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  • MPI Ethno. Forsch.  (76)
  • München BSB
  • Online Resource  (76)
  • 2020-2024  (76)
  • [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook  (45)
  • [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion
  • Electronic books ; local  (76)
  • Political science
  • MPI Ethno. Forsch.  (76)
  • München BSB
  • Online Resource  (76)
  • 1
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328368309
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (464 pages)
    Edition: 5th edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Dzięki tej książce dowiesz się, jak sobie z tym poradzić. Znalazło się w niej krótkie wprowadzenie do Pythona oraz do automatyzacji przetwarzania tekstu i obsługi systemu plików, a także do pisania własnych narzędzi wiersza poleceń. Zaprezentowano również przydatne narzędzia linuksowe, systemy zarządzania pakietami oraz systemy budowania, monitorowania i automatycznego testowania kodu. Zagadnienia te szczególnie zainteresują specjalistów DevOps. Ponadto zawarto tu podstawowe informacje o chmurze obliczeniowej, usługach IaC i systemach Kubernetes. Omówiono zasady uczenia maszynowego i inżynierii danych z perspektywy DevOps. Przedstawiono także kompletny przewodnik po procesach budowania, wdrażania oraz operacyjnego wykorzystywania modelu uczenia maszynowego z użyciem systemów Flask, sklearn, Docker i Kubernetes.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 25, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328361508
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (1496 pages)
    Edition: 5th edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local ; Electronic books
    Abstract: To kompleksowy podręcznik do nauki programowania w Pythonie. Jego piąte wydanie zostało gruntownie zaktualizowane i rozbudowane o dodatkowe treści. Omówiono tu najnowsze wersje Pythona w liniach 3.X i 2.X, czyli 3.3 i 2.7, i dodano opisy nowych lub rozszerzonych mechanizmów, takich jak obsługa formatu JSON, moduł timeit, pakiet PyPy, metoda os.popen, generatory, rekurencje, słabe referencje, atrybuty i metody __mro__, __iter__, super, __slots__, metaklasy, deskryptory, funkcja random, pakiet Sphinx i wiele innych. W książce znalazło się mnóstwo ćwiczeń, quizów, pomocnych ilustracji oraz przykładów kodu. Jest to kompendium dla każdego, kto chce szybko zacząć programować w Pythonie i tworzyć wydajny kod o wysokiej jakości.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 5, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 3
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328367395
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (760 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka została napisana z myślą o doświadczonych programistach. Podstawowe zagadnienia, takie jak klasy, polimorfizm i kolekcje, znalazły się w kilku pierwszych rozdziałach, jednak zrozumienie treści całej publikacji wymaga umiejętności technicznych. Została poświęcona ważnym koncepcjom C# i tajnikom tego języka, które rzadko kiedy są opisywane w literaturze. Dokładnie omówiono tu typy ogólne, LINQ oraz techniki programowania asynchronicznego. Przedstawiono najnowsze możliwości platformy .NET Core i języka C# 8.0, takie jak strumienie asynchroniczne, referencje akceptujące wartości puste, dopasowywanie wzorców, domyślne implementacje interfejsów, zakresy, a także nową składnię indeksowania oraz zmiany w narzędziach platformy .NET. Liczne rozbudowane przykłady stanowią świetne uzupełnienie prezentowanych treści.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 3, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 4
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328360020
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (768 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: To drugie wydanie bestsellerowego przewodnika po technikach uczenia maszynowego. Wystarczą minimalne umiejętności programistyczne, aby dzięki tej książce nauczyć się budowania i trenowania głębokiej sieci neuronowej. Zawarto tu minimum teorii, a proces nauki jest ułatwiony przez liczne przykłady i ćwiczenia. Wykorzystano gotowe rozwiązania i przedstawiono zasady pracy ze specjalistycznymi narzędziami, w tym z TensorFlow 2, najnowszą odsłoną modułu. W efekcie niepostrzeżenie przyswoisz niezbędny zasób pojęć i narzędzi służących do tworzenia systemów inteligentnych. Poznasz różnorodne techniki i zaczniesz samodzielnie ich używać. Po lekturze będziesz biegle posługiwać się najnowszymi technologiami sztucznej inteligencji!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 5, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 5
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328363830
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (264 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Frameworki bardzo ułatwiają życie programistom. Pozwalają na szybkie tworzenie nawet rozbudowanych aplikacji, ale praca z frameworkiem najczęściej oznacza duże ograniczenia w doborze technologii. Wszystko jest w porządku, dopóki deweloper stosuje dokładnie te rozwiązania, które zaplanowali twórcy frameworka. Jeśli jednak zechce użyć innej bazy danych albo wykorzystać własną, autorską metodę uwierzytelniania użytkowników, może napotkać różne nieprzewidziane problemy. Szczęśliwie nie wszystkie mikrośrodowiska zachowują się w ten sposób. Framework napisany w Pythonie Flask, w odróżnieniu od typowych frameworków, umożliwia swobodne dobieranie technologii i komponentów aplikacji, a nawet tworzenie własnych rozwiązań. Oznacza to, że Flask pozwoli Ci zachować pełną kontrolę nad budowanym oprogramowaniem!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 11, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 6
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328371149
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (320 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla średnio zaawansowanych i początkujących programistów, którzy chcą poznać narzędzia ułatwiające tworzenie różnych aplikacji w JavaScripcie. Przedstawiono tu kompletne instrumentarium, dzięki któremu można tworzyć kod aplikacji w stylu CRUD działającej na każdej platformie. Opisano, w jaki sposób należy przygotować sobie środowisko programistyczne do pracy, omówiono sposób tworzenia API za pomocą Node i Express, bazy danych MongoDB oraz serwera Apollo. Sporo miejsca poświęcono tworzeniu interfejsów użytkownika niezależnych od platformy za pomocą różnych narzędzi. Poszczególne zagadnienia zilustrowano praktycznymi przykładami działającego kodu. Dzięki tej publikacji nawet początkujący programista zacznie szybko podejmować świadome decyzje technologiczne.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 4, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 7
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328367210
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (432 pages)
    Edition: 3rd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest szerokim, aktualnym i praktycznym przeglądem metod analizy szeregów czasowych, w którym ujęto pełny potok przetwarzania danych czasowych i modelowania. Zaprezentowano w niej rzeczywiste przypadki użycia tych metod i zilustrowano je obszernymi fragmentami znakomicie zaprojektowanego kodu w językach R i Python. Znalazły się tutaj praktyczne wskazówki ułatwiające rozwiązywanie najczęstszych problemów występujących w inżynierii danych czasowych i ich analizie. Ujęto tu zarówno konwencjonalne metody statystyczne, jak i nowoczesne techniki uczenia maszynowego. To bardzo przydatny przewodnik, dzięki któremu analitycy danych, inżynierowie oprogramowania i naukowcy będą mogli płynnie przejść od podstaw pracy z szeregami czasowymi do rozwiązywania konkretnych zagadnień na profesjonalnym poziomie.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 23, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 8
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364813
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (336 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Przedsiębiorstwa z branży technologicznej ciągle mierzą się z silną konkurencją. Nietrudno zrozumieć, co stanowi o przewadze firmy niezależnie od branży czy wielkości. Wygrywanie wymaga utrzymywania przewagi konkurencyjnej, jaką jest zdolność określania, wdrażania i osiągania poziomów wydajności nieosiągalnych dla konkurencji. Najczęściej przewaga konkurencyjna ma dwa źródła. Pierwszym jest dostarczanie funkcjonalnych rozwiązań, które dają radość użytkownikom. Drugim — wykorzystywanie właściwych danych do wdrażania odpowiedniej strategii, która wciąż podlega optymalizacji. Zastosowanie w tych działaniach rozwiązań z dziedziny sztucznej inteligencji znacznie przyczynia się do sukcesu firmy.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed July 22, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 9
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364059
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (256 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: To książka przeznaczona dla programistów, którzy chcą maksymalnie wykorzystać możliwości Kubernetesa, również poprzez pisanie własnych zasobów. W praktyczny sposób pokazuje, jak rozwijać natywne, działające w chmurze aplikacje dla Kubernetesa. Wyjaśnia, w jaki sposób działa biblioteka API client-go i jak należy budować zasoby niestandardowe. Znalazło się tu obszerne i szczegółowe omówienie interfejsu programowania i działania platformy Kubernetes, a także pisania stabilnego oprogramowania w języku Go. Nie zabrakło szeregu wskazówek dotyczących samego pisania kodu oraz przeprowadzania testów. Dużo uwagi poświęcono niestandardowym zasobom, kontrolerom, webhookom i niestandardowym serwerom API oraz wzorcom rozszerzania Kubernetesa.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 27, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 10
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364035
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (240 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Kubernetes jest platformą do orkiestracji kontenerów. Projekt ten należy dziś do najpopularniejszych i najbogatszych narzędzi w swojej klasie, stanowi także podstawę dla wielu innych platform, znanych jako systemy typu PaaS. Dzięki nim Kubernetes zyskał możliwość tworzenia aplikacji, jednak tego rodzaju narzędzia wymagają od programistów i architektów zastosowania odpowiednich wzorców projektowych. Opisują one schematy rozwiązywania problemów na różnych poziomach dokładności, a tym samym umożliwiają efektywne projektowanie i implementację nowoczesnych, elastycznych natywnych aplikacji chmurowych w Kubernetesie.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 12, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 11
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328365582
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (256 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Z tego zwięzłego przewodnika po technikach uczenia maszynowego opartego na strukturalnych danych skorzystają programiści, badacze, osoby zajmujące się nauką o danych oraz twórcy systemów sztucznej inteligencji. Znalazł się tu wyczerpujący opis procesu uczenia maszynowego i klasyfikacji danych strukturalnych. Przedstawiono też metody klastrowania danych, analizy regresji, redukcji wymiarowości oraz inne ważne zagadnienia. Prezentowane treści zostały zilustrowane uwagami, tabelami i przykładami kodu. Nie zabrakło opisu przydatnych bibliotek, niezwykle użytecznych w pracy analityka danych. W efekcie książka pozwala na szybkie rozwiązywanie różnego rodzaju problemów związanych z przetwarzaniem danych strukturalnych.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 17, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 12
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328362055
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (528 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest podręcznikiem dla praktyków. Zawiera zbiór narzędzi, katalog metod, przewodnik ułatwiający pracę, mnóstwo przykładów i studiów przypadku. Znalazły się tutaj również jasne wskazówki dotyczące przeprowadzania procesu projektowania usług. Opisano, jak łatwo doprowadzić środowiska biznesowe i specjalistów od projektowania do współpracy. Po ogólniejszym omówieniu procesu ustanawiania i realizowania inicjatyw w zakresie projektowania usług zaprezentowano także szczegóły facylitacji przedsięwzięcia i kształtowania jego otoczenia. Wiele spośród uwzględnionych w tekście metod i narzędzi zostało już dobrze opisanych. Tutaj natomiast, poza ich prezentacją, dodano szereg wskazówek i porad najlepszych ekspertów w dziedzinie projektowania usług. W ten sposób umożliwiono powiązanie doświadczenia z działalnością operacyjną i sukcesem biznesowym oraz budowaniem kultury klientocentryzmu.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 25, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 13
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328359215
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (184 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka zawiera interesujące rozważania na temat teoretycznych, filozoficznych oraz społecznych implikacji kryptowalut i łańcucha bloków. Analizuje ogólne koncepcje, cechy i funkcjonalność bitcoina oraz technologii łańcucha bloków, a także związane z nimi możliwości dla światowej gospodarki. Nie ma tu precyzyjnych danych technologicznych, ale w wyczerpujący sposób omówiono naturę, rodzaje i zakresy działalności związanej z łańcuchem bloków. Poza dziedziną kryptowalut, finansów i działań rynkowych sporo miejsca poświęcono takim zagadnieniom jak genomika, ochrona zdrowia, nauczanie, działalność pomocowa i kulturalna. Opisano też zaawansowane koncepcje, jak waluty komplementarne obciążone demurrage’em w szerszym kontekście powszechnego wdrożenia technologii łańcucha bloków.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 5, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 14
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987736
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (544 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: David Busch's Nikon Z7 II/Z6 II Guide to Digital Photography is your all-in-one comprehensive resource and reference for Nikon’s next-generation Z7 II and Z6 II mirrorless cameras. The company has upgraded these compact cameras with the features most requested by enthusiasts, including two memory card slots, advanced autofocus features, and performance-enhancing dual EXPEED 6 processors. Serious photographers can select the high-resolution 45.7 megapixel Z7 II, or opt for the higher continuous shooting rates and stellar low-light versatility of the 24 megapixel Z6 II. Both cameras offer incredible image quality, especially when coupled with a burgeoning line of ultra-sharp S-series, Z-mount lenses. The affordable FTZ adapter allows you to use more than 300 different lenses in Nikon’s F-mount lineup, too. Five-axis in-body image stabilization provides up to five stops of anti-shake performance so you can hand-hold the camera at slower shutter speeds. An improved autofocus system with human and animal eye/face detection offers lightning fast focus for stills and both 4K and Full HD movie-shooting. With this book in hand, you’ll master all these impressive features, and fine tune your camera skills as develop your creativity taking great photographs with your new Z7 II or Z6 II. Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Busch's Nikon Z7 II/Z6 II Guide to Digital Photography covers the cameras’ capabilities in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more, and relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations. Also included is the handy visual guide to the Z7 II and Z6 II, with close-up photos and descriptions of the camera's essential features and controls. Learn when to use each option and, more importantly, when not to use them, by following the author’s recommended settings for every menu entry. With best-selling photographer and mentor David Busch as your guide, you'll quickly have full creative mastery of your camera’s capabilities, whether you're shooting on the job, as an advanced enthusiast, or are just out for fun. Start building your knowledge and confidence, while bringing your vision to light with the Nikon Z7 II or Z6 II today.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 22, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 15
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681986937
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (272 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Learn to take great photos with your iPhone—the camera you always have with you! This is it—the long-awaited book fully dedicated to iPhone photography by photographer and bestselling author Scott Kelby! In this book, Scott brings his award-winning approach of sharing his secrets and shooting advice just like he would with a friend if they were out shooting together. Each page covers a single technique, tool, or trick you can use to capture truly amazing pictures with your iPhone. You’ll learn how to get great shots in low light, how to capture awesome portraits of people, how to nail your composition, and how to take jaw-dropping travel, food, and landscape photos. You’ll learn all about time lapse photography, long exposure, and panoramas. You’ll find out just what accessories you really need, and you’ll learn some cool post-processing tricks. And, of course, Scott covers the best tips and tricks for shooting with your iPhone, as well as the top 10 photo apps he uses that will make your images better and make shooting with your iPhone that much more fun. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: iPhone Camera Essentials Chapter 2: How to Compose Like a Pro Chapter 3: Photographing People Chapter 4: Posing People Chapter 5: Travel & Landscape Photography Chapter 6: Other Cool Stuff to Shoot Chapter 7: iPhone Camera Tips and Tricks Chapter 8: Organizing Your Photo Library Chapter 9: Editing Your Images Chapter 10: Going Beyond the Photos App to Lightroom and More Chapter 11: Awesome iPhone Accessories Chapter 12: Photo Recipes
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 5, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 16
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987811
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (144 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Learn to create any color from a basic palette of just 11 colors! What if you could create any color you wanted, from a basic palette of just 11 colors? That is what the art of color mixing is all about. And once you master it, you will be able to create a broad range of all the colors you might need. Your options will be limited only by your imagination. In this color mixing book, Isabelle Roelofs and Fabien Petillion first walk you step by step through the basics of watercolor pigments, paper, and color mixing techniques. Using just 11 colors, you’ll learn to bring more variety to your primary colors, create basic colors (such as Payne’s Gray and Van Dyck Brown), and create your own secondary colors. This approach works no matter what brand of paints you use, as each of the 11 colors is identified by its universal pigment color (such as PY154). Once you’re underway color mixing, you’ll see how four artists interpret that basic palette to create thematic color palettes tailored to different subject matter, such as flowers, landscapes, portraits, and animals. Finally, you’ll solidify your understanding of color mixing by analyzing five watercolor paintings to see how the color was achieved and how the painting was developed, layer by layer, to achieve the final result.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed April 1, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 17
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987217
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (288 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Create colorful masterpieces with the official guide to using Unicorn SPiT! Unicorn SPiT is a paint, gel stain, and glaze concentrate all in one bottle! It creates a multifaceted, 3-dimensional effect on wood, glass, metal, fabric, pottery, wicker, concrete, laminate, and more. Fans love that it’s nontoxic and comes in a variety of outrageous colors. Now, for the first time, Unicorn SPiT inventor Michelle Nicole spills the secrets about the best tips and tricks for using this magical substance to create all-new works of art. This book details everything you need to know, including: • How to use Unicorn SPiT as a paint, alcohol ink, glaze, stain, dye, antiquing agent, watercolor, resin tint, and beyond • Over 50 projects for transforming any object, including: furniture, clothing, glassware, decorative wood, metal, and more • Handy instructions for mixing colors to create unique new shades • Detailed charts showcasing how Unicorn SPiT can be used on a variety of wood types and surfaces And much, much more!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 31, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 18
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681988559
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (340 pages)
    Edition: 5th edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Professional testing of software is an essential task that requires a profound knowledge of testing techniques. The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) has developed a universally accepted, international qualification scheme aimed at software and system testing professionals, and has created the Syllabi and Tests for the “Certified Tester.” Today, hundreds of thousands of people have taken the ISTQB certification exams. The authors of Software Testing Foundations, 5th Edition, are among the creators of the Certified Tester Syllabus and are currently active in the ISTQB. This thoroughly revised and updated fifth edition covers the “Foundations Level” (entry level) and teaches the most important methods of software testing. It is designed for self-study and provides the information necessary to pass the Certified Tester–Foundations Level exam, as defined by the ISTQB. Also in this new edition, technical terms have been precisely stated according to the ISTQB glossary. Topics covered: • Fundamentals of Testing • Testing and the Software Lifecycle • Static and Dynamic Testing Techniques • Test Management • Test Tools
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed July 21, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 19
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987699
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (664 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Learn to master your Nikon Z6 II / Z7 II and take full advantage of all its capabilities! Mastering the Nikon Z6 II / Z7 II by Darrell Young provides a wealth of experience-based information and insights for owners of the new Z6 II or Z7 II camera. Darrell is determined to help the user navigate past the confusion that often comes with complex and powerful professional camera equipment. This book explores the features and capabilities of the cameras in a way that far surpasses the user’s manual. It guides readers through the cameras’ features with step-by-step setting adjustments; color illustrations; and detailed how, when, and why explanations for each option. Every button, dial, switch, and menu configuration setting is explored in a user-friendly manner, with suggestions for setup according to various shooting styles. Darrell’s friendly and informative writing style allows readers to easily follow directions, while feeling as if a friend dropped in to share his knowledge. The information in this book goes beyond the camera itself and also covers basic photography technique.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed July 9, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 20
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987170
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (144 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Relax and take a bite out of this tasty guide to creating watercolor paintings of your favorite treats! Watercolor Snacks is for food lovers, beginning artists, and anyone who wants to explore the world of watercolors through easy and accessible prompts and exercises. This colorful guide walks you through basic watercolor techniques and how to apply them to create beautiful, delicious-looking paintings. Noted artist and instructor Volta Voloshin-Smith details everything needed to create mouthwatering images for every meal of the day, from a syrup-drenched stack of golden waffles and steaming cup of coffee at breakfast to a brightly colored sprinkled donut and a rainbow of popsicles for dessert. This first-ever watercolor food guide also includes: • Easy watercolor tips, tricks, and techniques • Recommended supplies (the “ingredients”) • Color theory basics • Maximizing mindful benefits of watercolor • How-to lessons for 30 foods from breakfast to dessert And much, much more! Whether you’re a beginner interested in learning a fun new skill, or an experienced painter ready to explore a fun new subject, this book will give you everything you need to create adorable paintings.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed April 12, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 21
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987255
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (328 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Become inspired, find your voice, and create work that matters. Why are human beings driven to make? It’s as if we collectively intuited, long before science gave us the language, that the universe bends toward entropy, and every act of creation on our part is an act of defiance in the face of that evolving disorder. When we pick up a paintbrush, or compose elements through our camera viewfinders, or press fingers into wet clay to wrestle form from a shapeless lump, we are bending things back toward Order and wrestling them from Chaos. But making things is often not enough. We also want the things we make to be filled with meaning. We’re each trying to describe what we know about life, to create a collective sense of “safety in numbers.” When we reach the end of our traditional descriptive powers, it’s time to weave collective meaning from poetry, painting, writing, dancing, photographing, filmmaking, storytelling, singing, animating, designing, performing, carving, sculpting, and a million other ways we daily create Order out of the Chaos and share it with each other for comfort. On this journey we need a creative philosophy which will help us find our voice, discover our message, deal with the responses to our work, maintain inspiration, and stay mentally healthy and motivated creators as we strive to find “the meaning in the making.” Table of Contents Chapter 1: Order Chapter 2: Logos Chapter 3: Breath Chapter 4: Voice Chapter 5: Ego Chapter 6: Control Chapter 7: Attention Chapter 8: Envy Chapter 9: Critique Chapter 10: Feel Chapter 11: Shadows Chapter 12: Meaning Chapter 13: Time Chapter 14: Benediction
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 10, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 22
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987378
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (192 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Want to create but don't know where to start? Need a shot of inspiration? Dare to Create! is the ultimate guide to fueling your artistic journey, from your first steps to the expression of your own style. Overcome creative blockages with the 35 inspiring challenges in this book as engineer-turned-artist Marie Boudon guides you in developing your art. Whatever your level (beginner or advanced) and your mode of artistic expression (drawing, painting, collage, photography, etc.), this is the ultimate guide to boosting your creativity and making beautiful art! This colorful book includes: • Advice on how to “let go” • Exercises to awaken your imagination and inspire • Techniques to forge your own creative process and avoid dead ends • Inspirational testimonies from beloved artists and creators And much, much more!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 29, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 23
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987330
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (240 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Learn to harness the full power of layers and selections in Photoshop—and let your creativity soar! Learning the basics of Photoshop is an admirable feat. Unfortunately, that’s exactly where most people end their Photoshop journey—with a fundamental appreciation of the program and the ability to execute a few helpful techniques. But without a full understanding of and capability with layers and selections—arguably Photoshop’s most powerful tools—you’re leaving the vast majority of Photoshop’s power and potential untapped. Photographer and author Glyn Dewis’s new book, The Photoshop Layers and Selections Workshop , is here to change all that. The author of the bestselling The Photoshop Toolbox , Photograph Like a Thief , and The Photoshop Workbook , Glyn focuses on layers and selections in this book, knowing that if you can learn and master these two features, you’ll have everything you need to maximize Photoshop’s potential, bring out the best in your work, and harness your full creativity. In this book, you will: • Start off with a detailed breakdown of the Photoshop workspace and how best to set it up for your workflow • Learn everything you need to know to work like a pro with layers • Conquer selections and cutouts, whether you’re working with the Magic Wand Tool, Quick Selection Tool, Pen Tool, Select Subject feature, Color Range feature, or Vector Masks • Dive into additional techniques to improve your skillset: color correction, composite blending, removing reddening in portraits, using Content Aware Fill to perfection, and more Finally, in the last chapter, Glyn works through a start-to-finish project that brings all of the concepts together to show how they work in a real-world scenario. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1: The Photoshop Workspace Chapter 2: Layers Chapter 3: Selections and Cut Outs Chapter 4: Additional Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Chapter 5: Complete Project
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 28, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 24
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987897
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (224 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Skylum’s Luminar AI is a great solution for both professional and amateur photographers who want to quickly create stunning photos. Luminar’s advanced AI-based tools and templates eliminate hours of traditional editing tasks, whether you’re applying automatic tone and color adjustments, replacing dreary skies with more dynamic ones, or retouching portraits to smooth skin, remove blemishes, and accentuate flattering facial features. For those who want to dig into editing, powerful tools give you full control over your RAW and JPEG images, including advanced features such as masking, dodging and burning, and cloning and stamping areas. Luminar AI also works as a plug-in for other applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, and Apple Photos, allowing round-trip editing and seamless integration with workflows you may already have in place. Luminar AI is deceptively deep, and in The Photographer’s Guide to Luminar AI , photographer Jeff Carlson helps you discover Luminar AI’s best features to take full advantage of the program for all your photography needs. From importing your images to editing, managing, and exporting your files, Jeff showcases the power, precision, and control of Luminar while teaching you to work quickly and efficiently. In this book, he walks you through real-world landscape and portrait edits, and covers every tool and feature with the goal of helping you understand how to make Luminar improve your images. In this book you’ll learn all about: • AI editing: Luminar AI’s many AI-based tools eliminate hours of traditional editing tasks. Improve overall tone and color using just one slider, and enhance a sky using another without building masks or layers. Realistically replace the entire sky in one step, even when objects like buildings or trees intrude. Luminar identifies people in photos, allowing you to smooth skin, sharpen eyes, brighten faces, and perform other portrait retouching tasks in minutes. • AI Templates Luminar recommends templates based on the content of your photo, and has scores of other templates to apply quick fixes and stylish looks. Templates are also a powerful way to save your own editing adjustments, saving you time and ensuring consistent results across dozens or hundreds of photos. • Expert editing: Take advantage of Luminar’s many professional tools to bring out the best versions of your photos. Enhance the look using tone controls and curves, dodging and burning, and tools built for s...
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 27, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 25
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987651
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (184 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Relax and dive into the ultimate guide to creating watercolor paintings of your favorite flowers! From bright red roses to deep green cacti, this gorgeous, easy-to-follow book will show how anyone can paint luminous watercolor flowers and botanicals. Noted artist and instructor Rachel Eskandari details how anyone can paint a garden of bold, creative watercolor images. Featuring colorful step-by-step images, this book shows how to master the basics of watercolors and then expand your color palette to create boldly unconventional floral artwork. Watercolor Botanical Garden features everything you need to know, including: *Color theory and mixing for unique shades *Utilizing the skills of blending, gradients, and shading *Instruction for creating 20 different plants including roses, cacti, peonies, carnations, succulents, anemones, poppies, leaves, and more *How to incorporate multiple botanical images for a gorgeous landscape painting
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed April 23, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 26
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681986654
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (512 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Olympus launched the OM-D E-M1 Mark III camera with a specific purpose in mind: to create a Micro Four Thirds camera for professional and advanced enthusiast photographers. As the flagship Micro Four Thirds camera, the E-M1 Mark III is the peak of the Olympus digital imaging system. It is a true system camera for those who demand the best in cameras, lenses, and image quality. Darrell Young’s Mastering the Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III explores the features and capabilities of the camera in a way that far surpasses the user's manual. It is designed to guide readers through the camera’s features with step-by-step setting adjustments; color illustrations; and detailed how, when, and why explanations for each option. Every button, dial, switch, and menu configuration setting is explored in a user-friendly manner, with suggestions for setup according to various shooting styles. Darrell’s friendly and informative writing style allows readers to easily follow directions while feeling as if a friend dropped in to share his knowledge. The learning experience for new E-M1 Mark III users goes beyond just the camera itself and covers basic photography technique. TABLE OF CONTENTS Ch 1: Camera Setup and Control Reference Ch 2: Screen Displays for Camera Control Ch 3: Shooting Menu 1: Preliminary and Basic Shooting Options Ch 4: Shooting Menu 2: Advanced Shooting Options Ch 5: Playback Menu Ch 6: Custom Menu Ch 7: Setup Menu Ch 8: Recording Video Appendix – Button Functions Reference
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 8, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 27
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987491
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (448 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: David Busch's Sony Alpha a7C Guide to Digital Photography is the most comprehensive resource and reference for Sony’s ultra-compact 24-megapixel full frame mirrorless camera. The a7C packs large sensor image quality and low light performance into the world’s smallest full-frame camera with in-body five-axis image stabilization. The perfect companion for travel photography under the most demanding conditions, it’s also fast enough for 10 frames-per-second action photography bursts, and delivers the resolution the most demanding landscape or fine-art photographer require. With fast, sensor-based 693-point phase detect autofocus (with real-time face and eye tracking), and 4K and full HD video capabilities, the a7C has all the tools needed to take incredible still images and capture compelling movies and video blogs. This book will show you how to master those features as you explore the world of digital photography and hone your creativity with your a7C. Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Busch's Sony Alpha a7C Guide to Digital Photography covers every feature of this camera in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more, and relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations. Also included is the handy camera "roadmap" chapter, an easy-to-use visual guide to the camera's features and controls. Learn when to use every option and, more importantly, when not to use them, by following the author’s recommended settings for each menu entry. With best-selling photographer and mentor David Busch as your guide, you'll quickly have full creative mastery of your camera’s capabilities, whether you're shooting on the job, as an advanced enthusiast exploring full frame photography for the first time, or are just out for fun. Start building your knowledge and confidence, while bringing your vision to light with the Sony a7C.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 6, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 28
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681986531
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (672 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Learn to master your Nikon D780 and take full advantage of all its capabilities! Mastering the Nikon D780 by Darrell Young provides a wealth of experience-based information and insights for owners of the new D780 camera. Darrell is determined to help the user navigate past the confusion that often comes with complex and powerful professional camera equipment. This book explores the features and capabilities of the camera in a way that far surpasses the user’s manual. It guides readers through the camera features with step-by-step setting adjustments; color illustrations; and detailed how, when, and why explanations for each option. Every button, dial, switch, and menu configuration setting is explored in a user-friendly manner, with suggestions for setup according to various shooting styles. Darrell’s friendly and informative writing style allows readers to easily follow directions, while feeling as if a friend dropped in to share his knowledge. The information in this book goes beyond the camera itself and also covers basic photography technique.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 22, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 29
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (512 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Adobe Premiere Pro: A Complete Course and Compendium of Features is your guide to creating, editing, and enhancing videos in Adobe Premiere Pro. Whether you’re organizing hours of interviews, rapidly splicing news clips before a deadline, or creating your magnum opus, Premiere Pro is the tool for you—and this book will teach you what you need to know. First, with a complete Course that includes a set of projects and lessons derived from video editor and motion graphic designer Ben Goldsmith, you will learn the procedures needed to use Premiere Pro effectively and professionally. Dozens of exercises are included that can be applied to any videos you have in mind. Through step-by-step lessons, you’ll be exposed to all of Premiere Pro’s features in practical contexts and its best practices for optimal workflows. To complete the Course, we’ll supply lesson documents and their assets to download, so you can work alongside the text. Then, for greater depth of knowledge and subsequent reference, you’ll use the Compendium to uncover more of the “how” and “why” of Premiere Pro. With each topic easy to access, you can find and explore all of Premiere Pro’s key features and concepts in depth. With cross references between the Course and Compendium, the two parts of the book complement each other perfectly. Best of all, when the lessons in the Course are done, the Compendium will continue to serve for months and years to come. Learn step by step how to: • Set up and organize a project • Create a timeline and edit your video and audio • Sweeten and master audio • Use Premiere’s powerful multicamera features • Control graphics and titles • Unlock Lumetri’s professional color grading tools • And much more!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 4, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 30
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987293
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (272 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Learn Scott Kelby’s 7-Point System for developing photos to perfection in Adobe Lightroom! Imagine how awesome it would be if you opened up an image in Lightroom, even a really messed up one, and you knew exactly what to do first, what to do next, and every step along the way to take that image from flat to fabulous. Well, that is precisely what this book is all about. You’re learning a system—the same one taught in colleges and universities around the world—that was crafted by world-renowned Lightroom expert Scott Kelby, the world’s #1 best-selling Lightroom book author. This is a new way of working and thinking about editing your images that will change the way you work in Lightroom forever, so you’ll spend less time fixing your photos and more time finishing them, and doing the fun, creative things that make Lightroom the amazing tool that it is. Scott narrowed things down to just the seven major editing moves we need to master to enhance our images like a pro, so we’re not learning Lightroom tools we’re probably never going to need. Then, and perhaps most importantly, he determined exactly when and in which order to apply these seven techniques that make up this proven, time-tested “Lightroom 7-Point System.” But, the magic of this book isn’t just listing the seven techniques and how they work. It’s how they’re used together, and it’s the learning process you go through that makes this book so unique. This isn’t a “read about it” book. This is a hands-on “you do it” book. You start each lesson with the RAW photo, right out of the camera (you can download Scott’s images, so you can follow right along). Then, you’re going to apply the 7-Point System in a very specific way, and you’re going to do it over and over again, and again, and again, on a range of various photos, with different challenges and situations, until these seven points are absolutely second nature to you. You’re going to do the full edit each time—from beginning to end—with nothing left out. Once you learn this system, there won’t be an image on your screen that you won’t be able to enhance, fix, edit, and finish like a pro! As you move through the book, you’ll be amazed at how well this system works across such a wide range of photos, from landscapes to portraits, from architectural to sports photography, from wedding photos to everything in between. The book is 21 short lessons (including two bonus lessons where you work with Lightroom and Photoshop together), and if you s...
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed April 29, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 31
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987774
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (224 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Drawing is not a talent. It’s a skill anyone can learn. This is the philosophy of drawing instructor Brent Eviston based on his more than twenty years of teaching. He has tested numerous types of drawing instruction from centuries old classical techniques to contemporary practices and designed an approach that combines tried and true techniques with innovative methods of his own. Now, he shares his secrets with this book that provides the most accessible, streamlined, and effective methods for learning to draw. Taking the reader through the entire process, beginning with the most basic skills to more advanced such as volumetric drawing, shading, and figure sketching, this book contains numerous projects and guidance on what and how to practice. It also features instructional images and diagrams as well as finished drawings that showcase Brent’s creative work. With this book and a dedication to practice, anyone can learn to draw!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 28, 2021) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 32
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681985848
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (184 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Hand Lettering on the iPad with Procreate is the ultimate guide to every step of the digital hand lettering process. Using the versatile and intuitive iPad drawing and design app Procreate, author and noted lettering instructor Liz Brown composes a series of fun and easy lettering projects that will build confidence by giving all the necessary tools to create gorgeous compositions from the ground up. Each project comes with its own Procreate brush downloads so users can follow along to create their own unique hand lettered quotes, words, and phrases. Featuring step-by-step lessons including: -Finding inspiration with color palettes and letterforms for unique styles -Using Procreate tools for creating and decorating letters -Tips and tricks for adding textures, layers, shading, and depth to lettering projects -Creative ideas for jazzing up space around letters And much, much more! Whether you’re a beginner interested in learning a fun new skill, or an experienced letterer ready to start creating on your iPad, this book will give you everything you need to take the next step in your iPad hand lettering journey.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 27, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 33
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328367432
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (304 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: To praktyczny przewodnik dla programistów, którzy chcą tworzyć aplikacje internetowe z wykorzystaniem platform React, Angular lub Vue oraz API typu REST albo ich kombinacji za pomocą języka JavaScript, Node i Express. Zawarto tu wprowadzenie do Node, Express oraz innych przydatnych narzędzi. Szczegółowo przedstawiono koncepcję oprogramowania pośredniczącego oraz zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa środowiska produkcyjnego. Nie zabrakło wskazówek dotyczących tworzenia API za pomocą Express. Ciekawym elementem książki są szczegóły integracji z takimi usługami jak Twitter, Google Maps i US National Weather Service. Poszczególne rozdziały przedstawiają etapy budowy przykładowej w pełni funkcjonalnej aplikacji internetowej, którą łatwo będzie wykorzystać jako szablon do tworzenia innych, własnych, bardziej wyrafinowanych projektów!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 26, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 34
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328366497
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (336 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest drugim, wzbogaconym i uzupełnionym wydaniem praktycznego samouczka, dzięki któremu rozpoczęcie pracy z Terraform stanie się bardzo łatwe. Zapoznasz się z językiem programowania Terraform i zasadami tworzenia kodu. Szybko zaczniesz go wdrażać i zarządzać infrastrukturą za pomocą zaledwie kilku poleceń. Istotną częścią publikacji jest ukazanie metodologii DevOps w działaniu oraz wyjaśnienie zasad kodowania infrastruktury. Dziesiątki jasnych przykładów kodu, które można samodzielnie wypróbować w akcji, ułatwią zrozumienie podstaw. Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś początkującym programistą, weteranem DevOps lub doświadczonym administratorem systemów, szybko przejdziesz od podstaw Terraform do przygotowania pełnego stosu, który zapewni obsługę ogromnego ruchu sieciowego i dużych zespołów programistów.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 18, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 35
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328366473
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (528 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: To zaktualizowane wydanie znakomitego zbioru receptur ułatwiających wykorzystanie potencjału Raspberry Pi. Uwzględniono tu nowe modele tego komputera, a także zmiany i ulepszenia systemu operacyjnego Raspbian. Dodano rozdziały traktujące o dźwięku i automatyce domowej. Te receptury bez trudu wykorzystasz dla zwiększenia wygody we własnym domu. Dzięki lekturze poznasz podstawowe reguły tej technologii, aby łatwiej zrozumieć zagadnienia dotyczące konkretnej płytki czy kodu. Z tej pozycji możesz korzystać podobnie jak z książki kucharskiej przeczytać od deski do deski albo skupić się na rozwiązaniu jednego, konkretnego problemu. Być może docenisz, że w recepturach dotyczących sprzętu uwzględniono przede wszystkim rozwiązania niewymagające lutowania obwodów.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 22, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 36
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328362031
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (766 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: To kolejne, rozbudowane i uaktualnione wydanie świetnego podręcznika projektowania i programowania stron internetowych, zawierające wiedzę niezbędną do rozpoczęcia samodzielnej pracy. Opisano tu zasady tworzenia witryn WWW oraz przedstawiono język HTML i techniki CSS. Sporo miejsca poświęcono multimediom grafice, plikom dźwiękowym i wideo. Znalazł się tutaj także znakomity wstęp do języka JavaScript, łącznie z jego bibliotekami, nakładkami i skryptami DOM. Warto też zwrócić uwagę na opis przydatnych narzędzi, takich jak procesory CSS, wykrywanie funkcjonalności, powłoka, menedżer zadań i system kontroli Git ? nieodzownych każdemu, kto pisze nowoczesne witryny internetowe. Treść książki została uzupełniona licznymi przykładami, ćwiczeniami i bogatym materiałem dodatkowym.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 3, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 37
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328368101
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (392 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Elektronika jest uważana za trudną dziedzinę wiedzy. Zwykle naucza się jej standardowymi metodami najpierw przedstawia się definicje, wzory i prawidła, a dopiero potem przechodzi się do ćwiczeń praktycznych. Adept elektroniki najpierw zapoznaje się ze wskazówkami i, postępując ściśle według instrukcji, buduje proste obwody. Oczywiście, nie jest to zła metoda nauki. Niemniej jednak, jeśli chcesz się zaciekawić, zafascynować i naprawdę nauczyć elektroniki, o wiele lepszą metodą jest nauka przez odkrywanie. Polega ona na eksperymentowaniu, własnoręcznym łączeniu komponentów i obserwacji — dzięki temu zrozumienie procesów, które zachodzą w działających układach, przychodzi dużo łatwiej i naturalniej, a nabyta wiedza jest o wiele trwalsza.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 17, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 38
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328366879
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (224 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest zwięzłym kompendium, w którym znajdziesz wszystko, co jest potrzebne do pracy z C#, podane w formie poręcznej ściągi. Została pomyślana w taki sposób, aby maksymalnie ułatwić przeglądanie i odnajdywanie potrzebnych treści — by wesprzeć pracę każdego, komu zależy na sprawnym wdrożeniu najnowszej wersji języka C#. Jest też nieocenioną pomocą dla osób, które znają już inne języki programowania, takie jak C++ czy Java, i postanowiły nabrać wprawy w pracy z C#. Poszczególne zagadnienia przedstawiono w przejrzysty, treściwy i równocześnie esencjonalny sposób, koncentrując się na najważniejszych sprawach. To pozycja, która powinna znajdować się tuż obok klawiatury każdego programisty C#!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed July 11, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 39
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681986371
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (368 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: In this fully revised and greatly expanded second edition of The Essence of Photography , world-renowned photographer and teacher Bruce Barnbaum draws upon 50 years of experience and observation to teach the art of photographic seeing and creativity. There is a lot more to photography than simply picking up a camera, pointing it toward something, and tripping the shutter. Achieving a great photograph requires thought and preparation, an understanding of the photographic process, and a firm grasp of how light and composition affect a photo. There must be personal involvement and personal expression. There must be experimentation, with the recognition that only a small percentage of experiments end successfully. In this revised and expanded second edition of The Essence of Photography , best-selling author and world-renowned photographer and teacher Bruce Barnbaum explores these seldom-discussed issues by drawing upon his personal experiences and observations from 50 years of photographing and teaching. In addition to photographs, Bruce also uses painting, music, and writing, as well as the sciences and even business, to provide pertinent examples of creative thinking. These examples serve as stepping stones that will lead you to your own heightened ability to see and be creative. Creativity is a topic that is almost wholly ignored in formal education because most instructors think that it cannot be taught or learned. To the contrary, Bruce has proven that photographic seeing and creativity can be taught, learned, and improved. This book expands on the ideas that are central to Bruce’s method of teaching photography, which he has used in workshops for the past 50 years. Included in the book are in-depth discussions on the following topics: • Defining your own unique rhythm and approach as a photographer • How to translate the scene in front of you to the final photograph • The differences and similarities between how an amateur and a professional approach photography • The differences between realism and abstraction, and the possibilities and limitations of each • Learning to expand your own seeing and creativity through classes, workshops, and associating with other photographers • Why the rules of composition should be ignored • How to follow your passion • When to listen to the critics and when to ignore them The book is richly illustrated with well over 100 photographs taken by Bruce as well as other photographers. Seeing and creativity are ...
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed December 11, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 40
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328365926
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (242 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Elektronika jest uważana za trudną dziedzinę wiedzy. Zwykle naucza się jej standardowymi metodami: najpierw przedstawia się definicje, wzory i prawidła, a dopiero potem przechodzi się do ćwiczeń praktycznych. Adept elektroniki najpierw zapoznaje się ze wskazówkami i, postępując ściśle według instrukcji, buduje proste obwody. Oczywiście, nie jest to zła metoda nauki. Niemniej jednak, jeśli chcesz się zaciekawić, zafascynować i naprawdę nauczyć elektroniki, o wiele lepszą metodą jest nauka przez odkrywanie. Polega ona na eksperymentowaniu, własnoręcznym łączeniu komponentów i obserwacji — dzięki temu zrozumienie procesów, które zachodzą w działających układach, przychodzi dużo łatwiej i naturalniej, a nabyta wiedza jest o wiele trwalsza.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 9, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 41
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328367456
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (232 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla początkujących i zaawansowanych użytkowników Kubernetesa. Dzięki niej osiągniesz nowe poziomy prędkości, zwinności, niezawodności i wydajności budowanych systemów. Opisano tu, jak działa orkiestrator klastrów Kubernetes oraz jak wykorzystać jego narzędzia i interfejsy API do usprawnienia procesów rozwoju, dostarczania i utrzymywania rozproszonych aplikacji. Wyjaśniono niezbędne szczegóły dotyczące aplikacji kontenerowych, uruchamiania i obsługi klastrów oraz wdrażania aplikacji w Kubernetesie. Przedstawiono sposoby integracji magazynów danych i rozszerzania platformy. Przydatnym podsumowaniem treści zawartych w książce jest kilka praktycznych przykładów tworzenia i wdrażania rzeczywistych aplikacji w Kubernetesie, a także omówienie metod organizowania aplikacji w systemie kontroli źródła.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 9, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 42
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328361546
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (352 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: W tym przewodniku opisano zagadnienia związane z podstawami nauki o danych. Wyjaśniono niezbędne elementy matematyki i statystyki. Przedstawiono także techniki budowy potrzebnych narzędzi i sposoby działania najistotniejszych algorytmów. Książka została skonstruowana tak, aby poszczególne implementacje były jak najbardziej przejrzyste i zrozumiałe. Zamieszczone tu przykłady napisano w Pythonie jest to język dość łatwy do nauki, a pracę na danych ułatwia szereg przydatnych bibliotek Pythona. W drugim wydaniu znalazły się nowe tematy, takie jak uczenie głębokie, statystyka i przetwarzanie języka naturalnego, a także działania na ogromnych zbiorach danych. Zagadnienia te często pojawiają się w pracy współczesnego analityka danych.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 21, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 43
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328362888
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (536 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Oto zbiór 275 receptur instruktażowych, z których każda pomaga w rozwiązaniu konkretnego problemu. Wszystkie zostały starannie przetestowane i wielokrotnie dowodziły swojej przydatności. Każda z omawianych receptur została poprzedzona krótkim wprowadzeniem i omówieniem zastosowanych mechanizmów działania. Nie jest to klasyczny podręcznik programowania, jednak z pewnością przyśpieszy naukę praktycznego wykorzystania możliwości R. Jeśli masz już pewne doświadczenie z tym językiem, odświeżysz swoją wiedzę i uzyskasz szerszą perspektywę. Wśród receptur znajdziesz obejmujące szeroki zakres zadania - od podstawowych operacji na danych wejściowych i wyjściowych, poprzez statystykę ogólną, aż po grafikę i regresję liniową. Dowiesz się również, jak wykorzystać język R do wizualizacji danych za pomocą ciekawych wykresów graficznych.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 18, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 44
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328349926
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (462 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest drugim, poszerzonym i uzupełnionym wydaniem przewodnika po kuchni dla geeków. Znajdziesz tu mnóstwo przydatnych informacji, inspiracji i zadziwiających ciekawostek. W każdym rozdziale znalazły się przepisy kulinarne, propozycje eksperymentów, a także informacje wprost od badaczy, naukowców i świetnych szefów kuchni. Dowiesz się, jakie procesy zachodzą w różnych temperaturach pieczenia i gotowania, jak zrobić idealne kruche ciasto i dlaczego warto postawić na sezonowość. Nie zabrakło wskazówek, dzięki którym będziesz gotować nie tylko pysznie, ale i zdrowo! Dzięki własnej ciekawości i chęci eksperymentowania oraz niewielkiej pomocy tej książki szybko odkryjesz, jak niezwykłym, fascynującym, magicznym i... nieodparcie przyjemnym miejscem jest Twoja kuchnia!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed October 2, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 45
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328361522
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (506 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka, podobnie jak inne pozycje serii Rusz głową!, została przygotowana zgodnie z najnowszymi odkryciami nauk poznawczych, teorii uczenia się i neurofizjologii. Oznacza to tyle, że dzięki niej będziesz się uczyć zgodnie z zasadami pracy swojego mózgu zaangażujesz umysł, wykorzystasz wiele zmysłów i niepostrzeżenie przyswoisz język programowania Go. Innymi słowy w naturalny sposób zaczniesz programować! Niecodzienny wygląd i struktura książki sprawiają, że zamiast klasycznego podręcznika otrzymujesz polisensoryczne doświadczenie poznawcze, zaprojektowane tak, aby uzyskać umiejętności przydatne każdemu deweloperowi! Nawet jeśli musisz posługiwać się innymi językami programowania, dzięki tej pozycji nauczysz się technik i praktyk, które będziesz stale wykorzystywać podczas kodowania!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed April 15, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 46
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364011
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (80 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: W tej książce dla młodych majsterkowiczów znajdziesz garść świetnych projektów przeznaczonych do samodzielnego wykonania. Dzięki nim zdobędziesz wiedzę, która przyda Ci się w wielu sytuacjach. Do wykonania projektów będą potrzebne jedynie podstawowe elementy diody, baterie, miedziane przewody czy magnesy. Znalazło się tu kilka ważnych informacji dotyczących zachowania bezpieczeństwa podczas eksperymentów. Poszczególne projekty zostały bardzo dokładnie opisane, a towarzyszące im instrukcje pozwolą Ci się dowiedzieć, jak krok po kroku zbudować każdy z nich. To świetne wprowadzenie w fascynujący świat samodzielnego majsterkowania!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed April 8, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 47
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328367234
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (232 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Mikrousługi są relatywnie świeżą koncepcją w świecie systemów IT, mimo to coraz więcej organizacji decyduje się na wdrażanie opartej na nich architektury. Uznaje się, że zapewnia ona wówczas lepszą skalowalność, łatwość łączenia poszczególnych niezależnych elementów, a przede wszystkim możliwość szybszej reakcji na zmiany i skuteczniejsze wdrażanie nowych funkcjonalności. Zanim jednak organizacja da się skusić tymi obietnicami, powinna gruntownie przeanalizować swoją sytuację i decyzję o ewentualnej migracji systemu oprzeć na racjonalnych przesłankach. Konieczne jest również opracowanie planu takiego przejścia, zwłaszcza jeśli nie można sobie pozwolić na dłuższe przestoje w działalności.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 25, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 48
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328365971
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (224 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ten praktyczny podręcznik, poświęcony podstawom uczenia głębokiego, zrozumiale i wyczerpująco przedstawia zasady działania sieci neuronowych z trzech różnych poziomów matematycznego, obliczeniowego i konceptualnego. Takie podejście wynika z faktu, że dogłębne zrozumienie sieci neuronowych wymaga nie jednego, ale kilku modeli umysłowych, z których każdy objaśnia inny aspekt działania tych sieci. Zaprezentowano tu również techniki implementacji poszczególnych elementów w języku Python, co pozwala utworzyć działające sieci neuronowe. Dzięki tej książce stanie się jasne, w jaki sposób należy tworzyć, uczyć i stosować wielowarstwowe, konwolucyjne i rekurencyjne sieci neuronowe w różnych praktycznych zastosowaniach.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 26, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 49
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328362079
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (192 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: W pogoni za harmonogramem, wynikami i wskaźnikami przedsiębiorstwa często tracą z oczu rzeczywiste potrzeby swoich klientów. W szalonym pośpiechu wypychają kolejne wersje produktu, które nie zawsze odpowiadają odbiorcom i użytkownikom. Rodzą się konflikty, frustracja w zespole narasta. Firma wpada w pułapkę budowania. W oczywisty sposób nie sprzyja to zachowaniu konkurencyjności i osiąganiu celów biznesowych. Powodem takich problemów nie są źle przygotowane kontrakty czy słabi pracownicy, ale niewłaściwe podejście do zarządzania produktem. Innymi słowy, konieczne jest przyjrzenie się fundamentom działania organizacji, szczególnie strategii produktowej.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed April 8, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 50
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328361263
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (320 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ten poradnik pomoże Ci uniknąć często spotykanych problemów z wizualizacją danych. Zawiera wskazówki, dzięki którym szybko zaczniesz tworzyć świetnie wyglądające i bogate w treść wykresy. Nauczysz się bezbłędnego dobierania najlepszego w danej sytuacji sposobu wizualizacji, poznasz reguły stosowania kolorów, wielkości i rodzaju czcionki, zachowywania odpowiednich proporcji poszczególnych części wykresu — i przekonasz się, że dobrymi decyzjami co do jego estetyki możesz zapewnić mu przejrzystość i elegancję. Znajdziesz tu również obszerny katalog wizualizacji, co ułatwi zapoznanie się z powszechnie używanymi metodami wizualizowania danych. Ważną częścią książki jest zestaw przykładów dobrze i źle przygotowanych wykresów z wyczerpującymi wyjaśnieniami.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 12, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 51
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681986241
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (544 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Mastering the Nikon Z50 by Darrell Young provides a wealth of experience-based information and insights for owners of Nikon's new mirrorless Z50 camera. Darrell is determined to help the user navigate past the confusion that often comes with complex and powerful professional camera equipment. This book explores the features and capabilities of the camera in a way that far surpasses the user’s manual. It guides readers through the camera features with step-by-step setting adjustments; color illustrations; and detailed how, when, and why explanations for each option. Every button, dial, switch, and menu configuration setting is explored in a user-friendly manner, with suggestions for setup according to various shooting styles. Darrell’s friendly and informative writing style allows readers to easily follow directions, while feeling as if a friend dropped in to share his knowledge. The information in this book goes beyond the camera itself and also covers basic photography technique.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 1, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 52
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (528 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: David Busch's Nikon Z5 Guide to Digital Photography is your all-in-one comprehensive resource and reference for getting the most out of your Nikon Z5 mirrorless camera. Nikon’s most affordable full-frame mirrorless model boasts up-scale features, including dual memory card slots, five-axis image stabilization for sharp images even when using slow shutter speeds, and an advanced hybrid autofocus system with face/eye detection and 273 AF points. The Z5’s 24MP sensor supports 4K and Full HD movie shooting, and an innovative Focus Shift mode that produces stunning deep-focus images. With this book in hand, you’ll master all the camera’s impressive features, and fine tune your camera skills as develop your creativity taking great photographs with your new Z5. Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Busch's Nikon Z5 Guide to Digital Photography covers all the camera's capabilities in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more, and relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations. Also included is the handy visual guide to the Z5, with close-up photos and descriptions of the camera's essential features and controls. Learn when to use each option and, more importantly, when not to use them, by following the author’s recommended settings for every menu entry. With best-selling photographer and mentor David Busch as your guide, you'll quickly have full creative mastery of your camera’s capabilities, whether you're shooting on the job, as an advanced enthusiast, or are just out for fun. Start building your knowledge and confidence, while bringing your vision to light with the Nikon Z5 today.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 16, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 53
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (288 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: See the images and read the stories behind the creative process of one of America's most respected landscape photographers, William Neill. For more than two decades, William Neill has been offering his thoughts and insights about photography and the beauty of nature in essays that cover the techniques, business, and spirit of his photographic life. Curated and collected here for the first time, these essays are both pragmatic and profound, offering readers an intimate look behind the scenes at Neill's creative process behind individual photographs as well as a discussion of the larger and more foundational topics that are key to his philosophy and approach to work. Drawing from the tradition of behind-the-scenes books like Ansel Adams' Examples: The Making of 40 Photographs and Galen Rowell's Mountain Light: In Search of the Dynamic Landscape , Light on the Landscape covers in detail the core photographic fundamentals such as light, composition, camera angle, and exposure choices, but it also deftly considers those subjects that are less frequently examined: portfolio development, marketing, printmaking, nature stewardship, inspiration, preparation, self-improvement, and more. The result is a profound and wide-ranging exploration of that magical convergence of light, land, and camera. Filled with beautiful and inspiring photographs, Light on the Landscape is also full of the kind of wisdom that only comes from a deeply thoughtful photographer who has spent a lifetime communicating with a camera. Incorporating the lessons within the book, you too can learn to achieve not only technically excellent and beautiful images, but photographs that truly rise above your best and reveal your deeply personal and creative perspective-your vision, your voice.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed April 22, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 54
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (400 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: David Busch's Canon EOS 90D Guide to Digital Photography is your all-in-one comprehensive resource and reference for the advanced Canon EOS 90D camera. This upgraded 32.5 megapixel APS-C model features a 45-point autofocus system. The Dual Pixel CMOS hybrid autofocus brings lightning-fast phase detect AF to live view and high-definition movie modes, too. The 90D's metering system includes a 220,000-pixel RGB+Infrared sensor with Face Detection for accurate exposure control. The 90D has Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth connectivity to allow linking the camera to a computer and iOS or Android smart devices, and an improved swiveling touch screen LCD. With this book in hand, you can quickly apply all these advanced features to your digital photography, while boosting your creativity to take great photographs with your Canon EOS 90D. Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Busch's Canon EOS 90D Guide to Digital Photography covers all this upscale camera's features in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more, and relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations. Also included is the handy 90D "roadmap," an easy-to-use visual guide to the camera's features and controls. Learn when to use each option and, more importantly, when not to use them, by following the author's recommended settings for every menu entry. With best-selling photographer and mentor David Busch as your guide, you'll quickly have full creative mastery of your camera's capabilities, whether you're shooting on the job, as an advanced enthusiast, or are just out for fun. Start building your knowledge and confidence, while bringing your vision to light with the Canon EOS 90D today.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed July 9, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 55
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (184 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Learn to use a one-light approach for recreating the look of beautiful, natural window light for portraiture! At its best, natural light is magical for portraiture. The quality of natural light streaming through a window can be extraordinary-gorgeous, wrapping light that flatters your subject and can be used to create multiple looks. For years, photographer Sandra Coan exclusively used natural light in her portraiture work. And while the results could be magnificent, she also learned that she could not rely on it to build a business and create consistently great photographs. That's because natural light is frustratingly unpredictable: sometimes it rains, sometimes the light is too harsh when your clients are available, and sometimes-depending on the time of year-it's just too dark. In order to grow her business with dependably great results and a high level of professionalism, Sandra finally decided to tackle artificial light. She spent years honing her ability to use artificial light to recreate the look of beautiful, natural light. And now, with a simple one-light approach, she produces "natural" light whenever and wherever she likes, creating great portraits in any situation, at any time of day or night. It's an approach that has led to a successful career spanning two decades and a signature look to her work. Here, in Crafting the Natural Light Look , Sandra shares her knowledge and techniques so that you, too, can learn to quickly and dependably create the look of natural light in your own portraiture. Unlike other books that address artificial light, Sandra's tone is conversational and easygoing, and she does not cover everything there is to know about artificial light. In fact, there are no two- or three-light setups here. Instead, Sandra's method is straightforward and easily actionable. She covers: • The key characteristics of light (intensity, distance, direction) • Equipment: strobes, flashes, light meters, triggers, receivers, modifiers, reflectors, and light stands-including what she uses, and what she recommends if starting out on a budget • Shutter speed and its relationship with artificial light • Where to position the light and the subject for consistent, flattering results • Creating four lighting patterns and looks with one setup-flat light, loop light, side light, and backlight • Using a light meter to determine the perfect flash power (whether you shoot film or digital) • Working with individuals, families, a...
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 30, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 56
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (384 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: David Busch's Nikon Z50 Guide to Digital Photography is your all-in-one comprehensive resource and reference for getting the most out of your Nikon Z50 mirrorless camera. Nikon’s first APS-C format mirrorless model is compact, weighs just 14 ounces, and is very affordable, making it the perfect camera for budding photo enthusiasts. It’s built around a 21-megapixel sensor that offers excellent image quality and is sensitive enough for low light shooting. With a 209-point phase-detect autofocus system covering more than 85 percent of the frame, the Z50 can shoot sports and action at up to 11 frames per second, with lightning fast focus. The Z50 can capture both 4K and Full HD movies, too, and the flip-down rear LCD is ideal for selfies and vlogging. With this book in hand, you’ll master all the camera’s impressive features, and fine tune your camera skills as develop your creativity taking great photographs with your new Z50. Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Busch's Nikon Z50 Guide to Digital Photography covers all the camera's capabilities in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more, and relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations. Also included is the handy visual guide to the Z50, with close-up photos and descriptions of the camera's essential features and controls. Learn when to use each option and, more importantly, when not to use them, by following the author’s recommended settings for every menu entry. With best-selling photographer and mentor David Busch as your guide, you'll quickly have full creative mastery of your camera’s capabilities, whether you're shooting on the job, as an advanced enthusiast, or are just out for fun. Start building your knowledge and confidence, while bringing your vision to light with the Nikon Z50 today.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 6, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 57
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (256 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Podczas projektowania wielu procesów produkcyjnych, łącznie z budową oprogramowania, za kluczowe kryteria uznaje się szybkość wykonywania zadań, wydajność czy niskie koszty. Tymczasem opracowanie produktu o wyjątkowej wartości rynkowej wymaga nieco innego podejścia. Celem produkcji nie jest przecież produkcja sama w sobie. Aby kiedyś osiągnąć wysokie zyski, planowanie procesów produkcji musi opierać się na wymaganiach użytkowników, bez zatracania się w szczegółach produktu. To jest właśnie myśl przewodnia metody mapowania historyjek użytkownika tworzonych na potrzeby procesów agile. Ta odkrywcza książka, kierowana przede wszystkim do product managerów, analityków biznesowych i osób zajmujących się wrażeniami użytkownika, ma na celu pokazanie, w jaki sposób można w pełni wykorzystać zalety procesów agile i lean poprzez mapowanie historyjek. Technika ta umożliwia nakreślenie obrazu całości, który niekiedy trudno zrekonstruować na podstawie wielkiego zbioru osobnych historii. Modyfikowalne mapy historyjek umożliwiają zespołowi prowadzenie bardziej wnikliwych dyskusji o projekcie w ramach procesu produkcyjnego. W efekcie zespół sprawnie buduje wspólną wizję tego, co chce stworzyć, co przybliża produkt do osiągnięcia sukcesu. W tej książce znajdziesz: ogólne zasady mapowania historyjek, wyjaśnienie sposobu mapowania historyjek, opis wykorzystania mapowania historyjek w projektach agile oraz lean, omówienie cyklu rozwojowego historyjek, począwszy od wskazania okazji do rozwoju i odkrywania możliwości, liczne ćwiczenia i przykłady tworzenia map historyjek i ich modyfikowania, przedstawienie procesu prowadzącego od mapowania historyjek do powstania sprawnego oprogramowania. Mapowanie to prawdziwe źródło inspiracji!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 25, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 58
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (360 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Make great photos of flowers, gardens, landscapes and the beautiful world around us Gardens are everywhere, all around us. In this long-awaited guide to garden photography, noted botanical photographer and author Harold Davis tackles the subject of garden photography with an expansive brush. In this book, you'll find techniques for photographing extreme macro subjects while becoming a better landscape photographer. From tiny flowers to vast landscapes, your photography can be enhanced using the techniques you will discover in Creative Garden Photography . What is a garden? The topic of garden photography encompasses a huge range of photographic styles and techniques that can be applied to almost any kind of photography. Learn to use this toolset from one of the acknowledged modern masters of photography. • Explore gardens, types of gardens, and how best to photograph them • Create stunning floral macros and high-key imagery • Learn techniques for adding impressionism to your photos • Use light and creative exposures to enhance your imagery • Master close-up focusing, depth-of-field, and focus stacking • Create your own custom field studio "in a bucket" • Complete exposure data and the story behind every photo "My goal as a photography teacher and writer about photography is to inspire and to help you become the best and most creative photographer and image-maker that you can be." -Harold Davis "Harold Davis's etherial floral arrangements have a purity and translucence that borders on the spiritual." - Popular Photo Magazine "Davis is a pioneer and a new art form-part photographer, part digital illusionist." - Rangefinder Magazine "Harold Davis's Creative Photography series is a great way to start a photography library." - PhotoFidelity TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ENTERING THE GARDEN Understanding Gardens Garden Styles and Purposes Different Kinds of Garden Photography Garden Purpose and Design Informs Photography OF LIGHT AND GARDEN Sunrise, Sunset, Blue Hours, Golden Hour ON LOCATION: THE ROMANTIC GARDEN, SCHWETZINGEN AT SUNRISE, GERMANY ON THE IPHONE: SNAPSEED USING A TRIPOD Using a Tripod for More Creative Options Tripods for Garden Photography: Materials, Legs, Types of Heads Tripod Tips and Tricks BLENDING EXPOSURES TO EXTEND RANGE BLACK AND WHITE IN THE GARDEN Photographing the Zen Garden ON LOCATION: IMPERIAL GARDENS OF OLD NARA, JAPAN CONVERTING TO BLACK AND WHITE IMPRESSIONISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY Camera in Motion Subject ...
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed July 2, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 59
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (312 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Photographers often look at an image—one they’ve either already created or are in the process of making—and ask themselves a simple question: “Is this a good photograph?” It’s an understandable question, but the truth is that it’s profoundly unhelpful. How are you supposed to answer that? What does “good” even mean? What if you were equipped to ask better, more specific questions of your work so that you could answer them more directly, and in doing so, bring more specific action and intention to the act of creating photographs? What if asking the right questions allowed you to establish a more helpful and pragmatic approach to your image-making? In The Heart of the Photograph , photographer and author David duChemin helps you learn to ask (and find your own answers to) better questions of your work in order to craft more successful photographs. Photographs that express and connect, photographs that are strong and, above all, yours. From the big-picture questions—What do I want this image to accomplish?—to the more detail-oriented questions that help you get there—What is the light doing? Where do the lines lead?—David walks you through his own questions and process so that you can establish your own. Along the way, there are discussions of the building blocks from which compelling photographs are made, such as gesture, balance, scale, harmony, perspective, story, memory, symbolism, and much more. The Heart of the Photograph is not a theoretical book. It is an immensely practical and truly useful book that empowers you to ask better, more helpful questions of you and your work so that you can produce images that fulfill your vision and intention for them.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 17, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 60
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681986814
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (204 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Learn to train your eye and improve your timing in order to capture the decisive moment! Whether it’s due to social media or the introduction of great rangefinder-style digital cameras over a decade ago, street photography has experienced a remarkable resurgence in recent years. You can be roaming the streets of a classic urban environment (New York, Paris, Tokyo) or on a simple photo walk around a quiet neighborhood—it has never been more popular to pursue the art of capturing those candid, fleeting moments that happen throughout the day, of freezing a moment in time and transforming the ordinary into an extraordinary photograph. But learning to see light and moment, to make quick decisions, and to nail a photographic composition are all crucial skills you must master in order to become a good street photographer. Photographer, instructor, and author Valerie Jardin has been teaching photographers how to take better photographs for years, and in Street Photography Assignments: 75 Reasons to Hit the Streets and Learn , she provides dozens of prompts for you to practice in order to refine and improve your craft. These activities focus on themes such as: • Street portraits • Gesture • Shadows • Silhouettes • Rim light • Humor • Abstract • Tension • Motion • Reflections • Leading lines • Creative framing • Juxtapositions • Double exposures • And much, much more! Each assignment includes a description of the technique, various tips and tricks to practice, technical and compositional considerations, and an example photo that Jardin has captured when practicing the same exercise. Whether you have 30 minutes or 3 hours, each assignment is an opportunity for you to take your camera and hit the streets. No more excuses!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 9, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 61
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681986494
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (336 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Learn to create amazing, charming, and compelling dog photographs with Kaylee Greer, commercial dog photographer and host of Nat Geo Wild's Pupparazzi! If you want to learn to create pictures that truly capture a dog’s personality—whether that’s playful, cute, whimsical, shy, goofy, strong, or beautiful—you’ve come to the right place. If you’re a professional photographer looking to up your game or an amateur who just wants to take better pictures of your best bud, Dogtography is your guide to capturing jaw-dropping photographs that are filled with heart and soul. And there is no better teacher than Kaylee Greer, a widely published commercial photographer who teaches pet photography workshops around the world and is host of Nat Geo Wild’s “Pupparazzi,” an original television series that focuses on her life and career. Dogtography is packed with great information and—just like Kaylee and her photographs—an infectious personality. In this book, you’ll learn all of Kaylee’s hard-earned tricks of the trade, including her camera settings, lens choices, and how she picks great locations. You’ll also learn all about: • “Speaking dog”—understanding body language, respect, and safety • What’s in Kaylee’s camera bag and treat bag (squeakers, snacks, and toys)! • Getting the best expressions and poses during a shoot • How to create a great action shot • Techniques for finding your style and enhancing your creativity • Kaylee’s tried-and-true shot ideas You’ll also learn Kaylee’s method for picking the best images from a shoot, plus her post-processing techniques to finish off a shot, including general retouching, making eyes sparkle, and the all-important leash removal! TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Speaking Dog Chapter 2: Basic Camera Settings Chapter 3: What’s in the Camera Bag at Every Shoot? Chapter 4: What’s in the Treat Bag? Tools and Tricks for Getting Your Furry Subject’s Attention Chapter 5: Choosing a Location Chapter 6: The Best and Most Effective Tips for a Rockin’ Dog Photo Shoot Chapter 7: Expressions and Poses Chapter 8: Shooting Action Chapter 9: Creativity Chapter 10: Tried and True Shoot Ideas Chapter 11: Choosing Your Best Images Chapter 12: Editing and Final Steps
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 11, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 62
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (296 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: If your past attempts at learning flash have all ended in failure (not to mention tears and/or blind rage), then The Off-Camera Flash Handbook is about to change everything for you. For years, photographer Vanessa Joy has been using off-camera flash to create gorgeous portraits that look like they were shot in the most beautiful natural light at the perfect time of day. Well, guess what? That consistent look was not created thanks to the most amazing luck with the weather. No. It was created by a pro photographer who mastered her use of off-camera flash. And with her down-to-earth and practical explanations, that's exactly what Vanessa teaches you in this book. Vanessa breaks down off-camera flash into an easy-to-understand approach, and instead of focusing on the gear and the settings (which are also included, of course), she focuses on the kinds of shots you want to make. This book is about learning to use off-camera flash easily and quickly so that you can create beautiful, natural-looking light in any situation, at any time you need it...regardless of the weather or time of day. The book is divided into three parts. Part One covers the fundamentals of off-camera flash, and it does so without blasting you with a firehose of information. Instead, Vanessa gives you the basics you need so that you can start shooting right away without becoming overwhelmed with technical jargon. Once you're set up and ready to go, Vanessa jumps right into Part Two with specific photo scenarios and real-world situations where you'll learn key techniques for using your flash to create consistent, beautiful photographs. For each scenario, Vanessa provides the goal for the shoot, a gear list, the step-by-step shooting instructions, and images that show both the progress of the shoot and the behind-the-scenes shots or lighting diagrams of the setup. She also discusses problems you may encounter, variations on the shot, and additional practical scenarios for each situation. Just a few examples include: • Recreating the golden hour at any time • Shooting groups • Making indoors look like outdoors • Enhancing natural light • Using flash at events • Working in harsh sunlight • Creating silhouettes • Shooting at sunset • Fixing an ugly-light room • And much more Finally, Part Three tackles the questions you'll likely have once you've got the basics under your belt and you're already creating great photos with your off-camera flash-things like high-speed sync, sync speed, a...
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 6, 2020)
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  • 63
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681985336
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (388 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local ; Electronic books
    Abstract: Adobe Illustrator: A Complete Course and Compendium of Features is your guide to building vector graphics, whether you're creating logos, icons, drawings, typography, or other illustrations-and regardless of their destination: print, web, video, or mobile. First, with a complete Course that includes a set of projects and lessons derived from Adobe Certified Instructor Jason Hoppe, you will learn the procedures needed to use Illustrator effectively and professionally. Dozens of lessons are included that can be applied to any graphics you have in mind. Through these step-by-step lessons, you'll be exposed to all of Illustrator's features in practical contexts and its best practices for optimal workflows. To complete the Course, we'll supply lesson documents and their assets to download. These can even serve as starting points for your own projects. Then, for greater depth of knowledge and subsequent reference, you'll use the Compendium to uncover more of the "how" and "why" of Illustrator. With each topic easy to access, you can find and explore all of Illustrator's key features and concepts in depth. With cross references between the Course and Compendium, the two parts of the book complement each other perfectly. Best of all, when the lessons in the Course are done, the Compendium will continue to serve for months and years to come. Learn step by step how to: • Draw basic shapes and lines • Build graphics using Illustrator's deep and diverse toolset • Create complex icons using the Pathfinder and Shape Builder • Use color with predictable and harmonic results • Work effectively with type • And much more!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 7, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 64
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (240 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: The design industry has evolved rapidly over the past decade. Effective and successful designers no longer need to just “make things,” they need to be curious thinkers who understand how to solve problems that have a true impact on the world we live in and how to show the power of designing for social good. Now more than ever, the graphic design industry needs a book that teaches the foundations and theories of design while simultaneously speaking to the topics of history, ethics, and accessibility in order to make designs that are the most effective for all people. In Powered by Design , educator, designer, and public speaker Renee Stevens brings a truly up to date and thoughtful approach to an introduction to graphic design. As Assistant Professor at the S.I. Newhouse School of Communication at Syracuse University, Stevens created this book to be at home equally in academia and outside of the school setting. With a conversational and approachable tone, Stevens’ book is for anyone who wants to gain a more practical understanding of what graphic design is today, and the power and potential it has: from students to novice graphic designers to anyone who wants to build a solid foundation of design skills so that they can work more effectively with professional designers. Stevens covers topics such as: • Choosing the right typeface • Hierarchy and visual weight • Creating design systems • Balancing tension • Visualizing data • Understanding color and mood • Defining a story structure • User testing and critique • Immersive design (designing for all the senses) • Determining when a design is finished • How to make a living with design Woven throughout is the crucial idea that you must embrace empathy in everything you design in order to create work that is the most inclusive. Design has the power and potential to make real impact in our everyday lives, and this book will show you how to do that starting with your first design experience.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 19, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 65
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (416 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: David Busch’s Sony Alpha a6600/ILCE-6600 Guide to Digital Photography is the most comprehensive reference and guide book available for Sony’s flagship APS-C mirrorless camera. This enthusiast digital camera has a more powerful processor and upgraded autofocus with enhanced real-time tracking and advanced Eye AF. Built-in 5-axis image stabilization allows sharp images hand-held even with slower shutter speeds. The a6600’s new LCD swivels to face forward, making the camera excellent for self-portraits, vlogging, and other applications. The a6600 features a 24 megapixel sensor with 425 embedded phase-detect pixels for lightning-fast autofocus at up to 11 frames per second, and a more powerful battery to extend shooting life. With an electronic shutter that provides a silent shooting option, stunning 4K/UHD video capabilities, and new time-lapse photography features, the a6600/ILCE-6600 is a versatile digital camera that’s simple to use, yet boasts features demanded by the most avid photo buff. With this book in hand, you will discover all the capabilities of the Sony Alpha a6600/ILCE-6600 as you explore the world of digital photography, develop your creativity, and capture the best photographs you’ve ever taken. Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Busch’s Sony Alpha a6600/ILCE-6600 Guide to Digital Photography describes every feature of this sophisticated camera in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more. It relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations. Also included is the handy camera “roadmap,” an easy-to-use visual guide to the a6600/ILCE-6600’s features and controls. Learn when to use every option and, more importantly, when not to use them, by following the author’s recommended settings for every menu entry. With best-selling photographer and mentor David Busch as your guide, you’ll quickly have full creative mastery of your camera’s capabilities, whether you’re shooting on the job, taking pictures as an advanced enthusiast pushing the limits of your imagination, or are just out for fun. Start building your knowledge and confidence, while bringing your vision to light with the Sony Alpha a6600/ILCE-6600.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 31, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 66
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681986852
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (276 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: A deeper look at the creativity, art, expression, craft, and philosophy of landscape photography. More Than a Rock, 2nd Edition is a passionate and personal book about creativity and expression. In this series of over 70 brief essays, photographer and teacher Guy Tal shares his thoughts and experiences as an artist who seeks to express more in his images than the mere appearance of the subject portrayed. Following up on the success of the first edition, this revised edition contains updated imagery, a new essay in each of the book’s four sections—Art, Craft, Experiences, and Meditations—and is presented in a beautiful hardcover format. Tal makes an argument to consider creative landscape photography—expressing something of the photographer's conception through the use of natural aesthetics—as a form of visual art that is distinct from the mere representation of beautiful natural scenes. Tal covers topics such as the art of photography, approaches to landscape photography, and the experiences of a working photographic artist. His essays also include reflections on nature and man’s place in it, living a meaningful life, and living as an artist in today’s world. The book is decidedly non-technical and focuses on philosophy, nature, and visual expression. It was written for those photographers with a passion and interest in creative photography. Anyone who is pursuing their work as art, is in need of inspiration, or is interested in the writings of a full-time working photographic artist will benefit from reading this book. The book is visually punctuated with Tal’s inspiring and breathtaking photography. “Some images look like things, while others feel like things; some images are of things, while others are about things. A creative image is not a record of a scene nor a substitute for a real experience. Rather, it is an experience in itself—an aesthetic experience—something new that the artist has given the world, rather than a contrived view of something that already existed independent of them.” —Guy Tal “The medium of photography has a long tradition of practitioners who were not only masterful photographers, but were also insightful and thoughtful writers—the thinking man’s photographers. Among them we find such greats as John Szarkowski, Minor White, Bill Jay, and Robert Adams. It is no exaggeration to include Guy Tal on this esteemed list.” — From the Foreword, by Chuck Kimmerle
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 11, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 67
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (272 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Anyone who has photographed children knows: kids don't really do posing. But, as the photographer, it's your job and your responsibility to deliver lasting, impactful images in which kids look great. More importantly, the goal is to create photographs of kids that are authentic, engage their spirit, and convey their unique personalities. So how do you get beyond the "cheese" smile? How do you harness the wild energy of a kid who won't stop moving? How do you create energy and dynamism with a kid who just seems...bored and not into it? How do you do all that and achieve a compelling composition with flattering light and the proper exposure? Tamara Lackey has been photographing children and families for years, and in The Posing Playbook for Photographing Kids , she teaches you her strategies and techniques for successfully posing and photographing children. The book begins with a discussion of "organic posing," an approach to directing the subject that focuses on making small adjustments that build up to a successful shot. Tamara moves on to the psychology of photographing children, covering how to read your subjects, work with different personality types, and elicit genuine engagement. She also discusses gear, accessories, composition, lighting, and camera settings. Then, in five chapters that are the real core of the book, Tamara tackles typical shooting scenarios and works through each kind of shoot, explaining what worked, what didn't, and how each shoot progresses from start to finish. Covering the real-world challenges you'll face when photographing children, Tamara discusses photographing children in the studio, in urban settings, on commercial and fashion shoots, in outdoor natural settings, and in groups. At the end of each of these chapters, she provides a handy reference guide of poses to fuel and inspire your shoots. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1: Organic Posing Chapter 2: The Psychology Behind Photographing Children Chapter 3: Gear and Accessories Chapter 4: Framing, Lighting, and Settings Chapter 5: What to Keep in Mind When Finalizing a Shot Chapter 6: In Studio Chapter 7: Urban Settings Chapter 8: Commercial and Fashion Shoots Chapter 9: Outdoor Natural Settings Chapter 10: Posing Children Together
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 13, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 68
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (376 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: David Busch's Sony Alpha a6100/ILCE-6100 Guide to Digital Photography is your essential handbook for learning all the powerful - but easy to use -- features of Sony's most advanced entry-level APS-C mirrorless camera. Its new LCD swivels to face forward, making the camera excellent for self-portraits, vlogging, and other applications. The a6100 features a 24 megapixel sensor with 425 embedded phase-detect pixels for lightning-fast autofocus at up to 11 frames per second. With an electronic shutter that provides a silent shooting option, stunning 4K/UHD video capabilities, and new time-lapse photography features, the a6100/ILCE-6100 is a versatile digital camera that has simple operation yet boasts all the features you need to take great photos. With this book in hand, you will discover all the capabilities of the Sony Alpha a6100/ILCE-6100 as you explore the world of digital photography, develop your creativity, and capture the best photographs you've ever taken. Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Busch's Sony Alpha a6100/ILCE-6100 Guide to Digital Photography describes every feature of this sophisticated camera in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more. It relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations. Also included is the handy camera "roadmap," an easy-to-use visual guide to the a6100/ILCE-6100's features and controls. Learn when to use every option and, more importantly, when not to use them, by following the author's recommended settings for every menu entry. With best-selling photographer and mentor David Busch as your guide, you'll quickly have full creative mastery of your camera's capabilities, whether you're shooting on the job, taking pictures as an advanced enthusiast pushing the limits of your imagination, or are just out for fun. Start building your knowledge and confidence, while bringing your vision to light with the Sony Alpha a6100/ILCE-6100.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 8, 2020)
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  • 69
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (272 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Learn how to take professional-quality photographs using the same tricks today's top photographers use (surprisingly, it's easier than you'd think)! This is a completely, totally updated version of the #1 best-selling digital photography book of all time! It's the award winning, worldwide smash hit, written by Scott Kelby, that's been translated into dozens of different languages. Here's how Scott describes this book's brilliant premise: "If you and I were out on a shoot, and you asked me, 'Hey, how do I get this flower to be in focus, with the background out of focus?,' I wouldn't stand there and give you a photography lecture. In real life, I'd just say, 'Put on your zoom lens, set your f-stop to f/2.8, focus on the flower, and fire away.' That's what this book is all about: you and I out shooting where I answer questions, give you advice, and share the secrets I've learned just like I would with a friend-without all the technical explanations and techie photo speak." This isn't a book of theory-full of confusing jargon and detailed concepts. This is a book on which button to push, which setting to use, and when to use it. With over 200 of the most closely guarded photographic "tricks of the trade," this book gets you shooting dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos every time. Each page covers a single concept that makes your photography better. Every time you turn the page, you'll learn another pro setting, tool, or trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery prints. If you're tired of taking shots that look "okay," and if you're tired of looking in photography magazines and thinking, "Why don't my shots look like that?" then this is the book for you. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Pro Tips for Getting Sharp Photos Chapter 2: The Scoop on Lenses Chapter 3: Shooting Landscapes Like a Pro Chapter 4: Shooting Travel Like a Pro Chapter 5: Making Portraits Like a Pro Chapter 6: Making Portraits with Flash Like a Pro Chapter 7: Shooting Weddings Like a Pro Chapter 8: Shooting Sports Like a Pro Chapter 9: Shooting Other Stuff Like a Pro Chapter 10: Pro Tips for Getting Better Photos Chapter 11: How to Print Like a Pro Chapter 12: Photo Recipes to Help You Get the Shot
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 11, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 70
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681985886
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (208 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Break out the bricks, it's time for awesome family fun! LEGO bricks can be an endless source of imagination and joy for kids of all ages, and now dads can join in and help build amazing new creations. LEGO® With Dad is the ultimate guide to utilizing your LEGO supplies to make creative new projects. No expensive new sets required! With detailed instructions on the basic LEGO techniques as well as more advanced and complex builds, this book is perfect for parents and kids all skill levels. Featuring step-by-step lessons for fun projects including: Customized rocketship Robot with movable parts Menagerie of colorful animals Helicopter with rotating blades And much, much more! Whether you and your kids are LEGO novices or aspiring Master Builders, this book will show you how to explore the world of bricks together to create amazing projects and lifelong memories. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Getting Started with Bricks Chapter 2: LEGO how-to's Chapter 3: Classic Creations Chapter 4: Fun for Everyone Chapter 5: For Adventurous Builders Chapter 6: LEGO in Motion
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed July 10, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 71
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (256 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Skylum’s Luminar 4 is a great solution for both professional and amateur photographers who want to quickly create stunning photos. Luminar’s advanced AI-based tools eliminate hours of traditional editing tasks, whether you’re applying automatic tone and color adjustments, replacing dreary skies with more dynamic ones, or retouching portraits to smooth skin, remove blemishes, and accentuate flattering facial features. For those who want to dig into editing, powerful tools give you full control over your RAW and JPEG images, including advanced features such as layers, masks, blend modes, and lens correction. Luminar also works as a plug-in for other applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, and Apple Photos, allowing round-trip editing and seamless integration with workflows you may already have in place. Luminar 4 is deceptively deep, and in The Photographer’s Guide to Luminar 4 , photographer Jeff Carlson helps you discover Luminar 4’s best features to take full advantage of the program for all your photography needs. From importing your images to editing, managing, and exporting your files, Jeff showcases the power, precision, and control of Luminar while teaching you to work quickly and efficiently. In this book, he walks you through real-world landscape and portrait edits, and covers every tool and feature with the goal of helping you understand how to make Luminar improve your images. In this book you’ll learn all about: • AI editing: Luminar 4’s many AI-based tools eliminate hours of traditional editing tasks. Improve overall tone and color using just one slider, and enhance a sky using another without building masks or layers. Realistically replace the entire sky in one step, even when objects like buildings or trees intrude. Luminar identifies faces in photos, allowing you to smooth skin, sharpen eyes, brighten faces, and perform other portrait retouching tasks in minutes. • Expert editing: Take advantage of Luminar’s many professional tools to bring out the best versions of your photos. Enhance the look using tone controls and curves, dodging and burning, and tools built for specific types of images, such as Landscape Enhancer, Adjustable Gradient, and B & W Conversion. The Erase and Clone & Stamp tools make it easy to remove unexpected objects and glitches such as lens dust spots. Luminar’s RAW editing engine includes real-time noise reduction and advanced color processing and sharpening tools, all completely non-des...
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 30, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 72
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (320 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: The Art, Science, and Craft of Great Landscape Photography, 2nd Edition teaches photographers how to convert their visual peak experiences—moments of extraordinary natural beauty that evoke a sense of wonder and awe—into stunning images that elicit the same awestruck emotion in their viewers. Author Glenn Randall is an experienced wilderness photographer, and whether you want to venture into the mountains for once-in-a-lifetime shots of raw nature, or simply hone your landscape photography skills from the safety of your back deck, Randall explains the art, science and craft behind creating stunning landscape photographs. This fully updated edition of the best-selling first edition includes nearly all new imagery throughout the book, as well as a new first chapter, "Photographic Essentials," to help beginners to landscape photography get up to speed quickly. Additionally, this second edition takes into account how Randall's techniques have changed and evolved since the first edition published—from photographic practices to how he uses smart phones and apps as important and powerful tools for landscape photography. After discussing photographic essentials, Randall focuses on the art of landscape photography. He describes his three-step process for composing a photograph and shows how good composition is an organic process that begins with rules but ultimately transcends them. Randall then explores the science behind successful landscape photographs, which requires understanding key concepts from geography, optics, vision, and psychology. These concepts include: • How the position of the sun at sunrise and sunset varies throughout the year. This will help you plan when and where to shoot. • Using optics to predict where rainbows will appear, how polarizers will interact with reflections, and where to find spectacular light. • How to use topographic maps and computerized mapping tools to help you find promising shooting locations in the wilderness. • Calculating exposures, achieving correct exposure in high-contrast lighting situations, and the best digital darkroom techniques. With some practice and by applying the techniques that Randall teaches you, you will soon be ready to master the finer nuances of creating magnificent landscape photographs. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1: Photographic Essentials Chapter 2: Landscape Photography Looks So Easy Chapter 3: In Search of Extraordinary Landscapes Chapter 4: Visualization Chapter 5: ...
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed April 7, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 73
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681985176
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (416 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Adobe Photoshop: A Complete Course and Compendium of Features is your guide to creating, editing, and enhancing images and designs in Adobe Photoshop. Whether you’re retouching a photograph, making a simulated chalk drawing, or creating a composite photo with a 3D drawing, Photoshop is the tool for you—and this book will teach you what you need to know. First, with a complete Course that includes a set of projects and lessons derived from Adobe Certified Instructor Steve Laskevitch, you will learn the procedures needed to use Photoshop effectively and professionally. Dozens of lessons are included that can be applied to any graphics you have in mind. Through these step-by-step lessons, you’ll be exposed to all of Photoshop’s features in practical contexts and its best practices for optimal workflows. To complete the Course, we’ll supply lesson documents and their assets to download. These can even serve as starting points for your own projects. Then, for greater depth of knowledge and subsequent reference, you’ll use the Compendium to uncover more of the “how” and “why” of Photoshop. With each topic easy to access, you can find and explore all of Photoshop’s key features and concepts in depth. With cross references between the Course and Compendium, the two parts of the book complement each other perfectly. Best of all, when the lessons in the Course are done, the Compendium will continue to serve for months and years to come. Learn step by step how to: • Set up an ideal workspace • Master selections and masks • Work with type and brushes • Use blend modes for combining images • Take advantage of Smart Objects • Become more efficient and effective with actions and scripts • And much more!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 10, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 74
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (176 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: The ultimate guide to the hottest new crafting trend! Colorful, creative, and totally addictive, diamond painting has taken the crafting world by storm. Now, with The Diamond Painting Guide and Logbook readers can get expert advice and inspiration on how to take their artwork to the next level. Inspired by cross stitch and paint-by-number, diamond painting involves carefully placing colorful jeweled "diamond" resin pieces on a canvas to create gorgeous works of art. This book is the first ever guide to the best practices for making flawless, stunning paintings, including: • Best tools and uses • Easy tips, tricks, and techniques • Designing customized paintings • Finishing, framing, and displaying artwork • Maximizing therapeutic benefits • Logging pages for tracking favorite projects And much, much more! Whether you're a beginner interested in learning a fun new skill, or an experienced diamond painter ready to take your work to the next level, this book will give you everything you need to create show-stopping paintings.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 30, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 75
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681986128
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (240 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Learn how to confidently build a thriving and profitable career as a professional wedding or portrait photographer! For nearly a decade, renowned wedding and portrait photographer Roberto Valenzuela has been sharing his vast knowledge and unique, systematic approach to making photographs as he has taught workshops around the world and written five critically acclaimed and bestselling books that cover composition, posing, lighting, and wedding photography (his Picture Perfect and Wedding Storyteller series of books). He has helped countless photographers improve their craft. But the truth is that you can create the most amazing photos…yet still have a failing business. And what’s the point of being a great photographer if you can’t build a career, pay your bills, and feed your family? In order to create a thriving business, you need a different kind of knowledge and a new set of tools to succeed. In The Successful Professional Photographer , for the first time Roberto turns his focus on the business and marketing of your photography so that you can build and sustain a highly profitable business as a wedding and portrait photographer. Roberto shares all his hard-earned knowledge regarding finding clients, marketing and presenting your work, and getting paid what you deserve. Topics include: • Best practices and strategies for Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook • Being found through SEO • Promoting yourself and your work • The role that testimonials and reviews play in your success • Creating long-term client relationships • Forming personal connections with clients with promo videos • Why you should feature your work in publications • Pricing your work and the gentle art of the up-sell • Understanding and conveying the crucial importance of selling prints While the photographs you create are the core of your work as a photographer—being exceptional at your craft is a must—that’s only half of the formula you need for building and sustaining success. The other half of the formula is here, in The Successful Professional Photographer . Implement the strategies and techniques outlined here, and you’ll have everything you need to succeed and build a long, prosperous, fulfilling career as a wedding or portrait photographer. Foreword by Luke Edmonson TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I: How to Stand Out Chapter 1: Unleashing Instagram's Business Potential Chapter 2: SEO for Portrait and Wedding Photographers Chapter 3: Client Testimonials Chapter 4: YouTube and Face...
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 11, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 76
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    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Rocky Nook | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781681987019
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (160 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Learn to make your own sourdough starter—and delicious breads and other baked goods! No instant or active yeast required! What if the secret to authentic, natural, and delicious bread comes from making your own starter—the agent that incorporates wild yeast and bacteria into your bread, bringing it to life and giving it rich and robust flavor? With years of culinary experience and training, French baker Mouni Abdelli invites you to discover the joy and satisfaction of making your own natural sourdough starter, which offers unrivaled flavor and releases the full nutritional and digestive benefits of the bread you bake. Unlike mass-produced and unwholesome industrially made bread, making your own homemade baked bread is a return to natural, nourishing ingredients, and an invitation to slow down and return to the simple and magical process of breadmaking. With Abdelli’s guidance and recipes, you will first learn to make your own sourdough starter from scratch, then learn to work it into multiple recipes based on your taste and the other ingredients. You’ll learn to make many kinds of bread, including sourdough bread, baguettes, ciabatta, challah, tortillas, and pita. You’ll also be able to use your starter to move beyond bread and make delicious waffles, brownies, pizza dough, donuts, and more! Over the course of the book, you will become a breadmaking expert as you learn to maintain your starter—feeding it, storing it, and using it to make the best homemade breads and baked goods you have ever tasted!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 22, 2020) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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