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Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Sonst. Personen: 
Dordrecht : Springer, 1989
Online-Ressource (466p) : digital
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789401069427
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9780792303862
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789400910065
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-94-010-6942-7 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Thema: 
Klassifikation der Library of Congress: BC1-199
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 160;
Book Industry Communication: HPL
bisacsh: PHI011000
1. Introduction: Routes in Relevant Logic -- I. Relevance and the Connection Requirement -- 2. “Relevance” in Logic and Grammar -- 3. Literal Relevance -- 4. The Relevance of Relevant Logics -- 5. The Classical Logic of Relevant Logicians -- 6. Relevance Principles and Formal Deducibility -- II. The Grander Sweep of Relevant Logics -- 7. Analytic Implication; Its History, Justification and Varieties -- 8. Deducibility, Entailment and Analytic Containment -- 9. Conjunctive Containment -- 10. Real Implication -- 11. What is Relevant Implication? -- III. Technical Investigations and Present Limitations -- 12. The NonExistence of Finite Characteristic Matrices for Subsystems of R2 -- 13. Relevant Implication and Leibnizian Necessity -- 14. Which Entailments Entail Which Entailments? -- 15. Categorical Propositions in Relevance Logic -- 16. Incompleteness for Quantified Relevance Logics -- IV. Wider Applications of Relevant Logics -- 17. Gentzen’s Cut and Ackermann’s Gamma -- 18. Semantic Discovery for Relevance Logics -- 19. Philosophical and Linguistic Inroads: Multiply Intensional Relevant Logics -- 20. Quantification, Identity, and Opacity in Relevant Logic -- 21. Relevance Logic and Inferential Knowledge -- 22. Semantics Unlimited I: A Relevant Synthesis of Implication with Higher Intensionality -- 23. Relevance, Truth and Meaning -- 24. Conclusion: Further Directions in Relevant Logics.
Relevance logics came of age with the one and only International Conference on relevant logics in 1974. They did not however become accepted, or easy to promulgate. In March 1981 we received most of the typescript of IN MEMORIAM: ALAN ROSS ANDERSON Proceedings of the International Conference of Relevant Logic from the original editors, Kenneth W. Collier, Ann Gasper and Robert G. Wolf of Southern Illinois University. 1 They had, most unfortunately, failed to find a publisher - not, it appears, because of overall lack of merit of the essays, but because of the expense of producing the collection, lack of institutional subsidization, and doubts of publishers as to whether an expensive collection of essays on such an esoteric, not to say deviant, subject would sell. We thought that the collection of essays was still (even after more than six years in the publishing trade limbo) well worth publishing, that the subject would remain undeservedly esoteric in North America while work on it could not find publishers (it is not so esoteric in academic circles in Continental Europe, Latin America and the Antipodes) and, quite important, that we could get the collection published, and furthermore, by resorting to local means, published comparatively cheaply. It is indeed no ordinary collection. It contains work by pioneers of the main types of broadly relevant systems, and by several of the most innovative non-classical logicians of the present flourishing logical period. We have slowly re-edited and reorganised the collection and made it camera-ready.
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