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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 515606537
Aufsätze 1.  Sayyid Omar Abdalla (1918-1988): The Forgotten Muslim Humanist and Public Intellectual
/ Bakari, Mohamed. - In: Loimeier, Roman *1957-*. The global worlds of the Swahili (2006), S.363-388
Aufsätze 2.  The Legacy of Qadiri Scholars in Zanzibar
/ Issa, Amina Ameir. - In: Loimeier, Roman *1957-*. The global worlds of the Swahili (2006), S.343-362
Aufsätze 3.  Networks of the Shādhiliyya Yashruṭiyya Sufi Order in East Africa
/ Ahmed, Chanfi. - In: Loimeier, Roman *1957-*. The global worlds of the Swahili (2006), S.317-342
Aufsätze 4.  The ʿulamāʾ and the Colonial State in the Protectorate of Kenya. The Appointment of shaykh al-islām sharīfʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. Aḥmad Saggaf (1844-1922) and Chief Kadhi Sh. Muḥammad b. ʿUmar Bakore (c. 1932)
/ Mwakimako, Hassan. - In: Loimeier, Roman *1957-*. The global worlds of the Swahili (2006), S.289-316
Aufsätze 5.  Another Scholar for All Seasons? Ṭāhir b. Abī Bakr al-Amawī (1877-1938), qāḍī of Zanzibar, c. 1900-1933
/ Bang, Anne K.. - In: Loimeier, Roman *1957-*. The global worlds of the Swahili (2006), S.273-288
Aufsätze 6.  In His (Arab) Majesty's Service: The Career of a Somali Scholar and Diplomat in Nineteenth-Century Zanzibar
/ Hoffman, Valerie J.. - In: Loimeier, Roman *1957-*. The global worlds of the Swahili (2006), S.251-272
Aufsätze 7.  African Islam or Islam in Africa? Evidence from Kenya
/ Seesemann, Rüdiger. - In: Loimeier, Roman *1957-*. The global worlds of the Swahili (2006), S.229-250
Aufsätze 8.  Debating maulidi: Ambiguities and Transformations of Muslim Identity along the Kenyan Swahili Coast
/ Kresse, Kai. - In: Loimeier, Roman *1957-*. The global worlds of the Swahili (2006), S.209-228
Aufsätze 9.  The Dance that is not Danced, the Song that is not Sung: Zanzibari Women in the maulidi Ritual
/ Nuotio, Hanni. - In: Loimeier, Roman *1957-*. The global worlds of the Swahili (2006), S.187-208
Aufsätze 10.  The Ludic Side of Islam and Its Possible Fate in Mayotte
/ Lambek, Michael. - In: Loimeier, Roman *1957-*. The global worlds of the Swahili (2006), S.161-186
[CLT] Siehe auch: zanzibar | seesemann | ulamā | loimeier | scholar | swahili | kenya | that | two | muslim
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515606537 [ALL] Alle Wörter 18
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