Chapter 1. Introduction
Part I: Technology, Governance and Markets
Chapter 2. The promise and prospects of blockchain-based decentralized business models
Chapter 3. Rendering value from urban digital geographies: Innovation, markets and slow AI
Chapter 4. Personal AI to maximize the value of personal data while defending human rights and democracy
Chapter 5. Assembling the geographic information market in the United States
Chapter 6. Big data without big brothers: The potential of gentle rule-enforcement
Part II: Technology, Learning and Decision-Making
Chapter 7. On the need to understand human behavior to do analytics of behavior
Chapter 8. Boosting consumers: Algorithm-supported decision-making under uncertainty to (learn to) navigate algorithm-based decision environments
Chapter 9. Orientation to the use of care robots in care services: The encounter of knowledge and technology
Chapter 10. The datafication of knowledge production and consequences for the pursuit of social justice
Part III: Entrepreneurship, Digital Labor and Civic Engagement
Chapter 11. Europe’s scaleup geography and the role of access to talent
Chapter 12. The relational spaces of digital labour
Chapter 13. Thinking about cyborg activism
Chapter 14. Data-based frictions in civic action: Trust, technology and participation.