List of Acronyms
About the Authors
Chapter 1: Litigating the Rights of the Child: Taking Stock after 25 Years of the Child: Taking Stock after 25 Years of the CRC
Chapter 2: South Africa
Chapter 3: India
Chapter 4
England and Wales
Chapter 5: United States
Chapter 6: The Netherlands,- Chapter 7: Belgium
Chapter 8: France
Chapter 9: Serbia
Chapter 10: Algeria
Chapter 11
CRC in litigation under the ICCPR and CEDAW
Chapter 12
CRC in litigation under the ECHR
Chapter 13
The use of the CRC in litigation under EU law
Chapter 14: The CRC as a litigation tool before the Inter-American System of Protection of Human Rights
Chapter 15: Children’s Rights Litigation in the African Religion: Lesson from the Communications Procedure under the ACRWC