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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 834685477
Aufsätze 1.  Mutual recognition in civil and criminal justice : towards order and method?
/ Bergström, Maria. - Enthalten in: Hess, Burkhard *1961-*. EU civil justice (2016), S.319-336
Aufsätze 2.  Mutual recognition as a governance strategy for civil justice
/ Storskrubb, Eva. - Enthalten in: Hess, Burkhard *1961-*. EU civil justice (2016), S.299-318
Aufsätze 3.  On the abolition of Exequatur
/ Requejo Isidro, Marta. - Enthalten in: Hess, Burkhard *1961-*. EU civil justice (2016), S.283-298
Aufsätze 4.  Abolition of Exequatur, all in the name of mutual trust!
/ Linton, Marie. - Enthalten in: Hess, Burkhard *1961-*. EU civil justice (2016), S.257-282
Aufsätze 5.  Legal standing in collective redress actions for breach of EU rights : facilitating or frustrating common standards and access to justice?
/ Money-Kyrle, Rebecca. - Enthalten in: Hess, Burkhard *1961-*. EU civil justice (2016), S.223-256
Aufsätze 6.  The crux of the matter : funding and financing collective redress mechanisms
/ Voet, Stefaan. - Enthalten in: Hess, Burkhard *1961-*. EU civil justice (2016), S.201-222
Aufsätze 7.  'Opt-in is out and opt-out is in' : dimensions based on Nordic options and the commission's recommendation
/ Ervo, Laura. - Enthalten in: Hess, Burkhard *1961-*. EU civil justice (2016), S.185-200
Aufsätze 8.  The European certificate of succession : portrait of a new instrument in European private international law
/ Laukemann, Björn. - Enthalten in: Hess, Burkhard *1961-*. EU civil justice (2016), S.161-184
Aufsätze 9.  The Nordic input on the EU's cooperation in family and succession law : exporting Union Law through 'Nordic Exceptions'
/ Jänterä-Jareborg, Maarit. - Enthalten in: Hess, Burkhard *1961-*. EU civil justice (2016), S.143-160
Aufsätze 10.  The small claims regulation : on the way to an improved European procedure?
/ Martinez, Cristian Oro. - Enthalten in: Hess, Burkhard *1961-*. EU civil justice (2016), S.123-142
[CLT] Siehe auch: adr | redress | abolition | mutual | succession | nordic | procedure | recognition | civil | collective
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834685477 [ALL] Alle Wörter 17
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