1. The Inter-Civilizational Conflict in World Politics: Value-Conflicts and Bridging in the Pursuit of Post-Bipolar Peace 2. Inter-Cultural Dialogue as a Global Communication in Pursuit of Bridging: Cultural Particularisms and Value Conflicts Among the Civilizations 3. The New Intercivilizational Cold War of Ideas and Alternatives to it 4. What Islam for Bridging? The Heterogeneity of Civilizations as a Background for the Plea to Revive the Grammar of Islamic Humanism 5. Euro-Islam as a Vision for Bridging: A Liberal and Secular Islam for the Islamic Diaspora in Europe 6. The Inter-Civilizational Conflict, Bridging and Critical Theory: The Western Third-Worldist Romantizication of Islamism and Beyond 7. From Conflict to Bridgings: Conclusions.