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Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Sonst. Personen: 
Boston, MA : Springer US, 1983
Online-Ressource : online resource
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9781468444384
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9780306412219
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9781468444377
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-1-4684-4438-4 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
1 Alcohol Use and Abuse: Historical Perspective and Present Trends1. Alcohol Use in Historical Perspective -- 2. Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol Problems -- 3. Development of the Concept(s) of Alcoholism -- 4. References -- 2 The Genetics of Alcoholism -- 1. Types of Studies Supporting a Genetic Influence in Alcoholism -- 2. Possible Biological Mechanisms for a Genetic Influence in Alcoholism -- 3. A Prospective Search for the Biological Determinants of Alcoholism -- 4. Summary -- 5. References -- 3 The Absorption, Distribution, and Metabolism of Ethanol and Its Effects on Nutrition and Hepatic Function -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Absorption and Distribution -- 3. Pharmacokinetics and Alcohol Elimination Rates -- 4. Processes and Organs Responsible for Ethanol Elimination -- 5. Significant Pathways of Ethanol Metabolism -- 6. Enzymes That Oxidize Ethanol to Acetaldehyde -- 7. Enzymes That Oxidize Acetaldehyde to Acetate -- 8. Control of Ethanol and Acetaldehyde Metabolism in Liver -- 9. Effect of Chronic Ethanol Ingestion on Alcohol Elimination Rate -- 10. Chronic Ethanol Ingestion and Nutrition -- 11. Ethanol Oxidation and Hepatic Metabolism -- 12. References -- 4 Effects of Ethanol upon Organ Systems Other than the Central Nervous System -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Ethanol and the Gastrointestinal Tract -- 3. Muscle Systems -- 4. The Hematologic System -- 5. Kidney Disease and Alcoholism -- 6. Pulmonary Disease and Alcoholism -- 7. The Endocrine System and Alcoholism -- 8. Effects of Ethanol on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis -- 9. Effects of Alcohol on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroidal Axis -- 10. The Effects of Alcohol on Growth Hormone and Prolactin -- 11. Effects of Alcohol on Vasopressin and Oxytocin -- 12. Biological Markers of Alcoholism -- 13. References -- 5 Ethanol and the Central Nervous System -- 1. Ethanol and Behavior -- 2. Ethanol and Membrane Structure and Function -- 3. Ethanol and Electrical Cellular Activity -- 4. Ethanol and Synaptic Transmission -- 5. Ethanol and Metabolism -- 6. Consequences of Long-term Ethanol Consumption -- 7. Summary -- 8. References -- 6 Neurologic Diseases Associated with Chronic Alcohol Abuse -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Physical Dependence -- 3. Chronic Diseases of the Central Nervous System -- 4. Peripheral Polyneuropathy -- 5. Nutritional Deficiencies -- 6. Conclusions -- 7. References -- 7 Biology of Tolerance and Dependence -- 1. Introduction to Tolerance and Dependence -- 2. Factors Contributing to Tolerance and Dependence -- 3. Classifications and Definitions of Tolerance -- 4. Biochemical Determinants of Ethanol Tolerance -- 5. Characteristics of Physical Dependence on Ethanol -- 6. Etiological Factors Contributing to the Development of Physical Dependence -- 7. Neurochemical Systems Determining Physical Dependence -- 8. Pharmacologic Management of the Acute Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome -- 9. References -- 8 Alcohol Consumption and Prenatal Development -- 1. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects -- 2. Alcohol as a Teratogen in Animals, 1973-1979 -- 3. Critical Discussion and General Conclusions -- 4. References -- 9 Interaction of Ethanol with Other Drugs -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Centrally Acting Compounds -- 3. References -- 10 Psychological Correlates and Explantions of Alcohol Use and Abuse -- 1. Psychodynamic Models -- 2. The Disease Model -- 3. Behavioral and Social-Learning Approach -- 4. Future Directions -- 5. References -- 11 Alcoholism Treatment Approaches: Patient Variables, Treatment Variables -- 1. Critical View of Treatment Outcome Evaluation -- 2. Treatment Variables -- 3. Patient Variables -- 4. Implications -- 5. References -- 12 Prevention of Alcohol Abuse -- 1. Approaches to Prevention -- 2. Alcohol Education -- 3. Mass Media -- 4. Alcohol Control Legislation -- 5. Conclusions -- 6. References.
Mehr zum Thema: 
Klassifikation der Library of Congress: Q1-390
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 50; ; 300; ; 001.3;
Book Industry Communication: GT
bisacsh: SCI000000
1 Alcohol Use and Abuse: Historical Perspective and Present Trends -- 1. Alcohol Use in Historical Perspective -- 2. Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol Problems -- 3. Development of the Concept(s) of Alcoholism -- 4. References -- 2 The Genetics of Alcoholism -- 1. Types of Studies Supporting a Genetic Influence in Alcoholism -- 2. Possible Biological Mechanisms for a Genetic Influence in Alcoholism -- 3. A Prospective Search for the Biological Determinants of Alcoholism -- 4. Summary -- 5. References -- 3 The Absorption, Distribution, and Metabolism of Ethanol and Its Effects on Nutrition and Hepatic Function -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Absorption and Distribution -- 3. Pharmacokinetics and Alcohol Elimination Rates -- 4. Processes and Organs Responsible for Ethanol Elimination -- 5. Significant Pathways of Ethanol Metabolism -- 6. Enzymes That Oxidize Ethanol to Acetaldehyde -- 7. Enzymes That Oxidize Acetaldehyde to Acetate -- 8. Control of Ethanol and Acetaldehyde Metabolism in Liver -- 9. Effect of Chronic Ethanol Ingestion on Alcohol Elimination Rate -- 10. Chronic Ethanol Ingestion and Nutrition -- 11. Ethanol Oxidation and Hepatic Metabolism -- 12. References -- 4 Effects of Ethanol upon Organ Systems Other than the Central Nervous System -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Ethanol and the Gastrointestinal Tract -- 3. Muscle Systems -- 4. The Hematologic System -- 5. Kidney Disease and Alcoholism -- 6. Pulmonary Disease and Alcoholism -- 7. The Endocrine System and Alcoholism -- 8. Effects of Ethanol on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis -- 9. Effects of Alcohol on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroidal Axis -- 10. The Effects of Alcohol on Growth Hormone and Prolactin -- 11. Effects of Alcohol on Vasopressin and Oxytocin -- 12. Biological Markers of Alcoholism -- 13. References -- 5 Ethanol and the Central Nervous System -- 1. Ethanol and Behavior -- 2. Ethanol and Membrane Structure and Function -- 3. Ethanol and Electrical Cellular Activity -- 4. Ethanol and Synaptic Transmission -- 5. Ethanol and Metabolism -- 6. Consequences of Long-term Ethanol Consumption -- 7. Summary -- 8. References -- 6 Neurologic Diseases Associated with Chronic Alcohol Abuse -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Physical Dependence -- 3. Chronic Diseases of the Central Nervous System -- 4. Peripheral Polyneuropathy -- 5. Nutritional Deficiencies -- 6. Conclusions -- 7. References -- 7 Biology of Tolerance and Dependence -- 1. Introduction to Tolerance and Dependence -- 2. Factors Contributing to Tolerance and Dependence -- 3. Classifications and Definitions of Tolerance -- 4. Biochemical Determinants of Ethanol Tolerance -- 5. Characteristics of Physical Dependence on Ethanol -- 6. Etiological Factors Contributing to the Development of Physical Dependence -- 7. Neurochemical Systems Determining Physical Dependence -- 8. Pharmacologic Management of the Acute Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome -- 9. References -- 8 Alcohol Consumption and Prenatal Development -- 1. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects -- 2. Alcohol as a Teratogen in Animals, 1973–1979 -- 3. Critical Discussion and General Conclusions -- 4. References -- 9 Interaction of Ethanol with Other Drugs -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Centrally Acting Compounds -- 3. References -- 10 Psychological Correlates and Explantions of Alcohol Use and Abuse -- 1. Psychodynamic Models -- 2. The Disease Model -- 3. Behavioral and Social-Learning Approach -- 4. Future Directions -- 5. References -- 11 Alcoholism Treatment Approaches: Patient Variables, Treatment Variables -- 1. Critical View of Treatment Outcome Evaluation -- 2. Treatment Variables -- 3. Patient Variables -- 4. Implications -- 5. References -- 12 Prevention of Alcohol Abuse -- 1. Approaches to Prevention -- 2. Alcohol Education -- 3. Mass Media -- 4. Alcohol Control Legislation -- 5. Conclusions -- 6. References.
Alcohol use affects, either directly or indirectly, nearly all facets of Western civi­ lization. Eastern cultures are also not exempt from the influence of alcohol, and the present decade has been a time of increased alcohol use in all parts of the world. The problems of alcohol abuse and alcoholism are of concern to a variety of professionals in the biomedical and psychosocial health sciences, and-although the alcohol research literature contains much information on the relationships between alcohol ingestion and physiological, neurochemical, pharmacologic, genetic, environmental, and psychological effects in humans and in subhuman spe­ cies-there is at the present time no advanced textbook that integrates the avail­ able information for use by both students and professionals. The writing of Medical and Social Aspects of Alcohol Abuse constitutes an attempt to create a scholarly reference and resource for students, researchers, prac­ ticing clinicians, and paraprofessionals who wish to understand the complex inter­ play of factors related to acute and chronic alcohol intoxication, the effects of alco­ hol on body functions, and treatment approaches to alcohol abusers and alcoholics.
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