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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([PPN] Pica-Produktionsnummer) 728715805
Sonst. Personen: 
Conference ; (Oslo) : 2012.10.15-17
Englisch, Daenisch, Norwegisch, Schwedisch, Slave (Athapaskische Sprachen)
London : Archetype, 2012
XI, 220 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. ; 30 cm
Art des Inhalts: 
Konferenzschrift (2012, Oslo)
Text in English, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish
Text in English, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish
978-1-904982-84-5 (pbk.) £39.50
1-904982-84-0 (pbk.) £39.50
Mehr zum Titel: 
Technical assessment of cultural objects in the planning of transport / Marion E MecklenburgWhere do we go from here? : Nasjonalmuseets flytteprosjekter i perioden 2008 til 2016 = Where do we go from here? : the National Museum's logistic projects 2008-2016 / Eivind S. Johansen
Felles magasin ; felles prosess = Joint storage ; joint process / Heidi Seilfaldet, Anne Bjørke, Marit Roer og Bjørn Djupevåg
Samlebånd og strekkoder : overføring av museenes samlinger til fellesmagasin = Assembly line and barcodes : transferring collections to a joint storage facility / Kaisa Bengtsson, Eivind Gramer og Kristin Halaas
Kunsttransport : logistic, standarder og bevaring = Fine art transport : logistics, standards and preservation / Elisabeth Gram Christensen
Flytting av Vest-Agder-museet i Kristiansand fra Kongsgård til Odderøya = Moving the Vest-Agder Museum from Kongsgård to Odderøya / Jan Michael Stornes og Jon Brænne
The master plan : building on the collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston / Pamela Hatchfield, Charlotte Ameringer, Gordon Hanlon, Matthew Siegal, Joel Thompson and Dante Vallance
Moving monumental Munch : from listed building to temporary studio-and back again / Karen Mengshoel, Mirjam Liu, Hanne Moltubakk Kempton and Tine Frøysaker
The organisation and challenges involved in transferring the stored collections of the Tampere Museums to new facilities / Tiina Paavola and Hanna Tuokila
Casing of sculptures and installations / Mette Carlsen
Intern transport og håndtering af sårbare kunstværker med ubundet farve på papir = Transport of unfixed paint layers on paper within an institution / Karen Esser
Moving, protecting and preserving 100,000 historic audio recordings : a collaboration in planning, preparation and preservation / Tyra Grant
Betraktninger og erfaringer med å flytte utendørskunst i offentlig rom = Reflections and experiences with relocations of outdoor art in public spaces / Monica Hovdan
The relocation and conservation project of Antero Ruotsalainen's steel installation Noli turbare circulos meos, 1976 / Paivi Kyllonen-Kunnas
Om och om igen : att flytta 2000 år gamla textilier från Paracas, Peru = Again and again : moving a 2000-year-old Peruvian textile / Anna Javér
Magasinhallen på Hadeland Folkemuseum : lavterskelmagasin of formidlingsarena = Storage facilities at Hadeland Folk Museum : low threshold storage and mediation area / Grethe Johnsrud
Relocating the Museu de Arte Popular, Lisbon / Joana Amaral and Cláudia Duarte
Conservation of Edvard Munch's paintings for relocation to a new building : a project in progress at the Munch Museum / Biljana Topalova-Casadiego, Kristin Kausland, Fredrik Jong, Lise Chantrier Aasen and Linn Kristin Solheim
Flytt av Stockholms stadsmuseums fotoenhet och fotografisamlingar 2009 = Moving Stockholm City Museum's photography unit 2009 / Lina Ålenius
Til lands, til vands og i luften med : et vikingeskib på vandreudstilling = On land, on sea and in the air : a Viking ship in a travelling exhibition / Anette Hjelm Petersen og Kristiane Strætkvern
Decisions about moving collections : where do conservators fit in? How can we contribute? / Susan Braovac, Guro Hjulstad and Elin Storbekk
Case study of moving a collection to an unfinished new building : a challenge for the security of the objects / Nathalie Jacqueminet
Displacements and relocations : object moves to make study collections visible and accessible at the Victoria and Albert Museum / Victoria Oakley and Sandra Smith
Ask 2010. The relocation of 319 pieces of furniture and wooden objects : project planning, realisation and troubleshooting / Merle Strätling and Stephanie Westermann
Posters. Fra Vikhammer i Trøndelag til Vinderen i Oslo. Flytting av en 120 år gammel lekustue = Moving the Vest-Agder Museum from Kongsgård to Odderøya / Jon Brænne ; Mounting of shoes for safer handling / Pia Christensson and Martin Trnka ; Gösta Sandbergs samling har hittat hem = Waking up a study collection / Anna Stow och Rebecka Karlsdotter ; Recovery of art from a disaster area in a non-museum context / Fredrik Qvale and Ane Marte Ringstad ; Kakelugnssamlingen
en del i stadsmuseets arkiv och magasinsprojekt = Managing the collection of tiled stoves / Maria Sundström
Osebergtekstilene. Et ommagasineringsprosjekt = The Oseberg textiles : a rehousing project / Margunn Veseth
Protection, rescue, evacuation and aftercare of cultural heritage collections in accident and disaster situations / Heidi Wirilander
Planlagt flytting av kunst på papir til nytt museum, Munch-museet med Stenersenmuseets samlinger (MUM) = The planning of the relocation of art on paper : the Munch Museum including Stenersen's collections / Daniel Gillberg, Magdalena Godzimirska og Gry Landro.
Global Trade Item Number: 
Mehr zum Thema: 
Klassifikation der Library of Congress: AM141
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 069.53;
Regensburger Verbund-Klassifikation:
AK 87100 B869
MU 3
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