The Hispanic American Historical Review
Founded in 1918, the Hispanic American Historical Review (HAHR) pioneered the study of Latin American history and culture in the United States. Today it maintains a distinguished tradition of publishing vital work across thematic, chronological, regional, and methodological specializations, and it stands as the most widely respected journal in the field. HAHR's comprehensive book review section provides commentary -- ranging from brief notices to review essays -- on every facet of scholarship on Latin American history and culture. With the publication of one special issue each year, the journal continues to deepen its commitment to diverse, interdisciplinary perspectives in the social sciences and humanities by focusing on provocative themes and new theoretical and methodological approaches. Recent and forthcoming special issue topics include Mexican cultural history, colonial Brazil, and gender and sexuality in Latin America.
All Issues
  1. 1999 (Vol. 79)
    1. No. 4 Nov., 1999 pp. i-iv+631-831
    2. No. 3 Aug., 1999 pp. i-vi+397-629
    3. No. 2 Special Issue: Mexico's New Cultural History: Una Lucha Libre May, 1999 pp. 203-396
    4. No. 1 Feb., 1999 pp. i-vi+1-202
  2. 1998 (Vol. 78)
    1. No. 4 Nov., 1998 pp. i-iv+577-787
    2. No. 3 Aug., 1998 pp. i-iv+367-567
    3. No. 2 May, 1998 pp. i-iv+179-377
    4. No. 1 Feb., 1998 pp. i-iv+1-178
  3. 1997 (Vol. 77)
    1. No. 4 Nov., 1997 pp. 591-805
    2. No. 3 Aug., 1997 pp. 377-590
    3. No. 2 May, 1997 pp. 181-376
    4. No. 1 Feb., 1997 pp. 1-179
  4. 1996 (Vol. 76)
    1. No. 4 Nov., 1996 pp. 659-885
    2. No. 3 Aug., 1996 pp. 439-657
    3. No. 2 May, 1996 pp. 189-436
    4. No. 1 Index to HAHR 1986-1995 Feb., 1996 pp. 1-188
  5. 1995 (Vol. 75)
    1. No. 4 Nov., 1995 pp. 555-783
    2. No. 3 Aug., 1995 pp. 339-553
    3. No. 2 May, 1995 pp. 149-338
    4. No. 1 Feb., 1995 pp. 1-148
  6. 1994 (Vol. 74)
    1. No. 4 Nov., 1994 pp. 587-794
    2. No. 3 Aug., 1994 pp. 393-585
    3. No. 2 May, 1994 pp. 193-393
    4. No. 1 Feb., 1994 pp. 1-192
  7. 1993 (Vol. 73)
    1. No. 4 Nov., 1993 pp. 581-764
    2. No. 3 Aug., 1993 pp. 361-580
    3. No. 2 May, 1993 pp. 211-360
    4. No. 1 Feb., 1993 pp. 1-210
  8. 1992 (Vol. 72)
    1. No. 4 Nov., 1992 pp. 501-675
    2. No. 3 Aug., 1992 pp. 303-499
    3. No. 2 May, 1992 pp. 159-302
    4. No. 1 Feb., 1992 pp. i-viii+1-158
  9. 1991 (Vol. 71)
    1. No. 4 Nov., 1991 pp. i-ix+687-954
    2. No. 3 Aug., 1991 pp. 413-685
    3. No. 2 May, 1991 pp. 205-412
    4. No. 1 Feb., 1991 pp. 1-203
  10. 1990 (Vol. 70)
    1. No. 4 Nov., 1990 pp. 539-727
    2. No. 3 Aug., 1990 pp. 379-538
    3. No. 2 May, 1990 pp. 227-377
    4. No. 1 Feb., 1990 pp. 1-226