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  • Beschäftigungssicherung
  • 1
    Language: German
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (289 Seiten)
    Dissertation note: Dissertation Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2022
    DDC: 300
    Keywords: Hochschulschrift ; Beschäftigungssicherung ; Frühaufklärungssystem ; Gesundheitsmanagement ; Coaching ; Job security ; early education system ; health management ; coaching ; Sozialwissenschaften
    Abstract: Die vorliegende qualitative Forschungsarbeit leistet mittels zweier empirischer Untersu-chungen einen Beitrag im Forschungsfeld von betrieblichem Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM) vor dem Hintergrund eines verbesserten Schutzes vor gesundheitsbedingtem Aus-scheiden von Arbeitnehmern. Zielstellung ist zum einen die Entwicklung eines betrieblichen Frühaufklärungssystems, das wie ein wissensbasiertes lernendes System fortlaufend Informa-tionen und Trends zur Verbesserung des Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutzes (AUG), der Be-trieblichen Gesundheitsförderung (BGF) und des Betrieblichen Eingliederungsmanagements (BEM) durch interne und externe Beobachtungsbereiche erfasst, auswertet und Vorschläge für notwendige Anpassungen oder inkrementelle Innovationen bereitstellt. Zum anderen wird das „(integrative) Coaching“ in einer vergleichenden Fallstudie auf seine Wirkfaktoren hin analysiert; beim integrativen Coaching handelt es sich um ein Beratungsangebot, das auf Grundlage der regulären Beratung im Betrieblichen Eingliederungsmanagement entwickelt wurde.
    Abstract: With the help of two empirical studies, the present study contributes in the research field of occupational health management (BGM) against the background of improved protection against health-related retirement of employees. The objective is, on the one hand, the devel-opment of a company early education system that, like a knowledge-based learning system, continuously provides information and trends to improve occupational safety (AUG), com-pany health promotion (BGF) and company integration management (BEM) through internal and external monitoring areas records, evaluates and provides suggestions for necessary ad-justments or incremental innovations. On the other hand, the “integrative coaching” as a consulting offer based on the “standardized help planning in the BEM” is analyzed in a com-parative case study against the background of the effective factors of coaching.
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 2
    ISBN: 9781788118897
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (XII, 257 Seiten) , Diagramme
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Youth unemployment and job insecurity in Europe
    DDC: 331.34094
    Keywords: Jugendarbeitslosigkeit ; Beschäftigungssicherung ; Arbeitsmarkt ; Arbeitsmarktpolitik ; Europa ; Unemployed youth ; Unemployment ; Job security ; Youth Employment ; Aufsatzsammlung ; Europa ; Jugendarbeitslosigkeit
    Abstract: Providing original insights into the factors causing early job insecurity in European countries, this book examines the short- and long-term consequences. It assesses public policies seeking to diminish the risks to young people facing prolonged job insecurity and reduce the severity of these impacts. Based on the findings of a major study of nine European countries, this book examines the diverse strategies that countries across the continent use to help young people overcome employment barriers. The authors present recommendations for governments to improve the job market environment and to support young people in finding suitable and stable employment. A vital tool for European policymakers, this book provides new knowledge that will help improve existing policies, at both national and European levels. The detailed analysis of original data collected through innovative methods will prove highly useful to public policy and European studies scholars
    Note: Literaturangaben
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 3
    ISBN: 9781788118798
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (xii, 246 Seiten) , Illustrationen
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Negotiating early job insecurity
    Keywords: Junge Arbeitskräfte ; Atypische Beschäftigung ; Beschäftigungssicherung ; Jugendarbeitslosigkeit ; Coping-Strategie ; Stress ; Lebensqualität ; EU-Staaten ; Norwegen ; Job security ; Youth ; Wages
    Abstract: Offering new knowledge and insights into European job markets, this book explores how young men and women experience job insecurity. Focusing on the ways in which young adults deal with this by actively increasing their chances of getting a job through a variety of methods, it shows how governmental policies can be altered to reduce early job insecurity. By combining analysis of original data collected through a variety of innovative methods, the book compares the trajectories of early job insecurity in nine European countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK. It explores the differing reactions to the 2008 Great Recession and socio-economic and institutional characteristics of each country, analysing the strengths and weaknesses of different national policies. Contributions from experts in the field investigate the long-term consequences of having difficulty finding suitable and stable jobs in young adulthood, including 'scarring' in the form of weaker long-term employment prospects, lower life earnings and reduced well-being. Incorporating high-level academic research with policy recommendations, this insightful book is essential reading for advanced public policy and European studies scholars, as well as policymakers at national and European levels
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 4
    ISBN: 3658198974 , 9783658198978
    Language: German
    Pages: 195 Seiten , Illustrationen , 21 cm x 14.8 cm
    Series Statement: Familienforschung
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Lübke, Christiane Intergenerationale Transmission subjektiver Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Lübke, Christiane, 1985 - Intergenerationale Transmission subjektiver Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit
    Parallel Title: Elektronische Reproduktion
    Dissertation note: Dissertation Fakultät für Gesellschaftswissenschaften der Universität Duisburg-Essen 2016
    DDC: 305.5
    Keywords: Intergenerationale Übertragung ; Beschäftigungssicherung ; Familiensoziologie ; Panel ; Deutschland ; Hochschulschrift ; Deutschland ; Arbeitsplatzsicherung ; Sorge ; Eltern ; Lebenslauf ; Kind ; Sozialisation ; Soziale Ungleichheit ; Familiensoziologie
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  • 5
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing
    ISBN: 9789264288256 , 9789264298460 , 9789264293250
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (164 p.) , 21 x 28cm.
    Series Statement: Connecting People with Jobs
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Towards better social and employment security in Korea
    Keywords: Soziale Sicherheit ; Beschäftigungssicherung ; Südkorea ; Employment ; Korea, Republic of
    Abstract: This report on Korea is the fourth country study published in a series of reports looking into how policies connect people with jobs, following reports on Australia, Slovenia and the United Kingdom. It has a special focus on low-income groups, jobseekers and workers, and policies geared towards closing the considerable gaps these groups are facing around income and employment support. In the past forty years, Korea has gone through a remarkable economic transformation and in the past two decades, the country has also put in place a comprehensive social protection system and a strong activation framework. Nevertheless, features of Korea’s labour market, which include very low job tenure, a high degree of duality and a high level of informality, make it difficult for some measures to reach workers and jobseekers. This report concludes that significant additional action will be needed to make income and employment supports more effective and inclusive.
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  • 6
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (circa 52 Seiten) , Illustrationen
    Series Statement: OECD social, employment and migration working papers no. 175
    Keywords: Beschäftigungssicherung ; Gesundheit ; OECD-Staaten ; Employment ; Social Issues/Migration/Health ; Amtsdruckschrift ; Arbeitspapier ; Graue Literatur
    Abstract: This paper provides a comprehensive discussion of the labour market security dimension of the OECD’s job quality framework, thereby complementing the analysis in Chapter 3 of the OECD Employment Outlook 2014 and Chapter 5 of the OECD Employment Outlook 2015. It makes three main contributions. First, it provides an in-depth discussion of the definition and measurement of labour market security. and discusses in detail the various methodological issues surrounding its measurement. Second, it offers a comprehensive statistical portrait of labour market security across countries, socio-economic groups and over time. Third, it investigates the statistical relationship between labour market insecurity and subjective measures of well-being. Importantly, we find that the risk of unemployment has a detrimental effect on the well-being of employed workers, and that this reflects to an important extent the risk of staying unemployed for a prolonged period of time. Policymakers should therefore focus not only on reducing the level of unemployment, but also on speeding up unemployment turnover at a given level of unemployment. Unemployment insurance also mitigates the adverse effect of unemployment risk, and particularly that of long-term unemployment, on the well-being of the employed.
    Note: Zusammenfassung in französischer Sprache
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  • 7
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD, Economics Dep.
    Language: English
    Pages: Online-Ressource (32 S.)
    Series Statement: OECD Economics Department working papers 1148
    Keywords: Gesundheit ; Arbeitsbedingungen ; Erwerbstätigkeit ; Beschäftigungssicherung ; USA ; Employment ; Social Issues/Migration/Health ; Economics ; Amtsdruckschrift ; Arbeitspapier ; Graue Literatur
    Abstract: Economists have traditionally been very cautious when studying the interaction between employment and health because of the two-way causal relationship between these two variables: health status influences the probability of being employed and, at the same time, working affects the health status. Because these two variables are determined simultaneously, researchers control endogeneity bias (e.g., reverse causality, omitted variables) when conducting empirical analysis. With these caveats in mind, the literature finds that a favourable work environment and high job security lead to better health conditions. Being employed with appropriate working conditions plays a protective role on physical health and psychiatric disorders. By contrast, non-employment and retirement are generally worse for mental health than employment, and overemployment has a negative effect on health. These findings stress the importance of employment and of adequate working conditions for the health of workers. In this context, it is a concern that a significant proportion of European workers (29%) would like to work fewer hours because unwanted long hours are likely to signal a poor level of job satisfaction and inadequate working conditions, with detrimental effects on health. Thus, in Europe, labour-market policy has increasingly paid attention to job sustainability and job satisfaction. The literature clearly invites employers to take better account of the worker preferences when setting the number of hours worked. Overall, a specific “flexicurity” (combination of high employment protection, job satisfaction and active labour-market policies) is likely to have a positive effect on health. This Working Paper relates to the 2014 OECD Economic Survey of the United States ( States ).
    Note: Zsfassung in franz. Sprache , Systemvoraussetzungen: Acrobat Reader.
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  • 8
    ISBN: 9781782540885
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (viii, 312 pages) , diagrams
    Series Statement: Edward Elgar E-Book Archive
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als Work sharing during the Great Recession
    DDC: 331.2572090511
    Keywords: Finanzkrise ; Beschäftigungssicherung ; Teilzeitarbeit ; Unterbeschäftigung ; Arbeitsmarktpolitik ; EU-Staaten ; Welt ; Work sharing History 21st century ; Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 Social aspects ; Electronic books ; Work sharing ; History ; 21st century ; Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 ; Social aspects
    Abstract: 1. An introduction to work sharing : a strategy for preserving jobs, creating new employment and improving individual well-being / Jon C. Messenger and Naj Ghosheh -- 2. Work sharing as an alternative to layoffs : lessons from the German experience during the crisis / Lutz Bellmann ... [et al.] -- 3. European diversity of work sharing as a crisis measure : the experiences of Austria, Belgium, France and the Netherlands / Jörg Flecker and Annika Schönauer -- 4. Work sharing in Japan / Kazuya Ogura -- 5. The Turkish experience with work-sharing policy during the global economic crisis, 2008-2010 / Erinç Yeldan -- 6. Results of the implementation of the suspension and partial unemployment insurance programmes in Uruguay, 2009-2010 / María José González Fernández -- 7. Work sharing as a potential policy tool for creating more and better employment : a review of the evidence / Lonnie Golden and Stuart Glosser -- 8. Conclusion : lessons learned from the Great Recession and implications for policy / Jon C. Messenger and Naj Ghosheh.
    Abstract: Work sharing is a labour market instrument devised to distribute a reduced volume of work to the same (or similar) number of workers over a diminished period of working time in order to avoid redundancies. This fascinating and timely study presents the concept and history of work sharing and explores the complexities and trade-offs involved in its use as both a strategy for preserving jobs and a policy for increasing employment. The expert contributors examine the resurgence in the use of work sharing as a job preservation strategy via country case studies of work-sharing programmes implemented across the globe during the Great Recession of 2008-2009. These studies clearly illustrate that work sharing has been successful as a crisis-response measure in a number of countries. Lessons learned and their implications are presented alongside prescriptions on how to design permanent work-sharing policies that would provide appropriate incentives to generate positive effects for employment and promote a sustainable and job-rich economic recovery. This enlightening book will prove invaluable to academics, researchers, students and policymakers in the fields of labour economics, public sector economics and social policy
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  • 9
    Language: English
    Pages: Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: OECD social, employment and migration working papers 142
    Keywords: Katastrophe ; Flüchtlinge ; Beschäftigungssicherung ; OECD-Staaten ; Employment ; Social Issues/Migration/Health ; Amtsdruckschrift ; Arbeitspapier ; Graue Literatur
    Abstract: Large-scale natural disasters can have long-lasting effects on the labour market in affected areas in addition to their humanitarian and economic cost. Mass evacuations and disruptions to housing, transport, social services and infrastructure can impede labour market participation. Firms may need to lay off workers, permanently or temporarily, as they deal with physical damage and loss of customers. Even if employment levels return to their pre-disaster levels, the mix of jobs and workers may have changed, so that skills shortages coexist with relatively high unemployment rates. Governments have an important role to play in helping prevent unnecessary job losses, providing income support and re-employment assistance to displaced workers while they find new jobs and creating the environment to encourage job creation as the recovery takes hold. This paper examines the labour market impact of recent natural disasters in six OECD countries, outlines labour market and income support policies implemented to help those affected and discusses the challenges of implementing such policies in the aftermath of a natural disaster.
    Note: Zsfassung in franz. Sprache , Systemvoraussetzungen: Acrobat Reader.
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  • 10
    Show associated volumes/articles
    In:  Fair trade, corporate accountability and beyond (2010), Seite 187-207 | year:2010 | pages:187-207
    ISBN: 9780754674399
    Language: English
    Titel der Quelle: Fair trade, corporate accountability and beyond
    Publ. der Quelle: Farnham, Surrey [u.a.] : Ashgate, 2010
    Angaben zur Quelle: (2010), Seite 187-207
    Angaben zur Quelle: year:2010
    Angaben zur Quelle: pages:187-207
    Keywords: Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen ; Internationale Handelspolitik ; Fairer Handel ; Konsum ; Beschäftigungssicherung ; Welt ; Aufsatz im Buch
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  • 11
    ISBN: 9783531916491
    Language: German
    Pages: Online-Ressource (342S. 6 Abb, digital)
    Series Statement: SpringerLink
    Series Statement: Bücher
    Parallel Title: Buchausg. u.d.T. Haipeter, Thomas, 1967 - Tarifabweichungen und Flächentarifverträge
    DDC: 301
    Keywords: Tarifverhandlungen ; Metallindustrie ; Elektroindustrie ; Beschäftigungssicherung ; Arbeitszeitgestaltung ; Betriebsvereinbarung ; Deutschland ; Sociology ; Social Sciences, general ; Deutschland ; Metallindustrie ; Flächentarifvertrag ; Abweichung ; Firmentarifvertrag ; Geschichte 2004-2006 ; Deutschland ; Elektrotechnische Industrie ; Flächentarifvertrag ; Abweichung ; Firmentarifvertrag ; Geschichte 2004-2006
    URL: Cover
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  • 12
    Show associated volumes/articles
    In:  Handbook of law and economics ; Vol. 2 (2007), Seite 1349-1386 | year:2007 | pages:1349-1386
    ISBN: 9780444531209
    Language: English
    Pages: graph. Darst.
    Titel der Quelle: Handbook of law and economics ; Vol. 2
    Publ. der Quelle: Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier North-Holland, 2007
    Angaben zur Quelle: (2007), Seite 1349-1386
    Angaben zur Quelle: year:2007
    Angaben zur Quelle: pages:1349-1386
    Keywords: Arbeitsrecht ; Arbeitsmarkt ; Arbeitsbeziehungen ; Beschäftigungssicherung ; Betriebliche Sozialleistungen ; Arbeitsschutz ; USA ; Aufsatz im Buch
    Abstract: Legal rules governing the employer-employee relationship are many and varied. Economic analysis has illuminated both the efficiency and the effects on employee welfare of such rules, as described in this paper. Topics addressed include workplace safety mandates, compensation systems for workplace injuries, privacy protection in the workplace, employee fringe benefits mandates, targeted mandates such as medical and family leave, wrongful discharge laws, unemployment insurance systems, minimum wage rules, and rules requiring that employees receive overtime pay. Both economic theory and empirical evidence are considered.
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  • 13
    ISBN: 9783531903897
    Language: German
    Pages: Online-Ressource (461S. 11 Abb, digital)
    Series Statement: SpringerLink
    Series Statement: Bücher
    Parallel Title: Buchausg. u.d.T. Struck, Olaf, 1964 - Flexibilität und Sicherheit
    DDC: 331.12
    Keywords: Beschäftigungssicherung ; Arbeitsmarktflexibilität ; Theorie ; Deutschland ; Beschäftigungssystem ; Sociology ; Social Sciences, general ; Deutschland ; BRD ; Arbeitsflexibilisierung ; Flexibilität ; Arbeitsplatz ; Arbeitsbedingungen ; Arbeitsplatzsicherheit ; Soziale Sicherheit ; Arbeitsmarkt ; Arbeitsmarktpolitik ; Arbeitsflexibilisierung ; Soziale Sicherheit ; Deutschland ; Arbeitsflexibilisierung ; Soziale Sicherheit ; Deutschland ; Arbeitsmarkt ; Strukturwandel ; Arbeitsflexibilisierung ; Beschäftigungsform
    Abstract: Empirische Ausgangsbefunde betrieblicher Beschäftigungsstabilität -- Arbeitsmarkttheoretische Erklärungsansätze -- Empirische Befunde betrieblicher Beschäftigungsstabilität -- Verfügungsmöglichkeit von Leistungsfähigkeit -- Sicherstellung von Leistungsbereitschaft -- Institutionelle Rahmungen des Arbeitsmarktes -- Fazit: Betriebliche Beschäftigungsstabilität zwischen Effizienz und Sicherheit
    Abstract: Arbeitsmärkte werden flexibler. Doch zugleich benötigen Marktakteure Sicherheiten. Olaf Struck stellt die neuere Entwicklung stabiler und instabiler Beschäftigung vor und verdeutlicht die maßgeblichen Ursachen dieser Entwicklung. Darüber hinaus widmet er sich mit Blick auf Betriebe und zentrale institutionelle Rahmenbedingungender Frage: Wie können Qualifikation, Engagement, Koopperation und soziale Sicherheit auch in flexiblen Beschäftigungssystemen gewährleistet werden?
    URL: Cover
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  • 14
    ISBN: 0791460851
    Language: English
    Pages: VII, 223 S , Graph. Darst. , 24 cm
    Series Statement: SUNY series in the anthropology of work
    DDC: 331/.094
    Keywords: Arbeitsmarkt ; Arbeitslosigkeit ; Beschäftigungssicherung ; Industriesoziologie ; Anthropologie ; Sozialer Wandel ; Europa ; Structural unemployment ; Labor market ; Industries Social aspects ; Europe Economic conditions 1945- ; Konferenzschrift ; Konferenzschrift 1998 ; Konferenzschrift 1998 ; Konferenzschrift 1998 ; Konferenzschrift 1998 ; Europa ; Arbeitsmarkt ; Ungewissheit ; Strukturelle Arbeitslosigkeit
    Note: Rev. versions of papers presented at the fifth and sixth meetings of the European Assoc. of Social Anthropologists (EASA), held respectively in Frankfurt a. M., Germany, in Sept. 1998 and in Krakow, Poland, in July 2000 , Includes bibliographical references and index. - Enth. 9 Beitr
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