Books lined up on a shelf.

Journal of American Folklore

JAF: A Global Quarterly is the journal of the American Folklore Society, published since the Society’s founding in 1888.

As the flagship publication of the Society, JAF engages academic and public folklore from anywhere in the world through a wide range of materials, including blind peer reviewed scholarly articles, perspective pieces, featured and reviewed projects, and book reviews that engage with the broad field of folklore across academic, public, and applied works.

In its commitment to inclusion, equity, and social justice, JAF invites contributions that critically engage issues associated with race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, ability, religion, and citizenship.

A collection of historical and recent covers of JAF.

Publication Information

JAF is produced by the American Folklore Society with the generous support of the Folklore Program and College of Humanities and Social Sciences at George Mason University. It is published by the University of Illinois Press.

Permission to Use

To request permission to use JAF materials published from 1888 through 2002, please contact AFS Executive Director Jessica Turner. To request permission to use materials published since 2003, please contact the University of Illinois Press.

Institutional Subscriptions

For information about, or claims related to institutional subscriptions, please contact the University of Illinois Press.


Please contact the University of Illinois Press for information about advertising. 

Questions about the journal? Contact AFS staff at [email protected].