Urban development and urban complexity
Urban development
Task areas of cities and municipalities
New tasks and communication structures (in) the municipality
Challenges and problem orientation of politics and administration in the municipality
Overall social trends and urban development
Complexity in urban development
System(theoret)ic approaches in urban development: development history, perspective and basic positions
The systemic approach and its system-theoretical background
System-theoretical insights and core ideas
Development history of the systemic approach
City and urban development from a more theorizing perspective
City and urban development from a more application-oriented perspective
Self-understanding and basic positions of system(theoret)ic approaches in urban development. City from a systems (theoretical) perspective
City and urban development from a more theoretical perspective
City and urban development from a more applied perspective
Self-conception and basic positions of systems (theoretical) interventions in dealing with urban complexity
Four basic positions
Concluding remarks
Introduction to the Potsdam lodestar approach
Starting points and emergence of the Potsdam lodestar approach
Basic structure of the Potsdam lodestar approach
Dealing with the lodestar approach and structure of the sections
Process dimension of control - Art of mediation and negotiation
What is control? Between optimism and scepticism
Forms of control: Self-control and contextual control
Forms of control in urban development practice: knowledge is power
Recommendations for practice: the guiding principle of soft control
Control through boundary planning: fields of action, phase models and architecture
Control through knowledge: Discursive practices, questions and explicitation
Steering through relationship: trust, appreciation and role clarification
Concluding remarks
Process dimension alignment - establishing a future perspective
The problem with the problem
On the importance and risk of imagining the future
Recommendations for practice: concern clarification, vision work and strategy work as three directional fields of work
Concern clarification - looking ahead from the beginning!
Vision work - the development of future
Strategy work - operationalising the path to the future and keeping an eye on it!
Concluding remarks
Process dimension of system analysis - creating common hypotheses of reality
The great importance of analyses and scientific expertises
Gaining knowledge - expertises for illuminating "new facts"
Legitimation - expertises for the assertive presentation of "known facts"
On the opportunities and limits of spatial analyses
Stabilizing functions of spatial approaches and analyses
Risks of spatial observation and analysis
Communicability of expert knowledge and analysis results
Challenges of analytical and expert-generated knowledge
The art of connectivity
Recommendations for practice: the three-dimensional spatial system analysis
Analysis of the process and network level
Spatial and subject-specific analyses
Reflection on the analysis findings
Concluding remarks
Process dimension of cooperation - Participants and bridging system boundaries
Participants in the urban cooperation network: organizations, persons, networks
Organizations - departments
Interaction systems and persons
Co-irritation, cooperation, co-evolution of participants
Networks for bridging sense and system boundaries
Citizen involvement and participation
Your opinion matters to us! Really?
Explanation of terms: Participation - Participation
Target groups and their activation
Modes of urban cooperation
Conflictual cooperation as a multifaceted everyday occurrence
Systems-theoretical approach to conflicts
The factual, social, temporal and spatial dimensions of conflicts
Typifications of conflicts
Recommendations for practice: conflict management and participation design
Dealing with conflicts: between moderation and mediation
Contextualisation as a framework condition for successful participation
Concluding remarks
Process dinebsion reflection - Establishing evaluation-based learning cultures
Reflective urban development: genesis of a trend
Three discourses in the background
Demanded expansion of reflexivity and learning
Evaluation, learning and reflection in urban development
Evaluations as planned reflexive observation
Learning urban development through evaluations?
Evaluations without guarantee of learning
The steering function and symbolizing function of evaluation
The political steering function of evaluation
Symbolizing learning and reflection through evaluation
Recommendations for practice: the six decision fields of an evaluation project
Reflection on the "why" of the evaluation
Agreement on the design of the evaluation
Clarification of expectations of the object of evaluation
Valid observation of the object of evaluation
Transparent assessment of the object of evaluation
Organisation of the communication of evaluation results
Concluding remarks