Deutsch Englisch






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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([ALL] Alle Wörter) 777496739
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 1966
Online-Ressource (118p) : online resource
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang: 
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789401502689
Erscheint auch als (Druck-Ausgabe) : ISBN 9789401507936
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-94-015-0268-9 (Druckausgabe)
Mehr zum Titel: 
I IntroductionII The basis of and reason for a sociological approach -- III The method of the sociological approach -- IV International law and sociology -- V The “sociological jurists” -- VI The theory of international relations -- VII The sociological theories -- I. The philosophical systems of sociology -- II. The middle and small range theories -- VIII The concepts of formal and informal structure -- IX The reality structure of world society -- X The formal structure of world society -- XI The interaction between formal and informal structure -- XII The “change” factor in world society -- XIII About the image of the future.
Mehr zum Thema: 
Klassifikation der Library of Congress: K1-7720
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 340; ; 340.9;
Book Industry Communication: LB
Book Industry Communication: LAM
bisacsh: LAW051000
I Introduction -- II The basis of and reason for a sociological approach -- III The method of the sociological approach -- IV International law and sociology -- V The “sociological jurists” -- VI The theory of international relations -- VII The sociological theories -- I. The philosophical systems of sociology -- II. The middle and small range theories -- VIII The concepts of formal and informal structure -- IX The reality structure of world society -- X The formal structure of world society -- XI The interaction between formal and informal structure -- XII The “change” factor in world society -- XIII About the image of the future.
The academic or scientific occupation with international relations is not always an encouraging task. At times one gets an image of the enormous psychic and physical forces which operate in the international realm, and it then seems that the role of the publicist is almost a negligible one. If one, in addition, arrives at the conclusion that human social action is not really a volitional process, then there is indeed ample room for pessimism and despair. Nevertheless, in the complexity of our consciousness, the different elements of which life is made of blend into a unity of which the idea is as much a part or even more so than the deed or action. The stress on action expresses the crudeness of our times but the idea has been much more the motivation of history and its cohesive force over long periods. Action in terms of force is never in itself the entire solution because it carries no conviction or understanding, at least unless its role is a very moderate one.
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