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  • Safari, an O’Reilly Media Company.  (9,034)
  • Edward Elgar Publishing  (1,985)
  • Nickel, Johanna (1916-1984)  (1,608)
Author, Corporation
  • 1
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328372283
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (184 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Autorka Liz Rice, wiceprezydent działu Open Source Engineering w firmie Aqua Security, pokazała, jak w systemie Linux zostały skonstruowane komponenty, na podstawie których są najczęściej tworzone kontenery. Dzięki tej książce zrozumiesz, co się dzieje podczas wdrażania kontenerów i poznasz potencjalne niebezpieczeństwa zagrażające Twoim wdrożeniom. Jeżeli za pomocą poleceń kubectrl lub docker uruchamiasz aplikacje w kontenerach i używasz poleceń powłoki systemu Linux, takich jak ps i grep, masz wiedzę wystarczającą do rozpoczęcia lektury.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 10, 2025) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328360020
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (768 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: To drugie wydanie bestsellerowego przewodnika po technikach uczenia maszynowego. Wystarczą minimalne umiejętności programistyczne, aby dzięki tej książce nauczyć się budowania i trenowania głębokiej sieci neuronowej. Zawarto tu minimum teorii, a proces nauki jest ułatwiony przez liczne przykłady i ćwiczenia. Wykorzystano gotowe rozwiązania i przedstawiono zasady pracy ze specjalistycznymi narzędziami, w tym z TensorFlow 2, najnowszą odsłoną modułu. W efekcie niepostrzeżenie przyswoisz niezbędny zasób pojęć i narzędzi służących do tworzenia systemów inteligentnych. Poznasz różnorodne techniki i zaczniesz samodzielnie ich używać. Po lekturze będziesz biegle posługiwać się najnowszymi technologiami sztucznej inteligencji!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 5, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 3
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328367210
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (432 pages)
    Edition: 3rd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest szerokim, aktualnym i praktycznym przeglądem metod analizy szeregów czasowych, w którym ujęto pełny potok przetwarzania danych czasowych i modelowania. Zaprezentowano w niej rzeczywiste przypadki użycia tych metod i zilustrowano je obszernymi fragmentami znakomicie zaprojektowanego kodu w językach R i Python. Znalazły się tutaj praktyczne wskazówki ułatwiające rozwiązywanie najczęstszych problemów występujących w inżynierii danych czasowych i ich analizie. Ujęto tu zarówno konwencjonalne metody statystyczne, jak i nowoczesne techniki uczenia maszynowego. To bardzo przydatny przewodnik, dzięki któremu analitycy danych, inżynierowie oprogramowania i naukowcy będą mogli płynnie przejść od podstaw pracy z szeregami czasowymi do rozwiązywania konkretnych zagadnień na profesjonalnym poziomie.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 23, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 4
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364035
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (240 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Kubernetes jest platformą do orkiestracji kontenerów. Projekt ten należy dziś do najpopularniejszych i najbogatszych narzędzi w swojej klasie, stanowi także podstawę dla wielu innych platform, znanych jako systemy typu PaaS. Dzięki nim Kubernetes zyskał możliwość tworzenia aplikacji, jednak tego rodzaju narzędzia wymagają od programistów i architektów zastosowania odpowiednich wzorców projektowych. Opisują one schematy rozwiązywania problemów na różnych poziomach dokładności, a tym samym umożliwiają efektywne projektowanie i implementację nowoczesnych, elastycznych natywnych aplikacji chmurowych w Kubernetesie.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 12, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 5
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328363830
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (264 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Frameworki bardzo ułatwiają życie programistom. Pozwalają na szybkie tworzenie nawet rozbudowanych aplikacji, ale praca z frameworkiem najczęściej oznacza duże ograniczenia w doborze technologii. Wszystko jest w porządku, dopóki deweloper stosuje dokładnie te rozwiązania, które zaplanowali twórcy frameworka. Jeśli jednak zechce użyć innej bazy danych albo wykorzystać własną, autorską metodę uwierzytelniania użytkowników, może napotkać różne nieprzewidziane problemy. Szczęśliwie nie wszystkie mikrośrodowiska zachowują się w ten sposób. Framework napisany w Pythonie Flask, w odróżnieniu od typowych frameworków, umożliwia swobodne dobieranie technologii i komponentów aplikacji, a nawet tworzenie własnych rozwiązań. Oznacza to, że Flask pozwoli Ci zachować pełną kontrolę nad budowanym oprogramowaniem!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 11, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 6
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328367395
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (760 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka została napisana z myślą o doświadczonych programistach. Podstawowe zagadnienia, takie jak klasy, polimorfizm i kolekcje, znalazły się w kilku pierwszych rozdziałach, jednak zrozumienie treści całej publikacji wymaga umiejętności technicznych. Została poświęcona ważnym koncepcjom C# i tajnikom tego języka, które rzadko kiedy są opisywane w literaturze. Dokładnie omówiono tu typy ogólne, LINQ oraz techniki programowania asynchronicznego. Przedstawiono najnowsze możliwości platformy .NET Core i języka C# 8.0, takie jak strumienie asynchroniczne, referencje akceptujące wartości puste, dopasowywanie wzorców, domyślne implementacje interfejsów, zakresy, a także nową składnię indeksowania oraz zmiany w narzędziach platformy .NET. Liczne rozbudowane przykłady stanowią świetne uzupełnienie prezentowanych treści.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 3, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 7
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364059
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (256 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: To książka przeznaczona dla programistów, którzy chcą maksymalnie wykorzystać możliwości Kubernetesa, również poprzez pisanie własnych zasobów. W praktyczny sposób pokazuje, jak rozwijać natywne, działające w chmurze aplikacje dla Kubernetesa. Wyjaśnia, w jaki sposób działa biblioteka API client-go i jak należy budować zasoby niestandardowe. Znalazło się tu obszerne i szczegółowe omówienie interfejsu programowania i działania platformy Kubernetes, a także pisania stabilnego oprogramowania w języku Go. Nie zabrakło szeregu wskazówek dotyczących samego pisania kodu oraz przeprowadzania testów. Dużo uwagi poświęcono niestandardowym zasobom, kontrolerom, webhookom i niestandardowym serwerom API oraz wzorcom rozszerzania Kubernetesa.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 27, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 8
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364813
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (336 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Przedsiębiorstwa z branży technologicznej ciągle mierzą się z silną konkurencją. Nietrudno zrozumieć, co stanowi o przewadze firmy niezależnie od branży czy wielkości. Wygrywanie wymaga utrzymywania przewagi konkurencyjnej, jaką jest zdolność określania, wdrażania i osiągania poziomów wydajności nieosiągalnych dla konkurencji. Najczęściej przewaga konkurencyjna ma dwa źródła. Pierwszym jest dostarczanie funkcjonalnych rozwiązań, które dają radość użytkownikom. Drugim — wykorzystywanie właściwych danych do wdrażania odpowiedniej strategii, która wciąż podlega optymalizacji. Zastosowanie w tych działaniach rozwiązań z dziedziny sztucznej inteligencji znacznie przyczynia się do sukcesu firmy.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed July 22, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 9
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328362055
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (528 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest podręcznikiem dla praktyków. Zawiera zbiór narzędzi, katalog metod, przewodnik ułatwiający pracę, mnóstwo przykładów i studiów przypadku. Znalazły się tutaj również jasne wskazówki dotyczące przeprowadzania procesu projektowania usług. Opisano, jak łatwo doprowadzić środowiska biznesowe i specjalistów od projektowania do współpracy. Po ogólniejszym omówieniu procesu ustanawiania i realizowania inicjatyw w zakresie projektowania usług zaprezentowano także szczegóły facylitacji przedsięwzięcia i kształtowania jego otoczenia. Wiele spośród uwzględnionych w tekście metod i narzędzi zostało już dobrze opisanych. Tutaj natomiast, poza ich prezentacją, dodano szereg wskazówek i porad najlepszych ekspertów w dziedzinie projektowania usług. W ten sposób umożliwiono powiązanie doświadczenia z działalnością operacyjną i sukcesem biznesowym oraz budowaniem kultury klientocentryzmu.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 25, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 10
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328361508
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (1496 pages)
    Edition: 5th edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local ; Electronic books
    Abstract: To kompleksowy podręcznik do nauki programowania w Pythonie. Jego piąte wydanie zostało gruntownie zaktualizowane i rozbudowane o dodatkowe treści. Omówiono tu najnowsze wersje Pythona w liniach 3.X i 2.X, czyli 3.3 i 2.7, i dodano opisy nowych lub rozszerzonych mechanizmów, takich jak obsługa formatu JSON, moduł timeit, pakiet PyPy, metoda os.popen, generatory, rekurencje, słabe referencje, atrybuty i metody __mro__, __iter__, super, __slots__, metaklasy, deskryptory, funkcja random, pakiet Sphinx i wiele innych. W książce znalazło się mnóstwo ćwiczeń, quizów, pomocnych ilustracji oraz przykładów kodu. Jest to kompendium dla każdego, kto chce szybko zacząć programować w Pythonie i tworzyć wydajny kod o wysokiej jakości.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 5, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 11
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328371149
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (320 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla średnio zaawansowanych i początkujących programistów, którzy chcą poznać narzędzia ułatwiające tworzenie różnych aplikacji w JavaScripcie. Przedstawiono tu kompletne instrumentarium, dzięki któremu można tworzyć kod aplikacji w stylu CRUD działającej na każdej platformie. Opisano, w jaki sposób należy przygotować sobie środowisko programistyczne do pracy, omówiono sposób tworzenia API za pomocą Node i Express, bazy danych MongoDB oraz serwera Apollo. Sporo miejsca poświęcono tworzeniu interfejsów użytkownika niezależnych od platformy za pomocą różnych narzędzi. Poszczególne zagadnienia zilustrowano praktycznymi przykładami działającego kodu. Dzięki tej publikacji nawet początkujący programista zacznie szybko podejmować świadome decyzje technologiczne.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 4, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 12
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328365582
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (256 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Z tego zwięzłego przewodnika po technikach uczenia maszynowego opartego na strukturalnych danych skorzystają programiści, badacze, osoby zajmujące się nauką o danych oraz twórcy systemów sztucznej inteligencji. Znalazł się tu wyczerpujący opis procesu uczenia maszynowego i klasyfikacji danych strukturalnych. Przedstawiono też metody klastrowania danych, analizy regresji, redukcji wymiarowości oraz inne ważne zagadnienia. Prezentowane treści zostały zilustrowane uwagami, tabelami i przykładami kodu. Nie zabrakło opisu przydatnych bibliotek, niezwykle użytecznych w pracy analityka danych. W efekcie książka pozwala na szybkie rozwiązywanie różnego rodzaju problemów związanych z przetwarzaniem danych strukturalnych.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 17, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 13
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328368309
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (464 pages)
    Edition: 5th edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Dzięki tej książce dowiesz się, jak sobie z tym poradzić. Znalazło się w niej krótkie wprowadzenie do Pythona oraz do automatyzacji przetwarzania tekstu i obsługi systemu plików, a także do pisania własnych narzędzi wiersza poleceń. Zaprezentowano również przydatne narzędzia linuksowe, systemy zarządzania pakietami oraz systemy budowania, monitorowania i automatycznego testowania kodu. Zagadnienia te szczególnie zainteresują specjalistów DevOps. Ponadto zawarto tu podstawowe informacje o chmurze obliczeniowej, usługach IaC i systemach Kubernetes. Omówiono zasady uczenia maszynowego i inżynierii danych z perspektywy DevOps. Przedstawiono także kompletny przewodnik po procesach budowania, wdrażania oraz operacyjnego wykorzystywania modelu uczenia maszynowego z użyciem systemów Flask, sklearn, Docker i Kubernetes.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 25, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 14
    ISBN: 1800377509 , 9781800377509
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (436 pages )
    Series Statement: Elgar handbooks in migration
    Uniform Title: Elgaronline: Political Science & Public Policy 2023
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Research handbook on irregular migration
    DDC: 304.8/2
    Keywords: Illegal immigration Handbooks, manuals, etc Research ; Handbooks and manuals
    Abstract: "Moving away from state categorizations on irregular migration, this Research Handbook critically examines processes and dynamics that generate and reproduce irregularity, and discusses who may count as an irregular migrant. Acknowledging that irregular migration is not just a South-North issue, chapters investigate the many different pathways into irregularity, demonstrating the benefits of understanding dynamics behind irregular migration over statistics. Organised into six thematic parts covering key issues such as approaches and perspectives for research, informal labour and the challenges faced by migrant families, global contributors from a variety of disciplines provide an expert review of geographical and historical paths into irregular migration. Offering their background knowledge and highlighting tools to better understand how irregular migration is linked to geopolitics and migration policies, the Research Handbook on Irregular Migration guides readers through the complex issues facing migrants worldwide. Written in a comprehensive yet accessible style, this Research Handbook will be an excellent resource for undergraduate and graduate students as well researchers and academics interested in migration, policy, law, security, border crossing, informal labour, crime and civil support to migrants"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Preface -- Introduction: The production of irregular migration / Ilse van Liempt, Joris Schapendonk and Amalia Campos-Delgado -- Part I. Approaches and perspectives on irregular migration -- 1. Irregular migration and migration control policies / Anna Triandafyllidou -- 2. Invisible, vulnerable, heroic and criminal: A gendered history of migration labelling / Marlou Schrover -- 3. How to research "irregular" migration: Approaches and perspectives from the field / Shiva S. Mohan, Alison Mountz, Monica Romero and Ana Visan -- 4. Humans, not arrows: Countering the violent cartography of undocumented migration / Henk van Houtum and Rodrigo Bueno Lacy -- 5. Situated glossaries of (ir)regular migration / Kolar Aparna, Manju Sharma, Arlene Bugabo and Beatrice Catanzaro -- 6. Beach encounters: Migrant death and forensics as an art of paying attention / Amade M'charek -- Part II. Aspirations and facilitation of irregular migration -- 7. Welcome aboard klm air land! Hope and uncertainty in precarious migration projects / Nauja Kleist -- 8. Irregular migrants and families: The challenges of transnational family lives in times of limited mobility and transient settlement / Inka Stock -- 9. Deterrence or empowerment? Awareness and information campaigns as a migration governance tool to stop irregular migration / Ida Marie Savio Vammen -- 10. How unintended are these consequences? The changing environment for migration facilitation in niger since 2015 / Ekaterina Golovko and Fransje Molenaar -- 11. Re-socializing migrant networks: Moving beyond dominant migrant-network approaches / Richard Staring and Mieke Kox -- Part III. Everyday life and (im)mobility -- 12. The irregularity maze: Investigating asymmetries and discontinuities in the interaction between migrants' geographic mobility and regulatory frameworks / Milena Belloni, Ferruccio Pastore and Emanuela Roman -- 13. Stuck in camps, at sea and in illegality: Dimensions of stuckedness endured by rohingya refugees / Antje Missbach -- 14. Irregular times: Refugees' struggles for a temporal justice in the European (im)mobility regime / Elena Fontanari -- 15. Children's mobility across the EU governance of unauthorized migration as a game of chutes and ladders: Evidence from libya, Italy, greece and Belgium / Giacomo Orsini, Océane Uzureau, Malte Behrendt, Marina Rota, Sarah Adeyinka, Ilse Derluyn and Ine Lietaert -- 16. The u.s. Response to undocumented immigrant youth: "deferred" mobilities in new york / Guillermo Yrizar Barbosa -- Part IV. Informal and irregular labour and exploitability -- 17. Migrant women workers in Europe: Forms of irregularity and conditions of vulnerability / Giulia Garofalo Geymonat, Sabrina Marchetti and Letizia Palumbo -- 18. Casting outside regular pathways: State restrictions to sri lankan female migration / Chandima Arambepola -- 19. Becoming sanfei: The irregularization of foreign migrants in China / Guangzhi Huang and Heidi Østbø Haugen -- 20. Making a living while on the move: Migrant trajectories, hierarchized mobilities and local labour landscapes in central america / Nanneke Winters -- 21. Illegalized refugees seeking protection in the hong kong economy / Francesco Vecchio -- Part V. Geopolitics and micropolitics of control -- 22. Helping people feel that their future lies at home: The geopolitics of externalising irregular migration control in the European Union / Michael Collyer -- 23. Regularizing irregular sojourners: The avenue of "deservingness" / Maurizio Ambrosini -- 24. Being (in)visible: Exploring the post-return categorisations of cameroonian migrants / Presca Wanki, Ilse Derluyn and Ine Lietaert -- 25. On the administration of evil: Frontline bureaucrats resolving ethical tensions while enforcing oppressive deportation policies / Barak Kalir -- 26. Dirty borderwork and maculated borders: Examining the Mexican transit control regime / Amalia Campos-Delgado -- Part VI. Solidarity, advocacy and contestation -- 27. Autonomous and civic solidarity practices towards irregular migrants in Europe / Martin Bak Jørgensen -- 28. Undocumented immigrant activism: The struggle for rights and recognition / Walter J. Nicholls and Zayda Sorrell-Medina -- 29. Autonomous migration and transgressive solidarity: The case of the el hiblu / Daniela DeBono and Ċetta Mainwaring -- 30. Contesting the lethal mediterranean frontier charles heller, lorenzo pezzani and maurice stierl afterword / Alison Mountz -- Index.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 15
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781802203790 , 1802203796
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (xiv, 182 Seiten)
    Series Statement: Understanding series
    DDC: 306.4/2
    Keywords: Knowledge, Sociology of
    Abstract: "Understanding Society and Knowledge proposes that knowledge, rather than nature, violence, or power, provides the basis of and driving force behind human action in modern society. It demonstrates how the legal containment of knowledge enables the transformation of the knowledge society into knowledge capitalism. Providing an overview of the history of knowledge societies, Nico Stehr analyses the concept of knowledge as well as the nature of post-industrial societies. Chapters examine the genealogy of social scientific theories of modern society; the role of knowledge as a capacity to act or as an intersubjective resource; and recent changes in the structure of the material economy. The book concludes by discussing the political challenges of the knowledge society, highlighting the ways in which discoveries in modern knowledge and subsequent political responses continue to generate controversies. This illuminating book will be an essential resource for students and scholars of economics, political science, sociology and sociological theory, as well as science and technology studies"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Preface -- 1. Introduction: Theories of modern societies -- 2. The lineage of knowledge society theory -- 3. The science of knowledge -- 4. Knowledge competencies -- 5. The knowledge wars -- 6. The political economy of knowledge societies -- 7. Modern societies as knowledge societies -- 8. The political economy of knowledge monopoly capitalism -- 9. Political challenges of knowledge societies -- 10. Conclusions -- References -- Index.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 16
    ISBN: 9781803923796 , 1803923792
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (viii, 310 Seiten)
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Feminist frontiers in climate justice
    DDC: 363.70082
    Keywords: Women and the environment ; Women's rights ; Environmental law ; Climatic changes Sex differences ; Klimaänderung ; Klimaschutz ; Umweltschutz ; Geschlechterrolle ; Frau ; Feminismus ; Gleichbehandlung ; Environmental law ; Women and the environment ; Women's rights ; Erde ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: Feminist Frontiers in Climate Justice provides a compelling demonstration of the deeply gendered and unequal effects of the climate emergency, alongside the urgent need for a feminist perspective to expose and address these structural political, social and economic inequalities. Taking a nuanced, multidisciplinary approach, this book explores new ways of thinking about how climate change interacts with gender inequalities and feminist concerns with rights and law, and how the human world is bound up with the non-human, natural world. With contributions from leading scholars in law, feminism, human rights and politics, this book considers how equality is conceptualised experienced and used in policies, law and practice that are integral to climate justice. Chapters reveal how international and national policy and legal frameworks fall short on gender equality and climate justice. Overall, the book demonstrates that the climate crisis demands an ambitious and transformative approach to equality, including developing feminist ideas of care and social reproduction, to reconstruct law and policy towards a more just world for all. This ground-breaking book will be essential reading for scholars across many areas of law including environmental law, human rights, public international law, law and gender, and law and development. Its discussion of the international framework alongside in-depth case studies and assessments of women's mobilization strategies will also be highly relevant to social scientists, officials in international organizations, policymakers, lawyers and activists.
    Note: Literaturangaben, Register , Introduction -- feminist frontiers in climate justice : rights, climate change and gender equality , The inequality of climate change and the difference it makes , A critical evaluation of inter-generational equity and its application in the climate change context , A feminist critique on gender based violence in a changing climate : seeing, listening and responding , A greener cedaw : adopting a women's substantive equality approach to climate change , The world of work : a green and feminist future? , Radical connectedness : reproductive rights, climate justice and gender equality , Gender equality and climate change in plural legal contexts : a critical analysis of Kenya's law and policy framework , Climate change and gender in Colombia : exploring female led struggle in the flower industry , The value of litigation to women environmental human rights defenders in South Africa , 'Grass in the cracks' : gender, social reproduction and climate justice in the xolobeni struggle , Indigenous women against Bolsonaro's government in Brazil : resisting right-wing authoritarianism and demanding climate justice
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  • 17
    ISBN: 9781802205930
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (260 pages)
    Series Statement: Norrag series on international education and development
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: International education
    Abstract: "The global education crisis is a complex problem that requires change from teachers, school managers, civil society, implementers, planners, governments and donors. Addressing the issues that lie beneath this crisis requires new ways of working. Systems thinking is a suite of approaches to grappling with complex problems that is beginning to gain traction in international education. This book brings together new research in the nascent field of systems thinking in international education. Outlining the implications that systems thinking can hold for future research, practice and progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4, a diverse range of leading scholars, policymakers and practitioners present novel research to encourage the shift from a linear view of change to a systems view. Chapters present diverse approaches to applying systems thinking in education across middle- and low-income countries, alongside research on how this has changed mindsets more widely. Questioning notions such as scaling and the universal applicability of 'what works', authors here suggest that locally relevant evidence and systemic rewards for using it are necessary to achieve SDG 4. This innovative book exemplifies how systems thinking offers the tools, frameworks and concepts to improve outcomes in education systems. With the education crisis further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, this timely book is essential reading for all those concerned with education and sustainable development goals. This thought-provoking book should be read by all those working to achieve SDG4; those whose day jobs inspire them and who look to their bookshelves for new ideas"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Foreword / Gita Steiner-Khamsi -- Acknowledgements -- 1. Introduction to systems thinking in international education and development / Moira V. Faul and Laura Savage -- Part I. From practice to systems thinking -- 2. Reflections on systems practice: Implementing teaching at the right level in zambia / Varja Lipovsek, Laura Poswell, Ashleigh Morrell, Devyani Pershad, Nico Vromant and Abe Grindle -- 3. Collaborative professionalism and education system change: New evidence from Kenya, India and rwanda / Charlotte Jones, John Rutayisire, Donvan Amenya, Jean-Pierre Mugiraneza and Katie Godwin -- 4. Global education funders' perspectives on the potential of systems thinking to change education practices and achieve mass learning gains / Laura Savage, Clio Dintilhac, Raphaelle Martinez, Tjip Walker and Jason Weaver -- Part II. From theories to systems thinking and practices -- 5. Understanding travelling reforms from a systems perspective / Gita Steiner-Khamsi -- 6. Using a systems approach to education and development: Insights from a multi-country research programme on access and learning / Keith M. Lewin -- 7. System coherence for learning: Applications of the rise education systems framework / Michelle Kaffenberger and Marla Spivack -- Part III. Applying systems approaches in practice -- 8. Adapting inclusive systems development (isd) to vocational education and training (vet) and skills development / Mike Klassen, Sandra Rothboeck and Ailsa Buckley -- 9. Systems, complexity and realist evaluation: Reflections from a large-scale education policy evaluation in colombia / Juan David Parra and D. Brent Edwards Jr -- 10. Can systems thinking tools help us better understand education problems and design appropriate support? Reflections on a test case / Elena Walls and Laura Savage -- Part IV. Conclusion -- 11. Conclusion: Beyond silver bullet solutions / Moira V. Faul and Laura Savage -- Index.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 18
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781800885325
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (306 Seiten)
    Series Statement: Elgar guides to teaching
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Federal government ; Political science Study and teaching
    Abstract: "Teaching Federalism presents innovative ideas for teaching a wide variety of key concepts of federalism and federal-country cases. Each chapter introduces a topic, explains its place in federalism research, and provides learning objectives, pedagogical tools, and questions for class discussions, student essays, and examinations. Evaluation and reading suggestions are included as well. The book covers twenty substantive facets of federalism important for understanding contemporary issues of federalism and federation, such as power distribution, second chambers, high courts, intergovernmental relations, fiscal federalism, multinational federalism, conflict resolution, indigenous peoples, gendered federalism, and secession. Also included are case-study examples for teaching about federalism in Germany, India, Nigeria, Switzerland, and the United States. Educators around the world who teach federalism or wish to do so will find this a wonderful resource for lesson plans on a wide variety of issues related to federalism. Students studying federalism will also find it invaluable as an introductory resource for important topics and readings on the subject"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Foreword / Rupak Chattopadhyay -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction to teaching federalism: Multidimensional approaches / John Kincaid and J. Wesley Leckrone -- 1. Theories of covenant and federalism: Deep roots with multiple shoots / Glenn Moots -- 2. The federalist: The world's seminal source on federalism / Troy E. Smith and Ryan D. Nelson -- 3. Comparative federalism: What is a federation and how do we study more than one? / Alan Fenna -- 4. Federalism and constitutionalism: A relation based on interdependency / Elisabeth Alber and Francesco Palermo -- 5. Distribution of powers in federal systems: Federalism's heart / John Kincaid -- 6. Second chambers in federal systems: Shared-rule guarantors or party hacks? / Anna Gamper -- 7. High courts in federations: Neutral referees or team players? / Nicholas Aroney -- 8. Intergovernmental relations: Federalism's lifeblood? / Johanne Poirier -- 9. Fiscal federalism: Federalism's nerve tissue? / Anwar Shah -- 10. Federal political culture: Federalism's glue? / David McGrane -- 11. Political parties in federal systems: Key players in the federal game / Klaus Detterbeck -- 12. Local governments in federal systems: Deepening federal democracy? / Nico Steytler -- 13. Federalism and democracy / Robert P. Inman -- 14. Multinational, multicultural, intercultural, and plurinational federalism / Arjun Tremblay and Alain-G. Gagnon -- 15. Federalism and conflict resolution: Mixed success? / Soeren Keil -- 16. Asymmetric vs. Symmetric federalism: Equity vs. Equality / Maja Sahadzić -- 17. Secession in federal systems: Voice versus exit / Eva Maria Belser and Robin Beglinger -- 18. Social policymaking in federal systems: Can equity and diversity coexist? / Andrew Karch -- 19. Applying a gender lens to federal systems / Jill Vickers -- 20. Indigenous peoples and federalism: In or out? / Martin Papillon -- 21. Germany: Cooperation and executive dominance / Nathalie Behnke -- 22. Indian federalism: Centralism amidst diversity / Louise Tillin -- 23. Nigeria: A model of federalist ethnic conflict management or federalist illusion? / Rotimi T. Suberu -- 24. Switzerland: Real federalism at work / Rahel Freiburghaus and Adrian Vatter -- 25. Federalism in the United States: Dualism with a splash of coercion / J. Wesley Leckrone -- Index.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 19
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781035300662
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (224 pages)
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Crisis management
    Abstract: "Reflecting on the depth of the experience with crises, this innovative book demonstrates what the world can learn from insights into crises from the Japanese perspective. Taking an institutionalist approach with a strong historical precedent, leading scholars in the social sciences and law explore how better to deal with both foreseeable and unforeseen crises. Illustrating their multifaceted and complex nature, the book examines a broad range of crises throughout history, including economic, fiscal and political crises; force majeure events such as pandemics and natural disasters; and military conflicts and acts of war. Chapters consider how various actors anticipate and deal with these crises, looking closely at their different perceptions of crisis and varying degrees of urgency. Analyzing institutional design and response, and the impact of psychological factors on disaster preparedness, the book considers how the decision-making capabilities of individuals can be enhanced to improve institutional capacity. Transdisciplinary, with an international reach, this topical book will prove invaluable to students and scholars across the social sciences, particularly those interested in Asian politics and environmental policy, disaster preparedness and institutional design. It also provides guidance for policymakers working in civil code reform"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Preface -- 1. Dealing with crisis: The Japanese experience and beyond / J. Babb and Takashi Iida -- Part I. How people think about crisis -- 2. How can we prepare for something we don't want to think about? Disaster readiness and negative capability / Shin Arita -- 3. Bricolage by institutions: Towards the recreation of norms and organizations / Takashi Iida -- Part II. The great east Japan earthquake and associated crises -- 4. Transforming a crisis into a turning point: The response of businesses to the great east Japan earthquake / Naofumi Nakamura -- 5. Electric power crisis and crisis response after the great east Japan earthquake / Toshihiro Matsumura -- Part III. Law and institutions in the response to crisis -- 6. Contractual crisis and the doctrine of change of circumstances: The results and contexts of the reform of contract law in Japan / Hiroyasu Ishikawa -- 7. State of emergency clauses in constitutional law / Tomonobu Hayashi -- 8. Missing the point: Facts and rhetoric about Japan's fiscal crisis / Takeshi Fujitani -- 9. The crisis of war and the relocation of key facilities: A comparative historical study of Japan and China / Tomoo Marukawa -- 10. Japan-china relations "in crisis," and sentiment toward China / Asei Itō -- Index.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 20
    ISBN: 9781786434593
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (196 pages)
    Series Statement: Cities series
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Public spaces Environmental aspects ; City planning Climatic factors ; Stadtentwicklung ; Stadtsanierung ; Hitzebelastung ; Wärmeinsel
    Abstract: "Shedding light on the future of urban spaces, this path-breaking book is a significant contribution to contemporary climate change scholarship. It synthesizes interdisciplinary research with practical policy, putting an emphasis on positive environmental and socially just outcomes and urban regeneration. Hot Cities offers insights from eminent academics and practitioners, providing both a practical and theoretical outlook on strategy development in a climate crisis. Chapters call for urgent responses to the urban heat problem, providing future projections to illustrate why this is important. They highlight that despite prominent issues within cities, such as maladaptive practices or unsustainable path dependency in city policy and planning, urban spaces are likely to be the safest and most protected locations from the uncompromising outcomes of global warming. This enlightening book will be incredibly useful for scholars of human geography, urban planning, climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction, environmental humanities, urban design and urban and regional studies. Due to its broad applicability, it will also benefit design practitioners and community developers"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: 1. Welcome to the pyrocene -- 2. Fire -- 3. Climate image plates / Ben Sibley -- 4. Risk -- 5. Roots -- 6. Shelter -- Image plates 2 / Pakamas Thinphanga -- 7. Community -- 8. Technology -- 9. Nature -- Image plates 3 / Jody Graham -- 10. Ethics -- 11. Futures -- 12. The endless summer -- Image plates 4 / Jesse Hales -- Bibliography -- Index.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 21
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781800378469
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (348 pages)
    Series Statement: Elgar research agendas
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Equality Social aspects ; Equality Handbooks, manuals, etc Research ; Life skills ; Vocational qualifications
    Abstract: Skills and inequality have long been a central theme in analyses of social structure and economic development. A Research Agenda for Skills and Inequality offers an insightful cross-disciplinary framework for research on how unequal living conditions form, persist and change in interplay with human skill formation and development. Drawing on prominent new advances in the field, this incisive Research Agenda builds a forward-thinking framework for research. Spanning an extensive eighteen chapters, each examining a specific but major aspect of the general theme of skills and inequality, the book provides a comprehensive overview of links between the two. Against the backdrop of established insights from related but separate fields of inquiry, including economics, sociology, demography, human resource management, political science, philosophy and psychology, the Research Agenda presents an exciting overview of recent advances in analyses of skills and inequality. Opening vistas for future research based on extensive literature reviews and new findings, this Research Agenda offers compact, ground-breaking essays for students, policy makers, and advanced researchers in many disciplines including social policy, business management, and employment relations
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: 1. Skills and inequality - Introduction and overview / Michael Tåhlin -- 2. Skills, class and gender / Charlotta Magnusson and Michael Tåhlin -- 3. Culture, skills, job tasks and inequality / George Farkas -- 4. Skills and structural change / Johan Westerman and Edvin Syk -- 5. Skills and occupational sex segregation in Europe / Amanda Almstedt Valldor and Karin Halldén -- 6. Skills and adult educational choice: Gender (in) equality in a new form of Swedish vocational education / Margarita Chudnovskaya, Erik Nylander, and Rebecca Ye -- 7. Occupational skills and subjective social status / Anton B. Andersson and Arvid Lindh -- 8. Skill and job quality: Polarisation in a 'liberal' economy? / Duncan Gallie -- 9. Occupational skills, ethnic stratification, and labor market assimilation across immigrant generations / Are Skeie Hermansen, Jon Horgen Friberg, and Arnfinn H. Midtbøen -- 10. Can work protect against age-related decline of cognitive skills?: An empirical test of the use-it-or-lose-it hypothesis / Mark Levels and Rolf van der Velden -- 11. Reconceptualizing human capital / Paula England and Nancy Folbre -- 12. Parental education-occupation matching and offspring earnings / Dirk Witteveen -- 13. Skill and power at work: A relational inequality perspective / Dustin Avent-Holt and Donald Tomaskovic-Devey -- 14. The meaning of job-required education / Michael J. Handel -- 15. Skills and educational systems / Heike Solga and Herman G. van de Werfhorst -- 16. Skills and collective wage bargaining / Christian Kjellström and Irene Wennemo -- 17. Skills and macro-level economic inequality / Tomas Korpi, Michael Tåhlin and Johan Westerman -- 18. Skilled work and ethics: How can we expand opportunities for meaningful work? / Andrea Veltman -- Index.
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  • 22
    ISBN: 9781035307173
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (322 pages)
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Education, Higher Social aspects ; Education, Higher Aims and objectives
    Abstract: "Despite the broad engagement of higher education institutions in most social sectors, limited thinking and hyper-individualistic approaches have dominated discussions of their value to society. Advocating a more rigorous and comprehensive approach, this insightful book discusses the broad range of contributions made by higher education and the many issues entailed in theorising, observing, measuring and evaluating those contributions. Prepared by a group of leading international scholars, the chapters investigate the multiple interconnections between higher education and society and the vast range of social, economic, political and cultural functions carried out by universities, colleges and institutes and their personnel. The benefits of higher education include employable graduates, new knowledge via research and scholarship, climate science and global connections, and the structuring of economic and social opportunities for whole populations, as well as work and advice for government at all levels. Higher education not only lifts earnings and augments careers, it also immerses students in knowledge, helps to shape them as people, and fosters productivity, democracy, tolerance and international understanding. The book highlights the value added by higher education for persons, organisations, communities, cities, nations, and the world. It also focuses on inequalities in the distribution of that value, and finds that the tools for assessing higher education are neither adequate nor complete as yet. International and interdisciplinary in scope, this book will prove an invaluable resource to students and scholars of higher education, educational policy and social policy. It will also prove a useful resource to both university executives and tertiary education policymakers who want to make higher education more effectively accountable to the public"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Preface -- List of contributors -- 1. Introduction: Higher education and the contributions problem / Simon Marginson, Brendan Cantwell, Daria Platonova and Anna Smolentseva -- Part I. Concepts and perspectives -- 2. Intrinsic and extrinsic outcomes of higher education / Simon Marginson, Brendan Cantwell, Daria Platonova and Anna Smolentseva -- 3. Contributions of higher education to society: Towards conceptualisation / Anna Smolentseva -- 4. Higher education as student self-formation / Simon Marginson -- Part II. Global contributions and comparisons -- 5. Higher education, science and the climate crisis / Johanna Witte -- 6. Opportunities and challenges for open higher education systems in global context / Marijk van der Wende -- 7. A comparison of Chinese and anglo-american ideas about higher education and public good / Simon Marginson and Lili Yang -- 8. Us-china collaboration in science for the global common good / John P. Haupt and Jenny J. Lee -- Part III. Contributions to economy, polity, government and culture -- 9. Graduate employability and employment / James Robson -- 10. Unesco's common good idea of higher education and democracy / Rita Locatelli and Simon Marginson -- 11. Understanding the contributions of higher education through the politics of reform / Brendan Cantwell, Daria Platonova and Isak Froumin -- 12. The professoriate and public policy / Glen A. Jones -- 13. Cultural contributions of higher education / Jussi Välimaa, Terhi Nokkala and Ksenia Romanenko -- 14. Higher education and regional elite formation in Russia / Aleksei Egorov and Sergey Malinovskiy -- Index.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 23
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781035325252 , 9781789900118
    Language: English
    Pages: ix, 439 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme, Karten
    Series Statement: Research handbooks in urban studies series
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Stadtplanung ; Komplexität ; City planning ; Stadtplanung ; Komplexität
    Abstract: Contents: Introduction to the handbook on cities and complexity / Juval Portugali -- Part I: Foundations -- 1. Cities, complexity and beyond / Juval Portugali -- 2. The emergence of complexity theories: An outline / Hermann Haken -- 3. City systems and complexity / Michael Batty -- 4. Major transitions in the story of urban complexity / Stephen Marshall and Nick Green -- Part II: Complexity theories of cities -- 5. Complexity: The evolution and planning of towns and cities / Peter M. Allen -- 6. Synergetic cities / Juval Portugali and Hermann Haken -- 7. Co-evolution as the secret of urban complexity / Denise Pumain -- 8. Fractal geometry for analyzing and modeling urban patterns and planning sustainable cities / Pierre Frankhauser -- 9. Scaling, fractals and the spatial complexity of cities / Yanguang Chen -- 10. Cybernetic cities: Designing and controlling adaptive and robust urban systems / Carlos Gershenson, Paolo Santi and Carlo Ratti --
    Abstract: Part III: Complexity, language and cities -- 11. New concepts in complexity theory arising from studies in the field of architecture: An overview of the four books of the nature of order with emphasis on the scientific problems which are raised / Christopher Alexander -- 12. The dialectic as driver of complexity in urban and social systems / Alan Penn -- Part IV: Modeling complex cities -- 13. Modelling car traffic in cities / Vincent Verbavatz and Marc Barthelemy -- 14. Studying the dynamics of urban traffic flows using percolation: A new methodology for real-time urban and transportation planning / Nimrod Serok, Orr Levy, Shlomo Havlin and Efrat Blumenfeld Lieberthal -- 15. The simple complex phenomenon of urban parking / Itzhak Benenson and Nir Fulman -- Part V: Complexity, planning and design -- 16. Complexity and uncertainty: Implications for urban planning / Stefano Moroni and Daniele Chiffi --
    Abstract: 17. Tailoring nudges to self-organising behavioural patterns in public space / Koen Bandsma, Ward S. Rauws and Gert de Roo -- 18. Evolutionary games in cities and urban planning / Sara Encarna.o, Fernando P. Santos, Francisco C. Santos, Margarida Pereira, Jorge M. Pacheco and Juval Portugali -- 19. Homo faber, homo ludens and the city: A sirnia view on urban planning and design / Juval Portugali Epilogue: cities and complexity in the time of COVID-19. / Hermann Haken, Juval Portugali, Michael Batty, Stephen Marshall, Nick Green, Peter M. Allen, Pierre Frankhauser, Carlos Gershenson, Alan Penn, Vincent Verbavatz, Marc Barthelemy, Daniele Chiffi, Stefano Moroni, Koen Bandsma, Ward S. Rauws and Gert de Roo -- Index
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 24
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 1800883196 , 9781800883192
    Language: English
    Pages: xvii, 239 Seiten , Illustrationen, Karten
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als A research agenda for gentrification
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als A research agenda for gentrification
    Keywords: Gentrifizierung
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  • 25
    ISBN: 9781035301546
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (VII, 274 Seiten) , Illustrationen
    Series Statement: Elgar international law and technology
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Building an international cybersecurity regime
    DDC: 343.0999
    Keywords: Computer security International cooperation ; Computer security Law and legislation ; Internationale Politik ; Computersicherheit ; Internationales Recht
    Abstract: Providing a much-needed study on cybersecurity regime building, this comprehensive book is a detailed analysis of cybersecurity norm-making processes and country positions, through the lens of multi-stakeholder diplomacy. Multi-disciplinary and multi-national scholars and practitioners use insights drawn from high-level discussion groups to provide a rigorous analysis of how major cyber powers view multi-stakeholder diplomacy. Looking at how past cybersecurity initiatives and multi-stakeholder negotiations in other fields illuminate its dynamics, this book will help put states' approaches towards multi-stakeholder cyber diplomacy into perspective, and frame the role of private actors in cybersecurity regime building. Evaluating the most promising institutional arrangements and mechanisms for implementing cybersecurity, this book combines top-down analyses relevant to the design of international cybersecurity regimes with bottom-up case studies, tracing the approaches of important states towards multi-stakeholder participation in cyber diplomacy. With a wealth of policy-relevant findings, this book will be welcomed by practitioners and scholars of international law, international organisation and international cybersecurity as well as multi-stakeholder governance and multilateral regimes. Policymakers and diplomats involved in international cybersecurity processes will also benefit from its cutting-edge comparative analysis of the approaches of key cyber powers.
    Note: Literaturangaben, Register , Introduction , Building cybersecurity through multistakeholder diplomacy : politics, processes, and prospects , Thematic issues , The geopolitics of multistakeholder cyber diplomacy : a comparative analysis , Multistakeholder characteristics of past and ongoing cybersecurity norms processes , Developing multistakeholder structures for cybersecurity norms : learning from experience , Implementing cybersecurity norms : the design of international institutions , Country perspectives , U.S. multistakeholder engagement in cyber stability issues , Russia's participation in multistakeholder diplomacy for cybersecurity norms , Rethinking Chinese multistakeholder governance of cybersecurity , India's "passive" multistakeholder cyber diplomacy , Brazil and multistakeholder diplomacy for the internet : past achievements, current challenges and the road ahead , Taking stock of Estonia's multistakeholder cyber diplomacy , Conclusion , The way ahead for multistakeholder cyber diplomacy
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 26
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (90 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Kubernetes has become the primary platform for deploying and managing cloud native applications. But because it was originally designed for stateless workloads, working with data on Kubernetes has been challenging. If you want to avoid the inefficiencies and duplicative costs of having separate infrastructure for applications and data, this practical guide can help. Using Kubernetes as your platform, you'll discover open source technologies that are designed and built for the cloud. Delve into case studies to avoid the pitfalls others have faced and explore new use cases. Get an insider's view of what's coming from the innovators who are creating next-generation architectures and infrastructure. And you'll learn how to: Manage different data use cases on Kubernetes Reduce costs and simplify application development Leverage data and infrastructure to create new use cases and business models Make data infrastructure choices that are cost-efficient, secure, scalable, and elastic And more
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 27
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (70 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    DDC: 004
    Keywords: Information technology ; Information retrieval ; Databases ; Data mining ; Electronic books
    Abstract: As an aspiring data scientist, you appreciate why organizations rely on data for important decisions--whether it's for companies designing websites, cities deciding how to improve services, or scientists discovering how to stop the spread of disease. And you want the skills required to distill a messy pile of data into actionable insights. We call this the data science lifecycle: the process of collecting, wrangling, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Learning Data Science is the first book to cover foundational skills in both programming and statistics that encompass this entire lifecycle. It's aimed at those who wish to become data scientists or who already work with data scientists, and at data analysts who wish to cross the "technical/nontechnical" divide. If you have a basic knowledge of Python programming, you'll learn how to work with data using industry-standard tools like pandas. Refine a question of interest to one that can be studied with data Pursue data collection that may involve text processing, web scraping, etc. Glean valuable insights about data through data cleaning, exploration, and visualization Learn how to use modeling to describe the data Generalize findings beyond the data
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 28
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781098107499 , 1098107497
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (66 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    DDC: 005.75/65
    Keywords: Database management Software ; Data mining Software ; Electronic books ; local ; Electronic books
    Abstract: Analytics projects are frequently long-drawn-out affairs, requiring multiple teams and skills to clean, join, and eventually turn data into analysis for timely decision-making. Alteryx Designer changes all of that. With this low-code, self-service, drag-and-drop workflow platform, new and experienced data and business analysts can deliver results in hours instead of weeks. This practical book shows you how to master all areas of Alteryx Designer quickly. Author and Alteryx ACE Joshua Burkhow starts with the basics of building a workflow, then introduces more than 200 tools for working with intermediate and advanced analytics functionality. With Alteryx Designer's all-in-one toolkit, you'll migrate from legacy analytics software or Excel with ease. Ready to work with data quickly and efficiently? This guide gets you started. Learn the fundamentals of cleaning, prepping, and analyzing data with Alteryx Designer Install, navigate, and quickly become competent with the Alteryx Designer layout and functionality Construct accurate, performant, reliable, and well-documented workflows that automate business processes Learn intermediate techniques using spatial analytics, reporting, and in-database tools Dive into advanced Alteryx capabilities, including predictive and machine learning tools Get introduced to the entire Alteryx Analytic Process Automation (APA) Platform
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 29
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (75 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Advances in machine learning techniques, the cloud, and the ability to leverage hardware acceleration have changed the way we work with data — adding entirely new capabilities and business models to the mix. But the demand for processing training data has outpaced the increase in computation power. This practical and comprehensive guide will show you how to distribute your machine learning workload across multiple machines and turn centralized systems into distributed ones. Machine Learning with Spark examines various technologies for building end-to-end distributed machine learning platforms based on the Apache Spark ecosystem with Spark MLlib, TensorFlow, Horovod, PyTorch, and more. This book shows you when to use each technology and why. You'll also learn how to: Build efficient parallelization of the training process Create a coherent model Leverage a set of open source tools to build scalable end-to-end ML platform Enable more advanced, tailor-made products Use distributed ML techniques to increase the quality of predictions and ML modules Design practical distributed machine learning systems
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 30
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (38 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Serverless computing enables developers to concentrate solely on their applications rather than worry about where they've been deployed. With the Ray general-purpose serverless implementation in Python, programmers and data scientists can hide servers, implement stateful applications, support direct communication between tasks, and access hardware accelerators. In this book, authors Holden Karau and Boris Lublinsky show you how to scale existing Python applications and pipelines, allowing you to stay in the Python ecosystem while avoiding single points of failure and manual scheduling. If your data processing has grown beyond what a single computer can handle, this book is for you. Written by experienced software architecture practitioners, Scaling Python with Ray is ideal for software architects and developers eager to explore successful case studies and learn more about decision and measurement effectiveness. This book covers distributed processing (the pure Python implementation of serverless) and shows you how to: Implement stateful applications with Ray actors Build workflow management in Ray Use Ray as a unified platform for batch and streaming Implement advanced data processing with Ray Apply microservices with Ray platform Implement reliable Ray applications
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 31
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (66 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Get started with Ray, the open source distributed computing framework that greatly simplifies the process of scaling compute-intensive Python workloads. With this practical book, Python programmers, data engineers, and data scientists will learn how to leverage Ray locally and spin up compute clusters. You'll be able to use Ray to structure and run machine learning programs at scale. Authors Max Pumperla, Edward Oakes, and Richard Liaw show you how to build reinforcement learning applications that serve trained models with Ray. You'll understand how Ray fits into the current landscape of data science tools and discover how this programming language continues to integrate ever more tightly with these tools. Distributed computation is hard, but with Ray you'll find it easy to get started. Learn how to build your first distributed application with Ray Core Conduct hyperparameter optimization with Ray Tune Use the Ray RLib library for reinforcement learning Manage distributed training with the RaySGD library Use Ray to perform data processing Learn how work with Ray Clusters and serve models with Ray Serve Build an end-to-end machine learning application with Ray
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed April 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 32
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (166 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Learn how easy it is to apply sophisticated statistical and machine learning methods to real-world problems when you build using Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This hands-on guide shows data engineers and data scientists how to implement an end-to-end data pipeline, using statistical and machine learning methods and tools on GCP. Through the course of this updated second edition, you'll work through a sample business decision by employing a variety of data science approaches. Follow along by implementing these statistical and machine learning solutions in your own project on GCP, and discover how this platform provides a transformative and more collaborative way of doing data science. You'll learn how to: Employ best practices in building highly scalable data and ML pipelines on Google Cloud Automate and schedule data ingest using Cloud Run Create and populate a dashboard in Data Studio Build a real-time analytics pipeline using Pub/Sub, Dataflow, and BigQuery Conduct interactive data exploration with BigQuery Create a Bayesian model with Spark on Cloud Dataproc Forecast time series and do anomaly detection with BigQuery ML Aggregate within time windows with Dataflow Train explainable machine learning models with Vertex AI Operationalize ML with Vertex AI Pipelines
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 33
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (26 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: With the accelerating speed of business and the increasing dependence on technology, companies today are significantly changing the way they build in-house business solutions. Many now use low-code and no code technologies to help them deal with specific issues, but that's just the beginning. With this practical guide, power users and developers will discover ways to resolve everyday challenges by building end-to-end solutions with the Microsoft Power Platform. Author Jason Rivera, who specializes in SharePoint and the Microsoft 365 solution architecture, provides a comprehensive overview of how to use the Power Platform to build end-to-end solutions that address tactical business needs. By learning key components of the platform, including Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI, you'll be able to build low-code and no code applications, automate repeatable business processes, and create interactive reports from available data. Learn how the Power Platform apps work together Incorporate AI into the Power Platform without extensive ML or AI knowledge Create end-to-end solutions to solve tactical business needs, including data collection, process automation, and reporting Build AI-based solutions using Power Virtual Agents and AI Builder
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 34
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Tecniche Nuove | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788848141130
    Language: English , Italian
    Pages: 1 online resource (264 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Negli ultimi dieci anni, con il ritorno delle reti neurali, la comprensione del Deep Learning è diventata essenziale e questo manuale fornisce un’introduzione approfondita per i data scientist e gli ingegneri del software con precedenti esperienze nel machine learning. Inizierete con le basi del Deep Learning e passerete rapidamente ai dettagli di importanti architetture avanzate, implementando tutto da zero. L’autore Seth Weidman vi mostra come funzionano le reti neurali usando un approccio basato su principi primi. Imparerete come applicare da zero le reti neurali multistrato, le reti neurali convoluzionali e quelle ricorrenti. Acquisendo una comprensione dettagliata di come queste reti funzionino matematicamente, computazionalmente e concettualmente, porterete a termine con successo i vostri futuri progetti di Deep Learning.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 21, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 35
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (54 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local ; Electronic books
    Abstract: Companies are scrambling to integrate AI into their systems and operations. But to build truly successful solutions, you need a firm grasp of the underlying mathematics. This accessible guide walks you through the math necessary to thrive in the AI field such as focusing on real-world applications rather than dense academic theory. Engineers, data scientists, and students alike will examine mathematical topics critical for AI--including regression, neural networks, optimization, backpropagation, convolution, Markov chains, and more--through popular applications such as computer vision, natural language processing, and automated systems. And supplementary Jupyter notebooks shed light on examples with Python code and visualizations. Whether you're just beginning your career or have years of experience, this book gives you the foundation necessary to dive deeper in the field. Understand the underlying mathematics powering AI systems, including generative adversarial networks, random graphs, large random matrices, mathematical logic, optimal control, and more Learn how to adapt mathematical methods to different applications from completely different fields Gain the mathematical fluency to interpret and explain how AI systems arrive at their decisions
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 36
    ISBN: 9781803920924
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (512 pages )
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Solidarity Encyclopedias Social aspects ; Sustainable development ; Economics Encyclopedias Sociological aspects ; Economics Sociological aspects ; Economics Political aspects
    Abstract: "Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd in partnership with United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on SSE (UNTFSSE) The Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy is a comprehensive reference text that explores how the social and solidarity economy (SSE) plays a significant role in creating and developing economic activities in alternative ways. In contrast to processes involving commodification, commercialisation, bureaucratisation and corporatisation, the SSE reasserts the place of ethics, social well-being and democratic decision-making in economic activities and governance. Identifying and analysing a myriad of issues and topics associated with the SSE, the Encyclopedia broadens the knowledge base of diverse actors of the SSE, including practitioners, activists and policymakers. Analysing the role of SSE organisations and enterprises in enhancing wellbeing, planetary health and democracy at various levels and their contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the Encyclopedia invaluably summarises knowledge about the key aspects of the SSE. Accomplished researchers depart from traditional nationalistic, Eurocentric and trans-Atlantic perspectives to explain the SSE from a global perspective with a focus on untold stories of its development in both developing and developed countries. A collective work of the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on SSE (UNTFSSE), this Encyclopedia will serve as an essential tool for scholars and students of comparative social policy, international economics, management studies and economic sociology. Key Features: - 57 entries - Clearly organised into thematic sections addressing histories, concepts and theories, actors and organisations, development, and environment and governance - Breaks down the complex relationship between economic, social and political dimensions in an accessible way"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Preface -- Part I. Histories, concepts and theories -- 1. Activism and social movements / Hamish Jenkins and Yvon Poirier -- 2. Community economies / Stephen Healy, Ana Inés Heras and Peter North -- 3. Contemporary understandings / Peter Utting -- 4. Ecological economics / Drazen Šimlesa -- 5. Feminist economics / Suzanne Bergeron -- 6. Globalization and alter-globalization / Carmen Marcuello, Anjel Errasti and Ignacio Bretos -- 7. Heterodox economics / Jean-Louis Laville -- 8. Indigenous economies / Luciane Lucas dos Santos -- 9. Moral economy and human economy / Jean-Louis Laville -- 10. Origins and histories / Jean-Louis Laville -- 11. Postcolonial theories / Luciane Lucas dos Santos -- 12. The black social economy / Sharon D. Wright Austin -- 13. The commons / Anabel Rieiro -- Part II. Actors and organizations -- 14. African American and distributive justice / Jessica Gordon-Nembhard and Ajowa Nzinga Ifateyo -- 15. Associations and associationalism / Bruno Frère and Laurent Gardin -- 16. Community-based organizations / Kiran Kamal Prasad -- 17. Cooperatives and mutuals / Chiyoge B. Sifa and Caroline Shenaz Hossein -- 18. Lgbt inclusion / Vincenza Priola and Saoirse C. O'Shea -- 19. Migrants and refugees / Giulia Galera and Leila Giannetto -- 20. Activism and social movements / Edith Archambault -- 21. Social enterprises / Jacques Defourny and Marthe Nyssens -- 22. Women's self-help groups / Christabell P.J. -- 23. Youth / Davorka Vidović -- Part III. Linkages to development -- 24. Care and home support services / Christian Jetté, Yves Vaillancourt and Catherine Lenzi -- 25. Culture, sports and leisure sectors / Nadine Richez-Battesti and Francesca Petrella -- 26. Education sector / Christina A. Clamp and Colleen E. Tapley -- 27. Energy, water and waste management sectors / Waltteri Katajamäki -- 28. Finance sector / Riccardo Bodini and Gianluca Salvatori -- 29. Food and agriculture sector / Judith Hitchman -- 30. Gender equality and empowerment / Bipasha Baruah -- 31. Health and care sector / Jean-Pierre Girard -- 32. Housing sector / Alice Pittini -- 33. Information and communication technology (ict) / Raymond Saner, Lichia Saner-Yiu and Samuel Bruelisauer -- 34. Local community development / Luis Razeto Migliaro -- 35. Peace and non-violence / Smita Ramnarain -- 36. Reduction of hunger and poverty / Judith Hitchman -- 37. Reduction of multidimensional inequalities / Andrea Salustri -- 38. Social services / Susanne Elsen -- 39. Sustainable investment, production and consumption / Cynthia Giagnocavo -- 40. The sustainable development goals / Denison Jayasooria and Ilcheong Yi -- 41. Tourism sector / Gilles Caire -- 42. Work integration / Kate Cooney, Marthe Nyssens and Mary O'Shaughnessy -- Part IV. Enabling environment and governance -- 43. Access to markets / Darryl Reed -- 44. Co-optation, isomorphism and instrumentalisation / Nadine Richez-Battesti and Francesca Petrella -- 45. Financing / Gianluca Salvatori and Riccardo Bodini -- 46. Legal frameworks and laws / David Hiez -- 47. Local and territorial development plans / Hamish Jenkins -- 48. Management / Sang-Youn Lee -- 49. Participation, governance, collective action and democracy / Jeová Torres Silva Junior -- 50. Partnership and co-construction / Marguerite Mendell -- 51. Public policy / Peter Utting -- 52. Resilience in the context of multiple crises / Beverley Mullings and Tinyan Otuomagie -- 53. Social policy / Ilcheong Yi -- 54. Statistical measurement / Marie J. Bouchard -- 55. Supporting organizations and intermediaries / Hamish Jenkins -- 56. The institutional ecosystem / Jean-Marc Fontan and Benoît Lévesque -- 57. Working conditions and wages / Kunle Akingbola and Carol Brunt -- Index.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 37
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781035306275
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (172 Seiten)
    Series Statement: Elgar studies in human rights
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Perry, Michael J., 1945 - Interrogating the morality of human rights
    DDC: 323
    Keywords: Human rights Moral and ethical aspects
    Abstract: "This forward-thinking book illustrates the complexities of the morality of human rights. Emphasising the role of human rights as the only true global political morality to arise since the Second World War, chapters explore its role as applied to often controversial issues, such as capital punishment, the exclusion of same-sex couples from civil marriage and criminal abortion bans. Clarifying and cross-examining the morality of human rights, Michael J. Perry discusses their connection to moral equality and moral freedom, as well as exploring the significance of anti-poverty human rights. This illuminating book concludes with an explanation as to why the morality of human rights is acutely relevant to challenges faced by humanity in the modern era. In particular, the challenges of growing economic inequality and climate change are emphasised as having profound relevance to the morality of human rights. Interrogating the Morality of Human Rights will be of great benefit to both undergraduate and graduate students who are contemplating the idea of human rights and their morality within their studies. Professors and academics with cause to study and research human rights would also find it to be of interest, particularly those in the field of legal scholarship"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Introduction: Interrogating the morality of human rights - introductory overview -- Part I. The morality of human rights -- 1. Preliminary questions -- 2. The most fundamental question: What justification, if any? -- Part II. Two fundamental human rights: Moral equality and moral freedom -- 3. The human right to moral equality and the constitutional right to equal protection -- 4. The human right to moral freedom and the constitutional right of privacy -- Part III. Three human-rights-based controversies: Capital punishment, abortion, and same-sex marriage -- 5. Capital punishment as a contested human rights issue -- 6. Criminalizing abortion as a contested human rights issue -- 7. Excluding same-sex couples from civil marriage as a contested human rights issue -- 8. Who decides? -- Part IV. Antipoverty rights--and vulnerability theory -- 9. Poverty as a human rights issue 10. Vulnerability theory and the morality of human rights: Complementary, not competitive -- Conclusion: Human rights inflation? Extreme economic inequality and global warming as human rights issues -- Appendix -- Index.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 38
    ISBN: 9781800376762
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (408 pages)
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Urban ecology (Sociology) ; Nature and civilization ; Sustainability ; Stadtentwicklung ; Stadtökologie ; Nachhaltigkeit ; Klimaänderung ; Anpassung
    Abstract: "Nature-based solutions (NBS) are increasingly being adopted to address climate change, health, and urban sustainability, yet ensuring they are effective and inclusive remains a challenge. Addressing these challenges through chapters by leading experts in both global south and north contexts, this forward-looking book advances the science of NBS in cities and discusses the frontiers for next-generation urban NBS. NBS are fundamentally inter- and transdisciplinary approaches that require systems thinking and multi-level governance. With a focus on the multiple challenges that cities face, from heat and air pollution to storm water and threats to human health, this book puts forward a diversity of ideas for embracing complexity in mainstreaming NBS and inspiring new approaches to create the ecological urban futures we need. Speaking to the need for cities around the world to employ ecological, nature-based design, this book will be essential reading for early career professionals, practitioners, scholars, and students across multiple disciplines engaging with nature-based solutions including urban ecology, design, architecture, landscape architecture, geography, urban planning, policy, and management"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Foreword I / Dagmar Haase -- Foreword II / Karen C. Seto, Sonja Knapp and J. Scott MacIvor -- 1. Nature-based solutions for sustainable, resilient, and equitable cities / Timon McPhearson, Nadja Kabisch, and Niki Frantzeskaki -- Part I. Nature-based solutions for what and for whom? -- 2. Nature-based solutions and climate change resilience / Nancy B. Grimm, Yeowon Kim, Jason R. Sauer, and Stephen R. Elser -- 3. Towards just nature-based solutions for cities / Laura Tozer, Harini Nagendra, Pippin Anderson, and Jessica Kavonic -- Part II. The nature of nature-based solutions -- 4. Urban ecological resilience: Ensuring urban ecosystems can provide nature-based solutions / Timon McPhearson, Erik Andersson, Filipa Grilo, Bianca Lopez, and Nour Zein -- 5. Nature-based solutions and biodiversity: Synergies, trade-offs, and ways forward / Sonja Knapp and J. Scott MacIvor -- Part III. The multiple benefits of nature-based solutions -- 6. Just, nature-based solutions as critical urban infrastructure for cooling and cleaning airsheds / Paul Coseo and Zoe Hamstead -- 7. Nature-based solutions as critical urban infrastructure for water resilience / Lauren McPhillips, Hong Wu, Carolina Rojas Quezada, Bernice Rosenzweig, Jason R. Sauer, and Brandon Winfrey -- 8. Human physical health outcomes influenced by contact with nature / Lilah M. Besser and Gina S. Lovasi -- 9. Nature-based solutions and mental health / Nadja Kabisch, Sukanya Basu, Matilda van den Bosch, Gregory N. Bratman, and Oskar Masztalerz -- Part IV. Nature-based solutions governance, planning, and value -- 10. Planning and maintaining nature-based solutions: Lessons for foresight and sustainable care from Berlin, jakarta, melbourne, and santiago de chile / Rieke Hansen, Judy Bush, Didit Okta Pribadi, and Emanuel Giannotti -- 11. Governance of and with nature-based solutions in cities / Niki Frantzeskaki, Katinka Wijsman, Clare Adams, Nadja Kabisch, Shirin Malekpour, Melissa Pineda Pinto, and Paula Vandergert -- 12. Mapping, measuring, and valuing the benefits of nature-based solutions in cities / Anne D. Guerry, Eric V. Lonsdorf, Chris Nootenboom, Roy P. Remme, Rob Griffin, Hillary Waters, Stephen Polasky, Baolong Han, Tong Wu, Benjamin D. Janke, Megan Meacham, Perrine Hamel, and Xueman Wang -- Part V. Engaging art and design for and with nature-based solutions -- 13. Urban designs as social-natural resolutions / Brian McGrath, Danai Thaitakoo, Nithirath Chaemchuen, and Tommy Yang -- 14. Ecological art in cities: Exploring the potential for art to promote and advance nature-based solutions / Christopher Kennedy, Ellie Irons, and Patricia Lea Watts -- 15. 1 + 1 = 3: Stories of imagination and the art of nature-based solutions / Patrick M. Lydon, David Maddox, Robin Lasser, Baixo Ribeiro, and Carla Vitantonio -- 16. Towards mainstreaming nature-based solutions for achieving biodiverse, resilient, and inclusive cities / Timon McPhearson, Nadja Kabisch, and Niki Frantzeskaki -- Index.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 39
    ISBN: 9781789906981
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (XXVI, 413 pages)
    Series Statement: Elgar handbooks in energy, the environment and climate change
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Environmental policy ; Environmental law ; Aufsatzsammlung ; Europäische Union ; Mitgliedsstaaten ; Klimaänderung ; Umweltrecht ; Umweltpolitik
    Abstract: "The Handbook on European Union Climate Change Policy and Politics provides a wide-ranging and in-depth assessment of current and emerging challenges facing the EU in committing to and delivering increasingly ambitious climate policy objectives. It traces the development of climate and energy policies since the early 1990s and examines their continued evolution in the context of the 2019 European Green Deal. With contributions from leading international scholars, it describes the key dynamics driving policy developments and the role of key actors in climate and energy-related policy processes. Covering topics that have previously been relatively neglected, or have recently gained greater significance, such as finance and investment, 'hard to abate' sectors and negative emissions, this timely Handbook offers an up-to-date and unrivalled exploration of the complexities of climate policymaking. It will be of primary interest to academics researching EU politics, and environmental politics, policy, regulation and governance more widely. It will be especially pertinent to students and researchers who require more specialized knowledge of EU climate policy and politics"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Preface -- Acknowledgements -- List of abbreviations -- 1. The global importance of EU climate policy: An Introduction / Tim Rayner, Kacper Szulecki, Andrew J. Jordan and Sebastian Oberthür -- Part I. Main actors and institutions -- 2. The European commission: A climate policy entrepreneur / Alexander Bürgin -- 3. The European council, council and member states: Jostling for influence / Rüdiger K. W. Wurzel, Maurizio Di Lullo and Duncan Liefferink -- 4. The European parliament: A strong internal actor with external ambitions / Franziska Petri, Veronika Zapletalová and Katja Biedenkopf -- 5. The European investment bank: The EU's climate bank? / Daniel Mertens and Matthias Thiemann -- 6. Business and private finance: Their role in the EU's climate transition / Sandra Eckert -- 7. Environmental and climate activism and advocacy in the eu / Louisa Parks, Donatella della Porta and Martín Portos -- 8. Cities in EU multilevel climate policy: Governance capacities, spatial approaches and upscaling of local experiments / Kristine Kern -- 9. The role of the courts in EU climate policy / Marcin Stoczkiewicz -- Part II. Core dynamics shaping EU policy -- 10. Global dimensions of EU climate, energy and transport policies / John Vogle -- 11. Climate, ecological and energy security challenges facing the eu: New and old dynamics / Richard Youngs and Olivia Lazard -- 12. Green growth and competitiveness in EU climate policy: Paradigm shift or 'plus de la même chose'? / Oscar Fitch-Roy and Ian Bailey -- 13. EU climate leadership: Domestic and global dimensions / Paul Tobin, Diarmuid Torney and Katja Biedenkopf -- Part III. Policy instruments and modes of governance -- 14. Instruments and modes of governance in EU climate and energy policy: From energy union to the European green deal / Michèle Knodt -- 15. Targets, timetables and effort sharing as governance tools: Emergence, scope and ambition / Seita Romppanen -- 16. Proactive prevention of carbon leakage? The EU carbon border adjustment mechanism / Jørgen Wettestad -- 17. Climate policy integration and climate mainstreaming in the EU budget / Katharina Rietig and Claire Dupont -- 18. Governing EU low-carbon innovation: From strategic energy technology plan to European green deal / Jon Birger Skjærseth and Per Ove Eikeland -- Part IV. Barriers to more ambitious action in particular sectors -- 19. Agricultural emissions: A case of limited potential or limited ambition? / Alan Matthews -- 20. Energy-intensive industries in the eu: Overcoming barriers to transition? / Tomas Wyns and Gauri Khandekar -- 21. Transport: Evolving EU policy towards a 'hard-to-abate' sector / Helene Dyrhauge and Tim Rayner -- Part V. New and ongoing challenges -- 22. Carbon dioxide removal: Climbing up the EU climate policy agenda / Felix Schenuit and Oliver Geden -- 23. Brexit: Weighing its implications for EU and uk climate governance / Brendan Moore -- 24. Green recovery: Catalyst for an enhanced EU role in climate and energy policy? / Rainer Quitzow, Germán Bersalli, Johan Lilliestam and Andrea Prontera -- 25. Climate protection versus trade: Dilemmas for the eu / Natalie Dobson -- Part VI. Conclusion -- 26. The eu: Towards adequate, coherent and coordinated climate action? / Tim Rayner, Kacper Szulecki, Andrew J. Jordan and Sebastian Oberthür -- Index.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 40
    ISBN: 9781803923017
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (218 pages)
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Social service
    Abstract: "In the face of major global demographic change, social care policy and practice are in urgent need of radical reform and reassessment. Rising poverty, inequality and pressure on local communities internationally, are also increasing the urgent need for reform. Drawing on the crisis-ridden UK experience as a case-study, this highly original book identifies the limits of the traditional welfare state in taking forward policy for the twenty-first century. The proposals amount to a renewed approach to social care, based on the philosophy of independent living as originally developed by the international disabled people's movement and subsequently embodied in a United Nations treaty applicable to all in need of care and support. Despite wide international sign up since adoption in 2008 there is little evidence of any nation successfully delivering. For the first time, this book offers both a blueprint for an environmentally sustainable, rights-based approach to social care and a practical route to achieving it"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Foreword / David Brindle -- Introduction to the future of social care -- Part I. Social care in the uk: How it works and how it got here -- 1. Social care: The policy progress forgot -- 2. Sowing the seeds of dysfunction: The 1948 settlement -- 3. Rising awareness and falling achievement -- 4. The modern era, Part one: The truth about eligibility -- 5. The modern era, Part two: Smoke, mirrors and elixirs -- 6. The social care funding fiasco -- Part II. An agenda for social care change -- 7. Towards person-centred practice -- 8. A paradigm for an international approach to a rights-based system -- 9. Blueprint for a person-centred system to deliver the rights-based paradigm -- 10. Resistance to change -- Part III. A changing world driving change in social care -- 11. Renewing social care -- 12. Towards sustainable social care and independent living -- Index -- References.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 41
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781800376175
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (168 Seiten)
    Series Statement: How to research guides
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Fragebogen ; Befragung ; Unternehmen ; Empirische Methode ; Surveys Design ; Handbuch ; Umfrage ; Versuchsplanung ; Qualitative Methode
    Abstract: "This insightful book examines all aspects of the design process and implementation of questionnaire surveys on the activities of business, public sector, and non-profit organizations. Anthony Arundel discusses how different aspects of the survey method and planned statistical analysis can constrain question design, and how these issues can be effectively resolved. Throughout this engaging yet practical book, Arundel promotes good practices for questionnaire design, sample construction, and survey delivery systems including online, postal, and verbal methods, with a focus on obtaining high-quality data in line with ethics and confidentiality requirements. Chapters include constructive advice on questionnaire design and testing, survey implementation, and data processing, analysis, and reporting, with examples of time and financial cost budgets. Considering the recent developments in survey methods, the book explores how to use web probing as a substitute for cognitive testing and examines the use of tablets and smartphones in answering questionnaires. Combining theoretical and practical insights into survey design, implementation, and data processing and analysis, this book will be essential reading for business and management scholars and students, with a particular interest in research methods and organization studies. It will also be useful for practitioners and business managers seeking to understand how to create and use surveys"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: 1. Introduction -- 2. Survey fundamentals -- 3. Questionnaire design -- 4. Questionnaire testing -- 5. Survey implementation -- 6. Data processing activities -- 7. Data analysis and reporting -- 8. Conclusion -- References -- Annexes -- Index.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 42
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781098122072 , 1098122070
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (25 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    DDC: 005.13/3
    Keywords: Go (Computer program language) ; Open source software Programming ; Computer programming ; Electronic books ; Go (Langage de programmation) ; Logiciels libres - Programmation ; Programmation (Informatique) ; computer programming
    Abstract: Go is an increasingly popular language for programming everything from web applications to distributed network services. This practical guide provides recipes to help you unravel common problems and perform useful tasks when working with Go. Each recipe includes self-contained code solutions that you can freely use, along with a discussion of how and why they work. Programmers new to Go can quickly ramp up their knowledge while accomplishing useful tasks, and experienced Go developers can save time by cutting and pasting proven code directly into their applications. Recipes include: Creating a module; Calling code from another module; Returning and handling an error; Converting strings to numbers (or converting numbers to strings); Modifying multiple characters in a string; Creating substrings from a string; Capturing string input; And so much more.--Back cover
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed July 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 43
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781803925820
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (183 pages)
    Series Statement: In a turbulent era series
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Home care services
    Abstract: "This thoughtful book provides a refreshing, comparative perspective on the future of care homes in our post-pandemic world. Building on more than a decade of collaborative international and interdisciplinary research in Canada, Germany, Norway, Sweden, the UK and the US, it employs a feminist political economy framework to address the key challenges facing care homes in this turbulent era. With particular attention to lessons learned in Canada, Sweden, and Norway, the contributing authors argue that publicly-funded care homes remain critical to care arrangements but require policy and practice transformations to produce equitable and supportive conditions. Attentive to the specific contexts and tensions that shape care, chapters address key questions about care home quality and labour in relation to gender, race, ethnicity, religion and class. The book analyses the physical and social boundaries that set the conditions for quality of life and care, moving beyond the minimum to explain how nursing homes can provide joy. Offering alternative approaches to the complex challenges facing this vital public service, this book will be a key reference for students and scholars of health policy, comparative social policy and social work. Its integration of statistical, policy and practice analysis with ethnographic research will prove invaluable to those concerned with long-term care policy and practice"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: 1. Care homes in crisis: Promising ways forward / Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley -- 2. Piercing the corporate veil: Nursing home ownership in turbulent times / Hugh Armstrong -- 3. What's critical to care? / Pat Armstrong, Jacqueline Choiniere, Charlene Harrington, and Marta Szebehely -- 4. The crisis in the nursing home labour force: Where is the political will? / Pat Armstrong, Frode F. Jacobsen, Monique Lanoix, and Marta Szebehely -- 5. Negotiating internal and external boundaries of nursing homes during covid-19: A case study from norway / Gudmund Ågotnes and Frode F. Jacobsen -- 6. Are safer, welcoming care homes possible? Considering physical environments / Susan Braedley and Pat Armstrong -- 7. Family members and nursing home care: Lessons fromOntario and Sweden during covid-19 / Ruth Lowndes, Jacqueline Choiniere, and Petra Ulmanen -- 8. Equity and diversity in nursing home care: Lessons from Canada and Sweden / Prince Owusu, Susan Braedley, and Palle Storm -- 9. Regulation and accountability in the care home sector: Expert commentaries / Albert Banerjee, Hugh Armstrong, Pat Armstrong, Frode F. Jacobsen, Charlene Harrington, and James Struthers -- 10. Making joy possible in care home policies and practices / Susan Braedley, Pat Armstrong, and Janna Klostermann -- Index.
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  • 44
    ISBN: 9781035308958
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (236 pages)
    Series Statement: Cities series
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als The impact of COVID on cities and regions
    DDC: 303.4857091732
    Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- Law and legislation ; Urban policy ; City planning ; Impacts of COVID on cities and regions ; Policies adopted to respond to these impacts ; Pandemic ; Central city vitality ; Opportunities for smaller and more rural localities ; New chances for minorities and women ; Aufsatzsammlung ; Stadt ; Region ; Kommunalpolitik ; COVID-19 ; Pandemie
    Abstract: "The recent COVID-19 pandemic has arguably caused some of the most noticeable and influential societal and economic changes since World War Two. This path-breaking book investigates these changes and the subsequent responses of urban policy makers. Chapters offer keen insights into the methods differing urban regions have utilized to cope with their changing economic circumstances. With a global scope, the book focuses on the various significant impacts of the pandemic including effects on the employment of women and minorities, central city vitality, and the futures of small or isolated regions. Ultimately, it examines how policy makers are dealing with the prospective decline of social categories and of the vitality of their cities. Students and academics of such disciplines as urban policy, economic geography, and public policy will find the conclusions offered by this book to be imperative for the development of current research agendas. It will additionally be beneficial for policy makers working in urban and regional government bodies"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Introduction to the impact of covid on cities and regions / Ed Blakely and Peter Karl Kresl -- Part I. Impact and response -- 1. Post-covid-19 australian urban settlement: Rebuild or reposition the nation? / Ed Blakely -- 2. Impact and response in cities and regions: Pennsylvania and new york / Peter Karl Kresl -- 3. Why we don't learn: Covid's impact on cities' architecture is not being considered in new building developments / Mattia Bertin -- Part II. Cities and regions -- 4. Voices from the villages: Non-urban territories facing post-covid recovery / Daniele Ietri -- 5. The reshaping of work and (post-covid) urban competitiveness in mid-sized metropolises: The case of porto / Luís Carvalho and Sabrina Sgambati -- 6. Socio-economic dimensions of inclusiveness of smart cities in India in a post-pandemic era / Shaleen Singhal and Madhurima Waghmare -- 7. Post-covid cities: Some reflections on planning in uncertain times / Javier Ruiz Sánchez and Inés Aquilué Junyent -- Part III. Specific issues -- 8. The impact of covid in québec: Telework, coworking and their effects on work and city environments / Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay -- 9. Consequences of covid-19 on the barcelona labour market / Joan Trullén and Vittorio Galletto -- 10. Changes in the labor market by type of city in Mexico during the covid pandemic, 2020-2021 / Isela Orihuela -- 11. Working in and for the city with smartness: First partial results from the European project irsmart / Gianfranco Franz -- 12. Spatial differences in morbidity and mortality from covid-19 in Mexico: A regional and metropolitan analysis / Jaime Sobrino -- 13. Frugal innovation in the 1.5-metre society: Analysis of the hospitality sector in the metropole region rotterdam-the hague / Erwin van Tuijl, Leo van den Berg, Koen Dittrich and Daniele Rossi-Doria -- Index.
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  • 45
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781800883208
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (xvii, 239 Seiten) , Illustrationen, Karten
    Series Statement: Elgar research agendas
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als A research agenda for gentrification
    Keywords: Aufsatzsammlung ; Gentrifizierung
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  • 46
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781800883208 , 180088320X
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (xvii, 239 Seiten) , Illustrationen
    Series Statement: Elgar research agendas
    Uniform Title: Elgaronline: Geography, Planning & Tourism 2023
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als A research agenda for gentrification
    DDC: 307.3/416
    Keywords: Gentrification Research ; Gentrifizierung
    Abstract: "Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. Offering a new theoretical framework for understanding gentrification and displacement, this timely Research Agenda focuses on resistance as the central research area in this subject field. Arguing that the future of gentrification research should focus on accomplishing the end of gentrification, chapters provide practical organizing and policy strategies using international case studies which are rooted in community-based research. Encouraging researchers to find inspiration in new methods, sites and questions for exploring resistance, this Research Agenda seeks to empower communities and cities to reclaim urban life and city space for people by examining key issues such as housing insecurity and lived reality versus policy and practice. Graduate students and researchers of geography, urban planning and urban sociology will find the use of case studies informative and thought-provoking. The suggested practical strategies will also be beneficial for urban planners and policymakers to fight displacement and slow gentrification"--
    Description / Table of Contents: 1. Introduction to a research agenda for gentrification / Winifred Curran and Leslie Kern -- Part I. Organizing around the underexplored in gentrification research -- 2. A queer theory of housing politics: On gentrification and chrononormativity / Emma Spruce -- 3. Social reproduction in the gentrified city: Resisting displacement in marketized toronto / Sophie O'Manique and Sinéad Petrasek -- 4. Taking race seriously in gentrification research / Steven Tuttle and Alfredo Huante -- 5. Uncovering invisibilities in gentrification processes / Colleen Hammelman -- Part II. Everyday resistance: From lived experience to policy and practice -- 6. Moving beyond gentrification: Regenerative mapping for geographies of radical resilience / Elizabeth Walsh, Evon Lopez, Jeremy Auerbach, Cara Marie DiEnno, Yessica Xytlalli Holguín, Adriana Lopez, Carrie Makarewicz, Solange Muñoz, Jessica Villena Sanchez and Dani Slabaugh -- 7. Never not organizing: Long resistance and the fight against gentrification in pilsen, chicago / Winifred Curran and Euan Hague -- 8. Housing insecurity, lived reality, and the right to stay put in a gentrified southern European neighborhood: The case of sant antoni in barcelona / Antonio López-Gay, Miguel Solana-Solana, Joan Sales-Favà, Helen V.S. Cole and Anna Ortiz-Guitart -- 9. Agents of change or maintenance women? Networks of control among women in a resettlement colony for former basti dwellers / Ramya Ramanath -- 10. Community development corporations collectivize to stay in place: Lessons from chicago's northwest side / Ivis García -- 11. City of seattle office of planning and community development's understanding of and approach to displacement / City of Seattle OPCD Staff (Brennon Staley, Nicolas Welch, David Goldberg, Patrice Thomas, Katie Sheehy, Dakota Murray, Rico Quirindongo, and Lauren Flemister) -- Index.
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  • 47
    ISBN: 9781803925141
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (xv, 153 Seiten)
    Series Statement: Elgar dialogues series
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Moulaert, Frank, 1951 - Political change through social innovation
    DDC: 303.484
    Keywords: Democratization ; Social change Political aspects ; Democracy ; Political participation ; Social change ; Demokratisierung ; Politische Beteiligung ; Sozialinnovation ; Sozialer Wandel
    Abstract: "This book asks why socially innovative initiatives, including attempts to rejuvenate democracy by introducing new modes of participation, are not leading to a democratization of the State or overcoming the gap between political leaders and people. It offers a vivid and thought-provoking conversation on why we are at such an impasse and explores concrete possibilities for change. Offering insights on the failures of modern democracies from three leading voices of contemporary social science, the book interrogates the possibilities of progressive socio-political agendas, strategies, and movements seeking to overcome these failures. It highlights examples of bottom-linked forms of governance that provide signs of positive change and focuses on the essential role that progressive institutions play in enabling socio-political transformation. It also analyses how processes of self-emancipation driven by social innovation and political mobilization movements represent the most promising form of political engagement today. Students and scholars of social innovation and governance will find this to be an invigorating read. It will also be helpful to politicians and government officials seeking to understand, respond to, and explore efforts towards democratizing political change"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Foreword -- 1. Can mutual aid in a post-industrial society reforge the political? / Frank Moulaert, Bob Jessop, Erik Swyngedouw and Liana Simmons -- 2. Bottom-linked governance and socio-political transformation / Frank Moulaert -- 3. Is emancipatory politicization still possible today? / Erik Swyngedouw -- 4. Exploring the dilemma between self-emancipation and self-responsibilization / Bob Jessop -- 5. Debate: A dialogical encounter on the potentialities of social innovation for social-political transformation -- 6. Towards socially innovative political transformation / Frank Moulaert, Pieter Van Den Broeck, Liana Simmons, Bob Jessop and Erik Swyngedouw -- Index.
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  • 48
    ISBN: 9781839108501
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (608 Seiten)
    Series Statement: Elgar intellectual property law and practice
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Schaafsma, Sierd J. Intellectual property in the conflict of laws
    Keywords: Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works ; Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property ; Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1886 September 9) ; Conflict of laws Intellectual property ; Conflict of laws ; Intellectual property ; Electronic books
    Abstract: "The world of intellectual property (patents, trade marks, copyrights, et cetera) is becoming increasingly international. More and more frequently, disputes about intellectual property have an international character. This inevitably raises questions of private international law: which national court is competent to adjudicate an international dispute of this kind? And which national law should be applied to an international case of this kind? Since the 1990s, the first question in particular has attracted attention; in recent years, the focus has shifted to the second question: which national law is applicable? Opinions differ widely on this matter today. The controversy focuses on the question whether the Berne Convention and the Paris Convention, the two most important treaties on intellectual property, contain a rule that designates the applicable law. In other words: do these treaties contain a 'conflict-of-law rule' as it is called? This question, which concerns nearly all countries in the world, is nowadays considered to be 'heftig umstritten' (fiercely contested) and 'très difficile' (very difficult). And that is where we come across something strange: today it may be fiercely contested whether these treaties contain a conflict-of-law rule, but in the past, for the nineteenth-century authors of these treaties, it was perfectly self-evident that these treaties contained a conflict-of-law rule, namely in the 'principle of national treatment' as it is called. How is that possible? These are the fundamental questions at the heart of this book: does the principle of national treatment in the Berne Convention and the Paris Convention contain a conflict-of-law rule? And if so, why do we no longer understand this conflict-of-law rule today? This book is an English translation of Sierd J. Schaafsma's ground-breaking book, which appeared in Dutch in 2009 (now updated with the most significant case law and legislation). Key features include: -provides deep insight into the current state of affairs in international intellectual property law -extensive analysis on the principle of national treatment in the Berne Convention and the Paris Convention -detailed and authoritative explanation of the applicable law at the intersection of the law of conflicts and intellectual property law"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Foreword -- Introduction to intellectual property in the conflict of laws -- Part I: Genesis of the principle of national treatment -- 1. The birth of the principle of national treatment in copyright law -- 2. The berne principle of national treatment: The genesis of the current article 5(1) -- 3. The perfection of the berne principle of national treatment: The genesis of the current article 5(2) and (3) -- 4. The genesis of the principle of national treatment in the paris convention -- Part II: The principle of national treatment today -- 5. The conflict-of-law rule in the principle of national treatment -- 6. The aliens-law rule in the principle of national treatment -- 7. The scope of the principle of national treatment -- 8. Reformulation and reform -- Bibliography -- Index
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 49
    ISBN: 9781802209433 , 1802209433
    Language: English
    Pages: xii, 270 Seiten
    Series Statement: Elgar monographs in constitutional and administrative law
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Partlett, William The Post-Soviet as post-colonial
    Keywords: Russland ; Verfassung ; Rechtsvergleich ; Transformation
    Note: Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 248-259. - Index
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  • 50
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781839109010
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (436 Seiten) , Illustrationen
    Series Statement: Handbooks on Globalisation Series
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Roudometof, Victor N. Handbook of Culture and Glocalization
    DDC: 303.482
    Keywords: Globalization Social aspects
    Note: Description based upon print version of record , Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 51
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781839100307
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (264 pages)
    Keywords: Disasters Research ; Electronic books
    Abstract: "This timely book unpacks the idea of 'disaster' from a variety of approaches, broadening understanding and improving the usability of this complex and often contested concept. Including multidisciplinary perspectives from leading and emerging scholars, it offers reflections on how the concept of disaster has been shaped by and within various fields of research, providing complementary and thought-provoking comparisons across many domains. Functioning as an important point of reference between and across disciplines, chapters explore the forces and building blocks of disaster and how these are interpreted, providing opportunities for dialogue between multiple points of view. The book concludes with a broader, integrated discussion of the aspects of disaster research covered, putting forward suggestions for further cooperation between disciplines and a future research agenda. Defining Disaster will be a fascinating read for disaster researchers in disciplines including law, sociology, and social and public policy who wish to improve their understanding of how their work maps onto the wider field. It will also be beneficial for policy makers and practitioners in this area looking for a rounded view of contemporary cross-disciplinary research on the subject"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Preface -- 1. On disaster: Disciplines, domains and definitions / Marie Aronsson-Storrier and Rasmus Dahlberg -- 2. Prologue: The sociology of disaster - a us perspective on the transformational conceptualization embedded in a discipline / Tricia Wachtendorf -- Part I: Disciplines -- 3. Disaster anthropology: Vulnerability, process and meaning / Kristoffer Albris -- 4. Keep the curtains drawn! Event, process and disaster in international law / Marie Aronsson-Storrier -- 5. Positioning social work in relation to disasters: A social notion running along a continuum / Carin Björngren Cuadra -- 6. Defining the role of public health in disasters and emergency management / Kevin Blanchard -- 7. Disaster in engineering and earthquake science / Sólveig Thorvaldsdóttir -- 8. Defining disaster in volcanology / Jazmin P. Scarlett, Ailsa Naismith and Ashleigh Rushton -- Part II: Domains -- 9. Whose views matter? Navigating insiders' and outsiders' understanding of disasters / Loïc Le Dé and J.C. Gaillard -- 10. Drought, famine and disasters / Olivier Rubin -- 11. Defining disasters through international space governance / Nathan Clark -- 12. Disaster definitions from an arctic perspective / Natalia Andreassen and Rebecca Pincus -- 13. Disaster movies: Definitions, filmography and three analyses / Rasmus Dahlberg and Uta Reichardt -- 14. Systemic disasters: Considering the whole and not constituent parts / Livhuwani Nemakonde -- 15. Epilogue: What are disasters not? / Ilan Kelman -- Index
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  • 52
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781789909692
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 volume)
    Series Statement: Elgar research reviews in law
    Keywords: Intellectual property ; Cultural property ; Electronic books
    Abstract: The number and variety of methodological and substantive challenges that face those working at the interface of intellectual and cultural property have generated a rich interdisciplinary literature. Responding to a myriad of questions that the juxtaposition of the concepts of intellectual property and cultural property provoke, this research review focuses on the importance of creativity and cultural production in social, political and economic terms. The text will be of value to anyone interested in this important frontier
    Description / Table of Contents: Recommended readings (Machine generated): 1. -- (2019), Natsuko Akagawa and Laurajane Smith (eds), Safeguarding Intangible Heritage: Practices and Politics, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge -- 2. (2017), Jane Anderson and Haidy Geismar (eds), The Routledge Companion to Cultural Property, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge -- 3. (2018), Christoph Antons and William Logan (eds), Intellectual Property, Cultural Property and Intangible Cultural Heritage, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge -- 4. (1996), Ronald V. Bettig (ed.), Copyrighting Culture: The Political Economy of Intellectual Property, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge -- 5. Janet Blake (2000), On Defining Cultural Heritage', International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 49, 61-85 -- 6. Michael Blakeney (2013), 'The Protection of Traditional Knowledge Under Intellectual Property Law', European Intellectual Property Law Review, 22, 251-61 -- 7. Michael Blakeney (2009), 'Protecting the Spiritual Beliefs of Indigenous Peoples: Australian Case Studies', Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal, 22, 391-427 -- 8. Kathy Bowrey and Jane Anderson (2009), 'The Politics of Global Information Sharing: Whose Cultural Agendas are Being Advanced?', Social and Legal Studies, 18, 479-504 -- 9. (2008), James Boyle (ed.), The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind, New Haven, USA and London, UK: Yale University Press -- 10. (2018), Merima Bruncevic (ed.), Art and the Commons: Space, Materiality and the Normative, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge -- 11. Kristen A. Carpenter, Sonya K. Katyal and Angela R. Riley (2009), 'In Defense of Property', Yale Journal of Law, 100-204 -- 12. (1998), Rosemary J. Coombe (ed.), The Cultural Life of Intellectual Properties: Authorship, Appropriation and the Law, Durham, NC, USA: Duke University Press -- 13. Rosemary J. Coombe (2009), 'The Expanding Purview of Cultural Properties and their Politics', Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 5, 393-412 -- 14. (2011), Carys J. Craig (ed.), Copyright, Communication and Culture: Towards a Relational Theory of Copyright Law, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd -- 15. (2018), Charlotte Waelde, Catherine Cummings, Mathilde Pavis and Helena Enright (eds), Research Handbook on Contemporary Intangible Cultural Heritage: Law and Heritage, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd -- 16. -- William Fisher (2018), 'Theories of Intellectual Property' in Stephen R. Munzer (ed.), New Essays in the Legal and Political Theory of Property, Chapter 6, Cambr+AI4idge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 168-200 -- 17. Peter Fitzpatrick and Richard Joyce (2007), 'Copying Right: Cultural Property and the Limits of (Occidental) Law', in Fiona Macmillan (ed.), New Directions in Copyright Law: Volume 4, Chapter 8, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 169-90
    Description / Table of Contents: 18. Tatiana Flessas (2003), 'Cultural Property Defined and Redefined as Nietzschean Aphorism', Cardozo Law Review, 1067-98 -- 19. Manlio Frigo (2004), 'Cultural Property v. Cultural Heritage: A battle of Concepts in International Law?', International Review of the Red Cross, 86 (854), 367-78 -- 20. (1991), Jane M. Gaines (ed.), Contested Culture: The Image, the Voice, and the Law, Chapel Hill, NC, USA and London, UK: University of North Carolina Press -- 21.Johanna Gibson (2006), 'Community and the Exhaustion of Culture: Creative Territories in Traditional Cultural Expressions', in Fiona Macmillan and Kathy Bowrey (eds), New Directions in Copyright Law: Volume 3, Chapter 2, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd -- 22. (2008), Christoph Beat Graber and Mira Burri-Nenova (eds), Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd -- 23. Martin Skrydstrup and Valdimar Tr. Hafstein (2017), 'Heritage vs. Property: Contrasting Regimes and Rationalities in the Patrimonial Field', in Jane Anderson and Haidy Geismar (eds), The Routledge Companion to Cultural Property, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge, 38-53 -- 24. (2013), Rodney Harrison (ed.), Heritage: Critical Approaches, London, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge -- 25. (2004), Eva Hemmings Wirtén (ed.), No Trespassing: Authorship, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Boundaries of Globalization, Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press -- 26. Eva Hemmings Wirtén (2006), 'Our of Sight & Out of Mind: On the Cultural Hegemony of Intellectual Property (Critique)', Cultural Studies, 20, 282-91 -- 27. -- (2008), Eva Hemmings Wirtén (ed.), Terms of Use: Negotiating the Jungle of the Intellectual Commons, Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press -- 28. Lawrence Liang (2011), 'Beyond Representation: The Figure of the Pirate', in Mario Biagiola, Peter Jaszi and Martha Woodmansee (eds), Making and Unmaking Intellectual Property: Creative Production in Legal and Cultural Perspective, Chicago, IL, USA and London, UK: University of Chicago Press, 167-80 -- 29. Fiona Macmillan (2005), 'Commodification and Cultural Ownership', in Jonathan Griffiths and Uma Suthersanen (eds), Copyright and Free Speech: Comparative and International Analyses, Chapter 3, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press -- 30. (2006), Fiona Macmillan and Kathy Bowrey (eds), New Directions in Copyright Law: Volume 3, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd -- 31. (2021), Fiona Macmiilan (ed.), Intellectual and Cultural Property: Between Market and Commodity, London, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge -- 32. (2002), Kartsen Schubert and Daniel McClean (eds), Dear Images: Art, Copyright and Culture, London, UK: Ridinghouse and Institute of Contemporary Arts -- 33. (2001), Kembrew McLeod (ed.), Owning Culture: Authorship, Ownership and Intellectual Property Law, New York, NY, USA: Peter Lang Publishing Inc. -- 34. (2018), Jani McCutcheon and Fiona McGaughey (eds), Research Handbook on Art and Law, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd -- 35. Naomi Mezey (2007), 'The Paradoxes of Cultural Property', Columbia Law Review, 107, 2004-46
    Description / Table of Contents: 36. (2014), Laura J. Murray, S. Tina Piper and Kirsty Robertson (eds), Putting Intellectual Property in its Place: Rights Discourses, Creative Labor, and the Everyday, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press -- 37. Neil Weinstock Netanel (1996), 'Copyright and a Democratic Civil Society', Yale Law Journal, 106, 283-387 -- 38. (2008), Neil Weinstock Netanel (ed.), Copyright's Paradox, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press -- 39. (1997), Patrick Parrinder and Warren L. Chernaik (eds), Textual Monopolies: Literary Copyright and the Public Domain, London, UK: University of London Press -- 40. Lyndel V. Prott and Patrick J. O'Keefe (1992), '"Cultural Heritage" or "Cultural Property"?', International Journal of Cultural Property, 1, 307-20 -- 41. Carol M. Rose (2003), 'Roman, Roads and Romantic Creators: Traditions of Public Property in the Information Age', Law & Contemporary Problems, 66, 89-110 -- 42. (1993), Mark Rose (ed.), Authors and Owners: The Invention of Copyright, Boston, MA, USA: Harvard University Press -- 43. (1992), David Saunders (ed.), Authorship and Copyright, London, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge -- 44. Joseph R. Slaughter (2011), 'Form and Informality: An Unliterary Look at World Literature', in Robyn Warhol (ed.), The Work of Genre: Selected Essays from the English Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA: The English Institute in collaboration with the American Council of Learned Societies, 182-226 -- 45. (2006), Laurajane Smith (ed.), Uses of Heritage, London, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge -- 46. (2001), Siva Vaidhyanathan (ed.), Copyrights and Copywrongs: The Rise of Intellectual Property and How it Threatens Creativity, New York, NY, USA: New York University Press -- 47. Jeremy Waldron (1993), 'From Authors to Copiers: Individual Rights and Social Values in Intellectual Property', Chicago-Kent Law Review, 68, 841-87 -- 48. (1994), Martha Woodmansee and Peter Jaszi (eds), The Construction of Authorship: Textual Appropriation in Law and Literature, Durham, NC, USA: Duke University Press
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 53
    ISBN: 9781788976053
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (336 pages)
    Keywords: Work-life balance Handbooks, manuals, etc ; Quantitative research ; Electronic books
    Abstract: "This innovative and thought-provoking Research Handbook explores the theoretical debate surrounding work-life balance, and provides a reflection on the opportunity to adopt multilevel research approaches and perspectives, along gender and temporal axes. The Research Handbook is an international overview of current research on work-life balance, considered in macro, meso and micro perspectives. Offering both theoretical reflections and empirical research examples illustrating the multiple strategies through which the different articulations that characterize the work-life intersection can be analysed, this Research Handbook includes analyses of gendered labour, generational assets and technological changes. Contributors provide translation and actualization of specific research practices and methodological choices, focused on different national contexts. The empirical analysis ranges from comparative research based on quantitative methods, to qualitative approaches centered on longitudinal, discursive and narrative perspectives, and mixed-method studies. Further contributions adopt innovative research methods based on the use of digital and visual technologies. This Research Handbook will be an inspiring read for both undergraduate and postgraduate sociology and social policy students. The book is also addressed to researchers, consultants and policy makers interested in work-life balance issues"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: 1. Introduction to the research handbook on work-life balance / Sonia Bertolini and Barbara Poggio -- Part I: Theoretical and methodological framework -- 2. Work-life balance and beyond: Premises and challenges / Anna Carreri, Annalisa Dordoni, and Barbara Poggio -- 3. Doing research on work-life balance / Sonia Bertolini and Rosy Musumeci -- Part II: Multilevel perspectives along gender and temporal axes -- 4. Research on work-life balance: A gender structure analysis / Emily Hallgren and Barbara J. Risman -- 5. Work-life balance through the life course / Jeanne Ganault and Ariane Pailhé -- 6. Work-(later) life balance: Shifting the temporal frame / Anne E. Barrett, Rachel Douglas and Jessica Noblitt -- Part III: Comparative research (approaches and studies) -- 7. The household division of labour in Europe: A multilevel perspective / Dirk Hofäcker and Simone Braun -- 8. Subjective work-family conflicts: The challenge of studying self-employed workers / Rossella Bozzon and Annalisa Murgia -- Part IV: Longitudinal, discursive and narrative analysis -- 9. Qualitative longitudinal research for studying work-family balance (before and after childbirth) / Manuela Naldini -- 10. Fathers in focus: Two discursive analyses on addressing men, work and care / Suvi Heikkinen, Marjut Jyrkinen and Emilia Kangas -- 11. Work-life balance for fathers during paternal leave in norway: A narrative approach / Kristine Warhuus Smeby and Ulla Forseth -- Part V: Mixed and multimethod research -- 12. Beyond the lines: Gender, work, and care in the new economy - a view from the u.s. / Kathleen Gerson and Mauro Migliavacca -- 13. The effect of childcare facilities on labour market participation among young adults in Estonia: A mixed-methods study / Kadri Täht, Marge Unt and Epp Reiska -- 14. Flexible work arrangements and diversity through a comparative and multilevel lens / Eleni Stavrou and Myrto Anastassiadou -- Part VI: Digital and visual methods -- 15. The gendered labour of work-life balance: Using a new method to understand an enduring dilemma / Julia Cook and Dan Woodman -- 16. 'My work is full of gossipers so i tried to keep my pregnancy secret': 'distant' netnography as a qualitative method for exploring work-life balance among pregnant and breastfeeding employees / Caroline Gatrell -- 17. The performance of oneself through visuals in interviews: Queering the work-life binary / Marjan De Coster and Patrizia Zanoni -- Index
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 54
    ISBN: 9781788976329
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (368 pages)
    Keywords: International relations and terrorism ; International relations and terrorism ; International relations and terrorism ; Electronic books
    Abstract: "This illuminating book offers a timely assessment of the development and proliferation of precursor crimes of terrorism, exploring the functions and implications of these expanding offences in different jurisdictions. In response to new modes and sources of terrorism, attempts to pre-empt potential attacks through precursor offences have emerged. This book examines not only the meanings and effectiveness of this approach, but also the challenges posed to human rights and social and economic development. Featuring contributions from leading academic and practitioner experts in counter-terrorism law, the book covers the broad scope of activities tackled by these new legal interventions, including membership, collaboration, communications, training and financing. Taking a comparative approach that relies on extensive experience in various jurisdictions, including the UK and Spain, the chapters also discuss important related issues such as international cooperation, investigations and penology, offering insights into the context of policies and practices. Scholars and advanced students of criminal and human rights law with an interest in terrorism and terrorism offences will find this book essential reading. It will also benefit legal practitioners and policy makers in fields such as international criminal law cooperation and counter-terrorism"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Part I: Introduction -- 1. Introduction to precursor crimes of terrorism / Mariona Llobet Anglí, Manuel Cancio Meliá, and Clive Walker -- 2. Counter terrorism through precursor crimes / Clive Walker -- Part II: Criminalisation of anticipatory risk of terrorism attacks -- 3. Law as reason vs law as will in the fight against terrorism: From a hobbesian conception of law to an orwellian society / Aniceto Masferrer and Pedro Talavera -- 4. The criminalisation of terrorism risk within the European Union: A suitable choice? / Francesca Galli -- 5. Voluntary abandonment related to the crime of membership of a terrorist group / Mertxe Landera Luri -- 6. Precursor crimes in australia's anti-terrorism legislation / Christopher Michaelsen -- Part III: Precursor communication crimes in relation to terrorism -- 7. The legitimacy of offences criminalising incitement to terrorist acts: A European perspective / Anneke Petzsche -- 8. Twitter after charlie hebdo and the paris bataclan attacks: Identifying and measuring the different types of violent speech on the internet / Fernando Miró-Llinares -- 9. Spanish writing on the wall? Glorification of terrorism under spanish law / Manuel Cancio Meliá -- 10. Terrorism as a hate crime? / Juan Alberto Díaz López -- Part IV: Expansion of precursor terrorism crimes: Organisational, evidential and international -- 11. Agency costs avoidance through 'leaderless resistance' and the criminalization of visiting internet sites: Is the cure worse than the disease? / Íñigo Ortiz de Urbina Gimeno -- 12. 'Jihadist lone wolves': Terrorists, murderers or believers? Back to an actor-based criminal law / Mariona Llobet Anglí -- 13. Intelligence expert evidence against terrorism in Spain / Gonzalo Boye Tuset -- 14. Precursor crimes of international terrorism / Ben Saul -- Part V: Process, practice and punishment -- 15. Police cooperation in counter-terrorism: Limits and suitable partners / Saskia Maria Hufnagel -- 16. The accommodation of precursor crimes within extradition / Paul Arnell -- 17. Criminal process and precursor crimes of terrorism / Mark Topping and Mark Carroll -- 18. Legal experiments in the Spanish judicial fight against jihadist terrorism / Benet Salellas i Vilar -- 19. The ends of state punishment and terrorism / Daniel Rodríguez Horcajo -- 20. The relevance of mandatory minimum penalties: An Introduction with reference to precursor crimes of terrorism in Spain / Gonzalo J. Basso -- 21. Penal policies and terrorist offenders in Spain: A matter of recidivism risk assessment or a matter of de-radicalisation? / Enara Garro Carrera -- 22. The sentencing of precursor terrorism crimes in the United Kingdom / Florence Lee and Clive Walker -- Select bibliography -- Index
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  • 55
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781839107467
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 volume)
    Series Statement: Elgar research reviews in law
    Keywords: Constitutional law ; Equality ; Electronic books
    Abstract: In this research review, Rebecca E. Zietlow identifies and gives invaluable context to the most important scholarly contributions on the topic of constitutional law and equality. While much of the scholarship around constitutional equality focuses on court enforcement of the Equal Protection Clause, the story of constitutional equality is not just about legal advocacy, but political action in an increasingly diverse nation. The future of constitutional equality depends less on legal arguments before courts than on political advocacy for social and economic change
    Description / Table of Contents: Recommended readings (Machine generated): 1 R. Richard Banks (2001), 'Race-based Suspect Selection and Color blind Equal Protection and Doctrine and Discourse Smith', UCLA Law Review, 48, 1075-124 -- 2 Mario L. Barnes, Erwin Chemerinsky and TrinaJones (2010), 'A Post-Race Equal Protection?', 98, Georgetown Law Journal, 967-1004 -- 3 Derrick A. Bell, Jr. (1980), 'Brown v. Board of Education and the Interest-Convergence Dilemma', 93 (3), January, Harvard Law Review', 518-33 -- 4 Derrick A. Bell, Jr. (1985), 'The Supreme Court, 1984 Term - Forward: The Civil Rights Chronicles', 99 (3), January, Harvard Law Review' -- 5 Bethany R. Berger (1961), 'Reconciling Equal Protection and Federal Indian Law', California Law Review, 98, 1165-97 -- 6 Alexander M. Bickel (1961), 'The Supreme Court, 1960 Term - Forward: The Passive Virtues', Harvard Law Review, 70, 40-79 -- 7 Charles L. Black, Jr. (1960), 'The Lawfulness of the Segregation Decisions', Yale Law Review, 69, 421-30 -- 8 Maggie Blackhawk (2019), 'Federal Indian Law as Paradigm Within Public Law', Harvard Law Review, 132 (7), May, 1,787-877 -- 9 Paul Brest, (1976), 'Foreword: In Defense of the Antidiscrimination Principle', Harvard Law Review, 90, January, 1-55 -- 10 Archibold Cox (1966), 'The Supreme Court 1965 Term Foreword: Constitutional Adjudication and the Promotion of Human Rights', Harvard Law Review, 80 (1), November, 91-272 -- 11 John Hart Ely (1978), 'Toward a Representation-Reinforcing Model of Judicial Review', Maryland Law Review, 37 (3), 451-87 -- 12 Owen Fiss (1976), 'Groups and the Equal Protection Clause', Philosophy and Public Affairs, 5, 107-77 -- 13 Peter Gabel and Duncan Kennedy (1984), 'Roll Over Beethoven', Stanford Law Review, 1-55 -- 14 Marc Gallanter (1974), 'Why the Haves Come out Ahead: Speculations on the Limits of Legal Change', Law and Society Review, 9, 95-160 -- 15 Risa Goluboff (2001), 'The Thirteenth Amendment and the Lost Origins of Civil Rights', Duke Law Journal, 50, 1609-84 -- 16 Neil Gotanda (1991), 'A Critique of Our Constitution is Color-blind', Stanford Law Review, 44 (1), 1-68 -- 17 Gerald Gunther (1972), 'Foreword: In Search of Evolving Doctrine on a Changing Court: A Model for a Newer Equal Protection', Harvard Law Review, 86, 1-48 -- 18 Charles R. Lawrence III (1987), 'The Id, the Ego, and Equal Protection: Reckoning with Unconscious Racism', Stanford Law Review, 39, 317- -- 19 Ian F. Haney López (1994), 'The Social Construction of Race: Some Observations on Illusion, Fabrication, and Choice', Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, 29, 1-62 -- 20 Kenneth L. Karst (1977), 'Foreword: Equal Citizenship Under the Fourteenth Amendment', Harvard Law Review, 91, 1-44 -- 21 Michael Klarman (1991), 'An Interpretive History of Modern Equal Protection', Michigan Law Review, 90, 213-316
    Description / Table of Contents: 22 Corinna Barrett Lain (2012), 'Upside-down Judicial Review', The Georgetown Law Journal, 101, 113-83 -- 23 Mari J. Matsuda (1987), 'Looking to the Bottom: Critical Legal Studies and Reparations', Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, 22 (2), 323-400 -- 24 Juan F. Perea (1995), 'Ethnicity and the Constitution: Beyond the Black and White Binary Constitution', William and Mary Law Review, 36, 571-612 -- 25 Christopher Schmidt (2008), 'Brown and the Colorblind Constitution', Cornell Law Review, 94, 203-38 -- 26 Reva Siegel (2003), 'Equality Talk: Antisubordination and Anticlassification Values in Constitutional Struggles over Brown', Harvard Law Review, 117, 1470-3 -- 27 Jacobus tenBroek and Joseph Tussman (1949), 'The Equal Protection of the Laws', California Law Review, 37, 341- -- 28 Mark Tushnet (2000), 'Against Judicial Supremacy', in Taking the Constitution Away From the Courts, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, Chapter 1, 6-32 -- 29 Herbert Wechsler (1959), 'Toward Neutral Principles of Constitutional Law', Harvard Law Review, 73 (1), November, 1-35 -- 30 J. Harvie Wilkinson III (1975), 'The Supreme Court, the Equal Protection Clause, and the Three Faces of Constitutional Equality', 61 (5), Virginia Law Review, 945-1018 -- 31 Patricia J. Williams, 'Alchemical Notes: Reconstructing Ideals from Deconstructing Rights', Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, 22 (2), Spring, 401-34 -- 32 Katharine T. Bartlett (1990), 'Feminist Legal Methods', Harvard Law Review, 103, 829-88 -- 33 Mary E. Becker (1987), 'Prince Charming: Abstract Equality', Supreme Court Review, 201-47 -- 34 Ruth Colker (1986), 'Anti-Subordination above All: Sex, Race, and Equal Protection', New York University Law Review, 61, 1003- -- 35 Kimberle Crenshaw (1989), 'Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics', The University of Chicago Legal Forum, 139-67 -- 36 Kimberle Crenshaw (1991), 'Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color', Stanford Law Review, 43, 1241-99 -- 37 David Cruz (2002), 'Disestablishing Sex and Gender', California Law Review, 90, 997-1086 -- 38 Martha Albertson Fineman (1992), 'The Neutered Mother', University of Miami Law Review, 46 (3), 653-69 -- 39 Cary Franklin (2010), 'The Anti-Stereotyping Principle in Constitutional Sex Discrimination Law', New York University Law Review, 85 (1), 83-173 -- 40 Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1975), 'Gender and the Constitution', University of Cincinnati Law Review, 44, 1-42
    Description / Table of Contents: 41 Angela P. Harris (1990), 'Race and Essentialism in Feminist Legal Theory', Stanford Law Review, 42, 581-616 -- 42 Pauli Murray (1971), 'Economic and Educational Inequality Based on Sex: An Overview', Valparaiso University Law Review, 5 (2), 237-80 -- 43 Catharine A. MacKinnon (1991), 'Reflections on Sex Equality Under Law', Yale Law Journal, 100, 1281-328 -- 44 Reva B. Siegel (2007), 'Sex Equality Arguments for Reproductive Rights: Their Critical Basis and Evolving Constitutional Expression', Emory Law Journal, 56, 815-42 -- LIBERTY AND EQUALITY - LGBTQ RIGHTS -- 45 William Araiza (2019), 'Animus and Its Discontents', Florida Law Review, 71, 155-216 -- 46 Scott L. Cummings and Douglas NeJaime (2010), 'Lawyering for Marriage Equality', UCLA Law Review, 57, 1235-331 -- 47 William N. Eskridge, Jr. (2000), 'No Promo Homo: The Sedimentation of Antigay Discourse and the Channelling Effect of Judicial Review', NYU Law Review, 75 (5), November, 1327-411 -- 48 Katie Eyer (2018), 'The Canon of Rational Basis Review', Notre Dame Law Review, 93, 1317-70 -- 49 Kenji Yoshino (2011), 'The New Equal Protection', Harvard Law Review, 124, 747-803 -- 50 Frank I. Michelman (1969), 'The Supreme Court, 1968 Term - Foreword: On Protecting the Poor Through the Fourteenth Amendment', Harvard Law Review, 83 (1), November, 7-282 -- 51 Julie A. Nice (2008), 'No Scrutiny Whatsoever; Deconstitutionalization of Poverty Law, Dual Rules of Law, and Dialogic Default', Fordham Urban Law Journal, XXXV (3), 329-35 -- 52 Michael J. Klarman (1996), 'Rethinking the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Revolutions', Virginia Law Review, 82, 1-67 -- 53 Martha Albertson Fineman (2008), 'The Vulnerable Subject: Anchoring Equality in the Human Condition', Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, 20, 1-23 -- 54 Daryl J. Levinson (2012), 'Rights and Votes', Yale Law Journal, 121, 1286-363 -- 55 Lawrence Gene Sager (1978), 'Fair Measure: The Legal Status of Underenforced Constitutional Norms', Harvard Law Review, 91 (6), April, 1212-64 -- 56 Robert C. Post and Reva B. Siegel (2000), 'Equal Protection by Law: Federal Anti-Discrimination Legislation after Morrison and Kimel', Yale Law Journal, 110, 441-526 -- 57 Robert C. Post and Reva B. Siegel, 'Legislative Constitutionalism and Section Five Power: Policentric Interpretations of the Family and Medical Leave Act', Yale Law Journal, 112 (8), 1943-2059 -- 58 Reva Siegel and Robert Post (2004), 'Popular Constitutionalism, Departmentalism and Judicial Supremacy', California Law Review, 92, 1027-43
    Description / Table of Contents: 59 Rebecca E. Zietlow (2008), 'The Judicial Restraint of the Warren Court (and Why it Matters)', Ohio State Law Journal, 69, 255-94 -- 60 William C. Carter (2007), 'Race, Rights, and the Thirteenth Amendment: Defining the Badges and Incidents of Slavery', UC Davis Law Review, 40, 1311-79 -- 61 Jacobus tenBroek (1951), 'Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States: Consummation to Abolition and Key to the Fourteenth Amendment', California Law Review, 39 (2), June, 171-203 -- 62 Rebecca E. Zietlow (2010), 'Free At Last! Anti-Subordination and the Thirteenth Amendment', Boston University Law Review, 90, 255-312 -- 63 Rebecca E. Zietlow (2016), 'A Positive Right to Free Labor', Seattle University Law Review, 39, 859-99 -- 64 Evan C. Zoldan (2017), 'The Equal Protection Component of Legislative Generality', Richmond Law Review, 51 (2), 489-551
    Note: The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings , Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 56
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781785363467
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (224 Seiten)
    Series Statement: Elgar intellectual property and global development series
    Keywords: Climatic changes ; Sustainable development ; Climatic changes Law and legislation ; Electronic books
    Abstract: "Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Cleantech envisions both global cleantech development and international cleantech transfer as crucial means to address climate change and secure sustainable development for planet earth. The book examines what it takes to attract foreign cleantech and encourage domestic cleantech innovation. The author proposes a pathway for developing countries that includes international aid, mutually beneficial international cleantech cooperation and domestic cleantech innovation. Prior to becoming an academician, the author garnered over eighteen years practical experience as a software engineer and attorney at law. The author has drawn on this experience to examine empirical analysis of factual data such as global R&D data, global patenting data, international surveys concerning cleantech transfer and domestic cleantech innovation and proposes effective solutions to address climate change and achieve sustainable development. This book's interdisciplinary and empirical-based analysis and recommendations will be most valuable to policymakers working in climate change, sustainable development, cleantech development or deployment, intellectual property and innovation policy"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: 1. Introduction: A viable pathway for enabling developing countries to attract foreign cleantech and build domestic cleantech innovation -- 2. Concepts and linkages: Global community, climate change, sustainable development, cleantech -- Part I: International cleantech transfer -- 3. International cleantech transfer examined -- Part II: Global cleantech development -- 4. Necessity and reality of global cleantech development -- Part III: A solution -- 5. A proposal for enabling global cleantech development and international cleantech transfer -- 6. International aid for building capacities in developing countries for cleantech importation and innovation -- 7. Mutually beneficial international cleantech collaboration -- 8. Sustainable domestic cleantech innovation by developing countries -- 9. Appraisal of the proposal -- Conclusion - a pathway to global sustainable development, to our shared future -- Index
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
    URL: Volltext  (teilw. kostenfrei)
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  • 57
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781802202915
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (256 pages)
    Series Statement: Elgar compliance guides
    Keywords: Personal information management Handbooks, manuals, etc ; Electronic books
    Abstract: "Companies, lawyers, privacy officers, compliance managers, as well as human resources, marketing and IT professionals are increasingly facing privacy issues. While plenty of information is freely available, it can be difficult to grasp a problem quickly, without getting lost in details and advocacy. This is where Determann's Field Guide to Data Privacy Law comes into its own - identifying key issues and providing concise practical guidance for an increasingly complex field shaped by rapid change in international laws, technology and society. This fifth edition reflects significant changes since 2019, such as new laws in California and other jurisdictions, new EU Standard Contractual Clauses, data residency requirements, machine learning, data monetization trends, cloud adoption and the Internet of Things. Readers will benefit from an introduction to key data privacy concepts and useful practical guidance on starting, maintaining and auditing compliance programs. Step-by-step direction on drafting privacy documentation is provided, with 'how-to' suggestions for tasks and projects. Finally, the book offers an A-Z list of hot topics, organized by commonly used buzz words, as well as a rich index and checklists. This guide should be on the desk and in the briefcase of every compliance officer and corporate counsel. New to this Edition: -practical tips on deploying the new EU Standard Contractual Clauses -guidance on data maps, gap assessments, audit controls, and privacy-tech tools -updated discussion and comparison of pros and cons of cross-border transfer compliance mechanisms -new guidance based on GDPR enforcement, the California Consumer Privacy Act, the CLOUD Act and other new laws -practical considerations regarding dark patterns, anonymization, COVID-19 related challenges, "Schrems 2 assessments," arbitration clauses, competition laws and data sharing. Key Features: -clear structure facilitates quick reference -A-Z of data privacy provides snapshot of key topics -direction on geographical and topical prioritization -practical guide to starting, maintaining and auditing privacy compliance programs -glossaries of key acronyms and terms help navigation through the field -concise overview of practical requirements of data privacy law compliance worldwide -advice on drafting documentation and tools to complete an end-to-end process, including sample documentation and checklists"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: 1. Starting a compliance program -- 2. International data transfers - selecting compliance mechanisms -- 3. Drafting documentation -- 4. Maintaining and auditing compliance programs -- 5. Data privacy a to z -- Index
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  • 58
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781839109256
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (320 pages)
    Series Statement: Elgar research agendas
    Keywords: Special events Research ; Electronic books ; Electronic books
    Abstract: "Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. Exploring the social, economic and environmental impacts of events on people, places and communities, this timely Research Agenda highlights the links between theory and practice in event impacts research. Top scholars critically assess events, looking at who benefits from hosting them, and focusing on issues surrounding sustainability, the need to define legacies, and the need to extend regeneration efforts to secure economic and socially sustainable futures. The Research Agenda first outlines key theories and concepts in the field, addressing the three impacts recognized in triple bottom line considerations of sustainability. Chapters then move to analyse a range of types and scales of event, including: conventions and business events, sports tourism, cultural and religious events, intangible cultural heritage, and events in rural locations. This forward-looking Research Agenda further analyses event hosting in emerging economy nations, disability access and inclusion, climate change and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Covering a broad range of types, scales and settings of events, this will be a crucial read for event studies and event management scholars. The critical insights to practical impacts of events will also be beneficial for policy-makers and event practitioners"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Preface -- 1. An Introduction to a research agenda for event impacts / Nicholas Wise -- Part I: Assessing event impacts -- 2. Economic impacts of events / Larry Dwyer -- 3. Environmental impacts of events / Kelly Maguire -- 4. Social impacts of events / Nicholas Wise, Susanne Gellweiler, and Enqing Tian -- Part II: Research themes and case examples -- 5. Convention events / Jeeyeon Jeannie Hahm -- 6. Sports tourism and event impacts / Marko Perić, Jelena Đurkin Badurina, and Nicholas Wise -- 7. Religious events and commercialization / Flávia Ulian and Angela Fileno da Silva -- 8. Events and intangible cultural heritage / Takamitsu Jimura -- 9. Transformational atmospheres of international sporting events / Jada Lindblom -- 10. Rural events and social development / Lucia Aquilino -- 11. Local authority planning, sustainability, and event governance / Kelly Maguire -- 12. The impact of events on place branding / Waldemar Cudny -- 13. Mega-event trends and impacts / Tara Fitzgerald and Brij Maharaj -- 14. Postponement of events / Alexander Bond, Daniel Parnell, and Jan Andre Lee Ludvigsen -- 15. Disability, access, and inclusion / Erin Pearson and Laura Misener -- 16. Events and climate change / Judith Mair -- Part III: Going forward -- 17. Evaluating cultural legacy: From policy to engaged research / Rafaela Neiva Ganga -- 18. A research synthesis of organizational forms for events legacy delivery / Kylie Wasser, Landy Di Lu, and Laura Misener -- 19. Concluding remarks and event impacts going forward / Kelly Maguire -- Index
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  • 59
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9780857935076
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (648 Seiten)
    Edition: Second edition
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Schäfer, Hans-Bernd, 1943 - The economic analysis of civil law
    DDC: 346
    Keywords: Rechtsökonomik ; Bürgerliches Recht ; Eigentumsrechtstheorie ; Haftung ; Vertrag ; Gesellschaftsrecht ; Theorie ; Deutschland ; Law and economics Textbooks ; Civil law ; Economic aspects ; Law and economics ; Electronic books ; Deutschland ; Bürgerliches Recht ; Privatrecht ; Ökonomische Theorie des Rechts
    Abstract: "This comprehensive textbook provides a thorough guide to the economic analysis of law, with a particular focus on civil law systems. It encapsulates a structured analysis and nuanced evaluation of norms and legal policies, using the tools of economic theory. Key features include: Examples and cases that illustrate central concepts of the economic analysis of law in relation to civil law doctrines. Examination of the core areas of civil law: tort law, contract law, property law, intellectual property law as well as basic problems of insolvency law and corporate law. In-depth analysis of the legal rules of statutory law and judge-made law, demonstrating the extent to which these rules are either based on economic criteria or run parallel to them - and the extent to which such criteria facilitate the application and further development of law. This substantially revised second edition presents the latest insights into legal economic research, including important empirical and behavioural deliberations. It will be a valuable guide for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of law and economics"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Introduction to the economic analysis of civil law -- Part I: Fundamentals -- 1. Alternative decisions, consequences, and evaluations -- 2. Normative foundations - what is social welfare? Problems of social choice -- 3. Economics, property rights and economic analysis of law -- 4. Homo economicus, behavioural economics, and paternalism -- Part II: Economic analysis of tort law -- 5. Objectives and regulatory problems of tort law, the magic triangle of tort law -- 6. Fault liability and strict liability -- 7. Reciprocal and bilateral damages -- 8. Attribution of damage, causality -- 9. The scope of protection by tort law, liberal rights, pure economic loss, and non-pecuniary damage -- 10. Special problems of tort law: Product liability, environmental liability, compensation for pain and suffering, vicarious liability, limits of civil liability -- Part III: Economic analysis of contract law -- 11. On the economic analysis of contractual freedom and contract law -- 12. The fully specified contract and its reconstruction by default rules -- 13. Complementary contract interpretation, base of the contract, reconstruction of the fully specified contract, and fair distribution of the total surplus from a contract -- 14. Economic analysis of breach of contract, impossibility and delay -- 15. Liability for defects in sales contracts and contracts for work -- 16. Ignorance, trust, opportunism and efficiency -- 17. Legal protection of legitimate expectations in the law of exchange of goods and services -- Part IV: Property rights (absolute rights) -- 18. Concept, function and design of property rights -- 19. The transfer of rights by acquisition in good faith -- 20. Involuntary transaction of property through taking and regulatory taking -- 21. Insolvency and conflicting security interests of creditors -- 22. Incompatible use of land and efficient use of an area -- 23. Intellectual property rights, the generation of innovations -- Part V: Corporate law -- 24. From contract to hierarchy -- 25. Basic structures and problems of company law -- Index
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  • 60
    ISBN: 9781800379732
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (224 pages)
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Urban violence, resilience and security
    DDC: 303.6091732
    Keywords: Urban violence ; Urban policy ; Developing countries Economic conditions ; Developing countries Social conditions ; Developing countries ; Electronic books ; Electronic books ; Electronic books ; Lateinamerika ; Asien ; Afrika ; Kriminalgeografie ; Stadtsoziologie ; Stadtentwicklung ; Urbanität ; Gewalttätigkeit
    Abstract: "Written in a comprehensive yet accessible style, Urban Violence, Resilience and Security investigates the diverse nature of urban violence within Latin America, Asia and Africa. It further analyzes how regular and irregular governing mechanisms can provide human security, despite the presence of chronic violence. The empirically rich and conceptually grounded contributions of established and emerging scholars evaluate the current state and future trajectory of urban development. They also question common explanations of the drivers of violence in urban areas and also provide measured recommendations for improved policy and future governance. Chapters thoroughly examine the opportunities and hazards of focusing on resilience as the only method to improve security and identify governance and policy practices that can move beyond the rhetoric of resilience to evaluate diverse approaches to attaining human security in urban areas of the Global South. This invigorating book will be an excellent resource for academic researchers interested in urban dynamics in the Global South as well as scholars embarking on geography, human security, political science and policy studies. Based on a set of original case studies, policymakers will also benefit from the questions and challenges to the conventional approaches to urban planning and governance that it raises"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Foreword / Ariel C. Armony -- Acknowledgments -- 1. Introduction to urban violence, resilience and security / Michael R. Glass, Taylor B. Seybolt and Phil Williams -- Part I: Conceptual approaches to urban violence, resilience and security -- 2. Urban violence in the global south: Drug traffickers, gangs, and organized crime / Phil Williams -- 3. Urban resilience for the 21st century / Savannah Cox -- 4. Urban governance in conflict zones: Contentious politics, not "resilience" / Daniel E. Esser -- 5. Building effective and acceptable security-driven urban resilience / Jon Coaffee -- 6. Fragility and pernicious resilience in urban Latin America and the Caribbean / Enrique Desmond Arias -- Part II: Dimensions of urban vulnerability and resilience in the global south -- 7. Feral cities and the normative dimension of violence: Caracas and the Latin American city / Roberto Briceño-León -- 8. Xenophobic violence, displacement, and reintegration: A case study of female migrants in isipingo, durban, South Africa / Kim Gounder and Brij Maharaj -- 9. Shoot first, ask later: Violence and anti-crime policies in Mexico's cuidad juárez and pakistan's karachi / Vanda Felbab-Brown -- 10. Strain between two worlds: A sociological approach to the rise and fall of crime and violence in guatemala city / Daniel Núñez -- 11. Criminal victimization and social resilience in Latin America / Eduardo Moncada -- Index
    Note: Includes bibliographical eferences and index
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  • 61
    Online Resource
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    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781800880528
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (192 pages)
    Series Statement: The ACUNS series on the UN system
    Keywords: United Nations ; Mediation, International ; Peace-building ; Diplomatic negotiations in international disputes Case studies ; Electronic books
    Abstract: "This cutting-edge book illuminates the key characteristics of inclusivity in mediation during armed conflicts and post-conflict peacebuilding. Daisaku Higashi illustrates the importance of mediators taking flexible approaches to inclusivity in arbitration during armed conflicts, highlighting the crucial balance between the need to select conflicting parties to make an agreement feasible and the need to include a multiplicity of parties to make the peace sustainable. Higashi also emphasizes the importance of inclusive processes in the phase of post-conflict peacebuilding. Higashi draws on first-hand experience as a team leader for reconciliation and reintegration in UNAMA, as well as interviews with leaders in conflicting states and UN missions, and recommends various roles for the UN, neighboring states and global powers in mediation during and after armed conflicts. Utilizing extensive field research and analysis, the book focuses on conflict regions in Afghanistan, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq and East Timor to demonstrate the significance of addressing inclusivity in mediation and peacebuilding with different approaches. Engaging with a range of empirical sources to make key policy recommendations, this book is crucial reading for practitioners working in mediation and peacebuilding, particularly UN officials, think-tank experts, government officials and NGOs. It will also benefit scholars and students of political science and international relations in need of unique, real-world accounts of global mediation, peacebuilding and conflict management"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: 1. Introduction: Civil wars and inclusivity -- 2. Debates on inclusivity in mediation and peacebuilding -- 3. Challenges of inclusivity in peace negotiations: The case of south sudan -- 4. Challenges of inclusivity in peace negotiations: The case of Afghanistan -- 5. The role of the un, neighboring states, and global powers in mediation: The case of Syria -- 6. The role of the un, neighboring states, and global powers in mediation: The case of yemen -- 7. Inclusivity in post-conflict peacebuilding: The cases of iraq and east timor -- 8. Conclusion: Theoretical contributions, policy implications, and remaining questions -- Index
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 62
    ISBN: 9781800372986
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (328 pages)
    Keywords: Pensions ; Pensions ; Pensions ; Electronic books
    Abstract: "Presenting the evolution of supplementary pensions over the past 25 years, this comprehensive book introduces the origin of pensions as a concept and explores the role that international organisations play within the field. It draws comparisons between different welfare states, reflecting upon current research and identifying new directions and ideas. Despite observing significant differences in the approaches to pension design, the book identifies common challenges, including the need to provide for an increasingly aging population, slow economic growth following the 2008 global financial crisis, the need for effective regulation, and increased labour market flexibility. Leading scholars analyse the experiences of a broad range of countries and offer insights into their responses to the numerous challenges faced by national pension systems. The book covers significant moments in pensions history following the World Bank's 1994 report on Averting the Old Age Crisis, and subsequent responses to challenges posed by longevity and economic crises. This book will be an ideal companion for academic researchers and financial law scholars interested in pensions and looking to develop an international perspective on the issue, as well as professionals in the pensions industry who are engaging with other countries and looking to develop their knowledge of overseas pension systems"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Preface -- 1. Introduction / James Kolaczkowski, Yves Stevens and Jakob Markus Werbrouck -- 2. On the origin of pensions / Yves Stevens -- 3. The role of international organizations in the last 25 years and their effect on pension reforms throughout the world / Paul Roels -- 4. Belgium: 25 years of occupational pension schemes for employees in belgium from a legal perspective / Emma Suzanne van Aggelen and Jakob Markus Werbrouck -- 5. Finland: Pension reforms in finland / Susan Kuivalainen and Kati Kuitto -- 6. France: A national overview / Arnauld D'Yvoire -- 7. Germany: About unpopular but necessary reforms / Heinz-Dietrich Steinmeyer -- 8. Greece: perpetual struggle against the sovereignty of public pension regimes / Gabriel Amitsis -- 9. Ireland: Talking about change - pension reform in ireland 1994-2019 / Michelle Maher -- 10. Italy: The Italian pension system - reform trajectories and open issues / Felice Roberto Pizzuti and Michele Raitano -- 11. The Netherlands: Pensions in the netherlands - from defined benefit to defined contribution / Erik Lutjens -- 12. Poland: A preliminary assessment / Marek Szczepański, Joanna Ratajczak, Kamila Bielawska, Joanna Rutecka-Góra and Sylwia Pieńkowska-Kamieniecka -- 13. The development of supplementary pensions in portugal: Influenced by ideas, the process of European integration and national idiosyncrasies / Maria Clara Murteira -- 14. Spain: The evolution of the Spanish private pension system: 1994-2019 / Inmaculada Domínguez Fabián and John A. Turner -- 15. Sweden: (supplementary) pensions 1994-2019 / Eskil Wadensjö -- 16. Switzerland: 25 years of occupational pension provision (1995-2020) / Jacques-André Schneider -- 17. The United Kingdom: Political and labour market influences / Bryn Davies and James Kolaczkowski -- 18. The United States: The evolution of the us pension system - 1994-2019 / Jonathan Barry Forman, Dana M. Muir and John A. Turner -- 19. Pensions and the paradox of trust: Developments over the past 25 years / Kamila Bielawska, Sally Shen and John A. Turner -- 20. Changes in approach to risk sharing in supplementary pension schemes / Anna Gierusz, Patrycja Kowalczyk-Rólczyńska, Agnieszka Pobłocka and Joanna Rutecka-Góra -- 21. Editors' view and conclusion / James Kolaczkowski, Yves Stevens and Jakob Markus Werbrouck -- Index
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 63
    ISBN: 9781800885615
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (272 pages)
    Keywords: Natural resources Management ; Conservation of natural resources ; Electronic books
    Abstract: Offering insights on violence in conservation in Africa, this timely book demonstrates how and why the state pursues conservation objectives to the detriment of its citizens. It focuses on how the dehumanization of black people and indigenous groups, the insertion of global green agendas onto the continent, a lack of resource sovereignty, and neoliberal conservation account for why violence is a permanent feature of conservation in Africa. Chapters uncover various forms of violence experienced on the continent, revealing the local and global conditions that enable them, and propose pathways towards non-violent conservation. The book concludes that the ideology of conservation is also an ideology about people. Crucially, it highlights the implications of increasing investment in violent instruments and the institutionalization of militarized approaches for conservation, the state, and ordinary people. Scholars and students of political ecology and environmental policy and planning will greatly benefit from this book's drawing together of perspectives encompassing green violence and the militarization of conservation. It will also be an invigorating read for African studies researchers looking at coloniality and the re-evaluation of the African state, particularly through the lens of nature conservation
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Preface -- Part I: Dimensions of violent conservation in Africa -- 1. Conservation and violence in Africa / Maano Ramutsindela, Frank Matose and Tafadzwa Mushonga -- Part II: The militarization of conservation -- 2. The state and contested natural resources in Africa / Frank Matose, Dina Dabo, Tichayana Konono and Simphiwe Tsawu -- 3. The violence of greening the state in Africa / Emmanuel Mogende and Maano Ramutsindela -- 4. The coloniality of "crisis conservation": The transnationalization and militarization of virunga national park from an historical perspective / Esther Marijnen -- 5. Violent forests, local people and the role of the state in zimbabwe / Tafadzwa Mushonga -- 6. The new turn in the militarization of conservation in cameroon, central Africa / Guy Patrice Dkamela and Samuel Nguiffo -- Part III: Local impact and agency -- 7. 'We just saw the fence': Infrastructural violence, fencing and the legacy of South Africa's bantustan / Amber Abrams -- 8. Postcolonialism, protected areas and basarwa of central kalahari game reserve / Joseph E. Mbaiwa and Olekae T. Thakadu -- 9. Green violence along the value chain of illicit trade / Shaun Cozett -- 10. Transgression and the making of local heroes in Mozambique: The conflict of contested illegality / Nelisiwe L. Vundla -- Part IV: Alternatives -- 11. Protecting (with) mount mabo: Is another form of nature conservation possible? / Anselmo Matusse -- 12. Princess vlei - a story of entangled vitality / Tania Katzschner and Bridget Pitt -- 13. Non-violent conservation: The need and possibilities / Maano Ramutsindela, Tafadzwa Mushonga and Frank Matose -- Index
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  • 64
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781800887121
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (xi, 208 pages)
    Series Statement: Elgar research agendas
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Small cities Research
    Abstract: "Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. Forward-looking and innovative, Elgar Research Agendas are an essential resource for PhD students, scholars and anybody who wants to be at the forefront of research. Exploring current debates on the topic, this book maps out an agenda for theory, research and practice about the role and function of small and medium-sized towns in various contexts and at different territorial scales. Chapters highlight new insights and approaches to studying small and medium-sized towns, moving beyond the 'urban bias' to provide nuanced thought on these spaces both in terms of their relation to larger cities, and in terms of implications related to their size. Contributions from top scholars in the field across a number of disciplines cover a broad range of relevant areas of study, including: socio-spatial identities, urbanization, suburbanization, resilience, innovation, entrepreneurship, industrial and tourism development and digitalization. The book concludes with an outline of the road ahead and a call for further theorizing. Urban planning and human geography scholars will find this to be an invigorating read with contributions from scholars across urban planning, economic geography, tourism and public policy providing a holistic understanding of the topic"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: 1. Introduction to a research agenda for small and medium-sized towns / Heike Mayer and Michela Lazzeroni -- 2. Between urban and rural: Socio-spatial identities in small and medium-sized towns / Annett Steinführer -- 3. Small and medium-sized towns: Out of the dark agglomeration shadows and into the bright city lights? / Evert Meijers and Martijn Burger -- 4. Urbanisation, suburbanisation and territorial development: Research issues for small and medium-sized towns / Christophe Demazière -- 5. The resilience of small and medium-sized towns in times of crisis and recov0ery / Michela Lazzeroni -- 6. Innovation and entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized towns / Heike Mayer -- 7. (re)discovering the small and medium-sized industrial town and its development potential / David Bole -- 8. Cultural tourism as a tool for transformation in small and medium-sized towns / Chiara Rabbiosi and Dimitri Ioannides -- 9. Digital and smart places: Ensuring a rural fit in times of urban-biased technological push / Koen Salemink -- 10. The important role of nature in planning for small cities / Timothy Beatley -- 11. Public policy and small and medium-sized towns / David Kaufmann and Stefan Wittwer -- 12. Agents of change in small and medium-sized towns / Arnault Morisson -- 13. The road ahead: Advancing our research agenda for small and medium-sized towns in a world of uneven development / Heike Mayer and Michela Lazzeroni -- Index.
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  • 65
    ISBN: 9781839105951
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (328 pages)
    Series Statement: Elgar intellectual property law and practice
    Keywords: Bioinformatics Law and legislation ; Medical informatics Law and legislation ; Electronic books
    Abstract: "This book covers a broad range of legal topics relating to the fields of bioinformatics and medical informatics, which relate to the intersection of biomedical information and computer programming within the contexts of scientific research, product development and healthcare delivery. A number of usually distinct bodies of legal doctrine come together in this area, sometimes overlapping, sometimes colliding in unexpected ways. Key issues discussed in the book include: -An overview of the current landscape of bioinformatics and medical informatics -A focus on the legal issues arising from the development and acquisition of informatics tools for use in a laboratory or healthcare setting -Developments in patent and innovation law that are important for informatics applications -A discussion of institutions and collaborative arrangements in which informatics applications are developed and used today -Data protection and privacy issues applicable to informatics applications in the U.S. and Europe. While no single work can cover the entire set of legal issues arising from large, dynamic and complex fields such as bioinformatics and medical informatics, this book strives to offer the reader insight into some of the major legal trends and considerations applicable to these fields today"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Preface -- Introduction to bioinformatics, medical informatics and the law -- 1. Overview of bioinformatics and medical informatics technology for non-specialists / A. James Cuticchia -- 2. Medical information commons: Conceptual, legal and ethical considerations for stakeholders / Janis Geary, Mary A. Majumder, Jill Oliver Robinson, Christi Guerrini and Robert Cook-Deegan -- 3. Software agreements for bioinformatics and medical informatics applications / Brett Lockwood -- 4. Open source and bioinformatics / Michele K. Herman, Jane Eckels, Joanne Montague, Jordan J. Bowler and Nicole Orlov -- 5. Software development / Heather J. Meeker -- 6. Software patents / Gregory J. Kirsch and Charley F. Brown -- 7. Bioinformatics at the patent office / Saurabh Vishnubhakat and Arti K. Rai -- 8. University research and licensing / Jeff Carter-Johnson, Jennifer Carter-Johnson and Jorge L. Contreras -- 9. Technical standards for bioinformatics and medical informatics / Jorge L. Contreras and Adrian Thorogood -- 10. Database protection / Jon M. Garon -- 11. Us federal genomic data release and access policies / Jorge L. Contreras -- 12. Privacy and security challenges in bioinformatics / Lucy L. Thomson and Arthur E. Peabody, Jr. -- 13. Bioinformatics, medical informatics and the European general data protection regulation / Christopher Jones -- 14. Informatics and public health surveillance / Leslie P. Francis and John G. Francis -- Index
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  • 66
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781800889316
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (216 pages)
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Research ; Universities and colleges ; Globalization
    Abstract: "Providing an in-depth and cutting-edge investigation into the rise of Asian research practices and paradigms, Mats Benner examines how this rise has been accomplished, what effects it has had, and how it has shaped universities across seven Asian countries. Broad and comprehensive, chapters analyse the research and education systems of China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Macau, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan, considering how their universities operate, their models and policy priorities. Benner studies the historical, social and political causes behind the variations between these countries, before highlighting the effects of globalization on education, research and innovation. Assessing whether we are witnessing a tectonic shift in how and where education and research are carried out, the book ultimately concludes that regional disparities will remain, but that practices and priorities are becoming increasingly similar in the process of globalization. With Asia showing an increasingly marked presence in research and in scientific and technological capability, this timely book will be invaluable to university policy makers looking to innovate their education and research models, alongside students and scholars interested in Asian development, innovation and technology"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: 1. Overture: A new academic landscape? -- 2. China: A global academic hegemon in the making? -- 3. India: The perils of institutional churn -- 4. Japan: Resilient stagnation? -- 5. 'Hospitality, not a country': The anatomy of academic prominence in singapore -- 6. South korea: Straddling tradition and modernity -- 7. Taiwan: Resilient exceptionalism -- 8. Hong kong and macau: Straddling and thriving in the shadow of hierarchy -- 9. Reprise: Universities, state-building and globalization -- Index.
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  • 67
    ISBN: 9781802201710
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (xvii, 310 Seiten) , Diagramme
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Social policy in changing European societies
    Keywords: Social policy Research ; Europe Social conditions 21st century ; Europe Social policy
    Abstract: "Adopting an interdisciplinary approach this book provides a cutting-edge, in-depth account of social policy research today, how we got here, and where future research should be headed. It defines the core research agenda for the future covering multiple social policy fields, including care, family, health, and housing policy as well as gender equality, labour market policy, and welfare attitudes. The book brings together a unique combination of scholars from social policy, sociology, political science, international relations, and law, who explore how European societies have changed over the last 20 years, the future challenges which need to be addressed and the role for social policy research. The editors argue that to advance research on European social policy, we need to develop a better understanding of the interplay between multiple policies, invest more resources in theoretical development, and effectively utilize perhaps the greatest asset of European social policy research - its multidisciplinarity. Offering crucial insights into the dynamic nature of social policy research, this book will be a valuable guide for social policy scholars and students. Its discussion of a broad range of social policy areas will also be useful for practitioners and policymakers across a wide range of social policy fields"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Preface -- 1. Social policy research in changing European societies / Kenneth Nelson, Rense Nieuwenhuis, and Mara A. Yerkes -- Part I: Key themes in social policy research -- 2. Care and the analysis of welfare states / Mary Daly and Margarita León -- 3. Family policy research in Europe / Wim Van Lancker and Hannah Zagel -- 4. Comparative research on health and health care / Claus Wendt -- 5. Long-term developments in housing policy and research / Caroline Dewilde and Marietta Haffner -- 6. Studying the politics of pension reforms and their social consequences / Bernhard Ebbinghaus and Katja Möhring -- 7. Poverty, social policy and the welfare state: A research agenda / Bea Cantillon -- 8. Research on active social policy / Giuliano Bonoli -- Part II: Cross-cutting research themes -- 9. Researching social Europe on the move / Caroline De la Porte and Ilaria Madama -- 10. The evolution of social policy research in central and eastern Europe / Jolanta Aidukaite and Jekaterina Navicke -- 11. Twenty years of social policy research on gender / Trudie Knijn -- 12. European labour markets and social policy: Recent research and future directions / Jochen Clasen and Daniel Clegg -- 13. Recent advances in understanding welfare attitudes in Europe / Wim van Oorschot, Tijs Laenen, Femke Roosma, and Bart Meuleman -- 14. Methodologies for comparative social policy analysis / Emanuele Ferragina and Christopher Deeming -- Part III: Social policy research challenges -- 15. Social policy research and climate change / Bjørn Hvinden and Mi Ah Schoyen -- 16. Studying social policy in the digital age / Minna van Gerven -- 17. Migrants and social policy: Shifting research agendas / Karen N. Breidahl, Troels Fage Hedegaard, and Verena Seibel -- 18. Social policy research in times of crisis / Bent Greve and Thomas Paster -- 19. Where to from here? Social policy research in future European societies / Kenneth Nelson, Rense Nieuwenhuis, and Mara A. Yerkes -- Index.
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  • 68
    ISBN: 9781788970815
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (viii, 257 Seiten) , Diagramme
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Technological innovations Government policy ; Social change
    Abstract: "This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. It is free to read, download and share on Elgaronline thanks to generous funding support from The Swedish Governmental Agency For Innovation Systems, Vinnova. This timely book expertly examines ongoing pressing issues in the modern world namely, an unstable economic climate, political turmoil and the environmental crisis. It takes a unique look at how science, technology and innovation could contribute towards the creation of a smarter and more resilient society by allowing more inclusive approaches into how science is integrated. With an insightful global interdisciplinary approach, Smart Policies for Societies in Transition combines in-depth theoretical analysis whilst also providing a reflective look at broadening the scope of science and innovation policy in order to understand the critical issues and challenges. Chapters illustrate historical practices and events, and discuss how the move to smart politics and the linking of boundaries from a social, ecological and global viewpoint leads to fewer but more creative policies. With its retrospective and forward-thinking perspectives, this book will be an excellent resource for academics wanting to rethink their approach to science and innovation governance, whilst scholars will find the collaborative method for combining policy analysis with theory of policymaking and governance informative and illuminating"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: 1. Towards a smart society? Innovation policy and the challenges of social inclusion, environmental resilience and sustainable growth / Mats Benner, Sylvia Schwaag Serger and Göran Marklund -- 2. A smart green direction for innovation: The answer to unemployment and inequality? / Carlota Perez and Tamsin Murray Leach -- 3. The importance of post-modern science policy / Arie Rip -- 4. What past changes in Swedish policy tell us about developing third-generation research and innovation governance / Erik Arnold and Katharine E. Barker -- 5. Masculinity and nationhood: Cultural roots for the "head in the clouds and feet on the ground" research in China / Chadwick Wang -- 6. Funding transformative research - rationale and impacts / Terttu Luukkonen -- 7. Towards transformative policy in Finland and Sweden: Some viewpoints from practice / Sylvia Schwaag Serger and Christopher Palmberg -- 8. The integrative humanities - and the third research policy regime / Anders Ekström and Sverker Sörlin -- 9. Foundations and the new renewal of research / Pauline Mattsson and Mats Benner -- 10. Decision-making in a time of spin and unspoken values / Nils-Eric Sahlin and Sylvia Schwaag Serger -- Index.
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  • 69
    ISBN: 9781800881150
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (xi, 306 Seiten) , Illustrationen, Karten
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    Keywords: Betriebswirtschaftsstudium ; Gründungsausbildung ; Lernmethode ; Nordeuropa ; Entrepreneurship Research ; Entrepreneurship Study and teaching ; Case method ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: "This book explores how entrepreneurship can be taught through case studies, arguing that entrepreneurship education needs specific cases and case methods to teach students entrepreneurial skills and mindsets. Providing unique perspectives and examples on how case teaching can be applied in entrepreneurship education, the book draws together a wide range of real-life case studies. Informing and inspiring entrepreneurship educators, Part I employs theoretical perspectives and practical procedures related to case teaching in entrepreneurship education. Novel and innovative case methods for entrepreneurship education are explored as well as the theoretical foundations of case-based entrepreneurship education. Part II offers 15 Nordic case studies divided into three main groups relating to becoming an entrepreneur, early-phase venture creation, and acting entrepreneurially in established organisations. Supplemented by online teaching notes, this thought-provoking book will be a valuable resource for entrepreneurship educators at higher education institutions. Questions and activities included in the case studies will also be useful for students with an interest in entrepreneurship"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Part I: Introduction -- 1. Case-based entrepreneurship education in and for the nordic region / Lise Aaboen, Dag Håkon Haneberg, Siri Jakobsen, Thomas Lauvås, and Karin Wigger -- Part II: Reframing the case method for teaching entrepreneurship framing the case method for entrepreneurship education -- 2. Understanding cases as narratives in entrepreneurship education: a conceptual framework / Michael Breum Ramsgaard and Robert D. Austin -- 3. How to conduct live cases in entrepreneurship education / Meredith Woodwark and Karin Schnarr -- 4. Bringing environmental sustainability and the circular economy into entrepreneurship education with stakeholders: Four case methods from hackathons to role-model cases / Leena Aarikka-Stenroos, Anil Engez, Linnea Harala, Kaisa Henttonen, Hanna Lehtimäki, and Sara Malve-Ahlroth -- Applying the case method in entrepreneurship education -- 5. Experiences from live casework with nordic micro-enterprises: contextualizing learning designs in entrepreneurship education / Mette Lindahl Thomassen and Michael Breum Ramsgaard -- 6. Using self as case in teach-the-teacher courses in entrepreneurship to reflect on experiences as student and teacher / Mats Westerberg -- 7. Teaching together in entrepreneurship education: Live case method / Sanna Ilonen and Ulla Hytti -- 8. The moral perils when positioning student entrepreneurs in real-life contexts: Balancing the nature-nurture of educative live case experience / Gustav Hägg -- Methods for case teaching in entrepreneurship education -- 9. Student case development based on entrepreneurial experiences: a guide for entrepreneurship educators / Even Haug Larsen and Karoline Kaspersen -- 10. Student challenges in entrepreneurship education: Planning for uncertainty / Sølvi Solvoll and Dag Håkon Haneberg -- 11. Teaching as guiding: Live business cases / Bjørn Willy Åmo -- 12. From utopia to sustainable entrepreneurship: A novel case methodology / Karin Wigger, Ingebjørg Vestrum, Fufen Jin, and Sølvi Solvoll -- Part III: Teaching cases from the nordics the journey of becoming and being an entrepreneur -- 13. Arts student applying effectual principles and various value perspectives / Vegar Lein Ausrød and Helle Meibom Færgemann -- 14. Fishing for sustainability: A case about recreational fishing, tourism, and sustainable entrepreneurship / Ulrika Persson-Fischier, Göran Lindström, Magnus Larsson, and Patrik Rönnbäck -- 15. From university research to student-driven spin-off: The case of biodata / Katja Lahikainen, Markku Ikävalko, Noora Heino, and Terhi Virkki-Hatakka -- 16. 'Cultivating and fighting at the same time': An immigrant's innovative entrepreneurial journey in the agricultural scene in norway / Norma Wong and Marte C. W. Solheim -- 17. Zu4r bicycle-wear: From pain to world leadership / Bjørn Willy Åmo -- Early-phase centure creation -- 18. Databoard aps: Start-ups and downs / Thomas J. Howard, Carina Lomberg, Rasmus Bushøj, and Jesper Hart-Hansen -- 19. Fabricomp ab: Developing a collaboration strategy for a newly started university spin-off company in Sweden / Jens Laage-Hellman and Frida Lind -- 20. Sustainable entrepreneurship: Firm growth and the balance between saving the planet, people, and profits / Martin Senderovitz, Simon Jebsen, and Hannah Suder -- 21. Entrepreneurship on a deadline: The role of time constraints in student ventures / Jørgen Veisdal -- 22. Hydrosafe: Emma's investment issues / Torgeir Aadland and Roger Sørheim -- Acting entrepreneurially in established organizations -- 23. 'I cannot give up now!': The story of a norwegian public sector entrepreneur's endeavours to revolutionize communication between two healthcare organizations / Petter Gullmark and Ingebjørg Vestrum -- 24. Running the firm and the island: Social, economic, and environmental sustainability at kvarøy fish farm / Thomas Lauvås, Siri Jakobsen, Karin Wigger, and Morten Dahle Selfors -- 25. Steering the global value chain of an sme under uncertainty: The case of globenet / Taina Eriksson and Niina Nummela -- 26. Mobilizing resources for developing a community enterprise in a rural community: The case of a jazz music festival / Ingebjørg Vestrum -- 27. Going sustainable in a traditional industry?: Seizing opportunities in the furniture industry / Thomas Lauvås and Siri Jakobsen -- Index.
    Note: Enthält Literaturangaben und Index
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  • 70
    ISBN: 9781800880801
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (xi, 171 Seiten) , Diagramme
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Hiilamo, Heikki, 1964 - Participation income
    Keywords: Grundeinkommen ; Öffentliche Sozialleistungen ; Sozialpolitik ; Armutsbekämpfung ; Digitalisierung ; Arbeitslosigkeit ; Industrieländer ; Poverty Research ; Income Research ; Bibliografie
    Abstract: "This innovative book provides the first in-depth analysis of participatory income and its potential role in countering endemic poverty and unemployment in high-income countries. Heikki Hiilamo reviews the concept of basic income and specific basic income experiments before presenting participatory income as a viable alternative in the fight against poverty. Highly topical, chapters explore pressing issues such as the effects of automation on the future of work and the links between social protection and eco-social transition. Putting forward the argument that any reform of social assistance should continue to enforce reciprocity with reduced means-testing, Hiilamo explores the practical advantages of the participation income model in reducing poverty and developing an eco-social welfare model. Tackling one of the most heated current debates in social policy, this book will be a key resource for scholars and students in this field, particularly those with a focus on welfare and labour economics, labour policy and the sociology of work. Its use of examples and case studies will also benefit practitioners and policy makers"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Preface -- 1. Introduction to digital transformation and social policy -- 2. Machine beats man - prospects of paid work -- 3. Other existing challenges -- 4. Conditionality and unconditionality as strategies to prevent labour market exclusion -- 5. Lessons from basic income experiments -- 6. Definition of participation income -- 7. Criticisms of participation income -- 8. New models for participation income -- 9. Practical applications of participation income -- 10. Conclusions: Social policies for sustainable societies -- References -- Index.
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  • 71
    ISBN: 9781789908510
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (288 pages)
    Series Statement: Elgar research agendas series
    Keywords: Manufacturing industries Economic aspects ; Globalization Economic aspects ; Electronic books
    Abstract: "Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. This timely Research Agenda provides a state-of-the-art review of existing research on manufacturing, as well as highlighting key areas of study to advance the field. Expert contributors from across the globe analyse the central role of manufacturing industries in the global economy, considering it as a multi-scalar process and assessing the impact of climate change in necessitating the decarbonization of production processes. Chapters identify and explore disruptive innovations in production technologies, including additive manufacturing, and their implications for future research. The book further highlights megatrends in automotive, electronics and emerging industries, including small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, Asian electronics production networks, global production networks, and operations and supply chain management. It develops a framework for accessing corporate elites and for guiding the process of undertaking qualitative semi-structured interviews. This Research Agenda will be a critical collection for economic geography, urban studies, city and regional planning, and business and management studies scholars seeking a forward-looking approach to the topic. It will also be useful to policymakers and practitioners working in regional economic development and planning"--
    Description / Table of Contents: Contents: Dedication: Michael j. Taylor / John R. Bryson -- Preface -- 1. Reframing manufacturing research: Place, production, risk and theory / John R. Bryson, Chloe Billing, William Graves and Godfrey Yeung -- 2. Theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding emerging industries / Chloe Billing and John R. Bryson -- 3. Transforming manufacturing? An additive manufacturing research agenda / Jennifer Johns -- 4. Megatrends and new research agendas in the automotive industry / Godfrey Yeung -- 5. Getting the right skills in place for manufacturing: Challenges and opportunities / Anne Green and Abigail Taylor -- 6. Addressing the evolution of clustering strategies in manufacturing: A policy research agenda / William Graves and Harrison S. Campbell, Jr -- 7. Going global in one location: Exploring sme manufacturer internationalization motives at a trade fair / Ronald V. Kalafsky and Douglas R. Gress -- 8. The transformation of asian electronics production networks: Evidence from the participation of vietnam / David Yuen Tung Chan and Chun Yang -- 9. How to increase the usefulness and relevance of operations and supply chain management research? / Donato Masi and Jan Godsell -- 10. Corporate interviewing and manufacturing companies: A framework to guide qualitative semi-structured interviews / John R. Bryson, Chloe Billing, Chantal Hales, Rachel Mulhall and Megan Ronayne -- 11. Reading manufacturing firms and new research agendas: Scalar-plasticity, value/risk and the emergency of jenga capitalism / John R. Bryson -- Index
    Note: Includes bibliographical references and index
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  • 72
    ISBN: 9781782548287
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (IX, 179 Seiten)
    Series Statement: European security and justice critiques
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Kaunert, Christian The European Union as a global counter-terrorism actor
    Keywords: Terrorism Prevention ; Internationaler Terrorismus ; Terrorismus ; Bekämpfung ; Securitization ; Internationale Organisation ; Politik ; Sicherheitspolitik ; Staatensystem ; Politisches Mandat ; Entwicklung ; Fallstudie
    Abstract: Analysing one of the most important policy areas of European integration, authors Christian Kaunert, Alex MacKenzie and Sarah Leonard consider the key question of why the EU may have become a global actor in counter-terrorism. The authors then develop a unique theoretical approach in the form of actorness and collective securitization, which analyses the EU's evolution as a counter-terrorism actor in different case studies, such as counter-terrorism in the transatlantic relationship, North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. Overall, this book highlights that the EU is, in fact, becoming a counter-terrorism actor of growing importance and with an ever-diversifying number of policy options available.
    Note: Enthält Litaeraturangaben und Index , EU counter-terrorism, collective securitization, and global actorness , The collective securitization of terrorism in the EU , Institutions in EU counter-terrorism , Counter-terrorism in the transatlantic relationship , EU counter-terrorism and South Asia , EU counter-terrorism, Iraq, and Syria
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  • 73
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing
    ISBN: 9781800378155
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (xviii, 313 Seiten) , 1 Illustration, Diagramme
    Series Statement: Elgar research agendas
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als A research agenda for civil society
    Keywords: Civil society Research ; Globalization Research ; Zivilgesellschaft ; Politische Soziologie ; Soziale Gerechtigkeit ; Methodologie ; Typologie ; Fallstudie ; Geschichtsschreibung
    Abstract: Mapping a wide range of civil society research perspectives, this pioneering Research Agenda offers a rich and clear insight for academics and practitioners hoping to embark on future civil society research. Kees Biekart and Alan Fowler bring together over 20 expert contributions from researchers across the globe who are actively engaged in testing the old and generating new knowledge about civil society. Beginning with a concise historical review of civil society research over the last four decades, the book provides a critical insight into the future of research, taking into account the domestic outcomes of major geopolitical changes and the increasing shift towards authoritarian and populist systems of governance. Exploring the norms and values of civil society, as well as key topics such as voluntourism, civil society mapping, democratization, and civic agency, chapters offer a unique overview of civil society research themes and agendas. Its comprehensive analysis of canonical civil society research provides a fertile basis from which novel research can be conducted.
    Note: Enthält Literaturangaben und Index , Studying civil society , Funding civil society research , Epistemologies of civil society , Civil society studies in Brazil : from third sector to uncivil society? , Civic deviance and lawlessness : the aftermath of January 6, 2021 , Measuring the values of civil society in the Middle East and North Africa regions , Mapping civil society , Civil society typologies , Human rights organizations and civil society , From humanitarian diplomacy to advocacy : a research agenda , NGOs and innovation , Emergent agency in a time of Covid , Civil society and (re‑)embedding volunteering , The value of diasporic cross-border philanthropy and voluntourism , New and fluid forms of organizing volunteering , Public administration as a site of struggle for social justice , Historiographies of civil society , Pro-social giving and reciprocity in the Global South , Connecting African civil society to its roots , Understanding diversity of South Caucasus civil society , The Polish case : from darling to endangered species? , Civil society in the Southern Cone of Latin America , The future of civil society research in China, Hong Kong and Vietnam
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  • 74
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781098112448 , 109811244X
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (70 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    DDC: 006.7/6
    Keywords: Application software Development ; Quantum computing ; Electronic books ; local ; Electronic books ; Quantum computing ; Application software ; Development
    Abstract: Why is the quantum computing market expected to grow by nearly $1.3 billion over the next five years? Given their quantum mechanical nature, quantum computers can solve difficult problems in fields such as chemistry, optimization, finance, and machine learning that classical computers find impossible to unravel. This pocket guide provides software developers with a quick reference to Qiskit, an open source SDK for working with quantum computers. Packed with helpful programming examples, tables, figures, and lists, this handy book helps you find the information you need to develop and debug quantum programs. Whether you're focused on business, engineering, or scientific applications, you'll learn how to choose and apply the appropriate Qiskit classes, methods, and functions. You'll also learn how to use the latest version of the Open Quantum Assembly Language, OpenQASM 3.0.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 25, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 75
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (44 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local ; Electronic books
    Abstract: TypeScript has conquered the world of JavaScript: it's one of the world's fastest growing and most popular languages across developer surveys, widely used in consumer and business companies alike, and frequently credited for helping massive web applications scale. But what is TypeScript? How does it work, why does it work, and how can we use it? Learning TypeScript takes beginner to intermediate JavaScript programmers from knowing nothing about "types" or a "type system" to full mastery of the fundamentals of TypeScript. It's more than a means to find bugs and typos--it's a useful system for declaring the way our JavaScript should work and helping us stick to it. You'll learn how TypeScript: interacts with JavaScript analyzes and understands code augments your existing development pattern helps you document your code works with IDEs to provide refactoring tools assists local development in refactoring code helps you develop more quickly with fewer bugs
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 25, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 76
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781098110703 , 1098110706
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (75 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    DDC: 006.3
    Keywords: Artificial intelligence ; Automation ; Decision making Data processing ; Electronic books ; Automation ; Decision making ; Data processing ; Artificial intelligence
    Abstract: Early rules-based artificial intelligence demonstrated intriguing decision-making capabilities but lacked perception and didn't learn. AI today, primed with machine learning perception and deep reinforcement learning capabilities, can perform superhuman decision-making for specific tasks. This book shows you how to combine the practicality of early AI with deep learning capabilities and industrial control technologies to make robust decisions in the real world. Using concrete examples, minimal theory, and a proven architectural framework, author Kence Anderson demonstrates how to teach autonomous AI explicit skills and strategies. You'll learn when and how to use and combine various AI architecture design patterns, as well as how to design advanced AI without needing to manipulate neural networks or machine learning algorithms. Students, process operators, data scientists, machine learning algorithm experts, and engineers who own and manage industrial processes can use the methodology in this book to design autonomous AI. This book examines: Differences between and limitations of automated, autonomous, and human decision-making Unique advantages of autonomous AI for real-time decision-making, with use cases How to design an autonomous AI from modular components and document your designs
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 25, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 77
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (68 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Java developers usually tackle the complexity of software development through object-oriented programming (OOP). But not every problem is a good match for OOP. The functional programming (FP) paradigm offers you another approach to solving problems, and Java provides easy-to-grasp FP tools such as lambdas and streams. If you're interested in applying FP concepts to your Java code, this book is for you. Author Ben Weidig highlights different aspects of functional programming and shows you how to incorporate them in your code without going "fully functional." You'll learn how, when, and why to use FP concepts such as immutability and pure functions to write more concise, reasonable, and future-proof code. Many developers seek to expand their horizons by using OOP and FP together. It's no longer either-or; it's both. In two parts, this book includes: A Functional Approach: Get a high-level overview of functional programming, including the types already available to Java developers. Then explore different FP concepts and learn how to use them. Real-World Problems, Patterns, and Recipes: Apply what you've learned in part one to the typical real-world problems you might encounter in your daily work.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed December 25, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 78
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (85 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Software engineers today typically put performance optimizations low on the list of development priorities. But despite significant technological advancements and lower-priced hardware, software efficiency still matters. With this book, Go programmers will learn how to approach performance topics for applications written in this open source language. How and when should you apply performance efficiency optimization without wasting your time? Authors Bartlomiej Plotka and Frederic Branczyk provide the tools and knowledge you need to make your system faster using fewer resources. Once you learn how to address performance in your Go applications, you'll be able to bring small but effective habits to your programming and development cycle. This book shows you how to: Continuously monitor for performance and efficiency regressions Find the root cause of performance bottlenecks using metrics, logging, tracing, and profiling Use tools like pprof, go test, benchstat and to create reliable micro- and macro-benchmarks Improve and optimize your code to meet your goals without sacrificing simplicity and readability Make data-driven decisions by prioritizing changes that make a difference Introduce basic "performance hygiene" in day-to-day Go programming and testing
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 25, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 79
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (97 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Whether you're new to Linux or have some experience, this practical book shows you how to master various tasks with this operating system--not just system administration. Cloud native professionals including developers, architects, DevOps practitioners, and site reliability engineers will learn how to use and program Linux in different modern environments, from embedded systems such as the Raspberry Pi to the virtual machine of your cloud provider of choice. Along the way, you'll gain hands-on experience with modern terminals, shells, and commands, use Linux networking, and learn how to manage your workloads, all with the goal of implementing modern Linux observability. You'll also understand how to run Linux applications in modern ways by using containers, systemd, modern filesystems, and immutable distros such as Flatcar and Bottlerocket. With this book, you will: Use Linux as a modern programming environment, not just as an admin tool Learn critical components such as the kernel, terminal multiplexer, human-friendly shells, and portable scripting Become familiar with access control, from file permissions to capabilities Understand the role of filesystems as a fundamental building block in Linux Gain hands-on experience with the Linux networking stack and tooling Learn how to apply modern operating system observability to manage your workloads Share data using SSH, rsync, and cloud sync mechanisms
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 25, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 80
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (43 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Do your product dashboards look funky? Are your quarterly reports stale? Is the dataset you're using broken or just plain wrong? These problems affect almost every team, yet they're usually addressed on an ad hoc basis and in a reactive manner. If you answered yes to any of the questions above, this book is for you. Many data engineering teams today face the "good pipelines, bad data" problem. It doesn't matter how advanced your data infrastructure is if the data you're piping is bad. In this book, Barr Moses, Lior Gavish, and Molly Vorwerck from the data reliability company Monte Carlo explain how to tackle data quality and trust at scale by leveraging best practices and technologies used by some of the world's most innovative companies. Build more trustworthy and reliable data pipelines Write scripts to make data checks and identify broken pipelines with data observability Program your own data quality monitors from scratch Develop and lead data quality initiatives at your company Generate a dashboard to highlight your company's key data assets Automate data lineage graphs across your data ecosystem Build anomaly detectors for your critical data assets
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 25, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 81
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (51 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Why is Google Analytics 4 the most modern data model available for digital marketing analytics? Because rather than simply report what has happened, GA4's new cloud integrations enable more data activation--linking online and offline data across all your streams to provide end-to-end marketing data. This practical book prepares you for the future of digital marketing by demonstrating how GA4 supports these additional cloud integrations. Author Mark Edmondson, Google Developer Expert for Google Analytics and Google Cloud, provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of GA4 and its cloud integrations. Data, business, and marketing analysts will learn major facets of GA4's powerful new analytics model, with topics including data architecture and strategy, and data ingestion, storage, and modeling. You'll explore common data activation use cases and get guidance on how to implement them. You'll learn: How Google Cloud integrates with GA4 The potential use cases that GA4 integrations can enable Skills and resources needed to create GA4 integrations How much GA4 data capture is necessary to enable use cases The process of designing dataflows from strategy though data storage, modeling, and activation
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed December 25, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 82
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Cisco Press | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9780137489930
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (752 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: This book is a complete guide to prepare for the CEH Certified Ethical Hacker certification exam. Leading experts Michael Gregg and Omar Santos help you master all the topics you need to know to succeed on your Certified Ethical Hacker Version 11 exam and advance your career in IT security. The authors concise, focused approach explains every exam objective from a real-world perspective, helping you quickly identify weaknesses and retain everything you need to know. Every feature of this book supports both efficient exam preparation and long-term mastery: Opening Topics Lists identify the topics you need to learn in each chapter and list EC-Councils official exam objectives Key Topics figures, tables, and lists call attention to the information that is most crucial for exam success Exam Preparation Tasks enable you to review key topics, define key terms, work through scenarios, and answer review questionsgoing beyond mere facts to master the concepts that are crucial to passing the exam and enhancing your career Key Terms are listed in each chapter and defined in a complete glossary, explaining essential terminology within the field This study guide helps you master all the topics on the latest CEH exam, including: Ethical hacking basics Technical foundations of hacking Footprinting and scanning Enumeration and system hacking Social engineering, malware threats, and vulnerability analysis Sniffers, session hijacking, and denial of service Web server hacking, web applications, and database attacks Wireless technologies, mobile security, and mobile attacks IDS, firewalls, and honeypots Cryptographic attacks and defenses Cloud computing, IoT, and botnets
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 8, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 83
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (925 pages)
    Edition: 4th edition
    DDC: 658.8/72
    Keywords: Web sites Design ; Web site development ; Web search engines ; Internet marketing ; Web sites Ratings and rankings ; Program transformation (Computer programming) ; Internet searching ; Electronic books
    Abstract: Three acknowledged experts in search engine optimization share guidelines and innovative techniques that will help you plan and execute a comprehensive SEO strategy. Complete with an array of effective tactics from basic to advanced, this fourth edition prepares digital marketers for 2022 and beyond with updates on SEO tools and new search engine optimization methods that have reshaped the SEO landscape. Novices will receive a thorough SEO education, while experienced SEO practitioners get an extensive reference to support ongoing engagements. Learn about the various intricacies and complexities of internet search Explore the underlying theory and inner workings of search engines and their algorithms Understand the interplay between social media engagement and other factors Discover tools to track results and measure success Examine the effects of key Google algorithm updates Consider opportunities for visibility in mobile, local, vertical, social, and voice search Build a competent SEO team with defined roles Gain insights into the future of search and internet discoverability
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed October 25, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 84
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (62 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Good software design is essential for the success of your project, but designing software is hard to do. You need to have a deep understanding of the consequences of design decisions and a good overview of available design alternatives. With this book, experienced C++ developers will get a thorough, practical, and unparalleled overview of software design with this modern language. C++ trainer and consultant Klaus Iglberger explains how you can manage dependencies and abstractions, improve changeability and extensibility of software entities, and apply and implement modern design patterns to help you take advantage of today's possibilities. Design is the most essential aspect of a software project because it impacts the software's most important properties: maintainability, changeability, and extensibility. Learn how to evaluate your code with respect to software design Understand what software design is, including design goals such as changeability and extensibility Explore the advantages and disadvantages of each design approach Learn how design patterns help solve problems and express intent Choose the right form of a design pattern to gain most of its advantages
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 25, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 85
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : No Starch Press | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (416 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Object-Oriented Python (OOP) is a paradigm that combines data and code into cohesive units, allowing you to think differently about computational problems and solve them in a highly reusable way. Aimed at intermediate-level programmers, Object-Oriented Python is a hands-on tutorial that goes deep into the core tenets of OOP, showing you how to use encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance to write games and apps using Python. The book begins by demonstrating key problems inherent in procedural programming, then guides you through the basics of creating classes and objects in Python. You’ll build on this groundwork by developing buttons, text fields, and other GUI elements that are standard in event-driven environments. You’ll also use many real-world code examples and two pygame-based packages to help turn theory into practice, enabling you to easily write interactive games and applications complete with GUI widgets, animations, multiple scenes, and reusable game logic. In the final chapter, you’ll bring it all together by building a fully functional video game that incorporates many of the OOP techniques and GUI elements covered in the book. You’ll learn how to: •Create and manage multiple objects using an object manager object •Use encapsulation to hide the inner details of objects from client code •Use polymorphism to define one interface and implement it in multiple classes •Apply inheritance to build on existing code Object-Oriented Python is a visual, intuitive guide to fully understanding how OOP operates and how you can use it to make your code more maintainable, readable, and efficient—without sacrificing functionality.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 25, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 86
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Berrett-Koehler Publishers | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781523092901
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (208 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: This is the first book to offer detailed guidance on how scenarios can be used to help organizations make their toughest decisions in a world of ever-escalating crisis and opportunity. To reap the full benefits of scenarios, you have to be able to apply them in the real world. This groundbreaking book goes beyond the theoretical to clearly explain different ways scenarios can be used in business decision-making—from strategic planning and financial modeling to crisis response. Connecting scenarios to strategy and action can have many benefits, including the ability to react quickly, anticipate major changes in the environment, and identify major opportunities. Thomas Chermack, a top expert on scenario planning, offers seven specific ways organizations can use scenarios and provides a wide variety of examples, along with proven processes, exercises, and workshops that have been used successfully in organizations across industries and countries for more than fifteen years.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 1, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 87
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Ascent Audio | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781663716170
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (27371 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Audiobooks
    Abstract: Growth is the goal. To help people develop their potential, to articulate and become the self that they want to be, are capable of being, and that best serves them and others in the short and long term is what we as individuals and leaders strive toward. But how do we grow? It turns out it happens in a predictable way, which means we can understand where we are in our growth and chart a way forward. In this compact, complete guide, Whitney Johnson helps you envision how growth happens and proactively direct yourself, or others in your organization, to help make the leaps needed to achieve goals. The growth and learning journey comes in three phases, the Launch Point, the Sweet Spot, and the High End, and within each phase, we play roles that keep us moving toward our goals. Compelling examples of successful people will show you when growth is slow and why, and how to keep going, and what to do when growth and learning are almost too fast to keep up with, and how to leap from one growth journey to another. As individuals grow so do organizations and societies. Growth is learning put into action, ideally action that betters the world as we better ourselves and our small niches within it, both personal and professional. Growth occurs when learning is internalized, when we try something new and invest the effort to move it from being something we do, to something we are.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 11, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 88
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Apress | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781484271162
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (340 pages)
    Edition: 4th edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: In this fourth edition of the bestselling business book Managing Humans , author Michael Lopp continues to draw leadership advice from some of the most important software companies of our modern age. Educational stories from companies across Silicon Valley such as Apple, Slack, Pinterest, Palantir, Netscape, and Borland detail the experiences of bright software engineers in an ever-changing industry This revised edition of Managing Humans expands on the previous editions’ explorations of management essentials including handling stress, building diverse teams, running inclusive meetings, and how to lead in times of crisis. The education of a great leader never stops, and Lopp applies crucial insights to help continue your never-ending leadership education. Whether it is approaching a myriad of engineering personalities or handling unexpected conflict, you will come away with wisdom to handle any team situation. The engineering culture of a company can determine the difference between a product’s ultimate success or failure. Managing Humans is here to guide managers and aspiring managers into the intimidating world of people and their vastly different personalities. Handle conflict, infuse innovation into your approach, and be the most confident manager you can be after reading this book. What You Will Learn Lead engineers Handle conflict Understand different engineering personalities Who This Book Is For Managers and would-be managers staring at the role of a manager wondering why they would ever leave the safe world of bits and bytes for the messy world of managing humans.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 1, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 89
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Apress | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781484278215
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (219 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: When it comes to managing cybersecurity in an organization, most organizations tussle with basic foundational components. This practitioner’s guide lays down those foundational components, with real client examples and pitfalls to avoid. A plethora of cybersecurity management resources are available—many with sound advice, management approaches, and technical solutions—but few with one common theme that pulls together management and technology, with a focus on executive oversight. Author Ryan Leirvik helps solve these common problems by providing a clear, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-deploy foundational cyber risk management approach applicable to your entire organization. The book provides tools and methods in a straight-forward practical manner to guide the management of your cybersecurity program and helps practitioners pull cyber from a “technical” problem to a “business risk management” problem, equipping you with a simple approach to understand, manage, and measure cyber risk for your enterprise. What You Will Learn Educate the executives/board on what you are doing to reduce risk Communicate the value of cybersecurity programs and investments through insightful risk-informative metrics Know your key performance indicators (KPIs), key risk indicators (KRIs), and/or objectives and key results Prioritize appropriate resources through identifying program-related gaps Lay down the foundational components of a program based on real examples, including pitfalls to avoid Who This Book Is For CISOs, CROs, CIOs, directors of risk management, and anyone struggling to pull together frameworks or basic metrics to quantify uncertainty and address risk
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 1, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 90
    ISBN: 9780738460215
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (452 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: The next-generation IBM® c-type Directors and switches for IBM Storage Networking provides high-speed Fibre Channel (FC) and IBM Fibre Connection (IBM FICON®) connectivity from the IBM Z® platform to the storage area network (SAN) core. It enables enterprises to rapidly deploy high-density virtualized servers with the dual benefit of higher bandwidth and consolidation. This IBM Redpaper Redbooks publication helps administrators understand how to implement or migrate to an IBM c-type SAN environment. It provides an overview of the key hardware and software products, and it explains how to install, configure, monitor, tune, and troubleshoot your SAN environment.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 11, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 91
    ISBN: 9781484277898
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (542 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Build secure and reliable IoT applications for micro:bit and Raspberry Pi Pico by using Rust and Tock. One of the first Operating Systems written in Rust, Tock is designed to safely run multiple applications on low power devices, enabling you to build a secure foundation for IoT systems. It is an open-source OS that has recently gained popularity as companies such as Google[1] explore and integrate it into their products. This book guides you through the steps necessary to customize and integrate Tock into your devices. First, you'll explore the characteristics of Tock and how to run it on two of the most popular IoT platforms: micro:bit and Raspberry Pi Pico. You’ll also take a look at Rust and how to use it for building secure applications with Tock. The book focuses on the Tock kernel internals and presents the steps necessary to integrate new features. From simple drivers to the more complex asynchronous ones, you are provided with a detailed description of the Tock kernel API. Next, you'll review the Tock applications framework for C. Starting from simple Tock APIs to the more complex Inter-Process Communication system, this book provides a complete overview of the Tock application ecosystem. By taking a practical approach, Getting Started with Secure Embedded Systems provides a starting point for building a secure IoT foundation using the Tock Operating System. You will: Use Rust for embedded systems development Write applications and drivers for Tock Customize the Tock kernel for specific hardware platforms Set a solid base for building secure and reliable IoT applications Use Tock to ensure the security of your microcontrollers and integrate them into your projects Manage products that rely on Tock Who This Book Is For IoT system designers, developers, and integrators who are familiar with operating systems concepts. The book can also be suitable for people with less experience, who want to gain an overview of the latest hardware and software technologies related to building secure IoT systems.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 1, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 92
    ISBN: 9780738460253
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (78 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: This IBM® Redpaper® publication describes best practices for deploying and using advanced Broadcom Fabric Operating System (FOS) features to identify, monitor, and protect Fibre Channel (FC) SANs from problematic devices and media behavior. Note that this paper primarily focuses on the FOS command options and features that are available since version 8.2 with some coverage of new features that were introduced in 9.0. This paper covers the following recent changes: SANnav Fabric Performance Impact Notification
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 5, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 93
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Addison-Wesley Professional | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (1 video file, approximately 4 hr., 37 min.)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic videos
    Abstract: Developing Classification and Regression Systems (Machine Learning with Python for Everyone Series), Part 3 Sneak Peek The Sneak Peek program provides early access to Pearson video products and is exclusively available to Safari subscribers. Content for titles in this program is made available throughout the development cycle, so products may not be complete, edited, or finalized, including video post-production editing. Dr. Mark Fenner, owner of Fenner Training and Consulting, LLC, has taught computing and mathematics to diverse adult audiences since 1999, and holds a PhD in computer science. His research has included design, implementation, and performance of machine learning and numerical algorithms; developing learning systems to detect user anomalies; and probabilistic modeling of protein function.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title screen (viewed January 5, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 94
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Packt Publishing | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781801816489
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (460 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: A practical guide for software architects and Java developers to build cloud-native hexagonal applications using Java and Quarkus to create systems that are easier to refactor, scale, and maintain Key Features Learn techniques to decouple business and technology code in an application Apply hexagonal architecture principles to produce more organized, coherent, and maintainable software Minimize technical debts and tackle complexities derived from multiple teams dealing with the same code base Book Description Hexagonal architecture enhances developers' productivity by decoupling business code from technology code, making the software more change-tolerant, and allowing it to evolve and incorporate new technologies without the need for significant refactoring. By adhering to hexagonal principles, you can structure your software in a way that reduces the effort required to understand and maintain the code. This book starts with an in-depth analysis of hexagonal architecture's building blocks, such as entities, use cases, ports, and adapters. You'll learn how to assemble business code in the Domain hexagon, create features by using ports and use cases in the Application hexagon, and make your software compatible with different technologies by employing adapters in the Framework hexagon. Moving on, you'll get your hands dirty developing a system based on a real-world scenario applying all the hexagonal architecture's building blocks. By creating a hexagonal system, you'll also understand how you can use Java modules to reinforce dependency inversion and ensure the isolation of each hexagon in the architecture. Finally, you'll get to grips with using Quarkus to turn your hexagonal application into a cloud-native system. By the end of this hexagonal architecture book, you'll be able to bring order and sanity to the development of complex and long-lasting applications. What you will learn Find out how to assemble business rules algorithms using the specification design pattern Combine domain-driven design techniques with hexagonal principles to create powerful domain models Employ adapters to make the system support different protocols such as REST, gRPC, and WebSocket Create a module and package structure based on hexagonal principles Use Java modules to enforce dependency inversion and ensure isolation between software components Implement Quarkus DI to manage the life cycle of input and output ports Who this book is for This book is for software ar...
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 7, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 95
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Pearson IT Certification | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9780137513697
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (313 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: CEH v11 Certified Ethical Hacker Exam Cram is the perfect study guide to help you score higher on the updated EC-Council CEH v11 exam. Using the proven Exam Cram method of study, it offers comprehensive foundational learning for all facets of ethical hacking and penetration testing. Chuck Easttoms expert real-world approach reflects both his expertise as one of the leading cybersecurity practitioners and instructors in the world, as well as test-taking insights he has gained from teaching CEH preparation courses worldwide, including courses taught directly for EC-Council. Easttom assumes no prior knowledge: readers will little or no experience in ethical hacking and penetration testing can obtain the knowledge they need to take and pass the exam. He thoroughly covers every CEH v11 topic, including: Reconnaissance and scanning Enumeration and vulnerability scanning System and session hacking Malware, sniffing, social engineering, and DOS attacks Evading security measures Hacking web servers, applications, wireless, mobile, IoT, and OT Cloud computing, cryptography, and more Extensive preparation tools include topic overviews, exam alerts, CramSavers, CramQuizzes, chapter-ending review questions, author notes and tips, and an extensive glossary. The handy Cram Sheet tear-out brings together tips, acronyms, and memory joggers not available anywhere else -- perfect for last-minute study. Powerful Pearson Test Prep practice test software offers an extensive collection of exam-realistic practice questions, with many customization and reporting features: test yourself in study mode, practice exam mode, or flash card mode. The companion website also provides access to several digital assets including the Glossary and Cram Sheet.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 7, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 96
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Apress | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781484274552
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (372 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Learn the fundamentals of Godot by diving headfirst into creating a 2D platformer from scratch. This book is a hands-on, practical guide to developing 2D games using the Godot Engine 3.2.3/3.3, with the help of GDScript. Author Maithili Dhule begins by explaining some basic tools and techniques used to make games, the factors that need to be considered while choosing a game engine, and pointing out the benefits of using Godot. She then walks you through downloading the engine and guides you as you explore key features of its interface. Next, you’ll receive a concise introduction to the basics of GDScript, the main scripting language used in Godot, before moving on to essential topics such as Godot’s node-scene architecture, the interaction of various physics bodies, the creation of game scenes, and writing scripts. As the book progresses, you’ll learn how to create and animate your game character, design the game world, add enemies, and implement a coin-collection system. You’ll also see how the user’s gaming experience can be enhanced through the addition of parallax backgrounds, a title screen, music, and sound effects. Toward the end of the book, you’ll learn how to export your game to different platforms, both mobile and PC, as well as possible avenues for monetizing the game. Throughout the book, theoretical concepts are supplemented with concrete, ready-to-implement examples that you can try out. Upon finishing this book, you’ll be able to make and publish your first 2D platform game. Beginning Game Development with Godot is for game development enthusiasts of all levels interested in creating their own games. What You Will Learn Understand the Godot engine and the benefits of using it for game development Master the fundamentals of programming in GDScript Use the Godot graphical interface to design and animate players, the game world, menus, and various games scenes Create your first 2D game in Godot and publish it to various platforms Who This Book Is For Aspiring game developers who may be new to game development, as well as experts exploring the potential of the Godot Engine.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 1, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 97
    ISBN: 9781484274408
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (1112 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Take a holistic view of enterprise risk-adjusted return management in banking. This book recommends that a bank transform its siloed operating model into an agile enterprise model. It offers an event-driven, process-based, data-centric approach to help banks plan and implement an enterprise risk-adjusted return model (ERRM), keeping the focus on business events, processes, and a loosely coupled enterprise service architecture. Most banks suffer from a lack of good quality data for risk-adjusted return management. This book provides an enterprise data management methodology that improves data quality by defining and using data ontology and taxonomy. It extends the data narrative with an explanation of the characteristics of risk data, the usage of machine learning, and provides an enterprise knowledge management methodology for risk-return optimization. The book provides numerous examples for process automation, data analytics, event management, knowledge management, and improvements to risk quantification. The book provides guidance on the underlying knowledge areas of banking, enterprise risk management, enterprise architecture, technology, event management, processes, and data science. The first part of the book explains the current state of banking architecture and its limitations. After defining a target model, it explains an approach to determine the "gap" and the second part of the book guides banks on how to implement the enterprise risk-adjusted return model. What You Will Learn Know what causes siloed architecture, and its impact Implement an enterprise risk-adjusted return model (ERRM) Choose enterprise architecture and technology Define a reference enterprise architecture Understand enterprise data management methodology Define and use an enterprise data ontology and taxonomy Create a multi-dimensional enterprise risk data model Understand the relevance of event-driven architecture from business generation and risk management perspectives Implement advanced analytics and knowledge management capabilities Who This Book Is For The global banking community, including: senior management of a bank, such as the Chief Risk Officer, Head of Treasury/Corporate Banking/Retail Banking, Chief Data Officer, and Chief Technology Officer. It is also relevant for banking software vendors, banking consultants, auditors, risk management consultants, banking supervisors, and government finance professionals.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 3, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 98
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Packt Publishing | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781803235950
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (278 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Get to grips with React Hooks and design your own custom Hook to manage application states for making better decisions in site architecture Key Features Get to grips with Hooks' design and understand each built-in Hook's pitfalls with examples Discover how to turn your existing code into a reusable Hook via code refactoring Explore design solutions to identify and solve site performance issues involving Hooks Book Description React hook creates a unique solution for using states in function components to orchestrate UI communication. They provide you with an easy interface to write custom data management solutions with low development and maintenance costs. Understanding how Hooks are designed enables you to use them more effectively, and this book helps you to do just that. This book starts with a custom-crafted solution to reveal why Hooks are needed in the first place. You will learn about the React engine and discover how each built-in Hook can manage a persistent value by hooking into it. You will walk through the design and implementation of each hook with code so that you gain a solid understanding. Finally, you'll get to grips with each Hook's pitfalls and find out how to effectively overcome them. By the end of this React book, you'll have gained the confidence to build and write Hooks for developing functional and efficient web applications at scale. What you will learn Create your own hooks to suit your state management requirement Detect the current window size of your website using useEffect Debounce an action to improve user interface (UI) performance using useMemo Establish a global site configuration using useContext Avoid hard-to-find application memory leaks using useRef Design a simple and effective API data layer using custom Hooks Who this book is for This book is for web developers who are looking for a consistent and efficient approach for applying application states with Hooks. Basic knowledge of React will help you to get the most out of this book.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 11, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 99
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Pragmatic AI Solutions | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (1 video file, approximately 9 min.)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic videos
    Abstract: Learn the Apple Swift Languages by using the XCode Playground environment.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title screen (viewed January 11, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 100
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (350 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: The cloud is becoming the de facto home for companies ranging from enterprises to startups. Moving to the cloud means moving your applications from monolith to microservices. But once you do, maintaining and running these services brings its own level of complexity. The answer? Modularity, deployability, observability, and self-healing capacity through cloud native development. With this practical book, Nishant Singh and Michael Kehoe show you how to build a true cloud native infrastructure on Microsoft Azure, following guidelines from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). DevOps and site reliability engineers will learn how adapting applications to cloud native early in the design phase helps you fully utilize the elasticity and distributed nature of the cloud. Chapters include: "Introduction: Why Cloud Native?" "Infrastructure as Code: Setting Up the Gateway" "Containerizing Your Application: More Than Boxes" "Kubernetes: The Grand Orchestrator" "Creating a Kubernetes Cluster on Azure" "Observability: Following the Breadcrumbs" "Service Discovery and Service Mesh: Finding New Territories and Crossing Borders" "Networking and Policy Management: Behold the Gatekeepers" "Distributed Databases and Storage: The Central Bank" "Getting the Message" "Serverless"
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 25, 2022) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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