Section 1: Historical and Conceptual Foundations of Semiotics
Chapter 1: Semiotics “Today”:  The 20th Century Founding and 21st Century Prospects
Chapter 2: Maps, Diagrams, and Signs: Visual Experience in Peirce's Semiotics
Chapter 3: Semiotics as an Interdisciplinary Science
Chapter 4: The Semiotic Paradigm View of Theoretical Semiotics
Chapter 5: Visions of the Other and Free Indirect Speech in Artistic Discourse. Bakhtin, Pasolini, Deleuze
Chapter 6: C. S. Peirce and Intersemiotic Translation
Chapter 7: Welby’s Significs, Its Developments and International Ramifications. Section 2:  Language, Literature and Semiotics
Chapter 8: Crafting the Literature of Semiotic Possibility: From the Metaphysical to the Detective Story in The Name of the Rose
Chapter 9: The Emergence of 'Atomodoxy' in Cold-War Rhetoric and Science Fiction Narratives: Fear, Threats, and the Duties of Citizenship in an Atomic Age
Chapter 10: The Semiotics of “Monk” Rehearsals:  A Weaving of Two Texts
Chapter 11: Deviant Orthography
Chapter 12: Semiotics of Translation: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Translation
Chapter 13: Intersemiotic Translation and Transfer Theory in Cinematic/Audiovisual Adaptations of Greek Drama
Section 3: Media, Communications, and Semiotics
Chapter 14: The Brand as an Economic Value and a Sign: Positioning as an Instrument for Creating Market Distinctions
Chapter 15: Understanding the Codes and Assumptions of New Media
Chapter 16: The Semiotics of Innovation
Chapter 17: Multimodal Digital Humanities
Chapter 18: Semiotics of Photography. The State of the Art
Chapter 19: The Semiotics of the Mass Media
Chapter 20: Problems of Contemporary Architectural Graphics
Section 4: Biosemiotics
Chapter 21: Introduction to Biosemiotics
Chapter 22: Oikos: The Sign of Nature
Chapter 23: Waves of Semiosis. Is It about Time?  On The Semiotic Anthropology of Change
Chapter 24: Embodied Signs: Expanding Representations through and with Bodies
Chapter 25: Face as a Sign and Paolo Manteggaza’s Theory of Metoposcopy
Chapter 26: Feeling and Meaning: A Unitary Bio-Semiotic Account
Chapter 27: Preserving spaces of uncertainty: Bioremediation, urbanism and the sporting spectacle
Chapter 28: What Does Your Garden Show? Explorations of the semiotics of the garden
Chapter 29:  Semiotics of Food
Section 5: Society, Culture, and Semiotics
Chapter 30: Semiotics of Culture(s). Basic Questions and Concepts
Chapter 31: Signs, Language and Life: Pathways and Perspectives in Augusto Ponzio’s Scientific Research
Chapter 32: Even Signs Must Burn: From Semiotics and the Modern City to Jean Baudrillard’s Symbolic Exchange and the Postmodern City
Chapter 33: Musical Performance in a Semiotic Key
Chapter 34: Cartosemiotics
Chapter 35: From to Semiosis to Semioethics
Chapter 36: Seeing “What We See”: Beyond Projection and Representation of Criminality in Mainstream Media
Chapter 37: Applied Cultural Semiotics, Interculturality and Action-Research
Chapter 38: Reading the Subject of History:  From Semiology to Poststucturalism
Chapter 39: Identity Today and the Critical Task of Semioethics
Chapter 40: The Street: The Ultimate Locus of Political Intervention in Modern Democracy
Section 6: Cybernetics, Systems, and Semiotics
Chapter 41: Sign functions in natural and artificial systems
Chapter 42: Semiotic Modeling: A Pragmaticist’s Guide
Chapter 43: Semiotics of Computing: Filling the gap between humanity and mechanical inhumanity
Chapter 44: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. A Semiotic Analysis of Assassin's Creed 2
Chapter 45: Virtual Worlds as Marketing Environments: The Case of Second Life
Section 7: Cognitive Semiotics
Chapter 46: Cognitive Semiotics
Chapter 47: Embodied Semiosis: Autistic 'Stimming' as Sensory Praxis
Chapter 48: Heterarchical semiosis:  From signal-transduction to narrative intelligibility
Chapter 49: From Semantics to Narrative: The Semiotics of A. J. Greimas
Chapter 50: Τhe Spectastor’s Reality: A Revision of Screen Space Aesthetics  through Cognitive Film Semiotics
Chapter 51: Semiosis: The Dialectics of Cognition
Chapter 52: Text and Images
Section 8:  Education and Semiotics
Chapter 53: Becoming a ‘Mythologist’: Barthes’ Mythologies and Education
Chapter 54: Edusemiotics and the language of images
Chapter 55: Semiotics of Western Education
Chapter 56: Capitalists’ Profitable Virtual Worlds: Roles for Science & Science Education
Chapter 57: It’s like you’re a teacher!:  A social semiotic analysis of authority relations among high school mathematics students
Chapter 58: “If you could see what I see”: the Semiotics of “Invisibility” in Pedagogy and Practice
Chapter 59: A Patriot is Respectful: (Re-)Examining the Architecture of Ideology in Educational Contexts
Chapter 60: The Emergence of Signs in Hands-On Science
Chapter 61: Extending students’ semiotic understandings: Learning about and creating multimodal texts.