Chapter 1. Why Prioritize Needs?
Part I: Identification of Needs
Chapter 2. Need as One Distribution Principle: Frames and Framing
Chapter 3. Measuring Need-Based Justice—Empirically and Formally
Part II: Structures and Processes of the Recognition of Needs
Chapter 4. The Social Recognition of Needs
Chapter 5. The Political Recognition of Needs
Chapter 6. Deliberation and Need-Based Distribution
Part III: Welfare Consequences of Prioritizing Need-based Distributions
Chapter 7. Need-based Justice and Social Utility: A Preference Approach
Chapter 8. How Sustainable is Need-Based Redistribution?
Part IV Differentiation
Chapter 9. Need and Street-Level Bureaucracy. How Street-Level Bureaucrats Understand and Prioritize Need
Chapter 10. Justice Principles, Prioritization in the Health Care Sector, and the Effect of Framing
Chapter 11. Conclusion: Elements of a Theory of Need-Based Justice.