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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 248272411
Aufsätze 1.  The 'social capital' of the state as an agent of deception : or the ruses of economic intelligence
/ Hibou, Béatrice. - In: Bayart, Jean-François *1950-*. The criminalization of the state in Africa (1999), S.69-113
Aufsätze 2.  The new frontiers of crime in South Africa
/ Ellis, Stephen. - In: Bayart, Jean-François *1950-*. The criminalization of the state in Africa (1999), S.49-68
Aufsätze 3.  The 'social capital' of the felonious state : or the ruses of political intelligence
/ Bayart, Jean-François. - In: Bayart, Jean-François *1950-*. The criminalization of the state in Africa (1999), S.32-48
Aufsätze 4.  From kleptocracy to the felonious state?
/ Bayart, Jean-François. - In: Bayart, Jean-François *1950-*. The criminalization of the state in Africa (1999), S.1-31
Bücher 5.  The criminalization of the state in Africa
/ Bayart, Jean-François *1950-*. - 1. publ. - Oxford : International African Inst. in assoc. with James Currey [u.a.], 1999
[CLT] Siehe auch: ruses | hibou | bayart | capital | intelligence
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248272411 [ALL] Alle Wörter 5
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