1. Introduction: normative principles of jus post bellum-- Part I. Retribution: 2. Grotius, sovereignty, and the indictment of Al Bashir-- 3. Transitional justice and the Just War tradition-- 4. War crimes trials during and after war-- Part II. Reconciliation: 5. Reconciliation of warring parties-- 6. Reconciliation and the rule of law-- 7. Conflicting responsibilities to protect human rights-- Part III. Rebuilding: 8. Responsibility to rebuild and collective responsibility-- 9. Responsibility to rebuild as a limitation on initiating war-- Part IV. Restitution and Reparation: 10. Restitution and restoration in jus post bellum-- 11. A Grotian account of reparations-- Part V. Proportionality and the End of War: 12. Proportionality and the fog of war.