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  • HU-Berlin Edoc  (18)
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  • 2005-2009  (18)
  • 1
    Language: English
    Dissertation note: Dissertation Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät III 2009
    DDC: 300
    Keywords: Hochschulschrift ; Medien ; Osteuropa ; Transformation ; Demokratisierung ; Mitteleuropa ; Eastern Europe ; Transformation ; Democratization ; Media ; Central Europe ; Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie
    Abstract: Diese Dissertation untersucht die Rolle der Massenmedien am Anfang der politischen Transformationsprozesse in den vormals realsozialistischen Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropas am Fallbeispiel der DDR und Ungarn in vergleichender Perspektive. Obwohl existierende Forschungsstudien von einem Zusammenhang zwischen Medien und Demokratisierung ausgehen, fehlten bislang empirisch überzeugende Nachweise über die Rolle der Medien auf die Demokratisierungsprozesse in der Region. Somit wurde ein zentraler – jedoch bislang weitgehend vernachlässigter – Aspekt der Transformationsforschung von dieser Arbeit aufgegriffen. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf die Rolle der Printmedien in der Region, und geht insbesondere der Frage nach, ob die Medien eher als „Katalysator“ der Demokratisierungsprozesse oder doch als „Mitläufer“ zu betrachten sind. Anhand einer vergleichenden Inhaltsanalyse von jeweils zwei offiziellen Tageszeitungen in beiden Ländern zwischen 1989 und 1990, wird in der Arbeit gezeigt, dass die Medien eine aktive und positive Rolle während den unmittelbaren Transformationsprozessen hatten, also als „Katalysatoren“ zu betrachten sind. Die Arbeit kommt zum Ergebnis, dass die Medien die jeweiligen Transformationen zwar selber nicht einzuleiten vermochten, sie jedoch die Ereignisse und die Dynamik, unmittelbar als die jeweilige „Wende“ eingeleitet wurde, verstärkten.
    Abstract: This thesis examines the role played by the mass media at the beginning of the political transformation of the former socialist states of central and eastern Europe, through a direct comparison of the GDR and Hungary. Although existing studies have suggested a casual relationship between the media and democratization, a lack of empirical evidence on the role of the media in democratization processes in the region still existed. Here, a central - but up to now largely neglected - aspect of the research on democratic transformation processes is thus analysed. The thesis attempts to answer the question of whether the media led or followed the democratization processes that were underway in the region by concentrating on print media. Through a comparative content analysis of two official newspapers in each country of analysis between 1989 to1990, it is suggested that the media assumed an active and positive role during the immediate transformation processes. Although the media were not able to initiate the respective transformations, they did act as a catalyst on the unfolding events as soon as the beginning of the demise of the socialist state systems were initiated.
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  • 2
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (278 Seiten)
    Dissertation note: Dissertation Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät I 2008
    DDC: 390
    Keywords: Hochschulschrift ; Tourismus ; Stadtforschung ; Funktionale Differenzierung ; Kommunikationstheorie ; Akteur-Netzwerk Theorie ; Tourism ; Urban Studies ; Functional Differentiation ; Communication Theory ; Actor-Network Theory ; Bräuche, Etikette, Folklore
    Abstract: Mittels einer Untersuchung von standardisierten Praktiken (Stadtrundgängen und Stadtrundfahrten) und Dispositiven (Stadtkarten, Reiseführer) fürs „Touren“ von Städten zeigt diese Dissertation, (1) wie die Stadt Berlin in ein virtuelles Objekt, nämlich, einen touristischen Zielort, transformiert wird, ( 2) wie diese Transformation nicht nur durch die Bewegung von Touristen im Raum und das Unterwegssein ermöglicht wird, sondern durch touristische Kommunikation über die Stadt, und (3) wie diese emergente touristische Stadt in einer multiplen und polykontexturalen städtischen Öffentlichkeit eingebettet ist, wo sie in verschiedenen Typen von Beziehung mit naheliegenden Inszenierungen der Stadt eintritt, wie die der Stadt-Marketing und der kollektiven Erinnerungspolitik. Drei weitere Aspekte sind zu erwähnen, die den gesamten Text subtil anregen. Die Dissertation stellt eine neue Theorie des Tourismus als Kommunikationsform, und nicht als Form des Reisens, auf; sie integriert die Luhmannsche Kommunikationstheorie mit der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie, und sie ist durchaus empirisch, basierend auf einer jahrlangen ethnographischen Untersuchung (2005-2006) von Praktiken und Dispositiven des „Tourens“ im zeitgenössischen Berlin.
    Abstract: Through the study of standardized practices (walking tours, bus-tours) and devices (maps, guidebooks) for touring cities, this dissertation shows (1) how the city of Berlin is transformed into a virtual object, namely, an urban destination, (2) how such transformation is enabled not simply by tourist movement in space and being away from ‚home‘, but by tourist communication on the city, and (3) how this emergent tourist city is embedded in a multiple and polycontextural urban public sphere, in which it enters into different types of relationship with neighbouring enactments of the city, such as those of city-marketing and collective memory. Subtly informing the whole text there are three aspects to be mentioned: the dissertation proposes a new theory of tourism as a form of communication, not of travel; it integrates Luhmann’s communication theory with actor-network theory; and it is throughout empirical, based on a year-long ethnographic study (2005-2006) of touring practices and devices in contemporary Berlin.
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  • 3
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    Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    In:  Environment & planning. A, Economy and space 41,2009,6, Seiten 1480-1495
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (35 Seiten)
    Titel der Quelle: Environment & planning. A, Economy and space
    Publ. der Quelle: London : Sage Publications
    Angaben zur Quelle: 41,2009,6, Seiten 1480-1495
    DDC: 711
    Keywords: Raumplanunug ; Verwaltung von Wirtschaft und Umwelt ; Sozialwissenschaften
    Abstract: This paper makes the case for studying intermediary organisations as a window on the shifting governance of water and energy services in Europe today. It explores the notion of intermediaries and intermediation in a wide range of literatures and demonstrates how the governance concept can provide focus to the term, indicating how intermediaries can influence the pursuit of collective goals under shifting governance structures and processes. Against this conceptual backdrop the paper sets out the key governance challenges emerging from the ongoing transformation of socio-technical systems (addressing water and energy services) in terms of changing relations between the state and the utility, between service provider and user, between infrastructure and urban systems and between infrastructure and the environment. It subsequently provides empirical illustration of the emergence of intermediaries in the water sector across Europe, the relational nature of their work, the interests they pursue and the impacts they are having.
    Abstract: Peer Reviewed
    Note: Originally published as: Timothy Moss (2009): Intermediaries and the governance of socio-technical networks in transition, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 41:6, 1480-1495, DOI: 10.1068/a4116
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 4
    ISBN: 978-0415410809 , 978-0415410809
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (23 Seiten)
    Publ. der Quelle: Abingdon : Routledge
    Angaben zur Quelle: , Seiten 76-93
    DDC: 576
    Keywords: genetics ; genetic testing ; genetic screening ; Cyprus ; Germany ; science practices ; science studies ; Genetik und Evolution ; Sozialwissenschaften ; Soziologie und Anthropologie
    Note: Published first as (erstmalig folgendermaßen erschienen): Stefan Beck and Jörg Niewöhner: “Localising genetic testing and screening in Cyprus and Germany. Contingencies, continuities, ordering effects and bio-cultural intimacy”. In: Handbook of Genetics and Society. Mapping the New Genomic Era. Edited by Paul Atkinson, Peter Glasner, and Margaret Lock. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2009. Chapter 6, pages 76–93.
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 5
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    Berlin : Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institut für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften
    ISBN: 3-936602-35-2
    ISSN: 1433-4585
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (220 Seiten)
    Series Statement: Schriftenreihe des Seminars für Ländliche Entwicklung ,2008,231
    DDC: 630
    Keywords: Landnutzungsplanung ; Risiko ; Training ; Katastrophenrisikomanagement ; Diversifizierung ; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit ; Sektorvorhaben Katastrophenvorsorge ; Philippinen ; Samar ; Leyte ; Region 8 ; Ostvisayas ; Binahaan ; Catarman ; Tacloban ; Katastrophenvorsorge ; Katastrophenmanagement ; KRM ; Katastrophenrisiko Reduktion ; Katastrophenvorsorgeplan ; Nothilfe ; Überflutung ; Überschwemmung ; Livelihood ; Anfälligkeit ; Anfälligkeitsanalyse ; Capacity Analyse ; Capacity Development ; extreme Naturereignisse ; Raumplanung ; Entwicklungsplanung ; Provincial Disaster Management Unit ; PDMU ; New Disaster Management Bill ; Joint Memorandum Circular 2007 ; JMC 2007 ; Calamity Fund ; Katastrophenkoordinationsrat ; NDCC ; PDCC ; MDCC ; Barangay ; BDCC ; Barangay Rat ; READY ; Evakuierung ; Bewußtseinsbildung ; Frühwarnsystem ; Katastrophenvorbereitungstraining ; German Technical Cooperation ; GTZ DRM Sector Project ; Philippines ; Samar ; Leyte ; Region 8 ; Eastern Visayas ; Binahaan ; Catarman ; Tacloban ; Disaster Risk Management ; Disaster Management ; Disaster Risk Reduction ; Disaster Prevention ; Disaster Preparedness Plan ; Disaster Preparedness ; Emergency Aid ; Flood ; Typhoon ; Livelihood ; Vulnerability ; Vulnerability analysis ; Risk analysis ; Capacity ; Capacity Development ; Risk ; Hazard ; Integrating DRM into development planning ; Spatial Planning ; Physical Framework ; Land Use Planning ; Development Planning ; Local Government Unit ; LGU ; Provincial Disaster Management Unit ; PDMU ; New Disaster Management Bill ; Joint Memorandum Circular 2007 ; JMC 2007 ; Calamity Fund ; Disaster Coordination Council ; NDCC ; PDCC ; MDCC ; Barangay ; BDCC ; Barangay Council ; READY ; Disaster Preparedness Training ; Drills ; Evacuation ; Early Warning System ; Community Based Early Warning System ; Awareness Raising ; Landwirtschaft, Veterinärmedizin ; Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie
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  • 6
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (387 Seiten)
    Dissertation note: Dissertation Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät III 2006
    DDC: 300
    Keywords: Hochschulschrift ; Polen ; Mittel- und Osteuropa ; Zivilgesellschaft ; Institutionentransfer ; Slowakei ; Demokratieförderung ; Zivilgesellschaftsförderung ; Non-Governmental Organisations ; Poland ; Civil Society ; Central- and Eastern Europe ; Democracy Aid ; Civil Society Assistance ; Non-Governmental Organisations ; Institutional Transfer ; Slovakia ; Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie
    Abstract: Die Arbeit stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit es externen Akteuren möglich ist, zivilgesellschaftli-che Strukturen eines in der Transformation befindlichen Staates zu stärken, um damit einen Beitrag zur Konsolidierung nachkommunistischer Gesellschaften zu leisten. Resultiert die externe Förderung tatsächlich in eine „zivilere“ Gesellschaft, welche sich auf mündige und aktive Bürger stützt, oder führt sie zu einem bloßen Transfer von Strukturen in Form von Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen (NRO), welche jedoch keine gesellschaftliche Anbindung haben und bloße Zuarbeiter westlicher Geberorganisationen sind? // Um diese Frage zu beantworten, werden im theoretischen Teil der Arbeit ausgehend vom akteurszentrierten Institutionalismus zwei wesentliche Mechanismen identifiziert, durch wel-che die Aktivitäten der Geber Veränderungen bei den Nehmern erzielen: Ermächtigung und Lernen. Während Ersteres die Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Ressourcen einiger Akteure stärkt und damit vorhandene Akteurskonstellationen ändert, führt Letzteres dazu, dass neue Ideen Eingang in die politische Arena finden. // Die Arbeit stellt die Aktivitäten vier verschiedener Geberländer und –organisationen in Polen und der Slowakei in den 1990er Jahren vor; der Europäischen Union, Deutschlands, der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und dem privaten Netzwerk der Soros Stiftungen; und un-tersucht deren Beitrag zur zivilgesellschaftlichen Entwicklung beider Länder. Hierzu werden lokale NROs in den Blick genommen, welche maßgeblich von westlichen Gebern unterstützt werden und untersucht, inwieweit diese als Träger der Zivilgesellschaft fungieren, welche Legitimität sie bei der Bevölkerung besitzen und ob sie nach Rückzug der Geber weiter exis-tieren. // Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Schluss, dass westliche Zivilgesellschaftsförderung in beiden un-tersuchten Ländern einen positiven Effekt hatte in dem Sinne, dass maßgeblich geförderte NROs tatsächlich als Träger der Zivilgesellschaft fungierten. Sie bemühten sich um die Un-terstützung anderer NROs, erweitern gesellschaftliche Partizipationsmöglichkeiten und sind soweit in nationale Strukturen und in der Gesellschaft verankert, dass auch ein Fortbestand ohne westliche Gelder möglich ist.
    Abstract: With the end of the communist bloc and the transformations taking place in Central and Eastern Europe the promotion and protection of democracy from abroad became a major field of assistance. Especially civil society assistance, understood as direct support granted to non-governmental actors of the target state with the explicit aim to promote the consolida-tion of democracy, became a major pillar of democracy aid. The dissertation analyzes civil society assistance and aims to tackle the question whether it is feasible to promote and strengthen civil society from abroad. Does civil society assistance result in more civil society or does it result in nothing more than the establishment of donor driven NGOs which are nei-ther voluntary nor independent but solely function as puppets of donors? // In order to answer this question and following the insights of actor-centered institutionalism, the dissertation identifies to modes of external intervention labeled „empowerment” and “learning. In the first case, donors may increase the action resources of chosen domestic actors, thus altering domestic actor constellations, by providing finances, technical equip-ment, information and know-how. In the latter case, external actors may impact upon the ori-entations, that is, the perceptions and preferences, of domestic actors. // The dissertation analyses the contribution of the activities of four different donors; the Euro-pean Union, the USA, Germany and the private network of Soros Foundations; to the devel-opment of civil society in Poland and Slovakia. In order to pinpoint outcomes of civil society assistance the dissertation focuses on recipients and their activities. The dissertation thus clarifies to what extent main recipient organizations act as carriers of civil society, whether they transmit the interests of their constituency into politics, whether they fulfill a watch-dog function and democratic functions attributed to civil society. It therefore analyzes main recipi-ents, their sustainability, legitimacy and effectiveness as carriers of civil society. // The dissertation jumps to the conclusion that externally driven civil society assistance had positive effects in both countries under investigation as supported NGOs acted as carriers of civil society.
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  • 7
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    Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    In:  International journal of urban and regional research 32,2008,2, Seiten 436-451
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (16 Seiten)
    Titel der Quelle: International journal of urban and regional research
    Publ. der Quelle: Oxford [u.a.] : Wiley
    Angaben zur Quelle: 32,2008,2, Seiten 436-451
    DDC: 300
    Keywords: Sozialwissenschaften
    Abstract: This paper explores the unfamiliar, but increasingly prevalent problem of overcapacity in urban infrastructure systems in regions subject to dramatic socio-economic restructuring. Taking the case of water supply and wastewater disposal systems in Eastern Germany as an example, it examines firstly how infrastructure overcapacities have emerged since reunification in 1990, resulting from sharply declining water consumption in the wake of ‘shrinking’ processes but also from infrastructure expansion. Secondly, the paper analyses what impact chronic overcapacity is having on the governance of water infrastructure systems. This empirical analysis is framed conceptually in terms of the current debate on the changing relationship between infrastructures and the localities they serve. It assesses specifically how far and in what ways the phenomenon of overcapacity in technical networks resonates with the ‘splintering urbanism’ thesis developed by Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin. It argues that the serious technical and economic problems posed by overcapacity are intensifying spatial disparities in service quality and price and – more fundamentally –are challenging the supply-driven ‘modern infrastructural ideal’ of universal and equitable water services.
    Abstract: Peer Reviewed
    Note: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Timothy Moss (2008): ‘Cold spots’ of Urban Infrastructure: ‘Shrinking’ Processes in Eastern Germany and the Modern Infrastructural Ideal. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 32(2), pp.436-451, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
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  • 8
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    Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    In:  7,3, Seiten 273-285
    ISSN: 1569-1330 , 1569-1330
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (11 Seiten)
    Publ. der Quelle: : Brill
    Angaben zur Quelle: 7,3, Seiten 273-285
    DDC: 301
    Keywords: comparison ; ethnography ; Soziologie und Anthropologie
    Abstract: Editorial of the special issue "Thick Comparison: How Ethnography Produces Comparability" of the journal "Comparative Sociology", published in 2008.
    Note: Published first as (erstmalig folgendermaßen erschienen): Jörg Niewöhner and Thomas Scheffer: “Introduction”. Issue Editorial. In: Comparative Sociology 7.3 (2008), pages 273–285. DOI: 10.1163/156913308X306627
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  • 9
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    Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät
    In:  Global Networks 7,2007,1
    ISSN: 1470–2266 , 1470–2266
    Language: English
    Titel der Quelle: Global Networks
    Publ. der Quelle: , 2007
    Angaben zur Quelle: 7,2007,1
    DDC: 300
    Keywords: Heimat ; Mobilität ; transnationale Fachkräfte ; Akteur-Netzwerk Theorie ; home ; mobility ; transnational professionals ; actor-network theory ; Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie
    Abstract: How do professionals constitute their homes under conditions of extensive mobility? The study is based on interviews with professionals working for an international organization who are chronically mobile. Despite their high mobility, they describe little difficulty constructing homes. Home can best be understood here not as a fixed location, but as a set of relationships, to both humans and non-humans. There are elements of spatial proximity, but also of distance, and homes may be defined by both objects present and excluded. They may be a focal point, but at the same time part of a heterogeneous network that spans localities as well as binds past and present. Home is therefore territorially defined, but only as an extended network rather than as a bounded location.
    Abstract: Peer Reviewed
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 10
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    Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    In:  International journal of river basin management 5,2007,2, Seiten 121-130
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (10 Seiten)
    Titel der Quelle: International journal of river basin management
    Publ. der Quelle: London : Taylor & Francis
    Angaben zur Quelle: 5,2007,2, Seiten 121-130
    DDC: 300
    Keywords: floodplain restoration ; institutions ; river basin management ; policy implementation ; Sozialwissenschaften
    Abstract: The task of restoring floodplains, as a means of improving flood protection or providing other benefits, poses multi-dimensional challenges to policy-makers and project managers alike. Involving essentially a reconfiguration of the interaction between a river and adjacent low-lying land, floodplain restoration affects a wide range of institutions designed to secure a variety of private and public goods associated with water and land use. A scheme to restore a floodplain requires the successful enrolment of these institutions in such a way as to create a result acceptable to the principal stakeholders. This is a highly complex process. This paper, based on EU-funded research on the policy contexts and selected pilot schemes of floodplain restoration in Germany, France and England and Wales, provides a critical appraisal of the institutional drivers and constraints of floodplain restoration. In particular, it explores how recent shifts in problem awareness and problem-solving in a number of relevant policy fields are creating windows of opportunity for more integrated approaches to restoring floodplains. At the same time it demonstrates the emergence of a new policy delivery gap emanating from the growing complexity of new generation floodplain restoration schemes.
    Abstract: Peer Reviewed
    Note: Originally published as: Timothy Moss (2007) Institutional drivers and constraints of floodplain restoration in Europe, International Journal of River Basin Management, 5:2, 121-130, DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2007.9635312
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  • 11
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    Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät
    In:  Mobilities 1,2006,3
    Language: English
    Titel der Quelle: Mobilities
    Publ. der Quelle: , 2006
    Angaben zur Quelle: 1,2006,3
    DDC: 300
    Keywords: mobility ; transnational professionals ; reflexive modernisation ; space ; Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie
    Abstract: The recent social structuration theories speak about liquefaction. However, these liquid models fail to deliver satisfactory explanation of contemporary sociation; the thesis of this article is that this is due to insufficient reflection on space-time. Three points are to be discussed: 1) the questionable distinction between social and geographical space, which these models use to diagnose current patterns of social structuration as resulting from new time-space experience; 2) the certainty of periodisation, which privileges time over space; and 3) the persistence of a ‘container’ understanding of space. It is necessary to work out a better understanding of the current time-space relations on the one hand, and to develop a method to grasp conceptually the meta change on the other hand. The second can be achieved with the help of the theory of reflexive modernization. This theory, however, does not offer much insight on the exact time-space relations, thus the first postulate requires further empirical research. The article, basing on a study of mobile transnational professionals attempts to fulfill both postulates and to work out its own theoretical frameworks for researching mobility, spatialisation and social structuration.
    Abstract: Peer Reviewed
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 12
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    Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    In:  1,2, Seiten 219-227
    ISSN: 1745-8560 , 1745-8560
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (12 Seiten)
    Publ. der Quelle: : Palgrave Macmillan/Springer
    Angaben zur Quelle: 1,2, Seiten 219-227
    DDC: 301
    Keywords: Altruism ; Biolooping ; Epigenetics ; Responsibility ; Social practice ; Soma ; Soziologie und Anthropologie ; Soziale Prozesse
    Abstract: The methods and theoretical repertoire of the biomedical sciences are undergoing rapid change fuelled, first and foremost, by advances in genomics and molecular biology. At the same time, social and environmental phenomena are being incorporated in new ways into medical frames of reference affecting professional practice as well as regimes of prevention and health promotion. In turn, these developments impact upon the social sciences and humanities concerned with new forms of dynamic corporealities in social and medical practice. This article outlines in a programmatic fashion three sets of issues that are likely to acquire significant relevance in this context: (1) looping effects will emerge along different pathways between medical diagnosis, selfhood, social practice and the body itself. The investigation of these dynamic interactions has so far received little attention in the social sciences and will require the development of a different methodological approach to do justice to different kinds of data and long-term effects. (2) Advances in the understanding of epigenetic regulation have begun to fundamentally change notions of inheritance and development and to differentiate the central dogma of genetics (DNA makes RNA makes Protein), with significant implications for notions of inter- and intra-generational responsibility and biographical time regimes. (3) The incorporation of 'things social' into medical domains is being taken to a new level of significance, fuelled by a number of fundamental shifts in medical reasoning and practice. The social sciences' current focus on (epi)genetics can only be a starting point for a broader interdisciplinary agenda to better understand the pathways through which 'the social and cultural' enters the body. The final section of this article discusses somatography as a practice-oriented approach attempting to address some of these issues in a symmetrical investigation across epistemic cultures.
    Abstract: Peer Reviewed
    Note: Published first as (erstmalig folgendermaßen erschienen): Stefan Beck and Jörg Niewöhner: “Somatographic Investigations Across Levels of Complexity”. In: BioSocieties 1.2 (2006), pages 219–227. DOI: 10.1017/S1745855206050113
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  • 13
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    Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    In:  , Seiten xiii-xix
    ISBN: 978-0-08-047093-1 , 978-0-08-047093-1
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (8 Seiten)
    Publ. der Quelle: Amsterdam : Elsevier
    Angaben zur Quelle: , Seiten xiii-xix
    DDC: 576
    Keywords: interdisciplinarity ; genetics ; gene therapy ; human genomics ; Genetik und Evolution ; Medizin und Gesundheit ; Sozialwissenschaften ; Soziologie und Anthropologie ; Soziale Prozesse
    Note: Published first as (erstmalig folgendermaßen erschienen): Jörg Niewöhner and Christof Tannert: “Building Interdisciplinarity in Research on Gene Therapy”. Editorial. In: Gene Therapy. Prospective Technology Assessment in its Societal Context. Edited by Jörg Niewöhner and Christof Tannert. Amsterdam and Kidlington: Elsevier, 2006, pages xiii–xix. DOI: 10.1016/B978-044452806-3/50001-9.
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  • 14
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    Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    In:  European Review 13,2005,2, Seiten 237-249
    ISSN: 1062-7987 , 1062-7987
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (13 Seiten)
    Titel der Quelle: European Review
    Publ. der Quelle: Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press
    Angaben zur Quelle: 13,2005,2, Seiten 237-249
    DDC: 301
    Keywords: Soziologie, Anthropologie ; Geschichte Europas
    Abstract: Since the end of the 19th century, social scientists, such as Georg Simmel and Max Weber in particular, have been engaged in developing theoretical concepts aimed at providing insight into the economic and socio-cultural significance of the (European) city. These concepts gained in prominence at the end of the 20th century, with the notion of the European city coming under pressure mainly due to the influence of the globalization of economic processes. The viability of the accepted model of the European city is now at stake.
    Abstract: Peer Reviewed
    Note: This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 15
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    Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät III
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (13 Seiten)
    Additional Information: Terrorism and armed conflicts at the turn of th 20th and 21st centuries : Terrorism and armed conflicts at the turn of th 20th and 21st centuries, Stettin, 01.06.2005 - 02.06.2005 ,2005
    DDC: 320
    Keywords: Konferenz ; Deutschland ; innere Sicherheit ; organisierte Kriminalität ; Terrorismus ; Innenpolitik ; Germany ; internal security ; homeland security ; organized crime ; terrorism ; internal policy ; Politik ; Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie
    Abstract: Innere Sicherheit ist regelmäßig Hauptthema im politischen Diskurs der Bundesrepublik. Ein subjektives Gefühl mangelnder Sicherheit in allen Lebensbereichen ist omnipräsent. Dieser Artikel analysiert die jüngsten Entwicklung im Politikfeld innere Sicherheit und nimmt eine erste Bewertung der Sicherheitsgesetzgebung vor.
    Abstract: Nearly periodically the topic of internal security appears on the public agenda of the Federal Republic. The subjective feeling of a lack of security in different dimensions of life is omnipresent. The latest security- and monitoring-acts interfere deeply – and at the same time nearly unnoticed – with the daily life of every single citizen. This article analysis latest developments and evaluates the german security policy.
    Abstract: Not Reviewed
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 16
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    In:  8,4, Seiten 356-358
    ISSN: 1366-9877 , 1366-9877
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (4 Seiten)
    Publ. der Quelle: : Taylor & Francis
    Angaben zur Quelle: 8,4, Seiten 356-358
    DDC: 300
    Keywords: Rezension ; Sozialwissenschaften
    Abstract: Review of the book “Participatory Technology Assessment – European Perspectives” (edited by Simon Joss and Sergio Bellucci, 2002).
    Note: published first as (erstmalig folgendermaßen erschienen): Jörg Niewöhner: Review of “Participatory Technology Assessment – European Perspectives”, edited by Simon Joss and Sergio Bellucci, 2002. In: Journal of Risk Research 8.4 (2005), pages 356–358. DOI: 10.1080/1366987042000265146.
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 17
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    In:  8,7–8, Seiten 717-719
    ISSN: 1366-9877 , 1366-9877
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (4 Seiten)
    Publ. der Quelle: : Taylor & Francis
    Angaben zur Quelle: 8,7–8, Seiten 717-719
    DDC: 300
    Keywords: Rezension ; Sozialwissenschaften
    Abstract: Review of the book “Cellular Phones, Public Fears and a Culture of Precaution” (by Adam Burgess, 2004).
    Note: published first as (erstmalig folgendermaßen erschienen): Jörg Niewöhner: Review of “Cellular Phones, Public Fears and a Culture of Precaution”, by Adam Burgess, 2004. In: Journal of Risk Research 8.7–8 (2005), pages 717–719. DOI: 10.1080/1366987042000265100.
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 18
    ISSN: 0040-1625 , 0040-1625
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource (33 Seiten)
    Publ. der Quelle: : Elsevier
    Angaben zur Quelle: 72,2, Seiten 195-211
    DDC: 610
    Keywords: Germany ; biomedicine ; economy ; Medizin und Gesundheit ; Soziale Prozesse ; Technik und Technologie ; Natürliche Resourcen, Energie und Umwelt
    Abstract: The rapid development of biomedicine demands a trustworthy, proactive regulatory regime that is able to manage progress with genuine regard for ethical, social and legal concerns. With its recent past of eugenics and euthanasia, Germany is particularly concerned with setting up a fair and transparent approach, able to respond quickly to scientific developments as well as societal concerns. This article reports on the development, implementation and evaluation of a citizen scenario workshop as a tool of participatory prognostics, integrating elements from participatory technology assessment and forecasting. In 7 days of highly structured work and expert support, 24 German participants developed four scenarios on "The Relationship of Biomedicine and the Economy in the Year 2014." Results and evaluation both show that the process (1) leads to scenarios that provide a useful perspective beyond expert opinion; (2) enriches the public and political discourse; and (3) offers a social learning opportunity appreciated by nonprofessionals and experts alike. We are confident in recommending this technique as a useful addition to existing foresight and horizon scanning activities.
    Abstract: Peer Reviewed
    Note: published first as (erstmalig folgendermaßen erschienen): Jörg Niewöhner, Peter Wiedemann, Cornelia Karger, Silke Schicktanz, and Christof Tannert: “Participatory prognostics in Germany. Developing citizen scenarios for the relationship between biomedicine and the economy in 2014”. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 72.2 (2005), pages 195–211. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2004.01.006.
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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