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Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Sonst. Personen: 
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1974
Online-Ressource (262p) : online resource
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789024716159
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789401020510
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-90-247-1615-9 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
A. Group Behavior in United Sations and PoliticsI. Afference, Efference and Legitimacy in Africa -- 2. Effect of the African Group of States on the Behavior of the United Nations -- 3. The Role of the Organization of African Unity in Contemporary African Politics -- B. International Law and Peaceful Settlement -- 4. Peaceful Co-Existence and Friendly Relations among States: The African Contribution to the Progressive Development of Principles of International Law -- 5. The Role of the O.A.U. in the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes -- C. Human Rights, Enforcement, and Security Questions -- 6. South Africa’s Apartheid Policy: an Assessment -- 7. Economic Sanctions in the Rhodesian Context -- 8. The U.N. and the O.A.U.: Roles in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security in Africa -- D. Integration and Unity Questions -- 9. Education and National Integration in Africa -- 10. The League of Arab States and North Africa -- 11. The East African Community as a Sub-Regional Grouping -- E. Relational Impacts and the Future -- 12. Legitimization of National Liberation: The United Nations and Southern Africa -- 13. Africa and the World Community -- 14. Reflections on the Future of International Organization in Africa.
Mehr zum Thema: 
Klassifikation der Library of Congress: K7000-7720.22 ; K7073-7078
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 340.2; ; 340.9;
Book Industry Communication: LB
Book Industry Communication: LAM
bisacsh: LAW051000
A. Group Behavior in United Sations and Politics -- I. Afference, Efference and Legitimacy in Africa -- 2. Effect of the African Group of States on the Behavior of the United Nations -- 3. The Role of the Organization of African Unity in Contemporary African Politics -- B. International Law and Peaceful Settlement -- 4. Peaceful Co-Existence and Friendly Relations among States: The African Contribution to the Progressive Development of Principles of International Law -- 5. The Role of the O.A.U. in the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes -- C. Human Rights, Enforcement, and Security Questions -- 6. South Africa’s Apartheid Policy: an Assessment -- 7. Economic Sanctions in the Rhodesian Context -- 8. The U.N. and the O.A.U.: Roles in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security in Africa -- D. Integration and Unity Questions -- 9. Education and National Integration in Africa -- 10. The League of Arab States and North Africa -- 11. The East African Community as a Sub-Regional Grouping -- E. Relational Impacts and the Future -- 12. Legitimization of National Liberation: The United Nations and Southern Africa -- 13. Africa and the World Community -- 14. Reflections on the Future of International Organization in Africa.
As an emerging Continent, with a rich past, dynamic present and promising future, Africa has an important role to play in the develop­ ment of international organization. Well before Africa Year, 1960, when several African States attained their independence and their rightful place in the community of nations, the various movements for unity and co-operation strove towards the creation of regional international organization. Now more than ever before, nearly two scores of African States, members of the United Nations, the Organization of African Unity and several other sub-regional organizations and arrangements, look upon international organization as an important means for safeguard­ ing their independence, enhancing African identity, forging collabor­ ative bonds amongst themselves and with the outside world, and rais­ ing the standard of living for their populations. It should also be noted that the age of science and technology which is, and should be, based on international co-operation, stimulates fur­ ther Africa's desire to strengthen and work through international inter­ governmental organizations. As Africa faces the I970's, confronting the core problems of colonial­ ism and apartheid in its southern parts, she looks upon the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity as the main vehicles for thought and action. For these considerations, the present book resulting from the St.
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