Deutsch Englisch






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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 777467623
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Sonst. Personen: 
Second Edition
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1982
Online-Ressource : online resource
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-94-009-5940-8 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
1 Introduction to high performance liquid chromatography1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Nomenclature -- 1.3 Liquid Chromatography Modes -- 1.4 Scope of Techniques -- References -- 2 Chromatographic theory -- 2.1 The Process of Separation -- 2.2 Retention in Liquid Chromatography -- 2.3 Band Broadening-Origins -- 2.4 Band Broadening and the Plate Height Equation -- 2.5 Overall Plate Height Equation -- 2.6 Comparison with Gas Chromatography -- 2.7 Column Efficiency and Particle Diameter -- 2.8 Reduced Plate Height and Reduced Velocity -- 2.9 Extra-Column Band Broadening -- 2.10 Resolution -- 2.11 Resolution and Time for Analysis -- 2.12 Theory of Exclusion Chromatography -- References -- 3 Equipment -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Mobile Phase (Solvent) Reservoirs and Solvent Degassing -- 3.3 Pumping Systems -- 3.4 Flow Controllers -- 3.5 Solvent Flow Programming Equipment -- 3.6 Pulse Damping -- 3.7 Pressure Measurement -- 3.8 Filters -- 3.9 Sample Introduction Systems -- 3.10 Columns and Column Fittings -- 3.11 Column Thermostats -- 3.12 Liquid Chromatography Detectors -- 3.13 Flow rate Measurement -- 3.14 Fraction Collectors -- 3.15 Data Handling -- 3.16 Microprocessor Controlled HPLC -- References -- 4. Stationary phases in liquid chromatography -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Stationary Phase Types -- 4.3 Coltimn Packing Techniques -- 4.4 Liquid-Solid Chromatography -- 4.5 Liquid-Liquid Chromatography -- 4.6 Ion-Exchange Chromatography -- 4.7 Exclusion Chromatography -- 4.8 Care of Columns -- References -- 5. Mobile phases in liquid chromatography -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Solvent Qualities -- 5.3 liquid-Solid Chromatography -- 5.4 Liquid-Liquid Chromatography -- 5.5 Ion-Exchange Chromatography -- 5.6 Exclusion Chromatography -- 5.7 Gradient Elution -- References -- 6. Developing a chromatogram -- 6.1 Nature of the Problem -- 6.2 Choice of Chromatographic Mode -- 6.3 Selection of Stationary Phase and Mobile Phase -- 6.4 Choice of Detector -- 6.5 Chromatographic Separation -- 6.6 The General Elution Problem -- 6.7 Quantitative Analysis -- References -- 7. Preparative high performance liquid chromatography and trace analysis -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Stages in Preparative HPLC -- 7.3 Infinite Diameter Columns -- 7.4 Packing of a Preparative Column -- 7.5 Summary of Preparative HPLC -- 7.6 Trace Analysis -- References -- 8. Applications of high performance liquid chromatography -- 8.1 Pharmaceuticals -- 8.2 Biochemicals -- 8.3 Food Chemicals -- 8.4 Heavy Industrial Chemicals -- 8.5 Inorganic -- 8.6 Miscellaneous -- Compound Index.
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Klassifikation der Library of Congress: Q1-390
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 50;
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