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  • 2010-2014  (862)
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  • Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest  (1,143)
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  • 1
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paderborn : Junfermannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783873878044
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (178 pages)
    DDC: 306.874
    Abstract: Im Zusammenleben mit Kindern treten in der Regel zwei Ausl�ser von Konflikten auf: Die Kinder wollen etwas und die Eltern sagen nein - oder die Eltern wollen etwas und die Kinder sagen nein. Die Autorin zeigt, wie es mit Hilfe der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation m�glich ist, dass in solchen Konflikten eine gute Beziehung zwischen Eltern und Kindern bestehen bleibt und jedes Mitglied der Familie sich zu Hause wohlf�hlen kann. Im Zusammenleben mit Kindern geht es insbesondere auch um die Frage nach Schutz und Grenzen. Dabei gilt es abzuw�gen, wo ein Kind Schutz und damit Grenzen braucht und wo es selber entscheiden darf, weil es die Folgen seines Handelns schon �berblicken kann. Auch gilt es abzuw�gen, wo Eltern dem Kind Freiraum geben, damit es selbst Erfahrungen sammeln kann. Diesen Fragen rund um das Thema der sch�tzenden Macht geht die Autorin in vielen Beispielen nach.   Biographische Informationen Dr. med. Britta Hahn, Jahrgang 1957, hat vier Kinder und ist �rztin f�r Allgemeinmedizin und Hom�opathie. Sie arbeitet und lebt in Villingen-Schwenningen. Dort hat sie den Waldkindergarten und in Trossingen das Lebenshaus im Verein f�r soziale Integration mitgegr�ndet. Sie h�lt Vortr�ge und leitet Seminare. Weitere Informationen unter
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paderborn : Junfermannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783873878037
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (141 pages)
    DDC: 302.1
    Abstract: "Der (oder die) hat aber Charisma", hei�t es bewundernd, wenn es jemand schafft, bei anderen die knappe und immer wichtiger werdende Ressource "ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit" f�r sich und seine Sache zu gewinnen. Aber wie entsteht Charisma? Was ist angeboren und welcher Teil ist lernbar und f�r wen und wie? Die Coachingexpertin und Wirtschaftspsychologin Martina Schmidt-Tanger bietet zu dieser Fragestellung neues und spannendes Wissen aus Psychologie, Hirnforschung, Selbstmanagement und Menschenf�hrung. Das Buch bietet neben fundiertem Wissen zahlreiche Angebote zur Selbsterkenntnis und �berzeugt mit selbstst�rkenden Coaching-�bungen. Die Autorin f�hrt die Leser zur Entfaltung ihrer eigenen charismatischen Anteile. """Ein Buch �ber Charisma? Kann man dar�ber �berhaupt schreiben? Wenn es jemandem gelungen ist, das Unfassbare des Charismas in Worte zu fassen ... und damit fassbar zu machen, dann Martina Schmidt-Tanger mit diesem Buch."" - Dr. Marco von M�nchhausen   Biographische Informationen Martina Schmidt-Tanger, Diplompsychologin und eine der Pionierinnen des Business-NLPs, geh�rt in Deutschland zu den ersten Ausbildungstrainern f�r Coaching. Zum Thema Charisma h�lt sie Vortr�ge in Wirtschaft und Politik und unterst�tzt Menschen, ihre pers�nliche Wirkkraft zu optimieren. Ihre langj�hrige Erfahrung im Businessbereich macht sie zu einer gefragten Trainerin, Referentin und Lehrbeauftragten.
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  • 3
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paderborn : Junfermannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783873878532
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (98 pages)
    DDC: 302.2
    Abstract: Etwa 70.000 Stunden unseres Lebens verbringen wir an unserem Arbeitsplatz. Und auch hier spielen Gef�hle und Bed�rfnisse eine zentrale Rolle - nur sind es nicht immer die, die ausgesprochen, gelebt und erf�llt werden ... Mit Humor und Einf�hlung begleitet das Autorenduo die Belegschaft einer kleinen Agentur in ihrem Arbeitsalltag. Ob Teambesprechung, Kaffeepause oder vis � vis am Schreibtisch - immer wieder gibt es Gelegenheiten, klassische Dialoge und Konflikte aufzugreifen und sie mit Hilfe der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation in lebendige, menschliche Begegnungen zu verwandeln. Dabei wird deutlich, da� es nicht nur um zufriedene Mitarbeiter geht, sondern auch um effektive Kooperation, klare und eindeutige Kommunikation, Beziehungstransparenz und Teamf�higkeit - jene Faktoren also, die ein Unternehmen erst erfolgreich machen. "Lebensbereichernde Organisation" nennt Marshall B. Rosenberg, Begr�nder der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation, sein Modell einer tragf�higen Zusammenarbeit. Mag auch der Weg vom "normalen" Arbeitsplatz bis dorthin noch weit sein - schon das Unterwegs-Sein lohnt sich!   Biographische Informationen Susann P�sztor arbeitet seit Anfang der 1990er-Jahre als freiberufliche Journalistin, Autorin und �bersetzerin. Ihr Engagement f�r Gewaltfreie Kommunikation entstand durch die Begegnung mit Marshall B. Rosenberg und die Lekt�re seines gleichnamigen Buches. Klaus-Dieter Gens war von 1999-2009 zertifizierter Trainer f�r Gewaltfreie Kommunikation. Nach Ausbildungen als Sozialp�dagoge, Supervisor und NLP-Trainer begegnete er 1996 Marshall B. Rosenberg und engagierte sich seitdem f�r Gewaltfreie Kommunikation: als Trainer in Seminaren und Ausbildungen sowie als Vereinsvorsitzender. Er ist Autor des Buches "Mit dem Herzen h�rt man besser" (Junfermann)..
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  • 4
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paderborn : Junfermannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783873878235
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (82 pages)
    DDC: 302.2
    Keywords: Telefonieren ; Gesprächsführung ; Communication ; Ratgeber ; Ratgeber
    Abstract: Als Kommunikationsinstrument hat das Telefon unsere Welt ver�ndert und bereichert. In fast jeder Lebenssituation kann ein Telefonat sofort helfen, ein Problem zu l�sen, ein Ziel zu erreichen oder zumindest einen guten Schritt voranzukommen. Und dennoch: Obwohl das Telefon aus unserem Leben nicht mehr wegzudenken ist, haben viele Menschen Schwierigkeiten zu telefonieren und tun es entsprechend ungern. „Jeder kann lernen, ergebnis- und erlebnisorientierter zu telefonieren", sagt Roland Arndt und l�sst die Leser an seinem reichen Erfahrungsschatz teilhaben. Viele Menschen denken heute ganz neu �ber erfolgreiche Kommunikationsstrategien per Telefon nach. Auch auf Fragen, die in diesem Kontext auftauchen, gibt das Buch Antworten - kurz und knapp zum Nutzen des Lesers auf den Punkt gebracht.   Biographische Informationen Roland Arndt begleitet als Trainer, Coach und Autor seit �ber 20 Jahren viele Menschen dabei, privat und beruflich noch erfolgreicher zu telefonieren. Im Zentrum seiner Arbeit steht die Kunst, gute Gespr�che zu f�hren und daraus f�r alle Beteiligten Vorteile zu erzielen.
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  • 5
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paderborn : Junfermannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783873878594
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (146 pages)
    DDC: 302.2
    Keywords: Kommunikationsverhalten ; Einfühlung ; Eltern ; Behavior ; Communication ; Parent and child ; Ratgeber ; Ratgeber
    Abstract: Eltern w�nschen sich einen liebe- und respektvollen Umgang mit ihren Kindern ... Und dann passiert es v�llig unerwartet und ganz unwillk�rlich: Schreien und Schimpfen, weil Kinder und Eltern anders handeln als erw�nscht. Die Emotionen kochen hoch, alle guten Vors�tze sind vergessen. Eltern und die Gesellschaft sind emp�rt �ber die Kinder - die Kinder sind emp�rt �ber ihre Eltern. Unwillk�rliches Handeln und F�hlen begleiten den Menschen; die Vernunft hat da wenig zu melden. Die Autorin veranschaulicht, wie diese Mechanismen in uns zustande kommen. Sie zeigt auf, wie in f�nf Schritten in ruhigen Minuten der Konzentration Wut in Gelassenheit verwandelt werden kann. Erst wenn Eltern mit dem Unwillk�rlichen kooperieren, statt es zu bek�mpfen, kann gleichwertiges Zusammenleben gelingen.   Biographische Informationen Britta Hahn ist Mutter von vier Kindern und beruflich als �rztin f�r Allgemeinmedizin und Psychotherapie t�tig. Sie begleitet Eltern, die gemeinsam mit ihren Kindern einen wertsch�tzenden Umgang leben - inmitten der Klippen eines herausfordernden Alltags.
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  • 6
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paderborn : Junfermannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783873878556
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (82 pages)
    DDC: 303.69
    Keywords: Konfliktregelung ; Conflict management ; Ratgeber ; Ratgeber
    Abstract: Ob im Beruf, in der Familie oder in der Nachbarschaft: Wo es Menschen gibt, gibt es auch Konflikte. Da Auseinandersetzungen und Kontroversen also zum Leben geh�ren, empfiehlt es sich, Kompetenz im Umgang mit diesem allzu menschlichen Ph�nomen zu entwickeln. Hierzu tr�gt dieses Buch bei. In pr�zisen Antworten auf 86 kurze Fragen wird gezeigt, welche Arten von Konflikten es gibt, wo sie auftreten und welche L�sungswege sich anbieten. Die negative Seite von Konflikten ist den meisten von uns nur zu bekannt. Dass sie auch eine Chance f�r einen Neubeginn sein k�nnen, dass sie neues Wahrnehmen, Denken und Handeln erm�glichen - auch diese Seite wird thematisiert. Die skizzierten L�sungsans�tze sind praxistauglich und lassen sich sowohl in den beruflichen Kontext als auch in private Zusammenh�nge einbringen.   Biographische Informationen Ursu Mahler, viele Jahre in der Erwachsenenbildung t�tig, seit 1990 Selbstst�ndigkeit als Managementtrainerin und Coach mit eigenen Mitarbeitern. Zertifizierte DISG-Trainerin und Unternehmensberaterin. Autorin diverser Artikel zu Themen wie Konfliktverhalten, Selbstmanagement und Gespr�chspsychologie.
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  • 7
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paderborn : Junfermannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783873878266
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (129 pages)
    DDC: 306.3613
    Keywords: Arbeitswelt ; Kommunikationsverhalten ; Einfühlung ; Harmonie ; Gossip in the workplace ; Work ethic ; Ratgeber ; Ratgeber
    Abstract: W�nschen Sie sich mehr Respekt in Ihren Arbeitsbeziehungen? Reichen Ihnen Klatsch, Tratsch und Machtspielchen nicht, ist Ihnen eher an Vertrauen und mehr Produktivit�t gelegen? Wenn das Ihre Anliegen sind, k�nnen Sie - unabh�ngig von Ihrer beruflichen Position - zu einer Verbesserung der Beziehungen am Arbeitsplatz und der Unternehmenskultur beitragen. Und wie? Indem Sie auf einfache, aber tief gehende Weise Ihre Art zu denken ver�ndern und anders mit Ihren Kolleginnen und Kollegen sprechen. Ike Lasater bietet in diesem Buch praktische, auf den Arbeitsalltag abgestimmte Werkzeuge, die wirklich jede und jeder anwenden kann. Sie werden bew�hrte Kommunikationstechniken lernen, um: Ihren Arbeitstag mehr zu genie�en, schwierige Gespr�chssituationen gut zu bew�ltigen, Stress und Konflikte am Arbeitsplatz zu verringern, die Produktivit�t Einzelner und ganzer Teams zu verbessern, besseres und gehaltvolleres Feedback zu geben.   Biographische Informationen Ike K. Lasater war fr�her Rechtsanwalt. Nach seiner Ausbildung in Gewaltfreier Kommunikation arbeitet er weltweit als Trainer und Mediator mit den Techniken der GFK. Er ist Mitbegr�nder von „Words that Work", einer Beratungsfirma, die schwerpunktm��ig Unternehmen in Fragen der Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit zur Seite steht.
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  • 8
    ISBN: 9783728135087
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (180 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    Series Statement: Forum für Universität und Gesellschaft, Universität Bern
    DDC: 305.2
    Keywords: Bevölkerungsentwicklung ; Generationsbeziehung ; Generationenvertrag ; Schweiz ; Aufsatzsammlung
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  • 9
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Berlin : Suhrkamp Verlag | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783518760772
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1344 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    DDC: 301.01
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  • 10
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Berlin : Suhrkamp Verlag | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783518747391
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (111 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    DDC: 303.482
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  • 11
    ISBN: 9783838258560
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (366 pages)
    Series Statement: Romanische Sprachen und ihre Didaktik v.17
    DDC: 306.446
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  • 12
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Berlin : Ibidem Verlag | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783838256825
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (150 pages)
    DDC: 305.89435043
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  • 13
    ISBN: 9783838256092
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (140 pages)
    Series Statement: Qualität und Qualitätssicherung in der Sozialen Arbeit v.8
    DDC: 305.9069120943
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  • 14
    ISBN: 9783838257785
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (150 pages)
    Series Statement: Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society v.70
    DDC: 303.4824704796
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  • 15
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783515097659
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (470 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    DDC: 303.64
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  • 16
    ISBN: 9783515100380
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (226 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    DDC: 305.420943
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  • 17
    ISBN: 9783943951363
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (77 pages)
    Series Statement: Schriften zur Mediation und außergerichtlichen Konfliktlösung v.1
    DDC: 303.69
    Keywords: Mediation ; Aufsatzsammlung
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  • 18
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Göttingen : Cuvillier Verlag | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783736941533
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (187 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    DDC: 303.39999999999998
    Keywords: Weltgesellschaft ; Zukunft ; Kultur ; Wertorientierung
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  • 19
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Leverkusen-Opladen; : Budrich UniPress | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783863881801
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (284 pages)
    DDC: 306.874
    Keywords: Student ; Familiengründung ; Elternschaft ; Geschlechtliche Arbeitsteilung ; Deutschland ; Hochschulschrift
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  • 20
    ISBN: 9783515097437
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (256 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    DDC: 303.32
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  • 21
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Frankfurt a.M. : Peter Lang GmbH | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783653021318
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (338 pages)
    DDC: 302.2
    Keywords: Deutschland ; Reform ; Militärsoziologie ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: Die gegenwaertige Reform der Bundeswehr soll die groesste ihrer Geschichte sein. Dieser Band hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, abseits von den oft technisch basierten Analysen eines solchen Reformvorhabens, den Mensch in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. So wird in den vier Kapiteln: Stellung der Bundeswehr in der Gesellschaft, Innere Fuehrung unter Modernisierungsdruck, Lied vom Ende der Wehrpflicht sowie Kommunikation der Reform, das menschliche Handeln und somit die militaersoziologische Dimension der Megareform untersucht. Beitragende aus Politik, Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Administration verleihen dem Band ein weites Spektrum an Meinungen und Sichtweisen. Neben etablierten Persoenlichkeiten kommen auch junge Nachwuchswissenschaftler zu Wort und stellen ihre wohltuend unverbrauchte Meinung zur Debatte.
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  • 22
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    Online Resource
    Leverkusen-Opladen; : Budrich UniPress | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783863881610
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (252 pages)
    DDC: 306.70943
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  • 23
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Berlin : Ibidem Verlag | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783838257259
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (328 pages)
    DDC: 393
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  • 24
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    Online Resource
    Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783515102377
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (370 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    DDC: 394.12094309031
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  • 25
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    New York : Columbia University Press | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780231530729
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (233 pages)
    DDC: 907.2
    Keywords: Postkolonialismus ; Nationalbewusstsein ; Kulturerbe ; Südafrika ; Indien ; USA
    Abstract: The act of remaking one's history into a heritage, a conscientiously crafted narrative placed over the past, is a thriving industry in almost every postcolonial culture. This is surprising, given the tainted role of heritage in so much of colonialism's history. Yet the postcolonial state, like its European predecessor of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, deploys heritage institutions and instruments, museums, courts of law, and universities to empower itself with unity, longevity, exaltation of value, origin, and destiny. Bringing the eye of a philosopher, the pen of an essayist, and the experience of a public intellectual to the study of heritage, Daniel Herwitz reveals the febrile pitch at which heritage is staked. In this absorbing book, he travels to South Africa and unpacks its controversial and robust confrontations with the colonial and apartheid past. He visits India and reads in its modern art the gesture of a newly minted heritage idealizing the precolonial world as the source of Indian modernity. He traverses the United States and finds in its heritage of incessant invention, small town exceptionalism, and settler destiny a key to contemporary American media-driven politics. Showing how destabilizing, ambivalent, and potentially dangerous heritage is as a producer of contemporary social, aesthetic, and political realities, Herwitz captures its perfect embodiment of the struggle to seize culture and society at moments of profound social change.
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  • 26
    Online Resource
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    Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780748644575
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (199 Seiten)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Series Statement: Exploring Muslim Contexts
    DDC: 303.4821767
    Keywords: Geschichte ; Islam ; Weltbürgertum ; Islamic civilization ; Islamic countries -- Civilization ; Islamic countries -- History ; Islamic countries -- Relations ; Muslims -- Relations ; Konferenzschrift 2008
    Abstract: Focuses on moments in world history when cosmopolitan ideas and actions pervaded specific Muslim societies and cultures, exploring the tensions between regional cultures, isolated enclaves and modern nation-states.
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  • 27
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    Online Resource
    Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9789027274663
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (251 Seiten)
    Series Statement: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory
    DDC: 417.7
    Keywords: Germanische Sprachen ; Sprachkontakt ; Germanic languages -- Dialects ; Grammar, Comparative and general -- Relative clauses ; Language acquisition -- North Sea Region ; Language and languages -- Variation ; Languages in contact -- North Sea Region ; Konferenzschrift 2009
    Abstract: 'Nornomania' refers to the alleged obsession with the Scandinavian ('Norn') heritage in research on the dialects of Orkney and Shetland, as first addressed by Smith (1996).This paper explores the impact of a 'Norn bias' on dialect research devoted to the Northern Isles, from Jakobsen's monumental investigation at the end of the 19th century to ongoing projects. Whereas the commitment to rescue and single out the Scandinavian element in Shetland and Orkney dialect has resulted in massive and valuable data collections, it has also, to some extent, flawed the analysis and presentation of the material. The ideal researcher of these dialects should, in fact, not only be well versed in Old Norse and Norwegian dialects but also in Scots.
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  • 28
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203851371
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (298 Seiten)
    Series Statement: Comedia
    DDC: 302.234
    Keywords: Fernsehen ; Neue Medien ; Internet ; Digital media -- Congresses ; Digital television -- Congresses ; Television and politics -- Congresses ; Television broadcasting -- Social aspects -- Congresses ; Television broadcasting -- Technological innovations -- Congresses ; Television programs -- Social aspects -- Congresses ; Konferenzschrift 2008
    Abstract: For over half a century, television has been the most central medium in Western democracies - the political, social and cultural centrepiece of the public sphere. Television has therefore rarely been studied in isolation from its socio-cultural and political context; there is always something important at stake when the forms and functions of television are on the agenda. The digitisation of television concerns the production, contents, distribution and reception of the medium, but also its position in the overall, largely digitised media system and public sphere where the internet plays a decisive role. The articles in this comprehensive collection are written by some of the world's most prominent scholars in the field of media, communication and cultural studies, including critical film and television studies. Relocating Television offers readers an insight into studying television alongside the internet, participatory media and other technocultural phenomena such as DVDs, user-generated content and everyday digital media production. It also focuses on more specific programmes and phenomena, including The Wire, MSN, amateur footage in TV news, Bollywoodization of TV news, YouTube, fan sites tied to e.g. Grey's Anatomy and X Factor. Relocating Television will be highly beneficial to both students and academics across a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses including media, communication and cultural studies, and television and film studies.
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  • 29
    Online Resource
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    Boston : BRILL | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783846753262
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (238 Seiten)
    Series Statement: Forum Ser.
    Keywords: Zeit ; Philosophie ; Konferenzschrift 2009
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  • 30
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Göttingen : Cuvillier Verlag | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9783736940338
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (291 Seiten)
    Edition: 1st edition
    DDC: 306.36
    Keywords: Arbeitsgestaltung ; Flexibilität ; Work-Life-Balance ; Work ; Konferenzschrift 2012
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  • 31
    ISBN: 9783846752869
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (274 Seiten)
    Keywords: Politik ; Kultur ; Geschlechterrolle ; Orient ; Europa ; Konferenzschrift 2010
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  • 32
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203814291
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (329 Seiten)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Series Statement: Routledge Jewish Studies Series
    DDC: 305.8924
    Keywords: Protokolle der Weisen von Zion ; Geschichte ; Rezeption ; Antisemitism -- History -- Congresses ; Protocols of the wise men of Zion -- Congresses ; Konferenzschrift 2004
    Abstract: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion has attracted the interest of politicians and academicians, and generated extensive research, since the tract first appeared in the early twentieth century. Despite having repeatedly been discredited as a historical document, and in spite of the fact that it served as an inspiration for Hitler's antisemitism and the Holocaust, it continues, even in our time, to be influential. Exploring the Protocols' successful dissemination and impact around the world, this volume attempts to understand their continuing popularity, one hundred years after their first appearance, in so many diverse societies and cultures. With contributions from leading scholars in the field, the book covers themes such as: Why have the Protocols survived to the present day and what are the sources from which they draw their strength? What significance do the Protocols have today in mainstream worldviews? Are they gaining in importance? Are they still today a warrant for genocide or merely a reflection of xenophobic nationalism? Can they be fought by logical argumentation? This comprehensive volume which, for the first time, dwells also on the attraction of the Protocols in Arab and Muslim countries, will be of interest to specialists, teachers, and students working in the fields of antisemitism, the far right, Jewish studies, and modern history.
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  • 33
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    Cardiff : University of Wales Press | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780708325322
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (378 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    Series Statement: Writing Wales in English
    DDC: 303.482730429
    Abstract: This is a ground breaking comparative study of the fascinating connections between African Americans and the Welsh, beginning in the era of slavery and concluding with the experiences of African American GIs in wartime Wales.
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  • 34
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203124772
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (182 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Contemporary Japan Series v.40
    DDC: 303.48273052
    Abstract: This book examines the imaginative narratives that shaped the attitudes of Americans (and others) toward Japan. Focusing on cultural aspects of economic nationalism and US-Japan relations during the trade war Marie Thorsten uses examples from public discourse, film, documentaries, novels, acts of racism and comparison of international education assessments to examine the way in which Japan has been constituted in a global political gaze as an economic hegemon. In times of heightened rivalry, we often try to find superior "others" so that we can motivate ourselves against an imagined future of decline. During the Cold War, Americans and other nations in the West took advantage of being the underdog against the perceived superiority of the Soviet Union, especially by turning the Sputnik launch of 1957 into a lodestone for an educational renaissance. As postwar Japanese power became increasingly threatening, American policymakers again tried to fashion Japan into another "Sputnik" to motivate American people. This book explores 1980s "Bubble" Japan as a "Superhuman Other" in the consciousness of Americans, especially as reflected in popular culture and policy discourses. Making Japan into a Superhuman often resorted into the same stereotyping that invented Japan as a Subhuman. It was difficult for many to see that America, Japan and other nations were actually sharing the same global economic circumstances affecting attitudes toward knowledge and nation. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Japanese politics, International Relations and Japanese culture and society.
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  • 35
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203847695
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (241 pages)
    DDC: 306.4/8480973
    Keywords: Theater ; Interaktion ; Community theatre ; USA
    Abstract: Engaging Performance: Theatre as Call and Response presents a combined analysis and workbook to examine "socially engaged performance." It offers a range of key practical approaches, exercises, and principles for using performance to engage in a variety of social and artistic projects. AuthorJan Cohen-Cruz draws on a career of groundbreaking research and work within the fields of political, applied, and community theatre to explore the impact of how differing genres of theatre respond to social "calls."Areas highlighted include:playwrighting and the engaged artisttheatre of the oppressedperformance as testimonialthe place of engaged art in cultural organizingthe use of local resources in engaged artrevitalizing cities and neighborhoods through engaged performancetraining of the engaged artist.Cohen-Cruz also draws on the work of major theoreticians, including Bertolt Brecht, Augusto Boal, and Doreen Massey, as well as analyzing in-depth case studies of the work of US practitioners today to illustrate engaged performance in action.Jan Cohen-Cruz is director of Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life. She is the author of Local Acts: Community-based Performance in the US; the editor of Radical Street Performance; co-editor, with Mady Schutzman, of Playing Boal: Theatre, Therapy, Activism and A Boal Companion; and a University Professor at Syracuse University.
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  • 36
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    Florence : Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203348802
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (XX, 354 Seiten)
    Edition: Second editon
    DDC: 306.440973
    Keywords: Amerikanisches Englisch ; Black English ; Hispanos ; Diskriminierung ; USA
    Abstract: Since its initial publication, English with an Accent has provoked debate and controversy within classrooms through its in-depth scrutiny of American attitudes towards language. Rosina Lippi-Green discusses the ways in which discrimination based on accent functions to support and perpetuate social structures and unequal power relations. This second edition has been reorganized and revised to include: new dedicated chapters on Latino English and Asian American English discussion questions, further reading, and suggested classroom exercises, updated examples from the classroom, the judicial system, the media, and corporate culture a discussion of the long-term implications of the Ebonics debatea brand-new companion website with a glossary of key terms and links to audio, video, and images relevant to the each chapter's content. English with an Accent is essential reading for students with interests in attitudes and discrimination towards language.
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  • 37
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203818381
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (217 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    DDC: 305.4896912
    Keywords: Frau ; Migration ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: First Published in 2013. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  • 38
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    New York : Emerald Group Publishing Limited | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781780526232
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (257 pages)
    Series Statement: Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, 57 v.57
    DDC: 306.2
    Abstract: This volume shows how legal scholars contribute to public debate about contemporary issues as well as how they articulate the nature of rights and the limits of law.
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  • 39
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    Leiden : BRILL | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9789004183827
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (378 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    Series Statement: Studies in the History and Society of the Maghrib v.1
    DDC: 305.800964
    Abstract: Using an ensemble of sources and current concepts, this book proposes new ways of conceiving the place of the caravan and the dynasty in Maghribian historical experiences and modes of identification.
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  • 40
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203121580
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (246 pages)
    Edition: 2nd ed.
    Series Statement: Critical Social Thought
    DDC: 305.235
    Abstract: Are our current ways of talking about "the problem of adolescence" really that different than those of past generations? For the past decade, Act Your Age! has provided a provocative and now classic analysis of the accepted ways of viewing teens. By employing a groundbreaking "history of the present" methodology that resists traditional chronology, author Nancy Lesko analyzes both historical and present social and political factors that produce the presumed "natural adolescent." This resulting seminal work in the field of youth study forces readers to rethink the dominant interpretations on the social construction of adolescence from the 19th century through the present day. This new edition is updated throughout and includes a full new chapter on 1950s-era assumptions about adolescence and the corresponding connections to teens today. As in all chapters, Lesko provides careful examination of the concerns of nationalism, sexuality, and social order in terms of how they are projected onto the definitions of adolescents in the media, in schools, and in the home.
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  • 41
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203805039
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (177 pages)
    DDC: 306.4
    Abstract: This book presents a series of ontological investigations into an adequate theory of embodiment for the social sciences. Informed by a new realist philosophy of causal powers, it seeks to articulate a concept of dynamic embodiment, one that positions human body movement, and not just 'the body' at the heart of theories of social action. It draws together several lines of thinking in contemporary social science: about the human body and its movements; adequate meta-theoretical explanations of agency and causality in human action; relations between moving and talking; skill and the formation of knowledge; metaphor, perception and the senses; movement literacy; the constitution of space and place, and narrative performance. This is an ontological inquiry that is richly grounded in, and supported by anthropological ethnographic evidence. Using the work of Rom Harré, Roy Bhaskar, Charles Varela and Drid Williams this book applies causal powers theory to a revised ontology of personhood, and discusses why the adequate location of human agency is crucial for the social sciences. The breakthrough lies in fact that new realism affords us an account of embodied human agency as a generative causal power that is grounded in our corporeal materiality, thereby connecting natural/physical and cultural worlds. Dynamic Embodiment for Social Theory is compelling reading for students and academics of the social sciences, especially anthropologists and sociologists of 'the body', and those interested in new developments in critical realism.
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  • 42
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203149454
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (481 pages)
    Edition: 2nd ed.
    DDC: 306.4/842
    Abstract: What is the relationship between music and culture? The first edition of The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction explored this question with groundbreaking rigor and breadth. Now this second edition refines that original analysis while examining the ways the field has developed in the years since the book's initial publication. Including contributions from scholars of music, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, and psychology, this anthology provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of music and culture. It includes both pioneering theoretical essays and exhaustively researched case studies on particular issues in world musics. For the second edition, the original essays have been revised and nine new chapters have been added, covering themes such as race, religion, geography, technology, and the politics of music. With an even broader scope and a larger roster of world-renowned contributors, The Cultural Study of Music is certain to remain a canonical text in the field of cultural musicology.
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  • 43
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    London : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203145524
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (417 pages)
    Edition: 2nd ed.
    DDC: 306.85
    Keywords: Familiensoziologie
    Abstract: Noted for its interdisciplinary approach to family studies, Families with Futures provides an engaging, contemporary look at the discipline's theories, methods, essential topics, and career opportunities. Featuring strong coverage of theories and methods, readers explore family concepts and processes through a positive prism. Concepts are brought to life through striking examples from everyday family life and cutting-edge scholarship. Throughout, families are viewed as challenged but resilient. Each chapter opens with a preview of the chapter content and concludes with key terms and varied learning activities that promote critical thinking. The activities include provocative questions and exercises, projects, and interactive web activities. Boxes feature authentic voices from scholars and practitioners (including CFLEs) from a variety of disciplines including family studies, sociology, psychology, and more.  These boxes provide a firsthand look at what it is like to work in the field. The book concludes with a glossary defining each chapter's boldfaced key terms. Updated throughout, the new edition features new coverage of: The latest family theories including feminist theory and postmodernism Immigrant and transnational families in the 21st century Physiology, psychology, and sociology of intimacy and sexuality Effects of recent health and other policy decisions on families Care giving in families, especially in later life Family finances, with an emphasis on the recent economic downturns Career opportunities in family studies. The new Instructor's Resource website features test questions, PowerPoint slides, chapter outlines, news bulletins of current events, hotlinks to helpful tools such as the NCFR's Ethical Principles and Guidelines, and more. This is an ideal text for upper-level undergraduate and lower-level graduate courses in family...
    Abstract: studies, family ecology, and family science offered in departments of family and consumer sciences, human development, psychology, and sociology.
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  • 44
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    Liverpool : Liverpool University Press | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781781387061
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (257 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    Series Statement: Migrations and Identities, 1 v.1
    DDC: 304.80942
    Abstract: This collection of essays is the first serious attempt to conceptualise the transplantation of English migrants and culture in the New World as a Diaspora.
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  • 45
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203151686
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (211 pages)
    DDC: 306.0954552
    Abstract: First published in 2010. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  • 46
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203123089
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (161 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series
    DDC: 305.80095491
    Abstract: In order to understand the Pakistani state and government's treatment of non-dominant ethnic groups after the failure of the military operation in East Pakistan and the independence of Bangladesh, this book looks at the ethnic movements that were subject to a military operation after 1971: the Baloch in the 1970s, the Sindhis in the 1980s and Mohajirs in the 1990s. The book critically evaluates the literature on ethnicity and nationalism by taking nationalist ideology and the political divisions which it generates within ethnic groups as essential in estimating ethnic movements. It goes on to challenge the modernist argument that nationalism is only relevant to modern-industrialised socio-economic settings. The available evidence from Pakistan makes clear that ethnic movements emanate from three distinct socio-economic realms: tribal (Baloch), rural (Sindh) and urban (Mohajir), and the book looks at the implications that this has, as well as how further arguments could be advanced about the relevance of ethnic movements and politics in the Third World. It provides academics and researchers with background knowledge of how the Baloch, Sindhi and Mohajir ethnic conflict in Pakistan took shape in a historical context as well as probable future scenarios of the relationship between the Pakistani state and government, and ethnic groups and movements.
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  • 47
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781135194765
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (268 pages)
    Edition: 2nd ed.
    DDC: 305.80072
    Abstract: This new edition of Karen O'Reilly's popular Ethnographic Methods provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the technical, practical and philosophical issues that arise when employing traditional and innovative research methods in relation to human agents. Using a wide range of case studies and source material to illustrate the dilemmas and resolutions that an ethnographic researcher may encounter, this textbook guides the reader from the initial design and planning stages through to the analysis and writing-up. It explores the historical and philosophical foundations of ethnographic research and goes on to cover a range of relevant topics such as participant observation, qualitative interviews, (focus) group interviews and visual data collection and analysis. Having been substantially revised and updated, the second edition includes new discussions of emerging practices such as reflexive ethnography and autoethnographic accounts, as well as an entire chapter dedicated to new directions in the field - including virtual, mobile, multi-sited and global ethnography.
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  • 48
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203859803
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (201 pages)
    Series Statement: Thinking in Action
    DDC: 395
    Abstract: Many otherwise enlightened people often dismiss etiquette as a trivial subject or-worse yet-as nothing but a disguise for moral hypocrisy or unjust social hierarchies.  Such sentiments either mistakenly assume that most manners merely frame the "real issues" of any interpersonal exchange or are the ugly vestiges of outdated, unfair social arrangements.  But in On Manners, Karen Stohr turns the tables on these easy prejudices, demonstrating that the scope of manners is much broader than most people realize and that manners lead directly to the roots of enduring ethical questions.  Stohr suggests that though manners are mostly conventional, they are nevertheless authoritative insofar as they are a primary means by which we express moral attitudes and commitments and carry out important moral goals. Drawing primarily on Aristotle and Kant and with references to a wide range of cultural examples-from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice to Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm-the author ultimately concludes that good manners are essential to moral character.
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  • 49
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    Cambridge : Cambridge University Press | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781139530309
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (742 pages)
    Series Statement: Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology
    DDC: 305.231
    Abstract: This volume takes the child's environment (culture, education, family, peers and media) as an essential component of child development.
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  • 50
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203123126
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (225 pages)
    Series Statement: The Modern Anthropology of Southeast Asia
    DDC: 303.30959
    Abstract: Southeast Asia has undergone innumerable far-reaching changes and dramatic transformations over the last half-century. This book explores the concept of power in relation to these transformations, and examines its various social, cultural, religious, economic and political forms. The book works from the ground up, portraying Southeast Asians' own perspectives, conceptualizations and experiences of power through empirically rich case studies. Exploring concepts of power in diverse settings, from the stratagems of Indonesian politicians and the aspirations of marginal Lao bureaucrats, to mass 'Prayer Power' rallies in the Philippines, self-cultivation practices of Thai Buddhists and relations with the dead in Singapore, the book lays out a new framework for the analysis of power in Southeast Asia in which orientations towards or away from certain models, practices and configurations of power take centre stage in analysis. In doing so the book demonstrates how power cannot be pinned down to a single definition, but is woven into Southeast Asian lives in complex, subtle, and often surprising ways.  Integrating theoretical debates with empirical evidence drawn from the contributing authors' own research, this book is of particular interest to scholars and students of Anthropology and Asian Studies.
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  • 51
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136313653
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (241 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics
    DDC: 320.962
    Abstract: In light of the Egyptian uprising in early 2011, understanding the dynamics that are shaping Egyptian politics and society is more crucial than ever as Egypt seeks to re-define itself after the Mubarak era. One of the most controversial debates concerns the place of religion in Egypt's political future. This book examines the escalation in religious violence in Egypt since 2005 and the public discourses behind it, revealing some of the complex negotiations that lie behind contestations of citizenship, Muslim-Christian relations and national unity. Focusing on Egypt's largest religious minority group, the Coptic Orthodox Christians, this book explores how national, ethnic and religious expressions of identity are interwoven in the narratives and usage of the press and Internet. In doing so it offers insights into some of Egypt's contemporary social and political challenges, and recognises the ways that media are involved in constructing and reflecting formations of identity politics. The author examines in depth the processes through which identity and belonging are negotiated via media discourses within the wider framework of changing political realities in Egypt. Using a combination of methodological approaches - including comprehensive surveys and content analysis - the research offers a fresh perspective on the politics of identity in Egypt.
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  • 52
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136338588
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (267 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Jewish Studies Series
    DDC: 296.37
    Keywords: Medien ; Judentum ; Identität ; Israel
    Abstract: In order to understand contemporary Jewish identity in the twenty-first century, one needs to look beyond the Synagogue, the holy days and Jewish customs and law to explore such modern phenomena as mass media and their impact upon Jewish existence. This book delves into the complex relationship between Judaism and the mass media to provide a comprehensive examination of modern Jewish identity in the information age. Covering Israel as well as the Diaspora populations of the US and UK, the author looks at journalism, broadcasting, advertising and the internet to give a wide-ranging analysis of how the Jewish religion and Jewish people have been influenced by the media age. He tackles questions such as: What is the impact of Judaism on mass media? How is the religion covered in the secular Israeli media? Does the coverage strengthen religious identity? What impact does the media have upon secular-religious tensions?  Chapters explore how the impact of Judaism is to be found particularly in the religious media in Israel - haredi and modern Orthodox - and looks at the evolution of new patterns of religious advertising, the growth and impact of the internet on Jewish identity, and the very legitimacy of certain media in the eyes of religious leaders. Also examined are such themes as the marketing of rabbis, the `Holyland' dimension in foreign media reporting from Israel, and the media's role in the Jewish Diaspora. An important addition to the existing literature on the nature of Jewish identity in the modern world, this book will be of great interest to scholars of media studies, media and religion, sociology, Jewish studies, religion and politics, as well as to the broader Jewish and Israeli communities.
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  • 53
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136510113
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (555 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Library Editions: Education
    DDC: 305.80071241
    Abstract: This is the report of two linked research projects: the SSRC Project on Problems and Effects of Teaching about Race Relations, and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Project on Teaching About Race Relations through Drama. Its aim is to help teachers who will face race as a theme, whether it arises in the normal course of their subject teaching or is introduced as a separate topic. The project worked with three groups of teachers, each of which adopted a different approach, and the results of the testing programme are given alongside a series of case studies of classroom teaching. The book includes a summary of the findings of the research, express as hypotheses and an account of the teacher-dissemination of the project's work; it concludes with reflections by the director of the project and a participant teacher.
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  • 54
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136309298
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (209 pages)
    Series Statement: Relationships and Resources
    DDC: 305.8
    Abstract: People from a 'mixed' or 'inter' racial and ethnic background, and people partnering and parenting across different racial and ethnic backgrounds, are of increasing political, public and intellectual interest internationally. Contributors to this interdisciplinary collection interrogate notions of mixedness and mixing, and challenge stereotypical assumptions. They advance debates in the field through illuminating the complexity of specific historical trajectories, administrative practices and lived experience. Recurrent themes woven throughout the chapters include: boundaries and categorisation in terms of administration and government, and also of lived experience the explicit and implicit politics of mixedness and mixing in terms of nation state interests, agenda and policies, as well as 'on the ground' social relations the ways that mixedness and mixing shift in meaning and implications across time and place, shaped by different national, regional and or local contexts. This volume shows that who is and is not 'mixed' is contested and understandings of mixedness and mixing, however conceived, need to be situated in the larger complex of ideas about race and its classification. International Perspectives on Racial and Ethnic Mixedness and Mixing is an invaluable book for students and scholars of race and ethnicity.
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  • 55
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136312601
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (209 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Studies on China in Transition
    DDC: 306.740951
    Abstract: Prostitution Scandals in China presents an examination of media coverage of prostitution-related scandals in contemporary China. It demonstrates that the subject of prostitution is not only widely debated, but also that these public discussions have ramifications for some of the key social, legal and political issues affecting citizens of the PRC. Further, this book shows how these public discussions impact on issues as diverse as sexual exploitation, civil rights, government corruption, child and youth protection, policing abuses, and public health. In this book Elaine Jeffreys highlights China's changing sexual behaviours in the context of rapid social and economic change. Her work points to changes in the nature of the PRC's prostitution controls flowing from media exposure of policing and other abuses. It also illustrates the emergence of new and legally based conceptions of rightful citizenship in China today, such as children's rights, the right to privacy, work, sex, and health, and the rights of citizens to claim legal redress for losses and injuries experienced as the result of unlawful acts by state personnel. Prostitution Scandals in China will be of great interest to students and scholars across a range of diverse fields including Chinese culture and society, gender studies and media and communication studies.
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  • 56
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136295881
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (257 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Law in Asia
    DDC: 306.25095
    Abstract: Over the last two decades courts have become major players in the political landscape in Asia. This book assesses what is driving this apparent trend toward judicialization in the region. It looks at the variations within the judicialization trend, and how these variations affect political practice and policy outcomes. The book goes on to examine how this new trend is affecting aspects of the rule of law, democratic governance and state-society relations. It investigates how the experiences in Asia add to the debate on the judicialization of politics globally; in particular how judicial behaviour in Asia differs from that in the West, and the implications of the differences on the theoretical debate.
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  • 57
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136513398
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (231 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series
    DDC: 305.5509540905
    Abstract: Hailed as the beneficiary, driving force and result of globalisation, Indiaâs middle-class is puzzling in its diversity, as a multitude of traditions, social formations and political constellations manifest contribute to this project. This book looks at Indian middle-class lifestyles through a number of case studies, ranging from a historical account detailing the making of a savvy middle-class consumer in the late colonial period, to saving clubs among women in Delhiâs upmarket colonies and the dilemmas of entrepreneurial families in Tamil Naduâs industrial towns. The book pays tribute to the diversity of regional, caste, rural and urban origins that shape middle- class lifestyles in contemporary India and highlights common themes, such as the quest for upward mobility, common consumption practices, the importance of family values, gender relations and educational trajectories. It unpacks the notion that the Indian middle-class can be understood in terms of public performances, surveys and economic markers, and emphasises how the study of middle-class culture needs to be based on detailed studies, as everyday practices and private lives create the distinctive sub-cultures and cultural politics that characterise the Indian middle class today. With its focus on private domains middleclassness appears as a carefully orchestrated and complex way of life and presents a fascinating way to understand South Asian cultures and communities through the prism of social class.
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  • 58
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136285370
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (225 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Studies in Development Economics
    DDC: 305.3096
    Keywords: Frau ; Gesundheitswesen ; Armut ; Afrika ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: The concept of security has often narrowly focused on issues surrounding the protection of national borders from outside threats. However, a richer idea of human security has become increasingly important in the past decade or so. The aim is to incorporate various dimensions of the downside risks affecting the generalized well-being or dignity of people. Despite this rising prominence, the discourses surrounding human security have neglected to address the topic of gender, particularly how issues of poverty and underdevelopment impact women's and men's experiences and strategies differently. Since its introduction in the 1994 UNDP Human Development report, the idea of human security has become increasingly influential among academics and international development practitioners. However, gendered dimensions of human security have not attracted enough attention, despite their vital importance. Women are disproportionately more vulnerable to disease and other forms of human insecurity due to differences in entitlement, empowerment and an array of other ecological and socio-economic factors. These gendered insecurities are inextricably linked to poverty, and as a result, the feminization of poverty is a growing phenomenon worldwide. The contributors to this volume rely on a gender-focused analysis to consider a number of issues central to human security and development in Africa, including food security, environmental health risks, discrimination within judicial and legal systems, gendered aspects of HIV/AIDS transmission and treatment technologies, neoliberalism and poverty alleviation strategies, and conflict and women's political activism. The gender focus of this volume points to the importance of power relationships and policy variability underlying human insecurities in the African context. The insights of this book offer the potential for an...
    Abstract: improved human security framework, one that embraces a more complex and context-specific analysis of the issues of risk and vulnerability, therefore expanding the capacities of the human security framework to safeguard the livelihoods of the most vulnerable populations.
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  • 59
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136470493
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (233 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Library Editions: Education
    DDC: 306.432
    Abstract: This book examines the concepts of equality, class, culture, work and leisure and explores their interrelationship through the discussion of some current problems, especially the problems posed for schools for the 'culturally deprived.' The debate about differential provision of schooling for different social groups is taken up through examination of the assumption that schools are middle-class institutions, and the claims and counter claims about the possibility of there being a common culture as the basis for a common curriculum in comprehensive schools. The concept of culture and, especially the meaning of working-class culture receives examination in this context as well as the thesis that any sub-culture constitutes an adequate or valid way of life.
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  • 60
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136656811
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (217 pages)
    Series Statement: Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series
    DDC: 305.670899274
    Keywords: Palästinenser ; Christ ; Israel
    Abstract: Although Christians form a significant proportion of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel, very little research has, until now, been undertaken to examine their complicated position within Israel. This book demonstrates the limits of analyses which characterise state-minority relations in Israel in terms of a so-called Jewish-Muslim conflict, and of studies which portray Palestinian Christians as part of a wider exclusively religious-based transnational Christian community. This book locates its analysis of Palestinian Christians within a broader understanding of Israel as a Jewish ethnocratic state. It describes the main characteristics of the Palestinian Christian community in Israel and examines a number of problematic assumptions which have been made about them and their relationship to the state. Finally, it examines a number of intra-communal conflicts which have taken place in recent years between Christians and Muslims, and between Christians and Druze, and probes the role which the state and various state attitudes have played in influencing or determining those conflicts and, as a result, the general status of Palestinian Christians in Israel today.
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  • 61
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136310621
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (177 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Advances in Ethnography
    DDC: 307.76
    Abstract: How can we learn from a multicultural society if we don't know how to recognise it? The contemporary city is more than ever a space for the intense convergence of diverse individuals who shift in and out of its urban terrains. The city street is perhaps the most prosaic of the city's public parts, allowing us a view of the very ordinary practices of life and livelihoods. By attending to the expressions of conviviality and contestation, 'City, Street and Citizen' offers an alternative notion of 'multiculturalism' away from the ideological frame of nation, and away from the moral imperative of community. This book offers to the reader an account of the lived realities of allegiance, participation and belonging from the base of a multi-ethnic street in south London. 'City, Street and Citizen' focuses on the question of whether local life is significant for how individuals develop skills to live with urban change and cultural and ethnic diversity. To animate this question, Hall has turned to a city street and its dimensions of regularity and propinquity to explore interactions in the small shop spaces along the Walworth Road. The city street constitutes exchange, and as such it provides us with a useful space to consider the broader social and political significance of contact in the day-to-day life of multicultural cities. Grounded in an ethnographic approach, this book will be of interest to academics and students in the fields of sociology, global urbanisation, migration and ethnicity as well as being relevant to politicians, policy makers, urban designers and architects involved in cultural diversity, public space and street based economies.
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  • 62
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203802076
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (213 pages)
    Series Statement: Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies
    DDC: 305.235089956
    Abstract: Over the past thirty years, whilst Japan has produced a diverse set of youth cultures which have had a major impact on popular culture across the globe, it has also developed a succession of youth problems which have led to major concerns within the country itself. Drawing on detailed empirical fieldwork, the authors of this volume set these issues in a clearly articulated 'social constructionist' framework, and put forth a sociology of Japanese youth problems which argues that there is a certain predictability about the way in which these problems are discovered, defined and dealt with. The chapters include case studies covering issues such as: Returnee children (kikokushijo) Compensated dating (enjo kōsai) Corporal punishment (taibatsu) Bullying (ijime) Child abuse (jidō gyakutai) The withdrawn youth (hikikomori) and NEETs (not in education, employment or training) By examining these various social problems collectively, A Sociology of Japanese Youth explains why particular youth problems appeared when they did and what lessons they can provide for the study of youth problems in other societies. This book will be of huge interest to students and scholars of Japanese society and culture, the sociology of Japan, Japanese anthropology and the comparative sociology of youth studies.
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  • 63
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136993978
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (289 pages)
    Series Statement: CRESC
    DDC: 306.072
    Keywords: Empirische Sozialforschung ; Methode ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: Social and cultural research has changed dramatically in the last few years in response to changing conceptions of the empirical, an intensification of interest in interdisciplinary work, and the growing need to communicate with diverse users and audiences. Methods texts, however, have not kept pace with these changes. This volume provides a set of new approaches for the investigation of the contemporary world. Building on the increasing importance of methodologies that cut across disciplines, more than twenty expert authors explain the utility of 'devices' for social and cultural research - their essays cover such diverse devices as the list, the pattern, the event, the photograph, the tape recorder and the anecdote. This fascinating collection stresses the open-endedness of the social world, and explores the ways in which each device requires the user to reflect critically on the value and status of contemporary ways of making knowledge. With a range of genres and styles of writing, each chapter presents the device as a hinge between theory and practice, ontology and epistemology, and explores whether and how methods can be inventive. The book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars of sociology and cultural studies.
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  • 64
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136337819
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (231 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought
    DDC: 302.3
    Abstract: What are the psychological factors in operation when we form groups or crowds, and how are these affected by socio-historical circumstances? History offers endless examples of different forms of human collectivity, both private and public, small-scale and large: from the primal horde to the modern nuclear family, from the Athenian polis to virtual internet communities. Within the context of shifting social bonds in global culture, this book brings together debates on the left from political philosophy, psychoanalysis, social psychology and media and cultural studies to explore the logic of the formation of collective identities from a new theoretical perspective. Challenging liberal-capitalist models of individualism, as well as postmodern identity politics, analysts here turn to Continental philosophy (Lacan, Derrida, Agamben, Laclau, Badiou, among others) in order to re-think collectivity in relation to questions of agency, alterity, affect, sovereignty, the national imaginary and the biopolitical. In the aftermath of the great mass movements of the twentieth century (Marxist-Leninism, Mao), which resulted in bureaucratic submission and the cult of the State, the fate of our collective identity today raises urgent questions about the future of collaborative activity, the role of mediating institutions in shaping mass psychology, what is at stake in a radical democracy, and what happens in a crowd.
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  • 65
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    Farnham : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781409439806
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (365 pages)
    Series Statement: Music in Nineteenth-Century Britain
    DDC: 306.4842094109034
    Keywords: Geschichte 1800-1900 ; Musikleben ; Großbritannien ; Festschrift ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: Music and Performance Culture in Nineteenth-Century Britain: Essays in Honour of Nicholas Temperley is the first book to focus upon aspects of performance in the broader context of nineteenth-century British musical culture. In four Parts, 'Musical Cultures', 'Societies', 'National Music' and 'Methods', this volume assesses the role music performance plays in articulating significant trends and currents of the cultural life of the period and includes articles on performance and individual instruments; orchestral and choral ensembles; church and synagogue music; music societies; cantatas; vocal albums; the middle-class salon, conducting; church music; and piano pedagogy. An introduction explores Temperley's vast contribution to musicology, highlighting his seminal importance in creating the field of nineteenth-century British music studies, and a bibliography provides an up-to-date list of his publications, including books and monographs, book chapters, journal articles, editions, reviews, critical editions, arrangements and compositions. Fittingly devoted to a significant element in Temperley's research, this book provides scholars of all nineteenth-century musical topics the opportunity to explore the richness of Britain's musical history.
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  • 66
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    London : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136701092
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (145 pages)
    DDC: 302.5
    Abstract: What makes us divide the world into 'us' and 'them'? How can we exert social influence over others? When does a peaceful protest turn into a riot? Why are some politicians heroes one day and villains the next? Where do we find the resources to resist authoritarian regimes?Taking these questions as a starting point, the book examines political conduct from a social identity perspective. Supported by over two decades of empirical research, this perspective distinguishes between our personal identity, which is prevalent when we think of ourselves as individuals, and our social identity, which comes to the fore when we think of ourselves as members of groups. The social identity perspective argues that our political behaviour is largely governed by our social identity, and discusses the implications this has for politics, particularly for social influence, crowd events, leadership, and authoritarian regimes. Accessible and engaging, the content covers a wide range of political topics, such as the way in which categorizing ourselves into groups influences how we perceive the social world, the implications of categorization for social influence, the development of crowd events, the dynamics of leadership, and the mechanisms underlying obedience under authoritarian regimes. The book will appeal to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students across a range of disciplines, as well as to political activists and leaders.
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  • 67
    ISBN: 9783842818729
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (77 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    DDC: 302
    Abstract: Kriege und bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen sind eine beständige Tradition der Menschheit und Katalysatoren weitreichender zivilisatorischer Entwicklungen. Unbestritten jedoch ist, dass der Preis, den Menschen dafür zu zahlen haben groß ist. Weder Freiheit noch Eroberungen gibt es zum Nulltarif. Mancher Zoll wird in Blut und Leben bezahlt, mancher jedoch mit Schäden an Geist und Seele. Ganz besonders betroffen sind naturgemäß Soldaten, die in ihren Einsätzen vielfältigen Stressoren ausgesetzt sind. Bedrohungen des eigenen Lebens, Getanes und Erlittenes zehren an der geistig-seelischen Substanz des Individuums. Wenn dann die Sollbruchstelle der Psyche erreicht ist, bleiben Schäden nicht aus. Die Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD oder Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung ist ein in Folge übermäßiger Belastung entstehender Stressreaktion der Psyche und des Körpers. Sie zeigt sich in vielfältigen Formen, von motorischen Störungen bis hin zu sozialer Dissfunktionalität. Vorliegende Studie beleuchtet das Phänomen PTSD und illustriert die Störung anhand von Forschungsergebnissen und literarischen Quellen.   Biographische Informationen Laszlo Böhm, M.A., Dipl.Sozialpäd.FH, Jahrgang 1965 arbeitete nach einer kaufmännischen Ausbildung mehrere Jahre als Dolmetscher und Übersetzer. Als ehemaliger Wehrdienstleistender und langjähriger Reservist der Bundeswehr blieb er stets am Schicksal der aktiven Kameraden interessiert. Nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss seines Studiums der Sozialpädagogik an der Fachhochschule Regensburg und des Masterstudiums der Personalentwicklung an der TU Kaiserslautern , verwertete er seine beruflichen Erfahrungen mit Migranten und Randgruppen in der Arbeit für berufliche und soziale Integration von Zuwanderern und in Not geratene Familien. Laszlo Böhm lebt und arbeitet heute als freiberuflicher Sozialpädagoge in Regensburg und ist...
    Abstract: weiterhin in der Reservistenarbeit aktiv.
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  • 68
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203123966
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (215 pages)
    DDC: 004
    Keywords: Mobiles Endgerät ; Funknavigation ; Ortung ; Öffentlicher Raum ; Privatsphäre
    Abstract: Mobile phones are no longer what they used to be. Not only can users connect to the Internet anywhere and anytime, they can also use their devices to map their precise geographic coordinates - and access location-specific information like restaurant reviews, historical information, and locations of other people nearby. The proliferation of location-aware mobile technologies calls for a new understanding of how we define public spaces, how we deal with locational privacy, and how networks of power are developed today. In Mobile Interfaces in Public Spaces, Adriana de Souza E. Silva and Jordan Frith examine these social and spatial changes by framing the development of location-aware technology within the context of other mobile and portable technologies such as the book, the Walkman, the iPod, and the mobile phone. These technologies work as interfaces to public spaces - that is, as symbolic systems that not only filter information but also reshape communication relationships and the environment in which social interaction takes place. Yet rather than detaching people from their surroundings, the authors suggest that location-aware technologies may ultimately strengthen our connections to locations.
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  • 69
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203135846
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (441 pages)
    Series Statement: Japan Anthropology Workshop Series
    DDC: 306.0952/1864
    Abstract: As the historic capital of the country and the stronghold of the nation's most celebrated traditions, the city of Kyoto holds a unique place in the Japanese imagination. Widely praised for the beauty of its townscape and natural environments, it is both a popular destination for tourists and home to one and a half million inhabitants. There has been a sustained, lively debate about how best to develop the city, with a large number of local government officials, citizen activists, urban planners, real-estate developers, architects, builders, proprietors, academic researchers, and ordinary Kyotoites involved in discussions, forming a highly peculiar social arena that has no match elsewhere in Japan. This book, based on extensive fieldwork and interviews, provides an ethnographic study of this particular social field. It analyses how people in Kyoto deal with their most cherished traditions, such as the traditional town houses and the famous Gion matsuri festival, which calls into question several of the standard social scientific assumptions about the functions of cultural heritage for present-day societies. The book looks at the way concerned citizens, government bureaucrats, and other important players interact with each other over contentious modern buildings, often with the best intentions but constrained by set role expectations and by the superior power of national-level regulations and agencies. This book contributes to debates on the social uses of tradition and heritage, and the question of how to create sustainable, liveable urban environments.
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  • 70
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203807125
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (273 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies
    DDC: 306.4
    Keywords: Stoff ; Vermarktung ; Verfilmung
    Abstract: Adaptation constitutes the driving force of contemporary culture, with stories adapted across an array of media formats. However, adaptation studies has been concerned almost exclusively with textual analysis, in particular with compare-and-contrast studies of individual novel and film pairings. This has left almost completely unexamined crucial questions of how adaptations come to be made, what are the industries with the greatest stake in making them, and who the decision-makers are in the adaptation process. The Adaptation Industry re-imagines adaptation not as an abstract process, but as a material industry. It presents the adaptation industry as a cultural economy of six interlocking institutions, stakeholders and decision-makers all engaged in the actual business of adapting texts: authors; agents; publishers; book prize committees; scriptwriters; and screen producers and distributors. Through trading in intellectual property rights to cultural works, these six nodal points in the adaptation network are tightly interlinked, with success for one party potentially auguring for success in other spheres. But marked rivalries between these institutional forces also exist, with competition characterizing every aspect of the adaptation process. This book constructs an overdue sociology of contemporary literary adaptation, never losing sight of the material and institutional dimensions of this powerful process.
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  • 71
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    Abingdon, Oxon : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203181027
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (306 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Communication Series
    DDC: 302.2301/9
    Abstract: This research volume serves as a comprehensive resource for psychophysiological research on media responses. It addresses the theoretical underpinnings, methodological techniques, and most recent research in this area. It goes beyond current volumes by placing the research techniques within a context of communication processes and effects as a field, and demonstrating how the real-time measurement of physiological responses enhances and complements more traditional measures of psychological effects from media.  This volume introduces readers to the theoretical assumptions of psychophysiology as well as the operational details of collecting psychophysiological data. In addition to discussing specific measures, it includes brief reviews of recent experiments that have used psychophysiological measures to study how the brain processes media. It will serve as a valuable reference for media researchers utilizing these methodologies, or for other researchers needing to understand the theories, history, and methods of psychophysiological research.
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  • 72
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203126516
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (273 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Contemporary Asia Series
    DDC: 303.44095
    Keywords: Soziales Kapital ; Politische Beteiligung ; Asien ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: The purpose of this volume is to highlight the impacts on civic engagement of social capital, and its various component parts (trust, norms, networks and associations), in diverse parts of Asia. Addressing the pressing need for improved governance within the spatial, political and cultural realities in the rapidly transforming landscapes of Asia, the contributors to the book bring together interdisciplinary work that focuses on the ways in which civic engagement can link with social capital building. The goal of this volume is to inspire policy that recognizes that a vibrant society with access to rich stores of positive social capital requires civil society, alternate civilities and the state. The result is a dialogue on the interplay of social capital and civic engagement in socio-political contexts quite different from those found in the West. This book contributes to current discussions about the nature of social relations and their connection to politics and change and offers a unique lens into the validity of these important concepts in contemporary research across a variety of Asian settings. It will be of interest to social scientists across the board, especially those with an interest in Asia and Asian development.
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  • 73
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203121955
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (257 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Malaysian Studies Series
    DDC: 305.8009595
    Abstract: This book is the first monograph to provide an in-depth and multifaceted study of the processes of ethnicization and identity construction in Malaysia, from the colonial period until the present. In his analysis, the author takes multiple layers of ethnicization into account and shows how these have shaped Malaysia's socio-political system and society in different ways. Moving beyond a center-focused, top-down-oriented perception of identity politics, this work highlights on the one hand the role and position of a multitude of actors - from grassroots level to mainstream politics - who contribute to the persistence of ethnicization in Malaysia in numerous ways. On the other hand, it also shows where and under which circumstances possibilities for transethnic cooperation arise. A multi-disciplinary approach, substantiated by empirical data based on qualitative and quantitative methodologies, provides a perspective that moves beyond stereotypical narrations of Malaysia as being constituted by mainly three separate, homogenous groups. At the same time, this book gives a detailed and comprehensive account of political and historical developments and constitutes a rich resource for any Malaysia-related research. While the focus of this publication lies on Malaysia, the concept of manifestations and implementations of ethnicization provides an analytical framework that can also be applied in the study of ethnicization and identity construction elsewhere in the region and beyond.
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  • 74
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    Tokyo : Springer Japan | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9784431541110
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (489 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    Series Statement: Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research
    DDC: 301
    Abstract: This book reviews the rise and fall of rice cultivation and fishing culture, which the authors call water civilization, as revealed in Chinese archeological sites dating back to 10,000 BCE, and through analysis of DNA and human skeletal remains from Cambodia.
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  • 75
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    Clevedon : Channel View Publications | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781847697318
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (234 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    DDC: 418.07104
    Keywords: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages was published a decade ago and has been influential ever since, not only in its European 'home' but throughout the world. This book traces the processes of the influence by inviting authors from universities and ministries in 11 countries to describe and explain what happened in their case. There are everyday factors of curriculum development - which sometimes include coincidence and happenstance - and there are also traditions of resistance or acceptance of external influences in policy-making. Such factors have always existed in bilateral borrowing from one country to another but the CEFR is a supra-national document accessible through globalised communication. The book is thus not only focused on matters of language education but is also a Comparative Education case-study of policy borrowing under new conditions.
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  • 76
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136624773
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (177 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies
    DDC: 302.231
    Keywords: Kunst ; Netzkunst ; Kunstsoziologie ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: In this book, Goriunova offers a critical analysis of the processes that produce digital culture. Digital cultures thrive on creativity, developing new forces of organization to overcome repetition and reach brilliance. In order to understand the processes that produce culture, the author introduces the concept of the art platform, a specific configuration of creative passions, codes, events, individuals and works that are propelled by cultural currents and maintained through digitally native means. Art platforms can occur in numerous contexts bringing about genuinely new cultural production, that, given enough force, come together to sustain an open mechanism while negotiating social, technical and political modes of power. Software art, digital forms of literature, 8-bit music, 3D art forms, pro-surfers, and networks of geeks are test beds for enquiry into what brings and holds art platforms together. Goriunova provides a new means of understanding the development of cultural forms on the Internet, placing the phenomenon of participatory and social networks in a conceptual and historical perspective, and offering powerful tools for researching cultural phenomena overlooked by other approaches.
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  • 77
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    London : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203151723
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (416 pages)
    DDC: 203.8
    Keywords: Ritual ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: This book explores the interaction of rituals and ritualised practices utilising a cross-cultural approach. It discusses whether and why rituals are important today, and why they are possibly even more relevant than before.
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  • 78
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203807545
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (262 pages)
    DDC: 307.76
    Abstract: Urban Wildscapes is one of the first edited collections of writings about urban 'wilderness' landscapes. Evolved, rather than designed or planned, these derelict, abandoned and marginal spaces are frequently overgrown with vegetation and host to a wide range of human activities. They include former industrial sites, landfill, allotments, cemeteries, woods, infrastructural corridors, vacant lots and a whole array of urban wastelands at a variety of different scales. Frequently maligned in the media, these landscapes have recently been re-evaluated and this collection assembles these fresh perspectives in one volume. Combining theory with illustrated examples and case studies, the book demonstrates that urban wildscapes have far greater significance, meaning and utility than is commonly thought, and that an appreciation of their particular qualities can inform a far more sustainable approach to the planning, design and management of the wider urban landscape. The wildscapes under investigation in this book are found in diverse locations throughout the UK, Europe, China and the US. They vary in scale from small sites to entire cities or regions, and from discrete locations to the imaginary wildscapes of children's literature. Many different themes are addressed including the natural history of wildscapes, their significance as a location for all kinds of playful activity, the wildscape as 'commons' and the implications for landscape architectural practice, ranging from planting interventions in wildscapes to the design of the urban public realm on wildscape principles.
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  • 79
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136326127
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (181 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Studies in Development and Society
    DDC: 303.4833
    Abstract: The speed and cost effectiveness of new information technology has prompted many to view these innovations as a panacea for social and economic development. However, such a view flies in the face of continuing inequities in education, health, food, and infrastructure. This volume explores these issues - along with questions of access, privilege, literacy, training, and the environmental and health effects of information technologies in the developing world - arguing that a higher level of development does not always result from a higher level of technologization.
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  • 80
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136510045
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (454 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Library Editions: Education
    DDC: 305.8
    Abstract: A collection of key papers given at three international conferences in Britain, the United States and Canada on race relations and multiculturalism are drawn together in this book. The first section includes three papers on the state of theory in race relations; the second contains papers on educational themes, examining in particular the pitfalls in multicultural education. It also looks at the development and problems of second language education for minority groups in several countries. The final section focuses on special topics including the adjustment and identity of children of mixed race marriages; the plight of children from Canada's native communities; and the hearing impaired as a minority group.
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  • 81
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136307119
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (257 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Advances in Asia-Pacific Studies
    DDC: 301
    Keywords: Nationalbewusstsein ; Modernisierung ; Ostasien
    Abstract: This book explores the crisis of cultural identity which has assaulted Asian countries since Western countries began to have a profound impact on Asia in the nineteenth century. Confronted by Western 'civilization' and by 'modernity', Asian countries have been compelled to rethink their identity, and to consider how they should relate to Western 'civilization' and 'modernity'. The result, the author argues, has been a redefining by Asian countries of their own character as nations, and an adaptation of 'civilization' and 'modernity' to their own special conditions. Asian nations, the author contends, have thereby engaged with the West and with modernity, but on their own terms, occasionally, and in various inconsistent ways in which they could assert a sense of difference, forcing changes in the Western concept of civilization. Drawing on postmodern theory, the Kyoto School, Confucian and other traditional Asian thought, and the actual experiences of Asian countries, especially China and Japan, the author demonstrates that Asian countries' redefining of the concept of civilization in the course of their quest for an appropriate postmodern national identity is every bit as key a part of 'the rise of Asia' as economic growth or greater international political activity.
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  • 82
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203800478
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (224 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Research in Medieval Studies
    DDC: 261.20946/0902
    Keywords: Geschichte 600-1500 ; Religiöse Identität ; Konversion ; Kulturkontakt ; Christentum ; Judentum ; Islam ; Spanien
    Abstract: The challenges of cultural and religious diversity that face European and American societies today are not a new phenomenon. People in the Middle Ages lived in pluralistic societies, and they found highly interesting ways of dealing with religious and cultural diversity. While religious and political authorities commanded people to stick to their kind, some people explored the borderland between religious identities. In medieval Iberia, Christians and Muslims challenged the legal authorities' prohibitions against crossing religious and cultural boundaries when they engaged in mixed marriages between Muslims and Christians or converted from one religion to the other. By examining the topics of conversion and mixed marriages in legal texts of Muslim and Christian origin, Pluralism in the Middle Ages explores the construction of boundaries as well as the reasons explaining such constructions. It demonstrates that the religious and social boundaries were not static, nor were they similarly defined by Islamic and Christian medieval cultures. Moreover, the book argues that Muslims and Christians in medieval Iberia did not constitute clearly separated groups, since various categories of people haunted the boundaries between them: false converts employing taqiya strategy (taking on an outward Christian identity while practicing Islam in secret), those engaged in mixed marriages or interreligious sexual relations (and their children), and converts, whose conversion may be perceived as sincere or insincere, total or partial.
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  • 83
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136850561
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (233 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Advances in Sociology
    DDC: 305.48697
    Abstract: Debates over the headscarf and niqab, so-called 'sharia-tribunals', Female Genital Operations and forced marriages have raged in Europe and North America in recent years, raising the question - does accommodating Islam violate women's rights? The book takes issue with the terms of this debate. It contrasts debates in France over the headscarf and in Canada over religious arbitration with the lived experience of a specific group of Muslim women: Somali refugee women. The challenges these women eloquently describe first-hand demonstrate that the fray over accommodating culture and religion neglects other needs and engenders a democratic deficit. In Refugee Women: Beyond Gender versus Culture, new theoretical perspectives recast both the story told and who tells the tale. By focusing on the politics underlying how these debates are framed and the experiences of women at the heart of these controversies, women are considered first and foremost as democratic agents rather than actors in the 'culture versus gender' script. Crucially, the institutions and processes created to address women's needs are critically assessed from this perspective. Breaking from scholarship that focuses on whether the accommodation of culture and religion harms women, Bassel argues that this debate ignores the realities of the women at its heart. In these debates, Muslim women are constructed as silent victims. Bassel pleads compellingly for a consideration of women in all their complexity, as active participants in democratic life. The book will appeal to students and scholars throughout the social sciences, particularly of sociology, political science and women's studies.
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  • 84
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    London : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136334245
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (217 pages)
    Series Statement: Critical Studies in Health and Society
    DDC: 306.461
    Keywords: Medizinsoziologie ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: Contemporary Theorists for Medical Sociology explores the work of key social theorists and the application of their ideas to issues around health and illness. Encouraging students and researchers to use mainstream sociological thought to inform and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the many arenas of health and healthcare, this text discusses and critically reviews the work of several influential contemporary thinkers, including - Foucault, Bauman, Habermas, Luhmann, Bourdieu, Merleau-Ponty, Wallerstein, Archer, Deleuze, Guattari, and Castells. Each chapter includes a critical introduction to the central theses of a major social theorist, ways in which their ideas might inform medical sociology and some worked examples of how their ideas can be applied. Containing contributions from established scholars, rising stars and innovative practitioners, this book is a valuable read for those studying and researching the sociology of health and illness.
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  • 85
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    London : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136635649
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (229 pages)
    DDC: 302.2244
    Keywords: Popkultur ; Student ; Internet ; Grenzüberschreitender Datenverkehr ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: How do students' online literacy practices intersect with online popular culture? In this book scholars from a range of countries including Australia, Lebanon, Nepal, Qatar, South Africa, Turkey, and the United States illustrate and analyze how literacy practices that are mediated through and influenced by popular culture create both opportunities and tensions for secondary and university students. The authors examine issues of theory, identity, and pedagogy as they address participatory popular culture sites such as fan forums, video, blogs, social networking sites, anime, memes, and comics and graphic novels. Uniquely bringing together scholarship about online literacy practices and the growing body of work on participatory popular culture, New Media Literacies and Participatory Popular Culture across Borders makes distinctive contributions to an emerging field of study, pushing forward scholarship about literacy and identity in cross-cultural situations and advancing important conversations about issues of global flows and local responses to popular culture.
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  • 86
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    Binghamton : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136326400
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (330 pages)
    DDC: 306.766
    Abstract: The real story behind ex-gay ministries and reparative therapy! Nationally known activist Wayne Besen spent four years examining the phenomenon of ex-gay ministries and reparative therapiesinterviewing leaders, attending conferences, and visiting ministries undercover as he accumulated hundreds of hours of research. The result is Anything but Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth, a groundbreaking exposé of the controversial movement that's revered by independent religious groups and reviled by gay and lesbian organizations. The book presents a historical perspective on the dispute, examining ex-gay groups such as Love In Action, Exodus International, Homosexuals Anonymous, and profiling a cast of characters that includes Pat Robertson, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, ex-gay poster boy John Paulk, National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality activist Richard Cohen, and psychiatrist Dr. Robert Spitzer. An in-depth, well-researched, and historically significant account, Anything but Straight is full of startling facts and alarming surprises. The original content and novel material in the book includes: a first-ever comprehensive history of the ex-gay ministries and reparative therapy the inside story of the night the author photographed ex-gay poster boy John Paulk inside a gay bar the author's discovery that Anne Paulk lied about being a lesbian and has admitted to having a strong attraction to men BEFORE she became ex-gay previously undisclosed bizarre techniques used by the ex-gay ministries and reparative therapists the author's exclusive in-depth interviews with leading ex-gay leadersthey disclose their deepest secrets, hidden desires, and true motivations an extraordinary new study that shows that most ex-gay leaders have suffered from substance abuse or severe emotional...
    Abstract: problemswhile many ex-gay leaders claim they were unhappy being gay, this report helps prove that their dissatisfactions came not from their homosexuality, but from poor life choices and irresponsible behavior new revelations that one of the nation's leading reparative therapists hailed from a secretive cult that was scandalized for practicing nude therapy From the author: Through my extensive experience, I have learned that the extraordinary claims made by the ex-gay groups are without merit and the efficacy of their programs is dubious at best and harmful at worst . . . One frequent question I get is, Why can't gay activists simply leave 'ex-gay' groups alone and let them go about their business? This is exactly what happened for nearly three decades while ex-gay groups labored in near anonymity. But all this recently changed when the ex-gay groups intricately aligned themselves with the anti-gay political agenda of the Religious Right. With ex-gays added to their arsenal, the Right could disingenuously claim to love gay people and offer them hope for change, while simultaneously fighting for punitive legislation. Their insidious message: Since gays and lesbians can change, there is no need for laws that protect them against arbitrary prejudice. Anything but Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth is an essential read for activists on both sides of the ex-gay fence, family members of gays and lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, and Transgender church members, psychiatric and social science professionals, and anyone who has dealt with coming out issues. An appendix of resources and a helpful bibliography make it easy to find additional information on this fascinating topic.
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  • 87
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136304316
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (257 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Contemporary China Series
    DDC: 302.230951
    Abstract: Mapping Media in China is the first book-length study that goes below the 'national' scale to focus on the rich diversity of media in China from local, provincial and regional angles. China's media has played a crucial role in shaping and directing the country's social and cultural changes, and whilst these shifts have often been discussed as a single and coherent phenomenon, this ignores the vast array of local and regional variations within the country's borders. This book explores media as both a reflection of the diversity within China and as an active agent behind these growing differences. It examines the role of media in shaping regional, provincial and local identities through the prism of media economics and technology, media practices, audiences, as well as media discourses. The book covers a wide range of themes, including civil society, political resistance, state power and the production and consumption of place-specific memory and imagination. With contributions from around the world, including original ethnographic material from scholars based in China, Mapping Media in China is an original book which spans a broad range of disciplines. It will be invaluable to both students and scholars of Chinese and Asian studies, media and communication studies, geography, anthropology and cultural studies.
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  • 88
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136284885
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (273 pages)
    DDC: 302.231
    Keywords: Soziale Software ; Medien ; Soziologie ; Computer ; Digitalisierung ; Kulturerbe ; Bürgerbeteiligung ; Aufsatzsammlung ; Aufsatzsammlung
    Abstract: Heritage and Social Media explores how social media reframes our understanding and experience of heritage. Through the idea of 'participatory culture' the book begins to examine how social media can be brought to bear on the encounter with heritage and on the socially produced meanings and values that individuals and communities ascribe to it. To highlight the specific changes produced by social media, the book is structured around three major themes:  Social Practice. New ways of understanding and experiencing heritage are emerging as a result of novel social practices of collection, representation, and communication enabled and promoted by social media. Public Formation. In the presence of widely available social technologies, peer-to-peer activities such as information and media sharing are rapidly gaining momentum, as they increasingly promote and legitimate a participatory culture in which individuals aggregate on the basis of common interests and affinities. Sense of Place. As computing becomes more pervasive and digital networks extend our surroundings, social media and technologies support new ways to engage with the people, interpretations and values that pertain to a specific territorial setting. Heritage and Social Media provides readers with a critical framework to understand how the participatory culture fostered by social media changes the way in which we experience and think of heritage. By introducing readers to how social media are theorized and used, particularly outside the institutional domain, the volume reveals through groundbreaking case studies the emerging heritage practices unique to social media. In doing so, the book unveils the new issues that are emerging from these practices and the new space for debate and critical argumentation that is required to illuminate what can be done in this burgeoning sector of heritage...
    Abstract: work.
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  • 89
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    Leiden : BRILL | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9789004211834
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (439 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    Series Statement: National Cultivation of Culture v.4
    DDC: 398.2094
    Abstract: Using an interdisciplinary approach, this book brings together work in the fields of History, Literary Studies, Music and Architecture to examine the place of folklore and representations of 'the people' in the development of nations across Europe during the nineteenth century.
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  • 90
    ISBN: 9781136813344
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (177 pages)
    Series Statement: School-Based Practice in Action
    DDC: 371.8266
    Abstract: The needs and rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) students and families are often ignored, generally misunderstood, and only rarely given priority by the school system. This book provides a practical and useful guide for school-based mental health professionals to support students, families, teachers, and administrators in the development of a safe, inclusive school environment for all LGBTQ students and families. It begins with an overview of the unique issues and challenges faced by LGBTQ students and families, including a discussion of sexuality and gender identity development within the interconnected contexts of home, school, and community. Practical steps are given for creating an inclusive school environment; implementing prevention and intervention techniques to address discrimination, bullying, and violence; and organizing effective counseling programs for LGBTQ students. These school-based efforts are then extended to working with families and communities to reinforce steps taken in the school context. An accompanying CD includes numerous handouts, sample letters, and other resources to assist the school-based mental health professional in implementing responsive and affirmative practices for LGBTQ students and families.
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  • 91
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781136297939
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (193 pages)
    Series Statement: Media, Culture and Social Change in Asia Series
    DDC: 302.23095195
    Keywords: Geschichte 1988-2007 ; Demokratisierung ; Massenmedien ; Südkorea
    Abstract: Since South Korea achieved partial democracy in 1987, the country has moved away from authoritarian political control. However, after two decades of democratic transition, South Korea still does not have a strong liberal, individualist culture - something that has brought about a wide range of scholarly discussion on the nature of democracy practised in this dynamic country. While the political changes in South Korea have received rigorous attention from Western scholars, less attention has been given to the changing nature and role of media in this and other such transitions. This book focuses on the changing role of media in the more democratised political landscape of South Korea. It thereby contributes to debates about the emerging role of the media in democratic transition, especially in relation to approaches that go beyond traditional Western constructs of media freedom and the relationship between the state and the media. In addition, it discusses the complex interacting forces that affect the role of the media and their implications for state control and democratisation.
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  • 92
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    Farnham : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781409437888 , 9781409437888
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (247 pages)
    DDC: 304.27
    Abstract: Plants are fundamental players in human lives, underpinning our food supply and contributing to the air we breathe, but they are easy to take for granted and have received insufficient attention in the social sciences. This book advances understanding of human-plant relations using the example of wheat. Theoretically, this book develops new insights by bringing together human geography, biogeography and archaeology to provide a long term perspective on human-wheat relations. Although the relational, more-than-human turn in the social sciences has seen a number of plant-related studies, these have not yet fully engaged with the question of what it means to be a plant. The book draws on diverse literatures to tackle this question, advancing thinking about how plants act in their worlds, and how we can better understand our shared worlds. Empirically, the book reports original ethnographic research on wheat production, processing and consumption in a context of globalisation, drought and climate change and traces the complex networks of wheat using a methodology of 'following' it and its people. The ethnobotanical study captures a number of moments in the life of Australian wheat; on the farm, at the supermarket, in the lives of coeliac sufferers, in laboratories and in industrial factories. This study demands new ways of thinking about wheat geographies, going beyond the rural landscape to urban and industrial frontiers, and being simultaneously local and global in perspective and connection.
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  • 93
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    London : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203120415
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (255 pages)
    Series Statement: Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies
    DDC: 306.483
    Abstract: Television is no longer the only screen delivering footage and news to people about sport. Computers, the Internet, Web, mobile and other digital media are increasingly important technologies in the production and consumption of sports media. Sport Beyond Television analyzes the changes that have given rise to this situation, combining theoretical insights with original evidence collected through extensive research and interviews with people working in the media and sport industries. It locates sports media as a pivotal component in online content economies and cultures, and counteracts the scant scholarly attention to sports media when compared to music, film and publishing in convergent media cultures. An expanding array of popular sports media - industry, user, club, athlete and fan produced - is now available and accessible in networked digital communications environments. This change is confounding the thinking of major sports organizations that have lived off the generous revenue flowing from exclusive broadcast contracts with free-to-air and subscription television networks for the last five decades. These developments are creating commercial and policy confusion, particularly as sports audiences and the advertising market fragment in line with the proliferation of niche channels and sources of digital sports media. Chapters in this title examine the shift from broadcast to online sports media markets, the impact of social networking platforms like Twitter and Facebook, evolving user and fan practices, the changing character of sports journalism, and the rise of sports computer gaming. Each chapter traces the socio-cultural implications of trends and trajectories in media sport.
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  • 94
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    London : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203115459
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (177 pages)
    Series Statement: Concepts for Critical Psychology
    DDC: 302
    Keywords: Psychologie ; Psychologismus ; Globalisierung
    Abstract: Today more than ever, our understanding of ourselves, others and the world around us is described in psychological terms. Psychologists deeply influence our society, and psychological-discourse has invaded companies, advertising, culture, politics, and even our social and family life. Moreover, psychologisation has become a global process, applied to situations such as torture, reality TV and famine. This book analyses this 'overflow of psychology' in the three main areas of science, culture and politics. The concept of psychologisation has become crucial to current debates in critical psychology. De Vos combines these debates with insights from the fields of critical theory, philosophy and ideology critique, to present the first book-length argument that seriously considers the concept of psychologisation in these times of globalisation. The book contains numerous real-world examples making it an accessible and engaging analysis that should be of interest to researchers, postgraduates and undergraduate students of psychology and philosophy.
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  • 95
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    Leiden : BRILL | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9789004229952
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (191 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    Series Statement: Studies in Critical Social Sciences v.41
    DDC: 303.48/2
    Abstract: This work analyzes the Protestant metaphysical origins and basis underlying the sociological process of globalization. Specifically, it outlines the different conceptions of globalization in the sociological literature, and then examines the nature of identity and identity politics in the age of globalization. The work concludes by drawing a connection between the nature of identity politics and the globalizing process.
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  • 96
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203357484
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (201 pages)
    Series Statement: American Social and Political Movements of the 20th Century
    DDC: 305.895/073
    Keywords: Geschichte 1960-1980 ; Asiaten ; Politische Bewegung ; Soziale Bewegung ; USA
    Abstract: Although it is one of the least-known social movements of the 1960s and 1970s, the Asian American movement drew upon some of the most powerful currents of the era, and had a wide-ranging impact on the political landscape of Asian America, and more generally, the United States. Using the racial discourse of the black power and other movements, as well as antiwar activist and the global decolonization movements, the Asian American movement succeeded in creating a multi-ethnic alliance of Asians in the United States and gave them a voice in their own destinies. Rethinking the Asian American Movement provides a short, accessible overview of this important social and political movement, highlighting key events and key figures, the movement's strengths and weaknesses, how it intersected with other social and political movements of the time, and its lasting effect on the country. It is perfect for anyone wanting to obtain an introduction to the Asian American movement of the twentieth century.
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  • 97
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    Farnham : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9781409436553 , 9781409436553
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (434 pages)
    DDC: 306.20973
    Abstract: The quest for a theoretical framework for understanding urban policy-making has been a recurring focus of research into local governments. Civic culture is a means for understanding how municipal policy-makers weigh the interests of different groups, govern the local community, frame local goals, engage in decision-making, and ultimately select and implement public policies. While it seems that culture "matters" in local policy making, how to measure culture in a valid and replicable fashion presents a significant challenge which the authors address in this book. They present their findings of a large multi-city research project to explore the nature of civic culture in cities in the US and Canada. The focus of their analysis is on three overarching "systems" of community power system, the community value system, and the community decision-making system. The authors address a number of questions around the nature of civic culture and the relationships between the three systemic elements of civic culture, to refine and apply a more sophisticated theory of urban policy-making.
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  • 98
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    Florence : Taylor and Francis | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780203841495
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (497 pages)
    Edition: 2nd ed.
    DDC: 302.2/244
    Abstract: The Handbook of Family Literacy, 2e, provides the most comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of family literacy of any available book. It documents the need for literacy education for children and parents, describes early literacy and math development within the home, analyses interventions in home and center settings, and examines the issues faced by fathers and women with low literacy skills. Cultural issues are examined especially those for Hispanic, African American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, and migrant populations. Noted experts throughout the United States, Canada, England, the Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, and South Africa analyze the commonalities and differences of family literacy across cultures and families. Key features include the following.Comprehensive - Provides updated information on the relation between early childhood literacy development, parenting education, and intervention services. Research Focus - Provides an extensive review of experimental studies, including national reviews and meta-analyses on family literacy. Practice Focus - Provides a comprehensive treatment of family literacy interventions necessary for program developers, policy makers, and researchers. Diversity Focus - Provides detailed information on cultural and diversity issues for guiding interventions, policy, and research.International Focus - Provides an international perspective on family literacy services that informs program developers, researchers, and policy makers across countries. Evaluation Focus - Provides detailed guidelines for ensuring program quality and fidelity and a valuable new evaluation perspective based on implementation science. This book is essential reading for anyone - researchers, program developers, students, practitioners, and policy makers - who needs to be knowledgeable about intervention issues, family needs,...
    Abstract: program developments, and research outcomes in family literacy.
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  • 99
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    Westport : ABC-CLIO | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9780313391606
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (201 pages)
    DDC: 305.31
    Abstract: This book provides an intriguing look at the long history of the changing definitions of what it means to "be a man," identifying both the continuity and disparity in these ideals and explaining the contemporary crisis of masculinity.
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  • 100
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    Leiden : BRILL | Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest
    ISBN: 9789004229549
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (323 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    Series Statement: Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion v.23
    DDC: 306.6
    Abstract: The twenty-third volume of RSSSR includes a landmark collection of papers on Theism and Non-Theism in Psychological Science, as well as papers on other key areas in the study of religion such as spirituality and social capital.
    Note: Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources
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