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  • Chinese  (28)
  • Italian  (17)
  • Latvian  (5)
  • OECD  (50)
  • Benetton, Luciano
  • Bossan, Enrico
  • Pitrè, Giuseppe
  • Governance  (35)
  • Development  (21)
  • 1
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing
    ISBN: 9789264710412 , 9789264489547 , 9789264940451
    Language: Latvian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (116 p.) , 21 x 28cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Developing Effective Online Dispute Resolution in Latvia
    Keywords: Governance ; Latvia
    Abstract: Šajā ziņojumā novērtēts strīdu izšķiršanas tiešsaistē (ODR) izmantojums Latvijā. Tajā aplūkoti valsts centieni modernizēt tieslietu sistēmu un attīstīt strīdu izšķiršanas mehānismus, noteiktas jomas, kurās nepieciešami uzlabojumi saskaņā ar ESAO ODR sistēmu, un sniegti ODR piemērošanas piemēri citās valstīs. Novērtējumu papildina ESAO ODR regulējuma piemērošana trīs īpašiem prasību veidiem - vienkāršotām un brīdinājuma procedūrām, kā arī ar patērētāju tiesībām saistītām prasībām. Tajā sniegti ieteikumi, kā sekmīgi īstenot ODR Latvijā un kopumā modernizēt tieslietu nozari, lai nodrošinātu labāku tiesu pieejamību visiem.
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  • 2
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (77 p.) , 21 x 28cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Enhancing international partnership and co-operation in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
    Keywords: Urban, Rural and Regional Development ; Development ; Governance ; France ; Italy ; Spain
    Abstract: La cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo sta transitando da un modello tradizionale incentrato sullo scambio unilaterale tra donatore e beneficiario a un approccio fondato sul partenariato, che sempre più spesso coinvolge anche regioni e città. Il Friuli Venezia Giulia, una piccola regione dell'Italia nord-orientale che gode di un'ampia autonomia politica, è attivo da tempo nella cooperazione internazionale e ambisce a ottenere maggiori benefici dalle sue iniziative, sia per la comunità regionale che per i partner con cui coopera a livello internazionale. Questo studio analizza la sua strategia sul partenariato e la cooperazione internazionale e propone raccomandazioni per un suo rafforzamento. Tra queste spicca l'invito a concentrare le risorse su iniziative che sfruttino le aree di specializzazione regionale per ottenere un maggiore impatto nei paesi partner e a livello locale.
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  • 3
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing
    ISBN: 9789264771079 , 9789264999305 , 9789264415614
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (144 p.) , 21 x 28cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Developing an Integrated Approach to Green Infrastructure in Italy
    Keywords: Governance ; Italy
    Abstract: Questo rapporto offre una panoramica sul sistema di pianificazione delle infrastrutture verdi e sull'uso di soluzioni basate sulla natura in Italia. Identifica le sfide e le criticita' principali per la loro realizzazione e delinea una serie di raccomandazioni volte a promuovere l'utilizzo di questi due strumenti a diversi livelli di governo. Il rapporto analizza anche quattro casi di studio individuati in accordo con il Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti: il Nodo Verde di Bari, la linea M4 della rete metropolitana di Milano, la diga di Ridracoli in Emilia-Romagna e la linea ferroviaria Bicocca-Catenanuova.
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  • 4
    ISBN: 9789264452886
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (252 p.) , 21 x 28cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Dinâmicas do desenvolvimento em África 2023: Investir no desenvolvimento sustentável
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Dynamiques du développement en Afrique 2023 : Investir dans le développement durable
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Africa's Development Dynamics 2023: Investing in Sustainable Development
    Keywords: Environment ; Finance and Investment ; Development
    Abstract: Il rapporto "Le dinamiche di sviluppo dell'Africa" fa tesoro degli insegnamenti tratti dalle esperienze dell'Africa centrale, orientale, settentrionale, meridionale e occidentale per elaborare raccomandazioni strategiche e condividere le buone pratiche in tutto il continente. Basandosi sulle statistiche più recenti, l'analisi delle dinamiche di sviluppo mira ad aiutare i leader africani a conseguire gli obiettivi dell'Agenda 2063 dell'Unione africana a tutti i livelli: continentale, regionale, nazionale e locale. La presente edizione esamina in che modo l'Africa possa attirare investimenti in grado di offrire il miglior equilibrio tra obiettivi economici, sociali e ambientali. I suoi dati recenti e le sue analisi sono messi a disposizione dei responsabili politici al fine di migliorare le valutazioni dei rischi, rafforzare i partenariati diretti dall'Africa e accelerare l'integrazione regionale in modo da aumentare gli investimenti sostenibili. Due capitoli esaminano il panorama degli investimenti in Africa e le relative priorità politiche a livello di continente. I cinque capitoli regionali propongono raccomandazioni ad hoc per settori strategici quali gli ecosistemi naturali, le energie rinnovabili, i finanziamenti per il clima e le catene di valore agroalimentari. Il rapporto "Le dinamiche di sviluppo dell'Africa" alimenta il dibattito politico tra i governi dell'Unione africana, i cittadini, gli imprenditori e i ricercatori. Propone una nuova collaborazione tra Paesi e regioni, incentrata sull'apprendimento reciproco e sulla conservazione dei beni comuni, ed è il frutto della collaborazione tra la Commissione dell'Unione africana e il Centro per lo sviluppo dell'OCSE.
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  • 5
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing
    ISBN: 9789264752016 , 9789264912984 , 9789264574830
    Language: Latvian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (264 p.) , 21 x 28cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Going Digital in Latvia
    Keywords: Education ; Governance ; Science and Technology ; Industry and Services ; Latvia
    Abstract: Digitalizācija Latvijā analizē jaunākās attīstības tendences Latvijas digitālajā ekonomikā, pārskata ar digitalizāciju saistītās politikas un sniedz ieteikumus par politikas saskaņotības palielināšanu šajā jomā, pamatojoties uz ESAO Going Digital integrētās politikas struktūru. Pārskatā tiek izmantots stratēģiska perspektīva, lai izpētītu trīs alternatīvus nākotnes scenārijus, kas var izveidoties globālās ekonomikas un sabiedrības digitālās transformācijas rezultātā. Tajā tiek pētīta arī sakaru tīklu un pakalpojumu pieejamība Latvijā, kā arī saistītās politikas un regulējumi. Turklāt pārskatā tiek aplūkotas fi zisku personu, uzņēmumu un valdības tendences digitālās tehnoloģijas izmantošanas jomā, kā arī izpētītas politikas, lai sekmētu izplatīšanu. Visbeidzot pārskatā tiek analizētas digitalizācijas radītās iespējas un izaicinājumi galvenajās jomās, sākot ar inovācijām un prasmēm un beidzot ar digitālo drošību un datu pārvaldību, kā arī novērtētas politikas reakcijas uz šīm pārmaiņām Latvijā. Šī publikācija ir Going Digital in Latvia tulkojums, kas ir daļa no OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation sērijas, kas publicēts tikai angļu valodā.
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  • 6
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (63 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Exploring policy options on teleworking: Steering local economic and employment development in the time of remote work
    Keywords: Employment ; Social Issues/Migration/Health ; Urban, Rural and Regional Development ; Development ; Economics ; Industry and Services
    Abstract: Questo documento esplora e classifica alcune delle politiche più comuni tra i responsabili politici nazionali, regionali e locali durante o prima della pandemia di COVID-19 per rendere praticabile, promuovere e sfruttare al meglio il telelavoro. Vengono inoltre analizzate alcune misure miranti ad attrarre e trattenere in determinati territori i lavoratori e gli imprenditori che operano a distanza. L’attuale crisi ha comportato, tra gli altri aspetti, una sperimentazione di massa del telelavoro, senza precedenti per dimensioni e portata. La transizione verso un modello di telelavoro diffuso su vasta scala e su base permanente avrebbe profonde implicazioni per la geografia del lavoro a livello locale. Le PMI potrebbero essere meno attrezzate delle grandi imprese per affrontare tale cambiamento. Le politiche pubbliche possono assumere un ruolo cruciale nel trasformare il telelavoro in un'opportunità per tutti, e ridurre il rischio di un potenziale ampliamento delle disparità preesistenti tra persone, territori e aziende.
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  • 7
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing
    ISBN: 9789264827691
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (129 p.) , 21 x 28cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: Italy 2019
    Keywords: Development ; Italy
    Abstract: Il Comitato di Aiuto allo Sviluppo dell’OCSE (DAC) conduce esami periodici degli sforzi di cooperazione dei singoli Paesi membri del Comitato. Le politiche e i programmi di ogni singolo Paese membro del DAC sono esaminati con un approccio analitico, ogni cinque anni circa. Le valutazioni tra pari (peer review) del DAC valutano le prestazioni di un determinato Paese membro del Comitato – non solo i risultati ottenuti dall’agenzia per lo sviluppo alla cooperazione del Paese – ed esaminano sia le politiche pubbliche sia la loro attuazione. Le valutazioni tra pari adottano una prospettiva integrata ed estesa a tutto il sistema sulle attività della cooperazione e dell’assistenza umanitaria del Paese membro esaminato. L'Italia è fortemente impegnata nell’azione multilaterale e utilizza il suo potere di mobilitazione e la sua esperienza nel campo della cooperazione affinché il Paese sia un attore di primo piano su questioni come l’agricoltura e il patrimonio culturale. L’impegno del Paese a non lasciare nessuno indietro è particolarmente evidente attraverso il focus sul genere e sulla disabilità. Tuttavia, il Paese potrebbe trarre vantaggio dall’inversione del recente andamento decrescente degli Aiuti pubblici allo sviluppo (APS), costruendo una forza lavoro più solida e con migliori competenze, istituendo un approccio coerente e globale di tutti i livelli di governo alle migrazioni e allo sviluppo, creando un sistema di gestione volto ai risultati.
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  • 8
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing
    ISBN: 9789264311787
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (252 p.) , 21 x 28cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD Regulatory Policy Outlook 2018
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD-Ausblick Regulierungspolitik 2018
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Politique de la réglementation : Perspectives de l'OCDE 2018
    Keywords: Governance
    Abstract: Le Prospettive OCSE 2018 sulla politica della regolazione, seconda edizione della serie, tracciano minuziosamente gli sforzi compiuti dai Paesi per migliorare la qualità della regolazione secondo i principi definiti nella Raccomandazione OCSE del 2012 concernente la politica e la governance della regolazione e condividono le buone pratiche. Le Prospettive forniscono approfondimenti unici e approcci innovativi per migliorare la regolazione.
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  • 9
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing
    Title: 经合组织鞋服行业负责任供应链尽责管理指南
    ISBN: 9789264308930
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (172 p.) , 16 x 23cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD-Leitfaden für die Erfüllung der Sorgfaltspflicht zur Förderung verantwortungsvoller Lieferketten in der Bekleidungs- und Schuhwarenindustrie
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Wytyczne OECD dotyczące należytej staranności w zakresie odpowiedzialnych łańcuchów dostaw w sektorze tekstylno-odzieżowym i obuwniczym
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Guide OCDE sur le devoir de diligence applicable aux chaînes d'approvisionnement responsables dans le secteur de l'habillement et de la chaussure
    Keywords: Governance ; Development
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  • 10
    ISBN: 9789264302655
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (116 p.) , 21 x 28cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Trade in Counterfeit Goods and the Italian Economy: Protecting Italy's intellectual property
    Keywords: Governance ; Industry and Services ; Italy
    Abstract: L'economia italiana è innovativa e ricca di proprietà intellettuale e praticamente ogni settore produce o utilizza prodotti coperti da proprietà intellettuale. I settori a elevata densità di diritti di proprietà intellettuale sono perfettamente integrati nell'economia globale attraverso una partecipazione attiva nelle catene di valore globali. Allo stesso tempo le minacce rappresentate da contraffazione e pirateria sono in crescita e l’Italia appare vulnerabile. Questo studio misura gli effetti economici diretti della contraffazione sui consumatori italiani, sul settore manifatturiero e del dettaglio, e sul governo italiano. Esamina sia l’impatto delle importazioni di prodotti falsi in Italia su questi tre gruppi sia l’impatto sui titolari dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale italiani del commercio globale di prodotti falsi che violano i diritti di proprietà intellettuale.
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  • 11
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing ;
    ISBN: 9789264304840
    Language: Latvian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (44 p.) , 16 x 23cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Principes de gouvernement d'entreprise du G20 et de l'OCDE
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Các Nguyên tắc Quản trị Công ty
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD-Grundsätze der Corporate Governance
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/ՏՀԶԿ Կորպորատիվ Կառավարման Սկզբունքներ
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (Japanese version)
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Principios de Gobierno Corporativo de la OCDE y del G20
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Země G20/OECD Principy správy a řízení společností
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance: (Turkish version)
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (Chinese version)
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Princípios de Governo das Sociedades do G20 e da OCDE
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (Arabic version)
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (Russian version)
    Keywords: Governance ; Industry and Services
    Abstract: G20/OECD Korporatīvās pārvaldības principi palīdz politikas veidotājiem novērtēt un uzlabot korporatīvās pārvaldības tiesisko, regulējošo un institucionālo sistēmu. Tie arī sniedz norādes biržām, investoriem, kapitālsabiedrībām un pārējiem, kam ir loma labas korporatīvās pārvaldības izstrādes procesā. Principi pirmo reizi tika izdoti 1999. gadā, un kopš tā laika tie kļuvuši par starptautisku etalonu korporatīvajai pārvaldībai. Finanšu stabilitātes padome tos pieņēmusi kā vienu no saviem pamatstandartiem drošām finanšu sistēmām, un tos apstiprinājušas G20 valstis. 2015. gada izdevumā ņemtas vērā norises gan finanšu, gan korporatīvajā sektorā, kas var ietekmēt korporatīvās pārvaldības politikas un prakses efektivitāti un piemērotību.
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  • 12
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing ;
    ISBN: 9789264288263
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (216 p.) , 21 x 28cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Perspectives agricoles de l'OCDE et de la FAO 2017-2026
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2017-2026
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OCDE-FAO Perspectivas Agrícolas 2017-2026
    Keywords: Agriculture and Food ; Environment ; Governance ; Urban, Rural and Regional Development ; Development ; Trade
    Abstract: Over the ten-year Outlook period, agricultural markets are projected to remain weak, with growth in China weakening and biofuel policies having less impact on markets than in the past. Future growth in crop production will be attained mostly by increasing yields, and growth in meat and dairy production from both higher animal stocks and improved yields. Agricultural trade is expected to grow more slowly, but remain less sensitive to weak economic conditions than other sectors. These demand, supply and trade pressures are all evident in Southeast Asia, where this report identifies scope to improve agricultural productivity sustainably. Real prices are expected to remain flat or decline for most commodities.
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  • 13
    ISBN: 9789264301962
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (104 p.) , 16 x 23cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas: Third Edition
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Guide OCDE sur le devoir de diligence pour des chaînes d'approvisionnement responsables en minerais provenant de zones de conflit ou à haut risque : Troisième édition
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD-Leitfaden für die Erfüllung der Sorgfaltspflicht zur Förderung verantwortungsvoller Lieferketten für Minerale aus Konflikt- und Hochrisikogebieten: Dritte Ausgabe
    Keywords: Governance ; Development
    Abstract: Trade and investment in natural mineral resources hold great potential for generating income, growth and prosperity, sustaining livelihoods and fostering local development. However, a large share of these resources is located in conflict affected and high-risk areas. In these areas, exploitation of natural mineral resources is significant and may contribute, directly or indirectly, to armed conflict, gross human rights violations and hinder economic and social development. The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas provides step-by-step management recommendations endorsed by governments for global responsible supply chains of all minerals, in order for companies to respect human rights and avoid contributing to conflict through their mineral or metal purchasing decisions and practices. The Due Diligence Guidance for minerals may be used by any company potentially sourcing any minerals or metals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas, and is intended to cultivate transparent, conflict-free supply chains and sustainable corporate engagement in the minerals sector.
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  • 14
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing | Beijing : Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
    ISBN: 9789264279438
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource , ill.
    Keywords: Development
    Abstract: 本书探讨青年、技能和创业。拉丁美洲青年代表着该地区的希望与危险。他们站在拉美地区的 十字路口,曾经经历经济繁荣和社会进步,如今只能忍受着增长放缓。本书确立的潜在战略和政策 回应,有助于拉丁美洲和加勒比地区重现经济增长。尽管发展的源泉各有不同,但是技能和创业能 够促进青年人从事知识密集型经济活动,激发其生产力,改变该地区的政治,如同他们从学校到生 产性工作的成功转型,创造他们所追求的未来。报告涵盖了该领域的有益经验和最佳实践,提出的 战略可以帮助拉美巩固长期增长,确保社会进程的连续性。
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  • 15
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing
    ISBN: 9789264273016
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (80 p.) , 21 x 28cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Guide OCDE-FAO pour des filières agricoles responsables
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Руководство ОЭСР-ФАО по ответственным производственно-сбытовым цепочкам в сфере сельского хозяйства
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Guía OCDE-FAO para las cadenas de suministro responsable en el sector agrícola
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD/FAO-Leitfaden für verantwortungsvolle landwirtschaftliche Lieferketten
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe توجيهات منظمة التعاون والتنمية في الميدان الاقتصادي ومنظمة الأغذية والزراعة بشأن سلاسل الإمدادات الزراعية المسؤولة
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains
    Keywords: Agriculture and Food ; Governance
    Abstract: OECD and FAO have developed this guidance to help enterprises observe standards of responsible business conduct and undertake due diligence along agricultural supply chains in order to ensure that their operations do not lead to adverse impacts and do contribute to sustainable development. The Guidance comprises: • A model enterprise policy outlining the standards that enterprises should observe to build responsible agricultural supply chains; • A framework for risk-based due diligence describing the five steps that enterprises should follow to identify, assess, mitigate and account for how they address the adverse impacts of their activities; • A description of the major risks faced by enterprises and the measures to mitigate these risks; • Guidance for engaging with indigenous peoples.
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  • 16
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Shanghai : Shanghai People's Publishing House
    ISBN: 9789264264106
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectives on Global Development 2013; Industrial Policies in a Changing World
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectives du développement mondial 2013 ; Les politiques industrielles dans un monde en mutation
    Keywords: Governance ; Social Issues/Migration/Health ; Development
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  • 17
    ISBN: 9789264263642
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (72 p.) , 16 x 23cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Diretrizes da OCDE sobre Governança Corporativa de Empresas Estatais, Edição 2015
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, 2015 Edition: (Russian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, 2015 Edition (Arabic version)
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Насоки на ОИСР за корпоративното управление на държавните предприятия: Издание 2015
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD-Leitsätze zu Corporate Governance in staatseigenen Unternehmen, Ausgabe 2015
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Lignes directrices de l'OCDE sur la gouvernance des entreprises publiques, Édition 2015
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Smjernice OECD-a za korporativno upravljanje u poduzećima u državnom vlasništvu: Izdanje iz 2015.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD国有企業(SOE)のコーポレートガバナンス・ガイドライン, 2015年版
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, 2015 Edition: (Korean version)
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Directrices de la OCDE sobre el Gobierno Corporativo de las Empresas Públicas, Edición 2015
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, 2015 Edition
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Metodické pokyny OECD pro správu a řízení státem vlastněných společností, vydáno 2015
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Hướng dẫn của OECD về Quản trị Công ty trong Do anh nghiệp Nh à nước: Ấn bản 2015
    Keywords: Finance and Investment ; Governance
    Abstract: The new OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises provide an internationally agreed benchmark to help governments assess and improve the way they exercise their ownership functions in state-owned enterprises. Good corporate governance of state-owned enterprises is a key reform priority in many countries. Improved efficiency and better transparency in the state owned sector will result in considerable economic gains, especially in countries where state ownership is important. In addition, creating a level playing field for private and state-owned enterprises will encourage a sound and competitive business sector. The Guidelines, first adopted in 2005, provide a set of good practices on the legal and regulatory framework for state-owned enterprises (SOEs), the professionalisation of the state ownership function and the corporate governance arrangements of SOEs. This new version of the recommendation was developed in the light of almost a decade of experiences with its implementation and a number of thematic and comparative studies, developed on the basis of the earlier version of the Guidelines, that showed the need for, and supported, their revision, including in areas such as disclosure and transparency, public-private competition, board practices and funding and financing of SOE.
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  • 18
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing
    ISBN: 9789264250574
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (56 p.) , 16 x 23cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Principes de gouvernement d'entreprise du G20 et de l'OCDE
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Các Nguyên tắc Quản trị Công ty
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD-Grundsätze der Corporate Governance
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/ՏՀԶԿ Կորպորատիվ Կառավարման Սկզբունքներ
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (Japanese version)
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Principios de Gobierno Corporativo de la OCDE y del G20
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Země G20/OECD Principy správy a řízení společností
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance: (Turkish version)
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Korporatīvās pārvaldības principi
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Princípios de Governo das Sociedades do G20 e da OCDE
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (Arabic version)
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (Russian version)
    Keywords: Governance ; Industry and Services
    Abstract: The G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance help policy makers evaluate and improve the legal, regulatory, and institutional framework for corporate governance. They also provide guidance for stock exchanges, investors, corporations, and others that have a role in the process of developing good corporate governance. First issued in 1999, the Principles have become the international benchmark in corporate governance. They have been adopted as one of the Financial Stability Board’s Key Standards for Sound Financial Systems and endorsed by the G20. This 2015 edition takes into account developments in both the financial and corporate sectors that may influence the efficiency and relevance of corporate governance policies and practices.
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  • 19
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Shanghai Far East Publishing House
    ISBN: 9789264248953
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (138 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Measuring the Digital Economy; A New Perspective
    Keywords: Governance ; Science and Technology
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  • 20
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing
    ISBN: 9789264226845
    Language: Italian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (116 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews; Italy 2014
    Keywords: Development ; Italy
    Abstract: Il presente rapporto di Peer Review valuta la performance dell’Italia e verte non solo sull’esame dell’agenzia di cooperazione allo sviluppo, ma anche sull’azione pubblica e sul processo di attuazione della politica di cooperazione allo sviluppo. La prospettiva adottata dal rapporto è integrata e onnicomprensiva delle attività dell’Italia in materia di cooperazione allo sviluppo e di assistenza umanitaria.
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  • 21
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Beijing : Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
    ISBN: 9789264235366
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (226 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Latin American Economic Outlook 2015; Education, Skills and Innovation for Development
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectivas económicas de América Latina 2015 ; Educación, competencias e innovación para el desarrollo
    Keywords: Development
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  • 22
    ISBN: 9789264214347
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (82 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas; Second Edition
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Guide OCDE sur le devoir de diligence pour des chaînes d'approvisionnement responsables en minerais provenant de zones de conflit ou à haut risque ; Deuxième édition
    Keywords: Governance ; Development
    Abstract: This is an updated edition which includes new supplements on Tin, Tantalum and Tungsten and on Gold. Trade and investment in natural mineral resources hold great potential for generating income, growth and prosperity, sustaining livelihoods and fostering local development. However, a large share of these resources is located in conflict-affected and high-risk areas. In these areas, exploitation of natural mineral resources is significant and may contribute, directly or indirectly, to armed conflict, gross human rights violations and hinder economic and social development. The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas provides step-by-step management recommendations endorsed by governments for global responsible supply chains of minerals in order for companies to respect human rights and avoid contributing to conflict through their mineral or metal purchasing decisions and practices. The Due Diligence Guidance may be used by any company potentially sourcing minerals or metals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas, and is intended to cultivate transparent, conflict-free supply chains and sustainable corporate engagement in the minerals sector.
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  • 23
    ISBN: 9789264227736
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (189 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Latin American Economic Outlook 2014; Logistics and Competitiveness for Development
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina 2014 ; Logística y competitividad para el desarrollo
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: Latin American Economic Outlook 2014: Logistics and Competitiveness for Development
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina 2014: Logística y competitividad para el desarrollo
    Keywords: Development
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  • 24
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Riga : State Revenue Service
    ISBN: 9789264213531
    Language: Latvian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (67 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Bribery and Corruption Awareness Handbook for Tax Examiners and Tax Auditors
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Manuel de sensibilisation au paiement de pots-de-vin et à la corruption à l'intention de vérificateurs fiscaux
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Handbuch „Bestechung und Korruption" für den Innen- und Außendienst der Steuerverwaltung
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: Bribery and Corruption Awareness Handbook for Tax Examiners and Tax Auditors
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: Handbuch "Bestechung und Korruption" für den Innen- und Außendienst der Steuerverwaltung
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: Manuel de sensibilisation au paiement de pots-de-vin et à la corruption à l'intention de vérificateurs fiscaux
    Keywords: Finance and Investment ; Governance ; Taxation
    Abstract: Šīs rokasgrāmatas mērķis ir uzlabot nodokļu pārbaužu veicēju informētību par problemātikām, kas saistītas ar kukuļiem un citām korupcijas formām. Tā sniedz „atslēgas”, lai atpazītu iespējamas kukuļošanas vai citu korupcijas formu pazīmes, veicot regulāru nodokļu kontroli un pārbaudes.
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  • 25
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Shanghai : Shanghai Institute for Science of Science
    ISBN: 9789264213203
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (161 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Demand-side Innovation Policies
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: Demand-side Innovation Policies
    Keywords: Governance ; Science and Technology
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  • 26
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    ROMA : Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Italy
    ISBN: 9789264200869
    Language: Italian
    Pages: Online-Ressource
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, 2011 Edition
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Les principes directeurs de l'OCDE à l'intention des entreprises multinationales
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD-Leitsätze für multinationale Unternehmen
    Keywords: Finance and Investment ; Governance ; Industry and Services
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  • 27
    ISBN: 9789264206014
    Language: Italian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (152 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Integrity Review of Italy; Reinforcing Public Sector Integrity, Restoring Trust for Sustainable Growth
    Keywords: Governance ; Italy
    Abstract: Il Rapporto dell’OCSE sull’Integrità intende mettere a disposizione una guida basata su elementi fattuali per assistere l’Italia nella completa attuazione degli elementi principali della Legge, ivi inclusi il coordinamento istituzionale, i codici di comportamento, la tutela dei denuncianti (i dipendenti pubblici che segnalano gli illeciti - whistleblower) e la gestione dei rischi per l’integrità.
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  • 28
    ISBN: 9789264204393
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (194 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Latin American Economic Outlook 2013; SME Policies for Structural Change
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectivas económicas de América Latina 2013 ; Políticas de pymes para el cambio estructural
    Keywords: Development
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  • 29
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing
    ISBN: 9789264204881
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (100 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, 2011 Edition
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Les principes directeurs de l'OCDE à l'intention des entreprises multinationales
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD-Leitsätze für multinationale Unternehmen
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Líneas Directrices de la OCDE para Empresas Multinacionales
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Linee Guida OCSE destinate alle Imprese Multinazionali 2011
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises 2011 Edition (Russian version)
    Keywords: Finance and Investment ; Governance ; Industry and Services
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  • 30
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Beijing : Chinese Academy of Governance
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: 21 x 28cm.
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Government at a Glance 2011
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Panorama des administrations publiques 2011
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Panorama de las Administraciones Públicas 2011
    Keywords: Governance
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  • 31
    ISBN: 9787509007099
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (232 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Latin American Economic Outlook 2011; How Middle-Class Is Latin America?
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectives économiques de l'Amérique latine 2011 ; Une région de classes moyennes ?
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina 2011 ; En qué medida es clase media América Latina
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Latin American Economic Outlook 2011: How Middle-Class Is Latin America?
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectives économiques de l'Amérique latine 2011 : Une région de classes moyennes ?
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina 2011 : En qué medida es clase media América Latina
    Keywords: Development
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  • 32
    ISBN: 9788831707343
    Language: Italian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (300 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Territorial Reviews; Venice, Italy 2010
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Territorial Reviews: Venice, Italy 2010
    Keywords: Governance ; Urban, Rural and Regional Development ; Italy
    Abstract: Questo rapporto su Venezia offre una valutazione complessiva dell’economia della città-regione e di quanto l’utilizzo del territorio, il mercato del lavoro e le politiche ambientali siano inseriti in una visione metropolitana. A guidare questa ricerca una nuova immagine delle province di Padova, Venezia e Treviso considerate come un’unica città-regione interconnessa di 2,6 milioni di abitanti. Venezia, con i suoi elevati livelli occupazionali e di crescita, si situa tra le aree urbane più dinamiche e produttive all’interno dell’ocse. Sviluppatasi sul modello delle piccole imprese e dei distretti industriali, sta ora affrontando una profonda trasformazione economica. Lo storico nucleo urbano di Venezia, erede di secoli di sviluppo economico costruito sui mari, vede ogni giorno accentuarsi l’esplosione nella terra ferma circostante di una struttura spaziale assai articolata capace di integrare in una unica area urbana altre antiche presenze come Padova e Treviso e la consistente rete di città minori. Il modello della city-region assunto dall’ocse per Venezia (uno spazio urbano entro cui si muove quotidianamente la gran parte dei lavoratori e degli studenti per la maggior parte dei giorni dell’anno) deve confrontarsi con sfide ambientali sempre più impegnative, conseguenza dell’aumento del traffico e dei crescenti costi infrastrutturali esacerbati dai fenomeni di dispersione urbana. Anche la sua struttura demografica sta mutando in seguito all’invecchiamento della popolazione, alla presenza di immigrati e al progressivo spopolamento del centro storico della città. Questo rapporto offre un’analisi comparativa di questi temi e, utilizzando il database metropolitano ocse, si concentra nello specifico su produttività e crescita; considerando l’economia regionale, la pianificazione urbana, gli studi sul sistema dei trasporti e i problemi idrologici evidenzia i cambiamenti all’interno della città-regione. Alla luce del programmato sviluppo delle connessioni ferroviarie tra le città, questo studio richiama l’esigenza di programmi atti ad aumentare le sinergie economiche tra Venezia e le città vicine; prende in esame strumenti chiave per promuovere la crescita economica e la governance metropolitana, proponendo inoltre un migliore coordinamento delle politiche riguardanti l’uso del territorio, dei servizi aggiuntivi per lo sviluppo delle piccole e medie imprese e del potenziamento dell’innovazione legata alle università. Il rapporto valuta la qualità della governance delle acque e la potenzialità che Venezia ha di diventare un punto di riferimento essenziale in relazione alle strategie di adattamento al cambiamento climatico. La “Territorial Review” di Venezia è parte di una serie di studi tematici sulle regioni metropolitane, condotti dal Territorial Development Policy Committee dell’ocse. L’obiettivo generale di questi studi è di delineare e diffondere presso i governi nazionali raccomandazioni riguardo alle politiche orizzontali da adottare.
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  • 33
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : Permanent Delegation of Italy to the OECD
    ISBN: 9789264091405
    Language: Italian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (165 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Government at a Glance 2009
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Panorama des administrations publiques 2009
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Regierung und Verwaltung auf einen Blick 2009
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Panorama de las Administraciones Públicas 2009
    Keywords: Governance
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  • 34
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing
    ISBN: 9789264095311
    Language: Italian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (68 p)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. The Mutual Review of Development Effectiveness in Africa 2009; Promise and Performance
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Examen mutuel de l'efficacité du développement en Afrique 2009 ; Promesses et résultats
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. The Mutual Review of Development Effectiveness in Africa 2009: Promise and Performance
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Examen mutuel de l'efficacité du développement en Afrique 2009 : Promesses et résultats
    Keywords: Development
    Abstract: La Valutazione reciproca dell’efficacia dello sviluppo in Africa: promesse e risultati, elaborata dall’UNECA/OCSE nel 2009 intende fornire delle risposte chiare e precise ai principali impegni assunti dai paesi africani e dai loro partner allo sviluppo, analizzare gli impegni portati a termine e i risultati ottenuti fino ad oggi e determinare le priorità delle politiche future.
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  • 35
    ISBN: 9787511103338
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (227 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Ensuring Environmental Compliance; Trends and Good Practices
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Faire respecter les normes environnementales ; Tendances et bonnes pratiques
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Ensuring Environmental Compliance: Trends and Good Practices
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Faire respecter les normes environnementales : Tendances et bonnes pratiques
    Keywords: Environment ; Governance
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  • 36
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Beijing : Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
    ISBN: 9787501235162
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (302 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Latin American Economic Outlook 2009
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectives économiques de l'Amérique latine 2009
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina 2009
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectivas Econômicas da América Latina 2009
    Keywords: Development
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  • 37
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Beijing : Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
    ISBN: 9789264062405
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (171 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Latin American Economic Outlook 2008
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectives économiques de l'Amérique latine 2008
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina 2008
    Keywords: Development
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  • 38
    ISBN: 9789264040465
    Language: Italian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (118 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform; Italy 2007; Ensuring Regulatory Quality across Levels of Government
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Italy 2007: Ensuring Regulatory Quality across Levels of Government
    Keywords: Governance ; Italy
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  • 39
    ISBN: 9789264037670
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (213 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Guiding Principles for Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Principes directeurs de l'OCDE pour la prévention, la préparation et l'intervention en matière d'accidents chimiques
    Keywords: Environment ; Governance ; Industry and Services
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  • 40
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Beijing : China Financial and Economic Publishing House
    ISBN: 9789264064928
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (73 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Corporate Governance; A Survey of OECD Countries
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Gouvernement d'entreprise ; panorama des pays de l'OCDE
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Corporate Governance: A Survey of OECD Countries
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Gouvernement d'entreprise : panorama des pays de l'OCDE
    Keywords: Governance ; Industry and Services
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  • 41
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Xiamen City : Xiamen University China
    ISBN: 9789264064775
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (38 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Policy Framework for Investment
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Cadre d'action de l'OCDE pour l'investissement
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Policy Framework for Investment (Polish version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: Cadre d'action de l'OCDE pour l'investissement
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: Policy Framework for Investment
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: Policy Framework for Investment (Polish version)
    Keywords: Finance and Investment ; Development
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  • 42
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Beijing : China Financial and Economic Publishing House
    ISBN: 9789264064966
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (40 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Principes de gouvernement d'entreprise de l'OCDE 2004
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004 (Arabic version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD-Grundsätze der Corporate Governance 2004
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Principios de Gobierno Corporativo de la OCDE 2004
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004 Edition (Japanese version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Os Princípios da OCDE sobre o Governo das Sociedades 2004
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004 (Slovenian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 2004 (Serbian version)
    Keywords: Governance ; Industry and Services
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  • 43
    ISBN: 9789264037694
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (228 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Economic Aspects of Extended Producer Responsibility
    Keywords: Environment ; Governance ; Industry and Services
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  • 44
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Roma : Commissione Politiche del Lavoro e Politiche Sociali
    ISBN: 9789264065420
    Language: Italian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (58 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Asset Building and the Escape from Poverty; A New Welfare Policy Debate
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. La constitution d'un patrimoine et la sortie de la pauvreté ; Introduction à un nouveau débat sur la politique du bien-être
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. La formación de patrimonio y el escape de la pobreza ; Un nuevo debate sobre la política del bienestar social
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Asset Building and the Escape from Poverty: A New Welfare Policy Debate
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. La constitution d'un patrimoine et la sortie de la pauvreté : Introduction à un nouveau débat sur la politique du bien-être
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. La formación de patrimonio y el escape de la pobreza : Un nuevo debate sobre la política del bienestar social
    Keywords: Social Issues/Migration/Health ; Development
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  • 45
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Riga : Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, Latvia
    ISBN: 9789264065123
    Language: Latvian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (102 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sector; A Toolkit
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Gérer les conflits d'intérêts dans le secteur public ; Mode d'emploi
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sector; A Toolkit (Bulgarian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sector; a Toolkit (Czech version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sector; A Toolkit (Estonian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sector: A Toolkit
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Gérer les conflits d'intérêts dans le secteur public : Mode d'emploi
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sector: A Toolkit (Bulgarian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sector: a Toolkit (Czech version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sector: A Toolkit (Estonian version)
    Keywords: Governance
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  • 46
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Beijing : Ministry of Science and Technology, China
    ISBN: 9787502352134
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (194 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Governance of Public Research; Toward Better Practices
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Gouvernance de la recherche publique ; Vers de meilleures pratiques
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Governance of Public Research: Toward Better Practices
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Gouvernance de la recherche publique : Vers de meilleures pratiques
    Keywords: Governance ; Science and Technology
    Abstract: This report deals with public sector research. It provides a comprehensive review of the challenges that call for changes in the governance of OECD countries’ science systems. It highlights emerging policy responses developed in these countries indicating better practices to deal with the challenges, and draws policy lessons that can inspire the reform process. Supporting chapters provide detailed descriptions and analyses of the structures of science systems, the procedures for priority setting, the changes to funding, and the management of human resources in R&D.
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  • 47
    ISBN: 9789264066120
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (128 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Environment and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises; Corporate Tools and Approaches
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. L'environnement et les principes directeurs de l'OCDE à l'intention des entreprises multinationales ; Instruments et méthodes pour les entreprises
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Umwelt und OECD-Leitsätze für multinationale Unternehmen; Betriebliche Instrumente und Konzepte
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. El Medio Ambiente y las Líneas Directrices de la OCDE para Empresas Multinacionales ; Herramientas y Enfoques Empresariales
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Environment and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises; Corporate Tools and Approaches (Russian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Environment and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: Corporate Tools and Approaches
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. L'environnement et les principes directeurs de l'OCDE à l'intention des entreprises multinationales : Instruments et méthodes pour les entreprises
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Umwelt und OECD-Leitsätze für multinationale Unternehmen: Betriebliche Instrumente und Konzepte
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. El Medio Ambiente y las Líneas Directrices de la OCDE para Empresas Multinacionales : Herramientas y Enfoques Empresariales
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Environment and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: Corporate Tools and Approaches (Russian version)
    Keywords: Environment ; Governance ; Industry and Services
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  • 48
    ISBN: 9789264062184
    Language: Chinese
    Pages: Online-Ressource (78 p.) , ill.
    Series Statement: China in the Global Economy
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. China in the World Economy; The Domestic Policy Challenges; Synthesis Report
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. La Chine dans l'économie mondiale ; Les enjeux de politique économique intérieure ; Rapport de synthèse
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. A China na Economia Mundial; Os Desafios das Políticas Domésticas; Síntese
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. China in the World Economy: The Domestic Policy Challenges: Synthesis Report
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. La Chine dans l'économie mondiale : Les enjeux de politique économique intérieure : Rapport de synthèse
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. A China na Economia Mundial: Os Desafios das Políticas Domésticas: Síntese
    Keywords: Development ; Economics ; China, People’s Republic
    Abstract: This publication presents a synthesis of the main findings and policy recommendations of China in the World Economy: Domestic Policy Challenges. After more than two decades of progress in market reforms and trade and investment liberalisation, the entry of China into the World Trade Organisation marks a new era for its integration into the world economy. Drawing on the experiences of OECD Members over the past 50 years, and the Organisation’s extensive work with non-Member economies around the world, this publication provides readers with a synthetic view of the interrelated domestic policy issues at stake and with specific recommendations as to actions to be taken. List of themes: Agricultural prospects and policies Rural industries Implications for the rural economy Overview of industry prospects Priorities for industry reorganisation and restructuring Technology challenges for China’s industries Challenges to the banking industry The development of the insurance industry Prospects for the distribution sector Foreign direct investment: prospects and policies An OECD perspective on regulatory reform in China The role of competition law and policy Establishing effective governance for China's enterprises Developing the financial system and financial regulatory policies Priorities for development of China’s capital markets Labour market and social benefit policies Environmental priorities for China’s sustainable development The current tax system and priorities for reform Public sector budget management issues Issues concerning central-local government fiscal relations China's regional development: prospects and policies Macroeconomic policy priorities Annex 1 : Summary of China’s commitments under WTO Annex 2 : Summary of studies of the impact of WTO on China This publication is part of the OECD's ongoing co-operation with non-Member economies around the world.
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  • 49
    ISBN: 9789264299269
    Language: Italian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (128 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Citizens as Partners; OECD Handbook on Information, Consultation and Public Participation in Policy-Making
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Des citoyens partenaires ; Manuel de l'OCDE sur l'information, la consultation et la participation à la formulation des politiques publiques
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Participación ciudadana ; Manual de la OCDE sobre información,consulta y participación en la elaboración de políticas públicas
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. O cidadão como parceiro; Manual da OCDE sobre informação, consulta e participação na formulação de políticas públicas
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Citizens as Partners; OECD Handbook on Information, Consultation and Public Participation in Policy-Making (Romanian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Citizens as Partners; OECD Handbook on Information, Consultation and Public Participation in Policy-Making (Russian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Citizens as Partners: OECD Handbook on Information, Consultation and Public Participation in Policy-Making
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Des citoyens partenaires : Manuel de l'OCDE sur l'information, la consultation et la participation à la formulation des politiques publiques
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Participación ciudadana : Manual de la OCDE sobre información,consulta y participación en la elaboración de políticas públicas
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. O cidadão como parceiro: Manual da OCDE sobre informação, consulta e participação na formulação de políticas públicas
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Citizens as Partners: OECD Handbook on Information, Consultation and Public Participation in Policy-Making (Romanian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Citizens as Partners: OECD Handbook on Information, Consultation and Public Participation in Policy-Making (Russian version)
    Keywords: Governance
    Abstract: Il Manuale offre un’assistenza pratica ai funzionari amministrativi nell’ambito del rafforzamento delle relazioni tra amministrazione pubblica e cittadini. Esso associa un breve esame dei concetti di base, dei principi a concreti esempi di buone pratiche, di strumenti (in particolare le nuove tecnologie dell’informazione e delle comunicazioni) e ad una serie di consigli ispirati all’esperienza pratica. Il metodo e le attività illustrati nel Manuale sono volti a sostenere e a completare il ruolo delle istituzioni della democrazia in materia di relazioni tra amministrazione e cittadini e a consolidare il processo democratico. ALTRE LETTURE DI RIFERIMENTO: Citizens as Partners: Information, Consultation and Public Participation in Policy-making.
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  • 50
    ISBN: 9789264065697
    Language: Italian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (12 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD;N Neuvoston suositus ohjeiksi kuluttajansuojasta sähköisessä kaupankäynnissä
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD retningslinjer for forbrukervern ved elektronisk handel
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce (Polish version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Recomendação do conselho relativa às linhas directrizes que regem A protecção dos consumidores no contexto do comércio electrónico
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce (Slovak version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce (Swedish version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Retningslinier for forbrugerbeskyttelse i forbindelse med elektronisk handel
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Leitlinien für den Verbraucherschutz im Zusammenhang mit dem elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Recomendación del consejo de la ocde relativa a los lineamientos para la protección al consumidor en el contexto del comercio electrónico
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce (Hungarian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce (japanese version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce (Korean version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Richtlijnen ter bescherming van consumenten in het kader van de Elektronische handel
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD:N Neuvoston suositus ohjeiksi kuluttajansuojasta sähköisessä kaupankäynnissä
    Keywords: Governance ; Science and Technology
    Abstract: The Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce are designed to help ensure that consumers are no less protected when shopping on line than they are when they buy from their local store or order from a catalogue. By setting out the core characteristics of effective consumer protection for online business-to-consumer transactions, the Guidelines are intended to help eliminate some of the uncertainties that both consumers and businesses encounter when buying and selling on line. The Guidelines reflect existing legal protections available to consumers in more traditional forms of commerce. Their aim is to encourage: - fair business, advertising and marketing practices; - clear information about an online business’s identity, the goods or services it offers and the terms and conditions of any transaction; - a transparent process for the confirmation of transactions; - secure payment mechanisms; - fair, timely and affordable dispute resolution and redress; - privacy protection; and - consumer and business education.
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