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  • MPI Ethno. Forsch.  (31)
  • Miscellaneous languages  (20)
  • Hungarian  (11)
  • Education  (20)
  • Society & social sciences  (9)
  • Finance and Investment  (2)
  • MPI Ethno. Forsch.  (31)
  • 1
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (226 p.)
    Keywords: Education ; Urban & municipal planning ; Social issues: environment & green issues (Children's / Teenage)
    Abstract: "What are the conditions children and young people experience in the city? What opportunities does the city provide for interaction between people and urban spaces and places? What sociomaterial conditions for participation exist in institutions for children and young people? Can urban spaces, places and sociomateriality function in unexpected ways for children and young people? The topic of this book is the interaction between people and spaces, places and sociomateriality. The authors focus on the city as an object and as a context for children and young people growing up and engaging in play and activities. In addition, sociomaterial conditions in institutions for children and adolescents (daycare centres, schools and child protection services), as well as their interaction with professionals, are also analysed. This anthology includes eleven peer-reviewed academic chapters. The authors are researchers at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University – in social and health studies, preschool teacher studies, the aesthetic disciplines and at the Centre for Welfare and Labour Research (SVA), the university’s institute for commissioned research. The book will be of interest to all those concerned with the conditions of children and young people and the interaction between human agency and its material context in cities and institutions for children and adolescents: researchers, staff and students in social and health studies and teacher training programmes, as well as practitioners."
    Abstract: "Hva er barn og unges vilkår i byen? Hvilke betingelser gir byen for samspillet mellom mennesker og byens rom og steder? Hvilke sosiomaterielle vilkår for deltakelse finnes i institusjoner for barn og unge? Kan byrom, steder og sosiomaterialitet fungere på helt uventede måter for barn og unge? Tema for boken er samspillet mellom mennesker og rom, sted og sosiomaterialitet. Vi setter søkelys på byen som objekt og arena for barn og unges oppvekst og utfoldelser, som lek og andre mer utfordrende aktiviteter. Søkelys er også rettet mot sosiomaterielle vilkår i institusjoner for barn og unge – i barnehager, skole og barnevern, blant annet i samhandling med profesjonsutøvere. Boken er et resultat av to satsinger ved OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet: Storbyprogrammet, et strategisk program for tverrfaglig storbyforskning og forskning på byteoretiske temaer fra 2006 til 2015, og nettverket Barn og unge på tvers, et tverrfaglig nettverk opprettet i 2010, med forskning på og årlige konferanser om profesjonsutøvelse og om barn og unges oppvekstvilkår. Antologien inkluderer 11 vitenskapelige kapitler som er vurdert av ekstern fagfelle. Forfatterne er forskere fra ulike institutter og enheter ved OsloMet: fra sosial- og helsefagene, barnehagelærerutdanningen, de estetiske fagene og Senter for velferds- og arbeidsinkludering (SVA), universitetets institutter for oppdragsforskning. Grunnlaget for boken er den felles interessen for å sette barn og unges situasjon i storbyen på dagsorden, og for å forske om samspillet mellom byen som fysisk «kropp» og menneskenes handlinger, her samspillet mellom barn og unge og rom, sted og sosiomaterialitet. Antologien henvender seg til alle som har interesse for barn og unges oppvekstvilkår, og for samspillet mellom menneskelig handling og den materielle konteksten, i byen og i institusjoner for barn og unge: forskere, ansatte og studenter i sosial- og helsefag og lærerutdanninger, men også utøvere i praksisfeltet."
    Note: Uncoded languages
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  • 2
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (293 p.)
    Keywords: Humanities ; Society & social sciences ; Medicine
    Abstract: "Prioritization is a necessity in healthcare, in the allocation of limited resources. Which criteria and considerations prove decisive, however, when it comes to prioritization in practice? The dominant political objective of the Norwegian public healthcare system is to provide services of high quality, fairly distributed among Norway’s citizens. Regulatory and economic policies, professional values, administrative organization and distribution of resources are among the factors that influence everyday decision-making and the realization of healthcare objectives. How do healthcare providers experience these factors? Which hidden prioritization mechanisms are at play? How are equal treatment and fair distribution of services understood in practice? These are among the questions discussed in the various chapters of the book, written by scholars in social science, law, philosophy and medicine. While researchers, academics, students and healthcare providers are the targeted readers, this book will be of interest to everyone engaged in today´s challenges related to healthcare prioritization, including decision-makers at various political and administrative levels. This anthology is the result of the research project Prioritizing Health Care - Tensions and Interplay between Legal, Political, Economic and Professional Perspectives, funded by the Norwegian Research Council."
    Abstract: "Det må prioriteres i helsetjenesten. Ressursene strekker ikke til alt man ønsker, og alt kan ikke gjøres samtidig. Men hva er avgjørende for hva som faktisk prioriteres? De overordnete politiske målsetningene om gode og likeverdige tjenester skal realiseres i et system som påvirkes av en rekke faktorer og mekanismer. Rettslig regulering, økonomisk styring, profesjonelle verdier, organisering og funksjonsdeling – alt dette påvirker de faktiske beslutningene i helsetjenestens hverdag. Hvordan opplever helsepersonell at de styres av slike forhold? Hvilke skjulte prioriteringsmekanismer spiller inn? Er det åpenbart hva likebehandling og rettferdig fordeling betyr? Dette er eksempler på spørsmål som diskuteres i bokens 10 kapitler, skrevet at fagfolk fra samfunnsvitenskapene, jus, filosofi og medisin. Målgruppen for boken er forskere, universitets- og høyskoleansatte, studenter og helsepersonell, men den kan også være av interesse for alle som er opptatt av utfordringene knyttet til prioriteringer i helsevesenet, som beslutningstakere på ulike nivå i det politisk-administrative styringssystemet. Antologien er et resultat av forskningsprosjektet Prioritizing Health Care - Tensions and Interplay between Legal, Political, Economic and Professional Perspectives, finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd. De fleste norske kommuner, byer, regioner og fylker forsøker å stimulere vekst og utvikling på sitt sted. De ønsker vekst i folketallet og flere arbeidsplasser. I denne boka beskrives hovedtrekkene i den regionale utviklingen i Norge siden 2000. Gjennom mange års arbeid har Telemarksforsking utviklet en ny modell, attraktivitetsmodellen, for å forklare steders vekst og utvikling. Attraktivitetsmodellen avdekker de viktigste strukturelle drivkreftene for vekst i befolkning og arbeidsplasser, og åpner samtidig for at steder kan påvirke sin egen utvikling gjennom å bli attraktive for bosetting, bedrifter og besøk. Attraktive steder vokser mer enn forventet ut fra de strukturelle kreftene som påvirker stedet utenfra. De innsikter som attraktivitetsmodellen gir om hvordan ulike strukturelle krefter og steders attraktivitet påvirker utviklingen kan også brukes til å lage scenarioer over fremtidig utvikling. Hvor mye kan et sted påvirke sin vekst hvis det er attraktivt? Hva som gjør et sted attraktivt varierer fra sted til sted, mellom ulike tidsepoker og er alltid avhengig av hva andre steder gjør samtidig. Det finnes derfor ingen enkel og konkret oppskrift for hvordan et sted kan bli attraktivt. Det finnes imidlertid noen steder som har oppnådd høy attraktivitet. Slike eksempler kan vi lære av, selv om oppskriften ikke kan kopieres direkte."
    Note: Uncoded languages
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  • 3
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (252 p.)
    Keywords: Education ; Educational strategies & policy ; Teaching skills & techniques
    Abstract: "Passion for learning has become a key concept in the politics of education. We want to establish schools where students are motivated, enthusiastic and feel a desire to learn. To achieve this on behalf of all students, an emphasis has to be placed on schools where students can experience mastery on the basis of their individual qualifications. Variation in instruction is crucial for students to feel mastery and thus the desire to learn more. A significant springboard for increased desire to learn can be found in enthusiasm. The enthusiastic teacher often receives a good deal of deserved attention. Only when students become enthusiastic about learning can beneficial learning outcomes arise. In The Enthusiastic Student the authors demonstrate how instruction that incorporates wonder, investigation and activation can lead to more enthusiastic students. This anthology includes 12 peer-reviewed chapters written by authors who lecture in a broad range of subjects at Nord University’s Faculty of Education and Arts. The book is in two parts. The first part opens with introductory chapters that explain the concepts of wondering, investigative and activating instruction, and what distinguishes these three approaches from each other. In addition, the basic principles and overall perspective behind the choices of instructional form and the relationship to the student which will influence the learning outcomes in each case, are also explained. This is essential information when it comes to evaluating teaching practices: Why did the plan function well? Why did it not? Part two of the book presents the different wondering, investigative and activating working forms. Some of the methods are presented within the context of one or two subjects; other methods are presented more generally. In these chapters, the reader will find examples that illustrate motivation theory, more insight into the value of interdisciplinary work, and possible effects we can achieve with teaching activity that is not necessarily out after that one right answer. This anthology will be of interest to students and teachers seeking to create more enthusiasm among students in the teaching situation."
    Abstract: "Lærelyst er nå blitt et sentralt begrep i skolepolitikken. Det skal satses på en skole der elever skal være motiverte, engasjerte og ha lyst til å lære. For at dette skal gjelde alle elever, må det legges vekt på en skole der elevene opplever mestring på bakgrunn av sine forutsetninger. Variasjon i undervisningen er viktig for at elevene skal føle mestring og dermed få lyst til å lære mer. Et viktig grunnlag for økt lærelyst finner vi i engasjement. Den engasjerte læreren får ofte mye og fortjent oppmerksomhet. Men det er først når elevene blir engasjerte i læringa at de gode læringsutbyttene kommer. I Den engasjerte eleven belyser vi hvordan vi gjennom undrende, utforskende og aktiviserende undervisning kan føre til engasjerte elever. Antologien inneholder 12 fagfellevurderte kapitler skrevet av forfattere som underviser i et bredt spekter av fag ved lærerutdanningen ved Nord universitet. Boka er delt i to deler. Den første delen starter med noen generelle kapitler som bevisstgjør leseren på hva undrende, utforskende og aktiviserende undervisning faktisk er, og hva som skiller disse tre ulike tilnærmingene fra hverandre. I tillegg vil leseren bli bevisstgjort verdigrunnlag og overgripende syn som vil ligge bak valgene av undervisningsform og forhold ved eleven som vil påvirke hvordan læringsutbyttet i slike arbeidsformer vil bli. Dette er kunnskap som blir vesentlig når vi skal vurdere undervisningsoppleggene: Hvorfor fungerte opplegget bra? Hvorfor gikk det ikke bra? I del to av boka presenteres ulike undrende, utforskende og aktiviserende arbeidsformer. Noen av metodene presenteres innenfor et eller to fag, andre metoder presenteres mer generelt. I disse kapitlene vil leseren få eksempler som belyser motivasjonsteori, mer innblikk i verdien av tverrfaglig arbeid, og mulige effekter vi kan få av en læringsaktivitet som ikke nødvendigvis er på jakt etter ett eneste riktig svar. Antologien henvender seg til studenter og lærere som ønsker å skape mer elevengasjement i undervisninga."
    Note: Uncoded languages
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  • 4
    ISBN: 9788202550318
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (340 p.))
    Keywords: Society & social sciences ; Medicine
    Abstract: Faglig kritikk og refleksjon er viktige elementer i all helsefaglig praksis og kunnskapsutvikling. Denne antologien presenterer et bredt spekter av kritiske perspektiver på helsetjenester og helsevitenskap, i hensikt å utfordre og oppfordre leseren til kritisk refleksjon
    Abstract: Professional criticism and reflection are important elements in all health science practices and knowledge development. This anthology presents a wide range of critical perspectives on health care and health science, aimed at challenging and encouraging the reader for critical reflection
    Note: Norwegian
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  • 5
    ISBN: 9788202535001
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (207 p.))
    Keywords: Ethics & moral philosophy ; Society & social sciences
    Abstract: Space and Ethics. Ambiguous Narratives interprets encounters with people in various contexts from a spatial perspective. What are the ethical implications when people often labelled ?strangers? are situated in the same spaces as other persons? Traditionally, ethical space theory seeks to elucidate the experience of being an outsider in a marginalized space. This book, however, does the opposite. The authors problematize the ethical and spatial impact when all act in the same space. This is the central topic of the book, which is intended for both professionals and everyday practitioners
    Note: Norwegian
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  • 6
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    s.l. : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)
    ISBN: 9788202538156
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Keywords: Music ; Education
    Abstract: As the title of this treatise indicates, the topic is communication about quality. The author explores the general possibilities and limits of linguistic communication regarding the quality of grade school concerts, with specific concerts as her observational data. The crucial question is where to draw the line between what can be expressed verbally and what cannot when it comes to communicating about quality in this context. The point of departure for the author?s exploration is the noticeable tension that exists between different participants in The Cultural Rucksack (DKS) initiative and the school concert arena. Other researchers have explored this issue, but their contributions do not converge regarding the level of tension and the content of the different stances (cf. Borgen & Brandt 2006; Breivik & Christophersen 2014; Holdhus 2014). When Music Makes Sense aims particularly at clarifying the latter question, i.e., illuminating the specific content of the different stances. The lines of conflict and accord are made more apparent and palpable, and previous research is partly amended. This applies notably to the pupils own opinions on quality, as the treatise shows that they have more divergent opinions than what had been noted in previous research on DKS
    Note: Norwegian
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  • 7
    ISBN: 9788202567781 , 9788202567798 , 9788202567804 , 9788202529819
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (471 p.))
    Keywords: Education
    Abstract: Action Research in Norway. Theoretical and empirical diversity is an anthology consisting of twenty scientific articles from the fields of education, health, science centers, arts and working life. The anthology provides an insight into historical development, basic principles and theoretical and methodological discussions within the field of action research. The book addresses questions about participation, experience and dialogue as a basis for knowledge development. It includes topics such as professional development, development of school subjects, practice development, and organizational development. The empirical articles emphasizes on bridging the gap between theory and practice to understand, change and develop practices. Questions about the researcherś role in action research are brought to attention, by highlighting issues such as the researcher's responsibility to contribute to reflection and clarification, and to raise critical questions, as well as to ensure that all voices are being heard.Furthermore, the anthology shows how exploratory methods, self-study and research in one?s own organization can contribute to learning and knowledge creation. The anthology underscores the importance of developing good education in action research at Master and Ph.D. level and argues for the importance of strengthening the research teaching in this field. Overall, the anthology shows how action research as a research tradition contributes to clarify and develop its epistemological and methodological foundation, to provide valid research results and to convey relevant and credible new knowledge. Such knowledge has an impact on how we practice, communicate and understand research in a variety of contexts
    Abstract: Antologien Aksjonsforskning i Norge. Teoretisk og empirisk mangfold består av tjue vitenskapelige artikler innen utdanning, helse, vitensentre, kunst og arbeidsliv. Antologien gir et innblikk i historisk utvikling, grunnlagstenkning, samt teoretiske og metodologiske diskusjoner innen aksjonsforskningsfeltet. Den tar opp spørsmål om deltakelse, erfaringskunnskap og dialog som grunnlag for kunnskapsutvikling. Boka spenner over temaer som profesjonsutvikling, fagutvikling, praksisutvikling og organisasjonsutvikling, og de empiriske artiklene har fokus på å bygge bro mellom teori og praksis for å forstå, utvikle og endre praksis. Forskerrollen i aksjonsforskning vies oppmerksomhet, herunder forskerens ansvar for å bidra til refleksjon, oppklarende og kritiske spørsmål og til at alle stemmer blir hørt. Antologien viser også hvordan utforskende arbeidsmåter, selvstudier og forskning i egen organisasjon kan bidra til læring og kunnskapsutvikling. Antologien setter fokus på betydningen av å utvikle gode utdanningstilbud i aksjonsforskning på master- og PhD-nivå, og argumenterer for viktigheten av å styrke forskerutdanning på dette feltet. Samlet sett viser antologien hvordan aksjonsforskning som forskningstradisjon bidrar til å klargjøre og utvikle sitt epistemologiske og metodologiske grunnlag, fremskaffe gyldige forskningsresultater og formidle relevant og troverdig ny kunnskap. Slik kunnskap har betydning for hvordan vi praktiserer, kommuniserer og forstår forskning i et mangfold av kontekster
    Note: Norwegian
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  • 8
    ISBN: 9788202567781
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (471 p.)
    Keywords: Education
    Abstract: Action Research in Norway. Theoretical and empirical diversity is an anthology consisting of twenty scientific articles from the fields of education, health, science centers, arts and working life. The anthology provides an insight into historical development, basic principles and theoretical and methodological discussions within the field of action research. The book addresses questions about participation, experience and dialogue as a basis for knowledge development. It includes topics such as professional development, development of school subjects, practice development, and organizational development. The empirical articles emphasizes on bridging the gap between theory and practice to understand, change and develop practices. Questions about the researcher´s role in action research are brought to attention, by highlighting issues such as the researcher's responsibility to contribute to reflection and clarification, and to raise critical questions, as well as to ensure that all voices are being heard. Furthermore, the anthology shows how exploratory methods, self-study and research in one’s own organization can contribute to learning and knowledge creation. The anthology underscores the importance of developing good education in action research at Master and Ph.D. level and argues for the importance of strengthening the research teaching in this field. Overall, the anthology shows how action research as a research tradition contributes to clarify and develop its epistemological and methodological foundation, to provide valid research results and to convey relevant and credible new knowledge. Such knowledge has an impact on how we practice, communicate and understand research in a variety of contexts
    Abstract: Antologien Aksjonsforskning i Norge. Teoretisk og empirisk mangfold består av tjue vitenskapelige artikler innen utdanning, helse, vitensentre, kunst og arbeidsliv. Antologien gir et innblikk i historisk utvikling, grunnlagstenkning, samt teoretiske og metodologiske diskusjoner innen aksjonsforskningsfeltet. Den tar opp spørsmål om deltakelse, erfaringskunnskap og dialog som grunnlag for kunnskapsutvikling. Boka spenner over temaer som profesjonsutvikling, fagutvikling, praksisutvikling og organisasjonsutvikling, og de empiriske artiklene har fokus på å bygge bro mellom teori og praksis for å forstå, utvikle og endre praksis. Forskerrollen i aksjonsforskning vies oppmerksomhet, herunder forskerens ansvar for å bidra til refleksjon, oppklarende og kritiske spørsmål og til at alle stemmer blir hørt. Antologien viser også hvordan utforskende arbeidsmåter, selvstudier og forskning i egen organisasjon kan bidra til læring og kunnskapsutvikling. Antologien setter fokus på betydningen av å utvikle gode utdanningstilbud i aksjonsforskning på master- og PhD-nivå, og argumenterer for viktigheten av å styrke forskerutdanning på dette feltet. Samlet sett viser antologien hvordan aksjonsforskning som forskningstradisjon bidrar til å klargjøre og utvikle sitt epistemologiske og metodologiske grunnlag, fremskaffe gyldige forskningsresultater og formidle relevant og troverdig ny kunnskap. Slik kunnskap har betydning for hvordan vi praktiserer, kommuniserer og forstår forskning i et mangfold av kontekster
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  • 9
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    s.l. : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)
    ISBN: 9788202550028
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (277 p.))
    Keywords: Education
    Abstract: What is going on in Kulturskolen ? the Norwegian municipal school of music and performing arts? And what is the relation between the activities in the practice field and research?Kulturskolen is a type of school dependent on cooperation with others ? kindergardens, primary and secondary schools, voluntary and professional cultural life, higher education and nonprofit organizations. The field of research related to Kulturskolen is similarly diverse; including both educational research, artistic research and organizational research.This anthology is the result of IRISforsk, a research group linked to the development project for kulturskole named IRIS. The IRIS-project was executed in collaboration between The Norwegian Council for Schools of Music and Performing Art and The Savings Bank Foundation DNB/Dextra Musica, and ran from 2014 to 2016. The anthology includes 13 chapters, eight of which are scientific papers evaluated by external peer-review. Contributors in the anthology are affiliated with five different educational institutions. The chapters discuss and visualize the scope of music and art school related research, including didactics, professional-oriented and management-focused issues, as well as organizational cooperation, talent development and culture as a tool for inclusion. The anthology targets anyone with an interest in research and development in the music and art school related field ? researchers, staff and students in artistic education, teacher education and management education, as well as teachers, managers and other practitioners in the field
    Note: Norwegian
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  • 10
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)
    ISBN: 9788202549817
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (185 p.))
    Keywords: Education
    Abstract: Denne boken diskuterer på ulike måter hvordan bruk av kvalitative metoder kan åpne for refleksjon som utgangspunkt for å utforske og utvikle profesjonelle praksiser i lærerutdanningen. I profesjonell praksis vises kunnskap i handling, og metodene er derfor orientert mot handlinger i en profesjonskontekst knyttet til utdanning fra barnehage til høgskole. Gjennom deltakelse i forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid kan forskere og praktikere erfare hvordan læring, forskning, utvikling og refleksjon henger tett sammen. Boken er delt i tre seksjoner som belyser refleksjon opp mot hovedbegrepene metode, forskning og læring. Bokens første del diskuterer metode i spenningsfeltet mellom hverdagspraksis, læring og forskning. Bokens andre del fokuserer på refleksjon i ulike utdanningers praksisopplæring, og den tredje delen løfter fram refleksjon knyttet til klasseromsundervisning. Alle bidragsyterne til Metode mellom forskning og læring: Refleksjon i praksis er knyttet til den tverrfaglige forskergruppen Kvalitative metoder i profesjonell praksis ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge
    Abstract: This book employs a range of approaches to answer the question of how to use qualitative methods in a way that opens for reflections on the development and the study of professional practice in teacher education. Knowledge is displayed in action. Since this is also true for professional practice, the methods used by the contributors to this book are oriented towards practical action in the field of education, from early childhood education to higher education. Development, reflection, learning and research are tightly interwoven, as is displayed by researchers, teachers, and students when they participate and reflect upon different kinds of learning processes. The book is dealt in three parts, all of which examine reflection in relation to the fundamental terms method, research, and learning. The first part discusses method in a field of tension between everyday practice, research, and learning. The second part focuses on reflection in different areas of university students practicum during their education. The third and final part highlights the different ways in which processes of reflection are relevant in the context of classroom studies. All contributors to Method between research and learning ? Reflection in practice are members of the interdisciplinary research group Qualitative methods in professional practice at University College of Southeast Norway
    Note: Norwegian
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  • 11
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)
    ISBN: 9788202548483
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (349 p.))
    Keywords: Society & social sciences ; International relations
    Abstract: Despite long traditions for contact with Latin America, increasing trade and investments in the region and important contributions to the recent peace process in Colombia, Latin America is often depicted as a "forgotten region" in Norway. Through a series of thematic analyses of the extent of Norway's contacts with Latin America, the authors of this anthology seeks to correct this perceived image of a "forgotten region
    Abstract: På tross av lange tradisjoner for kontakt med Latin-Amerika, økende handel og investeringer i Latin-Amerika og viktige bidrag og engasjement i fredsprosessen i Colombia, blir ofte Latin-Amerika fremstilt som en glemt region her hjemme. Forfatterne av denne boken søker å korrigere dette inntrykket gjennom en rekke tematiske analyser som viser bredden av vår kontakt med regionen
    Note: Norwegian
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  • 12
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)
    ISBN: 9788202538156
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Keywords: Music ; Education
    Abstract: As the title of this treatise indicates, the topic is communication about quality. The author explores the general possibilities and limits of linguistic communication regarding the quality of grade school concerts, with specific concerts as her observational data. The crucial question is where to draw the line between what can be expressed verbally and what cannot when it comes to communicating about quality in this context. The point of departure for the author’s exploration is the noticeable tension that exists between different participants in The Cultural Rucksack (DKS) initiative and the school concert arena. Other researchers have explored this issue, but their contributions do not converge regarding the level of tension and the content of the different stances (cf. Borgen & Brandt 2006; Breivik & Christophersen 2014; Holdhus 2014). When Music Makes Sense aims particularly at clarifying the latter question, i.e., illuminating the specific content of the different stances. The lines of conflict and accord are made more apparent and palpable, and previous research is partly amended. This applies notably to the pupils own opinions on quality, as the treatise shows that they have more divergent opinions than what had been noted in previous research on DKS
    Note: Uncoded languages
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  • 13
    ISBN: 9788202535001
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (207 p.)
    Keywords: Ethics & moral philosophy ; Society & social sciences
    Abstract: Space and Ethics. Ambiguous Narratives interprets encounters with people in various contexts from a spatial perspective. What are the ethical implications when people often labelled “strangers” are situated in the same spaces as other persons? Traditionally, ethical space theory seeks to elucidate the experience of being an outsider in a marginalized space. This book, however, does the opposite. The authors problematize the ethical and spatial impact when all act in the same space. This is the central topic of the book, which is intended for both professionals and everyday practitioners
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  • 14
    Online Resource
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    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)
    ISBN: 9788202550318
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (340 p.)
    Keywords: Society & social sciences ; Medicine
    Abstract: Professional criticism and reflection are important elements in all health science practices and knowledge development. This anthology presents a wide range of critical perspectives on health care and health science, aimed at challenging and encouraging the reader for critical reflection
    Abstract: Faglig kritikk og refleksjon er viktige elementer i all helsefaglig praksis og kunnskapsutvikling. Denne antologien presenterer et bredt spekter av kritiske perspektiver på helsetjenester og helsevitenskap, i hensikt å utfordre og oppfordre leseren til kritisk refleksjon
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  • 15
    ISBN: 9788202585280
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (318 p.))
    Keywords: Education ; Mathematics
    Abstract: "Denne boka presenterer forskningsresultater om matematikk på alle nivåer i skolen (barneskole, ungdomsskole, videregående skole) over de siste 20 årene. Norge har deltatt i internasjonale komparative studier fra 1995 til 2015 i regi av IEA (TIMSS Advanced, TIMSS, TEDS-M) og OECD (PISA). De fleste av disse studiene gjennomføres nå med jevne mellomrom. Sentrale forskningsspørsmål for boka er:-Hvilke konsistente forskningsresultater for skolematematikk finner vi, basert på data over 20 år fra alle disse studiene?-Hvilke utfordringer har norsk skole hvis elevene skal få den matematiske basiskunnskapen de trenger for videre utdanninger og yrker?Hvordan resultatene fra disse studiene kan bidra til bedre undervisning i skolen, og til å lette overgangen fra videregående skole til høyere utdanning for elevene, står sentralt i boka. Disse problemstillingene er noe av bakgrunnen for samarbeidet om boka mellom Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning (ILS), Universitetet i Oslo; Lillestrøm videregående skole i Akershus; Matematisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo; og Matematikksenteret, NTNU i Trondheim
    Abstract: Norway is a leading country in the world when it comes to not prioritizing algebra in school mathematics, the mathematical language many students will need for further education and professions. Analysis of data from TIMSS, TIMSS Advanced and other international comparative studies have concluded that this result is consistent across 20 years of research. Norwegian students perform well in domains such as statistics/data, and alarmingly low in algebra. This conclusion is based on data from all levels in school: Primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, and teacher education. The international studies indicate that East Asian, Eastern European and Latin European countries prioritize algebra more strongly than Norway or other Nordic and English-speaking countries. Several of the countries performing well in algebra, also seem to have some sort of balance between teaching algebra and teaching statistics, while there is a huge difference between the student scores on these domains in Norway. It almost seems as though ?students learn statistics instead of learning algebra?. The importance of taking into account the type of mathematical content which is tested in different studies before drawing conclusions, is also addressed in the book. For instance, PISA mathematics is compared to TIMSS grade 8 mathematics when it comes to mathematical theory involvement. On the other hand, it is emphasized that it is necessary to have information from different studies to make valid conclusions concerning mathematics in schools. The importance of cooperation between countries all over the world in developing school mathematics, with countries learning from each other, is also discussed. The book is a result of cooperation between researchers at the Department of teacher education and school research (ILS) and the Department of mathematics, both at the University of Oslo, and school teachers in an upper secondary school. The results are discussed from a teacher education perspective, a school teacher perspective and from the perspective of the national curriculum for schools in Norway. Some of the chapters in the book are devoted to going through all the test items in TIMSS Advanced 2015 which can be published, and it is described how these items can be used both by teachers in school and in teacher education at universities
    Note: Norwegian
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  • 16
    ISBN: 9788202550295
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (185 p.))
    Keywords: Education
    Abstract: This book presents research results from the international comparative study TIMSS Advanced 2015, which investigates the competence of students taking the most advanced courses in mathematics and/or physics in the last year of upper secondary school. This is the third TIMSS Advanced study in which Norway has participated. As a result, we have good data for analyzing trends in competence from the nineties until 2015 for the students in question, which we may call experts in these subjects
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  • 17
    ISBN: 9788202522056
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (132 p.))
    Keywords: Society & social sciences ; Sociology
    Abstract: Research following the terrorist attacks July 22nd 2011 has been especially challenging, due to the extreme nature of the events and the trauma for those involved; both directly as victims and indirectly as family, relatives and friends
    Note: Norwegian
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  • 18
    ISBN: 9788202530495
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Keywords: Society & social sciences
    Abstract: This book describes the concept of content marketing in a Norwegian context. Its subtitle, meaning ?concept, business models, legal aspects, ethics and practice?, is comprised of key words for each chapter. The concept chapter includes trends and historical roots, as well as a discussion of the definition of ?content marketing?. The book is concerned about the practice of content marketing in a context where media are digitalized, and how digitalization is linked to changes in business models for the media. However, content marketing practices are challenging the legal framework as well as ethical restrictions in several ways. One example is freedom of expression concerning commercial content. Another is the debate on content marketing as native advertisements in editorial products, and the risk of mixing such commercial content with journalism. This book is the first to be published on this topic in the Norwegian language based on scientific research and including many examples from Norwegian practices
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  • 19
    ISBN: 9788202522063
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (208 p.))
    Keywords: Society & social sciences ; Sociology
    Abstract: Since the 1980?s, there has been a marked increase in disclosures of fraud in research. Cases of scientific fraud and misconduct do not only damage society?s confidence in research, they also contribute to reduce the trustworthiness in research in itself. Research ethics, however, involve much more than investigations of misconduct. How can we encourage good scientific practice? What does honest research entail? Which gray areas exist, and when is the limit to misconduct crossed? How should allegations of misconduct be handled? What are the consequences of fraud, and what sanctions should follow? In this anthology, Norwegian researches contribute to the discussion of various perspectives on scientific integrity and misconduct. The purpose of this book is not to give unequivocal or definitive answers to what scientific misconduct is, but to convey a diversity of positions and perspectives. Some of these are overlapping, others contradictory - which also reflects the field internationally. This anthology is an important resource for students and researchers, particularly in education and training. In addition, it will also provide insights for others involved in the prevention of misconduct and the promotion of good scientific practice
    Note: Norwegian
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  • 20
    ISBN: 9788202525163
    Language: Miscellaneous languages
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (256 p.))
    Keywords: Education
    Abstract: This book focuses on how student teachers for primary and lower secondary school develop competence as teachers of writing. Analyses are based on written, digital dialogues between student teachers, mentors and lecturers during field practice. The dialogues can be characterized as discussions, and are results of SKRIVUT, an intervention study. Using writing as a mediating tool, the goal of SKRIVUT was to facilitate and strengthen the interplay between the two arenas of learning in teacher education
    Note: Norwegian
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  • 21
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    dfhdfh : Training Centre of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors
    ISBN: 9789264216631
    Language: Hungarian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (402 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2010
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Principes de l'OCDE applicables en matière de prix de transfert à l'intention des entreprises multinationales et des administrations fiscales 2010
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD-Verrechnungspreisleitlinien für multinationale Unternehmen und Steuerverwaltungen 2010
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Directrices de la OCDE aplicables en materia de precios de transferencia a empresas multinacionales y administraciones tributarias 2010
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Linee Guida dell'OCSE sui prezzi di trasferimento per le imprese multinazionali e le amministrazioni fiscali, Luglio 2010
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2010; (Slovenian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2010; (Serbian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2010; (Ukrainian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: Directrices de la OCDE aplicables en materia de precios de transferencia a empresas multinacionales y administraciones tributarias 2010
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: Linee Guida dell'OCSE sui prezzi di trasferimento per le imprese multinazionali e le amministrazioni fiscali, Luglio 2010
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2010
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2010: (Serbian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2010: (Slovenian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2010: (Ukrainian version)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: OECD-Verrechnungspreisleitlinien für multinationale Unternehmen und Steuerverwaltungen 2010
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg.: Principes de l'OCDE applicables en matière de prix de transfert à l'intention des entreprises multinationales et des administrations fiscales 2010
    Keywords: Finance and Investment ; Taxation ; Trade ; Industry and Services
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  • 22
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Budapest : ELTE University of Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hungary
    ISBN: 9789264188723
    Language: Hungarian
    Pages: Online-Ressource , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Learning Our Lesson; Review of Quality Teaching in Higher Education
    Keywords: Education
    Abstract: A vezetők és oktatók fejleszthetik a felsőoktatási tanítás minőségét, és ezáltal végzettjeinek minőségét, az intézmény gyakorlatára való reflexióval. Ez a könyv vizsgálja a különböző szereplők közötti kapcsolatot az intézményeken belül, a szervezeti struktúrát, a vezetés elkötelezettségét, az oktatók és hallgatók bevonásának lehetőségeit és az értékelés eszközeit. Az OECD áttekintése 46 minőségi tanítási kezdeményezés vizsgálatán alapul 20 országban, a tanulmány kiemeli az intézmény környezete, a minőségi oktatás trendjei, a tanítási módszerek és tanulási feltételek hatását. A minta 29 felsőoktatási intézményt foglal magában, a műszaki és szakképző jellegű intézményektől az üzleti és közgazdasági iskolákig, a kis alapképzést nyújtó intézményektől a multidiszciplináris posztgraduális képzéseket nyújtó intézményekig. A könyv az alábbi befolyásoló tényezőket azonosítja és illusztrálja a világ különböző részeiről érkező példákkal: az intézmény céljai a minőségi tanítás támogatásával, a lehetőségeik és a minőségi tanítás mögött rejlő filozófia; a minőségi tanítási kezdeményezések konkrét alkalmazásának útjai, az implementálás során jelentkező kihívások, és a disszemináció kulcsszereplői; értékelési rendszerek és az intézményi támogatás hatása a tanításra, a kutatás és minőségkultúra; az intézményi megközelítések hogyan kombinálhatók úgy, hogy fenntartható módon támogassák a minőségi tanítást. A könyv elemzi továbbá a minőségi tanítás hatásait az intézményi vezetőkre, az oktatókra, a minőséggel foglalkozó szervezeti egységekre és hallgatókra. Kapcsolódó olvasmány: Evaluating and Rewarding the Quality of Teachers: International Practices (2009) Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society (2008)
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  • 23
    Online Resource
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    Budapest : Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development
    ISBN: 9789264174610
    Language: Hungarian
    Pages: Online-Ressource , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Networks of Innovation; Towards New Models for Managing Schools and Systems
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Réseaux d'innovation ; Vers de nouveaux modèles de gestion des écoles et des systèmes
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Networks of Innovation: Towards New Models for Managing Schools and Systems
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Réseaux d'innovation : Vers de nouveaux modèles de gestion des écoles et des systèmes
    Keywords: Education ; Governance
    Abstract: A hazai és nemzetközi tapasztalatok alapján az intézményi, helyi és rendszerszintű változások elősegítéséhez célszerű az érintettek partnerségére törekedni, és a párhuzamos erőfeszítések révén nyert tudást, valamint a működő gyakorlatok cseréjét a hálózatos működés lehetőségeivel támogatni. A meglévő tapasztalatok ellenére a hálózatokban zajló munka, különösen új hálózatok építése és működésük vagy növekedésük segítése, áldozattal járó kihívás a többség számára. A horizontális együttműködéssel járó erőfeszítések olyan befektetést jelentenek, amelyek számos közvetett hatáson keresztül és gyakran csak hosszabb távon „térülnek meg”. A hálózatosodás szakmai és pénzügyi ösztönzése csökkentheti a többletvállalásoktól való tartózkodást, a szakmai elbizonytalanodás és a konfliktusoktól való félelem kockázatát. A pályázati lehetőségeken túl az eredményes együttműködés technikai és emberi dimenzióira is nagy hangsúlyt kell fektetni. Az e területre vonatkozó tudás gyarapításához kíván lendületet adni a kiadvány, melynek kérdésfelvetéseit, elméleti alapvetéseit és esettanulmányokra épülő gyakorlati következtetéseit reményeink szerint izgalmas viták és a hálózatosodás további erősödése követheti majd.
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  • 24
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Budapest : Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development
    ISBN: 9789264178021
    Language: Hungarian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (239 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Think Scenarios, Rethink Education
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Repenser l'enseignement ; Des scénarios pour agir
    Keywords: Education
    Abstract: A könyv kitűnő kiindulópontot jelent az oktatás jövőjéről szóló vitákhoz. Különösen izgalmasak azok a lehetőségek, amelyek megvalósítása nem lehetetlen, így például a hagyományos iskola átváltozása alkalmazkodásra képes tanulószervezetté. Ezen alternatívában a tanulás és a tudásmegosztás minden iskolapolgár feladata, miközben maga a szervezet az egyre gyarapodó tudás hordozójává és a benne tevékenykedők katalizáló közegévé válik. Ez egyben az iskolák fennmaradásának egyik lehetséges forgatókönyve is, amely egy új, élvezetes és eredményes működési mód élményét is adhatja. Hasonlóan izgalmas az iskola kitagolódását jelző jövőváltozat, mely az oktatás steril közösségi helyszínein túl a technológiával segített alternatív tanulási formákat, az interakciók lehetőségeit is képes kihasználni. A jövőre vonatkozó közös tudás támogatásaként az OECD kötete összefoglalta a nemzetközi közösség által felhalmozott tapasztalatokat, melyek közös gondolkodásra késztetnek. Vajon milyen lesz az oktatás jövője? Tudunk-e élni azokkal a lehetőségekkel, amik a kedvező forgatókönyvek irányába jelenthetnek elmozdulást?
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  • 25
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    dfhdfh : Training Centre of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors
    ISBN: 9789264178724
    Language: Hungarian
    Pages: Online-Ressource
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital; Condensed Version 2010
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Modèle de convention fiscale concernant le revenu et la fortune ; Version abrégée 2010
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital; Condensed Version 2010; (Polish version)
    Keywords: Finance and Investment ; Taxation
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  • 26
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Budapest : Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development
    ISBN: 9789264169418
    Language: Hungarian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (140 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Innovation in the Knowledge Economy; Implications for Education and Learning
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Innovation in the Knowledge Economy: Implications for Education and Learning
    Keywords: Education
    Abstract: E kiadvány fordításával bátorítjuk azokat, akik szerint még nem késtünk le arról, hogy az oktatás világában felvegyük a modern tudásközpontú társadalmak által diktált tempót, előtérbe helyezve az eredményességet, a méltányosságot, valamint a rendszer hatékonyságát szolgáló innovációs eszköztárat. Az innováció a tanítás-tanulás világában is nélkülözhetetlen, érinti az oktatási intézmények szervezetét, munkamódszereit, szolgáltatásainak kínálatát. A sok belső változó által meghatározott innovációs képesség függ a külső tényezőktől is. A kötet e tényezők és az általuk befolyásolt oktatási innovációs folyamatok megértéséhez nyújt segítséget. A változó elvárások kontextusába helyezve értelmezi a tudás és a tudásalapú közösségek fogalmait. Központi szerepet szán annak a metaforának, amelyben négy „pumpa” hatásain keresztül megérthetjük az innováció fontos hajtóerőit, amik kedvező feltételeket teremtenek az újító erejű változásokhoz. Számos további kérdés mellett vizsgálja a nyilvánosság kérdését, amely az információs korban a demokratikus tudásmegosztás ideájának fontos eszköze.
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  • 27
    ISBN: 9789264063518
    Language: Hungarian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (425 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society; Volume 1 and Volume 2
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society: Volume 1 and Volume 2
    Keywords: Education
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  • 28
    ISBN: 9789638739940
    Language: Hungarian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (277 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Teachers Matter; Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Le rôle crucial des enseignants ; Attirer, former et retenir des enseignants de qualité
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Stärkere Professionalisierung des Lehrerberufs; Wie gute Lehrer gewonnen, gefördert und gehalten werden können
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Política de educación y formación ; Los docentes son importantes ; Atraer, formar y conservar a los docentes eficientes
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Teachers Matter (Japanese version); Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Professores são importantes; Atraindo, desenvolvendo e retendo professores eficazes
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Teachers Matter: Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Le rôle crucial des enseignants : Attirer, former et retenir des enseignants de qualité
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Stärkere Professionalisierung des Lehrerberufs: Wie gute Lehrer gewonnen, gefördert und gehalten werden können
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Política de educación y formación : Los docentes son importantes : Atraer, formar y conservar a los docentes eficientes
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Teachers Matter (Japanese version): Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Professores são importantes: Atraindo, desenvolvendo e retendo professores eficazes
    Keywords: Education
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  • 29
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Budapest : Ministry of Employment and Labour, Hungary
    ISBN: 9789264065376
    Language: Hungarian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (144 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Promoting Adult Learning
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Promouvoir la formation des adultes
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Promoting Adult Learning (Korean version)
    Keywords: Education ; Employment
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  • 30
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Budapest : Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development
    ISBN: 9789636825614
    Language: Hungarian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (304 p.)
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Formative Assessment; Improving Learning in Secondary Classrooms
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. L'évaluation formative ; Pour un meilleur apprentissage dans les classes secondaires
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Formative Assessment: Improving Learning in Secondary Classrooms
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. L'évaluation formative : Pour un meilleur apprentissage dans les classes secondaires
    Keywords: Education
    Abstract: This study features a collection of eight case studies of exemplary cases from secondary schools as well as international literature reviews and policy analysis related to formative assessment – the frequent assessments of student progress to identify learning needs and shape teaching. It examines such issues as benefits and barriers for using formative assessment, policy frameworks and implications, and formative assessment in practice. Achievement gains attributed to formative assessment are reported as being quite high, but it is not yet practiced systematically. This book makes the case for use of formative assessment and shows how it can be put into practice.
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  • 31
    ISBN: 9789264065925
    Language: Hungarian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (296 p.) , ill.
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Knowledge Management in the Learning Society
    Parallel Title: Parallelausg. Société du savoir et gestion des connaissances
    Keywords: Education
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