1. Introduction. Andrea Janku, Gerrit J. Schenk, Franz Mauelshagen 2. Roman Emperors and 'Natural Disasters' in the First Century AD. Mischa Meier 3. Managing Natural Hazards: Environment, Society, and Politics in the Upper Rhine Valley and Tuscany in the Renaissance (ca. 1270-1570). Gerrit J. Schenk 4. Acts of God: The Confessionalization of Disaster in Reformation Europe. Elaine Fulton 5. The Struggle Against the Sea: An Early Modern Coastal Society Between Metaphysical and Physical Attempts to Control Nature. Marie Luisa Allemeyer 6. Earthquakes in Early Modern France: From the Old Regime to the Birth of a New Risk. Gregory Quenet 7. The Doomsday Discourse in the Earth and Planetary Sciences, 1700-Present. Nicolaas A. Rupke 8. Forgotten Risks: Mass Movements in the Mountains. Andreas Dix 9. Shaping the City: Aleppo's Foreigner Community and the Earthquake of 1822. Stefan Knost 10. Earthquake versus Fire: The Struggle over Insurance in the Aftermath of the 1906 San Francisco Disaster. Eleonora Rohland 11. Mediating Foreign Disasters: The Los Angeles Times and International Relief, 1891-1914. Gordon M. Winder 12. From Natural to National Disaster: The Chinese Famine of 1928-1930. Andrea Janku 13. Climate Catastrophism: The History of the Future of Climate Change. Franz Mauelshagen Notes on Contributors Notes Index.