A superb volume that weaves together the complex threads of sociological theory, linguistic analysis and practical application that characterise this important and influential field. The contributions offer a range and depth of coverage that is not found elsewhere. Highly recommended for all serious students of the social dimensions of language Ian Hutchby Professor of Sociology, University of Leicester
The best, the most complete and the most integrated handbook of sociolinguistics of the past decade. It is a collection well worth having, returning to again and again and constantly keeping within easy reach for frequent reference on the part of students and faculty alike Joshua A. Fishman Emeritus Professor (Yeshiva University), NYU and Stanford University
Starting with the people, ideas and research that mark the genesis of sociolinguistics, this handbook takes us through its theoretical, methodological and empirical development over the last half century into the wide spectrum of work it now encompasses. It is a tough challenge to do justice to such breadth and depth in one publication, but the editors have succeeded in compiling an impressive, structured collection of chapters covering a well-chosen range of key topics in sociolinguistics, and expertly written by leading sociolinguists. This will be an important and rewarding book for all those studying the social aspects of language Peter Garrett Centre for Language and Communication Research, Cardiff University.