Introduction: Critically Returning to Rudolf Hilferding Judith Dellheim and Frieder Otto Wolf
Rethinking Hilferding’s Finance Capital Michael R. Krätke
From Luxemburg to Sweezy: Notes on the Intellectual Influence of Hilferding’s Finance Capital Nikos Stravelakis
Contradictions in Hilferding’s Finance Capital: Money, banking and crisis tendencies Patrick Bond
Finance Capital, Financialisation and the Periodisation of Capitalist Development Andy Kilmister
A New Finance Capital? Theorizing Corporate Governance and Financial Power Steve Maher and Scott Aquanno
Finance Capital and Contemporary Financialisation Radhika Desai
Finance Capital and Militarism as Pillars of Contemporary Capitalism Claude Serfati
Hilferding and the Large-scale Enterprise John Grahl
Hilferding and Kalecki Jan Toporowski
Ludwik Krzywicki’s Anticipation of Hilferding Jan Toporowski
A Socialist Third Way? Rudolf Hilferding’s Evolutionary Socialism as Syncopated Note to Early Neoliberalism Patrick Higgins
Hilferding as an Eclectic: A History of Economic Thought Perspective on Finance Capital Jan Greitens
Rudolf Hilferding on the Economic Categories of ‘public limited company/share capital’: A Refinement of the Critique of Political Economy? Judith Dellheim
Hilferding’s Impressive Failure. A Reading of His Last Major Text Frieder Otto Wolf
The Forgotten “Notes”. Rudolf Hilferding’s still unpublished complements to his manuscript “The Historical Problem” Michael R. Krätke Rudolf Hilferding - A Born Journalist Michael R. Krätke
Postface: From Rudolf Hilferding to Eugen Varga – towardsa further book project Judith Dellheim and Frieder Otto Wolf.