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World Congress "Phenomenology World-Wide" ; 3 (Oxford) : 2004.08.15-21
Dordrecht : Springer, 2005
Online-Ressource : v.: digital
Art des Inhalts: 
Description based upon print version of record
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-1-4020-3678-1 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
Phenomenologie Transcendantale et Critique de la Raison Théorique, pratique et axiologique; The Phenomenology and Hermeneutics of Traditions; Some Comments on Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology; Lessons from Sartre for the Analytic Phiolosophy of Mind; A New Copernican Revolution: Moving Beyond the Husserlian Epoche to a New Critique of Reason: Tymieniecka and the Role of the Creative Imagination; Ontological Intentions of Twentieth-Century Transcendentalism; The Formal Theory of Everything: Exploration of Housserl's Theory of Manifolds; On the Mode of Existence of the Real Numbers
Hermeneutische Versus Reflexive PhäNomenologieOn the Ontological Structure of Husserl's Perceptual Noema and the Object of Perception; The Phenomenological Approach to Ontology in the Argument of Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka: Differentiation and Unity as Dynamism of Logos and Life; Descartes and Ortega on the Fate of Indubitable Knowledge; Evidence and Structure; The Resistance of the Question to Phenomenological Reduction: Husserl, Fink and the Adequacy of the Sixth Cartesian Meditation as a Response to Heidegger; An Interpertation of Husserl's Concept of Constitution in Terms of Symmetry
Hegelian and Heideggerian TautologiesThe Problem of the 'Idea' in Derrida's; Body or Flesh? The Problem of Phenomenological Reduction in Merleau-Ponty#X2019; s Philosophical Development; Conceptions of Time in Husserl's Social Worlds - Modern Perspective of Metaxy; Alfred Schutz's Critical Analysis of Husserl's Transcendental Phenomenology; The Joys of Disclosure: Simone de Beauvoir and the Phenomenological Tradition; Merleau-Ponty and the Relation between the Logos Prophorikos and the Logos Endiathetos; A Miniscule Hiatus: Foucault's Critique of the Concept of Lived-Experience (vécu)
The Invisible and the Unpresentable. The Role of Metaphor in Merleau-Ponty's Last Writings
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Klassifikation der Library of Congress: B3279.H94
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 142.7 ; 142/.7;
During its century-long unfolding, spreading in numerous directions, Husserlian phenomenology while loosening inner articulations, has nevertheless maintained a somewhat consistent profile. As we see in this collection, the numerous conceptions and theories advanced in the various phases of reinterpretations have remained identifiable with phenomenology. What conveys this consistency in virtue of which innumerable types of inquiry-scientific, social, artistic, literary - may consider themselves phenomenological? Is it not the quintessence of the phenomenological quest, namely our seeking to reach the very foundations of reality at all its constitutive levels by pursuing its logos? Inquiring into the logos of the phenomenological quest we discover, indeed, all the main constitutive spheres of reality and of the human subject involved in it, and concurrently, the logos itself comes to light in the radiation of its force (Tymieniecka).
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