1. Introduction: Popular Communication, an Epistemological Debate between South and North; Ana Cristina Suzina
Part I. The Roots of an Epistemology
2. Thinking about Communication from the Global South. Subjectivities Construction in Latin America: An Overview; Aníbal Orué Pozzo
3. Popular and Communitarian Communication in Rural Social Movements: Beyond “Diffusionism” to Emancipatory Participation; Cicilia M. Krohling Peruzzo
4. Faith, Communication and Commitment to Liberation; Washington Uranga
5. The Vestiges of the Concept of Popular in Latin America; Santiago Gómez Obando
Part II. A Method, a Pedagogy, a Practice
6. Disenchantment as a Path Toward Autonomy: Orlando Fals Borda, Participatory Action Research, Communication and Social Change; Jair Vega-Casanova
7. A Praise of Dignity in Educational Practice; Daniel Prieto Castillo
8. Popular Radios: Constants and Tensions; María Cristina Mata
9. Popular Communication in Latin America: A Look at the Actors Who Build Bridges; Nívea Canalli Bona
Part III. Decolonial Perspectives
10. The Decolonial Nature of Comunicação Popular; Leonardo Custódio
11. Digital Media and Emancipation in Latin American Communication Thinking; Dorismilda Flores-Márquez
12. Communication and Vivir Bien/Buen Vivir: In the Care of Our Common Home; Adalid Contreras Baspineiro.