1. Introduction: critical philosophy of networks – reflections on the perspective of Pierre Musso (José Luís Garcia)
2. Network ideology: from Saint-Simonianism to the internet (Pierre Musso)
3. Network, utopia and fetishism (Filipa Subtil)
4. Retiology as ideological determinism in the media: a political economy perspective (David Fernández-Quijada)
5. History, philosophy, and actuality of the utopian view of technology: on Pierre Musso’s critique of network ideology (Steven Dorrestijn)
6. From the critique of the network symbolic form to the ideology of innovation: an appraisal of Pierre Musso’s work on the current world situation of technology (Francisco Rüdiger)
7. Paradise, panopticon, or laboratory? A tale of the internet in China (Dazhou Wang)
8. The rise of pirates: political identities and technological subjectivities in a network society (Rodrigo Saturnino)
9. Final note: examining the network concept (Pierre Musso).