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  • MPI Ethno. Forsch.  (115)
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  • Italian  (42)
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  • Asian history  (61)
  • Law  (34)
  • Konferenzschrift
  • 1
    ISBN: 9788855264211
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (368 p.)
    Series Statement: Diritto Aperto
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: La finalità di questo testo è di aiutare gli studenti a maturare, attraverso l’apprendimento basato sul metodo casistico-problematico, una propria riflessione critica sull’evoluzione dei diritti (o del diritto) della personalità. In una società in cui la mercificazione e la datificazione si associano alla sorveglianza e quest’ultima diventa pervasiva si moltiplicano le minacce alla persona nelle sue dimensioni individuale e collettiva. In gioco è la tenuta delle società democratiche. In che misura il diritto civile (il diritto dei privati) può contribuire a contrastare o ad assecondare queste minacce? Alcune risposte parziali dovrebbero emergere nella parte quarta del libro
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  • 2
    ISBN: 9788869236655
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: "Nato da un’originale indagine archivistica presso il Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Bologna, il volume ricostruisce i procedimenti disciplinari nei confronti dei professionisti del foro cittadino negli anni in cui il controllo sull’avvocatura fu esercitato dal Sindacato fascista. Emerge come i giudizi disciplinari pertinenti all’ambito politico rappresentino un numero esiguo, a testimonianza di come la maggioranza degli avvocati bolognesi manifestasse almeno formalmente una posizione allineata al Regime e di come l’eventuale lontananza di taluni dalla politica dello stato fascista non pregiudicò l’esercizio della loro professione. Alessia Legnani Annichini è professore associato in Storia del diritto medievale e moderno presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche dell’Università di Bologna (sede di Ravenna). Insegna Storia del diritto medievale e moderno e Diritto Comune nel corso di laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza nella sede di Bologna e Storia del diritto moderno e contemporaneo nella sede di Ravenna. Ha pubblicato i volumi La giustizia dei mercanti. L’Universitas mercatorum, campsorum et artificum di Bologna e i suoi statuti (2005), La Mercanzia di Bologna. Gli statuti del 1436 e le riformagioni quattrocentesche (2008) e «Proxeneta est in tractando». La professione ingrata del mediatore di commercio (secc. XII-XVI) (2013)."
    Note: Italian
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  • 3
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Bononia University Press
    ISBN: 9788869235689
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: "Tema antico e per molti aspetti tra i più suggestivi del diritto sindacale, la categoria ritorna periodicamente nel dibattito dottrinale e all’attenzione della giurisprudenza, specialmente nelle fasi in cui i processi di trasformazione delle relazioni industriali agiscono con maggiore incisività e rapidità. Lo studio muove da un orientamento consolidato da decenni nell’ordinamento giuridico, secondo il quale la definizione del campo di applicazione dei contratti collettivi è espressione diretta del principio di libertà sindacale, sancito dall’art. 39, comma 1°, della Costituzione. Su queste basi, il lavoro si articola in tre direzioni. In una prima prospettiva – interna alle relazioni industriali – si sofferma sul fenomeno della sovrapposizione tra gli ambiti di applicazione dei contratti collettivi e sui tentativi delle parti sociali di darvi risposta. Prendendo in considerazione l’ipotesi di un intervento legislativo sul sistema sindacale, si interroga su quale equilibrio tra libertà sindacale e certezza giuridica possa considerarsi adeguato, nella definizione delle categorie contrattuali. Infine, prospetta una soluzione a una questione discussa per anni dalla dottrina e dalla giurisprudenza: in presenza di una pluralità di contratti collettivi con ambito di applicazione sovrapposto, è possibile selezionarne uno soltanto, da utilizzare come parametro nei casi di rinvio dalla legge alla contrattazione collettiva? Giulio Centamore ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca nel 2015 presso l’Università di Bologna e da allora vi ha collaborato come assegnista di ricerca, tutor didattico e professore a contratto. Tra il 2018 e il 2019 ha collaborato altresì con l’Università di Urbino, nell’ambito di un progetto finanziato dalla Commissione Europea. È autore di note a sentenza, contributi in opere collettanee e saggi, pubblicati da alcune tra le riviste più prestigiose della materia. Ha conseguito nel 2011 il premio “Giorgio Ghezzi” istituito presso l’Università di Bologna per la migliore tesi di laurea in diritto del lavoro e nel 2016 il premio “Francesco Santoro Passarelli” istituito presso l’Associazione Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro e della Sicurezza Sociale per la migliore tesi di dottorato in diritto del lavoro."
    Note: Italian
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  • 4
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Bononia University Press
    ISBN: 9788869236617
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: "Il volume offre un’analisi storico-giuridica del suggestivo tema della follia lucida giuridicamente rilevante in criminalibus (malinconia criminale, monomania omicida, mania sistematica omicida) in un’ottica pluri-dimensionale che sottolinea l’incontro, nel XIX secolo, fra consolidati assetti normativi e irrompenti innovazioni scientifiche. Un secolo nel quale la prospettiva inedita della scienza psichiatrica relativamente alle ‘malattie della volontà’ influenzò ampiamente l’approccio della medicina legale ai vizi della mente, imponendo alla legislazione e alla dottrina penalistica ripensamenti e revisioni. Sonia Abis è dottoressa di ricerca in Scienze Giuridiche. Attualmente è assegnista di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche dell’Università di Bologna."
    Note: Italian
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  • 5
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Bononia University Press
    ISBN: 9788869236389
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: "Il ruolo cui sono chiama ...
    Note: Italian
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  • 6
    ISBN: 9788869236082
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Alphabet
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: "Nella lunga vita di molti contratti, possono verificarsi eventi imprevisti che incrinano l’equilibrio, soprattutto economico, delle reciproche prestazioni. Il discorso intorno al diritto-dovere di rinegoziare gli accordi esposti a sopravvenienze è ormai un tema classico del diritto civile, che rispunta ciclicamente in occasione di eventi di rilevanza mondiale capaci di compromettere la tenuta di innumerevoli contratti in corso. La pandemia di COVID-19 è solo l’ultimo esempio in ordine di tempo. Questa ricerca si propone di individuare il miglior approccio giuseconomico per affrontare il dilemma della rinegoziazione, in prospettiva strutturale, cercando di coniugare le soluzioni proposte dagli interpreti del diritto civile con i contributi di analisi economica del diritto, nella prospettiva della riforma del codice civile italiano e della progressiva armonizzazione del diritto privato europeo e internazionale. In questo percorso, l’individuazione di una regola di default stabile e duratura per un contesto mutevole e multiforme è forse la contraddizione in termini che più vale la pena affrontare. Matteo de Pamphilis, dopo la laurea in Giurisprudenza e il conseguimento del dottorato di ricerca in Diritto civile nell’Università di Bologna, collabora con la stessa Alma Mater come professore a contratto e tutor didattico in materie privatistiche. Negli ultimi anni è stato docente degli insegnamenti in lingua inglese Planning and public intervention in the lifestyle and health sector e Public and private action for the development of services nel corso di laurea magistrale in Wellness culture: sport, health and tourism. È socio aggregato dell’Associazione Civilisti Italiani e svolge la professione di avvocato nel Foro di Bologna, prevalentemente nel settore civile, commerciale e concorsuale."
    Note: Italian
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  • 7
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Bononia University Press
    ISBN: 9788869235979
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: "Il volume ha ad oggetto ...
    Note: Italian
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  • 8
    ISBN: 9788869235993
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: "Le ipotesi di responsabi ...
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  • 9
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Bononia University Press
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: "Lo studio è dedicato all ...
    Note: Italian
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  • 10
    ISBN: 9783944773278
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (408 p.)
    Series Statement: Global Perspectives on Legal History
    Keywords: Legal history ; European history ; Asian history ; 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 ; History: specific events & topics ; Constitution: government & the state
    Abstract: The three defeated Axis powers – Japan, Italy and Germany – incorporated a prohibition on wars of aggression into their democratic constitutions. This book covers the years of the Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials and the constituent assemblies of 1947– 49 through to current debates on the adaptation of the pacifi st articles in line with new “humanitarian” wars. Aspects relating to the birth of the three countries’ constitutions are treated in great detail in three appendices
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  • 11
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Frankfurt am Main : Max Planck Institute for European Legal History
    ISBN: 9783944773216 , 3944773217 , 3944773217 , 9783944773216
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Global perspectives on legal history volume 11
    DDC: 340.2
    Keywords: Comparative law ; Law History ; Comparative law ; Law ; Electronic books ; Law ; History ; Comparative law
    Note: Includes bibliographical references , In Italian with 3 articles in English and 2 in Spanish
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 12
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (500 p.)
    Series Statement: WRR Verkenningen
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: Law
    Abstract: De rechterlijke macht staat sterk in de maatschappelijke belangstelling en wordt herhaaldelijk uitgedaagd meer van 'zichzelf te laten zien'. Het publiek moet via live-beelden het doen en laten in de rechtszaal kunnen volgen, rechters hebben volgens de minister aan hun 'imago' te werken en de samenleving wenst inzicht in de kosten en baten van het 'product' geschilbeslechting. Er is, zowel binnen als buiten de rechtszaal, een roep om transparantie, in de zin van moderne varianten van de klassieke openbaarheid van rechtspraak. Centraal in deze verkenning staat de vraag in hoeverre de rechtspraak haar werkwijze en strategie moet aanpassen in het licht van deze ontwikkeling. Wat is, als het op transparantie aankomt, een gerechtvaardigde vraag vanuit de samenleving en waar begint een onwenselijke inmenging met de onafhankelijke positie van de rechterlijke macht? Tot op heden heeft dit instituut de kaarten in hoofdzaak ingezet op transparantie in de zin van meer zichtbaarheid en begrijpelijkheid. Het is de vraag of dat voldoende zal zijn. Deze verkenning beoogt vanuit een diversiteit aan invalshoeken en veel nieuw empirisch materiaal - burgers en rechters zelf aan het woord - een bijdrage te leveren aan dit vraagstuk
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 13
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Amsterdam University Press
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (66 p.)
    Series Statement: WRR Webpublicatie
    Keywords: Politics & government ; Law
    Abstract: Public administration; Law
    Abstract: Moeten vaker camera's worden toegelaten in de rechtszaal? Zou persoonlijke informatie over rechters, zoals lidmaatschap van een politieke partij, openbaar moeten worden gemaakt? Zouden rechters actiever stelling moeten nemen in het publieke debat? Is de stap naar een systeem van dissenting opinions wenselijk? De laatste jaren worden dit soort vragen veelvuldig opgeworpen. De rechtspraak moet immers transparanter, zo vinden velen. Burgers moeten beter kunnen zien en begrijpen wat zich in en om de rechtszaal afspeelt. Maar hoe ver moeten de luiken open en met welke middelen zou de rechtspraak dan moeten inzetten op transparantie? En: waar en waarom dienen grenzen aan meer openheid te worden gesteld? Oordelen rechters ander over transparantie, al naar gelang hun leeftijd of de sector waarin ze werkzaam zijn? Tot nu toe was nauwelijks bekend hoe de ruim tweeduizend rechters die Nederland telt over deze en andere vragen denken. Als onderdeel van een breder onderzoek heeft de WRR in de eerste helft van 2012 meer dan vierhonderd rechters uit alle sectoren van de rechtspraak geïnterviewd en geënquêteerd over allerhande kwesties in relatie tot transparantie. In dit boekje worden de resultaten van dit onderzoek gepresenteerd. Als er één ding duidelijk wordt, is het wel dat het onderwerp sterk onder rechters leeft. Een grote meerderheid van hen is voor méér transparantie. Daarbij maken ze nadrukkelijk een onderscheid tussen transparantie op het niveau van de individuele zaaksbehandeling en dat van het instituut rechtspraak. Als het gaat om de vraag hoe transparantie te organiseren, blijken de meningen overigens ook flink uiteen te lopen. Al met al geeft deze publicatie een rijk en gedetailleerd beeld van de overwegingen van rechters pro en contra meer transparantie
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  • 14
    ISBN: 9789089645463
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 electronic resource (500 p.)
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: De rechterlijke macht staat sterk in de maatschappelijke belangstelling en wordt herhaaldelijk uitgedaagd meer van 'zichzelf te laten zien'. Het publiek moet via live-beelden het doen en laten in de rechtszaal kunnen volgen, rechters hebben volgens de minister aan hun 'imago' te werken en de samenleving wenst inzicht in de kosten en baten van het 'product' geschilbeslechting. Er is kortom, zowel binnen als buiten de rechtszaal, een roep om transparantie, in de zin van moderne varianten van de klassieke openbaarheid van de rechtspraak. Centraal in deze verkenning staat de vraag in hoeverre de rechtspraak haar werkwijze en strategie moet aanpassen in het licht van deze ontwikkeling. Wat is, als het op transparantie aankomt, een gerechtvaardigde vraag vanuit de samenleving en waar begint een onwenselijke inmenging van de rechterlijke macht? Tot op heden heeft dit instituut de kaarten ingezet op transparantie in de zin van meer zichtbaarheid en begrijpelijkheid. Het is de vraag of dat voldoende zal zijn. Deze verkenning beoogt vanuit een diversiteit aan invalshoeken en veel nieuw empirisch materiaal - burgers en rechters komen zelf aan het woord - een bijdrage te leveren aan dit vraagstuk. In Speelruimte voor transparantere rechtspraak gaan auteurs als Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Willem Witteveen, Claes de Vreese, Maurice Adams, Corien Prins en vele andere auteurs in op thematiek van transparantie en rechtspraak
    Abstract: Political Science; Law
    Note: Dutch
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  • 15
    ISBN: 9782804449827
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: XXXVI, 670 S. , Ill.
    Keywords: Law ; Aufsatzsammlung ; Bibliografie ; Festschrift ; Recht ; Foqué, René 1946-
    Note: Met bibliogr., lit. opg , Beitr. teilw. engl., teilw. niederländ. , Beitr. teilw. niederländ., teilw. engl.
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  • 16
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Amsterdam University Press
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (ca. 384 p.)
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: Law
    Abstract: Dubbele nationaliteit is in Nederland de laatste jaren onderwerp van hevig debat. De Hart laat in deze historische en internationaal vergelijkende studie zien dat dergelijke debatten niet uniek zijn voor deze tijd, noch voor Nederland. Een analyse van politieke debatten in de Verenigde Staten, Duitsland en Nederland sinds 1945 leert dat er tegen een dubbele nationaliteit heel verschillend wordt aangekeken, afhankelijk van de context en de groep waarover gesproken wordt. De analyse wordt afgewisseld met interviews met immigranten, emigranten en leden van gemengde gezinnen over de soms zeer persoonlijke betekenis van dubbele nationaliteit. Aan bod komen onder meer discussies over dubbele nationaliteit van Japans-Amerikanen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog, van Nederlandse emigranten in Zuid-Afrika in de jaren tachtig, en van moslims in de war on terror na 11 september 2001
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 17
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Milano : Springer-Verlag Milan
    ISBN: 9788847013995 , 9788847013988
    Language: Italian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (digital)
    Series Statement: SpringerLink
    Series Statement: Bücher
    Parallel Title: Buchausg. u.d.T.
    Keywords: Software engineering ; Data protection ; Multimedia systems ; Computers Law and legislation ; Mass media Law and legislation ; Law ; Computers Law and legislation ; Data protection ; Law ; Mass media Law and legislation ; Multimedia systems ; Software engineering
    Abstract: Il volume ha a oggetto sia gli attuali criteri di distribuzione dei contenuti audiovisivi digitali sia gli emergenti problemi per gli utenti finali non pi semplici consumatori ma anche produttori di informazione. In particolare vengono analizzati gli effetti dei nuovi sistemi di gestione dei diritti di propriet intellettuale per l'accesso ai contenuti cercando di comprendere i meccanismi che hanno permesso ai processi di digitalizzazione di operare un cambio di rotta nelle modalit produttive, distributive e di fruizione dei diversi media. L'indagine propone inoltre le possibili strategie per risolvere o migliorare i fenomeni degenerativi legati alla pervasivit della tecnologia come strumento di controllo sociale prendendo in considerazione una revisione della normativa e una serie di misure a tutela degli utenti.
    Note: Includes bibliographical references
    URL: Volltext  (lizenzpflichtig)
    URL: Cover
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  • 18
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Amsterdam University Press
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (258 p.)
    Series Statement: Amsterdam Academic Archive
    Keywords: History ; Philosophy ; Society & culture: general ; Sociology & anthropology ; Politics & government ; Law
    Abstract: What is it that really binds Dutch people together? That's the central question of many public debates.This study focuses on the the role of victimhood on our concept of society. Drawing on the works of the American philosopher Richard Rorty, the author discusses morality, criminality, religion, sexual abuse and legalisation of prostituiton
    Abstract: Wat bindt ons Nederlanders eigenlijk nog? Dat is de centrale vraag waar veel maatschappelijke debatten op uitlopen. In een ontzuilde tijd lijkt publieke moraal een individuele aangelegenheid te zijn. We vinden eerder overeenstemming in wat we afwijzen: wreeedheid, vernedering of discriminatie: slachtofferschap. Dat verklaart de belanstelling voor het slachtoffer in het strafrecht of de aandacht voor misbruikte kinderen. Dit spraakmakende boek is inmiddels jaren uitverkocht en wordt nu opnieuw uitgegeven. Paul Schnabel schreef destijds in NRC Handelsblad over 'een lichtgevend proefschrift [...] een fysieke ervaring om te lezen'. Het'Amsterdam Academic Archive is een initiatief van Amsterdam University Press. In de serie verschijnen (populair-)wetenschappelijke publicaties die niet meer leverbaar zijn, maar waarnaar nog wel vraag is in binnen- en buitenland
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 19
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Firenze : Firenze Univ. Press
    ISBN: 9788884538826
    Language: Italian
    Pages: x, 442 p.
    Series Statement: Biblioteca di storia 6
    Keywords: Medieval history ; Konferenzschrift ; Stadt ; Unruhen ; Geschichte 1200-1400
    Abstract: The book contains the proceedings of the international conference held in Florence in the spring of 2005. It addresses the subject of the urban and rural revolts of the 14th century, which had recently undergone a period of neglect following the enormous popularity it enjoyed during the 1960s and 70s in the wake of the tormented events of those decades. The sixteen essays comprised in the book, contributed by specialists from five different European countries, develop three different forms of analysis constructed within the timeframe of a broadly-conceived fourteenth century, based on a consolidated and shared chronology, extending from the last decades of the thirteenth up to the early decades of the fifteenth
    Note: Texts in French or Italian , Cont. bibl. refs., notes, name and place index (p. 421- 442) , Proceedings, Florence, 2006 , Italian
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  • 20
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Bologna : Bononia University Press
    ISBN: 9788873952527 , 9788869238956
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: L’eccessiva durata dei procedimenti giurisdizionali è problema ampiamente noto all’interno degli ordinamenti giuridici contemporanei, così come è noto il livello di insoddisfazione del cittadino, la cui richiesta di tutela ottiene spesso risposta tardiva. Per far fronte a questa distorsione in termini di garanzia ed attuazione del diritto, molti ordinamenti hanno cominciato a sperimentare tecniche di tutela diverse o alternative rispetto a quella di matrice giudiziaria. Il volume, attraverso lo studio di tali tecniche comunemente definite di ADR (alternative dispute resolution, in particolare conciliazione e arbitrato) ricostruisce i principi generali della risoluzione alternativa delle controversie e, analizzando alcuni istituti tradizionali del diritto amministrativo, ad essa riconduce la nozione stessa di amministrazione giustiziale, ridefinendone le caratteristiche ed i confini
    Note: Italian
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  • 21
    ISBN: 9788873952688 , 9788869238963
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: Attraverso l’analisi critica e dialettica del dibattito costituzionale più recente in tema di orientamento sessuale, l’autore analizza i principi ritenuti fondamentali per la costruzione di una società democratica e aperta a stili di vita differenti. Egli dimostra come le argomentazioni legali siano pesantemente condizionate dalla pressione di tabù sessuali, di paradigmi culturali sessisti, di tradizioni radicate che assurgono al ruolo di veri e propri miti sociali. Da più parti continuano infatti a sostenersi visioni discriminatorie (socialmente costruite) soprattutto in tema di rapporti sessuali consentiti, famiglia, matrimonio, filiazione, e spesso ci è possibile grazie all'utilizzo di contestate – e pur tuttavia diffuse – prassi d’interpretazione costituzionale che, secondo logiche solo in apparenza coerenti e razionali, considerano la tradizione o la storia come parametro normativo ultimo di definizione dei limiti dei diritti fondamentali e/o dell’ammissibilità di nuovi diritti, così ostacolando l’emersione di un vero e proprio diritto fondamentale al libero orientamento sessuale. L’obiettivo della ricerca è duplice e circolare: da un lato si vuole offrire un fondamento logico, razionale e convincente capace di giustificare le politiche pubbliche e costituzionali che salvaguardano le minoranze sessuali stigmatizzate e storicamente discriminate. Dall'altro si vuole dimostrare come le valutazioni interpretative e il diritto delle società aperte al nuovo e al diverso influenzino le credenze di persone appartenenti a culture chiuse e tradizionaliste in merito agli orientamenti sessuali considerati come anormali, o immorali, o comunque devianti, affinché i loro rispettivi sistemi possano sostenere, anche emotivamente, la ragionevolezza e desiderabilità del cambiamento politico e costituzionale. Un processo duplice e circolare, dunque, che gradatamente anela all'affermazione di un paradigma normativo "sessualmente" decostruito e garantista per tutti
    Note: Italian
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  • 22
    ISBN: 9788873952435 , 9788869238932
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: Le ipotesi speciali di confisca si contraddistinguono nel sistema penale per l’allontanamento dal modello della misura di sicurezza patrimoniale ex art. 240 c.p. e per le peculiarità comuni alla loro disciplina (obbligatorietà, anche in caso di applicazione della pena su richiesta delle parti; estensione della ablazione al valore equivalente). La misura di prevenzione patrimoniale (artt. 2 ter ss. l.n. 575/1965) e la confisca ex art. 12 sexies l.n. 356/1992 in primis, ma soprattutto la disciplina penale societaria e la legislazione relativa alla responsabilità "da reato" degli enti, testimoniano della tendenziale rinuncia del legislatore alla confisca dei beni "pertinenti" al reato a favore della re-introduzione di figure lato sensu di "confisca generale", che registrano nei fatti una significativa compressione dei diritti non solo dell’interessato, ma – nonostante il tenore delle norme – anche del "terzo" individuato, a seconda dei casi, nella "persona estranea al reato", nella "persona offesa", nel "danneggiato", nel "terzo di buona fede"). Lungo tale direttrice, evidente nell’ambito delle strategie di contrasto alla c.d. criminalità economica e condivisa dalla normativa europea e sovranazionale, l’ablazione patrimoniale è divenuta sanzione a pieno titolo: talora "pena principale" (art. 19, D.lgs. n. 231/2001), più spesso "pena accessoria", addirittura anticipata alla fase delle indagini preliminari attraverso lo strumento del sequestro preventivo finalizzato alla confisca (art. 321, comma 2 c.p.p.; art. 53 D.lgs. n. 231/2001). Dalle premesse poste scaturisce l’esigenza di una rinnovata attenzione verso le guarentigie costituzionali, che in ordinamenti come quello della Repubblica Federale Tedesca sono state invocate dal "Giudice delle Leggi" (Bundesverfassungsgericht) in funzione di garanzia dei diritti fondamentali dei singoli
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  • 23
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Bologna : Bononia University Press
    ISBN: 9788873952497 , 9788869238949
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: L’entità e la frequenza delle riforme penali degli ultimi due decenni hanno portato alla ribalta del dibattito penalistico il tema della persistenza della funzione incriminatrice della fattispecie penale oggetto di modifica. Se e come un soggetto, che ha commesso un fatto di reato sotto la vigenza di una fattispecie poi riformulata, possa essere punito ai sensi della norma successiva è questione che ha impegnato dottrina e giurisprudenza in un serrato confronto volto a individuare le condizioni della continua punibilità. L’autore ricostruisce il tema dell’"inerzia" della funzione incriminatrice della fattispecie percorrendo i sentieri italiani e tedeschi del dibattito. Facendo riferimento alle teorie gradualistiche del reato e alla forma tipologica della fattispecie penale, approfondisce i rapporti tra fattispecie astratta e fatto storico, rapporti che disegnano lo scenario dentro il quale egli muove il tentativo di un fondamento epistemologico del concetto di sottofattispecie penale
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  • 24
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    Firenze : Firenze University Press
    ISBN: 9788884535634 , 9788884535641
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 206 p.
    Series Statement: Luoghi e paesaggi / Dottorato di ricerca in progettazione paesistica, Università degli studi di Firenze 2
    Keywords: Landscape art & architecture ; Konferenzschrift
    Abstract: Over the last few years the landscape debate has taken a new turn, shifting from concerns of conservation and protection towards the search for methods of intervention and regulations that consent a development of the territory compatible with the mutation of collective requirements. This is based on a recognition of the intrinsically dynamic nature of the landscape, conceived both in its matter and in its essence as a social construct. This shift has been sanctioned by the European Landscape Convention, which includes among the objectives of landscape policy the creation of new landscapes "to satisfy the aspirations of the population involved". This book focuses on the investigation of the conditions of the context that make innovation more or less appropriate. This is assessed as a design approach (and hence no distinction will be made between design action and planning action) that addresses the "rules" dictated by what already exists. The social recognition of their value defines the "degree of freedom" of the invention. At times the rule is the very object of the project, that is the intervention is demanded precisely to conserve or valorise a landscape that is considered of exceptional value (as in the case of protected landscapes). In other cases it is a question of implementing projects with different objectives, while respecting the rules of the landscape context. Frequently the landscape does not feature a single, unequivocal and legible system of rules, but a stratification that may be incomplete, fragmentary or conflicting: the project may then attempt to knit these up, and this mechanism may trigger its added value. There are also cases in which the rule is too weak to support a revival, or is "banal", in short can be considered worth "sacrificing" to the introduction of a new system of values. Taken as a whole, the essays explore cases of landscape design, from planning to the art of the garden, identifying the appropriateness of the innovation in terms of an awareness of the rules and the intentional affirmation and expression of self. The articles contained in the book were composed specifically for the International Convention on "Innovation and Rules in Landscape Design" held in Florence on 22 and 23 November 2002, organised by the Research Doctorate in Landscape Design of the University of Florence
    Note: Papers presented to the congress, Florence, 2002 , Italian
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  • 25
    ISBN: 9788884534378
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Dottorato di ricerca in storia medievale 2
    Series Statement: Collana digitale
    Keywords: Asian history ; Mongolen ; Kaukasusländer ; Geschichte 1204-1295 ; Kaukasusländer ; Sozialer Wandel ; Geschichte 1204-1295
    Abstract: This book is the attempt to bring - through the study of the written sources - one of the many faces of the complex Mongol history to its historical dimension. It concentrates on the Mongol dominion in Caucasia, considered as the area that goes from the Azov Sea down to modern Georgia. The period of the Mongol dominion was not the unique occasion during which sedentaries cultures and nomad civilizations came to interact; but it was only after this event that Caucasia underwent a coherent power of a united political system which enclosed in itself the character of both the social models. The genesis of this process and its results are the main object of this book
    Note: All rights reserved , Italian
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  • 26
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    Firenze : Firenze Univ. Press
    ISBN: 9788884536839
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 327 S.
    Series Statement: Reti medievali 7
    Series Statement: E-book . Quaderni
    Keywords: Rossi family History ; Congresses ; Nobility Italy ; Parma ; History ; Congresses ; Regional & national history ; Medieval history ; Parma (Italy) History ; Congresses ; Konferenzschrift ; Aufsatzsammlung ; Rossi Familie : 13. Jh.-1825 : Provinz Parma ; Geschichte 1400-1600
    Abstract: This volume is devoted to one of the major aristocratic lineages of northern Italy in the later middle ages. The Rossi, whose political and social eminence dates back to the communal age, built in the Parmense a powerful lordship, based both on their estates and fortresses and on a vast patronage network spread over the territory and in the town: and the power of the family, though diminished after the crisis in the relations with the Sforza in 1482, was restored on partially different foundations during the Italian Wars. The essays collected in this book explore the complexity of the Rossi "little seignorial state", focusing on its internal constitution, on its exterior relations and on its artistic and cultural features between the mid-fourteenth and the early sixteenth century
    Note: Parma (Emilia Romagna) , Contains bibliographical references, notes, name and place index , Proceedings, Milan, 2004 , Italian
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  • 27
    ISBN: 9788884535504
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 217 p.
    Series Statement: Luoghi e paesaggi 3
    Keywords: Riparian areas Management ; Congresses ; Riparian ecology Italy ; Congresses ; Landscape art & architecture ; Konferenzschrift
    Abstract: On 10 and 11 May 2006 the international conference on the theme “River, landscape and land conservation. Overcoming emergencies and grasping opportunities” was held in the main lecture hall of Florence University. The initiative was promoted and organised by the PhD course in Landscape Design – Professor Giulio G. Rizzo, Dr. Michele Ercolini – and by the Master degree course in Landscaping – Professor Guido Ferrara – of the University of Florence. The majority of the addresses presented during the two days of work, and included in this book, were characterised by the cultural and scientific input of the initiative, in other words the attempt to transform a “system of demands” (namely the requirements of land conservation) into a “system of opportunities” for the design of new landscapes
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  • 28
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Bologna : Bononia University Press
    ISBN: 9788869238901 , 9788873951704
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: Dal 1865 in avanti, e limitandosi ai soli aspetti macroscopici, era mutata, anche in profili essenziali, la disciplina del processo di cognizione, il legislatore era intervenuto sul regime delle preclusioni e sul giudizio di appello, aveva introdotto il rito laburistico, modificato la disciplina dell’arbitrato, escogitato provvedimenti anticipatori per far fronte alla crisi determinata dai tempi lunghi della giustizia; sì, a dire il vero era intervenuto anche in materia di tutela cautelare, introducendo il rito uniforme, ma la strumentalità e la provvisorietà non erano state sfiorate. Per questa ragione, la primissima lettura del d.lgs. n. 5 del 2003 in tema di processo societario, nella parte in cui si occupa in specie di provvedimenti cautelari, particolarmente ante causam, mi fece riflettere. Non si poteva non riconoscere che il cambiamento era significativo, forse epocale, che lo sganciamento" o "allentamento" o l’"attenuazione" del nesso di strumentalità cautelare, che fa il suo ingresso nel nostro ordinamento proprio attraverso quel decreto, era una novità significativa, che scalfiva una piccola certezza e meritava un approfondimento. L’esigenza di una riflessione, poi, è stata evidentemente accresciuta dagli ulteriori cambiamenti attuati dal d. l. n. 35 del 14 marzo 2005, convertito con modifiche dalla l. n. 80 del 14 maggio 2005"
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  • 29
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Bologna : Bononia University Press
    ISBN: 9788873952176 , 9788869238925
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: Tra i paesi che consentono il ricorso all’eutanasia, la Svizzera presenta elementi peculiari e caratteristici. Il suo codice penale punisce, ancora oggi, sia l’aiuto al suicidio sia l’omicidio su richiesta. Non viene punito chi ha provocato la morte di un altro senza motivi egoistici o di interesse, affidando in questo modo la gestione delle attività di fine vita all’autotutela. Questo volume, facendo ricorso alle categorie del pluralismo ideologico e normativo, ricostruisce le basi teoriche, giuridiche e filosofiche, del modo di operare dell’ordinamento svizzero, dando conto delle recenti modifiche della Costituzione e inquadrando le pratiche di fine vita nel contesto del sistema sanitario elvetico. L’autrice ricostruisce con puntigliosa attenzione le disposizioni emanate dall’Accademia Svizzera delle Scienze Mediche (ASSM) in materia di cure palliative e di ricorso alle pratiche eutanasiche e analizza le disposizioni che regolano il testamento di fine vita e il ruolo del diritto tutorio, i riflessi del ricorso alle pratiche eutanasiche in rapporto alla stipula delle assicurazioni sulla vita e la funzione di associazioni di sostegno al suicidio assistito, quali Exit e Dignitas. Introduzione di Marco Ventura
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  • 30
    ISBN: 9788873951926 , 9788869238918
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: L’oralità e il formalismo sono aspetti predominanti nella vita socio-economica e giuridica delle civiltà antiche. Il ricorso a riti orali più o meno complessi e a comportamenti formalisticamente preordinati e programmati caratterizza anche la società romana. Ciò non significa, però, che l’uso della scrittura non fosse diffuso. Se ne sentiva, infatti, la necessità per esigenze connesse alla vita pubblica: ad esempio per l’esigenza di dare a tutti i consociati la possibilità di conoscere quanto fosse stato deliberato publice e di conservare per gli interessati il ricordo, sia di quelle convenzioni che fossero intervenute con popoli stranieri e per le quali si era ricorso alla redazione per iscritto, sia degli atti emanati dagli organi di governo. La definizione di Svetonio della scrittura quale "pulcherrimum ac vestustissimum" strumento al servizio del potere (instrumentum imperii) se, da un lato, ne esalta la funzione, dall’altro sembra circoscriverne l’utilizzo in un ambito esclusivamente pubblico
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  • 31
    ISBN: 8884534046 , 8884534054 , 9788884534057
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Università degli Studi 〈Firenze〉: Università degli Studi di Firenze - 80o anniversario 7
    Keywords: Politics & government ; Central government policies ; Konferenzschrift ; Italien ; Repräsentative Demokratie
    Abstract: The book presents the proceedings of the conference held in the Aula Magna of the University of Florence on 28 and 29 October 2004. The objective of the conference was to study, through a multidisciplinary approach, the question of government and representation at local, national and European level. Among the central issues addressed during the meeting were models of representation, the links between representation and civil society and the functions of the representative organs
    Note: Also cont. 1 text in Spanish , Contains bibl. references and notes , Italian
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  • 32
    ISBN: 8884534623 , 9788884534620
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Atti 25
    Keywords: Library administration Italy ; Congresses ; Library information networks Italy ; Congresses ; Library science Technological innovations ; Italy ; Congresses ; Library, archive & information management ; IT, Internet & electronic resources in libraries ; Konferenzschrift ; Hybridbibliothek ; Bestandsaufbau
    Abstract: This volume contains the proceedings of the Conference on the Management of collections and co-operation in the hybrid library, which was organised in Florence on 13 October 2005 by the Italian Libraries Association (Tuscan Section and University and Research Committee). The contributions are dedicated in particular to grasping the opportunities and adaptations generated by Internet and the possibility of disseminating electronic documents, both in the development of the collections and the planning of services and in the study of new forms of communication between institutions
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  • 33
    ISBN: 8884532914 , 8884532922 , 9788884532923
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Ricerche e materiali del Vicino Oriente antico 3
    Keywords: Asian history ; Archaeology ; Tall Barrī ; Ausgrabung ; Geschichte 2002 ; Funde
    Abstract: In the undulating plains of north-eastern Syria is the site of Tell Barri, identified with the city of Kahat. The archaeological sequence which has been brought to light stretches without interruption from the start of the third millennium up to the fourteenth century AD. This report records the results of the eighteenth excavation campaign, carried out by the group from the University of Florence and from the "Federico II" University of Naples. In Area G, the excavation of the chapel dating to the third millennium proceeded, bringing to light a palatine building that can be attributed to the Mid Assyrian King Adad-Nirari I. In Areas A and J, the Parthian, Hellenistic and Achemenidian layers were excavated up to the level of the Neo-Babylonian reoccupation of the Assyrian palace of Tukulti-Ninurta II. As regards the Parthian phase, investigation has proceeded on the Great Defensive Wall and on the large edifice in the lower city. The text, delivered for printing in July 2005, was published following the tragic death of Paolo Emilio Pecorella, which took place on 29 August in Tell Barri, in the course of the excavation campaign
    Note: Zsfassung in engl. Sprache , Italian
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  • 34
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    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Firenze University Press
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: 9623f264-5037-4d8c-b9e1-5bcee188867e
    Keywords: Asian history ; Archaeology
    Abstract: In the undulating plains of north-eastern Syria is the site of Tell Barri, identified with the city of Kahat. The archaeological sequence which has been brought to light stretches without interruption from the start of the third millennium up to the fourteenth century AD. This report records the results of the eighteenth excavation campaign, carried out by the group from the University of Florence and from the "Federico II" University of Naples. In Area G, the excavation of the chapel dating to the third millennium proceeded, bringing to light a palatine building that can be attributed to the Mid Assyrian King Adad-Nirari I. In Areas A and J, the Parthian, Hellenistic and Achemenidian layers were excavated up to the level of the Neo-Babylonian reoccupation of the Assyrian palace of Tukulti-Ninurta II. As regards the Parthian phase, investigation has proceeded on the Great Defensive Wall and on the large edifice in the lower city. The text, delivered for printing in July 2005, was published following the tragic death of Paolo Emilio Pecorella, which took place on 29 August in Tell Barri, in the course of the excavation campaign
    Abstract: Nelle ondulate pianure della Siria nord-orientale si trova il sito di Tell Barri, identificato con la città di Kahat. La sequenza archeologica portata alla luce va dall'inizio del III millennio sino al XIV secolo d.C, senza soluzione di continuità. La presente relazione dà ragione dei risultati della diciottesima campagna di scavo ad opera del gruppo dell'Università di Firenze e dell'Università 'Federico II' di Napoli. Nell'Area G è proseguito lo scavo del sacello del III millennio e si è messo in luce un edificio palatino attribuibile al re medio assiro Adad-Nirari I; nelle Aree A e J sono stati scavati gli strati partici, ellenistici ed achemenidi, sino al livello della rioccupazione neobabilonese del palazzo assiro di Tukulti-Ninurta II. Per la fase partica è proseguita l'indagine sia del Grande Muro di Difesa sia del grande edificio della città bassa. Il testo, consegnato per la stampa a luglio del 2005, vede la luce dopo la tragica scomparsa di Paolo Emilio Pecorella, avvenuta il 29 agosto a Tell Barri, nel corso della campagna di scavo
    Note: Italian
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  • 35
    ISBN: 9789053569054
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 electronic resource (390 p.)
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: Law
    Note: All rights reserved
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  • 36
    ISBN: 8884533589 , 8884533597 , 9788884533593
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Università degli Studi di Firenze - 80o anniversario 5
    Keywords: Social & cultural history ; Konferenzschrift ; Università degli Studi di Firenze ; Geschichte
    Abstract: This book contains the proceedings of the conference held on 11 and 12 October 2004 in the Aula Magna of the University of Florence, in collaboration with the Fondazione Spadolini. The aim of the conference was to delineate the profiles of a series of emblematic figures, representative of the presence and activities of illustrious teachers from the University of Florence in local and national institutions and in civil society. The proceedings are conceived to act as permanent evidence of the close links between the University and the Institutions and of the major impact of the work of so many lecturers from the University of Florence in the recent history of Italian institutions
    Note: Copyright FUP , Italian
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  • 37
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Amsterdam University Press
    ISBN: 9789053567333
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (208 p.)
    Keywords: Film, TV & radio ; Society & culture: general ; Politics & government ; Economics, finance, business & management ; Law
    Abstract: Traditionally, the Netherlands has enjoyed being a test market for many ideas in the media. But over the last decade, progress has been severely hampered by lengthy discussions on the future structure of just one sector of media, namely public broadcasting via radio and television. The narrow approach results in a lot of paper, speeches and theories, but little in the way of definitive policy making. In a report to the government, published in February 2005, the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) argued for very different approaches to policy making. The recommendations are not only much broader than "broadcasting"; they tackle the challenges of making robust policy from new angles. Instead of trying to repair the old compass, the approach has been to find new instruments to help policymakers navigate the stormy and often confusing waters ahead. Perhaps the problem in the Netherlands is not accepting the new media, but rather accepting that the role "old" media has undergone a paradigm shift. Since the bulk of the WRR findings were published in the Dutch language, this summary is intended to provide readers outside the Netherlands with an insight into the issues at stake - and the solutions suggested by the WRR. Also available in English: ""〉Media Policy for the Digital Age
    Abstract: Voor een gezonde democratie is een gevarieerd en toegankelijk media-aanbod van groot belang. Radio, televisie, kranten en tijdschriften spelen immers een belangrijke rol in de maatschappelijke informatievoorziening, het publieke debat, de cultuur, de vrijetijdsbesteding en de ontspanning. Het mediabeleid van de regering is er daarom op gericht een veelzijdig, kwalitatief hoogwaardig en onafhankelijk media-aanbod te garanderen, dat toegankelijk is voor alle bevolkingsgroepen waar ook in het land. De laatste jaren is het medialandschap echter sterk aan het veranderen: het internet rukt op, het onderscheid tussen verschillende media vervaagt en de consument bepaalt zijn keuze op een levendige market van vele verschillende aanbieders. in Focus op functies brengt de WRR advies uit aan de regering om daarmee de doelstellingen van het mediabeleid op een toekomstbestendige wijze op een lijn te brengen met de (verwachte) veranderingen in het medialandschap. In het slothoofdstuk wordt dieper ingegaan op de rol van de publieke omroep daarin. Dit rapport verschijnt ook in het Engels: ""〉Media Policy for the Digital Age. Tegelijkertijd met het rapport is "./do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789053567340"〉Trends in het medialandschap. Vier verkenningen verschenen waarin de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen voor de toekomst van het medialandschap in vier deelterreinen (economie, techniek, recht en sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen) worden beschreven
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 38
    ISBN: 8884533627 , 8884533635 , 9788884533630
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Università degli Studi 〈Firenze〉: Università degli Studi di Firenze - 80o anniversario 6
    Keywords: Development studies ; Universities ; Konferenzschrift
    Abstract: This book presents the proceedings of the conference held on 12 March 2004 at the "Il Momento" theatre in Empoli. The aim of the conference was to explore the significant aspects of the presence of the University of Florence in the Empoli-Valdelsa area, involving the Faculties of Agriculture, Architecture, Economics, Engineering, Medical Surgery and Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences. This presence is a response to the plan for a progressive consolidation of the University in the Florentine metropolitan vast area, in line with functional settlement logic and integrally connected with the specific economic and social demands of the territory
    Note: Contains bibliographical references and notes , Proceedings , Italian
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  • 39
    ISBN: 888453254X , 8884532558 , 9788884532558
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 263 S.
    Series Statement: Quaderni di Reti medievali rivista 1
    Keywords: Medieval history ; Konferenzschrift ; Oberitalien ; Herrschaft ; Feudalismus ; Geschichte 1300-1500
    Abstract: This volume contains the proceedings of the study convention held in Milan on 11 and 12 April 2003. The objective of these study days was to address the question of the powers of lordship which were exercised in the countryside of central-northern Italy between the mid fourteenth century and the end of the fifteenth century. The discussions focused on what instruments and what foundations of legitimacy these same powers had and what was their relationship with the authority of the prince and with the ordinary citizen, on the one hand, and with the community and the homines on the other. These and various other issues thrown up by the study of feudal power are the topics which emerge in the various contributions gathered in this volume, devoted principally to the Lombardy of the Visconti and the Sforza, but also to other areas of Italy
    Note: Contains bibl. refs., notes , Italian
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  • 40
    ISBN: 8884533031 , 9788884533036
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Keywords: Political science History ; Congresses ; Space and time Congresses ; Politics & government ; Konferenzschrift
    Abstract: This volume represents the third publication in the series devoted to the theme "Figures in space, politics and society", promoted by a specific interdisciplinary study group, and is the result of the study day held in Florence in December 2003. The objective here is to set up comparisons with the suggestions thrown up by historical and literary evidence pertinent to the numerous modes of imagining space with reference to the political and social spheres. A series of extracts from sources collateral to the classical political panorama highlights the fertility of the line of research and the efficacy of the interdisciplinary approach adopted
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  • 41
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Firenze University Press
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: a3e8fbf2-3a0c-4b2b-801e-95e42774c172
    Keywords: Asian history ; Archaeology
    Abstract: In the undulating plains of north-eastern Syria is the site of Tell Barri, identified with the city of Kahat. The archaeological sequence which has been brought to light stretches without interruption from the start of the third millennium up to the fourteenth century AD. This report records the results of the seventeenth excavation campaign, carried out by the group from the University of Florence and from the “Federico II” University of Naples. Layers from the end of the third millennium have been brought to light, the passage between the Mid- and Neo-Assyrian periods. In the palace of Tukulti-Ninurta II the reception hall was discovered. For the later periods, investigation has proceeded on the Great Defensive Wall of Parthian age, and on the large edifice in the lower city
    Abstract: Nelle ondulate pianure della Siria nord-orientale si trova il sito di Tell Barri, identificato con la città di Kahat. La sequenza archeologica portata alla luce va dall'inizio del III millennio sino al XIV secolo d.C., senza soluzione di continuità. La presente relazione dà ragione dei risultati della diciassettesima campagna ad opera del gruppo dell'Università di Firenze e dell'Università 'Federico Il' di Napoli. Sono stati messi in luce strati della fine del III millennio, il passaggio tra periodo medio e neoassiro. Nel palazzo di Tukulti-Ninurta II è stata scoperta la sala di rappresentanza. Per i periodi tardi è proseguita l'indagine del Grande Muro di Difesa d'età partica e del grande edificio nella città bassa
    Note: Italian
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  • 42
    ISBN: 888453139X , 9788884531391
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 177 p.
    Series Statement: Ricerche e materiali del Vicino Oriente antico 2
    Keywords: Excavations (Archaeology) Syria ; Barri, Tell ; Asian history ; Archaeology ; Barri, Tell (Syria) ; Syria Antiquities ; Tall Barrī ; Vor- und Frühgeschichte ; Ausgrabung ; Geschichte 2001
    Abstract: In the undulating plains of north-eastern Syria is the site of Tell Barri, identified with the city of Kahat. The archaeological sequence which has been brought to light stretches without interruption from the start of the third millennium up to the fourteenth century AD. This report records the results of the seventeenth excavation campaign, carried out by the group from the University of Florence and from the “Federico II” University of Naples. Layers from the end of the third millennium have been brought to light, the passage between the Mid- and Neo-Assyrian periods. In the palace of Tukulti-Ninurta II the reception hall was discovered. For the later periods, investigation has proceeded on the Great Defensive Wall of Parthian age, and on the large edifice in the lower city
    Note: , Italian
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  • 43
    ISBN: 888453240X , 9788884532404
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Keywords: Political science Philosophy ; Congresses ; Space and time Congresses ; Politics & government ; Konferenzschrift
    Abstract: This book on Metafore dello spazio, which follows the first dealing with La politica e gli spazi politici, is part of a series designed to illustrate the results of an interdisciplinary study group, fostered by Lea Campos Boralevi, Vittore Collina and Bruna Consarelli, lecturers in the history of political theory, entitled Figure dello spazio, politica e società, and aimed at exploring the major political and social issues of the modern and contemporary age from the aspect of spaces and their production
    Note: Contains bibliographical references, notes and name index , Proceedings , Italian
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  • 44
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Amsterdam University Press
    ISBN: 9789053566473
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (464 p.)
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: Law
    Abstract: Het proces van rechtsverandering met betrekking tot euthanasie in Nederland is langdurig en buitengewoon complex geweest. In een tijdspanne van meer dan dertig jaar zijn rechtsnormen ontwikkeld die in 2001 vastgelegd zijn in een wet. Deze rechtsnormen zijn ontstaan in een wisselwerking tussen verschillende groepen zoals artsen (en met name hun beroepsgroep de Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering der Geneeskunst), belangenbehartigers van patiënten (met name de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vrijwillige Euthanasie en gezondheidsrechtsgeleerden), adviesorganen, de rechterlijke macht, en ook de Geneeskundige Inspectie voor de Volksgezondheid en de medische tuchtcolleges), verschillende politieke organen en instituties en allerlei individuen die zich al dan niet beroepsmatig in het debat over euthanasie hebben gemengd. In Euthanasie: het proces van rechtsverandering wordt dit complexe proces ontrafeld en gedetailleerd beschreven
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 45
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Firenze University Press
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: 9623f264-5037-4d8c-b9e1-5bcee188867e
    Keywords: Asian history ; Archaeology
    Abstract: In the plains of north-eastern Syria, not far from the course of the Tigris, is the site of Tell Barri, identified with the city of Kahat, a centre famous in the course of the second millennium for the presence of the temple of the god of the storm and for the palace of Tukulti-Ninurta II, an Assyrian sovereign of the ninth century BC. The archaeological sequence which has been brought to light stretches from the start of the third millennium up to the fourteenth century AD. From the Sumerian, Accadian, Paleo-Babylonian and Assyrian evidence through to the Achemenidian, Hellenistic, Parthian, Sassanid-Byzantine and finally mediaeval occupation. The book illustrates the results of the seventeenth excavation campaign, carried out by the group from the University of Florence and from the “Federico II” University of Naples
    Abstract: Nelle pianure della Siria nord-occidentale, non lontano dal corso del Tigri, si trova il sito di Tell Barri, identificato con la città di Kahat, centro noto nel corso del II millennio per la presenza del tempio del dio della tempesta e per il palazzo di Tukulti-Ninurta II, sovrano assiro del IX secolo a.C. La sequenza archeologica portata alla luce va dall'inizio del III millennio sino al XIV secolo d.C. Dalle testimonianze sumeriche, accadiche, paleobabilonesi, assire fino all'occupazione achemenide, ellenistica, partica, sasanide-bizantina ed infine medioevale. Il volume illustra i risultati dello scavo della diciassettesima campagna condotta dall'Università di Firenze e dall'Università "Federico II" di Napoli
    Note: Italian
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  • 46
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Firenze : Firenze university press
    Language: Italian
    Pages: Online-Ressource (151 p)
    Edition: Online-Ausg. Fiesole Casalini Libre 2004 Editoria Italiana Online
    Series Statement: Ricerche e materiali del Vicino Oriente antico 1
    Keywords: Excavations (Archaeology) ; Asian history ; Archaeology ; Barri, Tell (Syria)
    Abstract: In the plains of north-eastern Syria, not far from the course of the Tigris, is the site of Tell Barri, identified with the city of Kahat, a centre famous in the course of the second millennium for the presence of the temple of the god of the storm and for the palace of Tukulti-Ninurta II, an Assyrian sovereign of the ninth century BC. The archaeological sequence which has been brought to light stretches from the start of the third millennium up to the fourteenth century AD. From the Sumerian, Accadian, Paleo-Babylonian and Assyrian evidence through to the Achemenidian, Hellenistic, Parthian, Sassanid-Byzantine and finally mediaeval occupation. The book illustrates the results of the seventeenth excavation campaign, carried out by the group from the University of Florence and from the “Federico II” University of Naples
    Note: At head of title: Università degli studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di scienze dell'antichità , On t.p.: Missione archeologica italiana a Tell Barri (Siria) , The ISBN on back cover, 88-9453-097-6, is incorrect , Italian
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  • 47
    ISBN: 8884531578
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Keywords: Political science History ; Congresses ; Space and time Congresses ; Politics & government ; Konferenzschrift ; Politische Theorie
    Abstract: This notebook is the fourth in the series designed to illustrate the results of an interdisciplinary study group, fostered by Lea Campos Boralevi, Vittore Collina and Bruna Consarelli, lecturers in the history of political theory, entitled Figure dello spazio, politica e società, and aimed at exploring the major political and social issues of the modern and contemporary age from the aspect of spaces and their production. The contributions presented in this book address issues connected with the role and impact of technology
    Note: Texts in English or Italian , Proceedings , Contains bibl. references, notes and name index , Italian
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  • 48
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Firenze : Firenze university press | Roma : Associazione italiana biblioteche
    ISBN: 888453111X , 9788884531117
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Keywords: Authority files (Information retrieval) Congresses ; Library & information sciences ; Library, archive & information management ; Konferenzschrift ; Katalogisierung ; Kongress
    Abstract: The proceedings published here relate to a conference that was proposed to focus on a decisive aspect of cataloguing. Authority control is the process that ensures the formal uniformity of the options selected for access: author, title, institution, subject. Authority control is an operation that integrates the catalogue architecture, contributing to achieve its objectives by addressing the quality of the registration indices. In addition to offering an opportunity for exchange between the leading world experts in the sector, the conference was also designed to make a contribution to the debate on the review of the national cataloguing codes and their possible harmonisation
    Note: Proceedings, Florence, 2003 , Contains bibl. references, notes and internet addresses , English
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  • 49
    ISBN: 8884531020 , 8884531039 , 9788884531032
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Keywords: Architectural libraries Italy ; Congresses ; Library & information sciences ; Konferenzschrift
    Abstract: There is no general legislative framework for theses, although a number of solutions have been devised at local level which may be significant for Italian university librarians. The problems are numerous and of different kinds: technical, copyright-related and also more strictly bound up with library science, such as cataloguing, conservation and access. Each library appears to have devised original approaches, and it is important to make these known in order to offer suggestions for the treatment of this documentary heritage that is still difficult to access
    Note: Proceedings , Contains bibliography, bibl. references, notes and internet addresses , At head of title: CNBA, Coordinamento nazionale biblioteche di architettura , Italian
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  • 50
    ISBN: 9069164345
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 383 S.
    Keywords: Multiculturalism Law and legislation ; Culture and law ; Multiculturalism ; Ethnic relations ; Konferenzschrift
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  • 51
    Warszawa : Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej
    ISBN: 837181254X
    Language: Polish
    Pages: 264 S
    Series Statement: Studia Ethnologica
    Keywords: Indigenous peoples Congresses ; Konferenzschrift ; Konferenzschrift
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  • 52
    ISBN: 8882340422
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 240 S , 24 cm
    Series Statement: Nuova Mnemosyne 2
    DDC: 301
    Keywords: Durkheim, Emile ; Konferenzschrift ; Konferenzschrift ; Aufsatzsammlung ; Konferenzschrift
    Note: Émile Durkheim (1858-1917) , Contains bibliography, notes and name index , Papers presented to a meeting
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  • 53
    ISBN: 9069163411
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 271 S. , Ill.
    Keywords: Konferenzschrift
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  • 54
    ISBN: 9067181382
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: XXIII, 644 S
    Keywords: Law ; Dictionaries ; Dutch ; Dutch language ; Indonesian ; Wörterbuch ; Niederländisch ; Bahasa Indonesia ; Rechtswissenschaft
    Note: Literaturverz. S. [635] - 644
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  • 55
    ISBN: 8881146304
    Language: Italian
    Pages: 286 S , 22 cm
    Series Statement: Studi e materiali di antropologia culturale N.S., N. 1
    Series Statement: Studi e materiali di antropologia culturale
    DDC: 305
    Keywords: Ethnology ; Europe ; Europe ; Social life and customs ; Ethnology ; Philosophy ; Konferenzschrift ; Konferenzschrift 1995 ; Konferenzschrift 1995 ; Konferenzschrift 1995 ; Konferenzschrift ; Konferenzschrift ; Europa ; Ethnologie
    Note: Meetings held Sept. 18-19, 1995 in Perugia , Texts in English; one article in French , Includes bibliographical references
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  • 56
    ISBN: 9068322427
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 160 S , Ill , 27 cm
    Additional Information: Rezensiert in Bräunlein, Peter J., 1956 - [Rezension von: Lieve lasten] 1994
    Keywords: Infant carriers ; Cross-cultural studies ; Ausstellungskatalog ; Konferenzschrift ; Konferenzschrift ; Ausstellungskatalog ; Ausstellungskatalog
    Note: Naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling ... in het Tropen museum in Amsterdam van 17 december 1993 t/m 28 augustus 1994"--Verso t.p , Literaturverz. S. 155 - 159
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  • 57
    ISBN: 9067180599
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: XI, 407 S.
    Series Statement: Werkdocumenten / Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 10
    Keywords: Law ; Indonesia ; Periodicals ; Indexes ; Bibliografie 1840-1958 ; Indonesien ; Recht ; Geschichte
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  • 58
    ISBN: 9067180483
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: XI, 370 S.
    Series Statement: Werkdocumenten / Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 8
    Keywords: Law ; Indonesia ; Periodicals ; Indexes ; Bibliografie 1840-1958 ; Indonesien ; Recht ; Geschichte ; Bibliografie ; Indonesien ; Recht ; Geschichte
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  • 59
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    s.l. : WRR
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 electronic resource (66 p.)
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: De serie 'Werkdocumenten' omvat stukken die in het kader van de werkzaamheden van de WRR tot stand zijn gekomen en die op aanvraag door de raad beschikbaar worden gesteld. De verantwoordelijkheid voor de inhoud en de ingenomen standpunten berust bij de auteurs
    Abstract: Law
    Note: Dutch
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  • 60
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    s.l. : WRR
    ISBN: 9012058627
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 electronic resource (167 p.)
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: Er worden twee soorten regels onderscheiden: regels van de sociale rechtsstaat en regels die betrekking hebben op de commune criminaliteit. De regels van de sociale rechtsstaat brengen voor burgers, ondernemingen en instellingen veelal beperkingen en soms hoge lasten mee, terwijl de doelstellingen ervan niet voor iedereen duidelijk zijn. Problemen ontstaan hier door de vaak ontbrekende ethische lading en door de complexiteit van regelgeving. Bij het maken van wetten moet van meet af aan worden meegewogen hoe zij kunnen worden uitgevoerd en gehandhaafd. Strafrecht heeft bij de sociale regelgeving slechts een reservefunctie
    Abstract: Law
    Note: Dutch
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  • 61
    ISBN: 9789004287327
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (266 p.)
    Series Statement: a542a96e-331c-466d-9b21-135a17532435
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Met de aanwezigheid van Surinamers en (in kleinere aantallen) Antillianen in ons land is men hier sinds de jaren zestig vertrouwd geraakt. Over dit onderwerp is ook veel geschreven. Minder bekend is de geschiedenis van de Surinamers en Antillianen die daarv""r naar Nederland kwamen, te beginnen met slaven die door Nederlandse families uit "de West" werden meegenomen en eindigend met studenten en intellectuelen die hier naar toe kwamen voor opleiding en vorming, en waarvan sommigen voorgoed bleven. Dit boek voorziet in een leemte door hun verhaal te vertellen, soms in algemene termen, soms met biografische details. Het bestaat uit twee afzonderlijke hoofdstukken, n over de Surinamers (G. Oostindi) en n over de Antillianen (E. Maduro). Aparte bladzijden worden gewijd aan enkele bekende figuren: Anton de Kom en Albert Helman (Sur), en Cola Debrot en Boeli van Leeuwen (Ned.Ant.). Het boek munt uit door een zorgvuldige opzet, met een uitvoerige literatuurlijst en notenapparaat..J. de Marez Oyens
    Note: Dutch
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  • 62
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004287310
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (408 p.)
    Series Statement: 889d7883-95c4-4922-9f7f-102b4e4fdea7
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch
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  • 63
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 electronic resource (54 p.)
    Keywords: Law
    Abstract: De serie 'Voorstudies en achtergronden' omvat werkstukken die in het kader van de werkzaamheden van de WRR tot stand zijn gekomen en naar zijn oordeel van zodanige kwaliteit en betekenis zijn, dat publicatie gewenst is. De verantwoordelijkheid voor de inhoud en de ingenomen standpunten berust bij de auteurs
    Abstract: Law; European Union
    Note: Dutch
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  • 64
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004287273
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (280 p.)
    Series Statement: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 65
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004287167
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (310 p.)
    Series Statement: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 66
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    s.l. : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004287167 , 9789024721962
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (310 p.))
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch
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  • 67
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004287136
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (354 p.)
    Series Statement: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 68
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004287099
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (614 p.)
    Series Statement: aa04cd28-2f9b-4fc8-9efe-cb1da5e64168
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 69
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    s.l. : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004287099 , 9789024718436
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (614 p.))
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch
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  • 70
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004287105
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (130 p.)
    Series Statement: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: The authors worked as doctors in Kalimantan between 1949 and 1959, where they were first introduced to Ngaju Dayak tales. The present anthology contains 20 tales given to them by the Rev. Munte Saha. Both the original text and the Dutch translation are provided. Ten of these are about Sangumang, the cunning one, who used to fool his uncle, the king. The other ten deal with Bapa Paloi, the stupid one, who is constantly being admonished by his wife. Sangumang and Bapa Paloi live in the upper-world, and mythological tales are told of their exploits. In addition to the 20 tales, a modern version of a Bapa Paloi tale is presented, written by the Rev. Munte Saha himself. The scene of this modern tale is not the upper-world but the present island of Kalimantan
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 71
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004287037
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (524 p.)
    Series Statement: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 72
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004286993
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (332 p.)
    Series Statement: 45783a99-1261-4882-ab70-1a4ba1d22820
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 73
    ISBN: 9789004286993 , 9789024716364
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (332 p.))
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch
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  • 74
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004286986
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (264 p.)
    Series Statement: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 75
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004286962
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (328 p.)
    Series Statement: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 76
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004286696
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (160 p.)
    Series Statement: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 77
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004286672
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (108 p.)
    Series Statement: 0e215a8d-337b-4480-ad87-f73a97595625
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Een Engelstalige uitgave van Van isolatie naar integratie is verschenen als Deel 80 (1977, ISBN 9789024719624) in de reeks Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 78
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    s.l. : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004286672 , 9789004286054
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (108 p.))
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Een Engelstalige uitgave van Van isolatie naar integratie is verschenen als Deel 80 (1977, ISBN 9789024719624) in de reeks Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
    Note: Dutch
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  • 79
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004286689
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (244 p.)
    Series Statement: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 80
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004286634
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (208 p.)
    Series Statement: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 81
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004286658
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (222 p.)
    Series Statement: 60fad4f3-fc4d-426a-a90f-f08e331cf781
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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  • 82
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    s.l. : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004286634 , 9789004286016
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (208 p.))
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch
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  • 83
    ISBN: 9789004286658 , 9789004286030
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (222 p.))
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch
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  • 84
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
    ISBN: 9789004286573
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (224 p.)
    Series Statement: 6520336d-5cf4-4698-93a8-247046b2d8f5
    Keywords: Asian history
    Abstract: Indonesia
    Note: Dutch; Flemish
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    ISBN: 9789004286573 , 9789004285972
    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (1 electronic resource (224 p.))
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    Online Resource
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    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Brill
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    Series Statement: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
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    Online Resource
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    Language: Dutch
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (215 pages)
    Edition: [Place of publication not identified] HathiTrust Digital Library 2010 Electronic reproduction
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    Keywords: Islamic law ; Law History ; Islamic law ; Law ; Islam ; Recht ; Egypt ; Ägypten ; History ; Electronic book ; Electronic books
    Note: Includes bibliographical references , Use copy Restrictions unspecified star MiAaHDL , Electronic reproduction , Master and use copy. Digital master created according to Benchmark for Faithful Digital Reproductions of Monographs and Serials, Version 1. Digital Library Federation, December 2002.
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