Simmel, Georg
The Metropolis and Mental Life
S. 12-
Burgess, Ernest W.
The Growth of the City: An Introduction to a Research Project
S. 20-
Mumford, Lewis
What is a City?
S. 28-
Kracauer, Siegfried
The Hotel Lobby
S. 33-
Wilson, Elizabeth
World Cities
S. 40-
Williams, Raymond
Metropolitan Perceptions and the Emergence of Modernism
S. 58-
Marcuse, Herbert
The Affirmative Character of Culture
S. 66-
Duncan, Carol
The Art Museum as Ritual
S. 72-
Debord, Guy
Separation Perfected
S. 82-
Tomlinson, John
Globalised Culture: The Triumph of the West?
S. 88-
Bourdieu, Pierre
The Production of Belief: Contribution to an Economy of Symbolic Goods
S. 103-
Hall, Tim
Opening up Public Arts Spaces: Art, Regeneration and Audience
S. 110-
Rosler, Martha
Fragments of a Metropolitan Viewpoint
S. 118-
Crawford, Margaret
The World in a Shopping Mall
S. 125-
Fainstein, Susan
Justice, Politics, and the Creation of Urban Space
S. 141-
Adorno, Theodor W.
The Culture Industry Reconsidered
S. 163-
Urry, John
Reinterpreting Local Culture
S. 169-
Dodd, Dianne
Barcelona: The Making of a Cultural City
S. 177-
Hickman, Mary J.
Difference, Boundaries, Community: The Irish in Britain
S. 183-
Phillips, Patricia
Out of Order: The Public Art Machine
S. 190-
Sheller, Mimi / Urry, John
The City and the Car
S. 202-
Graham, Stephen / Marvin, Simon
The Social and Cultural Life of the City
S. 220-
Schelling, Vivian
The Peoples Radio of Vila Nossa Senhora Aparecida: Alternative Communication and Cultures of Resistance in Brazil
S. 224-
Terranova, Tiziana
Posthuman Unbounded: Artificial Evolution and High-tech Subcultures
S. 234-
Ensemble, Critical Art
Electronic Civil Disobedience
S. 245-
Lefebvre, Henri
Plan of the Present Work
S. 260-
Certeau, Michel de
Railway Navigation and Incarceration
S. 266-
Lippard, Lucy
Home in the Weeds
S. 269-
Betancour, Ana / Hasdell, Peter
Tango: A Choreography of Urban Displacement
S. 277-
Borden, Iain
A Performative Critique of the City: The Urban Practice of Skateboarding, 195898
S. 291-
Massey, Doreen
Space, Place and Gender
S. 307-
Young, Iris Marion
Social Movements and the Politics of Difference
S. 311-
Curtis, Kimberley
World Alienation and the Modern Age: The Deprivations of Obscurity
S. 324-
Torre, Suzana
Changing the Public Space: The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo
S. 331-
Ghannam, Farha
Re-imagining the Global: Relocation and Local Identities in Cairo
S. 336-
Illich, Ivan
The Dirt of Cities, the Aura of Cities, the Smell of the Dead, Utopia of an Odorless City
S. 355-
Sibley, David
Border Crossings
S. 360-
Anderson, Kay
Engendering Race Research: Unsettling the SelfOther Dichotomy
S. 369-
Irigaray, Luce
A Chance to Live
S. 379-
MacCannell, Dean
New Urbanism and its Discontents
S. 382-
Shklar, Judith
The Political Theory of Utopia: From Melancholia to Nostalgia
S. 404-
Geoghegan, Vincent
Ernst Bloch and the Ubiquity of Utopia
S. 413-
Deutsche, Rosalyn
Uneven Development: Public Art in New York City
S. 420-
Sandercock, Leonie
The Death of Radical Planning: Radical Praxis for a Postmodern Age
S. 423-
Miles, Malcolm
Café-Extra: Culture, Representation and the Everyday
S. 440-
Soja, Edward
Exopolis: The Restructuring of Urban Form
S. 453-
Haughton, Graham
Environmental Justice and the Sustainable City
S. 461-
Seabrook, Jeremy
The Urban Poor: An Invisible Resource
S. 475-
Weinberg, Bill
iViva Loisaida Libre!
S. 484-
Pendleton-Jullian, Ann M.
Architecture Co-generated with Poetry, because the Word is Inaugural, it Conveys, it Gives Birth
S. 492-

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