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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 749168846
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Sonst. Personen: 
Dordrecht : Springer, 1989
Online-Ressource (320p) : digital
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789401075114
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9780792300717
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789400922587
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-94-010-7511-4 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Thema: 
Klassifikation der Library of Congress: BH1-301
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 111.85;
Book Industry Communication: HPN
bisacsh: PHI001000
I. Ingarden’s Philosophical Work: A Systematic Outline. -- II. The Structure of Artworks. -- III. The Work of Art and Aesthetic Categories According to Ingarden. -- IV. Ingarden’s Theory of Values and the Evaluation of the Work of Art. -- V. Ingarden and the Development of Literary Studies. -- VI. Ingarden, Inscription, and Literary Ontology. -- VII. Ingarden’s and Muka?ovsky’s Binominal Definition of the Literary Work of Art: A Comparative View of Their Ontologies. -- VIII. Literary Truths and Metaphysical Qualities. -- IX. On Ingarden’s Conception of the Musical Composition. -- X. The Sculptural Work of Art: Uniquely ‘Within’ the World. -- XI. Ingarden on the Theatre. -- Appendix. Select Bibliography of the Philosophical Works of Roman Ingarden. Danuta Gierulanka.
Roman Ingarden's very extensive philosophical work in metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, and aesthetics con­ tinues to attract increasing attention both in Poland and in North America. Further work left uncompleted at his death is appearing. Major bibliographies of his work as well as of studies about his work are now in print. Ingar­ den's scattered articles on various questions in philosophy are being collected. And conferences devoted to his work are now held regularly. These diverse activities might suggest a similar diver­ sity in Ingarden's philosophical legacy. But such a sugges­ tion would be misleading. For interest in Ingarden's work has continued to centre on the one area which is arguably at the core of his achievement, namely the complex prob­ lems of aesthetics. In this field Ingarden seemed to pull together his various interests in ontology and epistemology especially. Here he brought those interests to focus on a set of issues that would occupy him creatively throughout the vicissitudes of his long and difficult scholarly life. More­ over, aesthetics is also the field where Ingarden perhaps most succeeded in orchestrating the many themes he owed to his phenomenological training while finally transposing the central issues into something original, something dis­ tinctively his own that philosophers can no longer identify as merely phenomenological. Ingarden's aesthetics not surprisingly has captured the interest today of many scholars in different fields.
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