1. Introduction
Part 1: Theoretical and Historical Contexts
2. History of Food Justice in the U.S. and the Rockpile Program as a Food Justice
3. Prison and Jail Gardens: The Disturbing History of Exploitative Incarcerated Labor Initiative
Part 2: Gardening in Incarcerated Settings Today
4. Therapeutic Gardening in Incarcerated Settings in the United States
5. Creating a Garden in a Community-Based Corrections Facility. -6. Centering Women’s Voices: Findings and Implications from U.S. Midwest
7. Building a Prison Garden in the U.S. Southeast
8. Centering Women’s Voices: Findings and Implications from the U.S. Southeast
9. Methodological and Logistical Challenges of Gardens Behind Bars
Part 3: A Practical How-to Guide for Practitioners and Future Directions for Prison and Jail Horticultural Programs
10. Gardening as Clinical Sociology
11. Concluding Remarks
Appendix .