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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 515946214
Aufsätze 1.  Nationalism and neo-populism in Australia : Hansonism and the politics of the new right in Australia
/ Kapferer, Bruce. - In: Gingrich, Andre *1952-*. Neo-nationalism in Europe and beyond (2006), S.248-270
Aufsätze 2.  Neo-nationalism in India : a comparative counterpoint
/ Banerjee, Mukulika. - In: Gingrich, Andre *1952-*. Neo-nationalism in Europe and beyond (2006), S.237-247
Aufsätze 3.  New nationalism in the EU : occupying the available space
/ McDonald, Maryon. - In: Gingrich, Andre *1952-*. Neo-nationalism in Europe and beyond (2006), S.218-236
Aufsätze 4.  'Healthy native soil' versus common agricultural policy : neo-nationalism and farmers in the EU, the example of Austria
/ Seiser, Gertraud. - In: Gingrich, Andre *1952-*. Neo-nationalism in Europe and beyond (2006), S.199-217
Aufsätze 5.  Regarding the Front National
/ Gaillard-Starzmann, Gerald. - In: Gingrich, Andre *1952-*. Neo-nationalism in Europe and beyond (2006), S.177-198
Aufsätze 6.  Neo-nationalism or neo-localism? : integralist political engagements in Italy at the turn of the millennium
/ Stacul, Jaro. - In: Gingrich, Andre *1952-*. Neo-nationalism in Europe and beyond (2006), S.162-176
Aufsätze 7.  'Being the native's friend does not make you the foreigner's enemy!': Neo-nationalism, the Freedom Party and Jörg Haider in Austria
/ Fillitz, Thomas. - In: Gingrich, Andre *1952-*. Neo-nationalism in Europe and beyond (2006), S.138-161
Aufsätze 8.  Neo-nationalism and democracy in Belgium : on understanding the contexts of neo-communitarianism
/ Pinxten, Rik. - In: Gingrich, Andre *1952-*. Neo-nationalism in Europe and beyond (2006), S.125-137
Aufsätze 9.  'At your service!' : reflections on the rise of neo-nationalism in the Netherlands
/ Sunier, Thijl. - In: Gingrich, Andre *1952-*. Neo-nationalism in Europe and beyond (2006), S.107-124
Aufsätze 10.  The emergence of neo-nationalism in Denmark, 1992-2001
/ Herwik, Peter. - In: Gingrich, Andre *1952-*. Neo-nationalism in Europe and beyond (2006), S.92-106
[CLT] Siehe auch: neonationalism | neo | nationalism | austria | contexts | native | some | europe
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