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Orokaiva : OJ23
New Haven, Conn : Human Relations Area Files, Inc, 2004
Angaben zum Inhalt: 
Orokaiva - Christopher S. Latham and John Beierle - 2004 -- - Orokaiva society - by F.E. Williams ... with an introduction by Sir Hubert Murray - 1930 -- - Orokaiva magic - by F.E. Williams. With a foreword by R.R. Marett - 1928 -- - Social control amongst the Orokaiva - By Marie Reay - 1953-1954 -- - Five new religious cults in British New Guinea - E.W.P. Chinnery and A. C. Haddon - 1917 -- - Exchange in the social structure of the Orokaiva: traditional and emergent ideologies in the northern district of Papua - by Erik Schwimmer - 1973 -- - Communal cash cropping among the Orokaiva - [by] R.G. Crocombe - 1964 --^
cultural shock and its aftermath - Felix M. Keesing - 1952 -- - What did the eruption mean? - By Erik G. Schwimmer - 1977 -- - Friendship and kinship: an attempt to relate two anthropological concepts - Erik Schwimmer - [1975] -- - Objects of meditation: myth and praxis - By Erik Schwimmer - 1974 -- - The self and the product: concepts of work in comparative perspective - By Erik Schwimmer - 1979 -- - Feasting for oil palm - Janice Newton - 1982 -- - Orokaiva production and change - Janice Newton - 1985 -- - Orokaiva warfare and production - Janice Newton - 1983 -- - Women and modern marriage among the Orokaivans - Janice Newton - 1989 -- - Mythe du corps bouche - by Eric Schwimmer - 1984
an analysis of work and exchange in two communities participating in both the subsistence and monetary sectors of the economy - [By] E. W. Waddell and P. A. Krinks - 1968 -- - Cognitive capacity among the Orokaiva - George E. Kearney - 1966 -- - Changes in land use and settlement among the Yega - R.B. Dakeyne - 1966 -- - Co-operatives at Yega - R. B. Dakeyne - 1966 -- - A modern Orokaiva feast - R. G. Crocombe - 1966 -- - An Orokaiva marriage - G.R. Hogbin - 1966 -- - Land, work, and productivity at Inonda - [by] R.G. Crocombe and G.R. Hogbin - 1963 -- - Four Orokaiva cash croppers - by R. G. Crocombe - 1967 -- - Twelve Orokaiva traders - by W. J. Oostermeyer and J. Gray - 1967 -- - Land tenure conversion in the northern district of Papua - David Morawetz - 1967 -- - Village and town in New Guinea - [by] R. B. Dakeyne - 1968 [1969 reprint] -- - Reciprocity and structure: a semiotic analysis of some Orokaiva exchange data - Erik Schwimmer - 1979 -- - Virgin birth - Erik G. Schwimmer - 1969 --^

eHRAF World Cultures
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Sonstige Schlagwörter: 
Orokaiva refers to a number of culturally similar ethnic groups concentrated in the Popondetta district of Oro Province, Papua New Guinea. This collection of 31 documents (30 in English and 1 in French) is about the Orokaiva from the late nineteenth century to the 1980s. Williams provides a general overview of daily life, subsistence patterns, social organization, and religion
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