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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 169557558X
Aufsätze 1.  What would you do (and who would you kill) in order to save the world? : dialectical resilience
/ Colebrook, Claire. - Enthalten in: Resilience in the Anthropocene (2020), S.179-199
Aufsätze 2.  More of the same? : life beyond the liberal one world world
/ Wakefield, Stephanie. - Enthalten in: Resilience in the Anthropocene (2020), S.162-178
Aufsätze 3.  'Primordial wounds' : resilience, trauma and the rifted body of the earth
/ Clark, Nigel. - Enthalten in: Resilience in the Anthropocene (2020), S.147-161
Aufsätze 4.  Ironies of the Anthropocene
/ Rickards, Lauren. - Enthalten in: Resilience in the Anthropocene (2020), S.124-146
Aufsätze 5.  Destituting resilience : contextualizing and contesting science for the Anthropocene
/ Grove, Kevin. - Enthalten in: Resilience in the Anthropocene (2020), S.103-123
Aufsätze 6.  Resilient arts of government : the birth of a 'systems-cybernetic govemmentality'
/ Nelson, Sara. - Enthalten in: Resilience in the Anthropocene (2020), S.84-102
Aufsätze 7.  Colliding times : urgency, resilience and the politics of living with volcanic gas emissions in the Anthropocene
/ Nobert, Sébastien. - Enthalten in: Resilience in the Anthropocene (2020), S.68-83
Aufsätze 8.  The end of resilience? : rethinking adaptation in the Anthropocene
/ Chandler, David. - Enthalten in: Resilience in the Anthropocene (2020), S.50-67
Aufsätze 9.  Security for a fragmented world : ecology and the challenge of the Anthropocene
/ Fagan, Madeleine. - Enthalten in: Resilience in the Anthropocene (2020), S.37-49
Aufsätze 10.  Resilient earth : Gaia, geopolitics and the Anthropocene
/ Dalby, Simon. - Enthalten in: Resilience in the Anthropocene (2020), S.22-36
[CLT] Siehe auch: anthropocene | resilience | resilient | earth | end | ecology
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169557558x [ALL] Alle Wörter 12
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