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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 775359548
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
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Dordrecht ; Boston : Springer-Science/Kluwer Academic Publishers ; Dordrecht : Imprint: Springer [1999.], 1999
Online-Ressource (x, 296 p) : ill
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-94-010-5845-2 (Druckausgabe)
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I: Design and Development Approaches1. Principles and Methods of Development Research -- 2. Educational Design and Development: An Overview of Paradigms -- 3. Systems Thinking in Instructional Design -- 4. Educational Design and Development: A Study of Dutch Design Practices -- 5. A Relational Approach to Curriculum Design -- 6. Walker’s Deliberative Approach in a Small-scale Project: The SPIN-case -- 7. Design and Development of Third Generation Distance Learning Materials: From an Industrial Second Generation Approach Towards Realizing Third Generation Distance Education -- 8. The Design and Prototyping of Digital Learning Material: Some New Perspectives -- 9. Supporting Instructional Design with an Information System -- 10. Prototyping to Reach Product Quality -- 11. The Potential of Formative Evaluation in Program Design Models -- 12. Instructional Design: A Conceptual Parallel Processor for Navigating Learning Space -- II: Computer-Based Tools for Educational Design and Development -- 13. Characteristics of Computer-based Tools for Education and Training Development: An Introduction -- 14. The Guided Approach to Instructional Design Advising (GAIDA): A Case-based Approach to Developing Instructional Design Expertise -- 15. An EPSS for Instructional Design: NCR’s Quality Information Products Process -- 16. The PLATO® Courseware Development Environment -- 17. Visual Support for Authoring -- 18. Cognitive Tools to Support the Instructional Design of Simulation-based Discovery Learning Environments: The SIMQUEST Authoring System -- 19. CASCADE-SEA. Computer Assisted Curriculum Analysis, Design and Evaluation for Science Education in Africa -- 20. The TeleTOP Decision Support Tool (DST) -- 21. Enabling Technologies to Design, Produce and Exploit Flexible, Electronic Learning Materials -- 22. The IDXelerator™: Learning-Centered Instructional Design -- 23. Intelligent Support for Instructional Development: Approaches and Limits -- Information about Authors.
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Klassifikation der Library of Congress: LC8-6691
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 507.1;
Book Industry Communication: JNU
Book Industry Communication: PD
bisacsh: SCI063000
In our contemporary learning society, expectations about the contribution of education and training continue to rise. Moreover, the potential of information and communication technology (ICT) creates many challenges. These trends affect not only the aims, content and processes of learning, they also have a strong impact on educational design and development approaches in research and professional practices. Prominent researchers from the Netherlands and the USA present their latest findings on these issues in this volume. The major purpose of this book is to discuss current thinking on promising design approaches and to present innovative (computer-based) tools. The book aims to serve as a resource and reference work that will stimulate advancement in the field of education and training. It is intended to be useful in academic settings as well as for professionals in design and development practices
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