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Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
New York : Oxford University Press [2021], [2022]
1 Online-Ressource (xxiii, 639 Seiten)
Art des Inhalts: 
Also issued in print: 2021. - Includes bibliographical references and index
Abweichender Titel: Handbook of Gabriel García Márquez
Abweichender Titel: Gabriel García Márquez
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
978-0-19-006718-2 ePUB
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-0-19-006716-8 (Druckausgabe) hbk, 0-19-006716-0 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
Scripting Gabriel Garc ia M arquez's Life - Stephen M. Hart -- - Amerindian Way uu Legacy and Garciamarquezian Literary Fable - Juan Moreno Blanco -- - The Power of Women in Gabriel Garc ia M arquez's World - Nadia Celis-Salgado -- - Garc ia M arquez in China - Wei Teng -- - One Hundred Years of Solitude and Its Influence in Japan - Gonzalo Robledo -- - Garc ia M arquez in Africa - Regina Janes -- - South Asian Readings of Gabriel Garc ia M arquez - Sonya Surabhi Gupta, Shad Naved -- - Spain in the Making and Reception of Garc ia M arquez's Works - Alvaro Santana-Acu na -- - Myth and Poetry in Macondo - Mercedes L opez-Baralt -- - Garc ia M arquez and Magical Realism - Wendy B. Faris -- - Garc ia M arquez's Global Travel Writing beyond the Iron Curtain, 1955-1959 - Mariano Siskind -- - Dark Ecology in One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera - William Flores -- - Style and Surprise in Garc ia M arquez - Michael Wood --- Repetition and Alchemy in One Hundred Years of Solitude - Ren e Prieto -- - Music as Formal and Signifying Feature in Garc ia M arquez's Mature Fiction - Gene H. Bell-Villada, Marco Katz Montiel -- - Coloniality and Solitude in Garc ia M arquez's Pubic Speeches and Newspaper Articles - Ignacio L opez-Calvo -- - Writing and Politics in Garc ia M arquez's Early Works - Mar ia Helena Rueda -- - The Protean Viewpoint in One Hundred Years of Solitude - Erik Camayd-Freixas -- - Garc ia M arquez and the Global South - Magal i Armillas-Tiseyra -- - Monstrous Innocence and Its Expression in Garc ia M arquez's Tales - Mary Lusky Friedman -- - Fate and Free Will in Chronicle of a Death Foretold - Philip Swanson -- - Pathology, Power, and Patriarchy in The Autumn of the Patriarch and The General in His Labyrinth - Helene C. Weldt-Basson -- - Modernity and Its Ruins in Of Love and Other Demons - Nereida Segura-Rico -- - The Threefold Selves in Garc ia M arquez's Writing --- Robert Sims -- - The Later Work of Gabriel Garc ia M arquez - Nicholas Birns -- - The Filmic Literary Work of Garc ia M arquez - Alessandro Rocco -- - Introduction to Gabriel Garc ia M arquez - Gene H. Bell-Villada, Ignacio L opez-Calvo -- - Modernization and Culture in Garc ia M arquez's Caribbean - Marcela Velasco -- - Gabriel Garc ia M arquez and the Remaking of the World Canon - Juan E. De Castro -- - Garc ia M arquez and His Precursors - Lois Parkinson Zamora -- - The Arabs and Gabriel Garc ia M arquez - Heba El Attar -- - Fictions of Difficult Love in Garc ia M arquez - An ibal Gonz alez -- - Imagining the Afro-Caribbean in Garc ia M arquez's Fiction - Adelaida L opez-Mejia
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Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 863.64;
This handbook offers a comprehensive examination of Gabriel Garc ia M arquez's life, oeuvre and legacy, the first such work since his death in 2014. It incorporates ongoing critical approaches such as feminism, ecocriticism, Marxism and ethnic studies, while elucidating key aspects of his work, such as his Caribbean-Colombian background; his use of magical realism, myth, and folklore; and his left-wing political views
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