Deutsch Englisch






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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 775375918
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1982
Online-Ressource : online resource
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-94-009-5935-4 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
1 Measurement1.1 Measurement scales -- 1.2 Physical quantities -- 1.3 Accuracy and errors -- 1.4 Sampling -- 1.5 Further reading -- 2 Mathematics -- 2.1 Basic algebra -- 2.2 Vectors -- 2.3 Functions and graphs -- 2.4 Rate of change, gradients and limits -- 2.5 Differentiation -- 2.6 Maxima and minima: optimization -- 2.7 Partial differentiation -- 2.8 Anti-derivatives and integration -- 2.9 Equations of motion -- 2.10 Differential equations -- 2.11 Further examples of integration in mechanics -- 2.12 Further reading -- 3 Statistics -- 3.1 Describing data -- 3.2 Probability and the normal distribution -- 3.3 Hypothesis testing -- 3.4 Testing differences between means -- 3.5 The analysis of variance -- 3.6 The chi-square test -- 3.7 Correlation -- 3.8 Regression -- 3.9 Non-linear relationships -- 3.10 Multiple regression and correlation -- 3.11 Further statistics -- 3.12 Further reading -- 4 Computing -- 4.1 What are computers? -- 4.2 Using the computer -- 4.3 Data analysis using computers -- 4.4 Non-package computing -- 4.5 Glossary of computer terminology -- 4.6 Further reading -- 5 Laboratory techniques -- 5.1 Tools of the trade -- 5.2 Standard chemical techniques -- 5.3 Laboratory analysis of soils and sediments -- 5.4 Further reading -- 6 Microscopy -- 6.1 Components and operation of microscopes -- 6.2 Biological microscopy -- 6.3 Minerals in polarized light: the petrological microscope -- 6.4 The identification of minerals in thin section -- 6.5 Identification of detrital grains -- 6.6 Further reading -- 7 Remote sensing -- 7.1 Why remote sensing? -- 7.2 The electromagnetic spectrum -- 7.3 Remote sensing techniques -- 7.4 Viewing aerial photographs -- 7.5 Interpretation of aerial photographs -- 7.6 Further reading -- 8 Maps -- 8.1 World maps -- 8.2 Local maps -- 8.3 Map conventions -- 8.4 Measurements from maps -- 8.5 Geological maps -- 8.6 Weather maps -- 8.7 Further reading -- 9 Surveying -- 9.1 Instruments -- 9.2 Location of a point-resection -- 9.3 Location of points-traverses -- 9.4 Height measurement -- 9.5 Construction of a map -- 9.6 Organization and planning of a survey -- 9.7 Further reading -- 10 Social surveys -- 10.1 Types of social survey -- 10.2 Planning the survey -- 10.3 Questionnaire design -- 10.4 The selection of respondents -- 10.5 Carrying out the survey -- 10.6 After the survey -- 10.7 Further reading -- 11 Project evaluation -- 11.1 Cost benefit analysis -- 11.2 An example of cost benefit analysis -- 11.3 Environmental impact assessment -- 11.4 Impact assessment techniques -- 11.5 Further reading.
Mehr zum Thema: 
Klassifikation der Library of Congress: Q1-390
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 50;
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