Acknowledgements: Citizenship, Care and Choice: LGBTQ+ Intimacies in Southern Europe – an Introduction: Ana Cristina Santos
SECTION I – CITIZENSHIP MATTERS: Chapter 1. Uprisings: A Meditation on Feminist Strategies for Enacting the Common: João Manuel de Oliveira
Chapter 2. Bisexual Citizenship in Portugal: Mafalda Esteves Chapter 3. Biocriminals, Racism, and the Law: Friendship as Public Disorder: Pablo Pérez Navarro
Chapter 4. Embodied Queer Epistemologies – a New Approach to (a Monstrous) Citizenship: Ana Cristina Santos
SECTION II – CARE MATTERS: Chapter 5. Building Safer Spaces. Daily Strategies and Networks of Care in Cisheteronormative Italy: Tatiana Motterle
Chapter 6. Insurgent Parenting: Political Implications of Child-Rearing and Caring Practices in Spain: Luciana Moreira
Chapter 7. The Sexual Politics of Healthy Families and the Making of Class Relations: Chiara Bertone
Chapter 8. Blurring the Boundaries of Intimate Relationships: Friendship and Networks of Care in Times of Precarity: Beatrice Gusmano
SECTION III – CHOICE MATTERS: Chapter 9. Sharing is Caring – Living with Friends and Heterotopic Citizenship: Ana Lúcia Santos
Chapter 10. Affective Trans Relationships: Towards a Deleuzian Approach to Friendship Theory: Zowie Davy
Chapter 11. Italian Queer Transfeminism Towards a Gender Strike: Elia A.G. Arfini.