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  • MPI Ethno. Forsch.  (15,345)
  • HU Berlin  (3)
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  • Online Resource  (15,348)
  • 2020-2024  (7,880)
  • 2015-2019  (7,468)
  • Boston, MA : Safari  (10,905)
  • Paris : OECD Publishing.  (4,440)
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  • 1
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328362055
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (528 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest podręcznikiem dla praktyków. Zawiera zbiór narzędzi, katalog metod, przewodnik ułatwiający pracę, mnóstwo przykładów i studiów przypadku. Znalazły się tutaj również jasne wskazówki dotyczące przeprowadzania procesu projektowania usług. Opisano, jak łatwo doprowadzić środowiska biznesowe i specjalistów od projektowania do współpracy. Po ogólniejszym omówieniu procesu ustanawiania i realizowania inicjatyw w zakresie projektowania usług zaprezentowano także szczegóły facylitacji przedsięwzięcia i kształtowania jego otoczenia. Wiele spośród uwzględnionych w tekście metod i narzędzi zostało już dobrze opisanych. Tutaj natomiast, poza ich prezentacją, dodano szereg wskazówek i porad najlepszych ekspertów w dziedzinie projektowania usług. W ten sposób umożliwiono powiązanie doświadczenia z działalnością operacyjną i sukcesem biznesowym oraz budowaniem kultury klientocentryzmu.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 25, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 2
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328361508
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (1496 pages)
    Edition: 5th edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local ; Electronic books
    Abstract: To kompleksowy podręcznik do nauki programowania w Pythonie. Jego piąte wydanie zostało gruntownie zaktualizowane i rozbudowane o dodatkowe treści. Omówiono tu najnowsze wersje Pythona w liniach 3.X i 2.X, czyli 3.3 i 2.7, i dodano opisy nowych lub rozszerzonych mechanizmów, takich jak obsługa formatu JSON, moduł timeit, pakiet PyPy, metoda os.popen, generatory, rekurencje, słabe referencje, atrybuty i metody __mro__, __iter__, super, __slots__, metaklasy, deskryptory, funkcja random, pakiet Sphinx i wiele innych. W książce znalazło się mnóstwo ćwiczeń, quizów, pomocnych ilustracji oraz przykładów kodu. Jest to kompendium dla każdego, kto chce szybko zacząć programować w Pythonie i tworzyć wydajny kod o wysokiej jakości.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 5, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 3
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328363830
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (264 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Frameworki bardzo ułatwiają życie programistom. Pozwalają na szybkie tworzenie nawet rozbudowanych aplikacji, ale praca z frameworkiem najczęściej oznacza duże ograniczenia w doborze technologii. Wszystko jest w porządku, dopóki deweloper stosuje dokładnie te rozwiązania, które zaplanowali twórcy frameworka. Jeśli jednak zechce użyć innej bazy danych albo wykorzystać własną, autorską metodę uwierzytelniania użytkowników, może napotkać różne nieprzewidziane problemy. Szczęśliwie nie wszystkie mikrośrodowiska zachowują się w ten sposób. Framework napisany w Pythonie Flask, w odróżnieniu od typowych frameworków, umożliwia swobodne dobieranie technologii i komponentów aplikacji, a nawet tworzenie własnych rozwiązań. Oznacza to, że Flask pozwoli Ci zachować pełną kontrolę nad budowanym oprogramowaniem!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 11, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 4
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328367395
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (760 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka została napisana z myślą o doświadczonych programistach. Podstawowe zagadnienia, takie jak klasy, polimorfizm i kolekcje, znalazły się w kilku pierwszych rozdziałach, jednak zrozumienie treści całej publikacji wymaga umiejętności technicznych. Została poświęcona ważnym koncepcjom C# i tajnikom tego języka, które rzadko kiedy są opisywane w literaturze. Dokładnie omówiono tu typy ogólne, LINQ oraz techniki programowania asynchronicznego. Przedstawiono najnowsze możliwości platformy .NET Core i języka C# 8.0, takie jak strumienie asynchroniczne, referencje akceptujące wartości puste, dopasowywanie wzorców, domyślne implementacje interfejsów, zakresy, a także nową składnię indeksowania oraz zmiany w narzędziach platformy .NET. Liczne rozbudowane przykłady stanowią świetne uzupełnienie prezentowanych treści.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 3, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 5
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328365582
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (256 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Z tego zwięzłego przewodnika po technikach uczenia maszynowego opartego na strukturalnych danych skorzystają programiści, badacze, osoby zajmujące się nauką o danych oraz twórcy systemów sztucznej inteligencji. Znalazł się tu wyczerpujący opis procesu uczenia maszynowego i klasyfikacji danych strukturalnych. Przedstawiono też metody klastrowania danych, analizy regresji, redukcji wymiarowości oraz inne ważne zagadnienia. Prezentowane treści zostały zilustrowane uwagami, tabelami i przykładami kodu. Nie zabrakło opisu przydatnych bibliotek, niezwykle użytecznych w pracy analityka danych. W efekcie książka pozwala na szybkie rozwiązywanie różnego rodzaju problemów związanych z przetwarzaniem danych strukturalnych.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 17, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 6
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364059
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (256 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: To książka przeznaczona dla programistów, którzy chcą maksymalnie wykorzystać możliwości Kubernetesa, również poprzez pisanie własnych zasobów. W praktyczny sposób pokazuje, jak rozwijać natywne, działające w chmurze aplikacje dla Kubernetesa. Wyjaśnia, w jaki sposób działa biblioteka API client-go i jak należy budować zasoby niestandardowe. Znalazło się tu obszerne i szczegółowe omówienie interfejsu programowania i działania platformy Kubernetes, a także pisania stabilnego oprogramowania w języku Go. Nie zabrakło szeregu wskazówek dotyczących samego pisania kodu oraz przeprowadzania testów. Dużo uwagi poświęcono niestandardowym zasobom, kontrolerom, webhookom i niestandardowym serwerom API oraz wzorcom rozszerzania Kubernetesa.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 27, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 7
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328368309
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (464 pages)
    Edition: 5th edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Dzięki tej książce dowiesz się, jak sobie z tym poradzić. Znalazło się w niej krótkie wprowadzenie do Pythona oraz do automatyzacji przetwarzania tekstu i obsługi systemu plików, a także do pisania własnych narzędzi wiersza poleceń. Zaprezentowano również przydatne narzędzia linuksowe, systemy zarządzania pakietami oraz systemy budowania, monitorowania i automatycznego testowania kodu. Zagadnienia te szczególnie zainteresują specjalistów DevOps. Ponadto zawarto tu podstawowe informacje o chmurze obliczeniowej, usługach IaC i systemach Kubernetes. Omówiono zasady uczenia maszynowego i inżynierii danych z perspektywy DevOps. Przedstawiono także kompletny przewodnik po procesach budowania, wdrażania oraz operacyjnego wykorzystywania modelu uczenia maszynowego z użyciem systemów Flask, sklearn, Docker i Kubernetes.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 25, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 8
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328360020
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (768 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: To drugie wydanie bestsellerowego przewodnika po technikach uczenia maszynowego. Wystarczą minimalne umiejętności programistyczne, aby dzięki tej książce nauczyć się budowania i trenowania głębokiej sieci neuronowej. Zawarto tu minimum teorii, a proces nauki jest ułatwiony przez liczne przykłady i ćwiczenia. Wykorzystano gotowe rozwiązania i przedstawiono zasady pracy ze specjalistycznymi narzędziami, w tym z TensorFlow 2, najnowszą odsłoną modułu. W efekcie niepostrzeżenie przyswoisz niezbędny zasób pojęć i narzędzi służących do tworzenia systemów inteligentnych. Poznasz różnorodne techniki i zaczniesz samodzielnie ich używać. Po lekturze będziesz biegle posługiwać się najnowszymi technologiami sztucznej inteligencji!
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed August 5, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 9
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328367210
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (432 pages)
    Edition: 3rd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest szerokim, aktualnym i praktycznym przeglądem metod analizy szeregów czasowych, w którym ujęto pełny potok przetwarzania danych czasowych i modelowania. Zaprezentowano w niej rzeczywiste przypadki użycia tych metod i zilustrowano je obszernymi fragmentami znakomicie zaprojektowanego kodu w językach R i Python. Znalazły się tutaj praktyczne wskazówki ułatwiające rozwiązywanie najczęstszych problemów występujących w inżynierii danych czasowych i ich analizie. Ujęto tu zarówno konwencjonalne metody statystyczne, jak i nowoczesne techniki uczenia maszynowego. To bardzo przydatny przewodnik, dzięki któremu analitycy danych, inżynierowie oprogramowania i naukowcy będą mogli płynnie przejść od podstaw pracy z szeregami czasowymi do rozwiązywania konkretnych zagadnień na profesjonalnym poziomie.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 23, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 10
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364035
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (240 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Kubernetes jest platformą do orkiestracji kontenerów. Projekt ten należy dziś do najpopularniejszych i najbogatszych narzędzi w swojej klasie, stanowi także podstawę dla wielu innych platform, znanych jako systemy typu PaaS. Dzięki nim Kubernetes zyskał możliwość tworzenia aplikacji, jednak tego rodzaju narzędzia wymagają od programistów i architektów zastosowania odpowiednich wzorców projektowych. Opisują one schematy rozwiązywania problemów na różnych poziomach dokładności, a tym samym umożliwiają efektywne projektowanie i implementację nowoczesnych, elastycznych natywnych aplikacji chmurowych w Kubernetesie.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 12, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 11
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328371149
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (320 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla średnio zaawansowanych i początkujących programistów, którzy chcą poznać narzędzia ułatwiające tworzenie różnych aplikacji w JavaScripcie. Przedstawiono tu kompletne instrumentarium, dzięki któremu można tworzyć kod aplikacji w stylu CRUD działającej na każdej platformie. Opisano, w jaki sposób należy przygotować sobie środowisko programistyczne do pracy, omówiono sposób tworzenia API za pomocą Node i Express, bazy danych MongoDB oraz serwera Apollo. Sporo miejsca poświęcono tworzeniu interfejsów użytkownika niezależnych od platformy za pomocą różnych narzędzi. Poszczególne zagadnienia zilustrowano praktycznymi przykładami działającego kodu. Dzięki tej publikacji nawet początkujący programista zacznie szybko podejmować świadome decyzje technologiczne.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed November 4, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 12
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Helion | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788328364813
    Language: English , Polish
    Pages: 1 online resource (336 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Przedsiębiorstwa z branży technologicznej ciągle mierzą się z silną konkurencją. Nietrudno zrozumieć, co stanowi o przewadze firmy niezależnie od branży czy wielkości. Wygrywanie wymaga utrzymywania przewagi konkurencyjnej, jaką jest zdolność określania, wdrażania i osiągania poziomów wydajności nieosiągalnych dla konkurencji. Najczęściej przewaga konkurencyjna ma dwa źródła. Pierwszym jest dostarczanie funkcjonalnych rozwiązań, które dają radość użytkownikom. Drugim — wykorzystywanie właściwych danych do wdrażania odpowiedniej strategii, która wciąż podlega optymalizacji. Zastosowanie w tych działaniach rozwiązań z dziedziny sztucznej inteligencji znacznie przyczynia się do sukcesu firmy.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed July 22, 2024) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 13
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (54 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local ; Electronic books
    Abstract: Companies are scrambling to integrate AI into their systems and operations. But to build truly successful solutions, you need a firm grasp of the underlying mathematics. This accessible guide walks you through the math necessary to thrive in the AI field such as focusing on real-world applications rather than dense academic theory. Engineers, data scientists, and students alike will examine mathematical topics critical for AI--including regression, neural networks, optimization, backpropagation, convolution, Markov chains, and more--through popular applications such as computer vision, natural language processing, and automated systems. And supplementary Jupyter notebooks shed light on examples with Python code and visualizations. Whether you're just beginning your career or have years of experience, this book gives you the foundation necessary to dive deeper in the field. Understand the underlying mathematics powering AI systems, including generative adversarial networks, random graphs, large random matrices, mathematical logic, optimal control, and more Learn how to adapt mathematical methods to different applications from completely different fields Gain the mathematical fluency to interpret and explain how AI systems arrive at their decisions
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 14
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (90 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Kubernetes has become the primary platform for deploying and managing cloud native applications. But because it was originally designed for stateless workloads, working with data on Kubernetes has been challenging. If you want to avoid the inefficiencies and duplicative costs of having separate infrastructure for applications and data, this practical guide can help. Using Kubernetes as your platform, you'll discover open source technologies that are designed and built for the cloud. Delve into case studies to avoid the pitfalls others have faced and explore new use cases. Get an insider's view of what's coming from the innovators who are creating next-generation architectures and infrastructure. And you'll learn how to: Manage different data use cases on Kubernetes Reduce costs and simplify application development Leverage data and infrastructure to create new use cases and business models Make data infrastructure choices that are cost-efficient, secure, scalable, and elastic And more
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 15
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (38 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Serverless computing enables developers to concentrate solely on their applications rather than worry about where they've been deployed. With the Ray general-purpose serverless implementation in Python, programmers and data scientists can hide servers, implement stateful applications, support direct communication between tasks, and access hardware accelerators. In this book, authors Holden Karau and Boris Lublinsky show you how to scale existing Python applications and pipelines, allowing you to stay in the Python ecosystem while avoiding single points of failure and manual scheduling. If your data processing has grown beyond what a single computer can handle, this book is for you. Written by experienced software architecture practitioners, Scaling Python with Ray is ideal for software architects and developers eager to explore successful case studies and learn more about decision and measurement effectiveness. This book covers distributed processing (the pure Python implementation of serverless) and shows you how to: Implement stateful applications with Ray actors Build workflow management in Ray Use Ray as a unified platform for batch and streaming Implement advanced data processing with Ray Apply microservices with Ray platform Implement reliable Ray applications
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed June 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 16
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781098107499 , 1098107497
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (66 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    DDC: 005.75/65
    Keywords: Database management Software ; Data mining Software ; Electronic books ; local ; Electronic books
    Abstract: Analytics projects are frequently long-drawn-out affairs, requiring multiple teams and skills to clean, join, and eventually turn data into analysis for timely decision-making. Alteryx Designer changes all of that. With this low-code, self-service, drag-and-drop workflow platform, new and experienced data and business analysts can deliver results in hours instead of weeks. This practical book shows you how to master all areas of Alteryx Designer quickly. Author and Alteryx ACE Joshua Burkhow starts with the basics of building a workflow, then introduces more than 200 tools for working with intermediate and advanced analytics functionality. With Alteryx Designer's all-in-one toolkit, you'll migrate from legacy analytics software or Excel with ease. Ready to work with data quickly and efficiently? This guide gets you started. Learn the fundamentals of cleaning, prepping, and analyzing data with Alteryx Designer Install, navigate, and quickly become competent with the Alteryx Designer layout and functionality Construct accurate, performant, reliable, and well-documented workflows that automate business processes Learn intermediate techniques using spatial analytics, reporting, and in-database tools Dive into advanced Alteryx capabilities, including predictive and machine learning tools Get introduced to the entire Alteryx Analytic Process Automation (APA) Platform
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 17
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (26 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: With the accelerating speed of business and the increasing dependence on technology, companies today are significantly changing the way they build in-house business solutions. Many now use low-code and no code technologies to help them deal with specific issues, but that's just the beginning. With this practical guide, power users and developers will discover ways to resolve everyday challenges by building end-to-end solutions with the Microsoft Power Platform. Author Jason Rivera, who specializes in SharePoint and the Microsoft 365 solution architecture, provides a comprehensive overview of how to use the Power Platform to build end-to-end solutions that address tactical business needs. By learning key components of the platform, including Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI, you'll be able to build low-code and no code applications, automate repeatable business processes, and create interactive reports from available data. Learn how the Power Platform apps work together Incorporate AI into the Power Platform without extensive ML or AI knowledge Create end-to-end solutions to solve tactical business needs, including data collection, process automation, and reporting Build AI-based solutions using Power Virtual Agents and AI Builder
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed March 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 18
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (66 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Get started with Ray, the open source distributed computing framework that greatly simplifies the process of scaling compute-intensive Python workloads. With this practical book, Python programmers, data engineers, and data scientists will learn how to leverage Ray locally and spin up compute clusters. You'll be able to use Ray to structure and run machine learning programs at scale. Authors Max Pumperla, Edward Oakes, and Richard Liaw show you how to build reinforcement learning applications that serve trained models with Ray. You'll understand how Ray fits into the current landscape of data science tools and discover how this programming language continues to integrate ever more tightly with these tools. Distributed computation is hard, but with Ray you'll find it easy to get started. Learn how to build your first distributed application with Ray Core Conduct hyperparameter optimization with Ray Tune Use the Ray RLib library for reinforcement learning Manage distributed training with the RaySGD library Use Ray to perform data processing Learn how work with Ray Clusters and serve models with Ray Serve Build an end-to-end machine learning application with Ray
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed April 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 19
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (70 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    DDC: 004
    Keywords: Information technology ; Information retrieval ; Databases ; Data mining ; Electronic books
    Abstract: As an aspiring data scientist, you appreciate why organizations rely on data for important decisions--whether it's for companies designing websites, cities deciding how to improve services, or scientists discovering how to stop the spread of disease. And you want the skills required to distill a messy pile of data into actionable insights. We call this the data science lifecycle: the process of collecting, wrangling, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Learning Data Science is the first book to cover foundational skills in both programming and statistics that encompass this entire lifecycle. It's aimed at those who wish to become data scientists or who already work with data scientists, and at data analysts who wish to cross the "technical/nontechnical" divide. If you have a basic knowledge of Python programming, you'll learn how to work with data using industry-standard tools like pandas. Refine a question of interest to one that can be studied with data Pursue data collection that may involve text processing, web scraping, etc. Glean valuable insights about data through data cleaning, exploration, and visualization Learn how to use modeling to describe the data Generalize findings beyond the data
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed May 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 20
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (166 pages)
    Edition: 2nd edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Learn how easy it is to apply sophisticated statistical and machine learning methods to real-world problems when you build using Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This hands-on guide shows data engineers and data scientists how to implement an end-to-end data pipeline, using statistical and machine learning methods and tools on GCP. Through the course of this updated second edition, you'll work through a sample business decision by employing a variety of data science approaches. Follow along by implementing these statistical and machine learning solutions in your own project on GCP, and discover how this platform provides a transformative and more collaborative way of doing data science. You'll learn how to: Employ best practices in building highly scalable data and ML pipelines on Google Cloud Automate and schedule data ingest using Cloud Run Create and populate a dashboard in Data Studio Build a real-time analytics pipeline using Pub/Sub, Dataflow, and BigQuery Conduct interactive data exploration with BigQuery Create a Bayesian model with Spark on Cloud Dataproc Forecast time series and do anomaly detection with BigQuery ML Aggregate within time windows with Dataflow Train explainable machine learning models with Vertex AI Operationalize ML with Vertex AI Pipelines
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed January 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 21
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (75 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books
    Abstract: Advances in machine learning techniques, the cloud, and the ability to leverage hardware acceleration have changed the way we work with data — adding entirely new capabilities and business models to the mix. But the demand for processing training data has outpaced the increase in computation power. This practical and comprehensive guide will show you how to distribute your machine learning workload across multiple machines and turn centralized systems into distributed ones. Machine Learning with Spark examines various technologies for building end-to-end distributed machine learning platforms based on the Apache Spark ecosystem with Spark MLlib, TensorFlow, Horovod, PyTorch, and more. This book shows you when to use each technology and why. You'll also learn how to: Build efficient parallelization of the training process Create a coherent model Leverage a set of open source tools to build scalable end-to-end ML platform Enable more advanced, tailor-made products Use distributed ML techniques to increase the quality of predictions and ML modules Design practical distributed machine learning systems
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed February 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 22
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Tecniche Nuove | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9788848141130
    Language: English , Italian
    Pages: 1 online resource (264 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Keywords: Electronic books ; local
    Abstract: Negli ultimi dieci anni, con il ritorno delle reti neurali, la comprensione del Deep Learning è diventata essenziale e questo manuale fornisce un’introduzione approfondita per i data scientist e gli ingegneri del software con precedenti esperienze nel machine learning. Inizierete con le basi del Deep Learning e passerete rapidamente ai dettagli di importanti architetture avanzate, implementando tutto da zero. L’autore Seth Weidman vi mostra come funzionano le reti neurali usando un approccio basato su principi primi. Imparerete come applicare da zero le reti neurali multistrato, le reti neurali convoluzionali e quelle ricorrenti. Acquisendo una comprensione dettagliata di come queste reti funzionino matematicamente, computazionalmente e concettualmente, porterete a termine con successo i vostri futuri progetti di Deep Learning.
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed September 21, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 23
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : O'Reilly Media, Inc. | Boston, MA : Safari
    ISBN: 9781098122072 , 1098122070
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 online resource (25 pages)
    Edition: 1st edition
    Parallel Title: Erscheint auch als
    DDC: 005.13/3
    Keywords: Go (Computer program language) ; Open source software Programming ; Computer programming ; Electronic books ; Go (Langage de programmation) ; Logiciels libres - Programmation ; Programmation (Informatique) ; computer programming
    Abstract: Go is an increasingly popular language for programming everything from web applications to distributed network services. This practical guide provides recipes to help you unravel common problems and perform useful tasks when working with Go. Each recipe includes self-contained code solutions that you can freely use, along with a discussion of how and why they work. Programmers new to Go can quickly ramp up their knowledge while accomplishing useful tasks, and experienced Go developers can save time by cutting and pasting proven code directly into their applications. Recipes include: Creating a module; Calling code from another module; Returning and handling an error; Converting strings to numbers (or converting numbers to strings); Modifying multiple characters in a string; Creating substrings from a string; Capturing string input; And so much more.--Back cover
    Note: Online resource; Title from title page (viewed July 25, 2023) , Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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  • 24
    Language: French
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Statistiques de l'OCDE sur le développement international
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Gender, Institutions and Development (Edition 2023)
    Keywords: Development
    Abstract: La base de données Égalité femmes-hommes, institutions et développement (GID-DB) fournit des données et statistiques clés portant sur les discrimination de genre dans les institutions sociales. Les données permettent de mieux comprendre le processus et les défis liés à l'autonomisation des femmes et aux inégalités socio-économiques entre les femmes et les hommes. Le GID-DB couvre 178 pays et territoires et contient des informations détaillées sur les pratiques légales, culturelles et traditionnelles discriminatoires à l'égard des femmes et des filles.
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  • 25
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes main economic indicators covering a wide range of areas, such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, retail sales, industrial production, construction, consumer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, money and domestic finance, foreign finance, foreign trade, and balance of payments. Data are available from 1955 onwards.
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  • 26
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: OECD International Development Statistics
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Égalité homme-femme, institutions et développement (Édition 2023)
    Keywords: Development
    Abstract: The Gender Institutions and Development Database (GID-DB) provides key data on gender-based discrimination in social institutions. Data help analyse women's empowerment and understand gender gaps in key areas of development. Covering 178 countries and territories, the GID-DB contains comprehensive information on legal, cultural and traditional practices that discriminate against women and girls.
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  • 27
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes main economic indicators covering a wide range of areas, such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, retail sales, industrial production, construction, consumer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, money and domestic finance, foreign finance, foreign trade, and balance of payments. Data are available from 1955 onwards.
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  • 28
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes key monthly and quarterly indicators in growth rates and levels covering a wide range of areas such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, industrial production, car registrations (transport), construction, consumer and producer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, monetary aggregates and domestic finance, foreign finance, retail and foreign trade, exchange rates and balance of payments.
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  • 29
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes main economic indicators covering a wide range of areas, such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, retail sales, industrial production, construction, consumer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, money and domestic finance, foreign finance, foreign trade, and balance of payments. Data are available from 1955 onwards.
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  • 30
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes main economic indicators covering a wide range of areas, such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, retail sales, industrial production, construction, consumer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, money and domestic finance, foreign finance, foreign trade, and balance of payments. Data are available from 1955 onwards.
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  • 31
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Prices and Taxes Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This database comprises various energy product prices expressed in national currency per unit with products such as natural gas, steam coal, coking coal, liquefied petroleum gas while comparing data by sectors.
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  • 32
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Prices and Taxes Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset on energy prices provides statistics on the crude oil import costs both in terms of USD/bbl or real index per national currency.
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  • 33
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table on air and climate contains indicators for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions generated from fossil fuel combustion in IEA countries and regions. Data are available from 1960 onwards.
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  • 34
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes main economic indicators covering a wide range of areas, such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, retail sales, industrial production, construction, consumer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, money and domestic finance, foreign finance, foreign trade, and balance of payments. Data are available from 1955 onwards.
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  • 35
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Electricity Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table provides a reduced electricity and heat balance (145 countries + 22 aggregates; 8 flows).
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  • 36
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes key monthly and quarterly indicators in growth rates and levels covering a wide range of areas such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, industrial production, car registrations (transport), construction, consumer and producer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, monetary aggregates and domestic finance, foreign finance, retail and foreign trade, exchange rates and balance of payments.
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  • 37
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset comprises a detailed set of statistics on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions estimates from fossil fuel combustion. It includes an extensive set of products emitting CO2 from combustion analyzed in terms of their respective industry flows (iron and steel, manufacturing industries, agriculture, machinery, etc). Data are presented from 1960 onwards.
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  • 38
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table contains data on energy supply, trade and consumption in original units (1000 metric tonnes, terajoules and gigawatt hours) for coal, oil, gas, electricity, heat, combustible renewables, biogasoline, energy, refinery gas, charcoal, waste.
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  • 39
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset presents detailed statistics on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fuel combustion by product (coal/peat, oil, gas) and flow (manufacturing, main activity producer, construction and more) according to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. Data are presented from 1960 onwards.
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  • 40
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Oil Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table contains data on world oil statistics while focusing on trade flows amongst countries, oil demand and output. Data are expressed in kilotonnes or kilobarrels per day.
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  • 41
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: Aggregated GHG emissions by sector and by product category.
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  • 42
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Natural Gas Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table contains world data on natural gas supply as well as natural gas consumption.
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  • 43
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes key monthly and quarterly indicators in growth rates and levels covering a wide range of areas such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, industrial production, car registrations (transport), construction, consumer and producer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, monetary aggregates and domestic finance, foreign finance, retail and foreign trade, exchange rates and balance of payments.
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  • 44
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Renewables Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This comparative table comprises statistics about net capacity of renewables in MWe terms. Renewable electricity and heat generation are derived from solar thermal, geothermal, hydro, wind.
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  • 45
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Natural Gas Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table contains data on natural gas imports by origin for OECD countries.
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  • 46
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes key monthly and quarterly indicators in growth rates and levels covering a wide range of areas such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, industrial production, car registrations (transport), construction, consumer and producer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, monetary aggregates and domestic finance, foreign finance, retail and foreign trade, exchange rates and balance of payments.
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  • 47
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes main economic indicators covering a wide range of areas, such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, retail sales, industrial production, construction, consumer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, money and domestic finance, foreign finance, foreign trade, and balance of payments. Data are available from 1955 onwards.
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  • 48
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: OECD International Development Statistics
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe L’indice Institutions sociales et égalité des genres (Edition 2023)
    Keywords: Development
    Abstract: The SIGI is built on 27 innovative variables measuring discriminatory social institutions, which are grouped into four dimensions: discrimination in the family, restricted physical integrity, restricted access to productive and financial resources, and restricted civil liberties. The Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) is a composite index measuring discriminatory social institutions. The SIGI 2023 builds on 26 variables measuring discrimination in social institutions from the Gender, Institutions and Development Database 2023 (GID-DB 2023), and which are grouped into four dimensions: discrimination in the family, restricted physical integrity, restricted access to productive and financial resources, and restricted civil liberties. The SIGI and its dimensions range from 0 to 100, with 0 indicating no discrimination and 100 indicating absolute discrimination against women. Covering 181 countries and territories, the SIGI 2023 seeks to provide an in-depth and global look at how laws, attitudes and practices create gaps between women and men in terms of opportunities and outcomes.
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  • 49
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Prices and Taxes Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset provides crude oil imports costs by type of crude in terms of country of origin.
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  • 50
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: French
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE : statistiques et projections
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD Economic Outlook No 113 (Edition 2023/1)
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: Les Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE No. 113 couvrent des données annuelles et trimestrielles allant de 1960 jusqu'en 2024. Les Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE présente une analyse des grandes tendances économiques qui marqueront les deux ou trois années à venir. Pour chaque pays membre, les politiques économiques nécessaires pour favoriser la croissance économique sont détaillées. Les prochains développements sont aussi détaillées pour les économies majeures non-membres de l'OCDE. Cette base de données macro-économique complète et cohérente des économies membres de l'OCDE couvre les dépenses, le commerce international, la production, le marché du travail, les taux d'intérêt et les taux de change, la balance des paiements, l'endettement des administrations publiques. Pour les régions n'appartenant pas à l'OCDE, les séries du commerce international et les transactions courantes sont disponibles.
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  • 51
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Prices and Taxes Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset includes energy statistics on the basis of main economic indicators such as Consumer Price Index, Purchasing Power Parities, Producer Price Index and currency exchange rates.
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  • 52
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes main economic indicators covering a wide range of areas, such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, retail sales, industrial production, construction, consumer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, money and domestic finance, foreign finance, foreign trade, and balance of payments. Data are available from 1955 onwards.
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  • 53
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: With the objective to provide more comprehensive statistical information, the IEA has included in the 2020 edition estimates of CO2 emissions from fuel combustion for time series starting in 1751, for the world and selected regions. This information is included in the file World_CO2Timeseries.ivt. Please check the section on Estimates for years starting in 1751 for more information on sources and methodology.
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  • 54
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Electricity Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset provides statistics on electricity supply per OECD country with net electricity production from main sources and trade data from January 2000 onwards. Data are presented on a monthly basis.
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  • 55
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes key monthly and quarterly indicators in growth rates and levels covering a wide range of areas such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, industrial production, car registrations (transport), construction, consumer and producer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, monetary aggregates and domestic finance, foreign finance, retail and foreign trade, exchange rates and balance of payments.
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  • 56
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Coal Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: In this table, statistics for different types of coal and coal products, including manufactured gases is shown.This table provides full supply and consumption data of coal such as primary energy supply,transformation sector, energy sector and final consumption based in kilotonnes for OECD countries and OECD country aggregate groups.
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  • 57
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table contains data on the energy trade, supply and consumption of coal, oil, gas, electricity, heat, combustible renewables and waste, expressed in thousand tonnes of oil equivalent (ktoe).
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  • 58
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset contains data on oil demand and consumption by product such as aviation fuels, motor gasoline, diesel oil, kerosene, naphtha, petroleum and refinery fuel for non-OECD countries
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  • 59
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Renewables Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: OECD member countries' imports by origin in matrix form (165 country origins) Liquid biofuels and wood pellets (6 products)
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  • 60
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Technology RD&D Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: 31 countries (30 individual countries + European Union), 8 products and 11 flows (8 summary groups of energy technologies + Total + Memos: Low-carbon and Non-low-carbon)
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  • 61
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Electricity Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: Electricity and heat balance (36 OECD countries + 5 aggregates; 54 flows; 2 products).
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  • 62
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes main economic indicators covering a wide range of areas, such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, retail sales, industrial production, construction, consumer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, money and domestic finance, foreign finance, foreign trade, and balance of payments. Data are available from 1955 onwards.
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  • 63
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Coal Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: In this table, a balance for different types of coal and coal products, including manufactured gases is shown. The aggregates for hard coal and brown coal are also included, as is a product coal which includes all primary coal types, and all derived coal products with the exception of gas works gas. This table provides full balance data such as primary energy supply, transformation sector and final consumption based in kilotonnes of coal equivalent (7,000 Gigacalories) for OECD countries and OECD country aggregate groups.
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  • 64
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Oil Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset provides a detailed comparison of products such as crude oil, natural gas liquids, petroleum, gasoline, ethane while focusing on their trade flows, production, consumption across OECD member countries.
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  • 65
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Renewables Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset focuses on the renewables market while providing full balance data such as primary energy supply, transformation sector and final consumption based in kilotonne and terajoule of renewables equivalent for OECD countries and OECD country aggregate.
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  • 66
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset provides conversion factors in terms of trade, production and consumption of energy within various industries.
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  • 67
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table contains an extended set of data on the energy supply, trade and consumption of coal, oil, energy output, gas, electricity, heat, combustible renewables and waste, expressed in thousand tonnes of oil equivalent (ktoe).
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  • 68
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes main economic indicators covering a wide range of areas, such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, retail sales, industrial production, construction, consumer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, money and domestic finance, foreign finance, foreign trade, and balance of payments. Data are available from 1955 onwards.
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  • 69
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: French
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE : statistiques et projections
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe OECD Economic Outlook No 114 (Edition 2023/2)
    Keywords: Economics
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  • 70
    Language: French
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE : statistiques et projections
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Long-term baseline projections, No. 114 (Edition 2023)
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: Le scénario de référence long terme de l'OCDE est une projection de certaines variables économiques majeures au-delà de l'horizon court terme des Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE. Il couvre toutes les économies de l'OCDE, celles des pays hors-OCDE mais membres du G20 et les économies partenaires. L'horizon de projection est actuellement 2060. Pour la période historique et l'horizon de projection court terme, les séries sont cohérentes avec celles du numéro des Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE No. 114.
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  • 71
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes key monthly and quarterly indicators in growth rates and levels covering a wide range of areas such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, industrial production, car registrations (transport), construction, consumer and producer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, monetary aggregates and domestic finance, foreign finance, retail and foreign trade, exchange rates and balance of payments.
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  • 72
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: OECD Economic Outlook: Statistics and Projections
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Perspectives macro économiques à long terme : scénario de référence, No. 114 (Édition 2023)
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: The OECD Long-Term Baseline is a projection of some major economic variables beyond the short-term horizon of the OECD Economic Outlook. It covers all OECD economies, non-OECD G20 economies and key partners. Components of potential growth, fiscal balances and debt accumulation, domestic saving and investment balances, and external balances are covered and interest rates consistent with those projections, the projection horizon being 2060. For the historical period and the short-run projection horizon, the series are consistent with those of the OECD Economic Outlook No. 114.
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  • 73
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes main economic indicators covering a wide range of areas, such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, retail sales, industrial production, construction, consumer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, money and domestic finance, foreign finance, foreign trade, and balance of payments. Data are available from 1955 onwards.
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  • 74
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes key monthly and quarterly indicators in growth rates and levels covering a wide range of areas such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, industrial production, car registrations (transport), construction, consumer and producer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, monetary aggregates and domestic finance, foreign finance, retail and foreign trade, exchange rates and balance of payments.
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  • 75
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Efficiency Indicators
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset includes data on Industry energy use, Industry activity, Industry emissions as well as Industry energy and carbon indicators.
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  • 76
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Efficiency Indicators
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset includes data on Transport energy end use, Transport activity and Transport emissions as well as Transport energy, carbon and activity indicators.
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  • 77
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: French
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Statistiques de l'OCDE sur le développement international
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Social Institutions and Gender Index (Edition 2023)
    Keywords: Development
    Abstract: L'Indicateur Institutions sociales et égalité des genres (SIGI) est un indice composite qui mesure les discriminations de genre au sein des institutions sociales. Le SIGI 2023 est construit à partir de 26 variables mesurant le niveau de discrimination au sein des institutions sociales et qui peuvent étre consultées dans le Base de données Égalité femmes-hommes, institutions et développement (GID-DB) 2023. Ces variables sous-jacentes du SIGI sont regroupées en quatre dimensions: discriminations au sein de la famille, atteintes à l'intégrité physique, accès restreint aux ressources productives et financières, et atteintes aux libertés civiles. Les valeurs du SIGI et de ses dimensions sont comprises entre 0 et 100, 0 correspondant à l'absence de discrimination et 100 à une discrimination absolue à l'égard des femmes. Couvrant 181 pays et territoires, le SIGI 2023 cherche à offrir un examen approfondi de la façon dont les lois, les attitudes et les pratiques créent des écarts entre les femmes et les hommes en termes d'opportunités et d'autonomisation.
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  • 78
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes key monthly and quarterly indicators in growth rates and levels covering a wide range of areas such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, industrial production, car registrations (transport), construction, consumer and producer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, monetary aggregates and domestic finance, foreign finance, retail and foreign trade, exchange rates and balance of payments.
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  • 79
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes key monthly and quarterly indicators in growth rates and levels covering a wide range of areas such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, industrial production, car registrations (transport), construction, consumer and producer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, monetary aggregates and domestic finance, foreign finance, retail and foreign trade, exchange rates and balance of payments.
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  • 80
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Prices and Taxes Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset provides wholesale and retail energy end-use price indices by sector for both household and industry in nominal and real terms. Products such as coal, electricity, natural gas and oil products are included within the table.
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  • 81
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Prices and Taxes Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset includes various crude oil products listed by their respective market spot prices.
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  • 82
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Prices and Taxes Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This database comprises various energy product prices expressed in national currency per toe with products such as sulphur fuel oil, automotive diesel, premium leaded gasoline while comparing data by sectors.
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  • 83
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Main Economic Indicators
    Keywords: Economics
    Abstract: This dataset includes key monthly and quarterly indicators in growth rates and levels covering a wide range of areas such as quarterly national accounts, business surveys, industrial production, car registrations (transport), construction, consumer and producer prices, total employment, unemployment rates, interest rates, monetary aggregates and domestic finance, foreign finance, retail and foreign trade, exchange rates and balance of payments.
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  • 84
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Prices and Taxes Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset provides wholesale and retail energy end-use price indices by sector for both household and industry in nominal and real terms. Products such as coal, heavy fuel oil, automotive diesel fuel, natural gas, oil products, unleaded gasoline are the core focus of this dataset.
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  • 85
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Prices and Taxes Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset includes oil product spot prices by market. Products such as gasoil, gasoline, high sulphur fuel oi, jet kerosene, naphtha are listed within the database.
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  • 86
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Electricity Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset provides statistics on electricity imports by country of origin.
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  • 87
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Oil Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table focuses on the export of various energy products such as crude oil, refinery gas, natural gas liquids, fuel oil amongst OECD member countries.
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  • 88
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Renewables Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset comprises statistics regarding various renewable and waste energy while presenting trade statistics of various renewable energy products as well as figures for those products in terms of electricity output (GWh) and heat output(TJ).
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  • 89
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Natural Gas Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table contains data on natural gas exports by origin for OECD countries.
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  • 90
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Natural Gas Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table contains world data on supply of natural gas.
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  • 91
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Natural Gas Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset brings together statistics compiled by the IEA on natural gas imports by origin. It contains time series for 1993 onwards for the world, 143 countries and 24 regional aggregates on imports of natural gas by country of origin.
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  • 92
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Technology RD&D Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset covers 30 countries and 1 indicator.
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  • 93
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Technology RD&D Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset covers 4 regions, 3 products and 11 flows.
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  • 94
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Energy Technology RD&D Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This dataset includes statistics on research & development within the energy technology industry as well as R&D dissemination indicators (exchange rate, PPP,Nominal GDP, GDP deflator). Data coverage commences in 1974.
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  • 95
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: CO2 emissions after reallocation of emissions from electricity and heat generation to consuming sectors. This data file includes four dimensions of "flow", "allocation", "time" and "country".
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  • 96
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Electricity Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table shows a comprehensive status of net electrical capacity by type of energy. It also contains data on single fuel-fired and multi-fuel fired plants, type of generation and peak load.
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  • 97
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Oil Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table contains data on crude supply by comparing imports, exports, stock changes and trade flows of products such as crude oil, natural gas liquid, biofuels, hydrocarbons and refinery feedstocks.
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  • 98
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: IEA Coal Information Statistics
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table contains world data on coal supply as well as coal consumption.
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  • 99
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Government at a Glance
    Parallel Title: Parallele Sprachausgabe Panorama des administrations publiques (édition 2023)
    Keywords: Governance
    Abstract: Government at a Glance provides a dashboard of indicators assembled to help decision makers and the public analyse and benchmark governments across OECD members and partner countries. This database represents a selection of indicators as presented in the 2021 edition of the Government at a Glance publication. The database contains the most recent data on public finance and public employment, as well as a number of survey data on public practices and procedures (including for instance budgeting practices and procedures, human resource management, public sector integrity, regulatory governance, open government and risk management and communication).
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  • 100
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Paris : OECD Publishing.
    Language: English
    Pages: 1 Online-Ressource
    Series Statement: Energy Projections for IEA Countries
    Keywords: Energy
    Abstract: This table contains forecasted energy economic indicators as well as forecasted standard indicators for IEA countries in terms of their flow (GDP, population, energy production/TPES, TFC/GDP). Statistical projections extend to 2030.
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