Introduction. Part One: Race and the Journalistic Routine 1. Yes We Did?: Race, Myth and the News Revisited 2. Newsroom Diversity and Representations of Race 3. Network News Coverage of Race in the Era of Obama 4. "New" News, Hegemony and Representations of Black Male Athletes 5. From the Water Cooler to the World Wide Web: Race and Audience Commentary on News Stories On-line 6. Ethnic News Media and Marginalization: African-American Newspaper Coverage of the AIDS Crisis. Part Two: Covering Race: Contemporary Case Studies 7. Simple Incivility or Outright Racism? How Newspapers Covered Joe Wilson's Outburst during Obama's Congressional Health Care Address 8. The Real Price of Oppression: Fox News Coverage of the Virginia Tech Shooter 9. "Nappy-Headed Hos": Media Framing, Blame Shifting and the Controversy over Don Imus' Pejorative Language 10. Recoding New Orleans: Race, Representation and When the Levees Broke 11. Localizing Terror, Creating Fear in Post 9/11 Local TV News 12. Reinterpreting Objectivity: Toward a Critical Approach to News Consumption. Afterword: Rethinking the News: How American Journalism Can Improve Coverage of Race and Racism.