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Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Dordrecht : Springer, 2006
Online-Ressource : v.: digital
Art des Inhalts: 
Description based upon print version of record
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-1-4020-3706-1 (Druckausgabe)
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The Language of Our Living Body; What is it Like to Be Embodied, Naturalizing Bodily Self-Awareness?; Edmund Husserl's Anthropological Proposal in the Ideen I/II; Non-Intentionality of the Lived-Body; Plato's Teaching about "Living Creature"; An Enquiry Concerning the Dialectic of Personality and its Practical Consequences; Discussion on the Notion of "Life" and "Existentia" in the Philosophical Conceptions of Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty; "Vitalogy": The African Vision of the Human Person; Conflict with Our Self; Essential Individuality: On the Nature of a Person
Ego-Making Principle in Samkhya Metaphysics and CosmologyThe "Person" and the "Other" in María Zambrano's Philosophical Anthropology; Les Figures de L#x2019; Intersubjectivité Chez Husserl; The Logos of Life and Sexual Difference; Phenomenology of Life's Opening to the Moral Philosophy - The Virtue's Issue; The Vulnerable Body: Towards a Phenomenological Theory of Violence; Phenomenology of Life in Border Situations: The Experience of the Ultimate; The Phenomenology of Resistance; Patocka and Derrida on Responsibility
"Perfect Health" and the Disembodiment of the Self. An Approach to Michel Henry's ThoughtBeauvoirian Existentialism: An Ethic of Individualism or Individuation?; The Creationism of Leonardo Coimbra and Saudade as a Moral Gift; Mater-Natality: Augustine, Arendt, and Levinas; Religion without Why: Edith Stein and Martin Heidegger on the Overcoming of Metaphysics, with Particular Reference to Angelus Silesius and Denys the Areopagite; Hermeneutics of the Mystical Phenomenon in E dith Stein;
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Klassifikation der Library of Congress: B3279.H94
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 142.7; ; 142/.7;
"The human being is today at the center of scientific, social, ethical and philosophical debates. The Human Condition-in-the-unity-of-everything-there-is-alive, under whose aegis the present selection of essays falls, offers the urgently needed new approach to reinvestigating humanness. While recent advances in the neurosciences, genetics and bio-engineering challenge the traditional abstract conception of ""human nature"", indicating its transformability, thus putting in question the main tenets of traditional philosophical anthropology, in the new perspective of the Human Creative Condition the human individual is seen in its emergence and unfolding within the dynamic networks of the logos of life, and within the evolution of living types. Just the same, the creative logos of the mind lifts the human person into a sphere of freedom. Within the networks of the logos we retrieve the classical principles - human subject, ego, self, body, soul, person - reinterpret them to counter the naturalistic critique (Tymieniecka). Thus principles of a new philosophical anthropology satisfying the requirements of the present time are laid down. Papers by: Tristan Ace, Michael F. Andrews, Ann Astell, Stella Zita De Azevedo, Carmen Balzer, Angela Ales Bello, Andreas Brenner, Carmen Cozma, Agnes B. Curry, Roberta de Monticelli, Eddo Evink, Maria Golebiewska, Laura Hengehold, Kadria Ismail, Marzenna Jakubczak, Maria Mercede Ligozzi, Maria Manuela Brito Martins, Piotr Mroz, Martin Nkafu Nkemnkia, Maria Teresa de Noronha, Peter Reynaert, Victor Gerald Rivas, Mobeen Shahid, Olena Shkubulyani, Michael Staudigl, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Willem Van Groenou."
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