Introduction – Alexander Bagattini and Colin Macleod
Section I: Well-Being and Autonomy
1 Children, Adults, Autonomy and Well-Being - David Archard
2 Autonomy and Children’s Well-Being - Paul Bou-Habib and Serena Olsaretti
3 The Intrinsic Goods of Childhood and the Just Society - Anca Gheaus
4 Agency, Authority and the Vulnerability of Children -Colin Macleod
5 Enhancing the Capacity for Autonomy: What Parents Owe Their Children to Make Their Lives Go Well - Monika Betzler
6 Utilitarianism, Welfare, Children - Anthony Skelton
Section II: Well-Being and Authority
7 Paternalism in Education and the Future - Dieter Birnbacher
8 Anti-Perfectionist Childrearing - Matthew Clayton
9 Respecting Children and Children’s Dignity - Holger Baumann and Barbara Bleisch
10 Who Decides? - James G. Dwyer
Section III: Well-Being and Policy
11 The Concept of Best Interests in Clinical Practice - Jürg C. Streuli
12 Child Well-Being and the Family-Dilemma - Alexander Bagattini
13 Child Welfare and Child Protection: Medicalization and Scandalization as the New Norms in Dealing with Violence against Children - Heiner Fangerau, Arno Görgen, Maria Griemmert
14 Children’s Rights, Well-Being, and Sexual Agency - Samantha Brennan and Jennifer Epp
15 The Grounds and Limits of Parents’ Cultural Prerogatives: The Case of Circumcision- Jurgen De Wispelaere and Daniel Weinstock.