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Current journal in ECO: Body & Society
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Body & Society

Sage Publications

Body & Society

ISSN 1357-034X
Coverage: Vol. 4- (1998-)

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Body & Society is a new companion journal to Theory, Culture & Society, launched to cater for the upsurge of interest in the social and cultural analysis of the human body that has taken place in recent years. Body & Society follows the philosophy of Theory, Culture & Society in terms of its theoretical openness, critical exploration of existing traditions, and commitment to the analysis of a diverse range of themes. It encourages inter- and transdisciplinary foci and is particularly concerned to feature innovative analyses. The journal is dedicated to the publication of contemporary empirical and theoretical work from a wide range of disciplines, including anthropology, art history, communications, cultural history, cultural studies, feminism, film studies, health studies, leisure studies, medical history, philosophy, psychology, religious studies, sociology and sports studies. Body & Society centrally concerns itself with debates in feminism, technology, ecology, postmodernism, medicine, ethics and consumerism which take the body as the central analytic issue in the questioning of established paradigms. The journal examines the extensive range of issues that have emerged from these debates by engaging with the contributions of writers such as: Baudrillard, Bourdieu, Butler, Cixous, Douglas, Elias, Foucault, Haraway, Kristeva, Mauss, Merleau-Ponty, Schilder.


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