity, self-determination, openness to transcendence, and with capacity not only to possess but also to give. It also highlights the uniqueness of each person, endowed with a high constitutive dignity and in continuous process of flourishing toward human plenitude. An attitude of respect and good will is due to non-personal beings, while persons deserve to be treated with justice and even with love of benevolence. The book is prepared in dialogue with mainstream of thought in business and business ethics and focused on exploring ways to improve some conventional views. It includes some proposals such as a person-based ethics, ethics understood as intrinsic to business activity, the consideration of the company as an organized community of persons, and the purpose of the company oriented toward the common good through a double mission, internal and external. It is also suggested substituting the notion of “stakeholder” for the richer one of “relationholder.”.
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  • 24
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031612947
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XI, 232 p. 2 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Anticipation Science 9
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
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    Keywords: Philosophy of mind. ; Political science. ; Political sociology.
    Abstract: Preface -- 1. Waves of change -- 2. The Korean wave -- 3. A hidden wave? -- 4. Changing comunication modes change societies -- 5. The post-industrial interregnum -- 6. Visual images vs. the printed word -- 7. Eroding literal truth -- 8. Dreaming in the Anthropocene -- 9. Designing governance -- 10. The predicament of governance design -- 11. Precursor political dreamweavers -- 12. Donald Trump as a dream society paragon -- 13. Towards quantum governance of a dream society -- 14. Beyond words and images.
    Abstract: This book shows how multiple developments have caused the world to move from “an information society” to a “dream society”. Ongoing social and technological forces are pushing us from a world of words, rationality, and truth into a world of images, performance, and make-belief. Rather than deny or reject this transformation, this book argues that one should understand and embrace it as waves of new futures that the world must strive to surf for fame and fun. As a political scientist and futurist, the author also offers hints of new goals and forms of governance fit for a dream society, as he demonstrates that all current systems are ineffective and dangerously obsolete. This book is of great interest to political philosophers, futures scientists, sociologists, and those interested in cultural studies.
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  • 25
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031573538
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VI, 479 p. 34 illus., 18 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Synthese Library, Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science 486
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
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    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Philosophy of mind. ; Psychology. ; Philosophy.
    Abstract: 1. The Roles of Representation in Visual Perception: An Introduction (Berit Brogaard and Robert French) -- Part I. Cognitive and Contextual Influences on Perceptual Representation. 2. Joint Perception Needs Representations (Ophelia Deroy and Louis Longin) -- 3. The Role of Long-Term Memory in Visual Perception (Berit Brogaard and Thomas Alrik Sørensen) -- 4. Attention and Representational Precision (Azenet Lopez) -- 5. Uncertainty in Blurry Vision (Jonna Vance) -- Part II. What Do Perceptual Representations Represent?. 6. Representation, Attention, and Perceptual Learning (Madeleine Ransom) -- 7. Singular Experiences (With and Without Objects) (Angela Mendelovici) -- 8. Kaplanianism (Roberto Pereira) -- 9. Reliable Color Misrepresentation and Color Vision (Dimitria Electra Gatzia) -- 10. Subject-Dependent Factors in the Perception of Size (Louise Daoust) -- Part III. Against Representation: Direct Relational Views. 11. Naive Realism as Psychosemantics (William Fish) -- 12. The Epistemic Value of Cognitive Contact with Reality (Duncan Pritchard) -- 13. How to be a Direct Realist (Otavio Bueno) -- 14. Get Acquainted With Naïve Idealism (Helen Yetter-Chappell) -- 15. What are Phenomenal Particularists Committed To? (Rami El Ali) -- Part IV. Revisiting Indirect Realist Theories Including Sense-Datum Theories. 16. Spatial Representational Theories of Visual Perception (Robert French) -- 17. Information Flow, Representation, and Awareness (Ernest Kent) -- 18. Seeing Matters: The Remarkable Relevance of the Object-Representation Relationship to Science … and to Society! (Nicholas Rosseinsky) -- 19. On the Analysis of Brentano's Intentional Inexistence in Light of the Historical Background (David McGraw) -- Part V: The Role of Enactive and Embodied Representations in Perception. 20. Seeing What To Do: Embodied Instructive Representations in Vision (Alison Springle) -- 21. Updating Our Theories of Perceiving: From Predictive Processing to Radical Enactivism (Daniel Hutto and Ines Hipolito) -- 22. The Role of Image Schemas in Visual Perception (Dan Guo, Huili Wang, and Zhongliang Cui).
    Abstract: This volume contains new papers addressing a number of new and traditional issues pertaining to the roles of representations in visual perception. Among these issues is the one concerning the nature of the perceptual state itself – e. g. on the issue of whether the perceptual state, like its distal objects, is structured, for instance by possessing a spatial character. Other issues include those of whether at least aspects of the distal object are presented immediately to us visually, whether representation plays any (interesting) role in disjunctivist and naïve realist accounts of visual experience and the relationship among visual perception, attention and representation. The anthology includes a wide variety of positions on the subject of the roles of representations in visual perception, which would help to close the literature gap and will be of interest to scholars from all schools and trends of philosophy of mind.
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  • 26
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031569203
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XXIII, 256 p.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Contributions to Phenomenology, In Cooperation with The Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology 130
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    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Phenomenology . ; Psychic trauma. ; Cognitive science.
    Abstract: Part I. Consciousness and the self -- 1. Consciousness and the self -- 2. The narrative self and the minimal self -- Part II. Varieties of the phenomenological unconscious -- 3. The unconscious in psychoanalysis and phenomenology -- 4. Body memory and the unconscious -- Part III. Psychopathology and the minimal self -- 5. Phenomenological psychiatry of schizophrenia -- Part IV. The unconscious and the minimal self -- 6. Time-consciousness and affective identity -- 7. The affective core self and affective identity -- 8. Summary and conclusions.
    Abstract: This book extends the contemporary concept of the minimal self by introducing the affective core self. The overall aim is to integrate certain psychoanalytical ideas into the phenomenological investigation of passivity and reformulate the idea of the phenomenological unconscious. This volume contributes to the multidimensional analysis of the self by positioning the affective core self between the layers of the more minimal and the less minimal self. It underscores the importance of the unconscious in the constitution of the affective core self by providing the comparative analysis of the phenomenological and the psychoanalytical unconscious. Furthermore, comparisons are drawn between Freud’s conception of the afterwardsness of trauma and the phenomenological notion of retroactive sense-constitution. The book concludes that retroactive sense-making is a double-sided phenomenon and differentiates between implicit-bodily and conscious-narrative retroactive sense-constitution. In order to bolster the idea of implicit-bodily sense-constitution the volume also examines and utilizes contemporary insights on the nature of body memory. The conclusion claims that the affective core self is constituted in time by means of the underlying processes of the two-sided retroactive sense-constitution. This text appeals to students and researchers working in phenomenology and philosophy of mind.
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  • 27
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031561368
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XI, 91 p. 72 illus., 24 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
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    Keywords: Science ; System theory. ; Chemometrics.
    Abstract: Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Concept of Complexity -- Chapter 3. System Theory -- Chapter 4. Categories of Complexity -- Chapter 5. Generalization of the Concept of Complexity -- Chapter 6. Graph-Theoretical Representation of Systems -- Chapter 7. Philosophical Consequences -- Chapter 8. Concluding Remarks.
    Abstract: This book sheds new light on the interactions between the science of complexity and the science of systems. Though both of these fields have been independently studied extensively, their interrelations have not been satisfactorily analyzed. By a superficial view, both the sciences are based on the same principles of the holistic behavior of the ensembles consisting of components. The author providing an expert analysis on the theory of complexity and bridges the gap to generalize it, by elaborating on all the observable manifestations of complex forms and behaviors and explaining how it is related to general theory of systems. Particular attention is given to the use of chemical concepts throughout the text to demonstrate the theories as well as the interactions between the two. The central point of this book is the new rational representation of systems that origins from some chemical concepts about the structure of molecules and graph theoretical chemical theory. This novel text appeals to experienced researchers, students, and all those curious about theories of systems, complexities, and theoretical chemistry.
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  • 28
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031566301
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 290 p. 50 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress 27
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    Keywords: Semiotics. ; Music. ; Translating and interpreting.
    Abstract: Translation in literary and academic discourse -- Between texts, languages, cultures, semiotic systems: Key concepts and methods in translation studies -- Towards a definition of the term ‘Musical Translation’ – Musical arrangement, cover version, and performance in the light of musicological research -- Applying translation theories in musicological research -- Concluding remarks.
    Abstract: This monograph lays the foundation for new methodologies of research between music and translation. It is the first such holistic attempt—from the perspective of a musicologist—based on the adaptation of translation theories. Until now, these fields have remained underexplored together. Only recently have the tools developed by translation theory permeated into musical scholarship. Such tools should prove as a promising alternative to those offered by classic musicological studies, particularly in reference to musical arrangement, pop music covers and performance. Theoretical discussion on topics are supported by case studies. This text appeals to musicologists and musicians as well as experts in the field of translation theory who are interested in expanding their field of inquiry.
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  • 29
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031544316
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XXIII, 218 p. 58 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: New Approaches to the Scientific Study of Religion 13
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    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Religion and sociology. ; Music theory. ; Anthropology of religion. ; Ethnology.
    Abstract: Chapter 1. Introduction to this book -- Chapter 2. Literature review: systematic review -- Chapter 3. Literature review: types of rituals -- Chapter 4. Literature review: the concept of ritual -- Chapter 5. Literature review: functions and means of the ritual -- Chapter 6. Literature review: the role of music in modern european rituals -- Chapter 7. Research on rituals and music -- Chapter 8. Findings and discussion -- Chapter 9. Conclusions and recommendations.
    Abstract: This book explores modern European religious and non-religious rituals and their main features by focusing on music as a key element required for the full expression of beliefs. It specifically examines the relationship between religious, non-religious, pagan, cultural, celebratory, and traditional rituals. In doing so, this text focuses on the extent to which the rituals overlap, replace, or feed religious or pseudo-religious beliefs to create alternative beliefs (individual or collective) that systematically ignore any religion. The book further analyses the relationship between daily habits, holidays, sports, politics, culture, and other pagan rituals as forms that represent social feelings by identifying, enjoying, or impersonating emotions; and transversally, it explores how music facilitates and fosters those emotions. The volume also investigates how rituals coexist and mutually influence each other through a representation of religious and non-religious rituals, and how music plays a central role in that phenomenology. The author argues that music is a key part of various types of rituals (e.g. rites of passage), and that music supports and enriches the meaning of the ritual, to ultimately strengthen the bond of communication with the individual and the group. This monograph appeals to students and researchers working in religious studies and in music theory. .
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  • 30
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031589058
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VII, 154 p. 9 illus., 8 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Pragmatics. ; Communication in organizations. ; Teachers
    Abstract: Chapter I. Linguistic-Cultural Background of Corporate Communication -- Chapter II. The Functional Dimension of Corporate Communication -- Chapter III. The Pragmatic Dimension of Corporate Communication.
    Abstract: This book explores diverse cultural and linguistic landscapes, unraveling the fusion of language, culture, and corporatism. It breaks new ground by examining lesser-known linguistic-cultural aspects of corporate communication. It provides deeper insights into conversational practices, cultural variations, and gender-specific speech aggression within the corporate realm. The book delves into functional aspects, such as corporate terminology and stylistic techniques, as well as the pragmatic dimension with humor and emotive language. Offering a unique perspective on corporate language, it deepens understanding of semantic dynamics and emphasizes language's power to meet diverse communication needs. The book is a must-read for corporate professionals, linguists, scholars, business leaders, communication consultants, and educators teaching the language of business and corporate communication. It is also an invaluable asset for anyone seeking to navigate the intricacies of corporate communication in today's globalized business landscape.
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  • 31
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031498619
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VI, 322 p. 71 illus., 44 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science 344
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Science ; Mathematics.
    Abstract: Chapter 1. Pilot-wave theory in the 21st Century (Paulo Castro, John Bush and J. R. Croca) -- Chapter 2. The state of play in Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs (John W. M. Bush, Valeri Frumkin and Konstantinos Papatryfonos) -- Chapter 3. Establishing long-range pilot-wave interactions (André Nachbin) -- Chapter 4. Hydrodynamically Inspired Pilot-Wave Theory: An Ensemble Interpretation (Yuval Dagan) -- Chapter 5. On Multi-Time Correlations in Stochastic Mechanics (Maaneli Derakhshani and Guido Bacciagaluppi) -- Chapter 6. A version of de Broglie’s double solution theory reproducing Landau’s quantization in a uniform magnetic field (Pierre Jamet and Aurélien Drezet) -- Chapter 7. Convergence to quantum equilibrium: deterministic vs stochastic pilot wave dynamics (Mohamed Hatifi, Ralph Willox and Thomas Durt) -- Chapter 8. Non-Quantum Behaviors of Configuration-Space Density Formulations of quantum mechanics (Philipp Roser and Matthew Scoggins) -- Chapter 9. The Doubochinski pendulum – a paradigm for quantization through nonlinear interactions (Jonathan Tennenbaum) -- Chapter 10. Completing the quantum ontology with the electromagnetic zero-point field (Luis de la Peña and Ana María Cetto) -- Chapter 11. Are Hidden-Variable Theories for Pilot-Wave Systems Possible? (Louis Vervoort) -- Chapter 12. The Wave-memory interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (Paulo Castro) -- Chapter 13. What if We Lived in the Best of All Possible (Quantum) Worlds? (Valia Allori) -- Chapter 14. How the history of thermodynamics informs the hidden variables debate in quantum mechanics (Adam Kay) -- Chapter 15. Form, function, and continuity: knowledge on the move (Gildo Magalhães) -- Chapter 16. John Bell's unpublished notes about de Broglie's Pilot Wave (Augusto Garuccio, Angela Laurora) -- Chapter 17. The Quest for the Ontic Nature of the Quantum Waves (J.R. Croca) -- Index.
    Abstract: This book provides a state-of-the-art review of Pilot Wave Theory at the beginning of the XXI century. It contains the best contributions of the first International Conference on Advances in Pilot Wave Theory, held in Lisbon in 2021. The event brought together physicists from the new emerging field of Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs (HQA) and philosophers of science. Three main themes were discussed: 1. Hydrodynamic quantum analogs, 2. Theoretical advances in pilot wave physics and, 3. Philosophical foundations of pilot wave theory. Recent experimental work in HQA has provided impetus to develop the pilot-wave approach into a realistic basis of quantum mechanics, specifically a dynamical completion of the existing theory of quantum statistics. To that end, the meeting featured theoretical work that advanced Louis de Broglie original pilot wave theory. This collection shows how several aspects of quantum systems have been reproduced in the hydrodynamic environment, and how the power of analogy suggests the possibility of a relatively intelligible quantum realm. Most notably, the notion of memory, as engendered in the pilot-wave-hydrodynamic system, suggests a profitable direction to explore in developing a more complete description of quantum phenomena. This book is expected to be of great interest to physicists, computer scientists and philosophers of science interested in the foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Chapter 1 and Chapter 12 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
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  • 32
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031389689
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VIII, 333 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences 33
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Biology ; Life sciences.
    Abstract: Part 1: Historical and Conceptual Foundations -- ‘Organization’: Its Conceptual History, Definition and Relationship to Other Fundamental Biological Concepts -- Varieties of Organicism – A Metacritique? -- Organization as Presupposition? On the Epistemological Implications in the Attitudinal Stance -- ‘Dogmatic’ vs ‘Legitimate’ Organicism: Organization as Explanans and Explanandum in Biology -- Does Organicism Really Need Organization? -- Part2: Origins of Life -- A Structuralist Revival for Studies on the Origins of Life and Developmental Evolution -- On the Evolutionary Development of Biological Organization from Complex Prebiotic Chemistry -- Development -- An Organizational View on Development, with a Focus on Life Cycles -- Modelling Mammary Organogenesis from Biological First Principles: Cells and Organization of Constraints -- Part 4: Evolution -- Extended Heredity and the Return of Organizational Thinking in Evolutionary Biology -- Collaboration and the Evolution of Biological Complexity: An Organizational Perspective -- Organisms: Between a Kantian Approach and a Liberal Approach -- Part 5: Ecology -- Individuating Ecosystems by Ascribing Functions to their Parts -- Ecological Functions and Environmental Ethics -- Part 6: Theoretical Biology -- Studying Functional Organization with Systems Theory -- Organizational Principles of Autonomy -- On Taking an Organizational Approach to Cognition -- Biological Organization at the Crossroads between Conservation and Innovation.
    Abstract: This open access book assesses the prospects of (re)adopting organization as a pivotal concept in biology. It shows how organization can nourish biological thinking and practice, by reconnecting with the idea of biology as the science of organized systems. The book provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art picture of the characterizations and uses of the concept of organization in both biological science and philosophy of biology. It also deals with a variety of themes – including evolution, organogenesis, heredity, cognition and ecology – with respect to which the concept of organization can guide the elaboration of original models and new experimental protocols. It will be of interest to biologists and scholars working in philosophy of science alike. .
    Note: Open Access
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  • 33
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031469176
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XII, 272 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences 35
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Knowledge, Theory of. ; Science ; Machine learning.
    Abstract: Chapter 1. A framework for mapping mechanistic perspectives (João Cordovil, Gil Santos, Davide Vecchi ) -- Chapter 2. Different Types of Mechanistic Explanation and Their Ontological Implications (Beate Krickel ) -- Chapter 3. The Metabolic Theory of Ecology as a Mechanistic Approach (Gonçalo Martins) -- Chapter 4. Causing and composing evolution: lessons from evo-devo mechanisms (Cristina Villegas) -- Chapter 5. Organisms need mechanisms; Mechanisms need organisms (William Bechtel and Leonardo Bich) -- Chapter 6. Searching for protein folding mechanisms: on the insoluble contrast between thermodynamic and kinetic explanatory approaches (Gabriel Vallejos and Davide Vecchi) -- Chapter 7. Mechanisms in Chemistry (Robin Findlay Hendry) -- Chapter 8. A commentary on Robin Hendry’s views on molecular structure, emergence and chemical bonding (Eric Scerri) -- Chapter 9. Fundamental Physics and (New-)Mechanistic Ontologies (João L. Cordovil) -- Chapter 10. Mechanistic Explanations in Physics: History, Scope, and Limits (Brigitte Falkenburg) -- Chapter 11. The Mechanisms of Emergence (Stuart Glennan) -- Chapter 12. Emergence, Downward Causation and Interlevel Integrative Explanations (Gil Santos) -- Index. .
    Abstract: This open access book addresses the epistemological and ontological significance as well as the scope of new mechanism. In particular, this book addresses the issues of what is "new" about new mechanism, the epistemological and ontological reasons underlying the adoption of mechanistic instead of other modelling strategies as well as the possibility of mechanistic explanation to accommodate a non-trivial notion of emergence. Arguably, new mechanism has been particularly successful in making sense of scientific practice in the molecular life sciences. But what about other sciences? This book enlarges the context of analysis, addressing the issue of the putative compatibility between the current ways of conceiving new mechanism and actual scientific practices in quantum physics, chemistry, biochemistry, developmental biology and the cognitive sciences.
    Note: Open Access
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  • 34
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031507991
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 189 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Jerusalem Studies in Philosophy and History of Science
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Science ; Philosophy.
    Abstract: Part I: Interpretation -- Chapter 1. Interpreting Hume on Bodies -- Chapter 2. Arguments in Support of the Idealist Interpretation -- Chapter 3. Meeting Objections to the Idealist Interpretation -- Part II: Metaphysical Consequences of the Idealist Interpretation -- Chapter 4. Consequences of the Idealist Interpretation for the Unity of Space -- Chapter 5: Consequences of the Idealist Interpretation for Causation -- Part III: Consequences of the Idealist Interpretation for Hume’s Science of Man -- Chapter 6. Spatial and Causal Thoughts from an Idealist Point of View -- Part IV: Consequences of the Idealist Interpretation for Hume’s Methodology -- Chapter 7. The Idealist Interpretation Renders Hume More of an Empiricist.
    Abstract: This book defends the very contentious Idealist interpretation of Hume on external objects, and draws from it far-reaching metaphysical and epistemological consequences for Hume’s philosophy. Its interest is both interpretive and analytic. The content Hume ascribes to the belief in “bodies” is susceptible to more than one reading, and has not been systematically considered. Upholding the Idealistic interpretation is interesting in its own right, but also yields several important conclusions about the spatiality of objects, causation, Hume’s “science of man” and his epistemology. For instance, it argues that the Idealist reading means that there are no cross-temporal spatial relationships, and that the (more prevalent) Materialist reading takes Hume further away from methodological empiricism than does the Idealist counterpart, and may render his practice less in conformity with his official methodology.
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  • 35
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031530159
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIII, 257 p.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations 29
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Political science ; Ethics. ; Political science. ; Artificial intelligence.
    Abstract: Introduction -- Part I: Framing algorithmic democracy -- Chapter 1. The democratic drift -- Part II: Ethical and political challenges of Algorithmic Democracy -- Chapter 2. The Second Age of Artificial Intelligence -- Chapter 3. The virtual politician: on algorithm-based political decision-making -- Chapter 4. Digital twins: on algorithm-based political participation -- Chapter 5. Platformization: the dangers of the artificial public sphere -- Chapter 6. Moral learning by algorithms: the possibility of developing morally intelligent technology -- Chapter 7. The metaverse: building a digital hyper-economy -- Part III: Against algorithmic democracy: scope and ethical-discursive perspectives for an expansion of deliberative democracy -- Chapter 8. Artificial ethics: on the automation of morality -- Chapter 9. Critique of algorithmic reason -- Chapter 10: Dialogic digital ethics: from explicability to participation -- Chapter 11: Civil society: an ethical framework for algorithmic democracy -- Chapter 12. Institutional design for an embedded algorithmic democracy -- Index.
    Abstract: Based on a deliberative democracy, this book uses a hermeneutic-critical methodology to study bibliographical sources and practical issues in order to analyse the possibilities, limits and consequences of the digital transformation of democracy. Drawing on a two-way democracy, the aim of this book is intended as an aid for thinking through viable alternatives to the current state of democracy with regard to its ethical foundations and the moral knowledge implicit in or assumed by the way we perceive and understand democracy. It is intended to stimulate reflection and discussion on the basis that, by addressing what we understand as democracy, we can inevitably influence the reality known as democracy. Democracy’s evident regression in today’s world makes this all too apparent: it has become a hostage to all kinds of autocracies and technopopulisms, which are supported to a greater or lesser extent by the current algorithmic revolution.
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  • 36
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031564482
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XI, 196 p. 3 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Philosophy of mind. ; Culture ; Science
    Abstract: Preface -- Dedication -- Chapter 1. Introduction (Sanjit Chakraborty) -- Chapter 2. Thoughts on Morality and Culture (Jan Narveson) -- Chapter 3. Values and Cultures (Harry J Gensler) -- Chapter 4. Clashes of Culture (Michael Smith) -- Chapter 5. Hatred – Why Do Such Nice People Do Such Awful Things? (Michael Ruse) -- Chapter 6. Neoliberalism, Globalization and Discrimination in the 21st Century: Issues, Challenges and Limitations of Habermas’ Reason-based Theory of Liberal Democracy in Current Times (Deborah Poff) -- Chapter 7. Legal Emotions: Why Affect Matters for Law (Antara Halder) -- Chapter 8. The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism (Neil Sinhababu) -- Chapter 9. The Interpreting Mind and Meaning-Formation: A Relational Critique of Lyotard … and Ricœur (Gerald Cipriani) -- Chapter 10. Recurring Dilemmas on Other Minds (Sanjit Chakraborty).
    Abstract: This book puts forward a harmonious analysis of similarities and differences between two concepts—human minds and cultures—and strives for a multicultural spectrum of philosophical explorations that could assist them in pondering the striking pursuit of envisaging human minds and cultures as an essential appraisal of philosophy and the social sciences. The book hinges on a theoretical understanding of the indispensable liaison between the dichotomy of minds and objectivity residing in semantic-ontological conjectures. The ethnographic sense of cultures confines the scope of cultural scientism, an evolutionary paradigm on the functionalist turn, where one could enthral the cultural phenomenon from the contentment of the conflict of scientific quandaries. Hence, cultural relativism concedes that cultures have some descriptive contents, like customs, beliefs, moral codes, other minds, etc., that are followed by an individual or a group of people. However, the notion of societal semiotics embarks on the ‘semiotic conception of culture’ that deploys modernity and values centred on ethical conjectures. Human Minds and Cultures conspicuously attune the cultural edifice of moral minds and cope with the enduring prospects of ethics, genders, laws, and socio-political affairs. Essential reading for anyone with a sparkling interest in human minds and cultures.
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  • 37
    ISBN: 9783031517006
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 200 p. 15 illus., 8 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Virtues and Economics 8
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Business ethics. ; Economics. ; Culture. ; Philosophy.
    Abstract: Introduction -- Part I: From gluttony and avarice to moderation and virtue -- Chapter 1. Blessed are the Gentle (Joshtrom Kureethadam) -- Chapter 2. Avarice in post-modern society (Stefano Zamagni) -- Chapter 3. What is Enough (Margaret Atkins) -- Chapter 4. Buddhism and the Right Consumption (Laszlo Zsolnai) -- Chapter 5. Good consumption in the perspective of Thomistic Personalism (Laura Baritz) -- Part II : Is mainstream economics to blame? -- Chapter 6. Political Economy, Moral Reasoning and Global Warming (David Rose) -- Chapter 7. A Critical Approach to Critiquing Economics (Geoffrey Brennan, Hayden Wilkinson) -- Chapter 8. Response from Peter Róna -- Chapter 9. Economics and three faces of prudence (Edward Skidelsky) -- Part III: Way forward -- Chapter 10. Social Trust, Virtue, and Market Coordination (Dominic Burbidge) -- Chapter 11. A Deeper Humanity: The Family as the School of an Inclusive Economy (Joseph Rice) -- Chapter 12. A radically new way to tune compound interest and its implications (Eors Szathmary).
    Abstract: This book explores the under-researched sources of the consumerist culture and the environmental damage it has brought about. The book is an outcome of the symposium on “The Ethics of Consumption” organised and hosted by the Las Casas Institute at the Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford as part of its Economics as a Moral Science Programme. It takes on two contemporary problems: the human weakness and capacity for wrong-doing, and the failure of modern economic theory to account for the moral character of human behaviour and its implicit encouragement of gluttonous life-styles. In a time when grand political schemes are proposed to revive sustainability of global economy, the authors of the papers collected in this book highlight the need for moral renewal without which the most revolutionary structural reforms are bound to fail at producing the desired outcome. Topics of the book include the meaning and sources of avarice, the attempt to define what is enough, exploration of philosophical and theological perspectives which can serve as building blocks for the ethics of consumption. This makes the book of great interest to a broad readership of economists, social scientists and philosophers.
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  • 38
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031527562
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XXVIII, 320 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences 36
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Biology ; Europe ; Science ; Evolution (Biology).
    Abstract: Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Chapter 1. Jean Baptiste Lamarck: La marche de la nature -- Chapter 2. Herbert Spencer: The tripartite model -- Chapter 3. Interlude: The cluster of plasticity and the impact of its transfer -- Chapter 4. John Hughlings Jackson: A clinical scientist -- Chapter 5. Théodule Armand Ribot: ‘Scientific psychology’ in France -- Chapter 6. Interlude: ‘Hierarchy’ in nineteenth century Spencerian Lamarckism / neo-Lamarckism and its transfer -- Chapter 7. David Émile Durkheim: Founding ‘scientific sociology’ -- Chapter 8. Sigmund Freud, a neo-Lamarckist – Short Coda -- Chapter 9. Interlude: ‘Collectivity’ in the nineteenth century between the biological and the social -- Concluding reflection -- Appendix: Concise biographical portraits -- Notes -- Index.
    Abstract: The book presents an original synthesizing framework on the relations between ‘the biological’ and ‘the social’. Within these relations, the late nineteenth-century emergence of social sciences aspiring to be constituted as autonomous, as 'scientific' disciplines, is described, analyzed and explained. Through this framework, the author points to conceptual and constructive commonalities conjoining significant founding figures – Lamarck, Spencer, Hughlings Jackson, Ribot, Durkheim, Freud – who were not grouped nor analyzed in this manner before. Thus, the book offers a rather unique synthesis of the interactions of the social, the mental, and the evolutionary biological – Spencerian Lamarckism and/or Neo-Lamarckism – crystallizing into novel fields. It adds substantially to the understanding of the complexities of evolutionary debates during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. It will attract the attention of a wide spectrum of specialists, academics, and postgraduates in European history of the nineteenth century, history and philosophy of science, and history of biology and of the social sciences, including psychology.
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  • 39
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031558818
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XI, 202 p. 3 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Philosophy. ; Postcolonialism. ; Terrorism. ; Political violence. ; Political science
    Abstract: 1. Introduction -- 2. Reimagining the colonial condition: understanding unhappiness in context to the colonial wound -- 3. Violent Technologies: A Historico-Philosophical Analysis -- 4. Internal Violence: A Critique of Absolute Socialisations -- 5. Corrective Sexual Violence in South Africa: a crime against the deviant Sexualised Other -- 6. Women, violence, and social activism: From Aba women’s protest to #EndSARS protests -- 7. An anger-based contextualist account of justifiable violence: An African case study -- 8. Reimagining Civil-Military Relations from a Quadrumvirate Interaction Perspective -- 9. Reading Contemporary Decolonial Iconoclasm in Belgium with Žižek, Yousfi and Fanon -- 10. A postcolonial theory of recognition: Honneth and Fanon on violence and mutual recognition.
    Abstract: This volume explores the role of violence generally but with specific reference to African concepts and themes, and the significance they have for social redress. The contributors interpret African concepts and themes to include accounts of violence, explicitly or implicitly construed from indigenous axiological resources like Ubuntu or personhood and from those works that are not African in origin but have become central in African moral, political and legal thought, such as Hannah Arendt’s On Violence and Walter Benjamin’s Critique of Violence. The volume contributes to moral philosophy, social philosophy, African philosophy, and political philosophy/theory. It situates itself within the Global South, specifically the African perspective, to explore, articulate, and defend (or even critique) African conceptions of violence. This volume also takes seriously the need to tap into the intellectual resource of the African and diasporic African episteme thru thinkers such as Steve Biko, Frantz Fanon and Reiland Rabaka. It appeals to students and researchers working in philosophy and related disciplines on violence in Africa and the postcolonial context.
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  • 40
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031557446
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VII, 257 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology 24
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Technology ; Medical Ethics. ; Artificial intelligence.
    Abstract: Part 1: Foundations -- Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Artificial Intelligence: In search of a definition -- Chapter 3: MAI: A very short history and the state of the art -- Chapter 4: Ethical foundations: Medical Ethics and Data Ethics -- Part 2: Ethical Analysis -- Chapter 5: Practices -- Chapter 6: Relationships -- Chapter 7: Environments -- Chapter 8: Instead of a conclusion: Seven lessons for the present.
    Abstract: This is the first book to provide a coherent overview over the ethical implications of AI-related technologies in medicine. It explores how these technologies transform practices, relationships, and environments in the clinical field. It provides an introduction into ethical issues such as data security and privacy protection, bias and algorithmic fairness, trust and transparency, challenges to the doctor-patient relationship, and new perspectives for informed consent. The book focuses on the transformative impact that technology is having on medicine, and discusses several strategies for dealing with the resulting challenges. It also introduces innovative methods of ethics research for addressing existing desiderata and future challenges. This book is written to inform health care professionals, policy-makers, and researchers in medicine, health sciences, nursing science, social sciences, and ethics, but may also function as a primary textbook for graduate as well as undergraduate university courses.
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  • 41
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031421198
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 194 p. 2 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures 42
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Philosophy of nature. ; Religion and culture. ; Religion ; Human ecology ; Bioclimatology. ; Cognitive science.
    Abstract: Chapter 1.Aboriginal Indian Elemental Ontology -- Chapter 2.Closing the Subject-Object Rift Through Aboriginal Australian Elemental and Embodied Philosophy -- Chapter 3.Elements of Slovenian Indigenous Religion -- Chapter 4. The Glacier and Me – Understanding the Human Being as Embodied and Elemental -- Chapter 5.The Life in Black Lives Matter -- Chapter 6.The Gravity of Our Situation: On Acrophobia and Eco-Paralysis -- Chapter 7. Vegetal Environmental Pedagogy -- Chapter 8.Environmental Responsiveness in Conceptual Thinking -- Chapter 9.Elements of Embodied Critical Thinking -- Chapter 10.Methodologies of Embodied-Elemental Thinking in Ethics of Nature.
    Abstract: This collection responds to widespread, complex, and current environmental challenges by presenting eleven original essays on a new elemental-embodied approach in environmental humanities. This approach has a special focus on elemental and indigenous philosophies as well as localized experiences of terrestrial forces: from earthquakes and eruptions to pandemics and natural disasters. Representing a shift in modern Western scientific and disembodied thinking of nature, this edited book approaches the question of relationality and intertwining of human and natural being by utilizing the elemental-embodied methodologies within philosophy of embodiment and nature. Supported by research in cognitive sciences, the contributors represent the experiential and affective turn within research into human cognition. As embodied, the human being is embedded and interacting with all there is. The aim of this edited volume is to indicate new paths toward regaining our access to natural being within us and thus toward reconnecting with the natural environment and the things and beings around us in a new, environmentally enhanced way. It appeals to researchers and students working in many fields, predominantly in philosophy, as well as religious and environmental studies.
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  • 42
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031557637
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 446 p.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Contributions to Hermeneutics 13
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Hermeneutics. ; Phenomenology .
    Abstract: Introduction: A New Way to Look at Reading -- Paradigms for Explaining the Experience of Reading -- Perceiving the Text -- The Text as Temporally Dispersed -- Reflecting on Connections Across Time -- Characters: The Text’s Representation of Experience -- Perceiving and Naming as Situated Acts -- The Mutuality of Text Meanings Through Synthesis -- Experiencing Meanings-Designate -- The Synthesis of Sequence -- The Text World: Dense and One -- Reader Habits of Synthesizing a World -- Associating New World Components -- Associating Textual Features -- The Synthesis of Texts as a Synthesis of Life -- The Temporal Plot of Understanding the Text.
    Abstract: This text is the first comprehensive attempt in decades to integrate reading into the philosophical discussion of the synthesis of experience more generally. It offers a comprehensive critique of three disciplinary approaches to reading: philosophical, literary and empirical/neuroscientific, while developing an innovative and unifying phenomenological account. It discusses texts from a variety of contemporary and historical contexts. It is inclusive, treating non-fiction alongside fiction, literary art alongside everyday texts, and narrative alongside thematic discourse. It addresses all reading practices found today: casual and unreflective reading, close and scholarly reading with re-reading, the analysis of literary art, and sacred text study and memorization. In the current intellectual landscape, the book is unique in bringing all these aspects together in a philosophically coherent discussion. The book provides a critique of philosophical accounts of text meaning and linguistic experience by philosophers from Husserl and Ingarden to Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Arendt, Gadamer and Derrida, and examines the positions of contemporary ‘naturalizing’ phenomenologists, such as Varela and Thompson. Also treated are neuroscientists such as Dehaene, and theorists of consciousness such as Kintsch, Flanagan and Dennett. Finally, this volume engages with psychological, linguistic, structuralist, ‘theory of mind’ and ‘experiential’ approaches in literary studies, from Bühler and Hamburger to Fludernik, Herman and Kuzmičová. It appeals to students and researchers working in these fields.
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  • 43
    ISBN: 9783031139208
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XXVI, 287 p. 29 illus., 24 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Studies in Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality 8
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Consciousness studies in sciences and humanities
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Philosophy of mind. ; Neurosciences. ; Information technology ; Cosmochemistry. ; Conscience ; Philosophie de l'esprit ; Consciousness ; Philosophy of mind
    Abstract: This book presents consciousness models from Eastern and Western perspectives that accommodate current scientific research in the natural sciences and humanities, from neurological experiments through philosophical enquiries to spiritual approaches. It offers up to date research from key disciplines in consciousness studies ranging from neurology, quantum mechanics, algorithmic science, mathematics, and astrophysics to literary studies, philosophy, and (comparative) theology. The volume examines the dichotomy between Western and Eastern perceptions of consciousness – where consciousness is perceived as brain activity by Western scientists, and as a divine presence by various religions, especially in the East. The essays contextualize each other and reciprocally illuminate the potential and limits of the respective approaches. The texts aim at a transdisciplinary and transcultural exchange of ideas in consciousness studies and address a readership from interested lay-readers to experts of the field. The volume is of interest to researchers of consciousness studies. .
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  • 44
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031472466
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VIII, 119 p. 119 illus., 111 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: The Urban Book Series
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Landscape architecture. ; Geometry. ; Architecture ; Arts.
    Abstract: Introduction -- Anamorphosis as a visual metaphor: A necessary interaction between the artwork and the observer -- Anamorphic different scales: Landscape, urban space, architecture and design in the work of Felice Varini -- Optical and perspective illusion -- Dual view anamorphosis -- Shadow anamorphic art -- Anamorphic installations against urban decay -- Drawing the illusion: Geometries of the anamorphic transcriptions.
    Abstract: This book intends to focus exclusively on anamorphic experiments in contemporary art and design, leaving an in-depth historical examination of its Baroque season to other studies. Themes, languages and fields of application of anamorphosis in contemporary culture are critically analyzed to make the reader aware of the communicative potentiality of this kind of geometrical technique. The book also has the aim to teach the reader the most appropriate geometric techniques for each of them, in order to achieve the designed illusion. Each typology of anamorphosis is accompanied in this book by contemporary installations, a geometrical explanation by means of 3D models and didactic experiments carried on in collaboration with the students of the Department of Architecture in Naples.
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  • 45
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031514104
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XXXIV, 258 p. 298 illus., 251 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 2nd ed. 2024.
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Interior architecture. ; Building materials. ; Architecture ; Engineering design.
    Abstract: Chapter 1. Planning Concept -- Chapter 2. Circulation Concept.-Chapter 3. Three-dimensional Concept. Chapter 4.Construction Concept. Chapter 5. Material Concept -- Chapter 6. Colour Concept.-Chapter 7. Lighting Concept -- Conclusion -- Appendix -- Index.
    Abstract: This book introduces interior design as a conceptual way of thinking, which is about ideas and how they are formulated. Now in its second edition, the book is enlarged to include topical subjects such as artificial intelligence, sustainability and climate change. The book prepares designers to focus on each concept independently as much as possible, whilst acknowledging relative connections without unwarranted influences unfairly dictating a conceptual bias, and is about that part of the design process called conceptual analysis. The major themes of this second edition of Interior Design: Conceptual Basis are the seven concepts of planning, circulation, 3D, construction, materials, colour and lighting, which cover the entire spectrum of a designer’s activity. It is assumed that the site, location, building and orientation as well as the client’s brief of activities and needs have been digested and analysed to provide the data upon which the design process can begin. Designed as a highly visual illustrative book, as the interior design medium demands, the hands-on creative process of designing is detailed with original drawn illustrations. Concentrating on the conceptual process of designing interiors, and defining what these concepts are, this book helps the designer to organise his/her process of designing and to sharpen the links between the various skill bases necessary to do the job. This book is stimulating for students and instructors alike and is aimed at any student who maybe majoring in interior design, interior architecture, architecture, design thinking or furniture design. It is also useful reference for students of design management and design leadership. .
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  • 46
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031568664
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIII, 172 p. 8 illus., 5 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: UNIPA Springer Series
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Language and languages ; Language acquisition. ; Psycholinguistics.
    Abstract: The Enigma of Metaphor -- Metaphor in the History of Philosophy: A Matter of Style or Thought? -- Metaphor as a “Matter of Thought”: Conceptual Metaphor Theory -- Metaphor in Pragmatics: Literal Meaning, Metaphorical Meaning and Other Dangerous Things -- Metaphor and Mental Imagery: The Visibility of Figurative Language -- From Metaphor Studies Back To Metaphor.
    Abstract: This book deals with the complicated realm of metaphor, an enigma deeply embedded in language and cognition. There has been much discussion of metaphor in the past, but it was characterized by a certain fragmentation and lacked interdisciplinarity. In this field of study, the dominance of Cognitive Linguistics, epitomized by the Conceptual Metaphor Theory of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, has caused the marginalization of alternative perspectives. To fill this gap, this book embarks on an interdisciplinary journey, inviting different theoretical frameworks to engage in a fruitful dialog. It navigates the labyrinth of theories and illuminates the nuanced facets of metaphor. At the center of this exploration are three central questions: whether metaphor belongs to the realm of style or thought, the intricate interplays between literal and metaphorical meanings and the integration of propositional and non-propositional elements in the construction of metaphorical meaning. Through a careful blend of historical analysis and contemporary hypotheses, the book unravels the complexities of metaphor, considering its evolution across the centuries and the myriad interpretations it evokes. By bringing together work from different fields, it ultimately shows that a definition of metaphor is theory-dependent and that metaphor is not a natural kind, but a complex and multifaceted philosophical concept whose study requires a multi-dimensional approach that transcends narrow theoretical boundaries. In this way, the book explores these considerations’ most important philosophical consequences and offers new insights into this fundamental aspect of human language.
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  • 47
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031537813
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 228 p.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Contributions to Phenomenology, In Cooperation with The Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology 129
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Phenomenology . ; Religion and sociology.
    Abstract: 1. Introduction: Finite Provinces of Meaning, Resilience, Responsiveness, The Plan of this Book -- Chapter 2: Imposed Relevances and Resilience -- Chapter 3. The Province of Play: Creativity, Responsiveness, and Ethics -- Chapter 4. The Implications of Play: Resilience, Everyday Life, and Ethics -- Chapter 5: The Experience of Music: Embodied, Holistic, and Intersubjective -- Chapter 6: Finite Provinces of Meaning and Responsiveness, Responsibility, and Jazz -- Chapter 7: Religious/Spiritual Ritual and Intersubjective Responsiveness -- Chapter 8: African-American Folkloric Humor: Resilience, Province of Meaning, Responsiveness -- 9. Conclusion: Phenomenological Intentionality and Looking-Glass Sociality.
    Abstract: This book extends Alfred Schutz’s “On Multiple Realities” by describing the provinces of meaning of play, music, religious ritual, and African-American folkloric humor. Throughout these provinces, the author traces two themes: resilience and responsiveness. In resilience, individuals or communities run up against obstacles, imposed relevances, which they come to terms with, or give meaning to (in phenomenological parlance), by modifying, evading, overcoming, or accepting them. Responsiveness emerges from Schutz’s idea of making music together, which the author takes further by analyzing the mimetic encounter with the other and the asymmetries in listening to music, and, especially, by showing how the features of the cognitive style of music as a province of meaning affect sociality, disposing us to be more vulnerable and attentive to each other’s non-conceptual, musical meanings. This text appeals to upper-level undergraduate students and graduate students as well as to faculty in philosophy.
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  • 48
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031444906
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 470 p. 19 illus., 2 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Outstanding Contributions to Logic 27
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Logic. ; Mathematical logic.
    Abstract: Chapter 1. Introduction (Jacek Malinowski and Rafał Palczewski) -- Chapter 2. Biogram (Janusz Czelakowski) -- Chapter 3. Section of logic in Łódź 1982–1992 (Jacek Malinowski) -- Part 1: Surveys -- Chapter 4. Janusz Czelakowski’s research on the theory of matrices and its applications in the seventies and eighties of the 20th century (Josep Maria Font and Ramon Jansana) -- Chapter 5. A gentle introduction to the Leibniz hierarchy (Tommaso Moraschini) -- Chapter 6. Czelakowski’s work on quasivarieties (Miguel Campercholi and Diego Castaño) -- Chapter 7. On J. Czelakowski’s contributions to quantum logic and the foundation of quantum mechanics (Davide Fazio) -- Chapter 8. Actions and deontology: Janusz Czelakowski on actions and their assessment (Fengkui Ju and Piotr Kulicki) -- Part 2: Research -- Chapter 9. Assertional logics and the Frege hierarchy (Hugo Albuquerque and Ramon Jansana) -- Chapter 10. Characterization of strong day implication systems (Sergey Babenyshev) -- Chapter 11. SCI – Sequentcalculi, cut elimination and interpolation property (Andrzej Indrzejczak) -- Chapter 12. Some more theorems on structural entailment relations and non-deterministic semantics (Carlos Caleiro, Sérgio Marcelino, and Umberto Rivieccio) -- Chapter 13. Boolean-like algebras of finite dimension: From Boolean products to semiring products (Antonio Bucciarelli, Antonio Ledda, Francesco Paoli, and Antonino Salibra) -- Chapter 14. Logic of action from the perspective of knowledge representation (Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini, and Elise Perrotin) -- Chapter 15. Implication in sharply paraorthomodular and relatively paraorthomodular posets (Ivan Chajda, Davide Fazio, Helmut Länger, Antonio Ledda, and Jan Paseka) -- Chapter 16. My final comments to the volume (Janusz Czelakowski) -- Chapter 17. List of publications of Janusz Czelakowski.
    Abstract: This book is dedicated to the life and work of logician Janusz Czelakowski on the topic of logical consequence. It consists of three parts – a biography, a survey and research sections. The volume begins with an autobiographic chapter by Janusz Czelakowski followed by a historical chapter written by Jacek Malinowski. The survey section forms the backbone of the volume with each chapter covering one of Janusz Czelakowski’s results. They focus on his results in the area of logical consequence, demonstrate how his results influenced following research, and presents potential future results, problems and applications. This volume is of interest to logicians and mathematicians.
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  • 49
    ISBN: 9783031511462
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVIII, 442 p. 6 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Philosophical Studies Series 155
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Philosophy, Ancient. ; Philosophy
    Abstract: 1. To the Journey!’ Recollections of a Philosophical Career -- 2. Socrates, Athenian Citizen -- 3. ‘Childish-Frivolity’: Plato’s Socrates on the Interpretation of Poetry -- 4. Socrates’ Search for Self-Knowledge -- 5. The Guardians and the Law in Plato’s Republic -- 6. Appetites, Akrasia, and the Appetitive Part of the Soul in Plato’s Republic -- 7. Reason and the Good in Plato’s Republic -- 8. Relativization and Explanation: Two Responses to the Compresence of Opposites -- 9. From Actuality to Goodness: Aristotle’s Rejection of Hume’s Law -- 10. Is Aristotle’s Prime Mover an Efficient Cause by Touching Without Being Touched? -- 11. Aristotle and Huygens on Color and Light -- 12. Aristotle on Artificial Products -- 13. Reconciling Opposites: A Study of ὑπεναντίον in Aristotle -- 14. The Practicality of Aristotle’s Politics: Practical Science’s Independence from Theory -- 15. Aristotle, Egoism, and the Common Advantage -- 16. Aristotle and Rawls on Economic (In)equalities and Ideal Justice -- 17. Dealing with Aristotle’s Indefensible Ideas -- 18. On Revisiting “Epicurus on the Art of Dying”.
    Abstract: This collection of original articles draws from a cross section of distinguished scholars of ancient Greek philosophy. It is focussed primarily on the philosophy of Aristotle but comprises as well studies of the philosophy of Socrates, Plato, and Epicurus. Its authors explore a range of complementary topics in value theory, moral psychology, metaphysics, natural philosophy, political theory, and methodology, highlighting the rich and lasting philosophical contributions of the thinkers investigated. Opening with an engaging intellectual autobiography of its honoree, Fred D. Miller, Jr., the volume offers treatments of Socrates as a citizen; Plato’s attitude towards poetry; Socratic self-knowledge; Plato’s conception of law in his Republic; explorations of reason, goodness, and moral conduct in Plato; Platonic metaphysics; Aristotelian causation; Aristotelian metaphysics and normativity; natural philosophy in Aristotle; Aristotelian logic; political theory and approaches to justice in Aristotle’s Politics; methodological reflections on how best to approach Aristotle’s indefensible ideas; and closes with a reconsideration of Epicurus on death and the art of dying. Altogether, the volume reflects the richness of the ongoing community of philosophical scholars dedicated to reconstructing, assessing, and criticizing the principal philosophers of the ancient world, whose epoch-forming explorations of the key elements of human life—considered socially, politically, psychologically, and metaphysically—remain topics of lively investigation today. It will be of interest to philosophers of many stripes, including those with a primary interest in ancient philosophy but extending as well to those with systematic interests in the themes it explores. This volume will be a valuable addition to all libraries serving communities dedicated to researching and studying the origins of Western philosophy.
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  • 50
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031501098
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIII, 293 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology 34
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Pragmatics. ; Philosophy. ; Linguistics. ; Cognitive science. ; Logic.
    Abstract: Pt. 1 - Philosophical approaches.-Chapter 1. Wayne Davis. “Cheap Propositions”.-Chapter 2. Alessandro Capone. “On the distinction between reference and referential presupposition”.-Chapter 3. Nathan Salmón. “Synonymy” -- Chapter 4. Nathan Salmón. “Sleeping Beauty: Awakenings, Chance, Secrets, and Video”.-Chapter 5. Grace G. Campbell. “Situated Agency and Constitutive Moral Luck”.-Chapter 6. Richard Warner. “Pragmatics and Semantics: Grice 1968, Schiffer 2015, Schiffer 1972”.-Chapter 7. Denis Delfitto (Corresponding Author) and Maria Vender. “Puzzling data, beautiful computations: A new analysis of when ‘or’ means ‘and’”.-Chapter 8. Dennis Kurzon. “FAILED DIRECTIVES and FATAL COMMISSIVES. Speech act analysis of Oscar Wilde’s Salome.-Pt. 2 - Inferential and cognitive pragmatics.-Chapter 9. Paola Radici Colace. “For a definition of hyperbola on the scene of ancient Greek theater: situations and lexicon” -- Chapter 10. Keith Allan. “The semantics and pragmatics of names and naming” -- Chapter11. Luigi Pavone. “An inscriptional account for mixed quotation” -- Chapter 12. Louise Cumming. “Cognitive Aspects of Pragmatics Disorders” -- Chapter 13. Caterina Scianna. “Irony as a complex social phenomenon”.-Chapter 14. Roberto Graci. “Exploring the neurological substrates of pragmatics: insights from neuroscience”.-Chapter 15. Daniele Panizza. “Presuppositions in indirect reports: a window into the semantics/pragmatics interface”.
    Abstract: This book contains essential contributions to enrich and broaden the application field of pragmatics. It provides an example of how the fruitful reflections and refined conceptual distinctions born in the philosophical field can find a practical application in addressing social, cognitive, clinical, and psychological problems. Its chapters address, from different points of view, the relationship between pragmatic linguistics and philosophy, and outline the possible application of pragmatic theories to different domains. Developed during the third Pragmasophia international conference, whose name is derived from the Greek terms πρᾶγμα (action, fact) and σοϕία (knowledge, science), the book aligns itself with its aim to study human actions and activities and how they take shape through language. But ‘Pragma’ and ‘Sophia’ also signal another purpose: highlighting the importance of creating links between empirical investigations on language use, and more traditional philosophical approaches. In this reading, ‘Pragma’ represents the experimental goal devoted to analysing and interpreting language facts. In contrast, the term ‘Sophia’ recalls the original vocation of past philosophers to pursue an ideal of ‘pure knowledge’, disconnected from any practical-economic interest. While maintaining the conference's original purpose of encouraging productive comparisons between different approaches, the book consists of two sections: first, on philosophical approaches, recalls more theoretical aspects (closer to the term ‘Sophia’); the second, ‘Inferential and Cognitive Pragmatics,’ addresses more practical issues affecting domains such as Greek literature, pragmatic disorders, dictionary entries, and speech analysis. The reader, whether in linguists, philosophy or psychology, obtains a complete overview of the most advanced current research lines, both theoretical and empirical, and thus contributes to broadening the scope of pragmatics.
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  • 51
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031570612
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XII, 76 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: SpringerBriefs in Philosophy
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Physics ; Philosophy ; Mathematics. ; History. ; Science
    Abstract: Chapter 1. Schuster’s interpretation of Descartes in Descartes Agonistes -- Chapter 2. Who was Descartes? -- Chapter 3. What is mathesis universalis? -- Chapter 4. What is method? -- Chapter 5. What is mathematical physics? -- Chapter 6. Arguments showing that Descartes’ physics was mathematical -- Chapter 7. Conclusion.
    Abstract: .
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  • 52
    ISBN: 9783031585050
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(IX, 148 p. 2 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Archimedes, New Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology 72
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Science ; Science ; Philosophy. ; Methodology.
    Abstract: Dedication -- Chapter 1. The characteristics and diversity of experimentation in the sciences (Catherine Allamel-Raffin, Jean-Luc Gangloff and Yves Gingras) -- Chapter 2. Experimentation in physics (Yves Gingras) -- Chapter 3. Experimentation in chemistry (Jean-Pierre Llored) -- Chapter 4. Experimentation in the life sciences (Laurent Loison) -- Chapter 5. Experimentation in psychology (Jean Audusseau) -- Chapter 6. Experimentation in sociology (Dominique Raynaud) -- Chapter 7. Experimentation in economics (Herrade Igersheim & Mathieu Lefebvre) -- Chapter 8. Experimentation in management science (Vincent Helfrich) -- Chapter 9. Experimentation in Medecine (Stéphanie Dupouy) -- Chapter 10. The medical clinic as an experimental practice (Jean-Christophe Weber) -- Chapter 11. Experimentation in Archeology (Nicolas Monteix).
    Abstract: This book takes a novel approach by highlighting comparative and long-term historical perspectives on experimental practice. The juxtaposition of accounts of natural, social, and medical experimentation is very enlightening, especially because the authors put the emphasis on the different kinds of objects of experimentation (physical matter, chemical reagents, social groups, organizations, sick individuals, archeological remains) and demonstrate how much the kinds of objects matter for the practice of experimentation, its methods, tools, and methodologies. Taken together, the chapters raise several fascinating questions for further study: What do these different approaches have in common? Why do we call them “experimentation”? What are the intersections among the fields and their developments? The volume engages philosophical approaches that are not well known to Anglophone readers (Bachelard, Bergson, Bernard, Canguilhem, among others) and brings to attention a wealth of Francophone secondary literature on past and present scientific experimentation. The collection fills a yawning gap in science, science studies, and philosophy of science teaching, making it particularly valuable philosophers and historians of science in all subfields.
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  • 53
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031536663
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(IX, 333 p. 2 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action 14
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Philosophy ; Philosophy, Medieval. ; Philosophy, Modern.
    Abstract: 1. Introduction: Grounding Then and Now (Magali Roques) -- 2. Ontological Priority and Grounding in Aristotle’s Categories (Riin Sirkel) -- 3. Grounding and Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics (Petter Sandstad) -- 4. Ground in Avicenna’s Logic (Paul Thom) -- 5. Abelard on Grounding in Ontology and Logic (Christopher J. Martin) -- 6. Grounding Medieval Consequence (Jacob W. Archambault) -- 7. Does a Stone Make Itself Heavy? A Thirteenth-Century Problem about the Causation of Proper and Inseparable Accidents (Simona Vucu) -- 8. Ockham on Priority and Posteriority (JT Paasch) -- 9. William of Ockham on Essential Dependence and Causation (Magali Roques) -- 10. The Incoherence of Ockham’s Ethics (Thomas M. Ward) -- 11. Up in the Air: Buridan’s Principled Rejection of Grounding (Calvin G. Normore) -- 12. Valid on Formal Grounds (Mikko Yrjönsuuri) -- 13. Two Kinds of Grounding? Suárez on Natural Resultance and Foundation (Stephan Schmid) -- 14. Some Work for a Theory of Grounding? (Ricki Bliss).
    Abstract: This book offers a selection of 13 case studies on how the notion of grounding helps illuminate philosophical discussions of our past with a special focus on debates of the Middle Ages. It thereby makes not only the case that the notion of grounding, which has become so widely debated in analytic metaphysics, has a long and venerable tradition, but also shows that this tradition has a lot to teach to contemporary philosophers of grounding. This is because the historical authors discussed in this volume – that is, Aristotle, Fazang, Boethius, Avicenna, Abelard, Aquinas, Scotus, Ockham, Buridan, Suárez, Leibniz, and others – suggested different types of non-efficient-causal explanations which are to be carefully distinguished. This volume illustrates how philosophy and history of philosophy can be mutually illuminating by showing that the terminology developed in the contemporary debate about grounding can help reconstruct philosophical discussions from Antiquity up to the Early Modern Period, and that these very discussions enrich, and in part challenge the contemporary debate about grounding. In this vein, it is an important reading for everyone interested in the history of grounding and the philosophical insights that this history might have left to us.
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  • 54
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031545573
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 378 p. 37 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Synthese Library, Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science 484
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Science ; Mathematical logic.
    Abstract: Introduction: Themes from Alan Weir (Stephan Leuenberger and Adam Rieger) -- 1. Memoir (Alan Weir) -- 2. Can Non-classical logic treat mathematics as exceptional? (Timothy Williamson) -- 3. Indeterminacy and Non-classical Logic (Alan Weir) -- 4. Neo-classical logic, cloisonnist vagueness, non-objectual truth (Elia Zardini) -- 5. The Umpire’s Dilemma and the Ashes of Realism (Neil Tennant) -- 6. Abstraction and modest reflection (Roy T. Cook) -- 7. Mass nouns and plural logic (Eric Snyder and Stewart Shapiro) -- 8. Formal proof, informal proof, formalism, and fictionalism (Mary Leng) -- 9. Mathematical naturalism and revisionism about mathematics (Marianna Antonutti Marfori) -- 10. Perspectives on the Universe (Graham Priest) -- 11. Elements of an alternative philosophy of set theory (Marcus Giaquinto) -- 12. Eliminativism about Phenomenology (Graham Peebles) -- 13. What is the skeptical solution? (Alexander Miller) -- 14. Truthmaker Equivalence (Stephan Krämer) -- 15. Scope and Probabilistic Reasoning: A Semantical Resolution of the Two-Envelope Paradox (Gary Kemp) -- 16. Representative Range Voting: How to Elect the First President of Scotland (Adam Rieger) -- Bibliography of Alan Weir’s Writings.
    Abstract: This book celebrates and explores some philosophical issues raised by the work of Alan Weir, who is Professor Emeritus at the University of Glasgow, having previously held positions at the Universities of Oxford, Edinburgh and Queen’s, Belfast. In a number of areas, Weir has elaborated strikingly original views which involve a radical departure from the mainstream. These include formalism in the philosophy of mathematics, and as well as naïve set theory, with a universal set, and a naïve theory of truth. In contrast to other contemporary defenders of the latter two theories, Weir rejects dialetheism and accepts classical rules for the logical connectives. He avoids contradictions by restricting certain structural inference rules, specifically some generalized versions of transitivity. In addition, Weir has developed radical versions of naturalism and physicalism (partly informed by his work on Quine) and perceptual realism. This collection includes contributions by a distinguished group of philosophers on Weir’s philosophy, as well as a memoir and a new essay on the philosophy of mathematics by Weir himself.
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  • 55
    ISBN: 9783031565953
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVI, 323 p. 111 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Synthese Library, Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science 485
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Logic. ; Philosophy. ; Mathematics. ; Computer science.
    Abstract: Part I: Translation of Quasi-matrix (quasi-functional) logic -- 1. Quasi-matrix (quasi-functional) logic (Yuriy Vasilievich Ivlev) -- Part II: Many-valued logics with indeterminacy -- 2. A Cartography of LFIs and Truth (Eduardo Barrio and Federico Pailos) -- 3. On Non-deterministic Functional Completeness (Arnon Avron) -- 4. Non-deterministic logic of generalized classical truth values (Oleg Grigoriev and Yaroslav Petrukhin) -- 5. Tableau systems for some Ivlev-like (quantified) modal logics (Marcelo E. Coniglio, Luis Fari˜nas del Cerro, and Newton M. Peron) -- 6. Plurivaluationism, Semantic Nondeterminism and Communication (Nicholas J.J. Smith) -- Part III: Many-valued and modal logics -- 7. Algebras and relational frames for G¨odel modal logic and some of its extensions (Tommaso Flaminio, Lluis Godo, Paula Mench´on, and Ricardo O. Rodriguez) -- 8. Many-Valued Modalities and Paraconsistency (Juliana Bueno-Soler, Walter Carnielli, and Abilio Rodrigues) -- 9. On Ivlev’s semantics for modality (Hitoshi Omori and Daniel Skurt) -- 10. Valuation semantics for some systems of non-normal modal logic (Cezar A. Mortari) -- 11. Efficient reasoning about knowledge and common knowledge (Andreas Herzig and Elise Perrotin).
    Abstract: This volume is a collection of essays related to the work of Professor Yuriy Vasilievich Ivlev, a distinguished Russian logician and philosopher renowned for his expertise in many-valued and modal logics. Notably, his groundbreaking work on quasi-matrices for logics, now recognized as non-deterministic matrices and non-deterministic semantics, emerged in the 1970s. From a philosophical standpoint, Ivlev’s research delves into the formal analysis of indeterminacy, offering a logical framework to understand how sequences of indeterminate events can yield determinate outcomes. The volume follows two complementary lines of research. Firstly, it serves as a platform for the exploration and discussion of Ivlev’s seminal contributions to the algebraic characterization of both normal and non-normal modal logics, aimed at making these insights accessible to an international audience. Secondly, it features contributions from esteemed logicians and philosophers worldwide, offering diverseperspectives on the logical analysis of indeterminacy. This comprehensive volume will appeal to scholars and researchers in logic, philosophy, and mathematics who are engaged in the study of many-valued and modal methodologies for modeling situations of indeterminacy.
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  • 56
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031594434
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VI, 98 p. 47 illus., 43 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Architecture. ; Urban policy. ; Transportation engineering. ; Traffic engineering. ; Internet of things. ; Medicine, Preventive. ; Health promotion.
    Abstract: Smart technologies for healthcare in smart cities -- Smart and healthy walking -- Smart technologies for gait detection and analysis -- Smart classifications for activity recognition and gait biometrics -- Walking in smart cities -- Smart technologies for fall detection and prevention.
    Abstract: This book examines smart technologies and their invaluable role in augmenting the walking experience of mobile users. From meticulously planned walking routes to precise footprint detection and analysis, as well as cutting-edge fall detection and prevention mechanisms, these intelligent technologies have the potential to revolutionize healthy and smart walking. Against the backdrop of the post-COVID-19 era, where unrestricted mobility has become pivotal for restoring normalcy, the demand for smart healthcare solutions has soared. The book explores latest advances in sensor technology, cloud computing, deep learning, and networking and related innovative applications that can leverage smart technologies to enhance healthy walking.
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  • 57
    ISBN: 9783031529627
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(V, 108 p. 13 illus., 8 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: PoliMI SpringerBriefs
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Technology ; User interfaces (Computer systems). ; Human-computer interaction. ; Technology ; Artificial intelligence.
    Abstract: Introduction: What Improving Technology through Ethics Means -- An Ethnographer Among the Engineers: Doing STS at a Technical University -- Future Medicine: Towards a More Conscious and Ethical Communication -- Data Quality, Data Diversity and Data Provenance: An Ethical Perspective -- Ethics-aware Application of Digital Technologies in the Construction Industry -- Drawing Together: Technology Development for Public Service -- Addressing Big Data Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa for Responsible AI Development -- Social and Technological Innovation: Cross-Fertilization Needed.
    Abstract: This book deals with the ethics of technology and addresses specific ethical problems related to some emerging technologies, mainly in the field of computer science (from machine learning models to extracting value from data to human–robot interaction). The contributions are authored mainly by scholars in ICT and other engineering fields who reflect on ethical and societal issues emerging from their own research activity. Thus, rather uniquely, the work overcomes the traditional divide between pure ethical theory that disregards what practitioners do and mere R&D practice that ignores what theorists conceptualize. Conversely, the reader is enabled to understand what ethics means when it is actually put into work by engineering researchers. The book arises from a joint program between MIT and Politecnico di Milano aimed at training early career researchers in addressing the ethical issues of technology and critically reflecting on the social impacts of the emerging, and even disruptive, technologies they are currently developing through their novel research. Overall, it aims at spreading the task of developing technologies that, from the beginning, are designed to be responsible for human life, society, and nature.
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  • 58
    ISBN: 9783031500855
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VI, 187 p. 17 illus., 12 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Philosophy of Engineering and Technology 46
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Technology ; Ethnology. ; Control engineering. ; Robotics. ; Automation.
    Abstract: 1. Diachronic Perspectives on Embodiment and Technology: Gestures and Artefacts – An Introduction -- 2. Playing with Arte(f)actors -- 3. The Ineffability of Motion in Robotics -- 4. Sophia the Robot as a Political Choreography to Advance Economic Interests: An Exercise in Political Phenomenology and Critical Performance-Oriented Philosophy of Technology -- 5. Gestures, Diagrams, and the Craft of Musical Composition -- 6. Describing Robot Gestures by Design and Agency: An Exploration with Dennett’s Stances -- 7. The Philosophy of Gesture and Technological Artefacts -- 8. The Orchestration of Bodies and Artifacts in French Family Dinners -- 9. Towards an Ecology of Gesture: A Review (and some Promising Paths) -- 10. Petrified Practice: Is there a Vernacular Choreography of Neanderthal Movements? -- 11. The logos of techné — A Case for Technology as Interdisciplinary Anthropology.
    Abstract: This book investigates the relationships between gestures and artefacts theoretically and historically, by analyzing different phenomena stemming from a variety of fields such as robotics, archaeology, gesture studies, anthropology, philosophy, and gestural practices like choreography, music performance, and composition. It underlines how embodiment and technology change the interplay between maker and artefact over time and appeals to students and researchers in these fields. Its goal is to enable the reader to understand that the recurring topics and questions as well as multi-level similarities are by no means accidental, but can best be understood if one pays attention to the intertwinements of materiality and cognition, praxis and techne.
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  • 59
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031522925
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XXVIII, 256 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Issues in Science and Religion: Publications of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology 8
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Religion ; Analysis (Philosophy). ; Religion. ; Religion and sociology. ; Naturalism. ; Social sciences.
    Abstract: Preface (Mark Harris) -- Introduction (Anne Runehov and Michael Fuller) -- Chapter 1. Curricular Evanescence: Theology, Philosophy, and the Study of Religion (Ab De Jong) -- Chapter 2. The Role of the Humanities in hermeneutic-anthropological perspective (Marcus Düwel) -- Chapter 3. The formation of religion vs. science in the late 19th century (Dirk Evers) -- Chapter 4. Is Compatibilist Freedom Meaningful Freedom? (Jenny Gillett) -- Chapter 5. Types of Transcendence: Their relevance for science-religion discussions (Niels Henrik Gregersen) -- Chapter 6. Clarity and Humility within and among Human Ways of Knowing (Tom Hastings) -- Chapter 7. From Contingency to Multiverses. A Theological Provocation (Michael Heller) -- Chapter 8. Silence and Silencing in democratic public spheres (Odile Heynders) -- Chapter 9. The Demon and the Mars Rover: the Varieties of Curiosity (Alfred Kracher) -- Chapter 10. Changing the planetary conversations: evolutionary and religious narratives of creationand evil (Anne Kull) -- Chapter 11. Christology and the Modern World. Poetry, Arts, Science and Jesus the Christ (Hubert Meisinger) -- Chapter 12. Is theology becoming more science-like when approaching science? A reconfiguration of humanities (Lluis Oviedo) -- Chapter 13. Willem Drees and the Varieties of Naturalism (Arthur Petersen) -- Chapter 14. The Science and Religion dialogue as an interdisciplinary endeavor (Knut-Willy Saether) -- Chapter 15. Faith as Commitment (Marcel Sarot) -- Chapter 16. Creation: beyond nothing and now (Christopher Southgate).
    Abstract: This book collects a multidisciplinary range of contributions focusing on the prolific and seminal work of Willem Drees in the fields of philosophy of religion, philosophy of the humanities, and science and theology/religion. Trained in both theoretical physics and theology/philosophy of religion, Drees holds doctoral degrees in both theology and in philosophy and, amongst other distinguished positions, held professorships at the University of Leiden and at the University of Tilburg. Drees was also Editor-in-Chief of Zygon, Journal of Religion & Science, between 2008 and 2018, and served as President of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology (ESSSAT) between 2002 and 2008. In 2018, he was elected as member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW). This contributed volume builds on Drees’ expansive and provocative scholarly contributions, notably around the concept and meaning of naturalism and the humanities to the fields of science and religion, as exemplified by his works Religion, Science and Naturalism (1996) and What Are the Humanities For? (2021). In a time where more and more young people across the globe are entering higher education such cross-disciplinary explorations and (re-)evaluations are vital to the field. Accordingly, by approaching his work from a variety of disciplines this collection illuminates the broad reach of Drees’ work and provides scholars from various fields with many new and rich opportunities avenues for research.
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  • 60
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031583926
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XI, 76 p.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy 41
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Ethics. ; Forensic sciences. ; Medical sciences. ; Criminology.
    Abstract: Introduction -- Ethical Principles -- Ethical Culture in Forensic Science -- Examining Sexual Assault Investigations -- Examining DNA Databases -- Reasoning with Semiotics -- Improving Ethical Reasoning.
    Abstract: This book explores the impact of ethical reasoning in forensic science and demonstrates that it is in fact a foundational skill required by those engaged in the field. Forensic science is viewed as a mechanism to aid the criminal justice system in finding truth, but failures within the field contribute to the growing injustice facing society. The author recognizes these failings and brings a new perspective by establishing bioethical principles as a foundation for improving ethical reasoning skills. These skills are a critical component of forensic science education for upcoming professionals. While other books focus on egregious cases of ethical misconduct, this text highlights the daily decisions and issues that occur during the forensic investigation and analysis processes. It is written for future forensic professionals and forensic science educators, as well as those individuals already working in the forensic science field.
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  • 61
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031556265
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XI, 158 p.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Theology. ; Catholic Church. ; Religion ; Metaphysics.
    Abstract: Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: God -- Chapter 3: Nature -- Chapter 4: Man -- Chapter 5: Conclusion/Appendix.
    Abstract: In Pascal's God and the Fragments of the World, Martin Nemoianu offers a new interpretation of the thought of Blaise Pascal, drawn from the Pensées and beyond. The book takes Pascal's central theme to be the distinction - Infini rien - between the transcendent God and the created world, which, without God, would be nothing. Nemoianu identifies the distinction in Pascal, articulates it, and works through the difficulties attending the distinction's disclosure. He then considers the implications of the distinction for the nature of nature and the nature of the human being, culminating in the ideal of martyrdom. The book closes with treatment of a closely related theme: the relation between human freedom and divine grace, in the context of the vexed question of Pascal's Jansenism. Martin Nemoianu is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Loyola Marymount University, USA.
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  • 62
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031562150
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVI, 257 p. 29 illus.)
    Edition: 2nd ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Springer Graduate Texts in Philosophy 4
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Mathematics ; Mathematical logic. ; Computer arithmetic and logic units. ; Logic. ; Mathematics.
    Abstract: Part I: Logic, Sets, and Numbers -- Chapter 1. First-order Logic -- Chapter 2. Logical seeing -- Chapter 3. What is a Number? -- Chapter 4. Seeing the Number Structures -- Chapter 5. Points, Lines, and the Structure of R -- Chapter 6. Set Theory -- Part II: Relations, Structures, Geometry -- Chapter 7. Relations -- Chapter 8. Definable Elements and Constants -- Chapter 9. Minimal and Order-Minimal Structures -- Chapter 10. Geometry of Definable Sets -- Chapter 11. Where Do Structures Come From? -- Chapter 12. Elementary Extensions and Symmetries -- Chapter 13. Tame vs. Wild -- Chapter 14. First-Order Properties -- Chapter 15. Symmetries and Logical Visibility One More Time -- Part III: Inference, Models, Categoricity and Diversity -- Chapter 16. Logical Inference -- Chapter 17. Categoricity -- Chapter 18. Counting Countable Models -- Chapter 19. Infinitary Logics -- Chapter 20. Symmetry and Definability -- Appendices -- Bibliography -- Index.
    Abstract: This textbook is a second edition of the successful, Mathematical Logic: On Numbers, Sets, Structures, and Symmetry. It retains the original two parts found in the first edition, while presenting new material in the form of an added third part to the textbook. The textbook offers a slow introduction to mathematical logic, and several basic concepts of model theory, such as first-order definability, types, symmetries, and elementary extensions. Part I, Logic Sets, and Numbers, shows how mathematical logic is used to develop the number structures of classical mathematics. All necessary concepts are introduced exactly as they would be in a course in mathematical logic; but are accompanied by more extensive introductory remarks and examples to motivate formal developments. The second part, Relations, Structures, Geometry, introduces several basic concepts of model theory, such as first-order definability, types, symmetries, and elementary extensions, and shows how they are used to study and classify mathematical structures. The added Part III to the book is closer to what one finds in standard introductory mathematical textbooks. Definitions, theorems, and proofs that are introduced are still preceded by remarks that motivate the material, but the exposition is more formal, and includes more advanced topics. The focus is on the notion of countable categoricity, which analyzed in detail using examples from the first two parts of the book. This textbook is suitable for graduate students in mathematical logic and set theory and will also be of interest to mathematicians who know the technical aspects of the subject, but are not familiar with its history and philosophical background. .
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  • 63
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031522314
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 316 p. 2 illus., 1 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science 60
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Knowledge, Theory of. ; Philosophy of mind. ; Metaphysics.
    Abstract: Part 1: Chapter 1. An Exposition of Reformed Empiricism -- Chapter 2. Discussion of Gupta’s “An Exposition of Reformed Empiricism -- Part 2: Chapter 3. "Perceiving that p" - Capacities, Opportunities and Hindrances -- Chapter 4. Discussion of Kern’s “’Perceiving that p’ - Capacities, Opportunities and Hindrances” -- Part 3: Chapter 5 -- Chapter 6. Discussion of Peacocke’s -- Part 4: Chapter 7. Capacities First: Epistemic Externalism without Epistemic Disjunctivism -- Chapter 8. Discussion of Susanna Schellenberg’s “Capacities First: Epistemic Externalism without Epistemic Disjunctivism”. Part 5: Chapter 9. Two Conceptions of Perceptual Justification: Do their Differences matter? -- Chapter 10. Discussion of Wright’s “Two Conceptions of Perceptual Justification: Do their Differences matter?”.
    Abstract: The volume offers a lively and wide-ranging debate on the major questions of perceptual epistemology, including how perceptual experiences can bestow positive epistemic standing to empirical judgments and beliefs; the relative epistemic import of veridical and non-veridical perceptual experiences; the relation between experience and knowledge; and the nature of experience in view of its epistemic linkages to discursive contents. The volume is centered around five cutting-edge essays by leading authors in these areas—Anil Gupta, Andrea Kern, Christopher Peacocke, Susanna Schellenberg and Crispin Wright—along with no less than thirty contributions scrutinizing and critically discussing the essays, prompting detailed rejoinders from the lead authors. The volume closes with an extensive debate between Annalisa Coliva, Gupta and Wright. Taken as a whole, the volume covers much ground in epistemology of perception and displays a variety of approaches and perspectives through fruitful and accessible exchanges. It will be of interest not only to researchers working in perceptual epistemology but also to students new to the subject.
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  • 64
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031511165
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 148 p. 84 illus., 12 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Anticipation Science 8
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Biology ; Mathematical logic. ; Biological models. ; Philosophy.
    Abstract: Preface -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Category Theory -- 3. The Modeling Relation in Science -- 4. Relational Models -- 5. Simple Systems and Complex Systems -- 6. Anticipatory Systems -- 7. (M, R) – Systems -- 8. The Realization Problem -- Appendix: J. S. Hofmeyr’s (F, A) – Systems -- Bibliography.
    Abstract: This book focuses on Robert Rosen’s contributions to relational system theory, which is the science of organization and function. This science was originally developed by Nicolas Rashevsky, and further developed by Rashevsky’s student Robert Rosen, and continues to be developed by Rosen’s student A. H. Louie amongst others. Due to its revolutionary character, it is often misunderstood, and to some, controversial. The formal and conceptual setting for Rosen’s relational system theory is category theory. Rosen was the first to apply category theory to scientific problems, outside of pure mathematics, and the first to think about science from the point of view of category theory. To better understand the work of Rosen, this book provides an overview of his theory of modeling, complexity, anticipation, and organism. It presents the foundations of this science and the philosophical motivations behind it along with conceptual clarification and historical context in order to present Rosen’s ideas to a wider audience.
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  • 65
    ISBN: 9783031594274
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XII, 164 p. 20 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Research for Policy, Studies by the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Political ethics. ; Bioclimatology. ; Social justice. ; Climatology.
    Abstract: Distributing climate costs fairly -- Distributive justice -- Distributing the Dutch reduction targets -- Energy transition subsidies -- Flood protection policies -- Damage after extreme rainfall -- Procedural justice and distributive issues -- Public perspectives of distribution issues -- Distributive justice in climate policy.
    Abstract: This open access book is looking into ways to achieve just climate policy within a country. The authors of this monograph share a unique, timely and original vision: continuous support for climate policy is more likely to emerge when citizens find that the distribution of the bill for climate costs is fair. But what is a fair distribution of climate costs? This is an important question because financial costs of mitigation (reducing greenhouse gases), adaptation (adapting to climate change) and damage (compensating or compensating after weather extremes) increase significantly in the coming decades. Drawing on philosophy and ethics, the authors propose ten principles for achieving just distributions of domestic climate costs. Examples of such principles are individual responsibility, the polluter pays, greatest utility and capacity to pay. Yet what a fair distribution is, depends on, for example, political preferences and the policy issue at hand. Empirical research on designing climate policies, however, shows that distributive principles are not part of the political, policy, and public discussions. The authors therefore argue that explicit attention to principles of just distribution at the start of a policy process contributes to support for climate policy. This book provides tools to professionals and students to achieve justice in climate policy.
    Note: Open Access
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  • 66
    ISBN: 9783031591358
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XII, 150 p. 20 illus., 17 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: SpringerBriefs in Philosophy
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Science ; Sustainability. ; Ecology .
    Abstract: Chapter 1. Introduction: Causation in Social-Ecological Systems -- Part I: Semantics of causal expressions -- Chapter 2. Causal Talk Permeates Ordinary Language -- Chapter 3. Causal Talk is Fundamental -- Chapter 4. Causation, Counterfactual Dependence and Potential Outcomes -- Part II: Causation in Science -- Chapter 5. Causal Relations and Causal Relata in Science -- Chapter 6. Causation, Laws and Regularities -- Chapter 7. Inferences from Statistics to Causation -- Chapter 8. Causal Explanations -- Part III: Causation in Complex SES -- Chapter 9. Causation in Social-Ecological Systems Research -- Part IV: Appendices -- A How Does a Theory Relate to Reality? -- B Models -- C. Confidence Intervals and Correlations.
    Abstract: This open access book is about causal thinking and the use of causal language, with a focus on introducing philosophical ideas about causation to students and researchers of Social-Ecological Systems (SES). It takes a systematic approach to three central topics: the meanings of different causal expressions, sufficiency of evidence for inferences from observations to causal relations, and how to handle the complexity of causal relations in social-ecological systems. Consequently, the book is divided into three parts. In the first part the authors analyse and discuss the use of causal idiom in ordinary language, and in the second part they scrutinise the use of causal concepts and causal inference in science. Finally, the authors discuss causal reasoning about social-ecological systems in multi- and interdisciplinary contexts. This book provides an analysis of the concept of causation useful in the empirical sciences, where causal notions and idioms often are used without sufficient reflection. Empirical sciences often use causal idiom drawn from ordinary language, and similarly there is little formalisation of causal language and technical concepts in the humanities and social sciences. This book is a valuable resource for the application of current philosophical discussions about the concept of causation, in particular when applied to the analysis of social-ecological systems, but also when applied to research in the sciences and humanities.
    Note: Open Access
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  • 67
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031599590
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVIII, 175 p.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress 29
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Architecture. ; Semiotics.
    Abstract: Part I Architecture as Poetic Creation -- Chapter 1 Contemporary Views on Architectural Creation A New Paradigm -- Chapter 2 Architectural Creation A Dichotomic Approach -- Part II The Architect as Poeta Faber Filarete and Christopher Alexander -- Chapter 3 Poíēsis and Faber Engaging the Material Aspect of Architectural Creation -- Chapter 4 Poíēsis and Poeta Toward a Perceptive and Symbolic Recovery of Architectural Creation -- Part III Postlude Didactic Poíēsis -- Chapter 5 Toward an Architectural Education Guided by Poíēsis -- Chapter 6 Embodying Poíēsis in Contemporary Architectural Education.
    Abstract: This volume explores the meaning of the architectural creative act, following the dynamics of the relationship between creator-creative act-creation and the way in which architecture is defined over time, as a creative act both material and symbolic. Two protagonists, Antonio Averlino (Filarete) and Christopher Alexander, are singled out under the guiding concepts of poíēsis and poeta faber. The book initiates a dialogue over time between their works and concepts, engaging two cultures, the Renaissance and the contemporary, symbolically chosen for their importance in redefining the profession through the prism of its relation to the architectural creative act. The core idea revolves around rediscovering the humanistic approach to architecture in and for the contemporary context, and using it in order to better understand architectural creation. This text appeals to students and researchers working in the history and theory of architecture, product, industrial design, and semiotics.
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  • 68
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031585098
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XII, 238 p. 23 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress 28
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Music theory.
    Abstract: 1 Theme The Search for the Universal -- 2 Analysis Distributional analysis, advantages and limitations Its provisional relevance in the search for archetypes -- 3 Animal polyphonies Universality of polyphonies Analogy with animal choirs and duets Possible purposes -- 4 Archetype Where to look for the models of human musical nature? -- 5 Convergence Analogies or homologies between animal signals and human music The shortcomings of culturalism, and in particular of diffusionism -- 6 Fixed forms The formal organisations of poems are sonorous and concern the problem of the common origins of music and language The forms of repetition constitute their essential part -- 7 Genotype Shorthand and programmes Animal and human examples of alternation and conflict -- 8 Innate Interaction of the innate and the acquired Archetypes as innate schemes -- 9 Language and music Hypothesis of common origin, explaining strong formal analogies Mantras, glossolalies, lettrism Language models for the composer -- 10 Litany Close union of language and music in the litany The four magical, laudative, didactic and rhetorical functions, and their links with musical forms -- 11 Models Pure music or external models Antiquity of problems, from Plato to Rousseau Global models and analysis -- 12 Modernity Modernity and individualism Post-modernity and pastism -- 13 Myth Mythical level and archetype Evolutionism and transmission of archetypes Myth as a minimum common to all cultures -- 14 Nature Noise and nature Culturalism and naturalism Third phenomenological way -- 15 Ostinato Primary impulses and cultural developments of ostinato -- 16 Phenotype: The universality of certain sound forms refers to universal processes These alone can explain the very strong similarities found in cultures with no historical contacts -- 17 Playing music Communication and playing associated with the source of the music Music and sound ecology -- 18 Refrain Refrain and stanza Formalism and expression across different languages and poetic and musical styles Problems of multiple and varied refrains The refrain as a way of controlling time -- 19 Repetition A musical universal of primary importance A musician’s reading of some metaphysicians and aestheticians Repetition, innovation, learning: music as an image of life -- 20 Speaking instruments A brief overview of whistled and drummed languages, etc, at the crossroads of play, language and music -- 21 Strophe A universal form, also present in many bird songs Phenotype or genotype? -- 22 Style From impersonal archetype to originality Archetypes and stereotypes: the need for a hierarchy of values -- 23 Universal The need for a universal musicology Methods of approach and criteria of universality: phenotypes, genotypes, archetypes -- 24 Variation Synthesis of myth and history The “material” as a reification of schemas from the unconscious, and variation as a conscious treatment Failure of music where nothing varies as well as music where everything varies Universality of certain processes of variation -- 25 Zoömusicology New bioacoustic knowledge and musicological skills Distributional analysis and acoustic and functional categorisation Animal syntagms and paradigms, musical analogies.
    Abstract: This translation of Musique au singulier (2001) from the French identifies what is common to music of all times and cultures. The author, François-Bernard Mâche is a composer and internationally renowned musicologist. He addresses the question of universals in music and demonstrates how musical play is a poetic and natural game that already takes shape in the animal world. Mâche invites the reader to reconsider the traditional opposition between nature and culture and to reflect on experiencing such intense emotions when both listening to and manipulating sounds. This title appeals to students and researchers working in musicology.
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  • 69
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031568022
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 249 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics 36
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Agriculture. ; Applied ethics. ; Bioclimatology. ; Environmental education. ; Botany.
    Abstract: Part I. Concepts and Visions of Greentopia, Introduction: Greentopia as a Methods to Envision the Human-Nature-Interface -- There is just not Enough Planet to Own: On the Need for Scarcity-Oriented Concepts of Property -- Greentopia: The Agrarian Vision -- Can We Envision a Greentopia in the Anthropocene? -- Reading “Greentopias” to Make the World Livable Again? Sustainable Societies, Stories of Survival and the “Rescue Fantasy” at the Heart of Utopianism -- Green Utopianism: Facing the Climate Crisis, Inhabiting the Anthropocene -- Ecotopianism: A Philosophical Conception -- Part II. Implementing Greentopia, A Better Wilderness? Ethical Questions and Social Ambivalences of Precision Livestock Farming -- Ecological and Related Health Crises as Symptoms of “Wrong Life”: Disturbance, Reflection and Cognitive Transformation -- In Conversation with Radioactive Plants. Reflecting on the Future of Contaminated Environments -- Greentopia in the Garden: From Paradise to Virtuous Practice -- Promoting Food Sovereignty and Security in the Sahel: Lessons from Indigenous Peoples -- Green and Smart Visions of Urban Futures.
    Abstract: Greentopia: Utopian Thought in the Anthropocene provides new ways of imagining the future interface between society and non-human nature and brings into focus the possibility of a peaceful coexistence. “Greentopia” is a mode of thought that takes us beyond mourning environmental degradation and ecological catastrophe. The absence of already-paved paths in the area gives space for a variety of experiments in thinking. The book interprets its subject, “Greentopia”, as a method of re-imagination, yet also as a very concrete practice. It brings together researchers from different areas to investigate environmental utopia from their respective angles. The present volume is of highest interest for environmental ethicists, but also of interest for anyone involved in current discourses on utopianism, life in the Anthropocene, environmental crises, the future of agriculture and green cities.
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  • 70
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031553042
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVIII, 286 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: The New Synthese Historical Library, Texts and Studies in the History of Philosophy 78
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
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    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Philosophy ; Philosophy, Medieval. ; Political science ; Ethics. ; Philosophy, Modern.
    Abstract: Chapter 1. Introduction: On the Conflict between the Common Good and Individual Good (Juhana Toivanen and Heikki Haara) -- Part I: Ancient and Medieval Philosophical and Theological Views -- Chapter 2. Honestum to Goodness(Calvin Normore) -- Chapter 3. Interpreting Aristotle’s Concept of the Common Good(Anthony Celano) -- Chapter 4. Medieval Monastic Ideas of the Compatibility between the Individual and the Common Good(Ritva Palmén).-Chapter 5. Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas on Charity and the Common Good(Iacopo Costa) -- Part II: "Common and Individual Good in Late Medieval Thought" -- Chapter 6. Convergences of Private Self-Interest and the Common Good in Medieval Europe: An Overview of Economic Theories, c. 1150–c. 1500(Cary Nederman) -- Chapter 7. Common Goods and the Common Good in John Duns Scotus(Nicolas Faucher) -- Chapter 8. Old Wine in New Wineskins: William Ockham and the Common Good in Context(Roberto Lambertini) -- Chapter 9. Is Socrates Permitted to Kill Plato? -- Part III: Common and Individual Good in Early Modern Philosophy(Juhana Toivanen) -- Chapter 10. Alignment of the Individual and Common Good in the Political Theory of Johannes Althusius(Jukka Ruokanen) -- Chapter 11. Individual and Common Utility within Grotius’s Theory of the State(Laetitia Ramelet) -- Chapter 12. The Compatibility of Individual and Common Good in Hobbes’s Philosophy(Alexandra Chadwick) -- Chapter 13. Self-Interest as a Source of the Common Good in Post-Hobbesian Natural Law(Heikki Haara) -- Chapter 14. Self-Interest and the Common Good in Early Modern Philosophy(Colin Heydt).
    Abstract: This open access volume provides an in-depth analysis of philosophical discussions concerning the common good and its relation to self-interest in the history of Western philosophy. The thirteen chapters explore both renowned and lesser-known thinkers from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century, covering also the relevant ancient background. By bridging the gap between the medieval and early modern periods, they provide fresh insights into how moral and political philosophers understood the concepts of the common good and self-interest, along with their ethical and political implications. The concept of the common good occupies a central role in philosophical reflections on the public and private dimensions of moral and social life in contemporary debates. By exploring the rich and diverse ways in which the relationship between the common good and self-interest has been understood, this volume has the potential to contribute to our ongoing efforts to critically discern the possibilities and limitations of these concepts in the present. Thus, the volume will be useful for scholars interested in the multi-layered role of the notion of the common good both in the history of philosophy and in contemporary moral and political philosophy.
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  • 71
    ISBN: 9783031578960
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIX, 145 p. 18 illus., 12 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: SpringerBriefs in Research and Innovation Governance
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Science ; Medical Ethics. ; Sustainability. ; Medical care.
    Abstract: Chapter 1. Leaving no-one behind in Research - The Introduction -- Chapter 2. Exclusion of Vulnerable Populations from Research? -- Chapter 3. Exclusion from Research – the complex dynamics around two vulnerable communities’ experiences of participation, inclusion, and exclusion in research -- Chapter 4. Vulnerability lost in translation? -- Chapter 5. Research without obtaining personal data for research purposes -- Chapter 6. Strengthening research teams through community researchers -- Chapter 7. Leaving no-one behind in Research – Recommendations for the Way Forward -- Book Backmatter.
    Abstract: Open access. This open-access book discusses vulnerability and the protection-inclusion dilemma of including those who suffer from serious poverty, severe stigma, and structural violence in research. Co-written with representatives from indigenous peoples in South Africa and sex workers in Nairobi, the authors come down firmly on the side of inclusion. In the spirit of leaving no one behind in research, the team experimented with data collection methods that prioritize research participant needs over researcher needs. This involved foregoing the collection of personal data and community researchers being involved in all stages of the research. In the process, the term ‘vulnerability’ was illuminated across significant language barriers as it was defined by indigenous peoples and sex workers themselves. The book describes a potential alternative to exclusion from research that moves away from traditional research methods. By ensuring that the research is led by vulnerable groups for vulnerable groups, it offers an approach that fosters trust and collaboration with benefits for the community researchers, the wider community as well as research academics. Those living in low-income settings, in dire situations that are summarized with the term ‘vulnerability’ know best what their problems are and which priorities they have. To exclude them from research for their own protection is a patronizing approach which insinuates that researchers and research ethics committees know best. The team from this book have shown that minimally risky and minimally burdensome research tailored towards the needs of highly marginalized and stigmatized communities can be scientifically valuable as well as inclusive and equitable. I congratulate them. Prof. Klaus Leisinger, President Global Values Alliance, Former personal advisor to Kofi Annan on corporate responsibility .
    Note: Open Access
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  • 72
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031509810
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 463 p. 29 illus., 12 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Outstanding Contributions to Logic 29
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    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Philosophy. ; Logic. ; Language and languages ; Mathematics ; Mathematical logic. ; Linguistics.
    Abstract: Chapter 1. Proof-theoretic semantics: An autobiographical survey (Peter Schroeder-Heister) -- Chapter 2. Grundlagen der Arithmetik, §17: Part 1. Frege’s anticipation of the deduction theorem (Göran Sundholm) -- Chapter 3. Frege’s class theory and the logic of sets (Neil Tennant) -- Chapter 4. The validity of inference and argument (Dag Prawitz) -- Chapter 5. Kolmogorov and the general theory of problems (Wagner de Campos Sanz) -- Chapter 6. Disjunctive syllogism without Ex falso (Luiz Carlos Pereira, Edward Hermann Haeusler and Victor Nascimento) -- Chapter 7. The logicality of equality (Andrzej Indrzejczak) -- Chapter 8. Eight rules for implication elimination (Michael Arndt) -- Chapter 9. Focusing Gentzen’s LK proof system (Chuck Liang and Dale Miller) -- Chapter 10. Intensional harmony as Isomorphism (Paolo Pistone and Luca Tranchini) -- Chapter 11. A note on synonymy in proof-theoretic semantics (Heinrich Wansing) -- Chapter 12. Paradoxes, intuitionism, and proof-theoretic semantics (Reinhard Kahle and Paulo Guilherme Santos) -- Chapter 13. On the structure of proofs (Lars Hallnäs) -- Chapter 14. Truth-value constants in multi-valued logics (Nissim Francez and Michael Kaminski) -- Chapter 15. Counterfactual assumptions and counterfactual implications (Bartosz Więckowski) -- Chapter 16. Some set-theoretic reduction principles (Michael Bärtschi and Gerhard Jäger) -- Chapter 17. Comments on the contributions (Peter Schroeder-Heister).
    Abstract: This open access book is a superb collection of some fifteen chapters inspired by Schroeder-Heister's groundbreaking work, written by leading experts in the field, plus an extensive autobiography and comments on the various contributions by Schroeder-Heister himself. For several decades, Peter Schroeder-Heister has been a central figure in proof-theoretic semantics, a field of study situated at the interface of logic, theoretical computer science, natural-language semantics, and the philosophy of language. The chapters of which this book is composed discuss the subject from a rich variety of angles, including the history of logic, the proper interpretation of logical validity, natural deduction rules, the notions of harmony and of synonymy, the structure of proofs, the logical status of equality, intentional phenomena, and the proof theory of second-order arithmetic. All chapters relate directly to questions that have driven Schroeder-Heister's own research agenda and to which he has made seminal contributions. The extensive autobiographical chapter not only provides a fascinating overview of Schroeder-Heister's career and the evolution of his academic interests but also constitutes a contribution to the recent history of logic in its own right, painting an intriguing picture of the philosophical, logical, and mathematical institutional landscape in Germany and elsewhere since the early 1970s. The papers collected in this book are illuminatingly put into a unified perspective by Schroeder-Heister's comments at the end of the book. Both graduate students and established researchers in the field will find this book an excellent resource for future work in proof-theoretic semantics and related areas.
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  • 73
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031604997
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VII, 149 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Science and Fiction
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Fiction. ; Technology ; Social evolution. ; Artificial intelligence.
    Abstract: The First Attempt -- The Second Attempt -- The Third Attempt -- Epilog -- Afterword by Hans Esselborn.
    Abstract: This book is a new English translation of the classic science fiction story written in 1961 by Herbert W. Franke, widely held to be the most important German-language science-fiction writer. A dead city on a distant planet, two groups of people trying to explore it. Step by step, they penetrate the outer ring with its ultra-modern technology, the half-ruined medieval city center and finally the mysterious center. But is the eerie city really dead? Suddenly the factories start working again, the automatons intervene, and somewhere in the background there is still something hidden that could perhaps awaken. But is it people or machines? Herbert W. Franke leads the reader into an oppressively strange world; only after the startling resolution does it become clear what lies behind the adventures of the intruders - not a cosmic strangeness, but a threatening development that could affect humans in the same way. Franke's novel is thus a parable of the evolution of all humans in the age of technical communication ...
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  • 74
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031624988
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XII, 150 p. 2 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: New Approaches to the Scientific Study of Religion 14
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    Keywords: Religion and science. ; Religion and sociology.
    Abstract: Chapter 1. Genealogy of reductionism -- Chapter 2. Overcoming reductionism -- Chapter 3. Pain, Life, and Theodicy -- Chapter 4. Pain and Suffering -- Chapter 5. Evolution, Pain, and the Quest for Understanding -- Chapter 6. God and Pain -- Chapter 7. Future of theodicy.
    Abstract: This book explores and sheds light on the contemporary discourse between science and religion. Employing the methodological approach of modern science, Overcoming Reductionism aims to explain natural phenomena not in isolation from philosophical or theological interpretations. The book then focuses on the concept of pain. Although pain is a phenomenon familiar to all humans, defining it exclusively in terms of nociception proves challenging. This book therefore delves into the intricate nature of the phenomenon, critically acknowledging the way pain profoundly influences the construction of one's existential meaning, particularly concerning matters of faith. The age-old quandaries of pain, suffering, and evil have troubled humans for countless generations. Perhaps never before have scientific inquiry and theological reflection experienced such a deep connection as in these times. Horvat and Roszak demonstrate the benefits of adopting a holistic approach while acknowledging the limitations of reductionist views. The reader will find here a meaningful quest for answers to profound existential questions while exploring uncharted territory. - -Professor John Anthony Berry (University of Malta) I highly recommend reading the book. Written in a clear, compact, rigorous and consistent manner, it develops one of the most intriguing and decisive problems of human existence: pain and suffering. An inexhaustible issue that needs to be permanently updated and re-signified at the pace of scientific advances and cultural changes, something that the authors Horvat & Roszak carry out in this book in a masterful way. -Professor Leandro Gaitán (University of Navarra).
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  • 75
    ISBN: 9783031418044
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(LIII, 204 p. 2 illus., 1 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Public Health Ethics Analysis 8
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Bioethics. ; Public health. ; Epidemiology.
    Abstract: Chapter 1: Introduction: Research Ethics and Health Policy in Epidemics and Pandemics -- Chapter 2: Setting Research Priorities -- Chapter 3: Research Quality and Dissemination -- Chapter 4: Boundaries Between Research, Surveillance and Monitored Emergency Use -- Chapter 5: Adapting and adaptive research. Chapter 6: Ethics Review Challenges -- Chapter 7: Ethical Issues Associated with Managing and Sharing Individual-Level Health Data During a Public Health Emergency -- Chapter 8: Dimensions of Vulnerability -- Chapter 9: Participant Recruitment, Consent and Post-Trial Access to Interventions -- Chapter 10: Afterword.
    Abstract: This open access casebook addresses complex and important ethical challenges arising when health-related research in conducted in the context of epidemics and pandemics. This book provides contextually-rich real-world case studies illustrating research ethics issues encountered by researchers, ethics reviewers and regulators around the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic. The accompanying commentaries outline relevant conceptual approaches and ethical considerations. These promote understanding and reflection on relevant ethical issues, ethical approaches and competing considerations in a manner supporting thoughtful evaluation of their implications for practice. As such the casebook is relevant to academic and professional audiences with an interest in global health, research ethics, and outbreaks and epidemics.
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  • 76
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031594052
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 95 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: SpringerBriefs in Ethics
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Ethics. ; Genetics. ; Islam. ; Medicine ; Biology
    Abstract: This open access book offers unique insights into the key ethical issues faced by practitioners and discussed by ethicists in the field of genomics and incidental findings, with a focus on the Islamic moral tradition. Embark on an enlightening exploration of key ethical challenges in genomics and incidental findings, uniquely tailored to the context of the Muslim Arab world. Following the regional scientific leap in genomic infrastructure, this study provides a timely response to the need for a solid evidence base that pairs scientific research with cutting-edge research in Islamic ethics. A variety of expert perspectives have been incorporated, which produce a holistic overview of the intricate, interwoven systems, including the status quo of genomic research in the Gulf region, related Islamic ethical deliberations, and, finally, the governing jurisdictions and regulations on the ground. This publication stands as a pioneer work for academics interested in various fields, including genomics, bioethics, and Islamic studies. It equally serves as an invaluable guide for practitioners and policy-makers, equipping them to make informed decisions that resonate with the socio-cultural and religio-ethical nuances of the Islamic tradition. Being multidisciplinary in nature, the study is written in such a way that makes it accessible for those without a specialized background in Islamic studies or genomics.
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  • 77
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031611131
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIII, 232 p. 11 illus., 7 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Science ; Philosophy of nature. ; Set theory. ; Physics ; Cosmology.
    Abstract: Chapter 1 Introduction -- Chapter 2 Mind is a Form of Animal Life The Essential Embodiment Theory Now -- Chapter 3 Physics For Humans Kant Physics and The Neo Aristotelian Natural Power Grid -- Chapter 4 The Incompleteness of Logic The Incompleteness of Physics and the Primitive Sourcehood of Rational Human Animals -- Chapter 5 Frame by Frame How Early 20th Century Physics Was Shaped by Brownie Cameras and Early Cinema -- Chapter 6 How to Complete Quantum Mechanics Or What It's Like To Be A Naturally Creative Bohmian Beable -- Chapter 7 Can Physics Explain Physics Anthropic Principles and Transcendental Idealism -- Chapter 8 A Neo-Organicist Approach to Formal Science The Case of Mathematical Logic -- Chapter 9 A Neo-Organicist Approach to The Löwenheim Skolem Theorem and Skolem’s Paradox -- Chapter 10 How To Solve Zeno’s Paradox of Motion Without Supertasks -- Chapter 11 Sensible Set Theory -- Chapter 12 Neo-Organicism and The Rubber Sheet Cosmos -- Chapter 13 A Philosophical Case For Holding That The Second Law of Thermodynamics is Only a Special Law of Nature, and Not a Universal Law -- Chapter 14 The Epiphenomenality of Natural Mechanical Systems and The Salvation of Everyday Objects -- Chapter 15 The Attunement Thesis and Cosmic Dignitarianism -- Chapter 16 Human Rationality, Consciousness, and Cosmology.
    Abstract: This book presents and defends an original and paradigm-shifting conception of formal science, natural science, and the natural universe alike, that’s fully pro-science, but at the same time neither theological or God-centered, nor solipsistic or self-centered, nor communitarian or social-institution-centered, nor scientistic or science-valorizing, nor materialist/physicalist or reductive, nor—above all—mechanistic. It does this by presenting and defending what Robert Hanna calls the neo-organicist turn, including manifest realism and the three sub-parts of metaphysical organicism: liberal naturalism, mind-life continuity, and explanatory inversion, whereby mechanical systems are explained by grounding them in organic systems, and not the other way around. Or more briefly and simply put, the purpose of this book is to present and defend science for humans. As such, it will be highly interesting and profoundly relevant to graduate students and specialist researchers in philosophy and the formal-&-natural sciences.
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  • 78
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    Cham : Springer International Publishing | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031615559
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 218 p.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 61
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
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    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Philosophy ; Science ; Knowledge, Theory of. ; Technology. ; History.
    Abstract: 1. Introduction -- 2. Reassessing the “Historical Turn” in Philosophy of Science -- 3. Contemporary Historical Epistemologies -- 4. What (Good) is French Historical Epistemology? -- 5. Bachelard’s “Normative Turn” in Epistemology -- 6. Canguilhem’s Historiography Of The Life Sciences -- 7. Foucault’s Archaeological History -- 8. Hacking’s Styles of Scientific Reasoning -- 9. Styles of Science, Styles of Philosophy.
    Abstract: This book explores the key conceptual stakes underpinning historical epistemology. The strong Anglophone interest in historical epistemology, since at least the 1990s, is typically attributed to its simultaneously philosophical and historical synthetic approach to the study of science. Yet this account, considered by critics to be an unreflective assumption, has prevented historical epistemology from developing a clear understanding and definition, especially regarding how precisely historical and philosophical reflections on the sciences should be combined. Thus, this book uniquely analyses how the problems and tensions inherent to the “contemporary” phase of historical epistemology can be clarified by reference to the “classical” French phase. The archaeological method of Michel Foucault, which draws on and transforms fundamental insights by Gaston Bachelard and Georges Canguilhem, is used to exert an enduring influence on the field—especially through the work of Ian Hacking and his philosophical cum historical analyses of “styles of scientific reasoning”. Though this book is of great value to academic specialists and graduate students, the fact it addresses questions broad in scope ensures it is also relevant to a range of scholars in many disciplines and will provoke discussion among those interested in foundational issues in history and philosophy of science.
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  • 79
    ISBN: 9783031455315
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVII, 176 p. 37 illus., 36 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Shortt, Richard S. Lethal risks and New Zealand police / ngā pirihimana o aotearoa
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Criminology. ; Crime ; Neuseeland ; Polizei ; Polizeibeamter ; Geschichte 1886-2019 ; Risiko ; Tod ; Gewalttätigkeit ; Schusswaffe
    Abstract: PART I The lethal risks context and how they are managed: Chapter 1 Introduction -- Chapter 2 Methodology -- Chapter 3 Risk Management and Lethal Risks – Organizational -- Chapter 4 Risk Management – Tactical -- PART II The nature of lethal risks between 1886 and 2019: Chapter 5 Environmental Variables: Population, Officer Numbers and Who Faces Lethal Risk? -- Chapter 6 Analysis: 1886 to 1999 (Publicly Available Reporting) -- Chapter 7 Analysis: 1886 to 1999 (Publicly Available Reporting) -- PART III Observations and thoughts regarding the research and the future: Chapter 8 Observations -- Chapter 9 Where To From Here? -- Chapter 10 Conclusion.
    Abstract: This book examines the lethal risks faced by police and traffic officers in Aotearoa New Zealand. It tracks lethal risk volume and type across 134 years of the New Zealand Police/Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa’s 137-year existence. Using data gathered from public records, official government reporting, and comparative studies, it reveals the current situation with regards to lethal risks from 1886 to 2019. The book identifies and presents two lethal risk hierarchies, the first for the period 1886-1999 and the second for the period 2000-2019. The hierarchies establish that the lethal risks faced come from: • Firearms • Assaults • And, potentially, cutting/stabbing attacks It determines that the nature of lethal risk has not changed, but rather the volume has reduced, meaning today’s officers are less likely to be harmed by lethal risk encounters than their predecessors were. This volume is an ideal starting point for researchers and practitioners interested in developing further scholarly research on lethal force and lethal risks faced by law enforcement officers and the organization they belong.
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  • 80
    ISBN: 9783031214912
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVII, 101 p. 13 illus., 12 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: SpringerBriefs in Law
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Information technology ; Mass media ; Private international law. ; Conflict of laws. ; International law. ; Comparative law. ; Artificial intelligence. ; Business ethics. ; Corporate governance.
    Abstract: 1. What is AI Ethics Management and Why Does it Matter? -- 2. AI Can Injure People and Damage Business Reputation -- 3. Why Companies Pursue AI Ethics Management -- 4. How to Draw Substantive Lines Between Ethical, and Unethical, Uses of AI -- 5. Management Structures and Processes for Achieving Responsible and Ethical AI -- 6. The Next Stage: AI for the Social Good -- 7. Conclusion.
    Abstract: This open access book explains how leading business organizations attempt to achieve the responsible and ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) and other advanced information technologies. These technologies can produce tremendous insights and benefits. But they can also invade privacy, perpetuate bias, and otherwise injure people and society. To use these technologies successfully, organizations need to implement them responsibly and ethically. The question is: how to do this? Data ethics management, and this book, provide some answers. The authors interviewed and surveyed data ethics managers at leading companies. They asked why these experts see data ethics as important and how they seek to achieve it. This book conveys the results of that research on a concise, accessible way. Much of the existing writing on data and AI ethics focuses either on macro-level ethical principles, or on micro-level product design and tooling. The interviews showed that companies need a third component: data ethics management. This third element consists of the management structures, processes, training and substantive benchmarks that companies use to operationalize their high-level ethical principles and to guide and hold accountable their developers. Data ethics management is the connective tissue makes ethical principles real. It is the focus of this book. This book should be of use to organizations that wish to improve their own data ethics management efforts, legislators and policymakers who hope to build on existing management practices, scholars who study beyond compliance business behavior, and members of the public who want to understand better the threats that AI poses and how to reduce them.
    Note: Open Access
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  • 81
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031441882
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIII, 378 p. 26 illus., 7 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Private international law. ; Conflict of laws. ; International law. ; Comparative law. ; Constitutional law. ; Law ; Law ; Comparative government.
    Abstract: Introduction -- Impeachment in History and Thought -- Impeachment in Latin America -- Legal Aspects of Impeachment in Comparison -- Conclusions.
    Abstract: This book pursues a comparative and interdisciplinary approach to assess presidential impeachments in Latin America. Mixing methodologies from legal studies and political science, it provides a novel and comprehensive assessment of some of the most controversial questions regarding the constitutional function of impeachment and its place in the theory of government. Presidential impeachments have become frequent in Latin America, yet they are still largely misunderstood by legal practitioners and the general public. As such, impeachments frequently provide for heated and polarizing debates. The misunderstandings stem from skewed expectations arising from different theories of government, legal interpretation, and presidential impeachment. The empirical evidence and arguments presented here will help to find common ground on these topics and pacify some latent tensions in society and academia. In addition, the book’s case studies cover cases that have been rarely or incompletely addressed in the literature. Some cover events so recent that they have never been analyzed elsewhere. The book proposes reconsidering certain assumptions made about systems of government, which are based on skewed expectations of impeachments. It also draws on new evidence to re-examine existing impeachment theories and develop new ones. By doing so, it offers valuable insights that may guide lawmakers to redesign their own systems, optimizing them to achieve certain goals. It will also acquaint legal practitioners with the strategies of prosecution, defense, and decision-making in connection with impeachments.
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  • 82
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    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031418730
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 292 p. 51 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Yearbook of Sustainable Smart Mining and Energy - Technical, Economic and Legal Framework 2
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
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    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Environmental law, International. ; Mining engineering. ; Climatology. ; Energy policy. ; Energy and state.
    Abstract: Thermodynamics,conservation, and transformation: a conceptual model of sustainability in the mining industry -- A Case Study on the Application of the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources on the Piampaludo Titanium Deposits -- A Sustainability Approach to Optimize the Closure of Continuous Surface Lignite Mines -- Lifecycle of Mine Water -- The German Federal Constitutional Court’s climate-decision and consequences for raw materials supply -- Climate change and the extraterritorial reach of the state duty to protect -- Corporate Climate Liability Clean Energy Transition in Africa's Mining Sector: A Rapid Reflection -- Ventilation on Demand in Brazilian underground mines: current situation and perspectives .-Sustainable activities assessment through Conceptual Sieving method: Case studies in Colombian mining -- The Mongolian Raw Materials Industry -- The importance of Sustainability Criteria for the Professional Education of Geo-engineers and the Role of Academic Institutions.
    Abstract: This book covers several aspects of the application of Sustainable Development Goals to mining related subjects. The included works range from methods to assess and implement sustainability to discussions of legal impacts and relations as well as technological developments and outlooks. First, the challenges and opportunities of clean energy transition in the African mining sector are described. With regard to the assessment of sustainable developments, this book includes the applications of the sieving method, the concept of thermodynamics and the United Nations Framework Classification to mining projects and case studies. The implementation of Sustainable Development Goals into academic project work and education of geo-engineers is covered as well. The legal topics contain discussions of corporate climate liabilities and extraterritorial legal responsibilities as well as an analysis of the impact of the German Federal Constitutional Court's climate decision. Important mining aspects and technological developments like proactive water management, sustainable approaches to mine closure and implementation of ventilation on demand in underground mines are described. In addition, the state and potential of the Mongolian raw materials industry is covered. The Sustainable Smart Mining and Energy Yearbook is not only aimed at researchers and professionals, but at all who want to get an overview of current important technical and legal topics in this field.
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  • 83
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031379598
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVII, 133 p. 33 illus., 6 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 427
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Computational intelligence. ; Artificial intelligence.
    Abstract: Introduction to Fuzzy Cognitive Maps -- Systemic Relationships Between Regional Sustainability and Waste Management -- Identification of the Main Factors (Concepts) of Waste Management for Building the Initial FCM Model -- Rethinking the Set of Concepts - Applying Expert Analysis by the Workshop Method -- Model Reduction Methods -- Text Mining Based on the Literature of Waste Management as the Source of a Reconstructed Time Series -- Behavioral Analysis of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps -- Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: Mathematical Challenges -- Dynamics of Classical Fuzzy Cognitive Maps -- Dynamics of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with Uncertain Weights.
    Abstract: This book is considered as a monograph but also as a potential textbook for graduate students, focusing on the application of FCMs for modelling and analysing the behaviour of multicomponent systems. In the last two decades, no monograph or textbook has been published on the topic Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM), so this new book is definitely filling a gap in the literature of computational intelligence. The book is built up didactically, the novel results in the field being presented in the way of starting with two real-life case studies, one in the area of waste management, while the other one in modelling bank management systems. In both cases, the book starts with explaining the applied problem and then presenting how the model construction is done and what problems emerge when attempts are made for applying directly earlier results on FCM modelling. In the first case study, the problem of the oversimplification leads to inadequacy of the model, and then it is shown how new, much finer models can be built up based on expert domain knowledge. Then, the new problem of losing transparency and interpretability emerges, and as a solution, a new algorithm family is proposed that reduces FCMs to fewer components, while preserving the essential characteristics of the original model. The second case study raises the problems of stability and sensitivity of FCMs, especially, considering that expert knowledge is often uncertain and subjective. The new results summarised in the book target the questions of how to ascertain whether an FCM is converging to one or several fixed point attractors, whether there is a bifurcation when parameters are changing, etc. Both problems deal with the ultimate question whether the system modelled is stable and sustainable.
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  • 84
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031388378
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XXI, 452 p. 11 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Economic and Financial Law & Policy – Shifting Insights & Values 8
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: International law. ; Trade regulation. ; Law and economics.
    Abstract: Chapter 1. The principles of capitalism questioned -- Chapter 2. Revisiting some building blocks of contemporary capitalism that center selfishness -- Chapter 3. Unsustainability of the capitalist socio-economic order -- Chapter 4. Revisiting an alternative method of money creation on behalf of states and certain, international, and supranational institutions as a possible way out of capitalism -- Chapter 5. From neoliberal punitive states to states of care -- Chapter 6. Alternative methods of money creation for the benefit of the private sectors -- Chapter 7. Conceptualization and sense of reality of some new, legal models for conducting an enterprise -- Chapter 8. Final Conclusions I: Capitalism as an unjust system of socio-economic order -- Chapter 9. Final Conclusions II: Establishing a new monetary order as a foundation for a new type of societies.
    Abstract: The book analyzes socioeconomic through the lens of a lawyer. In the past decade the world has witnessed some severe financial and economic crises, espe­cially the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The author states that the socio-economic order has in the past four to five decades been thoroughly redesigned, generally favouring models that prio­ritize the free market over the public interest or even, more generally, government operation. He works out that during four to five decades, globalized, capitalist societies are facing a multiplicity of fundamental problems, such as: (1) increasing debt that severely burdens both the private and public sectors; (2) persistent poverty and an ever-increasing polarization between rich and poor, in addition to (3) intractable environmental problems that, fifty years after the Club of Rome's report entitled ‘Limits to growth’ (1972), has dragged the world into what in recent years has been referred to as "climate change." The book explains why all this is the direct result of value choices made from the late Middle Ages onwards, when in the Western world the societal models of that time were increasingly abandoned for a societal model that came to rely on the primacy of economic interests. The book not only subjects the ethical choices but also examines various problems it has caused and probes for possible ways out. This is an open access book.
    Note: Open Access
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  • 85
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031425592
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIX, 301 p. 99 illus., 71 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Computational intelligence. ; Information storage and retrieval systems. ; Artificial intelligence. ; Quantitative research.
    Abstract: 1. Introduction to Session-Based Recommender Systems -- 2. Deep Learning Overview -- 3. Deep Discriminative Session-Based Recommender Systems -- 4. Deep Generative Session-Based Recommender Systems -- 5. Hybrid/Advanced Session-Based Recommender Systems -- 6. Learning to Rank in Session-Based Recommender Systems.
    Abstract: This book focuses on the widespread use of deep neural networks and their various techniques in session-based recommender systems (SBRS). It presents the success of using deep learning techniques in many SBRS applications from different perspectives. For this purpose, the concepts and fundamentals of SBRS are fully elaborated, and different deep learning techniques focusing on the development of SBRS are studied. The book is well-modularized, and each chapter can be read in a stand-alone manner based on individual interests and needs. In the first chapter of the book, definitions and concepts related to SBRS are reviewed, and a taxonomy of different SBRS approaches is presented, where the characteristics and applications of each class are discussed separately. The second chapter starts with the basic concepts of deep learning and the characteristics of each model. Then, each deep learning model, along with its architecture and mathematical foundations, is introduced. Next, chapter 3 analyses different approaches of deep discriminative models in session-based recommender systems. In the fourth chapter, session-based recommender systems that benefit from deep generative neural networks are discussed. Subsequently, chapter 5 discusses session-based recommender systems using advanced/hybrid deep learning models. Eventually, chapter 6 reviews different learning-to-rank methods focusing on information retrieval and recommender system domains. Finally, the results of the investigations and findings from the research review conducted throughout the book are presented in a conclusive summary. This book aims at researchers who intend to use deep learning models to solve the challenges related to SBRS. The target audience includes researchers entering the field, graduate students specializing in recommender systems, web data mining, information retrieval, or machine/deep learning, and advanced industry developers working on recommender systems.
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  • 86
    ISBN: 9783031558481
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VIII, 362 p. 157 illus., 134 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 950
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Computational intelligence. ; Artificial intelligence.
    Abstract: The current information society is transitioning to an intelligent society where real-world and real-data applications have a profound influence. Real-time computing has an enormous impact on the future information society. Unimaginable applications have been emerging in real-time applications in the last two years. Logical reasoning and inference-making activities by machines have become a reality. Complex and heterogeneous data are being processed and infused into machine intelligence, bringing machine intelligence equal to human intelligence. Real-time data and real-time intelligence are the crux of the current research. This book of 41 papers in real-time intelligent systems addresses various issues ranging from real-time algorithms to various applications in real-time intelligence. The contributions of this book will mark a significant impact in the near-future research in real-time intelligence.
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  • 87
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031519970
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 669 p. 86 illus., 65 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 223
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Computational intelligence. ; Technological innovations. ; Engineering mathematics. ; Engineering
    Abstract: How Men React to Social Media Marketing is New Evidence for Marketers -- THE MALAYSIAN PEOPLE'S WELL-BEING INDEX TRENDS FROM 2016-2022 -- GREEN INVESTING AND FINANCIAL EDUCATION: THE CASE OF CHINA'S A-SHARE MARKET -- Revitalizing China Rural Industries through Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education: A Conceptual Framework -- BUILDING A RESEARCH MODEL FOR THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ENTERPRISE INNOVATION VALUES AND EMPLOYEES INNOVATION BEHAVIOR: WITH INNOVATION SELF-EFFICACY AS A MEDIATOR -- Unpacking Financial Herding Behaviour: A Conceptual Study of Youth and Working Adults in Chongqing, China -- Systematic Literature Review: Behavioural Biases as The Determinants of Herding -- Conceptual Framework: Understanding the Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on Investor Behavior in China's Renewable Energy Sector -- THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN INTEREST RATES, VOLATILITY, AND HERDING: INSIGHTS FROM THE CHINESE SHANGHAI STOCK MARKET -- THE ROLE OF VOLATILITY IN MEDIATING THE IMPACT OF RESERVE REQUIREMENT RATIO ON HERDING IN CHINESE SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE -- Enhancing Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing: A CNN-LSTM Hybrid Approach for Reliable Component Failure Prediction -- Advancing the Upper Echelon Theory with Environmental Dynamism and Big Data Analytics Capabilities -- APPLICATION OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE DUAL SYSTEM OF EDUCATION IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS -- Consumption Values and Subscription Loyalty: A Survey of Mobile Network Service Users -- Artificial Neural Network Approach for Predicting Student Achievement in Scratch Training -- Temperature control in wine fermentation using programming in LabVIEW -- ‘Roam the World, Share Your Heart’: Fostering re-participation intention among local voluntourists in Malaysia -- The Influence of Corporate Governance Structure on Directors’ ‎Remuneration Disclosure in Malaysia: An Analysis of The FTSE30 ‎Companies -- Factors Affecting Brand Loyalty Towards the Use of the Media Platform of the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) Among the Muslim Community in Kuala Lumpur -- The Development Status and Trends of Chinese Express Delivery Packaging in a Green and Low-Carbon Context -- Green Data Centers: A review of current trends and practices -- Economic Impact of Employment Generation Policies in India and Rural Poverty Alleviation: An Analytical Review -- An Empirical Study: Long Run and Short Run Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Indian Stock Market Prices -- Last-Mile Delivery Innovations: The Future of E-commerce Logistics -- IS ESG THE KEY TO STIMULATE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE? AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION -- The Impact of High-Performance Work System on ‎Intellectual Capital, Organizational Resilience and ‎Innovation Growth: Evidence from the Micro Small ‎Medium Enterprise -- Role of Mosque Management Committee in Empowering the Muslim Community in India - A Systematic Review -- Beyond Humor: How Memes Shape Brand Associations and Drive Purchase Choices -- Green Consumers Purchase Intention and Sustainable Consumption of Organic Food Products: A Conceptual Framework for the Indian Middle-Class Market -- Voices of the Future: Generation Z's Views on AI's Ethical and Social Impact -- The Influence of Perceived Information Quality on Travel Satisfaction in Kuala Lumpur: A Perspective of Generational Difference -- A Study on Industrial Sustainability and the Growth of Environmental Stability: Path towards Green Development: A Review -- JUVENILE WORKER - AN IMPACT OF BPL FAMILY -- Quality Management Practices and Strategic Impact ‎on Performance Measures in Yemen's Construction In‎dustry -- Reforms in Indian Banking Sector: A Paradigm Shift in Growth and Financial Inclusion in India -- The mediating impact of strategic leadership on the relationship between digitalization and strategic planning of retail pharmacies -- The Role of Innovation in Waste Management for Enterprises: A Critical Review of the Worldwide Literature -- Application of High-Performance Work System with AI in employee recruitment and performance evaluation -- Training Needs Assessment for Operator Level Employees in Parking Management DKI Jakarta -- EXPLORING ECOLOGICALLY CONSCIOUS CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR (ECCB) SCALE FROM THE OUTLOOK OF HOUSEHOLD CONSUMERS -- The Role of Transportation Vehicle, Transportation Infrastructure, and Resistance to Change in Public Transport Towards Climate Change -- An Impact Analysis of Non-Performing Asset (NPA) of Banks on Profitability of the Banks in India -- The Impact of Online Learning and Soft Skills on College Student Satisfaction and Course Feedback -- Factors affected EMA adoption: The moderating role of ‎resource bricolage -- Optimizing Supply Chain Through Risk Analysis: A Path to Enhanced Efficiency and Resilience -- SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SMALL – ‎MEDIUM ENTERPRISES: A MEDIATING VARIABLE OF CULTURE -- Capacity for innovation frugal: the look from companies incubated in park ‎technology and inco-working spaces -- CUSTOMS LOGISTICS IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR IN UKRAINE -- People's Perceptions of the Benefits, Risks, and Acceptance of Services Delivered ‎by Drones in the United Arab Emirates -- Exploring the Dynamics of Bitcoin Volatility During the ‎COVID-19 Pandemic and Vaccination Rollout -- Financial Literacy Scale Development: Reliability and Validity Analysis on Managers in ‎Institutions Affiliated to Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate -- Limited Ownership and the Power of Sharing Tangible ‎and Intangible Assets -- SATISFACTION OF TRAVELERS TOWARDS USING INSTAGRAM ‎AS MEDIUM OF SEARCHING FOR DESTINATIONS WITH ‎REFERENCE TO BANGLORE CITY- SEM APPROACH -- A Look on Sustainable Human Development, Gender Gap and Welfare: Evidence from ‎Capital Markets.
    Abstract: This book aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between technology and business and its implications for future growth and innovation. In today's rapidly changing world, technology plays a crucial role in shaping the business landscape. Advancements in artificial intelligence, blockchain, data analytics, and automation have revolutionized how organizations operate, compete, and achieve success. Understanding the profound impact of technology on business is vital for entrepreneurs, managers, policymakers, and academics alike. This book aims to explore the connection between technology and business, highlighting its importance in driving transformative changes across various industries. We welcome scholars, researchers, and practitioners to share their expertise and insights in this exciting endeavor. This book captures the essence of exploring the dynamic relationship between technology and business, emphasizing the potential for innovation and growth. It conveys the idea of embracing the transformative power of technology within the business realm and the opportunities it presents for unleashing new ideas and strategies. By delving into various aspects such as emerging technologies, business strategies, innovation, and ethical considerations, it aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the symbiotic relationship between technology and business. It offers insights into the integration of technology into decision-making processes, the transformative impact on different industries, and strategies for leveraging technology to drive organizational growth and sustainability. Furthermore, the book highlights real-world case studies, explores emerging trends, and discusses the ethical and social implications of technology adoption in the business context. It serves as a valuable resource for entrepreneurs, managers, policymakers, academics, and anyone interested in understanding and harnessing the potential of technology for business success. This book aims to be a valuable resource for individuals interested in the transformative power of technology in the business realm. By compiling a collection of insightful chapters, it offers readers a diverse range of perspectives, frameworks, and case studies that shed light on the complexities and opportunities associated with technology-driven business environments.
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  • 88
    ISBN: 9783031507625
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVIII, 343 Seiten) , Illustrationen, Diagramme
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Springer Climate
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Political science. ; Environmental policy. ; Sustainability. ; Energy policy. ; Climatology. ; Regional economics. ; Spatial economics.
    Abstract: Chapter 1. The Tipping+ Project Journey -- Chapter 2. Tipping Points Emerge in the Interaction Between Narrative and Reality -- Chapter 3. Tipping Points: Deep Roots and Contemporary Challenges in Psychology -- Chapter 4. Transformations, Agency and Positive Tipping Points: a Resilience-based Approach -- Chapter 5. Principles for a Case Study Approach to Social Tipping Points -- Chapter 6. Post-war Development Energy Scenarios for Ukraine -- Chapter 7. Exploring Transition in Coal- and Carbon-intensive Regions Through an Interdisciplinary Lens -- Chapter 8. Social Tipping Processes in the Transformation of Civitavecchia’s Socio-energy System -- Chapter 9. Realizing Alternative Energy Futures: From the Promise of a Petroleum Future to Imagining Lofoten as the Green Islands -- Chapter 10. Exploring the Role of Identities and Perceptions of the Future in a Post-coal Mining Region. The Demolition of Andorra Coal-fired Cooling Towers (Spain) as a Tipping Point -- Chapter 11. Narrative-network Dynamics in Tipping Processes Towards Low-carbon Energy Futures: the Case of Indonesia -- Chapter 12. Situated Knowledge and Energy Transformations: a Socioanthropological Exploration -- Chapter 13. Tipping Away From Coal?: Exploring Narratives and Tipping Dynamics in the Phaseout of Coal on Svalbard -- Chapter 14. Confronting Local and Global Tipping Narratives: Green Energy Development in the Arctic and Why Greenland is Not for Sale -- Chapter 15. Assessing Macroeconomic Effects of a Carbon Tax as a Tipping Intervention in Economies Undergoing Coal Phase-out: the Cases of Poland and Greece -- Chapter 16. Transformative Emergence. Research Challenges for Enabling Social-ecological Tipping Points Toward Regional Sustainability Transformations.
    Abstract: This open access book provides the first comprehensive review of the state of the art of social tipping points applied to energy systems from a social interdisciplinary perspective. It does so by presenting a novel theory of systemic and transformative change, linking it to empirical cases assisted with relevant assessment methodologies, including modeling. The authors unveil the narratives and visions, the transformative capacities as well as deliberate strategies and collective actions that at one point in time have been able - or were prevented - to tip a given social-ecological system towards low-carbon, sustainable trajectories in diverse high-intensive carbon regions around the world. This volume shows that self-reinforcing learning feedbacks connecting transformative solutions and strategies across scales and domains can be induced by targeted policy interventions both in local and regional contexts. It further indicates how changes in behavioral patterns, supported by good governance of disruptive technologies, carbon (dis)investment and finance processes as well as new forms of civic engagement, can create the necessary transformative enabling conditions for the emergence of positive tipping points towards low-carbon sustainable futures. The book is a must-read for students, researchers, and scholars, as well as policy-makers and practitioners interested in a better understanding of sustainability, climate, and energy issues and in assessing the potential impacts and effectiveness of strategic interventions aimed at accelerating just sustainable decarbonization processes.
    Note: Open Access
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  • 89
    ISBN: 9783031504921
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XV, 315 p. 120 illus., 23 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 2nd ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 432
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Computational intelligence. ; Biomathematics. ; Biometry.
    Abstract: Fuzzy Sets Theory and Uncertainty in Mathematical Modeling -- The Extension Principle of Zadeh and Fuzzy Numbers -- Fuzzy Relations -- Notions of Fuzzy Logic -- Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems -- Fuzzy Relational Equations and Approximation -- Measure, Integrals and Fuzzy Events -- Fuzzy Dynamical Systems.
    Abstract: This book provides an essential introduction to the field of dynamical models. Starting from classical theories such as set theory and probability, it allows readers to draw near to the fuzzy case. On one hand, the book equips readers with a fundamental understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of fuzzy sets and fuzzy dynamical systems. On the other, it presents some concepts of derivatives, integrals and differential equations applied to the context of fuzzy functions. Each of the major topics is accompanied by examples, worked-out exercises, and exercises to be completed. Moreover, many applications to real problems are presented, mainly in biomathematics where the so-called p-fuzzy systems play an important role. The book has been developed on the basis of the authors’ lectures to university students and is accordingly primarily intended as a textbook for both upper-level undergraduates and graduates in applied mathematics, statistics, and engineering. It also offers a valuable resource for practitioners such as mathematical consultants and modelers, and for researchers alike, as it may provide both groups with new ideas and inspirations for projects in the fields of fuzzy logic and biomathematics. This thoroughly updated second edition includes a new chapter on fuzzy optimization, which also presents an application in carbon markets analysis and modeling.
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  • 90
    ISBN: 9783031069635
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVI, 1113 p. 553 illus., 507 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science 55
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: History. ; Science ; Knowledge, Theory of. ; Mathematics.
    Abstract: Introduction -- Part I: The Papers -- Chapter 1. A new Cycloid Narrative centered on Torricelli and Roberval to Understand the Diverse Ways of the Mathematical Revolution (Jean Dhombres) -- Chapter 2. Historical and Methodological Details on the De motu gravium naturaliter descendentium in Torricelli’s Opera Gometrica (1644) (Raffaele Pisano and Paolo Bussotti) -- Chapter 3. Torricelli’s proof of Galileo’s Assumption on the Velocity Acquired at the End of a Free Fall (Patricia Radelet–de Grave) -- Chapter 4. Why Publish a Book of Geometry in Seventeenth-Century Europe? Science, Status, and Print Culture in Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica (1644) (John B. Shank) -- Chapter 5. Encounters with the Infinite: From Torricelli to Gödel (Martin Davis) -- Part II: A Critical Transcription & Translation of The Opera Geometrica, 1644 -- Chapter 6. Introduction to a Critical Transcription -- Chapter 7. Image-Text & Transcription -- Part III: Epilogue -- Chapter 8. Epilogue [by…………] Chapter 9. Torricelli: Historical Source Introductory -- Index. .
    Abstract: Evangelista Torricelli exemplifies the use the moderns made of the ancients' mathematical methods. Celebrating Evangelista Torricelli's monumental Opera geometrica, this book marks 380 years since its publication (1644-2024). This homage to Torricelli introduces the magnificent major work in Mechanics and Mathematics of a brilliant Archimedean–and–Galilean scientist to modern readers. Opera geometrica deals with Motion & Mechanics and Geometry & Infinitesimals. In quibus Archimedis doctrina Torricelli also presents his mechanical principle of equilibrium – the foundation of the modern Principle of Virtual Work/Static. This outstanding source and research book spotlights the relevance and originality of Torricelli’s Mechanics, and is the first and most profound analysis of the Opera geometrica to date. The historical study is achieved in extensive Introduction, 5 Essays and an accurate Transcription of Opera geometrica with parallel side–by–side text, including substantive explicative notes. The book is an accessible avenue to understanding this work by leading authorities who offer much-needed insights into the relationship Physics–Mathematics, Mechanics and Fundamentals. It appeals to historians, epistemologists and scientists.
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  • 91
    ISBN: 9783031539848
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XV, 426 p. 123 illus., 75 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies 194
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Engineering ; Business information services. ; Computational intelligence.
    Abstract: Formation of Strategies for the Development of Startup Ecosystems as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Entrepreneurship -- The Strategy of Sustainable Development of Digital Business in the Conditions of the Variability of the Business Environment and European Integration -- Business Development towards the Application of Innovative Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Technologies in the Context of Global Transformational Changes -- Methodological Principles of Smoothing the Effect of Seasonal Fluctuations on the Components of Labor Intensity in Construction -- Data-Driven Public Budgeting: Business Management Approach and Analytics Methods Algorithmization -- Research of Information Platforms and Digital Transformation Algorithms for Post-War Recovery of Ukrainian Business -- Diagnostics as a Tool for Managing Behavior and Economic Activity of Retailers in the Conditions of Digital Business Transformation -- Methodical Approach to Assessment of Real Losses Due to Damage and Destruction of Warehouse Real Estate -- Methodical Tools for Identification and Quality Control of Design Products -- Development of Information Processes as a Prerequisite for the Sustainable Development of Agricultural Enterprises -- Development and Increasing the Value Added Scenarios for the Woodworking Industry of Ukraine in the Context of the Circular Economy -- Methodological and Technological Solutions to Improve the Security of Ukraine's Accounting System during the Hostilities -- Modeling of the Strategy of Light Industry Enterprise Behavior under Crisis Conditions of Martial Law -- Innovative Technologies to Make Effective Business Decisions at Every Stage of a Mining Company's Development -- Innovative Method of Forecasting the Manifestation of Dangerous Properties of Coal Seams -- Assessment of the Efficiency of Decentralization Transformations in the Rural Areas of Ukrainian Western Polissia: Current Trends and Challenges Under the Conditions of Martial Law -- The Technological and Environmental Effect on Marketing of Children’s Food -- Model for Universal Classification of Social Agents’ Activity/Behavior in Hierarchical Systems.
    Abstract: This book examines aspects of financial and investment processes, as well as the application of information technology mechanisms to business and industrial management, using the experience of the Ukrainian economy as an example. An effective tool for supporting business data processing is combining modern information technologies and the latest achievements in economic theory. The variety of industrial sectors studied supports the continuous acquisition and use of efficient business analysis in organizations. In addition, the book elaborates on multidisciplinary concepts, examples, and practices that can be useful for researching the evolution of developments in the field. Also, in this book, there is a description of analysis methods for making decisions in business, finance, and innovation management.
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  • 92
    ISBN: 9783031509025
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(VIII, 83 p. 1 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 519
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Computational intelligence. ; Artificial intelligence. ; Control engineering.
    Abstract: It is a book made up of questions, some without certain answers, that attempts to open the reader's mind to new and, perhaps, futuristic scenarios. There are two diametrically opposed approaches to artificial intelligence today. On the one hand, there are the techno-pessimists who see only dystopian scenarios and experience technological progress with apprehension, emphasising the dangers, and on the other hand, there are the techno-optimists who, on the other hand, tend to overestimate the positive effects, going so far as to attribute almost thaumaturgic virtues to technological progress. Our approach is meant to be secular and scientific; the risks must not be concealed, nor must they be overestimated, just as the positive aspects must not be emphasised. And, in any case, as in any social phenomenon, the governance of processes and the definition of a system of rules and policies are the aspects that can create advantages or disadvantages and, above all, can determine who are the beneficiaries of the advantages and who have to bear the disadvantages. Like any new technology, this too can be dehumanising, but technology is a tool that depends on how it is used and by whom it is used. that of ethics is, therefore, a fundamental aspect. Therefore, one should neither be a techno-optimist nor a techno-pessimist, but should be aware that governing the economic and social structural changes that the advent of artificial intelligence will cause will be crucial to ensure prosperity for future generations and to avoid negative and even apocalyptic scenarios. So no futurist dystopias! Humanity has so far always been able to govern technological progress, it certainly has the potential to govern what some have called 'the Final Invention', but it will only succeed if it is able to understand the peculiarities of this new process of technological development and give it ethical content.The book provides a thoughtful review of the relationship between artificial intelligence and ethics, approaching the issue from different perspectives: philosophical, technological, economic and legal. This will be one of the most important issues that Humanity will have to face and resolve.
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  • 93
    ISBN: 9783031550362
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (XI, 250 p. 47 illus., 40 illus. in color.)
    Series Statement: Greening of Industry Networks Studies 12
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Environmental economics. ; Sustainability. ; Business logistics. ; Environmental management. ; Power resources. ; Circular Economy ; Circular Tools ; Economic Transition ; Sustainability ; Sustainable Supply Chains ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: Chapter 1. Introduction – Circular Economy as a part of the new and sustainable Economy in the XXI Century -- Part I. Business and Systems Transitions -- Chapter 2. A value flow perspective in the Circular Business Model -- Chapter 3. The design of Sustainable Product-Service Systems to foster Circular Economy for All -- Chapter 4. Initiating a Minimum Viable Ecosystem for Circularity -- Chapter 5. Organizational practices, values, and mindsets as a basis for circular economy transition -- Chapter 6. From socio-technical innovations to ecological transitions: A multilevel perspective on Circular Economy -- Part II. Business Technologies, Processes, and Practices -- Chapter 7. The importance of Circular Economy in HP Sustainable Impact Strategy -- Chapter 8. Purchasing and Supply Management Journey into Unilever’s Circular Economy Strategy -- Chapter 9. Circular Economy in the paperboard industry: Ibema Cases -- Chapter 10. Circular Economy Principles in Urban Agri-food Systems: Potentials and Implications for Environmental Sustainability -- Chapter 11. A systems perspective on the Industry 4.0 technologies as enablers of Circular Economy transitions -- Chapter 12. Psychological and systemic factors influencing behaviour in circular consumption systems: Lessons from the fast-moving consumer goods and apparel industries.
    Abstract: The book will explore, using multiple perspectives from multiple contributors, two main aspects for circular economy (CE) business and technology (B&T): systems and value perspectives. Going beyond a linear-economic perspective--the traditional perspective--CE needs to develop intentional and integrated paths to help restore physical resources and regenerate the functions of natural and anthropic systems, creating greater economic and social opportunities, with environmentally positive outcomes. Whether this is feasible and possible within the context of CE and B&T is something that will be central to the contributions made in this book. A major objective of the book is to deliver practical and fundamental knowledge of B&T CE insights combining a systems perspective and value creation for socio-technical innovation leading to sustainable transitions and effective transformations. Based on those key aspects, the book is structured in two parts, one from a more theoretical and conceptual basis in Part 1, and a more applied perspective in Part 2. The chapters in Part 1 are presented through the lens of business and systems transitions. In Part 2, the chapters present the opportunities and the journeys from real case studies of companies engaged in circular business strategies, processes, practices, and technologies.
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  • 94
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031540899
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XXIV, 218 p. 21 illus., 16 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Computer crimes. ; Law and economics. ; Criminology. ; Africa ; Crime. ; Technology.
    Abstract: 1. Introduction -- 2. Cyber Crime in Nigeria – Reviewing the problems -- 3. Methodology -- 4. Nigerian Financial Crimes Agencies and the Nigerian Police Force – research findings on forensic digital readiness -- 5. Implications for Financial Crime in Nigeria -- 6. Conclusion.
    Abstract: Nigeria has become one of the hotbeds of cybercrime since the liberalization of the telecommunication industry began in 1996. The scale and magnitude have been quite disturbing, not just for Nigeria but also for the international community, given the limitless boundaries of cybercrime. Like any other type of fraud, Internet fraud is primarily driven by financial gains. This book investigates the extent of the lack of digital forensic resources in Nigeria’s financial crime agencies. It is vital to have a proper resource inventory and capabilities to successfully confront the growing threat of financial crimes. While a few studies have suggested the lack of forensic capabilities in Nigerian cybercrime investigative agencies and the justice system, none have examined this in great detail, particularly in relation to specific skills gaps and resources needed in Nigeria’s financial crime agencies. This book contributes to the growing body of knowledge and clarifies the scope of the lack of digital forensic resources. Understanding the extent of the deficiency and its impact on caseloads could be crucial for developing a roadmap toward building forensic readiness and capability maturity for the agencies. This book presents the deficiencies in forensic readiness and recommends measures to fill this gap. This book also examines the specifics of the cybercrime caseloads and conviction records in Nigeria, identifying trends and patterns. The book explores other cybercrime complexities in Nigeria, such as common cybercrime taxonomies, prosecution, and conviction dynamics, juxtaposing it with select case studies in other jurisdictions. Drawing on extensive research, the book offers crucial insights for policymakers, researchers, and the public interested in new trends in cybercrime, digital forensic readiness, Nigerian financial crime agencies, and cybercrime investigations. .
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  • 95
    ISBN: 9783031520907
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 328 p. 164 illus., 145 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 871
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Computational intelligence. ; Artificial intelligence.
    Abstract: Part I: Mobility -- Low-Cost Robotic System of Detection of Anti-Personal Metal Mines -- Life cycle assessment of the Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) waste bottles recycling process of a local industry in Guayaquil -- Flood risk analysis in an Andean watershed by integrating satellite data and multicriteria analysis. -- Assessing the Growth of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles in Ecuador’s Transportation Sector: A Technical Analysis of Their Impact on the Energy Matrix -- Evaluation of urban freight distribution in a medium-sized city: Ecuadorian case study -- Assessing the Performance of Electric Bicycles for Active Commuting in Higher Education: A Case Study of the UPS Cuenca Campus -- Analysis of Energy Efficiency Electric Vehicles Using a Driving Cycle on an Established Route in the City of Ambato -- A Systematic Literature Review of Tire Management in Ecuador -- Analysis of Cycle Gait on Different Surfaces using Inertial Sensors -- Data analysis applied to driver profile data obtained through vehicle telemetry and classification algorithms -- Development of an LSTM-based Model with Attention Mechanism for Detection of Traffic’s Officer Hand Gestures for Autonomous Vehicles in Ecuador -- Urban Digital Twins for Synthetic Data of Individuals with Mobility Aids in Curitiba, Brazil, to Drive Highly Accurate AI Models for Inclusivity -- English language teaching through the use of immersive environments supported by virtual reality -- Design and Implementation of Photovoltaic Energy Storage Systems Based on Batteries of Hybrid cars using a Second- Life Method -- Bibliometric review on a hybrid learning model with VLEs from a higher education context -- Part II: Sustainability and environment -- Simulation of the Flow behavior in the storage tank of a Hydropower using OpenFOAM -- Exploring the norm activation model together with external influences and environmental moral values: The case of Guayaquil, Ecuador -- Methodological application proposal for energy-electrical evaluation of National Polytechnic School in the context of a sustainable campus -- Louver of coconut fiber and sawdust bonded epoxy resin -- Design Of A Solar Photovoltaic Led System For Outdoor Illumination -- Treatment Of Liquid Effluents From Post-Harvest Flowers Through Advanced Oxidation -- Simulation of Synchronized Controls in Circuit Breakers of Power Transformers and Operation of Reactive Compensation Banks -- Spatial modeling of dissolved oxygen in wastewater from the Quebrada ¨Ortega ¨ of the Quito canton, Pichincha province -- Feasibility analysis of a photovoltaic power generation system using different charge controllers -- Analysis of Aluminum Can Management in Ecuador -- Impact of hydroponic green fodder: A comparative study on the quality of fresh cheese -- Intelligent Monitoring System for fry rearing using Fuzzy Logic -- Automatic classification of squat execution based on inertial sensors and machine learning -- Marine Predator Algorithm: A nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm applied in rectangular patch antennas optimization -- Foot Pathology Analyzer.
    Abstract: This book is dedicated to exploring the practical applications and future perspectives of intelligent technologies. It delves into various domains, including industry, mobility, telecommunications, and environmental considerations. The innovative nature of this text enables us to draw connections between technical advancements and experiences aimed at enhancing the integration of emerging technologies on local, national, and regional scales. It showcases the strides made in diverse engineering domains, underlining the book’s multidisciplinary appeal. This book is intended for a wide readership, catering to master's and doctoral students, professors, and researchers in the field of cutting-edge technologies. It also extends its relevance to businesses engaged in engineering development. The contents offer insights into novel methodologies, real-world case studies, and innovative techniques designed to optimize systems, ultimately contributing to societal progress.
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  • 96
    ISBN: 9783031493294
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIV, 190 p. 10 illus.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: United Nations University Series on Regionalism 27
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Regionalism. ; Environmental policy. ; International economic relations. ; Power resources. ; Sustainability.
    Abstract: Chapter 1-Introduction -- Part I –Regional cooperation on Climate Change -- Chapter 2- The EU in a multi-speed, multi-dimensional regime -- Chapter 3- Climate Change cooperation in Latin American regionalism -- Chapter 4- Brazilian perspectives on Climate Change -- Chapter 5-Climate Change in the Interregional Relations between the EU and LAC -- Chapter 6 Fostering a dynamic EU-CELAC cooperation in the area of climate change -- Part II- Financing Green Economy -- Chapter 7-Transformation to low carbon economy, role of development banks in EU and Latin America -- Chapter 8-Fixing rising price paths for fossil energy - basis of a “green growth” without rebound effects -- Chapter 9- Climate Change: policies to manage its macroeconomic and financial effects -- Part III - New green solutions to Climate Change -- Chapter 10- Greening EU's Common Agricultural Policy -- Chapter 11- Climate change and the Digitalization of the Agrofood Sector: Opportunities and Challenges -- Chapter 12- Myths and pitfallsof green solutions -- Chapter 13- Building Climate-Resilient Food Systems -- Chapter 14- The international circuits of disavowal of the climate crisis -- Chapter 15-Conclusions.
    Abstract: This Open Access book addresses climate change in Europe and Latin America from a comparative regionalism studies (CRS) perspective. Written by an international team of scholars and experts, chapters critically analyze proposals for mitigating climate change while contributing to the mutual understanding about the issues at stake across regions. The book is divided into three main sections. In the first section, authors discuss EU and Latin American cooperation, negotiations, and perspectives on climate change, exploring their agendas, the interests and key challenges at the global, regional and interregional levels. The second section focuses on the challenges to finance development and a greener economy. The third section explores new green solutions to climate change in the agriculture sector and initiatives such as nature-based solutions to climate change and best practices. Providing policy oriented solutions for combatting regional climate change at a critical juncture, this volume will be of interest to researchers and students of international relations, international law, and environmental politics, as well as public officials and climate change activists.
    Note: Open Access
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  • 97
    ISBN: 9783031553493
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(X, 254 p. 134 illus., 96 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 942
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Engineering ; Computational intelligence. ; Economics.
    Abstract: Development and Application of Information Systems for Planning Production Activities of an Industrial Company -- Fuzzy Decision-Making Problems for Controlling Operating Modes of Technological Systems and Methods for Solving Them -- Information System for Managing Material Remuneration of Teachers and Its Analytical Potential by Example of Bauman Moscow State Technical University -- Intra System Links Dynamics as a Cause of Development Cyclicity: The Simplest Equations -- Improving the Sustainability and Safety of the City Transport System through the Application of Computer Modeling -- Development of Software for the Analysis of Socio-Economic Indicators based on Neural Networks -- Estimation of the Cost of Developing a Digital Twin using Virtual Reality Technologies in the Metallurgical Industry -- Formation of Artificial Collective Intelligence based on the Theory of Active Systems -- Nonlinear Modeling of the Population State of Gregarious Locusts -- Designing the Architecture of a Multi-Agent City Management System using Advanced Object-Oriented Modeling.
    Abstract: This book covers the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management" (DITEM2023) which was held on November 21–23, 2023. The conference addressed issues of networks and systems related to the use of information technologies in economics and management of various sectors. A distinctive feature of the conference is that it featured presentations by authors from China, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan, Oman, Kazakhstan and Russia. Researchers from different countries presented the process of transition to new information technologies of various network and system structures and sectors. The conference made it possible to develop new scientific recommendations on the use of information, computer, digital and intellectual technologies and networks in industry and fields of activity that can be useful to state and regional authorities, international and supranational organizations, the scientific and professional community.
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  • 98
    ISBN: 9783031558856
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XVII, 245 p. 64 illus., 34 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Studies in Big Data 150
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Engineering ; Computational intelligence. ; Big data. ; Artificial intelligence.
    Abstract: This book is a comprehensive guide for professionals, leaders, and academics seeking to unlock the power of data and analytics in the modern business landscape. It delves deeply into the strategic, architectural, and managerial aspects of implementing enterprise analytics (EA) systems in large enterprises. The book is meticulously structured into three parts. Part 1 lays the foundation for adaptable architecture in EA. Part 2 explores technical considerations: data, cloud platforms, and AI solutions. The final part focuses on strategy execution, investment, and risk management. Acting as a comprehensive guide, the book enables the creation of robust EA capabilities that foster growth, optimize operations, and keep pace with EA's dynamic world. Whether readers are leaders harnessing data's potential, practitioners navigating analytics, or academics exploring this evolving domain, this book provides insights and knowledge to guide readers toward a thriving, data-driven future.
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  • 99
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland | Cham : Imprint: Springer
    ISBN: 9783031477249
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XII, 879 p. 380 illus., 339 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 823
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Computational intelligence. ; Control engineering. ; Robotics. ; Automation. ; Artificial intelligence.
    Abstract: The book is a unique collection of studies involving intelligent systems and applications of artificial intelligence in the real world to provide solutions to most vexing problems. IntelliSys received an overwhelming 605 papers which were put under strict double-blind peer-review for their novelty, originality and exhaustive research. Finally, 227 papers were sieved and chosen to be published in the proceedings. This book is a valuable collection of all the latest research in the field of artificial intelligence and smart systems. It provides a ready-made resource to all the readers keen on gaining information regarding the latest trends in intelligent systems. It also renders a sneak peek into the future world governed by artificial intelligence.
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  • 100
    ISBN: 9783031539602
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource(XIII, 724 p. 298 illus., 233 illus. in color.)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    Series Statement: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 919
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Computational intelligence. ; Telecommunication.
    Abstract: Using ChatGPT-4 to Grade Open Question Exams -- Usable Security: Cultural Impacts on Graphical Passwords Usability -- Eye Disease Prediction using Ensemble Learning and Attention on OCT Scans -- Complementing Robotic Process Automation with Generative Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT), Case of Robocorp -- Architectural Scalability of Conversational Chatbot: The Case of ChatGPT -- Hybrid Approach Involving Genetic Algorithm and Hill Climbing to Resolve the Timetable Scheduling for a University -- Chatbots: An Overview of Current Issues and Challenges -- Text Simplification System for Legal Contract Review -- Audio-based Detection of Anxiety and Depression via Vocal Biomarkers -- Automatic Detection and Spline-based Pixel-length Estimation of Fishes from Images.
    Abstract: The book is a valuable collection of papers presented in the Future of Information and Communications Conference (FICC), conducted by Science and Information Organization on 4–5 April 2024 in Berlin. It received a total of 401 paper submissions out of which 139 are published after careful double-blind peer-review. Renowned and budding scholars, academics, and distinguished members of the industry assembled under one roof to share their breakthrough research providing answers to many complex problems boggling the world. The topics fanned across various fields involving Communication, Data Science, Ambient Intelligence, Networking, Computing, Security, and Privacy. .
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