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* Ihre Aktion:   suchen [und] (PICA Prod.-Nr. [PPN]) 689905033
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Online Ressourcen (ohne online verfügbare<BR> Zeitschriften und Aufsätze)
689905033     Zitierlink
Mundurucu : SQ13
New Haven, Conn : Human Relations Area Files, Inc, 2003
Angaben zum Inhalt: 
Mundurucu - Steve Brian Burkhalter and John Beierle (file evaluation and indexing notes) - 2003 -- - Studies on the Mundurucu Tribe - Antonio Manoel Goncalves Tocantins - 1877 -- - Mundurucú moieties - Albert Kruse - 1934 -- - The Indian folk societies, tribes and hordes in Brazil and several neighboring districts, land and peoples - Von Dr. Carl Friedrich Phil. v. Martius ... - 1867 -- - The Mundurucu - By Donald Horton - 1948 -- - The rubber trade and the Mundurucu village: chapter 2: aboriginal culture - By Robert Murphy - 1954 -- - Matrilocality and patrilineality in Mundurucu society - Robert F. Murphy - 1959 -- - Intergroup hostility and social cohesion - Robert F. Murphy - 1959 -- - Relations between the Mundurucu and the Tupi - By Kurt Nimuendajú - 1938 -- - Mundurucú Indians: a dual system of ethics - by Robert F. Murphy - 1956 --^
social and economic change among the Mundurucú Indians - Robert F. Murphy - 1960 -- - Deviance and social control I: what makes Biboi run - Robert F. Murphy - 1961 -- - The agriculture of the Mundurucu Indians - Protásio Frikel - 1959 -- - Amazon gold rush: markets and the Mundurucu Indians - Steve Brian Burkhalter - 1982 [2001 copy] -- - Women of the forest - Yolanda Murphy and Robert F. Murphy - 1985 -- - Tappers and sappers: rubber, gold and money among the Mundurucú - S. Brian Burkhalter and Robert F. Murphy - 1989

eHRAF World Cultures
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Sonstige Schlagwörter: 
The Mundurucu live in the Brazilian states of Paŕa and Amazonas. Mundurucu subsistence focuses on agriculture supplemented with hunting and fishing. There are two groups of Mundurucu who live in the basins of two major tributaries of the Amazon, the Tapaj́os and Madeira rivers. The Ŕio Tapaj́os group is the geographical focus of this collection of sixteen documents. The temporal focus is on the period of 1952-1953 when Robert and Yolanda Murphy did their field work in the area, and 1979-1981 when Burkhalter did his study of the Mundurucu. The eight studies by the Murphys comprise the major portion of this file and cover a wide range of ethnographic topics relevant to the Mundurucu. The document by Burkhalter and Murphy describes socio-cultural changes that have taken place in Mundurucu society from the end of the Murphy's field work to that of Burkhalter's. Historical depth to the file is provided in the works of Tocantins and Martius, both of which provide brief ethnographic summaries of the Mundurucu for the nineteenth century
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