This  edited volume summarizes and expands upon the important work of a research group, Social Bonds and Cultures of Peace, that accompanies and supports victims of socio-political violence in Columbia.  Grounding the volume is an introductory overview of Colombian political violence in the recent past, as well as an exploration of the role of peace psychology in conflict situations and in the broader content of the field of psychology.  The following chapters, written by active peace psychologists and researchers based in Colombia, focus on ongoing violence in the Colombian context, a complex and dynamic area in which various groups (drug traffickers, national armed forces, guerrilla fighters, self-defence groups) have been engaged in organized violence for more than 60 years. Psychosocial Approaches to Peace-Building in Colombia explores the  psychological dynamics of both the victims and perpetrators of conflict. Central to the volume is the notion of "accompanying" those who have been victims of violence, listening to them, engaging them in dialogue, and working together to strengthen the resources of victims.  The recovery of individual and collective memories of atrocities is discussed as an important avenue for healing and for the empowerment of individuals and groups.  The solidarity among victims creates opportunities at the grassroots level to pursue truth, reveal perpetrators of violence, seek public acknowledgment and attain social justice. For perpetrators of violence and members of armed groups, the book addresses a host of psychosocial issues related to disarming, demobilizing and reintegrating former combatants, including children, into society.   Throughout the book, in the spirit of peace psychology, the researchers are engaged in a form of praxis that is cognizant of the wider geohistorical context within which victims and perpetrators are embedded and the dialectical relationship between micro and macro-levelevents and change. This volume is an excellent resource for researchers and scholars in Latin American studies, peace psychology, social and clinical psychology, social justice, and transitional justice, and all those committed to ending and healing from conflict situations around the world.